Mon, 31 December 2018
Today, an interview with historian Anna-Lisa Cox on her new book, “The Bone and Sinew of the Land: America’s Forgotten Black Pioneers and the Struggle for Equality.” Cox uncovers the early history of America’s black frontiersman in the late 18th century, and what happened to what was once the largest area on earth set aside for equality in the NW territory (Ohio, Indiana, etc). Why white supremacist movements of the early 19th century were a response to black success and not black failure on the frontier. What America might look like had laws coded to privilege whites not destroyed the black frontier. The co-ed, interracial boarding schools of Indiana in the 1840s, started by African-American famers, and later burned down. Become a member at Check out today’s sponsors! Quip: Quip is an electric toothbrush that packs premium vibration and timer features into an ultra slim design that’s half the cost of bulkier brushes. Quip starts at just $25 and if you go to right now, you can get your first refill pack for FREE. Calm: We're excited to partner with Calm, the #1 app to help you meditate, sleep and relax. For a limited time, Majority Report listeners get 25% off a Calm premium subscription at CALM.COM/MAJORITY Check out the Majority Report Good Reads page! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at! The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn June 22 Dave Rubin Foolishly Tells Oxford 'Structural Racism' is Imaginary June 23 Libertarianism May Never Recover From Dave Rubin's Epic Stupidity June 30 FDR Calls The Show To Cheer Us All Up |
Fri, 28 December 2018
August 30, 2018 Emily Ogden talks to us about her book ‘Credulity: A Cultural History of US Mesmerism.’ Franz Mesmer’s animal magnetism as a “scientific” kind of folk magic. The relationship between mesmerists and debunkers. The parallels in “rationality as totemic device” between the mesmerists and the New Atheists. What to make of the dupes? Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at Human Rights Watch: if human rights are important to you, visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world. When you do, not only is your gift tax-deductible, it will be matched dollar for dollar until 2019! Check out the Majority Report Good Reads page! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at! The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn Franz Mesmer’s animal magnetism as a “scientific” for of folk magic. The relationship between mesmerists and debunkers. The parallels in “rationality as totemic device” between the mesmerists and the New Atheists. What to make of the dupes? June 1 How A Comedian Was Targeted By Feds For Joking About ICE June 15 Dave Rubin's Nonsense Brings Joe Rogan's Show To A Screeching Halt |
Thu, 27 December 2018
June 26, 2018 Dr. Henry Giroux, writer, cultural critic, and professor at McMaster University joins us to discuss his latest book, American Nightmare: Facing the Challenge of Fascism, a collection of essays that reckons with the swell of white-supremacy, anti-immigrant policy, and everyday-racism that has taken hold and prospered in our highest offices and permeated our mass culture. Giroux questions what it would take for Americans to stand up to such injustices and what we’re willing to give up before our democracy is rendered unrecognizable. Giroux details how fascism grows incrementally, with people living their daily lives until their basic liberties are taken away. If violence becomes the only resolution to our set of social problems, our neoliberal political landscape becomes inoperable. Our political language is more codified than ever, it’s a language that maintains power for political elites in Washington (hence Trump). Power is not just about domination, it’s about resistance. Operating at the local level is the beginning of political education. Bobby DeNiro calling Trump a jerk does nothing to change our politics. Younger generations have lived the consequences of Ronald Reagan’s conservatism and their ability to communicate via social media has given hope to an alternative to neoliberalism. The younger generations are offering community spaces and opportunities as tonics to endless capitalism and profit-making. Reforms are limited, but in the most immediate sense, they can save peoples’ lives. Check out today's sponsors: Honeybook is an all-in-one business management platform for creative small businesses. Get started at today, and use promo code MAJORITY for 50% off your first year. Grove: Whether it's cranberry sauce drops or your uncle's smelly socks, nothing cleans holiday messes like Mrs. Meyer's holiday scents. For a limited time, MR listeners will get Mrs. Meyer's holiday products, a 60-day VIP membership, and a surprise bonus gift FREE when you sign up and place an order of $20 or more. Visit to claim this offer! Check out the Majority Report Good Reads page! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at! The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn April 11 Sam Harris Lights Career On Fire In Ezra Klein Debate May 3 Caller's Epic Laundry List Of Majority Report Thank Yous May 17 Alex Jones Hilariously Runs Away from His Own Insane Fan |
Wed, 26 December 2018
4/6 Julie Wilson is an Associate Professor of Communication Arts at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania. She joins us today to discuss her new textbook, ‘Neoliberalism.’ What “neoliberalism” is and how it differs from classical liberalism. The role of the state in promoting neoliberalism via policy that privileges “free markets.” The different versions of neoliberalism advanced by Democrats and Republicans. The rise of neoliberalism in the late ’70s and early ’80s and how every president since Reagan has advanced it. The four D’s: dispossession, dis-imagination, de-democratization, and disposability. How social media and austerity train kids to think of themselves as market commodities who must compete with one other. How neoliberalism used the individualistic 1960s counter-culture for its own nefarious ends. How neoliberalism seeps into every aspect of our lives while simultaneously rendering itself invisible. The privatization of politics and what it means to be a neoliberal citizen. What we can do to resist neoliberalism in our everyday lives and become more communal and less alienated. Jan 8 Republican Responds To Harassment Allegations In The WORST Way Possible Feb 8 Jordan Peterson's Countdown To Total Meltdown Begins On Fox and Friends March 6 Friend Of The Show Jordan Peterson Calls In
Direct download: Wednesday_Julie_Wilson_Neoliberalism.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST |
Mon, 24 December 2018
Alex Pareene joins the show to reflect on 2018, a very normal year. Sam has a conspiracy theory on why Trump was able to get by for so long before this despite doing blatant crimes. Alex, Sam, Michael, and Matt all bet on whether Bernie will run. Become a member at Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at Check out the Majority Report Good Reads page! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at! The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 21 December 2018
![]() Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), Judy Gold (@JewdyGold), Film Guy Matthew Weiss (@langdonboom) and Isabel Gillies (@isabelgillies) join us for the final Casual Friday of 2018! On today's show: GoFundMe wall man says the wall is in our constitution. Benjamin P. Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), of Progressive Army and The North Star, joins us to discuss the latest news from Washington: Mattis resigns, Trump pulls out of Syria, and more. Stephen Miller goes full Stormfront (w/o spray hair), asks "how many people have to die?" before we build the wall. Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) joins us to wish this year good riddance. Trump explains why he needs wall funding in the spending budget: we'll be overrun by literal coyotes. Film Guy Matthew (@langdonboom) and Isabel Gillies (@isabelgillies) join us to give us some movie recommendations for the break, including: Roma, Ozark, and Amour. The crew also recommends Thomas Sunkara documentary Land of Upright Men, Narcos, Escape at Dannemora, and late capitalist masterpiece Spring Breakers. On the fun half: David Cicilline criticizes Kirstjen Nielsen for not knowing how many children have been separated at the border. Ted Lieu explains that immigrants commit less crime than native-born Americans. Louie Gohmert defends family separation, says it's what Mueller is doing to Manafort. Brian Kilmeade says Trump is "refounding ISIS." Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Human Rights Watch: if human rights are important to you, visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world• When you do, not only is your gift tax-deductible, it will be matched dollar for dollar until 2019! Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at Check out the Majority Report Good Reads page! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at! The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Thu, 20 December 2018
Joining Michael Brooks on today's program is Kelly Weill from the Daily Beast to discuss her latest deep dive into the alt-right, "How YouTube Built a Radicalization Machine for the Far-Right." While YouTube's algorithm can be a great tool to learn how to hang shelves or paint a wall properly, it can also radicalize gamer teens and draw them into far-right ideas before they even know it. And there's no way out of YouTube's algorithm--there is no opt-out. Weill's reporting delves into the company's business model and explains how the far right online community perpetuates and builds up an echo-chamber via the YouTube algorithm. Some of the subjects interviewed were teens when they began watching Call of Duty videos which led to atheism video and eventually from there to race science and ethno-nationalist content. Weill posits that YouTube's problem is not primarily its content, but rather how its algorithm promotes content--the most radical videos will keep you watching, and that's all the algorithm objective, to keep you online. Michael and Kelly then open up the conversation to regulating the digital media and social media spaces. How do we effectively regulate these monopolies? Nationalize them? Break them up? Government oversight? Finally, Michael and Kelly contemplate how platforms like YouTube have brought back certain questions that some time ago were exorcized from society. How do we draw the line between disengaging from these questions so as to not lend them credence while making sure that the vulnerable do not fall into the traps created by those with hateful ideologies? And in the Fun Half: forecasting the inevitable 2019 UK general election, Brian Kilmeade: Middle East Foreign Policy Expert, the Texas English curriculum, the challenges of deplatforming and the first amendment, Paul Ryan says Trump is rejecting the Senate's short term spending bill, an update on Lula's imprisonment, Steven Pinker loves the Niskanen centrist plan of action, Elon Musk's Boring Loop lives up to its name, Jordan Peterson cried after eating his cousin in a dream, plus your lovely calls and IMs! Become a member of the Majority Report today! Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019: Now sold out! The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Check out today's sponsors: is a totally free service that lets you buy anything online WITHOUT having to give out your credit card number, and lets you PREVENT companies from overcharging you. You can find out more and get 100% free and unlimited access by going to Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn Members watch the full episode here. |
Wed, 19 December 2018
![]() On today's show: Sam teases his debate with Brandon Straka of #WalkAway. Sarah Huckabee Sanders says we'll build the wall by taking funds from other departments. Fox and Friends guest Michael Goodwin suggests Trump voters crowdfund the wall. Jared Kushner gets behind federal prison reform because his dad is in federal prison. Ex-Republican explains why he walked away from the racist GOP. Elizabeth Warren introduces proposal to have the government make prescription drugs. On the fun half: Simone Sanders explains how the "crisis at the border" is right wing talking point. John from San Antonio shares a personal experience with the US healthcare system. The connection between the criminalization of migration, NAFTA, and declining wages. Mother Jones EIC Clara Jeffery spreads lies to undermine Bernie. Tucker Carlson defends his show as advertisers flee; should anyone on the left care about "slippery slope" arguments re: speech? Mollie Hemingway says there was no collusion in Russia because Trump has no business here's CNN's Chris Cuomo with a copy of a Moscow Tower letter of intent with Trump's signature. Judge Jeanine praises Flynn's judge. Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019: Now sold out! The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Check out today's sponsors: Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at is a totally free service that lets you buy anything online WITHOUT having to give out your credit card number, and lets you PREVENT companies from overcharging you. You can find out more and get 100% free and unlimited access by going to Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 18 December 2018
Journalist and author Rebecca Traister (@rtraister) joins us to discuss her latest book, 'Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger.' In this book, Traister traces the influence of female anger throughout US history. From the early suffragettes who marched on the White House, to the Lowell mill girls who contributed greatly to the US labor movement, to the #metoo movement and the Women's March, Traister traces how woman's anger has made a positive impact on US politics and society, despite being dismissed and delegitimized by a patriarchal culture. On the fun half: A roundtable discussion of de-platforming as a tool to fight fascism. Dave Rubin interviews self-hating Imam Mohammad Tawhidi. Joe Biden says billionaires aren't all bad guys...they're just as patriotic as the working class. Should Angela Nagle be shunned by the left for her terrible immigration take? Anand Giriharadas calls out EY for sponsoring Saudi Davos in the desert after Khashoggi killing. Plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Human Rights Watch: 2018 has been a difficult year for human rights. If human rights are important to you, visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world. StoryWorth makes it easy and fun for your loved ones to share their stories, so you can get to know them in a whole new way with questions you’ve never thought to ask. For $20 off, visit Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 17 December 2018
![]() Andrew Delbanco, professor of American Studies at Columbia University, joins us to discuss his book, The War Before the War: Fugitive Slaves and the Struggle for America’s Soul From the Revolution to the Civil War. On today's show: Giuliani has many gaffes...and here's a compilation of them! Judge Napolitano says Flynn was trapped, not entrapped. Andrew Delbanco, professor of American Studies at Columbia University, joins us to discuss his book, The War Before the War: Fugitive Slaves and the Struggle for America’s Soul From the Revolution to the Civil War. In this book, Delbanco tracks how fugitive slaves forced the northern states to recognize their role in the brutal institution of slavery. From the writing of the constitution onward, federal statutes contained many compromises and omissions where slavery was concerned. With the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, the north was forced to play a more active role in keeping people in chains, ultimately catalyzing wider opposition to slavery and hastening the dissolution of the union. On the fun half: Outgoing WI governor Scott Walker uses a nonsensical Venn diagram to justify the GOP's power grab. Stephen Miller says the ACA is unconstitutional...but not as unconstitutional as his goofy, spray-on hair. "Big, big victory": Trump reacts to judge ruling ACA unconstitutional. Amy Klobuchar explains why the GOP ACA lawsuit is bad for Americans, still won't come out in favor of Medicare-for-all. Stephen Miller says Trump would be happy to shut down the government for border wall, falsely invokes "the working class." TX elementary school speech pathologist fired for refusing to sign pro-Israel oath. NYC city council member asks Amazon reps why they need $3 billion tax incentive, helipad. Plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019: Now sold out! The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Check out today's sponsors: Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at is a totally free service that lets you buy anything online WITHOUT having to give out your credit card number, and lets you PREVENT companies from overcharging you. You can find out more and get 100% free and unlimited access by going to Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 14 December 2018
Digby (@digby56) and Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler ) join us. Bernie Sanders announces Yemen resolution, War Powers Act used for the first time. Heather "Digby" Parton (@digby56) joins us to break down the latest news from Washington. Kirstjen Nielsen blames migrants for 7-year-old's death. Will this be impetus for change? Michael Cohen sentenced to three years in prison. Judge Napolitano debunks all of Fox and Friends' Trump defenses. Andy Kindler (@andykindler) joins us for a classic Dennis Miller mock-a-thon. On the fun half: John Solomon claims someone threw a taco at him on his way to Fox Business studio. Cohen says history will look fondly upon him to "bring this country together." Michael Cohen says he must now be the hero: "this task has fallen on me." Toobin blasts Rick Santorum for hypocrisy of defending immoral Donald Trump. Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Brooklinen: Because Brooklinen works directly with manufacturers and customers, they are able to offer 5-star hotel quality sheets that are affordable and easy to order! Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code MAJORITY at Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 13 December 2018
Joining the Majority Report's Michael Brooks today to discuss MBS, Trump, and US-Turkey relations is Steven A. Cook, a senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Cook and Brooks look into how the Khashoggi murder has led to a large outpouring of moral outrage in DC and it has mobilized action against the Saudis actions in Yemen. But where was that outrage against the Saudis in 2015 when the war in Yemen began? Cook explains how the Houthis and Saudis have been opponents since the 1930s. Cook and Brooks then break down the US history and involvement in the Arabian peninsula and how the infamous underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, brought the Saudis war in Yemen to Obama's attention--precipitating American involvement in the Saudis' war. Cook also recounts his 2018 trip to Saudi Arabia and what Saudis thought about MBS, his plans for reform, and the war effort in Yemen prior to the Khashoggi killing. Cook was surprised to find out after the Khashoggi killing that Saudis saw criticism of MBS as typical behavior from the US media and an unfair treatment of their heir apparent. In his latest Foreign Policy piece, "Mohammed bin Salman Is Worse Than a Criminal. He’s a Symbol," Cook looks to explain to Saudis why Americans were outraged by the Khashoggi murder. According to Cook, MBS is stunned by the reaction to Khashoggi. Cook believes this might be the case because MBS and his leaders are closest advisors were not educated by leading western institutions like his predecessors and peers. Ideally, the Khashoggi murder should be a moment to shine a light on larger atrocities perpetrated by the Saudis, instead of a new low in what crimes America allows the Saudis to commit. Cook and Brooks wrap the interview looking forward to what's next in the Mueller probe as the investigation begins to explore the connections between Middle Eastern political operatives from the Saudis to the Emiratis and the Israelis. And in the Fun Half: Meek Mill's new album is a banger, Iran's human rights record is not the issue with Khashoggi, Trump the Speed Freak, how far the Mueller investigation will go, why Neera Tanden and Center for American Progress is giving Charles Murray's think tank (American Enterprise Institute) thousands of dollars, Elon on the verge of tears talking about freedom of speech, Jamie Dimon doesn't give a shit about you or your economy, corporate astroturf campaigns to kill Medicare for All, an update on Nigerian elections, plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Human Rights Watch is an independent, non-profit organization known for their accurate fact-finding, impartial reporting, and targeted advocacy—often in partnership with local activists and human rights groups. Visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world. Casper is a sleep brand that continues to revolutionize its line of products to create an exceptionally Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 12 December 2018
Sam debates libertarian politics with activist and presidential candidate Adam Kobkesh (@adamkokesh). On today's show: Trump says refugees and asylum seekers are bringing disease and illness...Trump wants legal immigraton (while shutting down all legal avenues). Claire McCaskill says Schumer is a great Senate minority leader because he lets members vote however they need to. Libertarian Adam Kokesh (@adamkokesh), of, joins us for a spirited exchange of ideas. Topics covered include: What do libertarians believe? What's their problem with the state's monopoly on violence? How do they propose to set up society in the absence of a centralized state authority? What does Sam find problematic about their political program? On the fun half: Ann Coulter says the Democratic Party is united by "hating white men." Michael Cohen is going to jail! Here's a CNN montage of GOP officials shrugging off Trump campaign finance crimes. Rep. Steve King asks Google CEO Sundar Pichai for names of employees to see if they're liberals, demands to know why his granddaughter's iPhone shows negative ads about him. NBC rehabs Nikki Haley, lets her explain how she was effective under Trump. Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 11 December 2018
New York Magazine's Eric Levitiz (@EricLevitz) joins us to discuss his latest piece, 'The GOP Is Making Its Contempt for Democracy Clear. Will the Mainstream Media?' On today's show: Sam takes apart Ezra Klein's mea culpa for being hoodwinked by Paul Ryan. Why did Klein take Ryan's "fiscal responsibility" seriously when others, like Paul Krugman, saw through it? Eric Levitz joins us to discuss his latest piece for New York Magazine, The GOP Is Making Its Contempt for Democracy Clear. Will the Mainstream Media? In this piece, Levitz explores how the media downplays GOP extremism, pointing the finger at news outlets that took the North Carolina GOP at its word when it asserted its efforts to disenfranchise voters were aimed at "fighting voter fraud." Given that one party is openly opposed to liberal democracy, Levitz argues, it's crucial for "objective" news sources to investigate their claims, rather than give them a neutral platform to spew extremist lies. Sam accepts Brandon Straka (of #WalkAway)'s challenge to go on his show and debate him. On the fun half: Dan Bongino fired from NRA TV; we recap his beef with Vic Berger. Trump threatens to shut down the government over the wall. (DO IT, says Jamie.) Jared Kushner says the White House has moved on from Khasshogi murder. In Brexit news, EU commission says they will not reintegrate; meanwhile, Teresa May hides in a car. The Mooch says he doesn't believe QAnon, then says sometimes Q is right. Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Quip! Go to right now, you get your first refill pack for FREE with a quip electric toothbrush. LiquidIV provides the same hydration as drinking 2-3 bottles of water! Go to and enter my promo code MAJORITY to get your savings and start getting better hydration. And ThirdLove: Using millions of real women’s measurements, ThirdLove designs its bras with breast size and shape in mind for an impeccable fit and incredible feel. Go to now to find your perfect-fitting bra... and get 15% off your first purchase. Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 10 December 2018
Bernard E. Harcourt (@BernardHarcourt), the Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, joins us to discuss his new book, 'The Counterrevolution: How Our Government Went to War Against Its Own Citizens.' On today's show: Gavin McInnes loses his CRTV show, is now unemployed. Fox and Friends say Trump can't fill vacancies because DC is expensive and government officials are underpaid. Bernard E. Harcourt (@BernardHarcourt), the Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, joins us to discuss his new book, 'The Counterrevolution: How Our Government Went to War Against Its Own Citizens.' In this book, Harcourt traces the origins of our current militarized police state back to counter-insurgency methods used by colonial powers like France against Maoist insurrections like the Algerian Revolution. These include torture, "total information," and the idea that an occupying force must win the "hearts and minds" of a country's civilian population. After 9/11, the US military adopted these tactics and used them domestically as well as abroad. On the fun half: Protesters interrupt "clean fossil fuels" panel at Poland Climate Summit. Fox News says there's no smoking gun after James Comey testimony...Trump tweets "no smocking gun" a few minutes later. Chuck Todd asks Tony Evers if he's reached out to Scott Walker and tried to negotiate with him. Drunk Columbia student cries over the accomplishments of the West in racist tirade. Rhode Island school system using collection agency to collect lunch debts. A libertarian argues with Sam about school lunches. Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Calming Comfort. The Calming Comfort Weighted Blanket comes with a 90-day, anxiety free, stress free, best night’s sleep of your life guarantee from Sharper Image: promo code “MAJORITY” Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at http://www.SKL.SH/Majority is a totally free service that lets you buy anything online WITHOUT having to give out your credit card number, and lets you PREVENT companies from overcharging you. You can find out more and get 100% free and unlimited access by going to Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 7 December 2018
Journalist David Dayen (@ddayen) joins us in studio. On today's show: Rex Tillerson uses rare public appearance to say Trump doesn't read. David Dayen (@ddayen) joins us to discuss the latest news from Washington, including: How the Trump White House is working to dismantle the CFPB, most recently via the appointment of Kathy Kraninger. How the White House's postal report gestures toward privatization. Postal banking: what is it? Shake up in the House: AOC and Barbara Lee could gain influential committee appointments; these battles as proxy for larger fights within the party. Is David part of the cabal trying to torpedo Beto 2020? Chris Matthews panel explains why progressive left needs to get in line behind Beto. Chris Hayes asks NC Republican Party executive director why GOP did not recognize rampant fraud. On the fun half: What purpose does social conservatism serve for the right and are socially progressive movements always going to undermine capitalism? American ambassador to Canada believes "both sides" on climate change. Medhi Hassan says it's weird how US press treats its elected officials. Trump on White House lawn announces plans to appoint Heather Nauert & Bill Bar. Plus, your phone calls! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Human Rights Watch: if human rights are important to you, visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world. Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at SKL.SH/Majority Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 6 December 2018
Daniel Bessner, professor at Washington University's Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies and author of Democracy in Exile, joins Michael Brooks to explains his vision of an authentically left-progressive foreign policy. Bessner and Brooks begin by explaining what happened at senator Bernie Sanders' Sanders Institute’s inaugural conference, where thought leaders like Fernando Haddad, Yanis Varofakis and Sanders laid out plans for an international coalition as a counterbalance to our highly nationalistic political moment. A big concern for Brooks is the axis of far-right governments taking power in the Caribbean and South America and their cozy relationship with our current leaders, specifically John Bolton. How would a left foreign policy reorient these relationships that are so grounded in imperialism and resource extraction? Progressive voices in America need to build coalitions and show solidarity with the working-class people and left politicians in countries like Brazil, and use our position in the world to enable it--while still being aware of the nature of an imperialist history. According to Bessner, investing in alternative energies in America would transform our policy in the Middle East. It would allow America to be less beholden to the Saudi family and allow the US to promote democratic and human rights values in Israel, Palestine, and beyond. An overarching theme Bessner wants progressives to remember is our own moral relativism throughout these foreign policy debates. In any scenario, we must be aware of our values and what we may be imposing on other people. And finally, Bessner and Brooks consider how changing a consumption-first mindset might underpin a robust left foreign policy. And in the Fun Half: how fascism is American Made, TBT Mark Blyth explains democracy in Brazil under Lula, Louie Gohmert reads lines from the Elders of Zion, Dan Bingo Bongo can't stand a migrant themed [checks notes] nativity scene? Friend of the show Nomiki Konst plays Tucker Carlson's game and wins, Mark Collett--a white nationalist--is a big fan of Tucker Carlson, how Marc Lamont Hill's blacklisting fits in with other black internationalists, autonomy in Asia countries, plus your calls and IMs! Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at SKL.SH/Majority Become a member of the Majority Report today! Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 5 December 2018
Juan Cole (@jricole), Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan and author of Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires, joins us. On today's show: Trump takes motorcade less than .1 miles from White House to Bush family service. Juan Cole (@jricole), Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan, joins us to discuss his new book, Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires. In this book, Professor Cole investigates the claim that Islam and its teachings are violent. Through detailed historical research, he tracks the life of the prophet Muhammad and the founding of Islam to show that Islam was very much founded around ideas of peace at an extremely violent time in history. For more of Professor Cole's writing, check out his blog at On the fun half: A caller claims Beto is better than "liar" AOC. Lindsey Graham says "there's a smoking saw" after meeting with Gina Haspel re: Khashoggi murder. Laura Ingraham compares protesting confederate statues to ISIS tearing down antiquity cities. Tucker Carlson suggests the government wants immigrants to "replace" Americans, sets up immigration and welfare state as mutually exclusive. Giuliani believes someone hacked his Twitter feed. RNC hacked; Trump in July talking about DNC security problems: "an embarrassment." Lawyers discuss next steps in Epstein case after settlement. AOC on climate action and the need for a Green New Deal. Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors! Brooklinen works directly with manufacturers and customers so they are able to offer 5-star hotel quality sheets that are affordable and easy to order! Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code MAJORITY at Skillshare is a vibrant online learning community that offers courses on everything from design, to video editing, photography, business, technology, cooking, meditation… and everything in between. Get TWO whole months of totally free access to Skillshare’s entire library of courses and tutorials at SKL.SH/Majority is a totally free service that lets you buy anything online WITHOUT having to give out your credit card number, and lets you PREVENT companies from overcharging you. You can find out more and get 100% free and unlimited access by going to Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 4 December 2018
Good morning everyone, on today's show Mother Jones writer Ari Berman (@AriBerman) joins us. First, Joy Behar and Meghan McCain get into a shouting match after Joy suggest HW Bush was better on the environment than Trump. Then, Ari Berman outline the desperate measure the GOP is using to hold on to their footholds in the Midwest and the South. How the media is unprepared for the nakedly anti-democratic nature of the GOP. The almost certainly criminal election fraud undertaken by North Carolina republicans, collecting and trashing absentee ballots of black voters. Why Republicans are just getting started in places like Ohio. Are democrats conscious of the severity of the GOP threat to democracy and do they have a plan to combat it? On the fun half - Is the GOP's anti-democracy agenda to complex for people to follow? Sam Seder assesses his performance in the 2018 election and what it means for him vs. Virgil Texas in 2022. Wisconsin Republicans are anti-democratic criminals. Steve Scalise repeats lie about ten terrorists crossing the border every day. Trudeau calls Trump "Donald." Gorka calls Khashoggi a close friend of Bin Laden. Pamela Anderson has the last word on the Paris Riots. Plus your calls and IMs! Check out today's sponsors: The New Yorker: With this special offer, you’ll receive 12 issues for just $6, plus get the exclusive New Yorker tote bag go to! Shop your favorite scents at! Nothing cleans holiday messes like Mrs. Meyer's holiday scents – available in Iowa Pine, Peppermint, and Orange Clove. For a limited of time, listeners will get Mrs. Meyer’s Holiday products, a 60-day VIP membership, and a surprise bonus gift FREE when you sign up and place an order of $20 or more. TMR. And Mrs Fields Cookies: Show your appreciation for anyone on your list by treating them to a gift from Mrs. Fields. Right now, get 20% off your order when you go to MrsFieldscom and enter promo code MAJORITY Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Become a member of the Majority Report! Here Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 3 December 2018
Independent journalist Marcy Wheeler (@emptywheel) joins us. On today's show: MBS shakes Putin's hand at G-20 summit while Trump looks on jealously. Trump looks over at Peña Nieto and Trudeau before signing USMCA, says "let's go." Marcy Wheeler (@emptywheel), of, joins us to discuss the latest news on the Mueller investigation: The collapse of Paul Manafort's plea deal, Manafort's prison options (if he goes), the role of Michael Cohen, Jerome Corsi's cameo, the Guardian's flawed report on Manafort's link to Julian Assange, and what to look for going forward. On the fun half: George HW Bush falls over vomiting at meal with Japanese PM Kiichi Miyazawa (RIP). Dan Bongino says most refugees are not asylum seekers, they're economic opportunists. Stuart Varney threatens the America left, says welfare state and dealing w/ climate change will only cause riots. Seth Moulton calls AOC's tweet in defense of Nancy Pelosi "offensive." Fox and Friends have on cop to talk about the dangers of reefer madness. Plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: ExpressVPN shields your online activity from internet and mobile providers. To take back your Internet privacy TODAY and find out how you can get 3 months free, go to Harry's Razors: As a special offer for fans of the show, we’ve partnered with Harry’s to give you $5 off ANY shave set, including our limited-edition holiday sets, when you go to Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 30 November 2018
![]() Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon, co-founder of The North Star, and Film Guy Matthew Weiss (@langdonboom), join us. On today's show: Sam sets a right winger straight re: his "suicide may be the only option" comments. Kid Rock says we can disagree and still be cordial but "screw that Joy Behar bitch." Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) joins us to discuss the latest news from Washington. Updates on the Mueller investigation: is Mueller setting a perjury trap for Trump? Joe Crowley undermined Barbara Lee's campaign for House Democratic caucus chair on his way out...sour grapes, much? And Chuck Schumer continues to be hopeless. Check out Ben's new project at! Film Guy Matthew (@langdomboom) joins us for some Casual Friday movie talk. The crew discusses Matt's master list of film picks, which can be found here. Can the crew still watch Woody Allen movies without feeling grossed out? Matt's pick for today: "Manlife," a documentary about a quasi-socialist movement that began in the Great Depression and eventually turned into a creepy religious cult. Take note, DSA. On the fun half: Trump on Cohen's "Moscow Project" plea: "I was allowed to do whatever I wanted." Laura Loomer wears a Star of David, handcuffs herself to the NY Twitter office because she's being persecuted...for her racist tweets. Dave Rubin and Tucker Carlson say it's wrong for the left to claim Rudolph is about bigotry. Sam kicks off this year's War on Christmas with a clip from an old CNN appearance. Obama now wants credit for boom in US oil production: "That was me, people." Paul Ryan whines about "ballot harvesting" in midterms. Become a member at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get tickets to Reds Need Green, a DSA fundraising party featuring a live performance by Shilpa Ray, here. Get 30% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate all month long at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Thu, 29 November 2018
Journalist Mike Mariani (@MikesMariani) joins us to discuss his latest piece in GQ, "The Would-Be Terrorist vs. the FBI." On today's show: Trump says Michael Cohen is "a weak person" for taking another plea deal. Back in October: Eric Trump says Trump, Inc. had no business in Russia and KSA. Journalist Mike Mariani (@MikesMariani) joins us to discuss his latest piece in GQ, "The Would-Be Terrorist vs. the FBI." In this piece, Mariani tells the story of Matthew Llaneza, a marginalized and mentally ill young man who was ensnared by an FBI anti-terror sting. After a stint in prison, Llaneza found work with a man who turned out to be an FBI informant. Over time, the informant ensnared him in a bizarre terror plot tailor-made to his particular psychology. Llaneza is just one of hundreds of people who've been targeted by FBI terror stings since 9/11. Mariani goes over the legal, media, and institutional reasons for this injustice. On the fun half: Sinclair Media tries to distance itself from Boris Epshteyn's commentary on immigrants. Why isn't Mike Cernovich reporting on Jeffrey Epstein? Bolsonaro salutes John Bolton as he arrives in Brazil. Noam Chomsky on Bolsonaro and Lula. Bernie explains the next steps after Yemen procedural vote. Pompeo says there's no direct evidence of MBS's involvement in Khasshogi murder. Ivanka Trump on her wellness in Washington. Ben Shapiro does not understand economics or climate change. Plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsor, Human Rights Watch: If human rights are important to you, visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world. Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get tickets to Reds Need Green, a DSA fundraising party featuring a live performance by Shilpa Ray, here. And check out THEY ARE WATCHING: A Panel on Cointelpro tonight, 11/29! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Wed, 28 November 2018
![]() Stephen Walt (@stephenWalt), Professor of International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School and author of The Hell of Good Intentions: America's Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy, joins us. On today's show: Sam celebrates the one-year anniversary of Mike Cernovich's failed attempt to take him down. Stephen Walt, Professor of International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School, joins us to discuss his new book, The Hell of Good Intentions: America's Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy. In 1992, the Cold War was over and many anticipated the United States would preside over a new era of peace and prosperity. But that has not happened; in fact, quite the opposite. This failure, Walt argues, has been due to overzealousness on the part of bipartisan foreign policy elites to spread liberal values throughout the world and an unwillingness to hold people like John Bolton accountable for their mistakes. On the fun half: Geraldo Rivera slams Fox News over coverage of migrant caravan being tear-gassed. Fox host: Cindy Hyde-Smith's "public hanging" comments aren't racist because she didn't say "lynching." Brian Kilmeade shocked GOP tax cuts led to GM job losses. Fox's Charles Payne fears capitalism is in trouble because Americans will see companies post record earnings amid massive layoffs and elect "a straight-up socialist." Bernie Sanders says war in Yemen is unconstitutional, issues call to action on Senate floor. British school boys beat up Syrian refugee. Boris Johnson's embarrassing outtakes prove he knows nothing. Michigan college hands out hockey pucks for kids to stop mass shooters with. Joe Rogan explains why Gavin McInnes is leaving the Proud Boys, gets some things wrong. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor, Brooklinen: Founded in early 2014, Brooklinen is the fastest-growing bedding brand in the world – with over 30,000 five-star reviews and half a million happy sleepers and counting. Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code MAJORITY at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get tickets to Reds Need Green, a DSA fundraising party featuring a live performance by Shilpa Ray, here. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 27 November 2018
Alyshia Galvez (@alyshiagalvez), author of 'Eating NAFTA: Trade, Food Policies, and the Destruction of Mexico,' joins us. Sam answers a listener's question on the pitfalls of economic nationalism. Trump promises no auto plant closures in Michigan in 2016, the same thing to folks in Youngstown, OH in 2017. Paul Manafort thinks he's getting pardoned by Donald Trump, probably broke his plea deal. Alyshia Galvez (@alyshiagalvez) joins us to discuss her new book, 'Eating NAFTA: Trade, Food Policies, and the Destruction of Mexico,' in which Galvez examines the impact of NAFTA on the people of Mexico. By flooding Mexico with cheap corn and other goods from the US, NAFTA impacted many areas of life including nutrition, culture, and the ability of subsistence farmers to make a living in their communities. Galvez breaks down some of NAFTA's "sacred ideas" and makes the case for a trade policy based around human needs, rather than profits for the global 1%. On the fun half: First Ole Miss Rhodes scholar calls out Cindy Hyde Smith as racist. Tomi Lahren rants about asylum seekers who are ungrateful for the help offered to them. MSNBC reporter debunks GOP claims that the caravan is violent. Boris Epshteyn justifies teargassing the people in the caravan. Trump says he doesn't believe the climate change report. Tom Delay says the national climate assessment is "a disgrace." Stefan Molyneux advocates for Poland and the white ethno-state. Do Democrats need to make a better case to the white working class? Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Get Sam's favorite toothbrush: Go to right now to get your first refill pack for FREE with a Quip electric toothbrush. And StoryWorth makes it easy and fun for your loved ones to share their stories, so you can get to know them in a whole new way with questions you’ve never thought to ask. For $20 off, visit Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 26 November 2018
David Dayen joins Sam to discuss his recently published piece in the Intercept, "House Progressives are Facing an Unexpected Problem in their Quest for Committee Power." Dayen lays out the recent history of the Progressive Caucus and illustrates how it's growing--it will be three times the size of the Freedom Caucus when it entered the House in 2011. Considering that Pelosi needs virtually every Democrat to vote for her on the floor; Progressives recognized this and made a power play--they wanted leadership roles on all domestic policy committees. Roads to progressive legislation like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, or expanded Social Security run through these committees. Placing Progressives in these committees will reshape the types of legislation brought to a vote under a future Democratically controlled Congress and Executive branch. Dayen and Sam break down why Progressives in the past have not been able to enact meaningful legislation in the House--Dayen believes it's a long-standing practice of self-selection, where Progressives flock to the Judiciary committee and New Democrats maximize their power on financial committees. How can we on the outside effect these inside deals? Dayen believes it's on the media and constituents to talk about it, which in turn will pressure on our elected officials. And in the Fun Half: our takeaways from the National Climate Assessment, Rick Santorum is giddy that the Trump administration released the NCA report on Black Friday, an AEI VP declares she's not a doctor and then obfuscating the NCA report, how the oil lobby owns the GOP and Mike Lee illustrates that case and point, the fallacy of "Innovation," Bernie's new book is out tomorrow, showing family members the Brett Kavanaugh hearing, why the asylum process has always been a problem, the sexual anxiety of alt-right bigots, Gavin explains why he's stepping down from the Proud Boys and also why white supremacy is not real, and the big electoral wins in Minnesota. Plus your calls and IMs. Check out today's sponsors: Blue Apron delivers fresh, perfectly portioned ingredients that you can use to cook incredible, restaurant-quality meals in as little as 20 minutes – right to your door! That’s BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY to get your first 3 meals free. The Calming Comfort Weighted Blanket comes with a 90-day, anxiety free, stress free, best night’s sleep of your life guarantee from Sharper Image: Calming Comfort promo code “MAJORITY”. Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. The Michael Brooks Show live! @ The Bell House, February 1st 2019, Pre-order tickets here Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 23 November 2018
Today, Alex Rosenblat, researcher for Data & Society, joins us to discuss her new book "Uberland: How Algorithms Are Rewriting the Rules of Work." How Uber's incentive structure inserts itself into drivers' lives despite the initial promise of super-flexible hours. How conscious are drivers of the false-promise of "ride-sharing" as far as democratizing the economy. The regional difference between professionalized cities like NYC and smaller cities with less of an entrenched taxi industry. How and why Uber sells the idea that drivers are entrepreneurs. Become a member of the Majority Report today at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. Check out today's sponsor: to earn cash back at over 5000 stores and get a $10 bonus when you join for free. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 21 November 2018
Before the MR Crew heads to Mar-A-Lago for Thanksgiving, we brief you on the latest stories including Trump using the DOJ to target political enemies, Matt Whitaker's dark money slush fund, and how Trump's acceptance of the Khasshogi killing green lights murder for the world's autocrats. We're live at 12:00 pm EST. We begin with a clip where Ben Sasse stinks it up on late night, stating the government should function "as the founders intended." Sam then breaks down how the right wing media is portraying Trump's MBS pardon in the Khasshogi murder. Then, we head up to Massachusetts watch Seth Moulton's constituents boo him as the congressman tries to explain his relentless opposition Nancy Pelosi. Finally, a special guest, GOP Senate candidate Cindy Hyde-Smith calls into the program to tell us about her debate last night and why she read straight from her notes. Sam then asks Hyde-Smith if she thinks he has a chance in his 2022 primary challenge against Chuck Schumer. And in Fun Half: Raygun has a bone to pick with Sam, Sam's 2022 Senate campaign video is bringing MR fans to tears, Sam talks Worcester with a caller, Steny Hoyer is a corporatist and we should focus progressive power on keeping him from becoming majority leader, an ex-libertarian caller explains how Ayn Rand turned him off libertarianism, a black caller thought Matt was black, eastern California is the state's last bastion of Republicanism, the GOP has no real morals, and student debt forgiveness is not a moral hazard. Plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, January 13th, 2019 at 2:30 PM. You can pre-order tickets here. Check out today's sponsor: Human Rights Watch: 2018 has been a difficult year for human rights. If human rights are important to you, visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world. Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 20 November 2018
Professor Bernard L. Fraga (@blfraga) joins us on today's show to discuss his new book, The Turnout Gap: Race, Ethnicity, and Political Inequality in a Diversifying America. We're live at 12:00 pm ET. Professor Fraga explains that there is a lack of mobilization of racial and ethnic minority groups in the American electorate. Specifically, Democratic candidates are not reaching out enough to Latino, African American, and Asian American voters. In most districts, candidates understand through basic demographics, white voter turnout is the decisive factor in a candidate's respective race. However, Fraga shows the stunning disparity in turnout between the white and minority voters. Election campaigns have become more racialized and now Democrats, who hold a smaller share of the white electorate, need to be more present in minority communities. Republicans doubled down on white identity campaign rhetoric to turn out the large coalitions of white voters in very white states like WI, MI, PA, and OH. Fraga also reflecting on the midterms, voter suppression and election stealing, arguing that these things are happening in states where turnout is high and minority communities are mobilized in the electorate. If the Democratic Party believes its future is bright in a minority-majority America, they need to begin advocating for that national vision now. And in the Fun Half: Stacey Abrams defends her accusations of voter suppression, Katherine Harris left us a bunch of weird voicemails, Trump's coalition continues to shock listeners, the failures of billionaires and their toxic mythos, Sam's Democratic Socialist fantasies, why AOC and Justice Democrats will continue to primary liberal candidates, Fox News thinks AOC is the Steve Bannon of the left, Ivanka's emails are not news, POC Ben Shapiro is all the rage, the GOP would own federal ballot initiative, a new lens to consider Bolsonaro's election. Plus your calls and IMs! Become a member of the Majority Report today at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. Check out today's sponsor: eero: Life’s too short for bad WiFi... Thankfully, the eero Home WiFi System brings you a fast, reliable connection in every room of the house. Never think about WiFi again! Get $100 off the “Eero base unit and 2 beacons package” and a year of eero plus. Just visit and enter the code MAJORITY at checkout. Mrs. Fields: Mrs. Fields has made delicious treats for over 40 years, from their signature chocolate chip cookies, to hand-crafted frosted favorites and melt-in-your mouth brownies. Mrs. Fields gourmet gift tins and baskets make the perfect present to surprise and delight anyone on your list this season. Right now, get 20% off your order when you go to and enter promo code MAJORITY Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 19 November 2018
Michael D'Antonio joins the program to discuss his latest book, The Shadow President: The Truth About Mike Pence. Mike Pence has had his sights sent on the presidency since beginning his career in politics. D'Antonio believes Mike Pence is the most powerful "Christian supremacist" in American history. Pence grew up in a typical New Deal Irish Catholic family before becoming an Evangelical christian and launching a career as an AM talk radio host who railed about homosexuals and extramarital affairs in the military. As a legislator for in 10 years in the House, Pence did not sponsor a single bill which later became law--but he was a great fundraiser. His fundraising prowess made him many friends on Capitol Hill and helped parlay his greater political ambitions. After being elected in deep-red Indiana, he set about passing conservative christian laws (namely, RFRA) that most Hoosiers did not support. D'Antonio describes Pence's style of uncompromising governing as one that vacillates between dogmatically christian and mercenarily hard-core conservative. Given his less-than-mediocre track record, how did he end up as Trump's vice president? D'Antonio believes it's a combination of his relationship to the donor class and the christian right's belief that Pence is destined to assume the presidency--in the meantime Pence plays the roll of Daniel to Trump's Cyrus, to put it in biblical terms. Even still, given the amount of chaos in the White House, does Pence have a plan to accelerate his ascent to the presidency? D'Antonio thinks so--he sees real potential in a Pence/Haley 2024 ticket--the Trump presidency is not the final chapter of Mike Pence's political career. And in the Fun Half: Would Sam be the face of Arby's net national ad campaign? Why Nancy Pelosi's proposed tax measures will hurt progressive causes, Sam to debate libertarian YouTube host Adam Kokesh, Mike Lee lets his libertarian freak flag fly at the Federalist Society, the coming civil war between the conservative and progressive political factions, an awesome MAGA tattoo, Ohio is gerrymandered to hell and its newest legislation is terrifying, a Kansas county commissioner's musings on the "master race," how utility subsidies and monopolies hurt consumers and constituents, the whisper campaign has begun--Seder Schumer primary 2020? Trump's new epistemological take on the Khasshogi murder, the student loan crisis will continue to become a greater issue, why progressives prefer Richard Ojeda to Kamala Harris. Plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, January 13th, 2019 at 2:30 PM. You can pre-order tickets here. Check out today's sponsor: Human Rights Watch: 2018 has been a difficult year for human rights. If human rights are important to you, visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world. Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 16 November 2018
![]() It's Casual Friday here on the Majority Report and joining Michael Brooks are friends of the show Ana Kasparian of the Young Turks and comedy writer David Feldman of the David Feldman Show. Michael and Ana break down the midterm results and evaluate what the new class of progressive Democrats can do in next year's new majority house. How do progressives work pragmatically with the Democratic establishment in a productive manner without losing their convictions won in the 2018 midterms. Ana and Michael discuss the New York Times' bombshell Facebook report and debunk the myth of the "liberal" Silicon Valley corporations. The belief that Silicon Valley is a vanguard of moral capitalism is no longer fantasy, it's delusion. David Feldman thinks he's on with Sam only to find out it's Michael hosting today--he says he'll never another MR program again. Feldman lays out his media critique, journalistic outlets are not educating us, they're simply feeding the spectacle of Trump with an occasional segment where they fact-check habitual liars. On the democratic party, Feldman says it is time to fight like a dysfunctional family where the world outside thinks we're the ideal American family. However, there is hope in the incoming freshman can bring that fight. Feldman shares his most recent work with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and what it was like to meet Ted Cruz--who actually turned out to be charming. Feldman explains how his old boss, Dennis Miller, with his decent into marginalized, bigoted madness, is performing the most high-concept satirical comedy we've ever seen--hilarious stuff. As for this week's movie recommendation, Feldman says Diabolique is a can't miss. And in the Fun Half: Raygun wants to know how big a payday would Michael need to be the face of Arby's, how can progressives address Democratic Machine states, Ilhan Omar points out the double standard when a minority represents a majority white district, Jack Posobiec's Game of Thrones erotica featuring Donald Trump and Sansa Stark, Lou Dobbs' misinformation campaign is essentially elder abuse, Pod Save America are who we thought they were, Michael updates us on the state of the Brazilian politics, the problem with addressing racism with class arguments, plus your calls and IMs! Become a member of the Majority Report here. Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Show live show with Bhaskar Sunkara, Alyona Minkovski and T (Trevor Beaulieu) at the Bell House on February 1st in Brooklyn. Get your tickets here! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Direct download: 11-16-18-Ana_Kasparian-David_Feldman-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST |
Thu, 15 November 2018
![]() On today's Majority Report, UChicago Law Professor and former SCOTUS clerk, Justin Driver joins the program to talk about his new book The Schoolhouse Gate: Public Education, the Supreme Court, and the Battle for the American Mind. In the book, Driver gives an engaging and alarming book that aims to vindicate the rights of public school students, which have so often been undermined by the Supreme Court in recent decades. Driver recounts the hallmark cases that have influenced both education policy and our understanding of the first amendment of our constitution. Driver also explains how Brown v. Board unanimous decision set of a fierce debate about how we understand integration and equality in our public schools. We're headed into an era where principals of previous ruled-upon cases are being reinterpreted by ideology in our newly confirmed conservative court system. Sam and Driver breakdown the idea of racial protection in the face constitutional colorblindness after decades of Justice Scalia and Thomas presiding over the court. The two end the interview discussing what we can do about the grim reality where corporal punishment is allowed in schools in 19 states across the country. Today's sponsors:
Become a member of the Majority Report here. Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Show live show with Bhaskar Sunkara, Alyona Minkovski and T (Trevor Beaulieu) at the Bell House on February 1st in Brooklyn. Get your tickets here! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 14 November 2018
Marcy Wheeler (@emptywheel), independent journalist at, joins us. On today's show: Stuart Varney drags AOC on Amazon, says "the young lady does not understand growth." Marcy Wheeler (@emptywheel), independent journalist at, joins us to discuss the latest on the Mueller investigation, including Jeff Sessions' firing, the potential number of indictments coming down the pike, and how Trump's decision to install loyalist Matt Whitaker as Sessions' replacement (and Mueller's boss) could backfire on him. The incoming House reps for the Democrats vs. the GOP: spot the differences. On the fun half: Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) talks voter suppression in GA, says Republicans "can't win elections fairly." Ainsley Earhardt says elections are less fun when they aren't called on election night. Matt Schlapp says the Florida recount is a "test run" for stealing the 2020 election for Trump. Mehdi Hassan of Al Jazeera breaks down Trump's lies in interview with Trump 2020 campaign staffer. Oklahoma state football coach Mike Gundy blames transfers on "liberalism" and "the snowflake." Mindy on the PA electorate. Two fan-created MR bingo cards! Become a member at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Show live show with Bhaskar Sunkara, Alyona Minkovski and T (Trevor Beaulieu) at the Bell House on February 1st in Brooklyn. Get your tickets here! Check out today's sponsors! Quip was designed to make brushing your teeth more simple, affordable and even enjoyable: Quip starts at just $25 and if you go to right now, you get your first refill pack for FREE with a Quip electric toothbrush. And: Calming Comfort by Sharper Image is the luxurious weighted blanket that helps you relax so you can fall asleep and stay asleep, naturally. Right now, just for our listeners you can go to Calming Use Promo Code “MAJORITY” at checkout to receive fifteen percent off the displayed price. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 13 November 2018
John Sides (@johnmsides), professor of political science at George Washington University and co-author of Identity Crisis: The 2016 Presidential Campaign and the Battle for the Meaning of America, joins us. On today's show: Andrew Gillum talks Florida 2002 documentary. John Sides (@johnmsides), professor of political science at George Washington University, joins us to discuss his new book, Identity Crisis: The 2016 Presidential Campaign and the Battle for the Meaning of America. For this book, Sides researched voters' beliefs about how much the Democratic Party's policies helped black Americans, and found they grew substantially after Obama's 2008 election. Sides posits that Obama's election racialized US politics n a way they had not been previously, causing race, immigration and religion to play a major role in the 2016 presidential election. In the fun half: AOC visits climate change protest in Pelosi's office. Amazon comes to NYC, granting Cuomo's wish for upward redistribution. Trumpy Bear: the hottest Xmas gift for QAnon truthers. Hyde Smith refuses to apologize for joking about "public hanging" in a state known for lynchings. Mike from PA calls in to report back on races in his state, call out Democratic Party and union officials who endorsed a GOP candidate. A caller discusses the "should we be socialists?" panel Sam hosted and the flawed understanding behind the statement "I don't want the government to make my shoes." Become a member at Majority Report LIVE @ THE BK PODFEST, 2:30 PM January 13th, 2019. You can pre-order tickets here. Check out today's sponsors: Human Rights Watch! 2018 has been a difficult year for human rights. If human rights are important to you, visit to make a donation and support its vital work around the world. ThirdLove: Using millions of real women’s measurements, ThirdLove designs its bras with breast size and shape in mind for an impeccable fit and incredible feel, LiquidIV: With 5 essential vitamins, it also has more Vitamin C than an orange and as much potassium as a banana. Go to LiquidIV.COM, and enter my promo code MAJORITY to get your savings and start getting better hydration. Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Show live show with Bhaskar Sunkara, Alyona Minkovski and T (Trevor Beaulieu) at the Bell House on February 1st in Brooklyn. Get your tickets here! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 12 November 2018
![]() Yochai Benkler (@YochaiBenkler), Berkman Professor of Entrepreneurial Legal Studies at Harvard Law School, joins us to discuss his new book, Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics. On today's show: Trump thanks WW2 veterans, says "you look so comfortable" under rain shelter. Macron denounces nationalism as "a betrayal of patriotism" in rebuke to Trump at WW2 remembrance. Yochai Benkler (@YochaiBenkler), Berkman Professor of Entrepreneurial Legal Studies at Harvard Law School, joins us to discuss his new book, Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics. For this book, Benkler studied media coverage of American presidential politics from the start of the election cycle in April 2015 to the one year anniversary of the Trump presidency. He found the right wing media was largely cordoned off from the center and the left, that center-to-left people had a much more diverse media diet than the right, and that right wing media was not constrained by journalistic standards like "truth." From technology to corporate monopolies, Benkler goes over the reasons for this divide, and posits some ideas for how to fix it. 50% of Republicans still trust the mainstream media, says Benkler, so maybe that's a good place to start. On the fun half: Cory Gardner defends his organization's accusation that "AZ election officials are cooking the books." Lou Dobbs says early voting leads to fraud, backs it up with nothing. Broflamingo from Las Vegas on racism and the right. MS GOP candidate says she'd attend a public hanging if her black opponent invited her. Danny in AZ discusses voting for the lesser evil as civic duty, not self expression. A caller tries to stump Jamie with a question on post-capitalist governance. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors! Harry's: Go to to get $5 OFF a shave set while supplies last! With one click, ExpressVPN shields your online activity from internet and mobile providers. To take back your Internet privacy TODAY and find out how you can get 3 months free, go to ZipRecruiter doesn’t depend on candidates finding you, it finds them for you. Its powerful matching technology scans thousands of resumes and identifies people with the right skills, education, and experience for your job: Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Show live show with Bhaskar Sunkara, Alyona Minkovski and T (Trevor Beaulieu) at the Bell House on February 1st in Brooklyn. Get your tickets here! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 9 November 2018
Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) and Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) join us for Casual Friday. On today's show: Trump "regrets" his "tone" over the past two years. Trump blasts "disgrace" Jim Acosta, "loser" April Ryan, suggests more reporters could lose credentials. Trump tells black CNN reporter Abby Phillips she "asks a lot of stupid questions." Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) joins us to discuss midterm election results and more. The need for structural reforms in campaign finance, gerrymandering and how elections are run. How do we get Democrats who will fight? Are there reasons to be hopeful? Signs of progressive shifts in deep red states. The history of black radicalism and the need for progressives who can speak to the black community and grassroots movements that can move the Democrats to the left. The importance of Florida. Check out Ben's new project The North Star! Trump says Mueller didn't go through Senate process and Whitaker did, so he's better. Seb Gorka: "direct line" between Jim Acosta's behavior and Tucker Carlson protest. Did antifa use the wrong tactics with Tucker Carlson? Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) joins us for one of her semi-regular, profanity-laden rants. Trump says he didn't know Matt Whitaker and he's strong and respected by law enforcement. Judy's special wishes for Trump, Lindsey Graham, Chris Christie, and more. Super-producer Matt Lech's Twitter war with Boris Epshteyn. On the fun half: John from San Antonio on the Democrats' electoral strategy. Whitaker says Russian interference is a lie. Whitaker says Sessions' recusal was because of outrage from the left. Whitaker says only Christians should be judges in 2014. How likely are the Democrats to introduce a house of commons to better represent the working class? (Not very.) AOC can't afford an apartment in DC and Fox News assholes think that's hilarious. Conservatives' extremely racist protest of the recount in Florida. Mindy wants Democrats to be less timid. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor: Casper is a sleep brand that continues to revolutionize its line of products to create an exceptionally comfortable sleep experience, one night at a time. Get $50 toward select mattresses by visiting and using MAJORITY at checkout. Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Show live show with Bhaskar Sunkara, Alyona Minkovski and T (Trevor Beaulieu) at the Bell House on February 1st in Brooklyn. Get your tickets here! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 8 November 2018
On today’s show, Joseph Cirincione (@Cirincione), President of the Ploughshare Fund, joins Michael to discuss the future of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and why elected officials on both sides of the aisle are pleading with President Trump and John Bolton to keep the 30 year old Cold War treaty in tact. We’re live at 12:00 pm EST. Joseph Cirincione of the Ploughshares Fund joins us to breakdown the history of nuclear and intercontinental missiles and how close we have gotten to using these weapons of mass destruction during the Cold War. Cirincione says there have been a dozen times where human error has brought us to the brink of nuclear annihilation–reason enough for both Democratic and Republican presidents to reduce our nuclear weapons for the better part of the last 50 years. However, that reduction process has stopped, and John Bolton has been at the forefront of ramping up ballistic missile production. Cirincione says the Democratic party’s gains in the House will help as a check against Bolton and the Trump administration and can lay the groundwork for the next set of denuclearization policies for America’s national security. Historically, the military has supported agreements like the INF treaty which allows them to monitor Russian arms and keep our national security abreast of what is happening with our adversaries. Cirincione says the current dialogue in Washington regarding nuclear arms and national security are basically recycled ideas from the 1950s–nukes everywhere. The current conservative call for nuclear proliferation goes had in had with the GOP’s border policy, practices of voter disenfranchisement, and calls for “law and order”: a drive for white American global hegemony. Meanwhile, in North Korea, Cirincione says progressives need to put aside their criticisms of Trump and root for the President to make further progress on a nuclear peace deal in North Korea–one that will lead to the removal of Kim’s plutonium enrichment plants. Michael and Cirincione end their conversation discussing the Iranian sanctions, Mike Pompeo’s insincere diplomacy in the Gulf, and what the 2019 congress can do to limit our role in Saudi war crimes. And in the Fun Half: voting out of fear, Meghan McCain is who we thought she was, Dave Rubin claims social democracy can only work in entho-states, considering the “legacy” of Jeff Sessions, Trump’s acting AG, Matthew Whitaker, is the muscle-enforcer type he’s always loved, Whitaker was also once a scamming invention patent executive, how conservative commentators willfully misinterpret the transgender dialogue, where things stand in the Georgia and Florida race, plus your calls and IMs. Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Show live show at the Bell House on February 1st in Brooklyn. Get your tickets here! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 7 November 2018
The Washington Post's Dave Weigel (@daveweigel ) joins us to discuss the midterm election results. On today's show: Woman describes why she voted for McCaskill: her husband was poor in America and died because he didn't have health insurance; Steve Doocy immediately moves onto MAGA chud. Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) joins us to discuss the midterm election results. Turnout is up and Democrats out-performed their baselines. But Republicans did, too. Nancy Pelosi and bipartisanship: has she learned anything since 2010? Voter suppression in Florida. Trumpism proves resilient in Appalachia, which Democrats have largely abandoned. Where can Democrats win without running to the center? At least Scott Walker lost! How will Trump deal with it politically when the economy takes a dive? Vic Berger presents: "the Walk Away" rally. On the fun half: Trump gets testy with media re: Russia indictment. Trump says he could stop Mueller investigation if he wanted to, but "I don't like stopping it politically." Beto O'Rourke says the f-word in concession speech. A caller says Democrats lost Appalachia by standing for nothing. Independent voters broke for Democrats because of healthcare, not immigration. Nancy Pelosi excited about protecting ACA, expresses it thusly: "Let's hear it for pre-existing conditions!" A caller defends Gillum's campaign strategy, blames racism and Trump's popularity. Get your tickets to the Michael Brooks Show live show at the Bell House on February 1st in Brooklyn. Get your tickets here! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn Members watch the full episode here. |
Tue, 6 November 2018
Full coverage of the 2018 US midterm elections, featuring the MR Crew and special guests Nomi Konst, David Dayen, and more. |
Tue, 6 November 2018
Sean McElwee (@SeanMcElwee) of Data For Progress joins us to discuss his predictions for the midterms. On today's show: Trump says he (kind of, maybe) regrets his tone over the past two years, but it's the media's fault. Sean McElwee (@SeanMcElwee) of Data for Progress joins us to discuss his predictions for the midterms, and why he believes the most important results of this year's election will come in local and state races as well as the less-discussed local ballot measures. You can read more about it in Sean's latest op-ed at HuffPost, "This Election’s Greatest Wave Could Come Down-Ballot. Way Down-Ballot." And check out his post-midterms analysis at What The Hell Happened? On the fun half: Ronald Raygun gives some voter suppression tips for GOP-heavy districts. Does Sam have "old black guy" anger? Old woman cries after voting for Beto. MAGA women say they were denied service at NYC restaurant because MAGA. Chuck Grassley explains why Iowa and House still need Steve King. Hannity joins Trump onstage at rally. Claire McCaskill's bad leadership in MO. Former MO governor Jay Nixon's poor treatment of black potential voters. Jeff in GA says it's looking hopeful for Abrams. Mindy on her Trump voodoo doll. Ted Cruz wants to go to the bathroom, just like a real human would. Reverend Aaron of @Punks4Progress plugs some progressive candidates in NV. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at The New Yorker: The New Yorker is an iconic magazine that represents the best writing in America today. MR listeners get 50% off their subscriptions with coupon code "MAJORITY" at Get 12 issues for just $6, plus a New Yorker tote bag! Grove Collaborative: Seedling, available at, makes 100% tree-free paper products from bamboo and sugar cane. MR listeners get a free 30-day supply of paper towels, tissues, and more with $20 purchase at! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 5 November 2018
On today's show: Ohio congressional candidate Danny O'Connor explains how GOP will take away your healthcare in debate against Republican Troy Balderson. Stacey Abrams calls her opponent Brian Kemp an "architect of voter suppression." Morning Joe reveals Trump once admitted he plays the race card: "I know it's bad, but it works." Trump says the media are the ones creating violence in America with their fake news lies. Steve Martin lookalike chants "CNN sucks!" outside a Miami Trump rally. On the fun half: John from San Antonio (@cacophousminuti) on the nation's most flippable districts. Sam challenges Steven Crowder to debate in trippy video. "Reformed Republican" @chckpeas cons conservatives by pretending to join "walk away" movement. Why does the GOP hate Nancy Pelosi? Would employers use Medicare-for-all as an excuse to pay their workers less? Will the GOP stage a coup if the Dems win big? Some thoughts on government and "efficiency." Trump does not regret selling American bombs to Saudi Arabia, says Saudis just "don't know how to use" them. A plug for Professor Lawrence Brown's study of segregated Baltimore. How to talk to white liberals about the need for gun control. The difference between leftists and liberals. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Hunt A Killer is a monthly subscription where you become a detective immersed in a murder mystery. Each month, a fictional serial killer will send you cryptic clues, objects, and letters. Right now, our listeners can go to for 10% off your first box. The first ever TMBS live show is at the Bell House in Brooklyn on February 1st! Get your tickets here! Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 2 November 2018
![]() Today, on Casual Friday, Digby joins the Majority Report to discuss the latest Trump tactics as we slam into Tuesday's midterms, and then Andy Kindler makes his Majority Report return to breakdown Dennis Miller's current relationship with the conservative movement. We're live at 12:00 pm ET. Digby and Sam kick off Majority Report's 8th birthday show talking about cassettes, 8 tracks, and AM radio before diving into the news of the week. Digby lays out how Trump's rhetoric became so over the top in the weeks leading up the midterms. The president's pollsters convinced him Republicans could keep the house, and, Trump being the excitable child he is, went to the well for more fear-mongering and appeals to racism. But, after the recent spate of race-driven terror attacks, Trump realized he lost the house. Now, Trump is just trying to salvage the Senate for the GOP. Sam and Digby then breakdown Trump's latest statements on the refugee caravan and what it means when the president of the United States says armed soldiers can shoot rock throwers. If the Democratic Party takes back the house, how will Dems consolidate power and keep those Republican voters in the Democratic caucus--what happens when you expand the Democratic tent beyond the likes of Joe Manchin and Joe Donnelly? Finally, Sam and Digby consider the National Archive's decision to release Leon Jaworski's grand jury indictment suggestion from the Watergate investigation. The report is a roadmap for Mueller to suggest indictment depending on the findings from his investigation. Sam is then joined by Andy Kindler where they catch up with their old buddy Dennis Miller and his new comedy special. Sam explains the Jacob Wohl conspiracy kerfuffle to Kindler, who can't believe what's going on with this 20-year-old spymaster. And finally, rounding out Friday's trio of conservative idiots, the guys review Bill O'Reilly's rant over how the media describes George Soros. And in the Fun Half: a Holy War manifesto written by Washington state Representative Matt Shea, Kornacki and John from San Antonio are sharing a brain on polling expectations, Sema Verma explains her tasteless Medicare for All Halloween joke on Boris Epshteyn's show, the tautology of "Originalism" constitutional philosophy, canvassing for centrist Democratic candidates, Jay in New Haven takes a stroll down MR memory lane, what happened on Halloween, when YouTubers don't do their homework while critiquing MR. Plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 1 November 2018
Journalist Brian Mier joins the Majority Report to discuss Jair Bolsonaro's election in Brasil and his latest piece for Brasil Wire, "Why Bolsonaro Won: Beyond the Cliches." On today's show: Dave Chappelle says Trump hasn't made this fascist wave, he's just surfing it. Brien Mier, editor of Brasil Wire, joins us to discuss Jair Bolsonaro's election in Brasil and his latest piece for Brasil Wire, "Why Bolsonaro Won: Beyond the Cliches." In this piece, Mier argues that Bolsonaro's electoral victory would have been impossible if not for the violent suppression of Haddad supporters throughout the country, making his election illegitimate. Mier goes over Bolsonaro's alarming fascist credentials, the details of the plot against Lula, and what people in the US can do to put pressure on Bolsonaro's administration from the outside. On the fun half: A caller questions Jamie's emphasis on Marxist analysis and socialist utopianism; the crew responds. Trump thanks Charlie Kirk for discovering Candace Owens. Candace Owens claims the media is trying to destroy Blexit, denies saying Kanye designed the Blexit aesthetic...but she totally did. Trump visits Pittsburgh synagogue, claims he was welcomed, makes Twitter video. Back in the real world, there were massive anti-Trump protests by mourners. Dennis Prager of Prager U explains his "when a woman isn't in the mood" series, yuck. Rodrigo in NJ explains how capitalism has undermined democracy in Brazil. A caller compliments our Halloween episode, rails against Jimmy Dore. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Brooklinen: has an exclusive offer just for Majority Report listeners. - Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code MAJORITY, at Brooklinen is SO confident that they offer a risk-free 60-night satisfaction guarantee and a lifetime warranty on all of their sheets and comforters! Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 31 October 2018
We had a horrible accident in the studio, which kicked off a bizarre series of events from which the MR crew might never recover. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor: Blue Apron’s mission is to make incredible home cooking accessible to everyone. So check out this week’s menu and get your first 3 meals free at BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Direct download: 10-31-18-Sam_Seder-Sellout-Hour-2nd_half-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EST |
Wed, 31 October 2018
On today's show: Mourners in Pittsburgh protest Trump's visit. Jewish Pittsburgh hospital president explains why they treated the terror suspect. Nikki Haley says GOP didn't blame Obama for racial divide after Dylann Roof shooting (how nice of them)...which she linked to Trump's rhetoric at the time. Beto O'Rourke rejects Trump's effort to militarize the border, calls it "ridiculous." Senate candidate Martha McSally (R-AZ): "I'm getting my ass kicked" because of vote to repeal Obamacare. Jack Burkman announces Mueller "sex assault" victim press event. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor: Blue Apron’s mission is to make incredible home cooking accessible to everyone. So check out this week’s menu and get your first 3 meals free at BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 30 October 2018
rganizer and movement historian LA Kauffman (@LAKauffman) joins us to discuss her new book, How to Read a Protest: The Art of Organizing and Resistance. On today's show: Trump says he will end birthright citizenship in interview with Axios. Organizer and movement historian LA Kauffman (@LAKauffman) joins us to discuss her new book, How to Read a Protest: The Art of Organizing and Resistance. From the 1963 March on Washington to the millions-strong Iraq War protests, most large scale protests haven't done much to shift government policy or build the organizations that put them on. But Kauffman sees hope in the woman-led, bottom-up, protests that are happening now, from the airport protests of the Muslim ban, to the Kavanaugh confirmation. In her studies of protest, direct action and civil disobedience, Kauffman explores what makes for an effective action and how the left can use protests to build a movement capable of resisting Trump. Also: some tips on what you can do to support a direct action, even if you're unable to join it yourself. On the fun half: Shep Smith says the migrant caravan hysteria is purely cooked up for the midterm election, offering Fox News a smokescreen of respectability. Fox News ghouls Laura Ingraham and Brian Kilmeade concern troll about diseases the caravan is allegedly carrying. A caller wonders: is there a way out of this? "Honoring" Pittsburgh synagogue victims, rabbi (for Jesus) prays for GOP candidates. Methodist clergyman protests Jeff Sessions' religious liberty speech, gets removed. Trump doesn't bother to close umbrella while boarding Airforce One. A caller in AR on the media's complicity in GOP bs. A caller in SC on theocratic adoption restrictions in her state. Is Chapo being unfair to Elizabeth Warren? Gorka vlogs while driving a Mustang. Become a member at Check today's sponsors: Quip was designed to make brushing your teeth more simple, affordable and even enjoyable: Quip starts at just $25 and if you go to right now, you get your first refill pack for FREE with a quip electric toothbrush. And ZipRecruiter, ZipRecruiter doesn’t depend on candidates finding you, it finds them for you! And right now, our listeners can try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE at this exclusive web address: Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 29 October 2018
MR reports on the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that left 11 dead. Michelle Malkin says refugees are a "hostile force" invading our country. Chris Farrell says caravan is made possible by "Soros occupied State Department." Hugh Hewitt says there is political violence on both sides, Trump is not to blame for the violence. Sam and Barbara Boxer debate how to handle right wing political violence; Sam says you have to do more than vote, calls out the media for creating false equivalancies. Erick Erickson calls on conservatives to stop spreading conspiracy theories about pipe bomb suspect, has recently tweeted conspiracy theories about the caravan, Planned Parenthood, Christine Blasey Ford, and David Hogg. On the fun half: Trump supporters say bomber was a false flag and Dems sent bombs to themselves; Hugh Hewitt claims no "responsible conservatives" are saying it was a false flag. Paul Ryan says tribalism is on both sides and Trump's rallies only sometimes cause division. Mindy asks for tips on staying sane. An Israeli caller on Jewish anti-Semitism. Sebastian Gorka dismisses any claims that Donald Trump is complicit in hate crimes against Jews. Stacey Abrams explains the illegal, racist voter purges to Brian Kemp in debate. Trump blames Pittsburgh synagogue for lack of armed security. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 26 October 2018
Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) and comedian Ted Alexandro (@tedalexandro) join us. On today's show: Trump compares ICE fighting and liberating towns with MS 13 to fighting Nazi-occupied Europe. Benjamin Dixon, editor-in-chief of Progressive Army and host of The Benjamin Dixon show, joins us to break down the week's news. Bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc identified. Fox News' Trish Regan accuses the media of "playing the victim" w/r/t bombs. Martha McSally says she doesn't want to talk healthcare — just "things that matter," i.e. the caravan. Gillum's chances in Florida. Megyn Kelly's defense of blackface. Comedian Ted Alexandro joins us to talk political comedy and labor organizing on the comedy scene. Ted also gives his take on the comeback of Louis CK. Check out his comedy special, "Senior Class of Earth," at A new Jimmy Reefercake song is played. On the fun half: DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen says troops won't shoot refugees, will "defend themselves." Trump "calls for unity" at black entrepreneur dinner, elicits chants of "lock him up!" re: George Soros. Gorka says migrants are mostly military age men & if poor people come seeking asylum, "America will cease to exist." Newt Gingrich: "We'll see whether or not the Kavanaugh fight was worth it." Become a member at Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Direct download: 10-26-18-Benjamin_Dixon-Ted_Alexandro-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm EST |
Thu, 25 October 2018
Nick Guthman (@NickGuthman), the co-founder and executive director of Our Blue Future joins Michael to discuss how young progressive Americans are working to elect Democrats in 2018 and beyond. Guthman explains how and why very few youth organizations do coordinated electoral work. Guthman and his friends were very involved in the American University College Democrats and after graduating used their network and resources to raise money and awareness for 2018 Democratic candidates across the country with the help of local College Democrats in those states. Using a combination of digital media and on-the-ground organizing, Our Blue Future has been able to gather support for candidates that will bring new progressive representatives to Congress. Get involved at And in the Fun Half: Ted Cruz is Normal Man buying Shiner in Texas, James Adomian's Bernie Sanders is advocating for a public in LA (for voters Measure B), Donald Trump says Dems will not protect pre-existing conditions, Eric Holder says it's all about turnout in a country full of gerrymandered congressional districts, Steve Bannon's poorly attended events illustrate the structural setting of monopoly, Donald Trump is ready to tear up the INF agreement, the latest on Brazil, Chapo boys would marry Sam, James Lankford's false equivalence between bombs in the mail & women who protested Justice Kavanaugh, policy for Native Americans, TBT Maxine Waters vicious beatdown of Michael Tracy, thoughts on Chris Hedges, a how-to process for building a broad left coalition, plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 24 October 2018
Devin Fergus (@Devin_Fergus), the Arvarh E. Strickland Distinguished Professor of History and Black Studies at the University of Missouri and author of Land of the Fee: Hidden Costs and the Decline of the American Middle Class, joins us. On today's show: Trump says Khasshogi cover-up was "worst ever." Devin Fergus (@Devin_Fergus) joins us to discuss his new book, Land of the Fee: Hidden Costs and the Decline of the American Middle Class. In this book, Fergus explores the impact of hidden consumer fees on wealth inequality in the US. Ever since the deregulatory wave of the 1970s, rising fees have redistributed wealth from the average consumer to corporations, shutting people — particularly the historically marginalized — out of middle class indicators like home ownership, higher education, and transportation. He also points his finger at the government, which, rather than raise taxes on the wealthy, has increased its revenue by increasing fees and fines, essentially placing a regressive tax on society's most vulnerable. To combat this, Fergus recommends increased regulations and a re-framing of what "good credit" means, among other things. A challenge to Steven Crowder: stop being a coward and debate Sam. On the fun half: Broflamingo on how Sam murked Kirk and the role of white supremacy in the Kavanaugh confirmation. Jeff in GA ( calls out Crowder. Fox News equates bombs sent to media outlets with meals interrupted by protesters. CNN anchors interrupt broadcast for pipe bomb. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) says "both sides" need to tone down the "rhetoric." DHS claims there are Middle Eastern migrants in the caravan headed for US border; Sarah Huckabee Sanders affirms it. Jeffrey Toobin asks if the media is complicit in Trump's inflammatory rhetoric. The crew watches the final portion of Sam's debate with Charlie Kirk, in which he schools Kirk on regulations, the '08 crisis, and how banks work. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 23 October 2018
Sam is back from Politicon. Let's see how he did in his debate against Charlie Kirk! On today's show: Sam's debate with Charlie gets the Bob's Burgers treatment. Trump explains why he's a nationalist, not a globalist. Trump wants reporters to embed with migrant caravan to find MS 13 and terrorists. Mike says CBP apprehends 10 terrorists every day at the southern border. Fox news segment: "Griff Jenkins foils illegals' attempt to cross border." On the fun half: John from San Antonio calls in with his latest predictions for the midterms. The crew watches (part of) Sam's debate with Charlie Kirk, in which he schools him on the GOP tax cuts, single-payer healthcare, top marginal tax rates, and more. Plus: A caller's conspiracy theory about who's really funding the migrant caravan. Check out today's sponsors: Hunt A Killer is a monthly subscription that sends you cryptic clues, objects, and letters, so you can solve a crime in real time. MR listeners go to for 10% off your first box! ThirdLove: Using millions of real women’s measurements, ThirdLove designs its bras with breast size and shape in mind for an impeccable fit and incredible feel. Go to now to find your perfect-fitting bra and get 15% off your first purchase! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Become a member at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 22 October 2018
Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites), author of Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World, joins us. On today's show: Candidate Andrew Gillum talks about climate change while DeSantis looks like his human face is about to melt off in FL gubernatorial debate. Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) joins us to discuss his new book, Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World. In this book, the former New York Times columnist explores how global elites' efforts to "change the world" through NGOs and charity work actually just preserve their position atop the hierarchy. Rather than let these elites coast on the fantasy of the meritocracy and an updated form of feudal noblesse oblige, Giridharadas calls on regular people to build mass movements capable of changing the system in ways that get closer to the root causes of inequality. On the fun half: Tattooed army vet Richard Ojeda takes on corporate polluters in effective WV Congressional campaign ad. Josh from Chicago continues Friday's discussion of race and class. Charlie Kirk flips out at Hasan Piker at Politicon. Sam schools Charlie Kirk on how banks work. How did Cenk Uygur do in his debate against Tucker Carlson? Tucker Carlson says the problem with Khashoggi's death is "ruling class" overreaction. Jared Kushner talks to Van Jones about his advice to MBS. Brenda calls in about Trump's attack on transgender people. Gohmert and Bill Hemmer talk about the migrant caravan being Soros funded. Brian Kilmeade lies about ankle bracelets, says they're largely cut off when there's actually a 99% compliance rate. Become a member at Check out today’s sponsor, Audible! Audible has the largest selection of audiobooks on the planet. Majority Report listeners get a free one month trial at ExpressVPN secures and anonymizes your internet browsing by encrypting your data and hiding your public IP address. To take back your Internet privacy TODAY and find out how you can get 3 months free, go to EXPRESSVPN.COM/MAJORITY Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 19 October 2018
Cliff Schecter (@CliffSchecter) from the UnPresidented podcast joins us. On today's show: Pompeo says Saudi Arabia should get a few more days for Khashoggi investigation. Cliff Schecter (@CliffSchecter) joins us to discuss the week in news including the fallout from Jamal Khashoggi's murder, Chuck Schumer and the Dems stumbling into the midterms, and the GOP's new take on preexisting conditions. Also: Trump hails body slamming Congressman Greg Gianforte in Montana. On the fun half: VA House rep Dave Brat tells prison inmates they both got it tough, conflates opponent with Nancy Pelosi. Danny from PA gives an update on the "window of justice" bill that would extend the statute of limitations on child sex abuse cases. Is the Marxist left alienating POC by applying an economic analysis to the rise of right-wing populism? Jason Miller suing Will Menaker of Chapo Trap House for calling him a "rat face baby killer." Tom Friedman is still defending his fawning MBS piece. Jamie hobnobs with AOC. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code "Majority" Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn Members watch the full episode here. |
Thu, 18 October 2018
Jeff Hauser (@jeffhauser) from the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) joins the Majority Report to discuss his latest piece in The Hill, "Dems Can Use Subpoena Power to Reclaim the Mantle of Populism." In this piece, Jeff lays out plans for how Democratic representatives in Congress could use their powers of oversight to stand up for regular people by uncovering corruption of all kinds across not only the breadth of the Trump administration, but the economy as a whole. Also: Hauser's take on Chuck Schumer's terrible leadership and what the Democrats would do if they wanted to effectively resist the GOP. On the fun half: John from San Antonio offers up some topics for Politicon, reminds Sam to give Bernie credit. Dissident Peasant a.k.a. Jeff in GA gets stoked about Stacey Abrams for governor. GA's secretary of state releases voting PSA where they don't even try to hide voter suppression. How likely are the Democrats to make voting rights federal, if/when they take back power? Eric Trump lies about government deficit and debt. Larry Kudlow claims tax revenue is growing, deficit shrinking. Eric Trump claims his family is not in any way invested in Saudi Arabia. YDSA member confronts TP USA coward about racist group chats. Charlie Kirk copies Benny Johnson's misleading Kanye tweet. What is the long-term inoculation against capital rolling back progressive gains in the future? Jamie and Sam debate the role of economics in Trump's rise to power. Check out today’s sponsor, NewsVoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code "Majority" Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn Members watch the full episode here. |
Wed, 17 October 2018
Tina Vasquez (@TheTinaVasquez) of Rewire.News joins the Majority Report to discuss her latest piece, "Abolish ICE: Beyond a Slogan." On today's show: Mike Pompeo says "I don't want to talk about any of the facts" re: Khashoggi. Tina Vasquez, of Rewire.News, joins us to talk about her latest piece, "Abolish ICE: Beyond a Slogan." The 2003 birth of ICE as an agency used to target Muslims after 9/11. How inflated funding enabled ICE to become a paramilitary body. How ICE's activities changed from the Obama years to the Trump years. The web of agencies implicated in terrorizing immigrants and the role played by private prison contractors. What abolishing ICE and ICE-like practices would actually entail, and what should replace it: a community-based alternative to a violent immigration system. On the fun half: Ted Cruz says it's been a partisan circus since 2016...Beto O'Rourke says "that's funny" given Cruz's record. Beto O'Rourke explains why Trump called Cruz "Lyin' Ted," calls out Cruz's vote for tax break. Lindsey Graham jokes DNA test will reveal he's Iranian — "That would be, like, terrible" — prompting Brian Kilmeade to defend Iranians. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's surprisingly woke tweets and budding connection with Virgil Texas(!) Was Warren's DNA test the wrong move? Josh from Chicago says NY Green Party gubernatorial candidate Howie Hawkins is dead to him because he appeared with Jimmy Dorr. "The Today Show" profiles white nationalist group Identity Evropa. Photo of Gavin McInnes with no beard reveals he has no chin. Tracing Hitchens' political devolution. Black Voters Matter blocked (temporarily) from taking seniors to vote. A caller on Redneck Revolt, gun culture, and self-defense on the left. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor, NewsVoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code "Majority" Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 16 October 2018
Marshall Steinbaum (@Econ_Marshall), the Research Director & Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute joins us to detail the demise of Sears and explain the state in our current financial system. Steinbaum lays out how the wealthiest parties in the economy use their legal standing to maximize profits at the expense of the company's financial health. At the heart of the Sears bankruptcy is the company's CEO Eddie Lampert. Lampert loaded debt onto the foundational parts of Sears' business while spinning off the corporation's most profitable pieces to his own hedge funds when the bills came due. This financial business model has grown over the past several decades as judicial interpretations have loosened antitrust laws, allowing corporations to be increasingly profitable for a smaller and smaller class of shareholders. Steinbaum and Sam also discuss Amazon's big PR push for $15 an hour raise and why third-party contracted workers may not receive the newly raised salary. And in the Fun Half: Sam's disappointing softball stats, Ralph Nader is open to Bloomberg 2020, How Sam should debate Charlie Kirk, Scott Walker wants to gut the ACA but has a family with preexisting conditions, NY WFP gives its line to Cuomo, Eddie Glaude explains how "Campus Free Speech" is a conservative cottage industry, the racist TPUSA chapter at FIU, how does a Sanders campaign differ from a Warren campaign, Patriot Prayer and the gun cache in Portland, a caller describes working for Alex Jones, how Eddie Lampert is also taking Sears Canada for ride, Florida races will come down to the wire, plus your calls and IMs! Check out today's sponsor! LiquidIV, staying properly hydrated is one of the most important factors in flu and cold recovery and prevention. Right now, my listeners get 20% off at when you use my code MAJORITY at checkout. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Mon, 15 October 2018
Author Erik Loomis (@ErikLoomis) joins us to discuss his new book, A History of America in Ten Strikes. On today's show: Elizabeth Warren takes DNA test, finds she has some Native American ancestry; Trump refuses to pay up. Erik Loomis (@ErikLoomis) joins us to discuss his new book, A History of America in Ten Strikes. Why organized labor must oppose racism and sexism if it is going to succeed. What's happened in the past when (white) workers chose race over class, particularly in the south. How a sympathetic (or at least neutral) government can play a role in labor victories. The Democratic Party's spotty history with labor and why Loomis believes labor progressives can, and should, take over the Democratic Party now. Some important strikes in history. On the fun half: Fox News' twisted take on Antifa and the Proud Boys' conflict in NYC. Gavin McInnes on why violence is the answer. Trump's primary regret so far? How badly the press has treated him. Trump says 60 Minutes' fact-checking doesn't matter: "I'm president, you're not." CNN focus group of independent voters calls Trump a dictator. Larry Kudlow says UN scientists "overestimate" on climate change. Marco Rubio says he won't 'destroy our economy' for climate change. ND support for Heitkamp increases among soybean farmers hurt by Trump's tariffs on China. A call from the Mooch! Dave in Jamaica questions the intelligence/character of CNN's independent voters; Jamie agrees, exhorts the Democrats not to center them. An update on the sex abuse scandal in the PA Catholic church. Racist white woman ("Cornerstone Caroline") accuses black child of groping her in a store. A caller explains why his dad voted Obama 2x, then swung to Trump. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor, ZipRecruiter: ZipRecruiter doesn’t depend on candidates finding you, it finds them for you. Its powerful matching technology scans thousands of resumes, identifies people with the right skills, education, and experience for your job, and actively invites them to apply, so you get qualified candidates fast. Try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE at this exclusive web address: Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 12 October 2018
Heather “Digby” Parton (@digby56) and Film Guy Matthew Weiss (@langdonboom) join us. On today's show: Michigan GOP governor is a creep in found 1989 TV interview. Digby a.k.a. Heather Parton, of and Hullabaloo, joins us to break down the news from Washington. Turkey has video of journalist Jamal Khashoggi's killing inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The economic ties that keep the White House from holding the Saudi government responsible. Brett Kavanaugh as reactionary activist judge. Chuck Schumer's failed leadership. Trump's court packing as existential threat to the Democrats. Matthew "Film Guy" Weiss (@langdonboom) joins us to talk movies. Today's pick: Okja (2017), from Bong Joon-ho (director of Snowpiercer), is a heartwrenching action-adventure factory farm dystopia. The crew talks compassion for animals, Sam's brief stint on the Atkins diet, and how Matthew's new low-meat lifestyle has helped him lose weight and feel good! On the fun half: Paul Ryan brazenly lies about Medicare-for-all. Is compulsory voting a good idea? Melania Trump: "I'm the most bullied person on the world." Jeff Flake wants Trump primaried so we can return to "real conservative values." Steve Mnuchin going to Saudi Arabia despite Khashoggi disappearance, says Saudis have been a "good partner." DHS coerces 5-year-old girl from Honduras to sign away her rights. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors! Casper is a sleep brand that continues to revolutionize its line of products to create an exceptionally comfortable sleep experience, one night at a time Get $50 toward select mattresses by visiting and using MAJORITY at checkout. The Eero Home WiFi System brings you a fast, reliable connection in every room of the house – because life’s too short for bad WiFi. Get $100 off the Eero base unit and 2 beacons package, and a year of Eero Plus, by visiting and entering code MAJORITY at checkout. Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 11 October 2018
![]() Eric Levitz (@EricLevitz) of New York Magazine joins Michael to discuss his latest piece on conservative outrage and militarism, "Republicans: Protesters Are an Unruly Mob — Unless They’re Heavily Armed and Support Us." On today's show: TV shrink Gina Loudon says she has learned to trust Donald Trump. Eric Levitz, staff writer at New York Magazine, joins us to discuss his latest piece, "Republicans: Protesters Are an Unruly Mob — Unless They’re Heavily Armed and Support Us." In it, he argues that the GOP's attacks on anti-Kavanaugh protesters are rooted in (authoritarian) principle that dictates only conservatives can wield dissent properly. When progressives — particularly POC — do it, it's a "scary mob." Levitz's take on Eric Holder's statement: "when they go low, we kick them. That's what this new Democratic Party is about." How the Clintons triangulated on issues of race. What's changed since the '90s to allow for a new kind of politics. On the fun half: How important a quality is "viability" in a Democratic candidate? More discussion of Bernie 2020. Voter suppression in FL and GA. Trump says there wouldn't be a Saudi Arabia without the US. Donald Trump says he has spoken with the Saudis about the "very bad" disappearance of Khasshogi. Dissident Peasant on racist voter ID laws in GA. (Vote Stacey Abrams!) Jordan Peterson explains the wonders of a meat only diet to Dr. Oz. Laura Ingraham rewrites history, lies about Trump's neo-Nazi Charlottesville comments. Trump says Bernie's Medicare-for-all plan will raise Americans' taxes by 400%. Become a member at ExpressVPN secures and anonymizes your internet browsing by encrypting your data and hiding Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea or chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 10 October 2018
On today's show: Trump wants to know who "drew" the IPCC report. How the GOP is suppressing the voting rights of Native Americans in ND. Ford lays off 20% of workforce due to Trump's tariffs. Trump at Iowa rally warns of the Democrat "left wing mob" ahead of midterms, implies Feinstein leaked Blasey Ford letter; crowd chants "lock her up!" Rand Paul frets over the current political climate, says he fears the left will assassinate someone, tweeted very recently about the right to take up arms against the government. Kellyanne Conway says it's Democrats like Hillary Clinton who are violent and uncivil. Related: GOP still trying to murder people via healthcare policy. On the fun half: Rand Paul gets under Brian Kilmeade's skin re: endless war in the Middle East. A caller wonders if voters are inclined to act in favor of the status quo (no). A caller defends nuclear power. Trump says he hopes the Jamal Khashoggi (disappeared journalist in Saudi Arabia) situation will sort itself out. Thomas Friedman writes bad, possibly dangerous take on MBS and Khashoggi. Jeff in GA a.k.a. Dissident Peasant has a novel idea about using ice floes to dispose of the ruling class. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor: Hunt A Killer is a monthly subscription that sends you cryptic clues, objects, and letters, so you can solve a crime in real time. Right now, just for our listeners you can go to for 10% off your first box. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea or chocolate with coupon code “Majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 9 October 2018
New York Magazine's David Wallace-Wells, (@dwallacewells) joins us to discuss the new IPCC report on the acceleration of the climate crisis. Read his piece, "How Did the End of the World Become Old News?" On today's show: Nikki Haley out at UN, claims the world now respects US power. David Wallace-Wells, deputy editor of New York Magazine, joins us to discuss his piece on climate change, "How Did the End of the World Become Old News?" In this piece, Wallace-Wells goes over scientific findings on the scope and immediacy of a climate change crisis. This crisis will impact many areas of human life: Some cities will literally be too hot to live in, the world's grain production will drop, conflict will rise, and the GDP will decrease. We have the technology to totally green the economy, but that option is politically impossible even in the US, and would only work if the whole world did it. While he has no definitive answers, Wallace-Wells offers alarming ways to frame the issue to make the average person care. Post-interview, Jamie gives her reasoning for why there's no way to solve this problem under global capitalism. On the fun half: Joe Rogan's alt-right following. Will the Kavanaugh appointment make liberals stop rehabilitating figures like GWB? Jacob Soboroff asks UC Davis students if they're voting...they're probably not. Trump says he likes Taylor Swift's music "about 25% less" than he did before she told fans to vote for Democrats. Sebastian Gorka claims the left has "normalized violence in America in the last two years." Kavanaugh pledges to be "independent and impartial," immediately drags his haters. A caller reminds folks in New York's 22nd district to vote Anthony Brindisi for Congress. Richard Linklater made a TX Senate race ad that asks: "Is Ted Cruz tough as Texas?" Trump apologizes to Kavanaugh's family for "terrible pain and suffering." Today is the last day to register to vote in time for the midterms, so everyone please remember to get registered! Become a member at Check out today's sponsor, Quip: Quip was designed to make brushing your teeth more simple, affordable and even enjoyable. Quip starts at just $25 and if you go to right now, you get your first refill pack for FREE with a quip electric toothbrush Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea or chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 8 October 2018
Good morning on today's show, Carol Anderson, (@ProfCAnderson) the Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies at Emory University and author of One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy joins us. Carol Anderson's One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy explores the history of voting and its struggle to make democracy real through the 15th amendment. Anderson examines previous examples of voter suppression like the poll tax and literacy test in the 19th century as points where black voters and poor voters were kept from the polls in southern states. In modern times, voter ID laws have become the hot legislation to disenfranchise citizens from voting. Anderson cites Indiana's 2005 voter ID law as a particularly absurd measure which was enacted in a state that had never charged a citizen with voter fraud. Anderson argues that the 14th and 15th amendment have been stripped of their legal protections by cases brought to the Supreme Court. Anderson argues that Reagan's southern strategy and the migration of the Dixiecrats to the Republican party helped drive the GOP further to the right and are now doubling down on a white ethnic identity party funded by special corporate interest. So what's next? Anderson insists that non-partisan redistricting commissions come to the forefront, beyond that we must elect politicians whose commitment to the Voting Rights Act is unquestionable. And in the Fun Half: Climate catastrophe, Brett Stephens' bad faith climate argument, fascist regimes will fail to protect their constituents, the Teamster UPS contract dispute, Michael goes in on the idea of "anti-corruption" political campaigns citing last night's election in Brazil, Mitch McConnell's career dedication to the ultra-elite is unmatched in American history, Orin Hatch dismisses female protestors in the most unsavory way, it's Dinesh Dsouza revisionist history hours on Fox & Friends, Taylor Swift is voting Democratic and Charlie Kirk is crushed, plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea or chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Newsvoice: Get a personalized newsfeed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 5 October 2018
Sam is live from the Mass Torts conference in Las Vegas, NV. Sam speaks with David Pakman (@dpakman), host of the David Pakman Show, live from the Mass Torts Conference in Las Vegas. Sam and David break down the ins and outs of how the Kavanaugh vote could go. Does the left, broadly speaking, need to be more aware of the judiciary branch? And what does that actually mean in practice? Also: The new NAFTA is a real mixed bag for workers. Sam speaks with lawyer Michael Berg about his work representing victims of gas explosions: How our crumbling infrastructure contributes to the problem, how gas companies are committing malfeasance, and what Berg and his clients are doing to fight back. Sam speaks with Bobby Kennedy about his work holding Monsanto accountable for exposing people to pesticides that cause cancer, particularly lymphoma. In addition to outlining his current work, Kennedy gives some history of Monsanto's crimes in the name of profit, stretching back to its current parent company IG Farben. On the fun half: Chuck Grassley and Maria Bartiromo wonder if George Soros is behind the Kavanaugh protests, Trump tweets about it 80 minutes later. Rep. Louis Gohmert goes Nazi on George Soros, the Democratic Party. A sex worker and DACA recipient calls in to give her perspective on SESTA/FOSTA and how these laws will hurt both sex workers and trafficking victims. Trump has toilet paper stuck to his shoe as he boards AF1 for MN rally. Generation Forward poll finds millennials favor socialism over capitalism, especially millennial POC. DCCC ad takes on tax breaks for the wealthy. Another ad encourages young people to vote for Democrats to own the olds. The Yankees cross a hotel strike picket line in Boston. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea or chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Newsvoice: Get a personalized newsfeed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Thu, 4 October 2018
Good morning everyone, on today's show, Sam reports from the Torts conference in Las Vegas. For those new to the MR family, a brief explainer: Sam heads twice a year to the Mass Torts Conference in Las Vegas and gives an inside look into the biggest legal battles against America's worst corporate actors. Sam sits down with attorney Jeff Gaddy from Levin Papantonio to discuss the status of the multi-state Opioid lawsuit and how lawyers are using similar tactics those used in the Big Tobacco lawsuit of the 80s. Sam is then joined by Steve Babin an attorney with Chapin Legal Group who is engaged in an interesting work wage lawsuit defending exotic dancers in Ohio looking to win dancers backpay for years of dubious independent contracting and indefensible wages. Attorney Becca Timmons explains how SESTA-FOSTA legislation is both trying to hold tech companies accountable for human trafficking but is simultaneously driving sex workers to the dark web. Sam then interviews attorney Daniel Nigh about his lawsuit against Valsartan which has been recalled for having NDNA in it, a compound found in jet fuel, and how corporations too often make the decision that allows tainted products to reach consumers. And in the Fun Half: demoralizing polling for Democrats in the wake of the Kavanaugh investigation, why we need greater female representation in government, Heidi Heitkamp is a No on Kavanaugh, Devin Nunes' illegal immigrant farmers, Americans in Brazil have the worst of both political worlds. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea or chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 3 October 2018
Meagan Day, staff writer at Jacobin Magazine, joins the Majority Report to discuss her piece, "The Banality of Brett Kavanaugh." On today's show: Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford: "I don't remember." Meagan Day, staff writer at Jacobin Magazine, joins us to discuss her piece in Jacobin, "The Banality of Brett Kavanaugh." After his unhinged testimony, casual perjury, and completely unremarkable hearings about his judicial record, Brett Kavanaugh has revealed himself to be the poster boy for Unremarkable White Men. In this piece, Day explores how this nomination fight spotlights the American myth of the meritocracy, and how that idea is used to justify massive inequality. From Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, to the rise of Trump, to incompetence in Democratic Party leadership, recent events reveal the crumbling edifice of American meritocracy and the resultant rise of a populist impulse that could be used for good or ill. Also: in her piece "Austerity By Paperwork," Day explores how conservative politicians are limiting access to social safety net benefits like Medicaid by making it increasingly difficult to qualify, or even apply. The answer: universal programs. On the fun half: Was DSA being "just like Jimmy Dore" when they released their statement on AOC endorsing Cuomo? Danny Glover films PSA in support of Lula. A caller on what we can learn from Mao Zedong and other flawed communist leaders. Amazon's Alexa schools Stephen Crowder on socialism, shows herself to be a crazy SJW liberal. News report shows DHS was unprepared to deal with family separation policy, resulting in horrible conditions for detainees. Amazon workers celebrate news of new $15/hour minimum wage for all US workers. Is "dum dum" left a bad term? A story from an elite all-boys summer camp. Numerous potential sources say the FBI has not contacted them in Kavanaugh investigation. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Brooklinen: Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code MAJORITY at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea or chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 2 October 2018
Journalist Jessica Bruder joins Sam to discuss her book, Nomadland: Surviving America in the 21st Century, on how a generation of Americans has redefined their ambitions. On today's show: Ben Shapiro caught off guard when guest calls Israel "an Apartheid state." Journalist Jessica Bruder speaks with Sam about her new book, Nomadland: Surviving America in the 21st Century. In researching this book, Brider spoke with people all over the country, mostly older Americans, who gave up their homes, moved into RVs, and took on precarious contract work to survive when Social Security and other benefits came up short. From Amazon factories during the holiday season, to campgrounds in eastern California, Bruder's research shows that, for many people, the American Dream of the 20th century has transformed into a roving life of seasonal work at the mercy of whether a car or RV can take you to a job opportunity. On the fun half: A caller questions whether Elizabeth Warren's left liberal approach is enough to solve the problems of capitalism. Jamie and Michael argue about "flat earth" conspiracy theories. A caller on Brett Kavanaugh and the crisis of white supremacy. Text messages suggest Kav is lying about not knowing Deborah Ramirez. Trump says Kavanaugh's youthful drinking shouldn't disqualify him. Matt reads select passages from Tucker Carlson's latest literary work. Tucker Carlson's racist dog whistle of the night is "white genocide." Carlson stumbles over gender pronoun usage. Is Bernie Sanders the only candidate who can beat Trump? Bernie congratulates Jeff Bezos on paying his employees $15/hour. Alex Trebek goes on weird tangent about not being molested by Catholic priests at PA senatorial debate. Brendan recommends a piece in The New Yorker: "Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, and the Things Men Do For Other Men." Check out today's sponsors! ThirdLove knows there's a perfect bra for everyone, so right now they are offering MR listeners a discount. Go to now to find your perfect-fitting bra and get 15% off your first order. Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 1 October 2018
Nathan Robinson (@NathanJRobinson), Editor-in-Chief of Current Affairs, joins us to discuss his latest essay, "How We Know Kavanaugh Is Lying." On today's show: Jeff Flake and Chris Coons say Kavanaugh is disqualified if he lied under oath. Nathan Robinson joins us to discuss how we know Nathan Robinson is lying. According to the legal principle "falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus," a witness who lies about one thing is not credible enough to testify about anything. And Kavanaugh's lies are numerous. From his insistence that he never attended a gathering like the one Christine Blasey Ford says she was attacked at, to his denial of a well-documented drinking habit, to his absurd misrepresentation of "Renate alum," Kavanaugh undermined his credibility (and perjured himself) at every turn. Senate Democrats' lukewarm performance and the limits of an FBI investigation. Jake Tapper defends Kellyanne Conway's baseless assertion that the White House isn't micromanaging the FBI investigation. On the fun half: Tucker Carlson hyperventilates about the media's "race obsession" w/r/t Kavanaugh, worries it's going to start "some kind of conflict." Elizabeth Warren talks female anger, says she might run for president in 2020. John from San Antonio pushes back on Sam re: whether or not Bernie wants to run. Tucker Carlson can't bait professor Jason Nichols into reverse racism debate. Ben Shapiro calls Norway a "Marxist paradise," says they've got equality due to "social capital," not redistribution. A caller criticizes affirmative action on corporate boards. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors! Harry’s stands behind the quality of their blades. So, they created a $13 value trial set that comes with everything you need for a close, comfortable shave. Get it at Blue Apron: dinner in as little as 20 minutes, with quick and easy recipe options and perfectly portioned ingredients delivered right to your door. Check out this week’s menu and get your first 3 meals free at BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 28 September 2018
Eddie Glaude, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Religion and African American Studies at Princeton University, joins us. On today's show: Sen. Dick Durbin asks Kavanaugh to call for FBI investigation; he won't do it. Professor Eddie Glaude (@esglaude) joins us to break down the Kavanaugh hearings. What the GOP's continued support of Kavanaugh says about how far the US hasn't come as a nation. The indignant rage of patriarchy under threat. Comparisons with the Anita Hill hearings and what, if anything, is different now. The potential for impeachment down the line. The counter-narrative that will give cover to the Senators who vote to confirm Kavanaugh. Donald Trump as symptom of what's wrong with the GOP. The disingenuousness of being outraged by Trump's style, rather than his policies. Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) joins us for a bit of catharsis. Kav gets belligerent with Sen. Amy Klobuchar when questioned about his drinking. A new Jimmy Reefercake/Adam Rainstopper jam is played. On the fun half: CNN's Jeffrey Toobin calls Jeff Flake spineless and pathetic. Sen. Richard Blumenthal probes Kavanaugh's lies about what "Renate Alumnus" means. Kav's Yale classmante Lynn Brookes says he's lying about his drinking. Supercut of Kav raving about "BEER." Why don't the Democrats wield anger and outrage the way the Republicans do? A Jimmy Dore fan calls in to argue with us, calls Jamie a Democratic Party apologist. Kavanaugh and Mitchell discuss July first entry about who was at the party. Liberty University student defends Kavanaugh, says it's okay to assault if it means ending abortion. Coon and Ford discuss when she brought letter to Congressman, during "shortlist" period. Become a member at Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice's free app (iOS or Android) at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 27 September 2018
Our coverage of Brett Kavanaugh's meltdown testimony. Back as usual tomorrow. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Direct download: 9-27-18-Brett_Kavanaugh-Testimony-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:14pm EST |
Thu, 27 September 2018
Live coverage of Christine Ford's testimony on her allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 26 September 2018
Murtaza Hussain joins us to discuss his latest piece from the Intercept, "The US Goes to War Against the ICC to Cover Up Alleged War Crimes in Afghanistan." Hussain and Michael break down how and why John Bolton and the US are threatening sanctions against global officials at International Criminal Court, who are looking to bring charges against US actors in Iraq and Afghanistan. Murtaza breaks down the United States' relationship to the ICC and why it stands as the great chance to bring war crimes against the US officials from the George W. Bush administration. The crimes levied against US officials in Afghanistan deal specifically with detention policies enacted by American military and government officials and contractors hired to help the war effort beginning in 2003. Michael and Murtaza place these accusations in the context of a Trump administration that is a strange brew of outwardly isolationist rhetoric while maintaining deference to "the Generals" and unfettered military action. Taking a broader focus in the Middle East, Murtaza and Michael discuss the path forward in Syria and what happens at the end of "revolution," and what happens after "people cannot breathe anymore." Now in Syria, Murtaza sees a double down from Assad, a government that employs violence and oppression in the near future. And in the Fun Half: Trump-worshippers are unenthusiastic about the midterms, why doorknocking works, Michael Moore's covering Flint, MI, could Democrats impeach Kavanaugh, Bill Cosby's publicist says his client and Kavanaugh are victims of a "sex war," Trump says China will keep the GOP from keeping its majority in November, chances of Avenatti in 2020, impeaching Kavanaugh from the DC Circuit court, how voting works in Brasil, engaging with anarcho-syndicalists, personal politics & voting, Trump talks options in Venezuela, Missouri GOP Senate candidate uses his son pre-existing condition to push ACA repeal, Texas State Senator Charles Schwertner is under investigation for sexual misconduct, gaming as recruiting ground for white nationalist groups, plus your calls and IMs! Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 25 September 2018
Louis Hyman (@louishyman), historian of work and business at the ILR School of Cornell University, joins us to discuss his new book, Temp: How American Work, American Business and the American Dream Became Temporary. On today's show: UN audience laughs when Trump boasts of achievements. Louis Hyman joins us to discuss his book, Temp: How American Work, American Business and the American Dream Became Temporary. In this book, Hyman looks at changes in the economy from the 1930s to the 1970s and from the 1970s to today. The New Deal era's efforts to make capitalism work for "everybody" (but mostly for white men). The cultural shift that occurred in the '60s and '70s with the rise of the conglomerate and the use of efficiency consultants. How the financial crisis of the 1970s enabled this shift. How bosses began to see women and POC as a reserve pool of labor. How the rise of the gig economy corresponds with that of the service economy. The need for new labor formations that are not mere reiterations of what we saw during the New Deal era. Rep. Kevin Cramer questions whether the accusation against Kavanaugh should disqualify him, even if it's true. On the fun half: Ronald Raygun on the rape in "Revenge of the Nerds" and how abuse is normalized. Michael Avenatti explains to Rachel Maddow why Mark Judge needs to go before the Senate amid gang rape allegation. Avenatti's questions for Kavanaugh emailed to Mike Davis. Kavanaugh's Yale roommate believes he could have done it; Kav's high school yearbook page full of references to drinking, being a "Renate alum" (Renate being a girl they all held hands with). Kavanaugh says he "never did such a thing," repeats himself explaining away Deborah Ramirez allegations. Kav's defense against gang rape claim: he was a virgin for "many years" after high school. Kav gets emotional defending his record with women law clerks, wants fairness. Mindy on how Republican women are gender traitors. Dave Rubin tries to re-appropriate the term "reactionary right" in total galaxy brain move. Anti-Kav protesters chase Ted Cruz out of DC restaurant, compare his looks unfavorably to those of Beto O'Rourke. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 24 September 2018
On today's show: Is deputy AG Rod Rosenstein about to get fired for his role in the Mueller investigation? Sean Hannity expects Donald Trump will fire Robert Mueller after Hurricane Florence passes. Mitch McConnell says they're going to "plow through" with Kavanaugh's nomination. Kavanaugh pal Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, libels a random person in rush to publicize doppelganger theory. Fox and Friends slow to let go of doppelganger theory. What was the "Women for Kavanaugh" bus tour really about? Fox and Friends "legal expert": Kavanaugh "has been rehabilitated," so there's no problem confirming him. "Republican voter" women on CNN defending Kavanaugh are actually GOP operatives. On the fun half: GOP AZ Rep. Paul Gosar's brothers and sisters appear in ad for his opponent, David Brill. Jimmy Dore calls out AOC for fast endorsement of Cuomo, has no understanding of how power works. A caller spotlights how liberals are afraid of conflict. Jamie notes that most working class people don't vote and many can't, and the left shouldn't leave them behind. Jeff in Philly rails against AOC, says Crowley is a "better Democrat" than her. A caller marvels at Jimmy Dorr's idiocy. Become a member at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 21 September 2018
We are joined by Digby (@digby56) and Corey Pein (@coreypein). On today's show: GOP Congressman Ralph Norman (R-SC) jokes about Ruth Bader Ginsburg being groped by Abraham Lincoln. Heather "Digby" Parton (@digby56), of and Hullabaloo, joins us to break down the latest news from Washington. Kavanaugh was promoted from the start as someone who is nice to women; coincidence? Will blind GOP support of Kavanaugh turn off Republican women voters? Digby says yes. What will happen to abortion law if Roe is overturned? Parallels with the Anita Hill hearings and the old tactic of slut-shaming. Kav's damning connection to sexual harasser Alex Kozinski. Paul Manafort's plea deal. Corey Pein (@coreypein), author of "Live, Work, Work, Work, Die: A Journey Into The Savage Heart of Silicon Valley" and host of the "News From Nowhere" podcast, joins us. Jordan Peterson is suing a Cornell professor for calling him a misogynist; so much for the free exchange of ideas. The parallels with Richard Spencer and how the far right adapts to whatever kind of society they're operating within, appropriating liberal values they do not believe in. Will Mike Bloomberg's "I'd do her" comments and blatant conflicts of interest torpedo his presidential aspirations? Corey recommends three movies: "The Death of Stalin," "Sorry to Bother You," and "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle." On the fun half: Tony Blair says the British should "build bridges" with Steve Bannon. Fran from Philly on Catholic morality and lust. Noam Chomsky and his Brazilian wife Valeria Wasserman visit Lula in prison. Brenda on the latest right wing Youtube opportunist, a transphobic and sexist trans woman. Does the Dalai Lama support ethno-nationalism? The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “Majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Check out Jamie’s op-ed on the New York primary results at NBC News Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Thu, 20 September 2018
Professor Adam Tooze latest book, Crashed How A Decade of Financial Crisis Changed the World, takes a detailed look at the fallout from the 2008 financial crash following the subprime mortgage crisis. Tooze takes a global view of the financial meltdown and shows how no part of our global banking system was left unaffected by this series of financial heart attacks. The windup to the crisis can be attributed to the surge in subprime mortgage in 2004 and the short-term, money-market based funding which led to the crisis in 2008. The market could have recovered if only small banks were investing in the subprime field, however, the systemic risk came from the biggest banks having such big investment in the shakiest subprime loan investments. Tooze sees the US's technocratic response to the crash as fairly robust but one that led each side of the political spectrum in opposite direction--namely, the Tea Party & Occupy Wall Street. Tooze sees the contemporary Republican Party as absolutely opposed to the idea that government can create policies to correct market inefficiencies or its bad actors--it can only liberate. Beyond the US, Tooze believes that similar strains of populist and nationalism have sprung up in Spain, Greece, Portugal, and Italy. Tooze and Sam discuss how privatizing profits and socializing costs in the post-2008 crash are the by-products Obama and his administration choosing to save the banks and hand the people its cost while Americans lost their homes, jobs, and invested wealth. So where are we now? According to Tooze, we are heading in the wrong direction towards a crisis, although one that is not as bad as 2008. America's relationship with emerging markets is a complex one that should concern the global community. But above all, the unwinding of Dodd-Frank will allow banks to work with fewer checks and increase the chances of market downturns in the future. And in the Fun Half: George Mason asks Mercatus Center "new who dis?", Jake Tapper: JOURNALIST--Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez addresses the $40 Trillion Question, Jimmy Dore has new fans, the Sierra Club & Raygun's tight spot, Jeff Sessions is flooding the immigration debate, everybody wants to talk about Jimmy Dore, James O'Keefe is back, baby!, Madea Benjamin protests the Hudson Institute's call for war with Iran, ICE & CBP claim they are unaware of health risks associated with child detention, plus your lovely calls and IMs! Become a member today at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “Majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Check out Jamie’s op-ed on the New York primary results at NBC News Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 19 September 2018
On today's show: Trump says Florence is "wetting in terms of water." Florence causes massive runoff from factory farms, kills 32. South Carolina refused to evacuate prisons in path of hurricane. Anita Hill says Joe Biden "deferred to power," created a situation where she would suffer. Greg Gutfeld thinks what's happening to Brett Kavanaugh is more unfair than what happens to rape victims. Kav's classmate Mark Judge (spoiler alert!) posts creepy things on Facebook. On the fun half: Trump says he's disappointed in Jeff Sessions "for many reasons." "Don Jr." educates us on the evils of dick shaming. An update on the crisis in Yemen and US culpability in it. A caller who read Jordan Peterson's book summarizes lobster man's thoughts on immigrants. Kennedy talks about weed soda on Fox Business News. Willie Nelson says on 'The View' that he supports Beto O'Rourke, doesn't care what anyone thinks of his politics. Is boomer hatred the class hatred of fools? Stormy Daniels' role in the cultural fight against Trump. Laurie Bertram Roberts (@smartstatistic) of the Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund (@fundmsabortions) on the history of abortion restrictions and their links to anxiety about white genocide. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Check out Jamie’s op-ed on the New York primary results at NBC News Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 18 September 2018
Jason Stanley, Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy at Yale University and author of How Fascism Works, joins us. On today's show: Mazie Hirono grills Kavanaugh about his clerkship with personal mentor Judge Alex Kozinski and how it's possible he never heard the open secret of his abusive behavior. Jason Stanley (@jasonintrator), Professor of Philosophy at Yale, joins us to discuss his new book, 'How Fascism Works.' In this book, Stanley examines fascism from a philosophical perspective to catalog the various elements of fascist tactics, ideology and propaganda, including: law and order policy, attacking unions, destruction of norms, the one party state, looking back to a mythic past, and playing on people's anxiety during a crisis. Also on the menu: a zero sum mentality, anti-intellectualism, sexual angst, social conservatism, and social Darwinist ideas that naturalize hierarchy. On the fun half: Stormy Daniels describes Trump's unusual, mushroom-like penis. Ken Starr says on CSPAN that he's "reaffirmed in my firm belief" in Kavanaugh because of all the women supporting which we guess he means the 5 of 65 who stand by their support. Erick Erickson blows lid off Ford's eviction revenge plot; Kav's creepy friend Mark Judge flip-flops on what he remembers. Ted Cruz wishes Dems wouldn't be so quick to blame cops when they kill people; Beto O'Rourke speaks to Dallas church about Botham Jean's unjustifiable murder. Joe Rogan parrots conspiracy theories about land reform in South Africa. Trump's complacency may hurt GOP in midterms. McDonald's workers strike for $15/hour and against sexual harassment, with the support of Fight for 15. Disabled rights under attack in CA. Mark Judge's weird YouTube page. Caller Mariana reminds us how slippery and adaptable fascist messaging and tactics can be. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "majority" at Check out today's sponsors: The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. ZipRecruiter: ZipRecruiter doesn’t depend on candidates finding you, it finds them for you. ZipRecruiter is rated #1 by employers in the U.S. (This rating comes from hiring sites on Trustpilot with over 1,000 reviews.) Listeners can try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE at this exclusive web address: Newsvoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with Newsvoice’s free app (iOS or Android) at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Check out Jamie’s op-ed on the New York primary results at NBC News Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 17 September 2018
Journalist Beth Macy, joins us to discuss her new book, DOPESICK: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America. On today's show: Debra Katz, lawyer for Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford, says Ford considers it an attempted rape and is willing to testify. Author Beth Macy (@papergirlmacy) joins us to discuss her new book, "DOPESICK: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America." For this book, Macy investigated the long term impacts the over-prescription of opiates has had on US communities. How unemployment drove a secondary market for opiates. Purdue Pharmaceutical's 1990s marketing of Oxycontin in places where workplace injuries were highest and the money they funneled into convincing people it was safe. The large budget Purdue devoted to wooing doctors and nurses. The type of harm reduction measures that work and where they've been implemented. Does anyone responsible for this epidemic feel any remorse? On the fun half: It's time for Democrats to let go of their fealty to norms that no longer exist. Susan Collins says she will reserve judgment on the Kavanaugh accusation. Erick Erickson defends Brett Kavanaugh; Trump Jr. mocks the accusation on Instagram. A caller shares his experience in recovery, recommends kratom as an alternative to maintenance drugs like methadone. A Marxist perspective on the Cardi B/Nicki Minaj feud. Australian school girl Harper Nielsen takes a knee during national anthem in solidarity with indigenous people. A caller recalls how he first got hooked on opiates through his student health center. Become a member at Follow Majority Report videos at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. Quip: Get Sam's favorite toothbrush! Quip starts at just $25 and if you go to GETQUIP.COM/MAJORITY right now, you’ll get your first refill pack FREE with a QUIP electric toothbrush. Liquid IV: A powdered electrolyte drink for your on-the-go lifestyle. Go to Liquid/IV.Com and enter promo code MAJORITY to get your savings and start getting better hydration Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Check out Jamie's op-ed on the New York primary results at NBC News, her piece on psychedelic therapy for opiate addiction at Bust, and her piece on why addicts are being charged with murder at Rolling Stone Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 14 September 2018
Cynthia Nixon comes up short in her challenge of Andrew Cuomo, but progressives gain across New York State. The Host of the Benjamin Dixon, Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon ) joins us and explains the breaking news of the Paul Manafort plea deal. Manafort will plead guilty to defrauding the United States. Serious allegations of sexual assault by SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Was California Senator, Diane Feinstein, hiding the Kavanaugh allegations? Diane Feinstein proves she is politically and morally failing. Why republicans almost certainly knew about the allegations against Kavanaugh. Diene Feinstein pulls a Joe Biden. The IDC loses big in New York and why there is progressive momentum in New York politics and what it teaches us about the "dum dum left". The Jimmy Dore business model and the left version of Alex Jones. Why the dum dums are stupid about Obama and insane on Tucker Carelson and the Police and PR teams are smearing Botham Jean, after he was murdered in his apartment by an off duty police department. Legendary comedian and Majority Report amigo Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler), defends his honor after a brutal review of his comedy in the UK. Andy still hates Ricky Gervais. Was there a mob mentality at the Kindler show. Bill O'Reilly happy that Michelle Wolf lost her show on Netflix, still seems unhappy and Dennis Miller getting even less funny?? And what does Andy Kindler do during the day? On The Fun Half: Diane Feinstein needs to go. The Republican money advantage and how to understand ideology. Republicans in Texas remove Beto signs from someones sign. Tucker Carelson and Michael Avenatti, have a stupid fight and its kind of funny. Lou Dobbs and Ed Rollins are lying and disgusting about Trump's lies on Puerto Rico. How DuPont poisoned America and the lawsuits that took them down. Jerry Brown attacks Trump on Climate. Random Rush and your calls and IMs. Become a member at Follow Majority Report videos at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code ‘Majority’ at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 13 September 2018
Dave Weigel (@daveweigel ) of the Washington Post (and his new newsletter, The Trailer) joins MR to talk about the end of the 2018 primary season. Weigel breaks down yesterday's Rhode Island primary which saw a centrist Democratic governor, Gina Raimondo, defend her ticket against Matt Brown, a Sanders-styled progressive. Weigel and Sam then break down the last series of primaries in New York, including Cuomo v. Nixon and Zephyr Teachout's chance to win the democratic ticket for Attorneys General. Cuomo has continued to tack left in the face of Nixon's challenge. Weigel then breaks down the AG race in NY that is a 3-way race with Maloney, James, and Teachout all within a chance to win. Teachout has struck fear in Cuomo, Weigel floats the idea that there are New York voters who will vote for Teachout with the hope that she will impeach Cuomo. As for Maloney, his position as a swing district representative is problematic. If Maloney were to win the AG primary, the Democratic party would need to fill his spot on the NY-18 ballot. Weigel then breaks down the 2018 midterm democratic messaging, "Republicans will take your healthcare away." Republicans are floundering with how many candidates in midterms are tied up in ACA repeal lawsuits across the country. But what's more surprising is that GOP leadership is planning to repeal the ACA but magically keep all the parts constituents enjoy in the ACA, including coverage for preexisting conditions. And in the Senate, Wiegel says McConnell is signaling to donors that they need more funds, as the most recent round of polling has shown GOP candidates are not pulling away in races they thought they would. And in the Fun Half: Dave Rubin slams Sam in a Playboy feature, Kavanaugh and the pro-life vote, progressives getting shutdown in Maryland, Rick Santorum calls out "the country of Puerto Rico" for its lackluster response in dealing with its own crisis, Raygun calls in with flawless logic about why Puerto Rico is an island, why is America warehousing migrant children, our addiction to military industrial jobs, Dana Rohrbacher is standing up to Chinese people who eat dogs, Kevin McCarthy is out to get Big Tech...for silencing Republicans, will Obama endorse Gillum in Florida, why doesn't MR enter the armed-insurrection discourse, how the unions are reacting to the fissuring of New York political structures on the left, The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. Check out NewsVoice at The New Yorker, get 12 issues for $6 and a free tote bag when you go to Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code ‘Majority’ at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn
Wed, 12 September 2018
Investigative journalist and friend of the show David Dayen (@ddayen) joins us to discuss his latest piece for The New Republic, "He Was The Resistance Inside The Obama Administration." On today's show: Trump claims his administration's actions in Puerto Rico were an "unsung success." David Dayen (@ddayen) joins us to discuss how Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner undermined President Obama's efforts to restructure the big banks following the financial crisis of 2008. In 2009, Obama ordered his Treasury Department to finalize a "resolution" for Citi Group that would help stabilize the economy. While Obama himself wasn't necessarily in favor of nationalization, the order left the team the leeway to take that option, and at least one of them (Larry Summers) was interested in it. Dayen reports on how Geithner essentially refused Obama's order and the negative impact his bank-friendly approach could have. Also: Chuck Schumer's non-existent strategy for blocking Trump's judicial nominees and The New York Times' uneven candidate endorsements. On the fun half: Dana Loesch argues that Dallas murder victim story "could have been very different" if the victim "was a law abiding gun owner." Brit Hume defends Tucker Carlson's "diversity" comments. Carlson apes talking points from white nationalist Youtubers. John from San Antonio on the September 13 primaries. Rachel Maddow shares news that DHS moved $10M from FEMA to ICE. More on Obama's political failings. Should the Democrats spend more time debunking trickle down economics? A caller explains why the left is at a disadvantage when it comes to grassroots action around the judiciary. Kathy Hochul's willful ignorance of how class intersects with gender. Stefan Molyneux tells fans to get rid of their Nikes and join his cult. Steve Scalise claims tax cuts always help the economy, leaves out what happened under Bush II. Become a member at Follow Majority Report videos at Check out today’s sponsors! NewsVoice: Get a personalized news feed featuring a mixture of mainstream, international, and independent sources with News Voice's free app (iOS or Android) at The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. The New Yorker, get 12 issues for $6 and a free tote bag when you go to Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code ‘Majority’ at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 11 September 2018
Sam speaks with author and activist Darnell Moore (@Moore_Darnell) about his new book, 'No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America.' On today's show: Trump is pumped for 9/11 memorial, praises the endless war on terror in Shanksville, PA. Sam speaks with Darnell Moore about his book, 'No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America.' In this memoir, Moore details the abuse he suffered growing up black, gay and poor in Camden, NJ and how he learned to love himself. With an intersectional critique of white supremacy and heterosexism, Moore examines the complex ways toxic masculinity weaves itself into the lives of people in marginalized communities and society at large. Moore also discusses coming to terms with the actions of his abusive father, who was just 15 when Moore was born, and how his family and community impacted his development. Lastly, he discusses his involvement in the Movement for Black Lives and the importance of coalition building to all liberation movements. On the fun half: Trump stars in his own version of "GoldenEye." How will automation affect the future of the labor movement? Trump makes light of terrorists who killed US soldiers in Omarosa tape. Miss Michigan introduces herself by blasting Flint's water problems. NM Congressional candidate Janice Arnold Jones slams Native American opponent Deb Haaland, says she didn't grow up on a reservation. Trump's jubilant 9/11 photo. Ezra Klein sucks off Silicon Valley. The MR crew remembers the 1973 coup in Chile, when socialist president Salvador Allende was overthrown by US-backed fascist Augusto Pinochet. Nicki Minaj vs. Cardi B: whose side are you on? Jamie ruins the fun half. Beto O'Rourke's great campaign ad. An update on Lula. A caller breaks down Dinesh D'Souza's new movie, plugs Punks for Progress and anarchist thinker Errico Malatesta. Michael's take on the #resistance response to Nike x Kaepernick. Become a member at Follow Majority Report videos at Check out today's sponsor, The Sierra Club: You can listen to 'The Land I Trust' at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code 'Majority' at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 10 September 2018
On today's show: Tucker Carlson wants to know why you think diversity is good. Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro survives drone assassination attempt. What's the humanitarian answer to the crisis in Venezuela? Michael parallels the coup in Venezuela with Lula's situation in Brazil. Obama says Trump is the symptom, not the cause. Obama browbeats young people for not voting, takes zero responsibility for our current situation. On the fun half: The dangers of advocating anti-imperialism without class analysis. Candace Owens shares New York Times conspiracy: they did the op-ed themselves. Will Trump pivot to economic nationalism? Jamie recalls sad Bernie bros at a DNC marijuana party. Cynthia Nixon responds to Rosh Hashanah NYS Dem Committee mailer. Ben Shapiro will not bake Dave Rubin a gay wedding cake and would not go to his anniversary party. Alex Jones' "de-platforming" from Twitter and the need to nationalize Big Tech. Elon Musk smokes a blunt with Joe Rogan, is still the worst. Is Doug Henwood right that the Democrats need a stronger platform to take back the House? A caller believes Nixon can beat Cuomo. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: Casper: Get $50 toward any mattress purchase by visiting and using offer code MAJORITY The Daily Show: Subscribe to The Daily Show with Trevor Noah: Ears Edition for highlights and extended interviews. Available Tuesday through Friday mornings on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your ears on a podcast. Harry's Razors: Get Sam's shave of choice from Harry's Razors. Now, our listeners can redeem their trial set at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 7 September 2018
Digby (Heather Parton) (@digby56) and Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) join us. On today's show: Brett Kavanaugh may have perjured himself four times in 2008 confirmation hearings. Trump tries and fails twice to say the word "anonymous." Digby (@Digby56), of and Hullabaloo, joins us to discuss the latest news from the White House. The Democrats grow a spine for once. Kavanaugh's record as a right-wing activist. The $600k re-election fund Susan Collins will get if she votes against Kavanaugh. Digby's take on the anonymous NYT op-ed. Author of stolen memos calls for Kavanaugh's impeachment. Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) joins us for her semi-regular rage fest. Judy gives props to Obama, negative shout outs to Lindsey Graham. But Obama framed m4a as a "new idea," isn't that kind of wack? Judy on having shows canceled over her politics and certain jokes she makes. Is Trump a regular Republican? A new Jimmy Reefercake song is played. On the fun half: Alex Jones and Laura Loomer accost Jack Dorsey over Twitter "censorship" after tech hearing. Former basketball player Brock Gillespie says Nike's Kaepernick ad isn't bold, they should use Jesus instead. Stuart Varney explains to Fox and Friends how Jeff Bezos can prevent Whole Foods workers from unionizing. Tammy from TX recommends Henry Rollins' stand-up special. John Yoo says Kavanaugh didn't have anything to do with terrorist surveillance program. Blumenthal asks Kavanaugh if a judge can be attacked based on heritage, he won't answer. Kavanaugh refers to birth control as "abortion inducing drugs." Sheldon Whitehouse asks Kavanaugh about his connection to the Federalist Society; he plays dumb once more. A caller on the White House's mob-like backchannels to Justice Kennedy. Brenda makes a play for Michael's job. Become a member at Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “Majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 6 September 2018
The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings continue apace. On today's show: TV shrink Gina Loudon uses "science" and "psychological theory" to write a book about why Trump is "the most sound minded person to ever occupy the White House." Kamala Harris grills Kavanaugh on his discussion of the Mueller probe with Kasowitz, the law firm founded by Trump's personal lawyer. Cory Booker threatens to release Kavanaugh's racial profiling email as act of civil disobedience. Kavanaugh doesn't believe Roe v. Wade is settled precedent; Harris asks Kavanaugh about laws governing the male body. Richard Blumenthal presses Brett Kavanaugh to recuse himself on Trump's criminal and civil matters; he refuses. Booker questions Kavanaugh on Scalia's belief re: race and constitutionality, gets ominous answer. On the fun half: Aspiring Milo replacement Brandon Straka makes boring video about how SJW culture made him "walk away" from the Democratic Party. Ronald Raygun on how the Trump cult is like Mormonism. A government photographer doctored Trump's inauguration crowd photos for him. NYT op-ed from anonymous White House staffer is self-serving, shitty. Trump addresses anonymous op-ed at his meeting with sheriffs. Why Malcolm Gladwell is wrong that Steve Bannon should be invited to speak at the New Yorker festival. Laura Loomer protests being "shadowbanned" from Twitter at Congressional hearing; Billy Long (R-MO) drowns her out with auction chant. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor, Casper Mattresses: Get $50 toward select mattresses by visiting and using code 'majority' at checkout. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code “Majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 5 September 2018
Chokwe Antar Lumumba (@ChokweALumumba), mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, speaks with Sam at NetRoots Nation. On today's show: More of the Kavanaugh confirmation dog and pony show. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) questions Kavanaugh about a "mole" that hacked Democrats' emails during the Bush admin; Kavanaugh claims he has no recollection of getting an email about this. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says all the non-incriminating stuff is already public, so what's the problem? Sam plays his interview with Chokwe Antar Lumumba, mayor of Jackson, Mississippi. Oft referred to as "the most radical mayor in America," Lumumba reluctantly ran for mayor after his father, Chokwe Lumumba, died after just eight months in office. Lumumba discusses his programs that give loans to community and worker owned cooperatives, the role millennials play in the politics and development of Jackson, and what electoral politics can achieve in the fight for equality. Also: the role played by race, racism, and segregation, the need for a systemic critique, and what books he's been reading. On the fun half: Marco Rubio confronts Alex Jones in a hallway. John from San Antonio on progressive races in FL, MA. What went into Ayanna Pressley's surprise win in MA? The moment Pressley found out she'd won. parkland father Fred Guttenberg tries to shake Kavanaugh's hand, gets snubbed. Did Republican operative Zina Bash flash an alt-right symbol at the confirmation hearing? Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says Democrats should vote to confirm Kavanaugh even though Republicans wouldn't even allow a hearing on Merrick Garland and a Republican Senate hasn't confirmed a Democratic appointee since 1895. A Canadian calls in to defend Sam Harris. Will Kelsey Grammar's 'Frasier' reboot be about Jordan Peterson, and can the MR crew defeat JP with the power of apples? Stay tuned! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate with coupon code "Majority" at Become a member at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 4 September 2018
The MR crew catches up on all the news they missed while they were on vacation! On today's show: The crew remembers John McCain. Senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Richard Blumenthal try to postpone Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings until they can sort through the 11th hour document dump. Dick Durbin asks to postpone the hearing because of Merrick Garland. Chuck Grassley explains the Kavanaugh documents. Could Obama have done more to get progressive judges on the Supreme Court? Lindsey Graham suggests Kavanaugh could overturn Roe precedent. Kavanaugh signaled in 1998 that he believes a sitting president can't be indicted. Milo VERY upset over being bumped from Politicon. On the fun half: Zephyr Teachout and AOC are coming to SUNY New Paltz. Republicans burn their own shoes over Colin Kaepernick Nike ad. Tucker Carlson uses the term "ruling class," says kneeling during the anthem will lead to the fall of American society. Judge Napolitano visibly deflated after legal analyst says Trump's latest tweet gives "fodder" for Mueller's probe. Ronald Raygun acts out. Trump claims the Democrats want to "raid Medicare to pay for socialism." Jeff from GA encourages Sam to debate the ghouls. Jamie advises a listener on starting a DSA chapter. Sam and Michael's take on Iran, Russia and China. Become a member at Check out today's sponsors: The Daily Show! Subscribe to The Daily Show with Trevor Noah: Ears Edition for highlights and extended interviews. Available Tuesday through Friday mornings on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your ears on a podcast. Blue Apron! Make dinner in as little as 20 minutes, with quick and easy recipe options and perfectly portioned ingredients delivered right to your door. BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY. Brooklinen! Named the winner of the “Best of Online Bedding” category by Good Housekeeping, Brooklinen is the fastest growing bedding brand in the world – Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code MAJORITY at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 3 September 2018
Today our annual repeat of a compilation of labor speeches from FDR, Mario Savio, John Lewis, & more. Full live show returns tomorrow! Become a member of the Majority Report today! Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 31 August 2018
Hey folks, trip down memory lane today as we replay one of the most referenced libertarian debate in Majority Report folklore, the first debate with Libertarian Professor Walter Block. Professor Walter Block proposed that laissez faire free market exchanges are the best way to organize society, how Block thinks the United States limits freedom, debating the minimum wage, full time workers who live in poverty, debating minimum wages and job losses, what is the value of wages if they don't provide a living? Professor Block explains his far, far, right views on slavery, Block's stunning opposition to the Civil Rights movement, Block's sort "amazing" point about bisexuality and the right to discriminate and debating car safety...
For members: from 2013, Matt Taibbi gives his play by play commentary of CNBC's hilarious interview with Alex Pareene and why anybody could do Jamie Dimon's job.
Become a member of the Majority Report today! Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 30 August 2018
TODAY, Emily Ogden talks to us about her book 'Credulity: A Cultural History of US Mesmerism.' Franz Mesmer's animal magnetism as a "scientific" for of folk magic. The relationship between mesmerists and debunkers. The parallels in "rationality as totemic device" between the mesmerists and the New Atheists. What to make of the dupes? For members: From the Air America archive, Janeane, Paul Rudd (in for Sam), Amy Poehler, and Fred Armisen talk about Sam's wedding and how Hollywood and Wall St are controlled by the same sort of psychos. From June 21, 2004.
Become a member of the Majority Report today! Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 29 August 2018
Today, writer Quinn Slobodian joins us to discuss his new book, 'Globalists: The End Of Empire & the Birth of Neoliberalism.' With Sam, he discusses Neoliberalism as a discrete political movement for technocratic protection of capitalism. The similarities and differences between Neoliberals and Keynesians. How decolonization was seen as a threat to capitalism. How Neoliberalism uses democracy while fundamentally distrusting it. FOR MEMBERS: Another throwback to Air America days, Sam and Janeane talk to the late writer and historian Tony Judt on Abu Ghraib, governmental lying, the media during wartime, Israel/Palestine and much more. Recorded 6/2/2004.
Become a member of the Majority Report today! Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 28 August 2018
Today writer Daegan Miller (@DaeganMiller) joins us to discuss his new book, 'This Radical Land: A Natural History of Dissent.' Fun half returns next Tuesday. What is radical environmentalism? How freedom and justice require environmental ethics, and how the social and natural can't be understood apart from each other. Exploitation as a fundamental to both social and environmental justice. Thoreau and the ethics of surveying. Timbuktu and the legacy of African-American pioneers.
For members: Air America throwback (2/11/2005), Sam and Janeane interview Eugene Mirman, Eddie Izzard, Flight of the Concords, and Stewart Lee live from the HBO Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colorado. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at and donate at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, in your favorite podcast app, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 27 August 2018
Today, an interview with historian Anna-Lisa Cox on her new book, "The Bone and Sinew of the Land: America's Forgotten Black Pioneers and the Struggle for Equality." Cox uncovers the early history of America's black frontiersman in the late 18th century, and what happened to what was once the largest area on earth set aside for equality in the NW territory (Ohio, Indiana, etc). Why white supremacist movements of the early 19th century were a response to black success and not black failure on the frontier. What America might look like had laws coded to privilege whites not destroyed the black frontier. The co-ed, interracial boarding schools of Indiana in the 1840s, started by African-American famers, and later burned down.
For members, Sam grills H. Jon Benjamin on his jazz album (from 2015).
Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at and donate at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, in your favorite podcast app, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 24 August 2018
Journalist and author Corey Pein (@coreypein) and Matthew "Film Guy" Weiss (@langdonboom) join us. On today's show: Jesse Watters' futile attempts to own Jessica Tarlov on immigrants and crime. Corey Pein (@coreypein) joins us to discuss Elon Musk, white supremacists in Oregon, and more. Is the mess at Tesla evidence the public sector needs to step in and expropriate the green energy project? And what's with all the white nationalists in Pinochet t-shirts who've been invading Portland, OR? Pein breaks it down. Check out his new book, "Live, Work, Work, Work, Die: A Journey Into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley." Film Guy Matthew (@langdonboom) joins us to talk all things film. A roundtable on Boots Riley's "Sorry to Bother You" and Spike Lee's "BlacKkKlansman." Is Spike Lee too easy on the police? Jamie critiques "Sorry To Bother You"'s gender politics. The crew reveal what books they've been reading. Matthew's film picks: "One Year in a Life of Crime" (1989) and "Joe" (1970). On the fun half: Mohammad Bin Salman brings equality to women in Saudi sentencing a woman protester to death. Trump says flipping on someone should "almost" be illegal. Rep. Duncan Hunter throws his wife under the bus, blames her for improper campaign spending. Concerned mom asks Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) if her kids will be safe if ACA is killed, is told to get off his lawn. Houthi rebels report 22 children killed by latest air raid on Yemen's Hodeidah. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at and donate at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, in your favorite podcast app, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 23 August 2018
Martha Nussbaum, author and philosophy professor at the University of Chicago, joins us to discuss her new book, "The Monarchy of Fear: A Philosopher Looks At Our Political Crisis." On today's show: Tucker Carlson's willfully demented take on South African land reform. Martha Nussbaum joins us to discuss her latest book, "The Monarchy of Fear: A Philosopher Looks At Our Political Crisis." We live in times marked by increasing polarization. President Trump operates on fear-based politics, and most of his supporters are seen by the left as irredeemable racists. In this book, Nussbaum builds a case for love, empathy, and rational discourse as the way out of our current predicament, drawing on thinkers from Aeschylus to MLK. On the fun half: A caller asks how to talk to his MAGA friends about politics. Trump on the hush money payments: "They didn't come out of the campaign. They came from me." Trump wonders why you'd impeach a president who's doing a good job. Stuart Varney warns against paying workers a living wage, America's slide into socialism. Can STEM solve the jobs crisis? Are working class Trump supporters voting against their own interests? A new poll finds 85% of Democrats and 52% of Republicans support Medicare for all. Duncan Hunter's campaign finance expenditures show he wasted GOP donor money on awesome things. A Brazilian caller critiques Lula's party's strategy. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at and donate at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 22 August 2018
On today's show: Trump doesn't address Manafort or Cohen, talks instead about deals and his mom's "gestating" turkey. Michael Cohen's lawyer Lanny Davis says Cohen would not accept Trump's presidential pardon, and Cohen has info on Trump and Russia to tell Mueller. Greg Jarrett says Trump's campaign finance conspiracy is not a crime because he's always paid off women, claims Trump didn't know Manafort before the campaign?! Lindsey Graham said "impeachment is about cleansing the office" of the presidency in 1999. Rick Santorum says most Americans are more concerned about a murdered student in Iowa than Trump's corruption, claims Trump "didn't surround himself with criminals" because they weren't yet convicted at the time. On the fun half: Maria Bartiromo thinks she's being shadow banned because her tweet attacking Obama didn't go viral. Mindy gives personal insight into Trump's popularity with the white collar crime demographic. John from San Antonio argues with Sam about Trump's chances of impeachment. Tomi Lahren calls Ana Navarro "disgusting and vile" for mocking Melania Trump, claims no one ever did the same to Michelle Obama. Imprisoned radical Heriberto "Sharky" Garcia declares his hunger strike as part of the national prison strike. Nationwide prison strike's list of demands includes ending modern day slavery. Man talks about the injustices his incarcerated brother faces. Brett Kavanaugh's hypocritical memo to Ken Starr on how Bill Clinton should be treated. Comrade Communicator calls in to correct the record on Posadism. Jordan Peterson says atheists have never been an oppressed group (with caveats). Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at and donate at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Tue, 21 August 2018
![]() Author Matthew Horace joins us to discuss his new book, The Black & Blue: A Cop Reveals the Crimes, Racism, and Injustice in America's Law Enforcement. Horace presents an insider's examination of police tactics, which he concludes is an "archaic system" built on a "toxic brotherhood." Horace provides fresh analysis on communities experiencing police brutality and disparate imprisonment rates due to racist policing like Ferguson, New Orleans, Baltimore, and Chicago. Horace explains how officers bring their biases into the job of law enforcement official that is complicated by the "protect your own" ethos of the field. Sam and Horace discuss what has and what has not changed in our country's policing and how calls for social justice has met resistance in law enforcement brotherhood of self-protection. Horace also talks about the incremental progress that has been made in law enforcement behavior. And in the Fun Half: Michael reveals his big TMBS One Year Anniversary's Sam, Donald Trump boasts about the Border Patrol agent's "perfect English," Maria Bartiromo does a segment on the new hot fall fashion line of bulletproof backpacks, Eric Prince and Academi are making their hard push for privatizing the war efforts in Afghanistan, Borish Epshteyn's Bottom Line struggles in its first post-Tribune merger segment, Joe Rogan, voting your conscious v. voting pragmatically, caller shares his experience as with the cops after a verbal disagreement at the dog park, Michael Cohen's plea deal, and of course your calls and IMs! Become a member of the Majority Report today! Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Mon, 20 August 2018
Journalist and author Anna Clark (@annaleighclark) joins us to discuss her new book, The Poisoned City: Flint's Water and the American Urban Tragedy. On today's show: An update on Ronald Raygun's client, Humberto, who will make bond thanks to everyone's generous donations. Unruly airline traveler screams cops "treating me like a black person" during arrest. Journalist Anna Clark joins us to discuss the continuing humanitarian crisis in Flint, MI. Several years after the news of Flint's water crisis broke, its residents still don't have access to clean water. Through a careful examination of the Flint's history, politics, and economics, Clark lays out the dimensions of the crisis, the reasons it happened, and why the city was so slow to deal with it. Also: why there is no end in sight, and why culpable parties like Rick Snyder have yet to be held responsible. On the fun half: CNN's Jake Tapper "fact checks" Sanders' Medicare-for-all claims, gets crucial facts wrong. Giuliani says "truth isn't truth," volleys so many lies at Chuck Todd he misses a big one. Georgia lawmaker Michael Williams tells CNN he's cool with Trump using n-word if it happened before he was president. US supplied bomb that killed 40 children in Yemen. John Bolton says privatizing Afghan operations will be Trump's call. ICE detains man driving wife to hospital to deliver baby. C-SPAN cuts off audio after caller shouts 'death to the n*gger Obama.' Cynthia Nixon explains why the IDC holds NY back on progressive politics. Phil Mudd gets VERY mad when Paris Dennard asks if he gets money from consulting groups. What kind of non-policy features would our ideal presidential candidate have? Become a member at Check out today's sponsors! Liquid I.V. is not your average electrolyte drink mix, it even contains 5 essential vitamins – including more Vitamin C than an orange and as much potassium as a banana. Right now, listeners get 20% off at when you use my code XXX at checkout. That’s 20% off ANYTHING you order on Liquid I.V.’s website! Harry's!- Harry’s founders know that a great shave comes down to great blades – made with sharp, durable steel that lasts. ZipRecruiter is the Highest Rated Hiring Site in America. Try it now at ! Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel: Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Fri, 17 August 2018
On today's show: Trump honors Aretha Franklin at cabinet meeting by saying she worked for him on "numerous occasions." Lara Trump's call offering Omarosa $15k/month to work on Trump 2020 team. Fox News reports there's nothing to see in new Omarosa tape. Cliff Schecter (@CliffSchecter) joins us to discuss Elizabeth Warren's "Accountable Capitalism Act." As per Warren's bill, any company making over $1 billion in revenue would have to obtain a federal charter of corporate citizenship. In addition to shareholders, companies would have to consider the needs of customers, employees, and communities when making decisions. Additionally, workers would get to elect 40% of the board of directors. Sam and Cliff discuss the ins and outs of the bill, and how it would force corporations to behave in less sociopathic ways. Plus: More on the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Ronald Raygun (@YakimaAbogado) joins us to discuss his work as an immigration lawyer and his efforts to create a fund to help people meet their bond payments so they aren't held in detention while their cases are pending. Go here to donate to the bond fund for his client Humberto, a father whose own parents brought him to the US when he was just three years old. He also lampoons the presidential ambitions of Michael Avenatti and tries to bait Jamie into talking shit. On the fun half: Ajit Pai's weak explanation for why he couldn't go public about the FCC's not-hacked website. Fox News freaks out over Elizabeth Warren's Accountable Capitalism Act, says it's "unnecessary." Dissident Peasant on voter suppression in GA. Sam's opinion on packing the court. A caller on his personal experience with Medicaid's stinginess in WI. Heroes of late capitalism: a teacher with cancer ran out of sick days, so his colleagues gave him theirs. Fox and Friends try to bring back freedom fries. Tucker compares illegal immigrants to litter. A formerly libertarian caller on how MR pulled her to the left. (Hell yeah!) Is Jamie losing her commie edge? (Hell no!) Become a member at Support this GoFundMe for Ronald Raygun's client! "Humberto is currently detained in the Northwest Detention Center, where an Immigration Judge recently set bond at $15,000 dollars. Paying bond means Humberto will be released from immigration custody, and he will fight his removal case without being detained. He will be reunited with his son, and he will be able to go back to providing for his family." Donate now! Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Donate to the Charlottesville Community Resilience Fund at Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Thu, 16 August 2018
Eric Levitz (@EricLevitz), politics writer for New York Magazine, joins us to discuss his latest piece, "Conservatives Can’t Decide If Nordic Socialism Is a Totalitarian Nightmare or Actually Capitalist." On today's show: Trump revokes former CIA director John Brennan's security clearance; flashback to Paul Ryan saying "I think he's just trolling people" with security clearance threat. Eric Levitz and Michael discuss the GOP's attacks on healthcare and confusion about democratic socialism. First he takes up the Kavanaugh appointment's potential effect on the ACA and the own-goal of the GOP attacking its most popular provisions. Will this move backfire in the midterm elections? See Levitz's piece in New York Magazine for more. Levitz next discusses his piece on conservatives' confusion over what to make of Scandinavian social democracies. With the rising mainstream popularity of "democratic socialism," the GOP is having a tough time figuring out how to counter the example set by countries like Denmark. Are they examples of disastrous state overreach, or free market capitalism? Lastly, he touches on the unfolding scandal of Trump's n-word tape. If anyone was somehow unaware that Trump's presidency is based on white supremacy, they won't be now. On the fun half: Andrew Cuomo says "America was never that great," Fox and Friends respond that America is great "because we stopped Communist Japan." Fox's Trish Regan says "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" and it's socialism. Liz Bruenig makes cogent argument for socialism on Fox News. An update on jailed Brazilian politician Lula, who has successfully registered to run for president. Is Michael Avenatti going to run for president of the US? A caller on the dangers of space debris, Space Force. Christian Picciolini's feud with Sam Harris and why it's so important to expose racist pseudoscience and keep its adherents out of the mainstream. The Daily Show's reel of Cuomo-on-Cuomo crime. Remembering Aretha Franklin. VT gubernatorial candidate Christine Halquist on socialism vs. capitalism. A STEM worker on why science needs to have a social conscience. Become a member at Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Donate to the Charlottesville Community Resilience Fund at Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |
Wed, 15 August 2018
On today's show: Sarah Huckabee Sanders "can't guarantee" there's no tape of Trump saying the n-word. The crew breaks down the latest round of primary victories for progressives (hell yeah!): Christine Halquist in VT, Ilhan Omar in MN, Rashida Tlaib in MI, Randy Bryce in WI, and more. Catholic church of PA covered up sexual abuse of over 1,000 children. John from San Antonio breaks down the latest wave of primary results: Is the Overton window finally moving left? Fox News economist Liz Peek claims against all evidence the Laffer curve is real, lower taxes = more tax revenue. On the fun half: Understanding Kaniela Ing's loss in HI. Colbert grills Bernie on failed candidates he endorsed: is there a "taint" to socialism? Jason Kessler's livestream interrupted by his dad yelling at him to stop doing white supremacy interviews in his house. Steve Cohen (D-TN) wishes Marsha Blackburn would "jump off a bridge," she responds with Christ. Tucker Carlson attacks refugees for using food assistance, claims birthright citizenship means no one should have to follow laws. A caller weighs Space Force against more pressing needs, like healthcare. How the crackdowns on legal immigration terrorize immigrants, even if they aren't passed. A caller on his experience as a student at a cyber charter school. ICE arrests DACA recipient at #OccupyICE protest. A plug for Red State Conference 2018, which will be held August 25 in Lincoln, NE. Become a member at Check out today’s sponsor! Get 12 issues for $6 and a free tote bag when you go to MAJORITY and enter code MAJORITY at checkout. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate at with coupon code “Majority” Get confidential, text-based counseling from a licensed, fully trained, accredited therapist at Donate to the Charlottesville Community Resilience Fund at Get updates on the ongoing nationwide prison strike at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s new podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or on the new Antifada Youtube channel! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |