The Majority Report with Sam Seder
David A. Ansell (@DrDavidAnsell) is a Chicago-based physician, social epidemiologist and author, most recently of "The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills." His efforts at both the national and local levels have advanced concerns about health inequities and the structure of the US health care system.
On today's show: Pizzagater Jack Posobiec thinks someone hacked his Bumble account to make it look like he was cheating on his pregnant wife, Senator Ron Johnson claims he has an FBI informant with info on the agency's "secret society," and Lou Dobbs thinks it's "time to declare war" against the "deep state."
David A. Ansell (@DrDavidAnsell) joins us to discuss his new book "The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills." In this book, Ansell breaks down how economic inequality reduces the life expectancy of people in poor neighborhoods. It's not simply that low-income people lack access to healthcare; growing up in an environment of stress and depravation has also been shown to worsen health outcomes. And when people die younger, they have less time to create wealth, creating a feedback effect that further exacerbates the problem. Ansell then tells some personal stories from his time as a doctor in Chicago to hammer the point home: We live in a violent healthcare apartheid state fueled by racism, exploitation, and un-fettered capitalism.
On the fun half: A caller fills us in on what's going on with the Brazilian election, a caller recommends the book "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America" by Chris Hedges, Trump "can't wait" to testify in the Mueller investigation, Trey Gowdy has questions about the FBI's secret society, a caller asks where his money will make the most difference, Sam and Jamie discuss whether or not social democracy is a sufficient solution to the problems created by capitalism, Ronald Raygun talks immigration and how he's come around on the points Jamie made about the Aziz Ansari story, and Tim from New Paltz offers scientific support for the idea that humans are a communally-inclined species. (For more on hunter-gatherer societies, check out "Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What it Means for Modern Relationships" by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha.)

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