The Majority Report with Sam Seder

The Republicans war on health care and why we need to defend Medicare. The problems with Obamacare and the innate problems with health insurance. The components of Obamacare. The Medicare big lie. Why the Right will target Medicaid. The Paul Ryan and Tom Price plan to destroy public health care and make you pay more. Right Wing Mandela explains the transition. Donald Trump is a cable news addict. A demented Trump supporter freaks out at a crafts store.

On The Fun Half: The Trump Carrier deal. Why is Mitt Romney being considered for Secretary of State? Rand Paul understands Trump's psychology. Resisting Trump. Adobe's dangerous new text technology. Peter Hoekstra is an idiot and Scott Simon schools him on NPR. Bernie Sanders talks about the danger and insanity of Donald Trump. Why citizens need power beyond consumption and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

Today we have Cinzia Arruzza (@CinziaArruzza) on to discuss her piece in Jacobin, "The Dangers of Anti-Trumpism." The aesthetic similarities between Trump and Berlusconi. How they both made a virtue of lack of experience. How Berlusconi benefitted from attacks on his character, reminiscent of Trump's rise over the past year. How Italy's center-left failed to stand up to Berlusconi while also being true-believers in neoliberal policy. How should the left react to something like Trump's infrastructure plan?

On the fun half - Alex Jones goes off on Matt Taibbi, Trump wants to criminalize flag burning, Roger Stone says Trump may deign to prosecute Hillary now that she's passively involved in Jill Stein's recount efforts, and Trump spokespeople don't know the evidence of landslide.

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Direct download: 11-29-16-Cinzia_Arruzza-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:28pm EST

Today on the show: racial justice, labor & international activist Bill Fletcher, Jr. (@BillFletcherJr) joins us to discuss the passing of Fidel Castro and what the uncertain future portends for the left.  The time Bill met with Fidel Castro. Castro's charisma, and Castro on issues of race in present-day Cuba. A full accounting of Fidel Castro's legacy, in contrast to elite media portrayal. Castro's primary crime as one of challenging property relations. Cuba's support of national liberation movements. Bill's case for optimism and case that the "new majority" is here to stay. The economic anxieties of Trump's white nationalist vote.

On the fun half - Ted Cruz with a graceless subject change in order to not talk about Trump's pathological lying, Castro's meeting with Nelson Mandela, Trump doesn't care about conflicts of interest, Rick Perry and Vanilla Ice deliver crushing blow against War on Christmas.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

David Dayen (@DDayen) on why progressives should be skeptical of Trump's infrastructure plan, which amounts to a massive subsidization scheme to privatize infrastructure. Obama's options regarding a recess appointment of Merrick Garland


Then, Les Leopold (@les_leopold), Executive Director, The Labor Institute, on Trump's ability to intervene in Carrier's labor decisions and how Wall Street is the engine behind moving jobs overseas..

Direct download: 11-25-16-David_Dayen-Les_Leopold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

Zack Exley (@zackexley) and Becky Bond (@bbond) on their new book on lessons from their time on the Bernie Sanders campaign: Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything (Paperback – November 18, 2016). "Distributed Organizing" and using technology to actually make contact with voters. How important an earlier start to the Bernie campaign could have been. Giving volunteers more responsibility, along with structure and accountability. Hillary's flawed data-driven get-out-the-vote efforts. How to counter Trump by going on the offensive on the left.

 Check out today's sponsors:  Children International, MVMT Watches  andWondery: check out the Secrets, Crimes & Audiotapes Podcast.

Direct download: 11-23-16-Zack_Exley-Becky_Bond-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EST

Janeane Garofalo, talks about her rage at the Trump gangster Administration. Republican dirty tricks and the FBI. The delusions of the dumb-dumb left. Donald Trump's helpmate. The Walking Dead and Trump voters. David Gergen calls out Trump for not strongly condemning Neo-Nazis. The Trump White House is built around Islamophobia. Megyn Kelly calls out reporters for feeding questions to Trump, but won't revealing names. Kellyanne Conway says that Trump and the media share "joint custody" of the nation. Janeane takes Voicemail questions. Mike Pence refuses to answer questions about the Trump kleptocracy and why Republicans will always make us suffer.

On The Fun Half: Christine Quinn and Chris Cuomo call out a Trump supporter for bullshitting on Neo-Nazis. The Republicans Supreme Court move and forcing support for Trump. An Irish Senator bravely calls out Trump's fascism and your IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors: Children International,, code MAJORITYREPORT, and Wondery: check out the Secrets, Crimes & Audiotapes Podcast.


Direct download: 11-21-16-Janeane_Garofalo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:50pm EST

How we can already tell the Iran Deal has been a success by the fact we aren't talking about bombing Iran. The extreme danger and paradoxical opportunities of Trump's presidency. Trump doing his best to be the most sane person in his government. How to clarify and recalibrate our positions regarding Saudi Arabia and Iran. How the middle-east figures into Obama's plans to "pivot" to Asia, and how Trump's victory jeopardizes the move.

On the fun half - Reza Aslan on the danger of considering Islam "political" instead of religious. Reince Priebus won't rule out muslim ban. Steve Bannon's anti-Wall Street populism mixed with white nationalism. Neo-nazis rally in Washington DC. The Republican war on voting rights will intensify.

Direct download: 11-21-16-Trita_Parsi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Donald Trump's horrifying pick for Attorney General has a racist history and he isn't the worst pick.

Cliff Schecter, explains whether or not we should hope for chaos or not in the Trump Administration. The endless dangers the Trump Administration poses. Jeff Sessions too racist for Reagan's America. The most bigoted picks that Trump is putting forward. What's the best Democratic strategy? Trump's personal financial stakes in policy. Why Trump's Administration will be worse than pay to play and why Trump can't staff up with competence.

Isabel Gillies is deeply upset about the election of our deplorable President. What do you tell your kids? Protesting and authority. Authority and secrets and she suggest we watch Captain Fantastic.


On The Fun Half: Trump offers the position to CIA head to bigot Congressman Mike Pompeo. Trump supporter is chided for citing Japanese Internment Camps as a precedent for what we can do to Muslims. Michael Flynn, Trump's National Security Advisor is a major anti-Muslim bigot. Elizabeth Warren calls out Trump for hiring lobbyist and cronies and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors:, Code Majority, Children International and, code MAJORITYREPORT

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST

Freelance journalist Matthew Phelan, explains the role that Breitbart News played in the election. Clinton Cash and the connection between Breitbart and the New York Times. Who is Peter Schweizer and what is the Government Accountability Office. How the New York Times facilitated Right Wing propaganda. Andrew Breitbart and the corporate funding of the far right. How Steve Bannon made a fortune. Andrew Breitbart and Hollywood resentment. Why Steve Bannon is more dangerous. Breitbart and the destruction of ACORN. How the funding of the Right Wing web works. Who is Eric O'Keeffe? Breitbart's role in Brexit. Breitbart's connection to Trump and the dangerous Mercer family.

On The Fun Half: Barack Obama warns against nationalism and ethnic identity politics. Trump shuts out the press. Trump get's applauded at a swanky New York City Resturant and says "we will get your taxes down, don't worry". The disaster of the Trump transition and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm EST

Keith Ellison announces his candidacy for DNC Chair and calls for solidarity and prosperity. Hate crimes on the rise. The three ways to understand what's happening in America right now. How to deal with Trump. Trump has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. Can President Obama make a recess appointment to the Supreme Court? Trump is gonna attack Abortion and women's health. Bernie Sanders is powerful on The View. All the ways Hillary Clinton's campaign screwed up and why we need to be vigilant.

On The Fun Half: Why did Democrats lose? Bernie Sanders needs to have greater power in the Democratic Party. A teacher explains how to address bias and racism in the classroom during the Trump age and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors! and Seeso: right now, MR listeners can try Seeso FREE for 2 months, when you use promo code, MAJORITY at checkout.

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Direct download: 11-15-16-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:45pm EST

Hello MR listeners! Today we have Wosny Lambre (@BigWos) IN STUDIO! to talk about cleaning house in the DNC, Donald Trump's victory, and what we are in for in the next four years. Trump hugs his new tutor, Barack Obama. Paul Ryan not into "nitty gritty" details like whether women will continue receiving birth control. The failure of our economic system and our roots in racism.

On the Fun Half: Bernie calls out Newt Gingrich for dismissing Trump's campaign's racist roots, a substitute teacher tells students their parents will be deported, and your calls and IMS. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Cliff Schecter explains why we need to not freak out but also take steps to protect ourselves.  Why we all need to speak out. All the reasons why Clinton lost in spite of winning a clear victory in the popular vote. The Clinton campaign's pathetic economic message. The Democratic Party needs a complete cleanup and mass firing. Why we need Keith Ellison as DNC Chair. Chuck Schumer backs Ellison for DNC Chair and Obama's legacy.

Film Guy Matthew Weiss, explains using film to dig deeper into times of crisis. Why he wants more Michael impressions. Matthew suggests two movies Spring Summer Fall and Winter and spring and the Kingsman.

Keith Ellison was always right about Trump and Bernie Sanders sets the right tone. Racism spreads with horrifying examples from the rest of the country. Kim Guilfoyle says Trump never promised block Muslims. Van Jones corrects Trump pundits on CNN. Terrorism and playing into the plans of terrorists under Trump. Tom Cotton says waterboarding isn't torture and a Right Wing DJ who volunteered to get water boarded and admits it's torture. Donna Brazile get's called out and your calls and IMs.

Check out today's sponsor here! Check out today’s sponsors! Children International 

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Direct download: 11-11-16-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Adam Green, articulates just how horrible the political situation is now. Why progressives have an advantage now inside the Democratic Party. What we can learn from Republican strategy. Why we need Keith Ellison as head of the DNC. How progressives should handle Donald Trump. Rolling back the ACA. How do we acknowledge pain exists while combating bigotry? Why the Clinton campaign didn't work and how Trump used Bernie Sanders argument. How do we have a united opposition and maintain progressive positions?

Ari Berman of the Nation Magazine explains the role that voter suppression in the 2016 election. Why the media needed to focus on voter suppression much more closely. The many ways of voter suppression. How Democrats and progressives failed to protect the Supreme Court. Obama's missed the opportunity with the Supreme Court and what do Democrats do next.

The oddest troll on Twitter? Trump's cabinet picks.  Rudy Guiliani says President Obama shouldn't pardon Hillary Clinton. Glenn Beck tries to scurry back into Donald Trump's good graces. Omarosa says that Trump has a enemies list and a "long memory". Protests across the country against Trump. Tom Cotton promotes torture and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-10-16-Adam_Green-Ari_Melber-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EST

The MR Crew reacts to the catastrophic election of Donald Trump and a GOP Senate.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Listen to the Majority Report's full night of election coverage.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:17am EST

Professor Sam Wong from the Princeton Electoral Consortium, explains the methodology that Nate Silver is using in this election and why it isn't anti-Hillary, just pro frontrunner.  Why Hillary Clinton is almost certainly going to win the Presidency. How Donald Trump is contributing to social science research. The hot spots for getting out the vote. Will voter suppression hurt Democrats? Legal action against Republican suppression in North Carolina and keep and eye on New Hampshire and North Carolina.

Jack Hitt from Harpers Magazine calls in from North Carolina and reports that North Carolina voters are not that excited. How voter suppression works on the ground in North Carolin. What works for getting out the vote? The lack of excitement on the ground. The myth of undecided voter. The North Carolina Senate race is incredibly close.

On The Fun Half: James Comey clears Hillary Clinton again. No one tried to kill Donald Trump, but his supporters did beat up another silent protestor. Kellyanne Conway beefs with Jake Tapper. Donald Trump attacks Jay Z and Beyonce and Scottie Nell Hughes calls Molotov cocktails "mazel tov" cocktails. Barack Obama mocks Donald Trump. Trump is losing his mind. Ted Nugent is disgusting. Alex Jones gives an astute to read on Hillary Clinton. Sarah Palin is confused. and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to  You can also show your support by going to Thanks!

Check out today’s sponsors! Children International and

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EST

The Law might finally be catching up with Chris Christie and Sam is incredibly happy.

Cliff Schecter explains the corruption of the New York FBI Office and why it is targeting Hillary Clinton. Is the Presidential race getting closer? Is our Democracy under attack from the Republican Party? Will voter suppression win Wisconsin and North Carolina for the Republicans? Why Democrats need to get rid of the Filibuster. Is America headed to Civil War? And why the Clinton email scandal is a big nothing.

The Good Liars (Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler) who we have been following the whole elections cycle join us to discuss their new Netflix special Undecided. The Liars talk about shooting guns with Rick Santorum. The time Jeb Bush's campaign manager cursed the Good Liars. How the Good Liars fooled campaigns and when Carl Cameron lied on Fox News. The time the Liars went to Occupy. How a stunt with Donald Trump led to a full movie and why Jesse Waters is the worst.

Andy Kindler responds to Melania Trump calling out bullying on social media. Why Kindler hates CNN. Who has enabled Trump the most? Mark Halperin gets burned by Brian Williams. More Kindler Twitter battles. Trump's Hindi and Eric Trump thinks that David Duke deserves a 'bullet" in the head.

The Green Party isn't making a smart case. Peter Theil is dangerous and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors! Children International and


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Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EST

Professor Juan Cole of the University of Michigan and the creator of Informed Comment Blog explains the different factions fighting ISIL in Mosul. How ISIL is using Civilians as human shields. How many ISIL fighters are there in Mosul? The future of ISIL after it loses territory. What is Turkey's role in Iraq?  What Iraq's government needs to do to stop angering Sunnis. The four major parties in Iraq and why Iraq needs a labor party. Iran's role in Iraq and why Iraq's Shia Government is not particularly close to Iran. Why is Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen? Who are the Houthis. The air war against Houthis and why its a stupid and brutal strategy. Why is the United States backing Saudi Arabia in Yemen? And Hillary Clinton's traditional and regressive leadership in the Middle East.

Chris Cillizza's amazingly stupid pro-FBI column and Barck Obama calls out James Comey.

On The Fun Half: President Obama's awful response to the Dakota pipeline. Megyn Kelly confirms that Roger Ailes sexually harassed her. Donald Trump has an episode and Trump targets Katy Tur. David Duke talks "CNN Jews" and freaks out at a Senate debate in Lousiana.  Also your calls and IMs.

Check out today's sponsors here! Check out today’s sponsors! Children International, and Harry’ using code word MAJORITYREPORT

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

Nicholas Guyatt, a University Lecturer in American History at Cambridge University and author of Bind Us Apart: How Enlightened Americans Invented Racial Segregation,discusses the complexity of early American racial discrimination. How Illinois became an anti-Slave State. What is "Black Colonialism"? The distinction between American and British Anti-Slavery struggles. The movements to remove Native Americans and African Americans from America. Lincoln and Jefferson's race politics and class and race. Native American societies and Andrew Jackson's politics. Why White people fail the test of living in desegregated spaces and why today's racial politics is not as different today as it was in early American history.

On The Fun Half: Donald Tump hung out with a Mobster he pretended to never have met. He also hit on the gangster's daughter and the mafioso threatened to castrate Trump. Peter Beinart laughs in Corey Lewandowski's face. The new Wikileaks "blockbuster". Bobby Knight says there will be no "Bull Shit" in a Trump Administration. Chris Cuomo gets sexism. Sean Hannity gets all excited over a fake story and has to tweet an apology. Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate defends Hillary Clinton. White nationalists run robocalls for Trump and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors. Children International,, and use code Majority 


Direct download: 11-02-16-Nicholas_Guyatt-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

The history of the oil industry's intermingling with US intelligence and the subsequent history of colonialism, evident in the mentality of Energy Transfer Parters and the pipeline builders. How #NoDAPL represents "colonialism at home." The need for climate radicalism as opposed to spectatorship. How climate change will enter the system through the insurance industry. The geopolitical risks of China's plan to use Africa for future food growth. 

Check out

On the fun half: Trump stiffs his pollster, Ben Carson worries about tax return "flutter," Jeanine Pirro slams James Comey, Trump continues Hindu outreach, and your calls and IMs.,, and (Code:Majority)

Direct download: 11-01-16-Wes_Clark_Jr-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EST