Thu, 31 July 2014
![]() Law professor and author of Other People’s Houses: How Decades of Bailouts, Captive Regulators, and Toxic Bankers Made Home Mortgages a Thrilling Business Jennifer Taub explains the problem with the term "Cramdown", the story of the Noblemans and fraud in the housing market, the transformation of the Savings and Loan industry, why tax payers hold the bag for bad loans, homeowner protection and the two sides of the bankruptcy code, how housing protections would have helped homeowners and protected the economy, the failure of federal regulators, how banks can choose who regulates them and the structural reforms we need to protect the housing market. On The Fun Half: the crisis in Gaza, the IDF calls up 16,000 more reservists and requests more ammunition from the United States, Joe Scarborough calls Israel out for indiscriminate bombing in Gaza, Andrew Cuomo involved in witness tampering? Dick Morris now in the retirement scam industry, and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 30 July 2014
New York Gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout explains why she is challenging Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic Party Primary, Cuomo's betrayals on labor, public education, immigration, his one percent agenda economic agenda, why Cuomo is making inequality worse, Zephr's commitment to public education, Andrew Cuomo's corrupt conduct on his own corruption commission, the crisis of corruption in New York state, how corrupt is Andrew Cuomo? The real reform that New York needs, Cuomo's anti immigrant running mate and what challenging Cuomo means for the progressive movement and the future of the Democratic Party. On The Fun Half: The National Labor Relations Board acts to protect fast food workers rights, conservatives launch Reaganbook, Gaza fight continues, and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 29 July 2014
The Andrew Cuomo campaign admits to being behind strange protesters following Zephyr Teachout, Stuart Varney defends corporate tax dodging on Fox & Friends and he and the friends get all their facts wrong, Israel bombs Gaza's only power station, Israeli peace protesters march in Tel Aviv, Medicare and Social Security in even better fiscal shape than we realized, the massive success of Social Security and Medicare, the bizarre paternalism of Paul Ryan's poverty plan, Geraldo Rivera says youth is the greatest asset women bring to a relationship, Rula Jebreal's fallout at MSNBC, why America is a center left country, the insane push to impeach President Obama, And your calls and IMs. lso take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 28 July 2014
Pando Daily Senior Editor Mark Ames explains how he discovered the Reason Magazine "special issue" on Holocaust denial, pro Apartheid Libertarians, why Holocaust revisionism is important for far right politics, the Kochs and Holocaust deniers and the Libertarian quest to demonize FDR. Dinesh D'Souza accuses Google of conspiring to keep his movie out of top search results. On The Fun Half: Buzzfeed editor Benny Johnson fired, conflict intensifies in Ukraine, Hamas not behind the murder of three Israeli teenagers, Congressman confuses American officials of Indian descent with members of the Indian government and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread |
Fri, 25 July 2014
Weekly guest and political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the importance of Montana Senator John Walsh's plagiarism scandal, do Democrats have a pick up opportunity in the Georgia Senate race? David Perdue's upset win in the Georgia Senate primary, economic populism in southern Senate races, will Andrew Cuomo's corruption finally catch up with him? The odd political relationship between Cuomo and Chris Christie, is Zephyr Teachout gaining momentum and the creepy protesters going after Zephyr Teachout. Film Guy Matthew Weiss tells us the latest news on his pending marriage and his new web series called the Teachers Lounge, why Sam isn't in Teachers Lounge and Matthew suggested The Rules of the Game directed by Jean Renoir. NFL only suspends Ray Rice for two days after he beats his wife unconscious, Ben Stein's disgusting sex scandal and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 07-25-14-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EST |
Thu, 24 July 2014
Journalist Ryan Deveruaux explains the documents that explains how the government determines whether or not you are a terrorist, why the document is not classified but still tightly guarded by the federal government, what agencies play a role in the terrorist selection process, does being "dangerous to property" make you a terror suspect, Stop and Frisk and terror watch lists, how an individual is nominated for a terror watch list, who is monitoring the terror watch system? How to reform the terrorism watch list system. On The Fun Half: should the international community invade Gaza? One caller says we should, lots of debates follow, Zephyr Teachout's anti corruption run against Andrew Cuomo, did Michael Bloomberg unintentionally call for an end to Israeli attacks on Gaza? Bloomberg also loses his temper on Wolf Blitzer and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 23 July 2014
Legal writer Scott Lemieux explains the three prongs of Obamacare, the misleading read of the ACA that conservatives are using to attack tax subsidies under the ACA, why the writing of the ACA assumed that some states would not create exchanges, the bizarre reading given by Republicans on the DC Circuit on the ACA, why the 4th Circuit uphold the subsidies, sneaky conservative judicial activism, why conservatives want the courts to do their dirty work in destroying healthcare reform and why the case may end up at the Supreme Court. On The Fun Half: Rick Perry's border stupidity, Jorge Ramos explains why putting National Guard on the border absurd, Fox New analyst Ralph Peters says Obama is afraid of Putin, Andrew Cuomo lied about and attempted to influence the Moreland anti corruption commission, Fox & Friends complains about Spanish language emergency operators and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 22 July 2014
![]() Bob Ivry the author of The Seven Sins of Wall Street: Big Banks, their Washington Lackeys, and the Next Financial Crisis Bob Ivry explains why the sin of pride is the defining sin of Wall Street, why the 2008 financial crisis fully demonstrated the power of the big banks, the lost feeling of shame, the Citigroup settlement, the political constraints on Wall Street accountability, moral hazard, why Wall Street knows they can count on taxpayer protection, what Dodd Frank misses, why we need smaller banks, where the next financial crisis might come from and how Tim Geithner was able to distort the Obama Administration's financial crisis response. Two Republicans on the DC Circuit Court gut Obamacare but you probably don't need to worry. On The Fun Half: President Obama's failure to address the refugee crisis at the border, Rick Perry's border theatrics, a horrifying advertisement for the British National Party youth wing, Benjamin Netanyahu says a "‘A Man’s Gotta Do What a Man’s Gotta Do’, when Israel liked Hamas and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 21 July 2014
Journalist Nida Khan explains the importance of Bill Maher's Gaza and women beating tweet, how opinion on the Middle East is shifting through social media, the death toll in Gaza, creating space for progressive Israeli voices in American media and the possibility of a ceasefire. Also the latest on the shooting down of flight MH17 On The Fun Half: John Kerry's probably intentional hot mic, Israeli politician calls for ethnic cleansing, how to own your right wing relatives on Reagan, the latest on the shooting down of flight MH17, MH17 conspiracy theories and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Journalist Nida Khan explains the importance of Bill Maher's Gaza and women beating tweet, how opinion on the Middle East is shifting through social media, the death toll in Gaza, creating space for progressive Israeli voices in American media and the possibility of a ceasefire. On The Fun Half: John Kerry's probably intentional hot mic, Israeli politician calls for ethnic cleansing, how to own your right wing relatives on Reagan, the latest on the shooting down of flight MH17 MH17 conspiracy theories and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And Members watch today’s show on Youtube! Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Fri, 18 July 2014
![]() Journalist Charlie Pierce explains his family history and the immigrant experience, the humanitarian crisis at the US Mexico border, how our policies in Central America helped create a culture of violence, Republican Affordable Care Act delusions, the state of Netroots and Elizabeth Warren's attack on "free trade". Stephanie Kelton ssociate Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City explains why we are still in an economic mess, how Kansas destroyed its economy with Arthur Laffer's silly economic ideas, will Sam Brownback lose to a liberal? Blogger Gaius Publius explains the split between the progressive movement and the Democratic Party and progressive energy and Democratic accountability. Matt Duss, Ali Gharib, Heather Hurlburt: why Russian separatists shot down a passenger plane, conspiracy theories and accidents, what could sooth the crisis in Ukraine, Israel's ground invasion of Gaza and what America can do to hold Israel accountable? Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas explains the evolution of Netroots Nation, how the Netroots have gained in power and maturity and how to be a good activist. Reactions to the Joe Biden speech and your IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 07-18-14-Live_At_Netroots_Nation_2014_Day_2-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EST |
Thu, 17 July 2014
From Netroots Nations journalist David Dayen explains the evolution of Netroots Nation, the shift from outsider to insider status at Netroots Nation, voters verse interest group blocks, Andrew Cuomo's sleazy Wall Street coverup as New York Attorney General and will Karen Lewis run against Rahm Emanuel for Chicago Mayor? Jay Tomlinson of Best of the Left explains the goal of Best of the Left and whats next for the left after the Obama Administration. Lily Eskelsen García the President elect of the National Education Association how to properly judge teachers, the call for Arne Duncan to resign, finding the "bad teacher" and ignoring poverty, why testing insanity needs to change. Chris Savage of Ecletablog explains the Detroit water crisis, why residents are getting their water cutoff, why the local residents pay the price for for fiscal abuse and robber baron exploitation and what is happening with Detroit pensions. On the Fun Half: Josh Orton reflected on the history Netroots and the shift from the blogosphere to political organizing at Netroots, Hillary Clinton on Jon Stewart, Israel and civilian casualties, the first time Kyle met Kyle Shank and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 07-17-14-Live_At_Netroots_Nation_2014-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:52pm EST |
Wed, 16 July 2014
Muslim Republican activist Saba Ahmed explains why she joined the Republican Party, the Islamophobia inside the conservative movement, social conservatism and Islamic values, can the GOP ever be more tolerant and the refugee crisis at the US Mexico border. Rachel Kurzius, SiriusXM producer and film/theater critic, explains how the new Dawn of the Planet of the Apes film fits into modern politics, the films political and social themes, how the film fits into the Plant of the Apes universe, and how it reminded her of the shock doctrine. On The Fun Half: the three factions in Palestinian politics, what Hamas is demanding in exchange for a ceasefire, holding Israel accountable, a Republican Congressional candidate confuses a bus full of kids going camping with refugee children from Central America, the KKK's friendly face, Megyn Kelly smears Dr. Tiller again and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 07-16-14-Saba_Ahmed-Rachel_Kurzius-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST |
Tue, 15 July 2014
Glenn Greenwald author of No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State, explains why so much information the NSA collects is not collected from NSA targets, why the NSA's information gathering is ripe for abuse, the NSA's spying on specific Muslim civil society leaders, why a persons political views can lead to NSA surveillance, why can't condemn Hoover and demonize Snowden, why we allow bigotry towards Muslims and what would real reform look like? Journalist David Dayen explains how private equity and hedge funds are moving into rental property markets, why financial firms are failing in rental markets, why financial speculation is creating mini housing bubbles across the country and what we should watch out for next. Journalist and undocumented citizen Jose Antonio Vargas detained on the US Mexico border, why are treatment of child refugees at the border should be a source of national shame, Israel continues bombardment of Gaza, Ben Shapiro accuses the Obama Administration of being "borderline Jew-hating", Tea Party hack Rick Santelli gets humiliated on CNBC for being wrong about everything and your IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 14 July 2014
In These Times contributing editor explains what the Supreme Court did in the Harris V Quinn decision, the history of home healthcare workers labor organizing, the Supreme Court's assault on work traditionally done by women, could the Harris decision force more grassroots organizing? Why unions are essential for women's rights, unions and home care patient advocacy and how workers are defined in labor law. How Kansas destroyed its economy by cutting taxes, the humanitarian crisis at the border, why many of the children and the border should be considered refugees. On The Fun Half: Sam's relationship with Jon Stewart, right wing conspiracy theories on President Obama's immigration strategy, what's driving violence in Central America, Pastor Pastor Jeffress says Jesus would want a border fence, fake border control group confuses soccer jersey with a Muslim prayer rug on the border and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Fri, 11 July 2014
Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains humanitarian crisis on the border, the right's call for arming the border, dehumanizing children fleeing gang violence in Central America, children and the cruelty of the American right, changing attitudes towards drugs and progressive cultural change, what industries are lobbying against drug legalization? The Republicans absurd lawsuit targeting Obamacare, are the Republicans are moving toward impeachment? Most people are loving Obamacare (including lots of Republicans) and did the Koch Brothers ads help Obamacare? Andy Kindler complains about the Majority Report Internet connection, breaks down the Emmy nominations, the comedy nominations, debating Veep, Andy shares his thoughts on Louie, Andy rips into Bill Maher, why Anthony Cumia is obviously a racist and why Opie & Anthony fans are the worst. Reviewing Matt's debate with a "Mens Rights Activist", new Jimmy Reefercake song, Fox & Friends made to look like fools by its own audience and your IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 07-11-14-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST |
Thu, 10 July 2014
Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies History at Columbia University and author of Brokers of Deceit: How the U.S. Has Undermined Peace in the Middle East Rashid Khalidi explains why Palestinian suffering is not covered in the American mainstream media, why the day to day grinding reality of the Occupation is not covered int he American press, why Gaza is an open air prison, what solutions are possible now? Why Israel/Palestine is one state now, why the United States has failed in its role as a peace broker, why the United States is all bark and no bite on the Occupation and the changing nature of the domestic American politics of Israel/Palestine. On The Fun Half: California truckers go on strike, Elizabeth Warren asks NASDAQ CEO why he thinks the public does not trust Wall Street, debating China and the US debt, Sam makes a major announcement and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 9 July 2014
Barbara Madeloni explains the progressive campaign she ran to become the President of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, why corporate education is dehumanizing, preparing students for democracy, unions and teacher power, the myths created by the corporate "reform" movements, why poverty is the problem, why corporate models of performance are a bad model for life and education, why unions need to work to create new movements for social, economic and racial justice, connecting unions and parents, taking on high stakes testing regimes and how race is deployed in the education "reform" debate. On The Fun Half: Rep. Louie Gohmert says Obama is allowing immigrant across borders to make "America blue", Ben Carson says the Obama Administration is engaging in a "Leninist" plot and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 8 July 2014
Former Shin Bet head calls out the Benjamin Netanyahu Government for the latest outbreak of violence in Israel/Palestine, the racism and expansionist policies that drive the current Israeli right, getting real about power in Israel and Palestine, new NSA revelations show the NSA has been monitoring individual emails, Snowden proven right again, New York moves to legalize Medical Marijuana, more horrible fallout from the Hobby Lobby decision and the new lawsuit that could kill Obamacare. On The Fun Half: Anthony from Opie & Anthony is racist and fired, the Senator Robert Menendez fake prostitution scandal may have been created by the Cuban intelligence service, Random Rush, Steve Doocy says something insane about the Hobby Lobby decision and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 7 July 2014
Religion scholar and author of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Reza Aslan explains the latest outbreak of violence in Israel/Palestine, how the Netanyahu Government has worked to maintain and expand the Occupation, why the Two State solution is dead and what a binational state might look like. On The Fun Half: Anthony Cumia fired and his fans freak out, British Judge is depressed that he has to punish a rapist, conservatives drive coal powered trucks, Matt Binder responds to the Voice For Men challenge, Rick Perry pushes border conspiracy theories, conservative Muslim surprised that Republicans are bigoted and your IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Thu, 3 July 2014
Professor Zeynep Tufekci explains how Facebook manipulated user results in order to study Facebook users emotions, the business model of Facebook, can Facebook influence elections, undermining public funding for social science research, the genuine power of social media and how to regulate and reform social media business practices. Lawrence Lessig explains how he became focused on the problem of campaign finance, why campaign finance reform needs to be cross partisan, what bills in Congress to support now, the purpose of May Day PAC and why finance reform is the fundamental reform. On The Fun Half: Elizabeth Warren campaigns for Red State Democrats, thirteen states raise their minimum wages and the results prove Libertarians wrong again, Pew finds stunningly stupid attitudes on poverty, Marijuana legalization Democratic wedge issues, Louisiana Republican Congressional candidate releases the most amazing "global warming hoax" ever, Thad Cochran campaign conference call crashed by right wing blogger wonders why black voters were "harvested", and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 07-03-14-Zeynep_Tufekci-Lawrence_Lessig-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST |
Wed, 2 July 2014
Professor Juan Cole author of the new book The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East, explains why most Muslims do not take ISIS proclaiming a Caliphate seriously, the shifting politics of Kurdish independence, why oppression of Sunnis is fueling the crisis in Iraq, divisions in Sunni politics, will the Al Maliki government grow more inclusive? Who are the "New Arabs"? The median age of the Arab world, the cultural and political values of Arab millennials, how Egyptian politics have been altered, multicultural politics in the emerging Middle East and where are the youth leaders of the Arab uprisings in of 2011 now? On The Fun Half: California bigots harass migrants in Murrieta California, Georgia's new gun law leads to a showdown in a convenience store, New York Cities and towns can now ban Fracking, Rick Perry now a metro sexual, Congress will not pass vital highway legislation and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 1 July 2014
Director Brian Knappenberger, the director of The Internet’s Own Boy explains what drove Aaron Swartz, why Aaron asked radical questions and pushed for radical solutions, his shift from Silicon Valley to reform politics, how Aaron inspired Lawrence Lessig to work toward getting money out of politics, the draconian legal prosecution that Swartz faced, why there was not a large campaign to drop charges against Swartz, why Swartz was downloading documents from JSTOR and how the legal system drove Aaron to take his own life. On The Fun Half: the Governor of Maine Paul Lepage meets with Sovereign Citizens, Chris Christie is a bullshit artist, Men Rights advocates hold a "Mens Rights" conference, Fox News wonders if there is a "war on men" and your calls and IMs. Also take a look here for all of the links for today’s show here And keep the conversation going on our morning thread Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |