Tue, 31 July 2018
Annie Lowrey (@annielowrey), author of Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World, joins us to discuss UBI. On today’s show: Giuliani on collusion: “even if he did it, it’s not a crime.” Annie Lowrey joins us to discuss her book on universal basic income. How a UBI could end poverty, boost middle class wages, compensate people for their reproductive labor, and increase people’s dignity and freedom. How a UBI could help the economy. Debunking the right-wing critiques of UBI. Promising examples of UBI programs around the world. Lowrey fields left-critiques of UBI. How stock buybacks incentivize destructive corporate behavior. For more, check out Lowrey’s latest article in the Atlantic, “Are Stock Buybacks Starving the Economy?” On the fun half: Jesse Watters: Trump wants the “best and brightest” immigrants, not “some guy’s uncle from Zimbabwe.” Sam and Jamie’s New Orleans stories. Central NJ DSA’s plan to protest ICE. Trump attacks the Koch brothers on Twitter. LeBron James funds a school in Akron, OH. Owen Benjamin explains comedy in new Prager U video, rants against Eric Weinstein and Sam Harris. The NYT’s bad take on how to talk to racists. Should the left compare surplus value to taxes? An aspiring writer has his free speech violated in poetry class. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out today’s sponsor: Blinkist is the only app that takes thousands of the best-selling nonfiction books and distills them down to their most impactful elements so you can read or listen to them in under 15 minutes, all on your phone. Visit Blinkist.com/MAJORITY to get 25% off! Get 10% fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “Majority” at justcoffee.coop Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or on their new Youtube channel! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 30 July 2018
Author Lilliana Mason (@LilyMasonPhD) joins us to discuss her new book, Uncivil Agreement: How Politics Became Our Identity. On today's show: Stock buybacks, legalized under Reagan, incentivize CEOs not to invest in workers. Even libertarians admit Medicare-for-all would save trillions of dollars from 2022-2031. Rudy Giuliani unsure whether collusion is illegal. Author Lilliana Mason (@LilyMasonPhD) joins us to discuss her new book, Uncivil Agreement: How Politics Became Our Identity. The rise of "mega-identities." How one's political party identification became a cultural marker. The shift of some of the working class (mostly white people) from Democrat to Republican. The racial and religious factors Mason believes are driving this. What's the strategy going forward? Why Mason doesn't believe class politics are going to make a difference for the Democrats. The crew discusses her take. On the fun half: Sam hangs up on Old Man Racist. A caller on how the Republican Party chooses white identity politics over policy. Gorka honors his son's wish to "dab on them haters." Charlie Kirk wants socialist professors to work for free. Former ICE director Thomas Homan is not disturbed by crying children. NY Assemblyman says there's nothing worse than being called a racist. Pensioners who are losing their secure retirement on why the Butch Lewis Act must pass. How people learn (and fail to learn) about politics. A brave caller reports back from a Jordan Peterson event. Check out today's sponsors: Blue Apron: Skip meal planning and get straight to cooking with Blue Apron! Visit BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY to get your first 3 meals free. Fixed: FIXD is like a health monitor for your car. Get an additional 10% off when you enter the promo code MAJORITY at www.listentomycar.com. Harry's Razors: Harry’s Razors' founders know that a great shave comes down to great blades – made with sharp, durable steel that lasts. Claim your FREE trial set at Harrys.com/MAJORITYREPORT. Become a member of the Majority Report at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 27 July 2018
![]() Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) and Ben Mankiewicz (@BenMank77) join us for Casual Friday. Giuliani March 6 vs. Giuliani July 27: "I believe Cohen" vs. "He's lied all his life." Benjamin Dixon, founder of ProgressiveArmy.com and host of The Benjamin Dixon Show, joins us to break down the news. The sex scandals as just the tip of the iceberg of Trump's malfeasance. The need to put pressure on "moderate" Republicans to become Independents, caucus with Dems. The Democrats' dual problem of bad messaging and wussbaggery. What's up with Brexit? The need for realignment of the Democratic Party by figures like AOC. The emerging left foreign policy showcased by Bernie and 28 other US lawmakers' letter in support of freeing Lula. Ben Mankiewicz (@BenMank77) joins us. Ben talks some shit on the Poconos. The sexual harassment allegations against Fox News' Kimberly Guilfoyle. Bill O'Reilly explains the latest ICE polling. Ben recommends two films: "Eighth Grade" and "Shock and Awe." On the fun half: Matt's Twitter drama. Trevor Noah asks AOC why she has to be a socialist, how we will pay for all that stuff. Trevor Noah's HILARIOUS stand-up routine about the Marikana Massacre. Footage from the actual Marikana Massacre, a labor uprising in South Africa where the police murdered striking miners, then charged the survivors with their comrades' murder. Tom Reed blames government spending (not GOP tax cuts) for deficit, then says he supports bailing out farmers from Trump's trade war. Trump brags about ending the Obamacare mandate, taking healthcare away from people. Mike in Miami debates Bernie vs. McGovern with the crew. (Are Bernie & co too far left to win general elections?) Jeff in GA shouts out John Brown. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at justcoffee.coop Check out today’s sponsor: Get private, online counseling from a trained and licensed therapist at BetterHelp.com/Majority Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s gonzo report, “A Neoliberal Nightmare at Ozy Fest 2018,” at Rolling Stone! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Thu, 26 July 2018
Sam speaks with Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, at the AFT conference. On today's show: Betsy Devos' $40 million lake yacht vandalized. Sam speaks with AFT president Randi Weingarten (@rweingarten) about the past, present and future of teachers' unions. The AFT's history and which workers it covers. How AFT is different from NEA. The precedent set by the Abood decision in 1977 and how Janus goes back on that. The GOP's disingenuous weaponization of the first amendment. What Weingarten and the AFT are doing to re-engage members in the wake of the Janus decision. What the recent wave of teacher strikes tells us about organizing in a post-Janus world. How Alito's dismissal of labor peace could lead to labor war. On the fun half: Brenda on the need for a better atheist movement. Mad Dog Mattis says we need war with Iran because they align with Assad. CNN's Kaitlin Collins gets banned from White House for asking Trump about Michael Cohen. Fox News claims it stands in solidarity with CNN. Lou Dobbs blows it for Fox, says there need to be consequences for journalists who show "disrespect." Congressional candidate Kaniela Ing's powerful campaign ad. Why you should ignore centrists when they try to use identity politics against the left. Mehdi Hassan destroys former Trump advisor on President's racism. Sam Harris' eternal idiocy. Is Randi Weingarten an establishment sellout because she chose Hillary over Bernie? The advantages held by corporate Democrats and progressive challengers, respectively. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out Jamie's gonzo report from Ozyfest 2018 at Rolling Stone! Check out today's sponsor: Get private, online counseling from a trained and licensed therapist at BetterHelp.com/Majority Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs and subscribe to the new TMBS YouTube channel! Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 25 July 2018
Journalist Dan Kaufman (@dankaufman70) joins us to discuss his new book, The Fall of Wisconsin: The Conservative Conquest of a Progressive Bastion and the Future of American Politics. On today's show: Larry Kudlow shares "details" of Trump's tax break 2.0. Journalist Dan Kaufman joins us to discuss how Wisconsin went from a union stronghold to a state ruled by the GOP and plagued by austerity. WI's history as a progressive bastion and its association with the early, labor-friendly version of the Republican Party. How the slow war of attrition turned hot in 2010 with the rise of the Tea Party. The racism-fueled career of Governor Scott Walker. How Citizens United emboldened Republicans in 2010, and how establishment Democrats like Obama largely abandoned labor struggles during this time. How the decimation of unions swung working class voters from Obama to Trump and depressed turnout among Democrats. Why the militant energy petered out after the unsuccessful campaign to recall Scott Walker. What's next for labor in WI? Walker's vulnerabilities in his upcoming election. A new fun half song is played!!! On the fun half: John from San Antonio on a potentially misleading poll from Chris Cillizza that ranks Joe Biden as the #1 frontrunner for the 2020 nomination. Ronald Raygun cheats on us, calls into C-SPAN. Third Way convention makes a plan to fight back against "Sanderism;" Sam and Briahna Grey discuss on MSNBC. Meghan McCain freaks out about "socialism," doesn't realize the Bernie way is the nice way. Chris Cuomo reveals Cohen and Trump tape talking about Karen McDougal payment. The Nixon smoking gun tape. BBC anchor Emily Maitlis to Sean Spicer: "you have corrupted discourse for the entire world." Trump announces farm subsidies. Swedish student's plane protest stops Afghan man's deportation "to hell." A listener recalls being hit in the face by right-wing comedian Owen Benjamin. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out today’s sponsor: Get private, online counseling from a trained and licensed therapist at BetterHelp.com/Majority Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at justcoffee.coop Check out Jamie’s gonzo report, "A Neoliberal Nightmare at Ozy Fest 2018," at Rolling Stone! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs and subscribe to the new TMBS YouTube channel! Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 24 July 2018
On today's show: Trump threatens to strip security clearance from former officials. Federal government goes after California's ability to regulate pollution on the state level. Paul Manafort's court date delayed. Strong progressive Barbara Lee runs for Democratic caucus chair. US supercharges arms sales. Trump frustrated over lack of North Korea progress. Daily Caller editor describes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rally, makes it sound pretty good. How Kavanaugh's confirmation could be the final nail in the coffin of the Voting Rights Act. Manchin and Heitcamp to meet with Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh's troubling assertion that Richard Nixon should not have had to hand over the Watergate tapes. On the fun half: Infamous scab Mark Janus leaves his job to become a senior fellow at Illinois Policy Institute. Sean Spicer can't say words. Jamie discusses her Ozyfest ordeal. Trump can't believe computer screens, loves American-made products, says "rich guys love rockets." Ari Fleischer says US should destabilize Iran to bring about regime change. A caller corrects Jordan Peterson's misrepresentation of the Frankfurt School. A caller on the lasting impact of her Cold War childhood. Another unarmed black man murdered by the police. How close are we to another financial crisis, and what would need to happen to bring about a revolution in the US? A caller on the demoralization of Chicano youth. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out Jamie's gonzo report from Ozyfest 2018 at Rolling Stone! Check out today's sponsor: Get private, online counseling from a trained and licensed therapist at BetterHelp.com/Majority Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs and subscribe to the new TMBS YouTube channel! Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Mon, 23 July 2018
Journalist, poet, and the executive editor of The Economy Hardship Reporting Project Alissa Quart joins us to discuss her new book, Squeezed: Why Our Families Can't Afford America, a timely release that explores the shame and anxiety felt by a plurality of Americans who despite being "middle class" are just getting by, what she calls "The Middle-Class Vortex." Quart details the lives of this precarious vortex: the teachers who need to drive Uber on the weekends, homeless adjunct professors, and how formerly prestigious (or at least stable) jobs can no longer provide the stability they once did. Quart also details the new phenomena of "1% TV" and how shows like Billions, Succession, and Downton Abbey have become the opiate of the middle class, a projection of the lives we're made to desire. Quart also details a dystopian reality we're already living in, including GoFundMe school lunch campaigns, 24-hour daycare centers, and crowdsourced baby supplies. Check out Alissa's latest piece, "Do you have student debt? There's a reality TV show for that" in the Guardian. And in the Fun Half: Matt shares the kink etymology "unicorn," Texas Civil Rights Project shares an asylum reunification video, the role of capital is mass incarceration and a police state, increasing the numbers of immigration judges, Old Man Racist he just keeps calling to talk, Sasha Baron Cohen has completely exploited the GOP's hero fantasy complex, woman at Pompeo's Iran speech protests asylum seeking detention, California Congresswoman Karen Bass gives an impassioned immigration speech from Brownsville, can religious arguments swing people to the left? Trump's economic advisor really thinks Trump wrote "Art of the Deal" himself (and/or really likes his ghostwriter), Michelle Wolfe's "ICE is..." sketch is very good, American opposition to ICE is growing rapidly, Mike from PA tells us about the fall of Wilkes-Barre, PA and the rise of the barbell society, and the rest of your wonderful calls and IMs!
Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 20 July 2018
Alex Pareene (@pareene) and Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler) join us for Casual Friday. On today's show: Journalist Alex Pareene (@pareene) joins us to give his take on Russiagate and more. Michael Cohen taped Trump talking about payment to Playboy model. Is this a warning shot from Cohen's team? The pile up of evidence of widespread corruption touching much of the Republican Party. Andrea Mitchell reveals Putin will be visiting the White House to bewildered DNI director Dan Coats. The hyperfocus on Russia by both the dumb dumb left and brain worm center. Julian Assange might be leaving London for Ecuador. Pareene's take on Republicans who are glad Russia tampered with the election. Andy Kindler, host of Thought Spiral, joins us for a classic Dennis Miller burn session. Bill O'Reilly says his Irish ancestors were oppressed, ergo white privilege is a lie. Bill's sad web show featuring a sad, defeated Dennis Miller, who may or may not be Skyping from the toilet. Miller and O'Reilly complain about PC culture, lament Mel Brooks comedy. Church bells remind Richard Dawkins how much he hates Muslims. Dave Rubin complains about "demonetization" by Youtube. A new Jimmy Reefercake song is played. On the fun half: NH governor Chris Sununu signs poll tax law he previously opposed. John from San Antonio analyzes the data on AOC. A Swede warns us about climate change. A caller questions Andy's Venezuela segment. A caller problematizes the liberal adulation of the deep state. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Direct download: 7-20-18-Alex_Pareene-Andy_Kindler-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST |
Thu, 19 July 2018
Nick Martin, a staff writer for Splinter and Deadspin, joins us to discuss the first part of his new series State of the Nation, "How Jesse Helms Invented the Republican Party," which focuses on the 5-term North Carolina GOP Senator whose bigoted opposition to any policy he considered "liberal" gave him the nickname "Senator No." Martin's exhaustive account of Helms uses the senator as the figurehead of an increasingly stubborn GOP party that went from policy to dogma in the years following civil rights movement through the accession of the neocons. Helms was the prototype for media scion turned policymaker in North Carolina. His campaign methods became a blueprint for conservatives in the 21st century, edging towards the far-right ideologies all the while. In his 1972 campaign, Helms popularized racist attack ads against his opponent and goes to work on the Senate Rule Book, railing against voice votes and adding absurd amendments which helped him cultivate a national following. Helms was every word you could throw at him, but ultimately he was good at what he needed to do: getting elected. Although Democratic candidates won't be running on white identity politics or aggrievement, they can use ideology and strong conviction to win in a demographically shifting America. In the Fun Half: A wild Scaramucci sighting in NYC, ICE is terrorizing Americans, K-File strikes again, Jeff Glor gloms onto Trump, F0x & Friends supercuts aren't helping exonerate Trump, Raygun describes how USCIF is weaponizing its immigration policies, Alex Jones calls Tucker Carlson "The King," Michael Tracy: the pathological contrarian, right-wing media parasites and their slush fund, reading 5-star reviews from TMBS iTunes show, MGM bringing a preemptive lawsuit against victims of Las Vegas shooting is peak late-capitalism, and Sam Harris' ego made him a white nationalist. Better Help: Get text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at BetterHelp.com/Majority Check out Sam’s sister Betsy’s fundraiser: Make the Wave raises money for Swing Left via sales of fine art prints. She’s almost at 20k. Lets get her there, folks! Buy a print. Go to www.makethewave2018.com Join the Majority Report today! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 18 July 2018
Linda Gordon, Florence Kelly Professor of history at NYU and author of 'The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of The 1920s and the American Political Tradition,' joins us. On today's show: Trump says he misspoke at the Putin press conference when he said "I don't see any reason why it would be Russia," meant to say "wouldn't." Linda Gordon, professor of history and the humanities at NYU, joins us to discuss the history of the KKK in America, particularly in the 1920s. The three waves of KKK activity -- the late 1800s, the 1920s, and the 1950s -- and the characteristics of each. The KKK's 1920s expansion from an underground terrorist organization to a mainstream group with a long list of enemies including blacks, Jews, Catholics, and all non-Protestant immigrants. The factors driving the group's 1920's expansion. How the KKK became a hub for networking and social activities for its largely middle class membership. The ignorance and conspiracy theories driving fear of the "other." The role women like Alma White played in the organization. The KKK's racially and religiously motivated raids on saloons. The parallels with what's happening now and how the 1% uses mass bigotry as a tool to make gains for themselves. On the fun half: Trump and Tucker Carlson dog whistle white supremacy, claim "mass migration" is "destroying the culture of Europe." Trump defends Russia because of its role in WWII, steals valor from Stalin. Lights go out in White House when Trump says "I have full faith in our intelligence agencies." MSNBC visits Missouri nail factory strangled by tariffs, asks Trump voters if they stand by their decision. Dissident Peasant on race and voting rights. A caller deciphers what Trump crossed out in his Russia speech. Should we abolish the Supreme Court? Jamie makes a case for anarcho-syndicalism, promises not to call it libertarian socialism. A caller tries to deflate the Putin hysteria. Richmond man calls cops after a hard foul in pickup basketball. Chicago man calls cops on black woman for trying to use a coupon at CVS. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out today's sponsors: The New Yorker: Go to www.newyorker.com/ MAJORITY and receive 12 issues for $12, plus a free tote bag. Enter code MAJORITY to unlock 50% off your subscription. Better Help: Get text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at BetterHelp.com/Majority Check out Sam’s sister Betsy’s fundraiser: Make the Wave raises money for Swing Left via sales of fine art prints. She’s almost at 20k. Lets get her there, folks! Buy a print. Go to www.makethewave2018.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 17 July 2018
On today's show: Woman named Maria Butina unmasked as Russian spy and arrested! Mary Lou from CT thanks Russians for interfering in US election because Hillary is terrible. Trump tells Hannity Putin denied meddling: he was "very, very strong." Updates on the DoJ's Russia investigation: Butina's ties to GOP leaders, how she may have funneled Russian money through the NRA, her on-video interaction with Trump. Indications the Republicans (Priebus, Nunes) are planning their escape routes. Ajit Pai's efforts to distance himself from Jared Kushner. Signs the Democrats are set to make gains in the House, even in places like Texas. On the fun half: A fan-edited video of MR's "zero sum game" leitmotif. Tucker Carlson claims Mexico interferes "more successfully" than Russia in our elections. Steve Bannon defends an anti-Islam activist on British TV. Dave Rubin seeks an "objective" news article about Trump's Helsinki summit. Racist old man calls in to argue some more about race, IQ and policy. A caller pretends his opposition to the $15/hour minimum wage is based in concern for workers. Diver in Thailand says Elon Musk can stick his submarine "where it hurts." Alexandria Ocasio Cortez flubs Palestine interview question with GOP operative host Margaret Hoover; a caller says this shows the limitations of socialist participation in government. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out today's sponsor, Better Help: Get text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at BetterHelp.com/Majority Get 10% off fair trade coffee with coupon code “majority” at justcoffee.coop Check out Sam’s sister Betsy’s fundraiser: Make the Wave raises money for Swing Left via sales of fine art prints. She’s almost at 20k. Lets get her there, folks! Buy a print. Go to www.makethewave2018.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 16 July 2018
Onnesha Roychoudhuri, author of The Marginalized Majority: Claiming Our Power in A Post Truth America, joins us. On today's show: Trump has joint press conference with Putin, says "I want to see the servers." Onnesha Roychoudhuri, joins us to discuss her book The Marginalized Majority/ Claiming Our Power in A Post Truth America. Roychoudhuri's definition of the "marginalized majority" as anyone who's not a white male voter, a bloc that's been overly pandered to through the years. Her definition of "identity politics" and the idea that how we're acculturated by society is inherently political. Debunking Mark Lilla's assertion that (non-white) identity politics is what's dividing people. How America has drifted away from the truth on these issues and what, if anything, can be done to fix it. On the fun half: Trump gives his totally informed take on Brexit. Trump lays out his itinerary to press before private one-on-one with Putin. Is there value in MR getting behind a moderate Republican in the 2020 primary? Raygun on the pee tape. AP reporter asks about kompromat on Trump, Putin issues a delightfully evasive answer. Sasha Barron Cohen's new show 'Who is America' gets GOP officials to endorse arming children in schools. Fox and Friends' Brian Kilmeade rips Trump for 'ridiculous' tweet blaming US for poor relations with Russia. Should activists be pressuring billionaires to fund schools voluntarily? (No.) Bernie doesn't go for Sasha Barron Cohen's harebrained scheme. The limits of MMT? Check out today's sponsor: Quip is an electric toothbrush that costs a fraction of bulkier brushes and packs the right amount of vibrations to clean your teeth. Quip starts at just $25, and if you go to GETQUIP.COM/MAJORITY right now, you’ll get your first refill pack FREE with a QUIP electric toothbrush. Get 10% off fair trade coffee with coupon code “majority” at justcoffee.coop Check out Sam’s sister Betsy’s fundraiser: Make the Wave raises money for Swing Left via sales of fine art prints. She’s almost at 20k. Lets get her there, folks! Buy a print. Go to www.makethewave2018.com Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 13 July 2018
Sam reports live from the American Federation of Teachers Convention in Pittsburgh! Sam speaks with the head of the Douglas County, CO chapter of AFT about the fight for public education in her state. The funding crisis caused by shrinking property taxes and the Douglas county school board's 2009 takeover by Betsy DeVos types with Koch money behind them. The bad actors' ruthless dedication to charter schools, vouchers, and other privatization methods and how they funneled money to for-profit companies. The negative effects of privatization on students. Grassroots efforts to educate people on what was happening and organize to fight back by taking back the school board and (eventually) going on strike. The absurd concept of "market based pay" for teachers and the ballot initiative to raise money for education. Sam speaks with Ed Allen, president of OKC AFT, about the teacher strikes in Oklahoma. The WV teacher strikes, #metoo, and the other factors building to the strike. Community support for their two-week-long walkout. The inspiring results of the walkout: a $6k raise, a 15% jump in union membership, and a renewed commitment to public education. Sam speaks with Fred Albert, head of the AFT in Kanawha County, WV on the mass teacher revolt in all 55 counties of his state a.k.a. #55strong: Their reasons for striking and the state's union tradition. How teachers organized in a right to work state, and how the statewide strike changed union strategy going forward. Film Guy Matthew joins us to talk white genocide and recommend some movies: "Fort Apache, The Bronx" (1981) and "Wanda" (1970). Breaking news re: US indictments of Russian agents. Trump goes to England, says the problem with European culture is immigrants, criticizes Theresa May's handling of Brexit. Trump attacks CNN as fake news; Fox reporter does not stick up for them. FBI agent Peter Strzok gets testy with Trey Gowdy during House Judiciary Committee hearing. Rep. Jamie Raskin takes down the "deep state conspiracy" theory in friendly cross-examination. Rep. Gomert accuses Strzok of lying on the stand. CNN's Angela Rye calls out GOP on white nationalist candidates. Get 10% off fair trade coffee with coupon code “majority” at justcoffee.coop Check out Sam's sister Betsy's fundraiser: Make the Wave raises money for Swing Left via sales of fine art prints. She's almost at 20k. Lets get her there, folks! Buy a print. Go to www.makethewave2018.com Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Thu, 12 July 2018
Journalist and author Meagan Day (@MeaganDay) joins us to discuss her latest article for Jacobin, Capitalism is Ruining Science. On today's show: Unmasking Antifa Act sponsored by Dan Donovan, the man who let Eric Garner's killer walk free, targets the free speech of protesters. Mike Pence gets protested in Kansas City, MO. Bar trivia host protests Mitch McConnell by playing Public Enemy's "Fight the Power." Meagan Day joins us to discuss how capitalism has impacted science. The history of the university as locus for knowledge and education, and how capitalism has undermined that mission. The allocation of research grants based on profit, rather than social good. The case study of Peter Higgs, a Nobel prize winning physicist who says his work wouldn't get funding today. Lack of class consciousness, cuts to government funding, and other factors inhibiting unionization in the field. The need for a pro-science socialist movement to keep us from sinking into a new dark age. On the fun half: The crew drags on Elon Musk. Why Jamie chose DSA over ISO. The need for socialist movements to serve people's spiritual needs as well as their material ones. Piers Morgan gets owned hard by communist blogger Ash Sarkar. Maajid Nawaz tries to credit Trump with falling black unemployment rate. Ronald Raygun on Jordan Peterson's sexual issues. The electoral dynamics of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. The crew advises a caller on whether to enter a PhD program. Academic exploitation and the difficulties of organizing grad students. Poll: The majority of Democratic voters want more candidates like Bernie. Gorka clashes with Democratic strategist Joel Payne after Gorka says Trump is compassionate to legal immigrants. Why Jeremy Corbyn is cooperating with Brexit. Get 10% off fair trade coffee with coupon code "majority" at justcoffee.coop Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 11 July 2018
Marcy Wheeler (@emptywheel) joins us to discuss the latest developments around the Mueller investigation. On today's show: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins a primary in a district she isn't even running in. Mike Pence brushes off the idea that the Kavanaugh pick is about protecting Trump. Journalist Marcy Wheeler, of emptywheel.net, joins us to discuss the exhausting (but fascinating) ins and outs of the Mueller investigation, including her own involvement in it. The ways Russian hackers may have compromised the 2016 election and what they wanted out of it. Flynn's communication with Russia and the evidence their deal had something to do with Syria. The non-Trump-connected source whose text messages served as a basis for Wheeler's work. The factors that led Wheeler to go to the FBI willingly. The "clean team" Mueller sent to talk to her without revealing anything. The threats Wheeler has received as a result of her participation in the investigation and why she's doing it anyway. The role of Michael Cohen. The Steele Dossier as distraction tactic. What we should watch out for in the coming months. On the fun half: Trump says Putin is the easiest NATO member to deal with, claims NATO owes the US money. Trump at NATO breakfast in Brussells, projecting wildly: "Germany is totally controlled by Russia." Mike Pence tells Dana Bash he's pro-life, dodges her question on whether he's confident Kavanaugh would overturn Roe v Wade. Jordan Peterson tells Joe Rogan those talking about equality of outcome "should be put in a box," Rogan points out his hypocrisy with regards to enforced monogamy. Rogan goes off on people who support ICE kidnapping babies. Alan Dershowitz goes on 'The View' for some reason, says Cynthia Nixon is bad because she supports BDS. Drunken racist accosts woman in Puerto Rican flag shirt while pig cop does nothing. Check out today's sponsors: Brooklinen: Named the winner of the “Best of Online Bedding” category by Good Housekeeping, Brooklinen is the fastest-growing bedding brand in the world – boasting over 20,000 five-star reviews. Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code MAJORITY at Brooklinen.com Live Lingua: Learning a new language is a journey. It can be challenging, but is ultimately one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. The best way to reach your goal, whether that be a basic understanding or full-on fluency, is to immerse yourself in the language. We’d like to invite listeners of the Majority Report to check out Live Lingua’s platform. You can sign up for a free trial lesson today at LIVELINGUA.COM/majority Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 10 July 2018
Scott Lemieux (@LemieuxLGM) joins us to discuss Trump's Supreme Court pick and the radical right wing's plans for the Supreme Court. Trump negotiated his pick with Kennedy for a long time before he retired. Kavanaugh's record of leaking information to the media during the Lewinsky probe. What this pick could mean for abortion rights, the regulatory state and more. The right's mixed record on "freedom of speech." The right's two-pronged assault on the regulatory state. Kavanaugh's nonsensical ruling on the CFPB. How the Democrats should negotiate this and how they are actually dealing with it. Chuck Schumer says Trump is delivering on his campaign promises. The strategies that would get Collins, Murkowski, et al in line. Jeff Merkley attacks Kavanaugh along lines of accountability. On the fun half: Dick Durbin calls out Kavanaugh for contradicting his own testimony. Hannity asks if Never Trumpers are happy now (spoiler alert: yes). Ben Sasse says Trump made a great judge pick. Sad old man calls in to argue more about race and IQ. Do we need ICE to fight child trafficking? A caller on the need for a left-leaning judicial infrastructure. Check out today's sponsors: Casper Mattresses! Casper is a sleep brand that continues to revolutionize its line of products to create an exceptionally comfortable sleep experience, one night at a time. Get $50 toward select mattresses by visiting Casper.com/MAJORITY and using code 'majority' at checkout. Blinkist: Blinkist is the only app that takes thousands of the best-selling nonfiction books and distills them down to their most impactful elements, so you can read or listen to them on your phone in under 15 minutes. Go to blinkist. com/MAJORITY to start your free trial or get three months off your yearly plan when you join today Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Mon, 9 July 2018
Good morning, everyone, on today's show, a pre-recorded interview with author David Grabber, (@davidgraeber) on the Kurdish forces fighting in Syria. First, Trump shows signs of announcing SCotUS picks... hopefully he picks his sister instead. Then MAGA youth in Montana say mexicans are overpopulating us. Then, David Graeber outlines why what's going on in Turkish Syria may be the most important ongoing historical event. Graeber outlines the radical anti-capitalist and feminist elements of the Kurds. How anti-immigrant forces in Europe and America are working in sync with Turkish and ISIS interests. On the fun half - Is Glenn Greenwald a Russian stooge? Jim Jordan attacks a seventh of his accusers. Huckabee says being anti-Trump is terroristic. ID Adam is patrolling North Carolina pools when black people use them, Cornel West stomps Tucker Carlson on his own show. Should the left be thinking about what "too much" immigration looks like? Check out today's sponsors: Harry's: New customers get $5 off a shave set from Harry’s with code MAJORITYREPORT at Harrys.com- That means you can get a trial set that comes with a 5-blade razor, weighted handle, foaming shave gel, and travel cover – all for just THREE bucks + FREE shipping. Harry's.com . And Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com DSA member Julia Salazar is running for New York State Senate! Donate to her campaign or sign up to volunteer at SalazarForSenate.com Check out Sam’s sister Betsy’s project to raise money for Swing Left via print sales: makethewave2018.com Consider donating to listener Lauren’s fundraiser for her mom’s medical treatment at gofundme.com/please-support-miriam Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 6 July 2018
Good morning everyone, on today's show Ben Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) and Chapo Trap House's Virgil Texas (@virgiltexas) join us. Scott Pruitt blew it! The nakedly corrupt EPA chief is out of the job. Conservative media is decrying "the Left" immediate attacks on Pruitt's interim replacement, EPA deputy secretary Andrew Wheeler who was one of the Coal lobby's biggest boosters. Meanwhile, at DOJ and the Dept. of Education, Jeff Sessions and Betsy DeVos are rolling back Obama-era affirmative action policies that urged universities to consider race when accepting applicants. Sessions has intimated that DOJ will investigate and sue universities over discriminatory admissions policies. Back in the studio, Sam accepts that "Zero Sum Game" is his political talisman. However, Ben Dixon shows us why Liberation is not a zero-sum game. Virgil Texas joins us before the fun half and gives a reading from the upcoming Chapo "fam" book, The Chapo Guide to Revolution: A Manifesto Against Logic, Facts, and Reason. Tucker Carlson's white nationalism's dogwhistle is more like a bullhorn. Scott Pruitt does not believe in grammar. And Therese Patricia Okoumou, the woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty, quotes Michelle Obama. And in the Fun Half: Occupy ICE Philly is on-going, Trump wants to get Elizabeth Warren a DNA testing kit, Does Trump care if the Republicans lose the house? Why we can't put our faith in Chuck Schumer, Who told Trump not to invade Venezuela? Impeaching Trump is probably a mistake, Dispatches from Jamie at the 2018 Socialism Conference, plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.comKIND NIGHT // A Benefit for KIDS IN NEED OF DEFENSE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kind-night-a-benefit-for-kids-in-need-of-defense-tickets-47386529385 Check out Sam’s sister Betsy’s project to raise money for Swing Left via print sales: makethewave2018.com Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 5 July 2018
Johns Hopkins Professor Christy Thornton joins us from Mexico to discuss the wave of leftists recently elected to government. After an election with 3,400 positions in contest, Mexico stands poised for profound changes under the leadership of president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO). Thornton breaks down how AMLO started the "Morena" party in 2015 after two presidential election losses over the past 12 years and where AMLO and his politics lie on the international political spectrum. One can expect AMLO's government to be a pragmatic one, one that has gender parity but also includes a problematic fringe evangelical party, Social Encounter. Meanwhile, Pena-Nieto and his neoliberal government leave as the least popular government in modern Mexican history. And now, Irma Sandoval, AMLO's pick for government comptroller, will head efforts to end the Mexican government slush fund for a corrupt ruling class. However, the biggest challenge ahead of AMLO in Mexico will be his effort to demilitarized the country while the drug war against the cartels pushes on. Thornton says expect Morena party leftists to keep up the mass mobilization, with constituents keeping AMLO's government honest. And in the Fun Half: Billionaires are antithetical to democracy, Michael does not hate Elon Musk, Lawrence O'Donnell on America's anti-intellectualism towards "socialism," Puerto Rican austerity is unbelievable, forecasting tomorrow's job report, Fran calling from "Occupy ICE" in Philadelphia, Nazi defenders and pedophile enablers--the Republican party! Jamie calls in from the 2018 Socialism Conference in Chicago, Rand Paul talkin' deficit blues, how to move others towards compassion, Alex Jones will blow the lid off the 9/11 inside job story, John Oliver blowing it on Venezuela and Mexico, Joe Rogan and the Intellectual Dark Web, how the DSA will enter mainstream politics, plus your kind calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Check out Sam’s sister Betsy’s project to raise money for Swing Left via print sales: makethewave2018.com Consider donating to listener Lauren’s fundraiser for her mom’s medical treatment at gofundme.com/please-support-miriam Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 3 July 2018
Journalist George Monbiot (@GeorgeMonbiot), author of 'Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis,' joins us to discuss restoration stories past, present and future. On today's show: The "Save American Movement" (or SAM) raises money for conservative causes. Can Sam trick them into donating to us instead? Donald Trump tells Maria Bartiromo ICE "has liberated" Long Island towns from MS-13. Journalist and author George Monbiot joins us to talk about his new book, 'Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis.' The role of the restoration story throughout history and the two competing ones told by social democracy and neoliberalism. The rise of Keynesian economics and how the capitalist class enlisted neoliberal economists to defeat Keynesianism as prevailing wisdom in the 1970s. How the assertion of oppressed identities in the 1960s led to a less homogenous — but also less collectivist — working class. Was Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's win a turning point for America's understanding of neoliberalism? How to build a social democratic base without going through corporate media. The need for a new organizing story centered around redistribution. The kinds of policies that could return large chunks of private property to the commons, to the benefit of all. On the fun half: SC Rep defends ICE because of 9/11. Mother holding toddler calls out Scott Pruitt at restaurant. Steve Doocy asks Sarah Huckabee Sanders if she's been back to a restaurant (she has). Antifa and Proud Boys clash in Portland, OR. Tucker Carlson asks Palestinian guest if he "takes English," cuts off interview with "you're a moron." Chris Lapakko reports back from a Jordan Peterson event. Caller Tammy has good things to say about DSA drag prom in Austin. How to deal with living in a red state? The DeVos family's religious orphanages for kidnapped children. Ron Paul's racist cultural Marxism tweet. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com DSA member Julia Salazar is running for New York State Senate! Donate to her campaign or sign up to volunteer at SalazarForSenate.com Check out Sam’s sister Betsy’s project to raise money for Swing Left via print sales: makethewave2018.com Consider donating to listener Lauren’s fundraiser for her mom’s medical treatment at gofundme.com/please-support-miriam Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 2 July 2018
Nisha Kapoor (@NishaKapoor07), a lecturer in sociology at University of York, joins us to discuss her new book, Deport, Deprive, Extradite: 21st Century State Extremism. On today's show: Sam uncovers a fake ex-Democrat on Twitter. Trump talks about Kennedy's retirement, says he's been told he "shouldn't say" whether he'll ask SCOTUS candidates about abortion. Nisha Kapoor (@NishaKapoor07), a lecturer in sociology at University of York, joins us to discuss how the UK uses anti-terrorism laws to erode human rights and promote authoritarianism. The five Muslim men extradited from Britain to the US on terrorism charges in 2012 as case study of this process. The UK's history of imperialism. The "Windrush generation" of Caribbean people who immigrated to Britain in the 1950s and are now facing deportation. How post-9/11 anti-terrorism laws increased government powers that had not been used in some time. The surveillance and racial profiling that more and more Muslim immigrants have to live with. The welfare workers and educators tasked with spying on people. Terrorism suspects and (later) Muslim immigrants in general as "canary in the coal mine" for the progressive attacks on civil liberties. The Department of the Interior puts red wolves on notice. On the fun half: Local government of Taylor county, TX votes to terminate contract of private ICE detention facility. Susan Collins says she won't support SCOTUS nominee who would overturn Roe v. Wade. Maxine Waters addresses death threats: "If you shoot at me, you better shoot straight." US government kidnaps kids, ransoms them back to people. 12-year-old girl gives emotional speech on fear of losing her immigrant mother. Man shouts "womp womp" a la Corey Lewandowski during prayer at Huntsville, AL. Same "womp womp" man pulls out his gun, walks away from protest, is arrested by police. Cops taze un-armed black man obeying police orders. "School marshall" training is going well in TX. John Legend says "I don't care about Sarah fucking Sanders and her dinners." A fan calls in to defend Jimmy Dore. How to un-fuck the Supreme Court. Mike from PA (and Jamie) on what people can do to fight back if Roe v. Wade is overturned. Malcolm Gladwell likes Jordan Peterson now. Check out today's sponsors: LIVE LINGUA: Learning a new language is journey. It can be challenging, but it's ultimately one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. The best way to reach your goal, whether that be a basic understanding or full-on fluency, is to immerse yourself in the language. RIGHT NOW: We’d like to invite listeners of the Majority Report to check out Live Lingua’s platform. You can sign up for a free trial lesson today at LIVE LINGUA.COM/MAJORITY Honey: When you shop online, do you suddenly turn into a tab hoarder? Loading dozens and dozens of new tabs on your browser, in search of a promo code - just one - that works. Afraid to close any of them in fear of missing out on a deal? Get Honey for FREE at JoinHoney.com/MAJORITY Consider donating to listener Lauren’s fundraiser for her mom’s medical treatment at gofundme.com/please-support-miriam Check out The Michael Brooks Show at patreon.com/tmbs Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada or on iTunes Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |