Fri, 27 February 2015
Cliff Schecter mourns the loss of Leonard Nimoy and reflects on the cultural importance of Star Trek. The Department of Homeland Security funding bill and the ongoing Republican fail on immigration. Was winning bad for the Republicans? Why President Obama is paying no price for being progressive. Why the crazy right wing media will never stop and why Bill O'Reilly's fans will never care that he is a serial liar. O'Reilly's LA Riots lie. Also Scott Walker compares fighting public sector unions to taking on ISIS. Film Guy Matthew Weiss is choked up by the loss of Leonard Nimoy. Sam reflects on doing Marc Maron's TV show. Sam and Matt lament Marc's psychological growth. Matthew tells us to watch the new film Wild Canaries. Also is Matthew's movie pick suspect? On The Fun Half: Pat Robertson goes haywire on Net Neutrality and the "socialist takeover". Random CPAC. The "Duck Dynasty" guy talks about "loving you" at CPAC. Fast Track Trade Authority is bad for America and the world. Also your IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 02-27-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EST |
Thu, 26 February 2015
Micah Uetricht, the Web Editor of In These Times explains Rahm Emanuel getting forced into a runoff in the Chicago Mayoral race matters. The progressive politics of Rahm's opponent Chuy Garcia. The Chicago Teachers Union strike and the movement against Emanuel. Community activism and the response to the right wing Emanuel agenda. Also can Emanuel lose the election outright and the future of progressive urban politics. Matt Duss the President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace explains the deeper conflicts behind the breakdown in the relationship between Israel and the United States. The strategic differences between the United States and Israel. Why Israeli voters are focused on economics. Bibi's cynical use of Iran his own political purposes. Tim Kaine will not attend Bibi's Congressional address and its a big deal. The distinction between American perceptions of Iran and the Palestinians. In spite of it all is Bibi still headed to reelection and the state of Iran negotiations. On The Fun Half: Sarah Palin sells "I Stand With Bibi" T-Shirts. Andrew Cuomo announces a massive email purge in the middle of a public investigation into corruption in Albany. Rahm Emanuel is the absolute worst. More Bill O'Reilly lies. Pat Robertson says Yoga teaches you to speak "Hindu". Donald Trump makes news. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 02-26-15-Micah_Uetricht-Matt_Duss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST |
Wed, 25 February 2015
Mother Jone's Senior Reporter Stephanie Mencimer explains what is at stake in the King v Burwell. the incredibly shaking reasoning King V Burwell. The odd plaintiffs who the far right recruited for the case. The bizarre reasoning and personalities behind the case. Also could the strange reasoning and plaintiffs behind the case effect the Supreme Court's thinking? On the Fun Half: President Obama vetoes Keystone. Chicago Police are operating a "black site" that has included torture. Ron Paul says the Black Caucus were against war because they wanted more money for Food Stamps. Idaho lawmaker asks if woman can swallow camera for gynecological exam before medical abortion. Wow. Kansas State Senator wants to criminalize teachers who present materials that involve anything sexual. Jerry Seinfeld not that funny and racially problematic. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 24 February 2015
Are Republicans going to shut everything else down again? The politics of the DHS debacle. Why domestic right wing terrorism is a much bigger threat than foreign Islamic terror groups. Why Republicans are failing so hard on immigration. Bibi Netanyahu's long fail. South African Intelligence leaks reveals that Mossad does not believe Bibi's fear mongering on Iran's nuclear program. Also America and Iran closer to a nuclear deal. On The Fun Half: shocking! Climate denying scientists takes money from the fossil fuel industry and the Koch Brothers. Bill O'Reilly has always been a joke and liar. We remember when Al Franken destroyed Bill O'Reilly. No O'Reilly fan cares that he is a liar. Debunking yet more Milton Friedman. Random Rush and your IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 23 February 2015
Canadian journalist Jeet explains the colonial roots of the Right's perception of non-white writers. Why the sad case of Dinesh D'souza illustrates the non-white conservative pundit. Racism and upward mobility. Also the links between South Asians and African Americans in the struggle for human rights. Also Walmart finally raises its wages and we explain why. On The Fun Half: the full Rudy Giuliani is a horrible person breakdown. The legacy of Malcolm X. The right's Oscar freakout over American Sniper and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Fri, 20 February 2015
Sam hosts Marc Maron on a 2005 episode of the Majority Report and for Members only! segments from the deep archives of "Katherine Harris" in studio and Sam hosting the Air America Majority Report. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 02-20-15-Casual_Friday-Marc_Maron_Archive-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28pm EST |
Thu, 19 February 2015
Journalist and historian Rick Persltein explains how Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel is selling of to the private sector. |
Wed, 18 February 2015
On today's program we have two archive programs explaining different aspects of Health Care reform. ProfessorAmanda Frost from American University explains the implications of the Supreme Court holding up the individual mandate. Also John McDonough a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, explained in 2014 the challenges Vermont faced in implementing Single Payers. And for Members only!! Marc Maron hosting the Sam Seder Show in 2006 with a call in from Sam.
Direct download: 02-18-15-Amanda_Frost-John_McDonough-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:36pm EST |
Tue, 17 February 2015
Former GTMO Guard and whistleblower, Joseph Hickman, author of the new book, Murder At Camp Delta, explains the policies of torture and systemic coverup at GITMO. How the CIA uses GITMO and why there is no political will to uncover human rights abuses at the facility. |
Fri, 13 February 2015
Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains President Obama's tortured relationship with his AUMF. What authorization President Obama wants in his military campaign against ISIS. War Powers and the erosion of democracy. Mission creep and Iraq. The coming war between House and Senate Republicans. Also David Axelrod says President Obama was lying on being opposed to Marriage Equality when he ran for President on 2008. Andy Kindler talks about Brian Williams. Andy Kindler was fired by The Daily Show? Who should replace Jon Stewart. The real problem with Jon Stewart. Andy's thoughts Charley Hebdo and anti Muslim bigotry. Is time for Bill Maher to apologise for his anti Muslim rhetoric? Sam's upcoming role on Marc Maron's Sitcom. Also Andy has more problems with Louis CK. Scott Walker "punts" on whether or not he accepts evolution. Demented Rush Limbaugh says Scott Walker should say he dropped out of College so he wouldn't be accused of rape. Why did Scott Walker drop out of college? Debating the death penalty. Also your IMs and your calls. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 02-13-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST |
Thu, 12 February 2015
Russia signs a ceasefire with Ukraine. Should Sam takes over for Jon Stewart? Fox's Outnumbered freaks out over President Obama and Josh Earnest acknowledging that more people are affected by Climate Change than terrorism. The right celebrates the murder of Kayla Mueller by ISIS. Fox's incredible lies on Obama and climate change. Why Sam talks to crazy Libertarians. On The Fun Half: more Libertarian debunking. Was Jon Stewart good for the Liberal cause? The problems with Jon Stewart's Crossfire moment. What's hard about political comedy. Bill Maher and political comedy. President Obama's new AUMF. Who will take over for Jon Stewart? Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 11 February 2015
Professor Walter Block explains the four types of Libertarians and why he is a Anarcho/Libertarian. Non-aggression and property rights. The confusing world of Libertarian Courts. Feudalism or Hobbesianism? How were property rights established? Retributions and Libertarians. Natives Americans, homesteading and property in America. Also Walter Block's relationship to Rand Paul and the vaccine debate. On The Fun Half: Northern Europeans and the causes of the Greek crisis. Another Libertarian debate. More Libertarian debunking. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 10 February 2015
Economics editor of Channel 4 News, in the UK, Paul Mason, explains the political currents that led to the victory of Syriza in Greece. How Syriza drew center-left and center-right voters while being a party of the left. The Neo-Nazi politics of Golden Dawn and the connections between center-right parties and the Nazis. Austerity and the corruption of Greek business. Youth and the revolt against corruption and inequality and what comes next. On The Fun Half: Eddie Murphy is doing what? How Republicans are trying to lie about caring for inequality and the real anti inequality agenda. Fox News discovers the rape crisis? A debate with a Mens Rights Activist. Utah State Rep is concerned about a new anti rape law for all of the horrible reasons you can imagine. Alex Jones goes on sexist rant in defense of Rand Paul and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 9 February 2015
Journalist Rafia Zakaria, author of the new book The Upstairs Wife: An Intimate History of Pakistan, explains the role of policing gender and sex in the creation of modern Pakistan. Women's narratives and understanding what is the Pakistani State. The complexity of Benazir Bhutto and the modern civil society movement against terrorism and government corruption in Pakistan. On The Fun Half: HSBC launders billions for global terrorists and cartels, Syria's anarchist fighters, Eric Bolling's big time stupidity, Howie Kurtz defends Rand Paul's sexism, the state Marriage Equality in Alabama and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Fri, 6 February 2015
Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the toxic brew that created Saudi Arabia. The cynical reasons that Western powers back Saudi Arabia. The Saudis and 9/11. Were senior officials involved in 9/11 and funding Al Qaeda, Zacarias Moussaoui says so. James Baker and how elites cover for the Saudis and the global oil system. Chris Christie under criminal investigation and has been crazily corrupt for a long time. The mystery woman involved in all of Chris Christies shady dealing. President Obama's progressive push. Also the White House pushes back against Bibi Netanyahu for disrespecting and undermining President Obama and Israel is starting to throw John Boehner under the bus. The Managing Entertainment Editor at the Huffington Post Christopher Rosen, explains what he has been up to. How being on the Majority Report helped prepare Rosen for HuffPo live. What TV shows Rosen is watching. Why Rosen didn't like American Sniper and loved Grand Budapest Hotel. The Imitation Game and historical accuracy. The importance of Selma. Whiplash and the Theory of Everything. Is it time for Sam to rethink Boyhood because Rosen loved it and they also agree on Birdman? Also Rosen makes his Oscar win predictions. On The Fun Half: Senator Tom Cotton is crazy and stupid. Tennessee Christian activist gives insane opening prayer for the Tennessee State Senate. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 02-06-15-Cliff_Schecter-Christopher_Rosen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST |
Thu, 5 February 2015
Timothy Karr the Senior Director of Strategy for Free Press, explains the huge win for Internet users with the FCC's reclassification of Internet providers as common carriers. Michael Powell and why the common carriage classification was changed to begin with. Why the battle for Net Neutrality was all about reversing Michael Powell's mistake. President Obama's intervention that helped save Net Neutrality. The powerful grassroots politics that is essential for protecting Net Neutrality. Also what the telecom industry will do now to try to ruin the open Internet. On The Fun Half: Steve Malzberg says he won't get his son a HPV vaccination so some "female" won't get cancer when she is in her sixties. More Milton Friedman debunking. Drones and ISIS. Fox & Friends calls out Frozen for hurting men. Brian Williams has been lying for years about being on a helicopter that came under fire in Iraq. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 4 February 2015
Mitt Romney actually basically told Obama he won because of "black people". Also Michael Bloomberg thought Barack Obama didn't like people enough. Wow. Journalist David Dayen explains how Bernie Sanders is pushing the Senate in a progressive and substantive direction. The interesting progressives who Bernie Sanders has hired for the Senate Budget Committee. The real deficits we face including: wages and infrastructure deficits. The problems with new corporate tax amnesty proposals. The Corporate strategy for massive tax evasion. The differences between President Obama and Rand Paul and Barbara Boxer's corporate tax proposals. How the US Government pays Apple to dodge taxes. Antonio Weiss and Wall Street's payment model that seed people from finance across federal government and how the AFLCIO is trying to stop it. On The Fun Half: Carnival Cruises uses an amazing JFK speech in a totally tacky way and the right freaks out for all the wrong reasons. Right Wing Mandela calls out Carnival Cruises.Gross, Senator Thom Tillis does not want restaurants to be forced to make their employees wash their hands. What the hell is happening in Argentina? Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 3 February 2015
Harvard Law School Professor, Lani Guinier and author of the new book, The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America explains the distinction between testing merit and democratic merit. Why standardized testing is a measure of wealth and not merit. Why testing is not a measure of talent. Class and college admissions. Also how and why we need to rethink merit. Why Libertarians and progressives do not have the same views on decriminalizing drugs. On The Fun Half: why there is no capitalism without regulation. How how the anti vaccine myth spread from the UK. How measles spread. Lessons from South Africa, Aids denial and vaccine denial. Rand Paul talks crazy on vaccines. Also some Random Rush. Also your IMs and calls. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 2 February 2015
Politico Reporter and author of Big Money: 2.5 Billion Dollars, One Suspicious Vehicle, and a Pimp—on the Trail of the Ultra-Rich Hijacking American Politics, Ken Vogel explains the rise of the scam PAC. Shaun McCutcheon, scam PAC pioneer and the man who helped kill campaign finance controls. Why you need money to raise money in politics. Owning email lists and profiting from PACs. How Erick Erickson and Karl Rove make big money from PACs. Why there are more scam PACs on the Right. Also is there a solution to scam politics? On The Fun Half: Scott Brown wants his Mass pension. The awesome Super Bowl game. The CDC warns of measles outbreak because of lack of vaccines. The problem with vaccine conspiracy theories. Chris Christie plays to the Vaxxer crowd. Scott Walker talks crazy and Syria. President Obama's new tax proposal. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |