The Majority Report with Sam Seder

From August 2017:

Best selling author Naomi Klein, author of, No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, explains the history of modern branding. The formation of the Trump brand. The liberals who helped create the CEO myth of leadership. Why Trump can’t be worked with. Why labor unions should fight Trump on all fronts. Why the climate crisis needs to remain central to our politics. What to learn from Jeremy Corbyn. Why the Left needs to synchronize race, class and gender and what comes next in Left politics.


Also, a few conversations on Seb Gorka and Sam has a Gianforte-style meltdown.

Direct download: 12-29-17-Naomi_Klein-BestOf-Comp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EST

Best of from April 2017,

Chris Hayes, host of the Chris Hayes Show and author of, A Colony in a Nation, explains Richard Nixon’s role in the creation of the modern law and order state. Colonialism and American revolution. Why smugglers were popular in early American history. Colonial era smuggling and the modern drug war. The murder of Eric Garner and Jefferson’s attack on the crown. Policing and revenue and Ferguson. Police as occupying forces. White fear and American history. Police violence, African Americans and recurring themes in American history. What changed in 1968. Jeff Sessions unshackles police departments and the return of private prisons. What fuels change? Is there a way to change white fear and pathology? Understanding Trump’s mind and American bigotry and The what people are missing about the Nunes story.


Also, Ivanka loves board games so much they've never been unboxed and Alex Jones gets frustrated with Mike Cernovich.

Direct download: 12-28-17-Chris_Hayes-BestOf-Comp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am EST

An interview from May 2014:

Professor Stephanie Kelton explains the Bretton Woods System and the end of the Gold Standard in the 1970s, why comparisons to the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe made by austerity promoters are wrong, high inflation does not happen in well functioning democracies, why we think about the deficit in the wrong way, the smart way to think about the Simpson Bowles austerity plan, the purpose of taxes, Hillary Clinton running on bringing down the debt and addressing the inequality crisis, Social Security and inequality, what Thomas Piketty misses, why labor needs to make a comeback and why fighting inequality must go beyond raising taxes at the top.

Also, a best of compilation of some of our Alex Jones coverage from the year.

Direct download: 12-27-17-Stephanie_Kelton-BestOf-Comp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST

From February 8th:

Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University, explains what is radicalism. Why radicalism is different from liberalism and incrementalism. Has America always had radicals. The 1990s and the “end of history”. Tom Paine, America’s original radical. Radicalism in times of crisis. The opportunities the Left has today. Why are people marching against Trump? How radicalism moves from saying no to articulating what it wants. The old order is dying, what about the next one? Organic movements and the importance of Black Lives Matter. Why we are behind the curve on inequality and basic social benefits. Long term strategy for radical change. Where Europe is further ahead and further behind and what we need to learn from reconstruction.

Then, Michael takes down Ben Shapiro and David Rubin, and Sam argues with a libertarian about the Bell Curve.

Direct download: 12-26-17-Eric_Foner-BestOf-Comp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST

For the best-of today, an interview from April 14th:

Ganesh Sitaraman (@GaneshSitaraman) is an Assistant Professor of Law at Vanderbilt Law School. He joins us to discuss his new book, “The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic.”

Direct download: 12-25-17-Ganesh_Sitaraman-BestOf-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

It's the last live Majority Report of 2017, and have we got a star-studded line-up for you! First, cultural critic Fran Lebowitz joins us to discuss the rise of Trump, what it means about America, and what happened to our class consciousness. Next, our old pal Cliff Schecter breaks down the GOP tax bill and the shifting political ground with his trademark wonkishness. Then Isabel Gillies and Film Guy Matthew stop by to recommend uplifting and depressing movies, respectively. Finally, we close out the year with a viewing of Weird Mike's live Reddit AMA session.

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Direct download: 12-22-17-Fran_Liebowitz-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:21pm EST

On this episode of MR, Travis L Dixon (@Dr_TLDixon), a professor of communication at the University of Illinois, discusses his new report for Color of Change, A Dangerous Distortion of Our Families: Representations of Families, By Race, in News and Opinion Media. Drawing on data from 2015-2016, Dixon outlines how African American families are over-represented in the media's reporting on crime and poverty, and discusses how politicians from Reagan to Clinton have used those perceptions to shred the social safety net in a racialized way. Read the full report here.

In the fun half: The first six Disrupt J20 defendants are found not guilty, Roy Moore thinks Muslims and Marxists worked together to defeat him and delight Doug Jones' gay son, Trump's politics re: taxes, drilling in the Arctic, etc. are just the same old Republican garbage, Nikki Haley delivers some tough talk on Israel at the UN, immigration courts show children no mercy, and the crew goes back and forth some more about the effects of classist snobbery.


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Direct download: 12-21-17-Travis_Dixon-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EST

On this episode of the Majority Report, Paul Ryan does his smarmy best to pretend the GOP tax bill will help the 99% and not add to the deficit (not that the latter matters), animatronic William Howard Taft calls in to praise Donald Trump, banks plan to proceed with mortgage payments and foreclosures in Puerto Rico despite the ongoing crisis, Wyatt Koch peddles terrible shirts to his fellow failsons, and Rachel in Queens sparks a discussion on classist attitudes held by coastal elites.

After the break: Susan Collins blames sexism for tax bill backlash, Cenk recaps his bet with Jimmy Dore, Donald Trump Jr. does a fake TED talk on how the system is rigged against his dad, MN lawmaker and transphobe Mary Franson is scared to meet with high school students, the Department of Defense releases a UFO video, Sam tackles a random Rush clip, and Jeff in GA elicits further discussion on how the Democrats should (and should not) convince people to vote for them.

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Direct download: 12-20-17-Sam_Seder-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

This episode of the Majority Report begins with a viewing of the newly unveiled animatronic Trump at Disney World. Will it bring on the robot revolution? Then journalist David Dayen (@ddayen) joins us to discuss the Republican tax bill and the political history of 2017. With 83% of gains going to the top 1%, the GOP plan is unlikely to win favor with voters. But if and when the Democrats get back into power, we must pressure them to re-allocate the funds to social programs, rather than the deficit.

On the fun half: The Mooch says Trump is too smart to fire Mueller, "firefighter prophet" Mark Taylor says Trump is set to release cures for cancer and Alzheimer's, a caller reminds us of the importance of local races in pushing Democrats to the left, former Fox News employee Tamara Holder is released from her NDA, Alex Jones doesn't want Trump to get assassinated (but if he does, it'll be great for his numbers), listeners tell us about VA healthcare headaches and organizing in Florida, and Ronald Raygun calls in with a special, Cernovich-related offer.

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Direct download: 12-19-17-David_Dayen-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EST

Steven A Cook (@StevenACook), Senior fellow of Middle East and North African studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, joins Michael Brooks to talk about our relationship with Turkey since Trump became president. Why is Turkey upset with the United States? The obsession with Fethullah Gulen by Erdogan's supporters.

Why the 'new' Jerusalem policy is just an acknowledgment of the reality that the peace process and two-state solution are no longer possible. Why it benefits those in power to pretend like the two-state solution is still viable. The generational divide re: Israel politics and why mainstream Dems continue to close ranks around the issue.

On the fun half: Judge Jeanine "doubles down" on apocalypse of the republic record against the FBI, Alex Jones needs your prayers, Pharma company McKesson killed americans with opioids but our justice system is too weak to punish them, what's the lesson from Alabama, and your calls an IMs.

Support today's sponsor, Sherrie's Berries: code 'seder'

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brendan Finn (@BF1nn)


Direct download: 12-18-17-Steven_A_Cook-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm EST

Paul Ryan wants us to make more babies and Heather Digby Parton (@digby56) joins us to discuss the implications of the AL election, whether Trump is going to fire Mueller, Trump's chances of impeachment, the Trump admin's terrifying foreign policy, and police violence in America. Judy Gold then joins us for a Two Minutes Hate sesh on Omarosa, Roy Moore, Orrin Hatch, Israel, net neutrality, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. A new Jimmy Reefercake song is played.

On the fun half: Dennis Miller tries out a new comedy routine on us, Trump wants to end the immigration lottery, Trump judicial nominee Matthew Petersen is hilariously under-qualified, the crew outlines leftist positions on gun control, Mindy calls in to commiserate about how fucked we are, and Mike Cernovich is the new Baked Alaska.

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brendan Finn (@BF1nn)


Get a $19.99 deal on chocolate covered berries (and more!) at Shari’s Berries when you visit and enter the code SEDER at checkout.


Direct download: 12-15-17-Digby-Judy_Gold-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm EST

Today on the Majority Report, we're joined by Ryan Singel to discuss the implications of Ajit Pai's decision to overturn Net Neutrality safeguards and how Congress will pay a hefty price as a result. What exactly is Ajit Pai undoing? How this represents a taking of the commons. What will the next phase of the internet look like after the changes, and how quickly will the internet change?

On the fun half: Do even dum dums get the importance of Moore losing? Omarosa gets dragged by TV hosts after firing, how can we nationalize all these tech companies, Rush has to corral his confused sheep after the Roy Moore loss, are we going to live in an episode of Black Mirror soon, and your calls and IMs!

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Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brendan Finn (@BF1nn)

Direct download: 12-14-17-Ryan_Singel-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm EST

On today's show, The Atlantic's Julia Ioffe joins us to discuss joins us to discuss her recent article in The Atlantic, What Putin Really Wants. While many Americans view Putin's government as a powerful, well-oiled machine, Ioffe says it's more like a messy, corruption-riddled bureaucracy with its various factions not always working together. "The Sopranos" is referenced.

On the fun half: Mike from PA calls in with detailed analysis of what drove Jones' win in the Alabama election, Weird Mike tries and fails to mess with another alpha cuck Jew, Jake Tapper schools a Roy Moore spokesman on the constitution, Alex Jones says Trump's accusers are not attractive enough for him to molest, and the gang takes on right-wing asshat "Sargon of Akkad" a.k.a. Carl of Youtube.

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brendan Finn (@BF1nn)

Today is Break the Internet day! Call representatives and tell them to save the Internet today!

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Direct download: 12-13-17-Julia_Ioffe-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EST

On today's show, author Malcolm Harris (@BigMeanInternet) joins us to discuss his new book, Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millennials. While their elders often blame the problems of the millennial generation on millennials themselves, Harris debunks that idea with a structural analysis of the political and economic factors driving their behavior and development.

On the fun half: More people call in to discuss Al Franken, Roy Moore's war buddy makes an excellent case for him, a father and son explain their different reasons for voting for Doug Jones, a grieving father calls out Moore's homophobia, Nikki Haley thinks Trump's accusers deserve to be heard, Nomiki Konst calls out DNC waste and incompetence, and Sam schools a ring-winger on rape apologia (and plays a clip of Trump accuser Jessica Leeds).

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brendan Finn (@BF1nn)

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Direct download: 12-12-17-Malcolm_Harris-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm EST

Good afternoon. On today's show, Alabama voters explain why they're sticking by Roy Moore, Republicans perpetrate voter suppression in AL, the GOP continues to attack institutions devoted to the public good, the right wing media is suddenly skeptical of the FBI, and Carl Bernstein thinks there was a cover-up in the Trump White House.

On the fun half: Roy Moore wants to get rid of all the amendments after #10 and implement Christian theocracy, "Sheriff" David Clarke throws shade at John Lewis, Laura Ingraham thinks the #metoo movement is ruining office holiday parties, Alex Jones details his plans to buy a sex robot, Sam gets a hideous gift in the mail, a caller in AL shares some thoughts on the election, Sam schools a caller on corporate profits, and Jamie calls out bad faith libs re: Al Franken and sexual harassment.

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brendan Finn (@BF1nn)


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Direct download: 12-11-17-Sam_Seder-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm EST

Good afternoon. On today's show, Mike Cernovich flails in an NPR interview, and Cliff Schecter joins us to discuss Al Franken's resignation. Also: Comedian Andy Kindler joins us to talk Weird Mike and the GOP tax cuts (with some Jew jokes thrown in for good measure), the gang enjoys a video of Christian Youtuber Jim Beckwith trying to take us down, and Sam threatens our audience with a talking Dennis Miller doll.

On the fun half: A man with ALS grills Jeff Flake (of the performative bullshit fake resistance) on his handling of DACA, a homophobic state lawmaker freaks out at a Democrat for touching his arm, Papadopoulos' fiance inflates his role in Russiagate, Roy Moore thinks America is evil because we promote same-sex marriage, a bro speaks out on his right to party, Mike Pence snitched on his frat in college, Addison in Ohio pushes back on some things Cliff said about Franken, and a disabled veteran describes his struggle to get adequate mental healthcare.

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brendan Finn (@BF1nn)

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Direct download: 12-8-17-Cliff_Schecter-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:15pm EST

Good afternoon. On today's show, Michael Brooks hosts New York Magazine's Eric Levitz to discuss the GOP tax bill. As Levitz notes, it's one of the least popular tax bills in US history, and it is (technically) a tax cut. Unlike prior measures, this bill does not even have the fig leaf of fiscal responsibility; it's blowing up the deficit as an excuse to impose (further) austerity measures. Time to make life harder for any politician who supports it.

On the fun half:  The MR team runs a victory lap over Sam's re-instatement by MSNBC and makes outlandish speculations about Trump's health. Also: Mike from PA questions the legitimacy of pollsters in Alabama, Weird Mike tries to turn a loss into a win, Cenk Uygur supports the show, activist Luke Mayville campaigns for Medicaid expansion in Idaho, Ben Shapiro says racist things about Arabs, an MP proposes to his boyfriend on the floor of Australian parliament, and Newt Gingrich claims the Democrats are "losing their minds" because they pressured Al Franken to resign.

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brenden Finn (@BF1nn)



Direct download: 12-7-17-Eric_Levitz-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

The Washington Post's Dave Weigel, explains why Doug Jones might pull off an upset in Alabama. Roy Moore's strength of support and what it reveals about Alabama and Republicans. What can Doug Jones do now? And does Steve Bannon wear so many clothes?

And depression historian does the perfect Cable news segment.

On The Fun Half: Atlanta reporter does a perfect takedown of a racist twitter troll, the team breaks it down. How to get on Dave Rubin's email. Joe Rogan backs Seder, but in an odd way. Joe Rogan and Sam Harris's bad ideas. State Rep comes out for rent control and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder (@samseder), Michael Brooks (@_michaelbrooks) Matt Lech (@mattlech), Jamie Peck (@jamie_elizabeth), Brenden Finn (@BF1nn)

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Direct download: 12-6-17-Dave_Weigel-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EST

Good afternoon. On today's show, South Asian history professor Tithi Bhattacharya joins us to discuss her new book "Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping class, recentering oppression." After laying out the basics of social reproduction theory, she discusses how it can help us understand our nightmarish present moment, as well as what kind of hope it offers for the future.

On the fun half: Mike Cernovich gloats over getting Sam fired from MSNBC, Vic Berger remixes 60 Minutes' #pizzagate segment (feat. Cernovich), the RNC still backs child molester Roy Moore, a listener in Poland asks if he should vote for a neoliberal party out of fear, Mike Pence once considered a coup against Trump, the mainstream media is total garbage, and many, many callers express their support for show. Thank you!

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Direct download: 12-5-17-Tithi_Bhattacharya-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

Good afternoon. On today's show, Sam sees his skepticism of Brian Ross's Michael Flynn source validated, the Cernovich "controversy" continues, Bernie points out how bad the GOP tax bill is, Orrin Hatch attacks the un-deserving poor, Joe Manchin is sad he couldn't work with the Republicans to shred the safety net like Democrats did under Reagan, and Sam reads the names of vulnerable lawmakers who voted for this monstrosity.

On the fun half: Chuck Grassley thinks the "death tax" incentivizes people to spend all their money on booze, women and movies (lit!), Thomas Friedman thinks the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is going to save the Arab world from itself, and a caller worries the Mueller investigation is distracting people from the GOP tax cuts. Also: Jamie's husband calls in to talk about unions, a caller discusses mental healthcare programs in Germany, everyone hates Thomas Friedman, Ronald Raygun gets serious, Tony in Miami humanizes the issue, and Tim from New Paltz urges grad students to contact their unions and fight for their rights.


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Direct download: 12-4-17-Sam_Seder-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

Good morning. On today’s show, Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) joins us to talk about Michael Flynn flipping on Trump, Jared Kushner's involvement in the Russia scandal, and the indefensible Republican tax bill, which is clearly a precursor to cutting social security and other services.

On the fun half: Matt Lauer was once quite creepy to Anne Hathaway, Trump can no longer use Kathryn Steinle's death to attack undocumented immigrants, Jamie shares a personal story about how our country fails people with mental illness, and Paul Ryan dodges a question about Roy Moore.

Also: Jimmy Kimmel challenges Roy Moore to a talk about Christian values, Lindsey Graham contradicts himself, Sam addresses Mike Cernovich's attempts to cook up a rape joke controversy, NRA TV baselessly attacks the CFPB, a caller educates Sam on twinks and other types of fellows, Alex Jones has a bizarrely specific fantasy about what liberal lesbians are into, and many callers express support for the show and disgust at the Republican tax bill.

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Direct download: 12-1-17-Cliff_schecter-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

Today, writer and editor David Klion (@DavidKlion) joins us to discuss how the left should orient itself to the Trump/Russia investigation. The thriving ecosystem of russia conspiracy theory and disinformation. What's 'real' with the Russia story with regard to both 'collusion' and money-laundering? How the real story should be focused on the anti-democratic nature of global neoliberalism.

On the fun half - Joe Scarborough is finally saying Trump has dementia, Roy Moore blames pedophilia accusations on leftists and LGBT people, The Federalist says vote for him, Trump is easily distracted by his own personality while discussing tax policy and nuclear war, and your calls and IMs!

Direct download: 11-29-17-David_Klion-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32pm EST

On today's show, Sam speaks with Michael Hardt, author of the book 'Assembly (Heretical Thought)' about how grassroots, non-hierarchical movements like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter could become more politically effective and what lessons we can take from them as we fight for everything from daily survival to the abolition of capitalism. Sam also addresses Mike Cernovich's attempts at cooking up a scandal based on an old tweet of his.

On the fun half: A caller reminds us the moon landing was faked, Senator Lindsey Graham threatens to nuke all of Asia if we get into a war with North Korea, Bernie pwns Ted Cruz on the Republican tax bill, a tech CEO says corporate tax cuts do NOT create jobs or raise wages, Sean Hannity whines about the terrible pictures of him that New York Magazine used, and alt-righter Lucian Wintrich tackles a woman for stealing his notes.

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Direct download: 11-29-17-Michael_Hardt-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm EST

On today's Majority Report, Jack Schneider, a professor of education at College of the Holy Cross, joins us to discuss why test scores alone are not a good indicator of school quality. After growing weary of seeing state data used improperly, he came up with a new metric that takes into account many factors including a school's teachers, culture, academics, resources, and services geared towards students' character and well being. Schneider also explains why some charter schools produce better test scores, yet see larger numbers of their students drop out once they get to college.

On the fun half: Ronald Raygun critiques Sam's looks, Tammy apologizes to Janeane, SNL is fomenting a "leftist" revolution to bring back President Obama, Greg complains about our unfair treatment of libertarians, Jeff from GA is opening a library in Sam's name, more on the downsides of charter schools, Sam debunks the notion that raising taxes on grad students will drive down tuition, and James O'Keefe tries to "gotcha" WaPo with a fake Roy Moore accuser and fails miserably.

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Direct download: 11-28-17-Jack_Schneider-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

Good day! On today's Majority Report, the MR crew breaks down the news, including: The archbishop of Canterbury doesn't understand why American evangelicals support Trump, Bill Kristol finds his inner careerist on Twitter, Ben Wittes of the Brookings Institute figures out Trump is bad, and neocon David Frum is equally disingenuous. Come back and talk to us when you #NeverTrumpers bring something to the table.

On the fun half: John from San Antonio thinks the Democrats can overcome gerrymandering, Sam will win the lottery before Trump is impeached, Ronald Raygun bemoans the low bar for entry into #theresistance (and workshops an idea for a movie), Mulvaney is going to "drain the swamp" by destroying the CFPB, Breitbart's Joel Pollack defends Roy Moore with an analogy to Ringo Starr, Jamie discusses socialist feminism with Tammy from Texas, Geraldo thinks Trump is "punching down" at Time Magazine, and the gang discusses the false dichotomy between class and identity.

Get 30% off of the MR blend at Just Coffee, use the code: MRHoliday Go to JustCoffee.Coop now. Good until Dec. 15

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Direct download: 11-27-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

Today, historian William Hogeland joins us to discuss his book "Autumn of the Black Snake: The Creation of the U.S. Army and the Invasion That Opened the West."

Also, a sample of The Michael Brooks Show members' only content: 'Illicit History - 5 - The Crushing Of Manley's Socialism In Jamaica' originally uploaded Sunday, 8 October, 2017.

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For members, Bernie Sanders once again joins Sam on Air America to talk about GOP plans to repeal the estate tax, from 6-7-06.

Direct download: William_Hogeland_Nov_24_PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am EST

Christopher Glazek (@SeeGlazek) joins us to talk about his article in Esquire, 'THE SECRETIVE FAMILY MAKING BILLIONS FROM THE OPIOID CRISIS.'

For members, segments from Air America archives episode 8-17-04, Bernie Sanders talks with Sam and Jeanine about GOP tax cruelty followed by Reverend Billy of the Church of Stop Shopping.

Direct download: Chris_Glazek_Nov_22_PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

On today's show, Sam addresses an investigation into Matt Taibbi that seems to totally exonerate him of Sexual harrassment charges, the crew discusses Charlie Rose's grossness, John Conyers pays off his harassment victims with taxpayer dollars, the gang mocks and sounds alarm bells over census bureau nominee Thomas Brunell and his awful book, the FCC is going to hell and taking net neutrality with it, and the Republicans threaten the role of blue slips in blocking judicial nominees.

On the fun half: More discussion of sexual harassment, a caller wonders if the Democrats will learn all the wrong lessons from Ralph Northam's victory, Alex Jones is breeding an army of conspiracy theorist super soldiers, a homophobic group invites a rainbow flag dancer to perform, congressman Greg Gianforte assaults a reporter and lies to the cops about it, Stephen Moore defends Roy Moore, and the Simpsons predicted Dennis Miller's descent into madness. Also: Trump wants to end a work program for Haitians devastated by the 2010 earthquake, Ray from Westchester defends his county's liberal-ness, the government is taking people's driver's licenses away for unpaid student loans, an IMer writes a Yelp review of Matt, and another IMer explains why anarcho-communism is the only solution to the violent contradictions of late capitalism.


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Direct download: 11-21-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm EST

On today's show, labor historian Jefferson Cowie joins us to talk about his book "The Great Exception: The New Deal and the Limits of American Politics." While the New Deal is often held up as the model for progressives to shoot for, it came out of an exceptional period from the 1930s to the 1970s when politics were focused on collective, economic well being. It was also the result of a compromise that excluded African Americans from most of its benefits. In this interview, Cowie describes the 20th century trajectory from collectivism to individualism and posits new tactics for the future.

On the fun half: Jon from San Antonio discusses the effect the Republican tax plan will have on rents, Senator Lamar Alexander defends trickle down economics against all evidence, Ronald Raygun conveys critiques received via Twitter, homophobic lawmaker Wes Goodman is a huge hypocrite, Bill Kristol pretends to be offended by Trump's racism, people celebrate Mugabe's ousting, and the crew ponders whether or not we're headed for revolution. Also: the crew discusses Al Franken and rape culture, and a caller tells us about the first woman mayor of New Orleans.


Direct download: 11-20-17-Jefferson_Cowie-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

Good morning everyone, on today’s show Digby (@digby56) joins us to discuss the Republicans' tax plan, which would actually raise taxes on families making less than $75,000/year and give those ill-gotten gains directly to Ivanka Trump. Then, comedian Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) joins us to let it all out regarding the Al Franken story, Trump's absurdly hypocritical tweet, Christian hypocrisy on Roy Moore, sexism in the comedy world, and more. Also: Disgraced former DHS official Jamie Johnson's not-at-all novel take on why the blacks hate the Jews, and Jim Bakker tries in vain to stop the war on Christmas, which we have basically won already.

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Direct download: 11-17-17-Digby-Judy_Gold-MEM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EST

On today's show, the one and only Janeane Garofalo joins us to talk about how to deal with your conservative family at Thanksgiving...or not! Plus: Al Franken's sexual harassment allegation, that story about the "fuck Trump" bumper sticker, Trump's dry mouth, Sean Hannity's attempts to save face over his treatment of Roy Moore, Janeane and Michael argue about Ayn Rand, and Janeane and Jamie argue about the media's coverage of sexual misconduct. Oy!

On the "fun" half: Senator Chris Murphy discusses the crisis in Yemen, more on how to spend Thanksgiving with assholes, Janeane critiques Sam's sartorial choices, some callers get froggy, and a brief nod to the idea of changing hearts and minds.

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Direct download: 11-16-17-Jeanine_Garofalo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST

Good morning. On today's show, author Maryn McKenna joins us to discuss how the humble chicken went from a household egg producer/occasional meal to a grotesque, antibiotic-laden frankenfood foisted on the U.S. population. To wit: In 1977, the government issued dietary guidelines telling people to eat less saturated fat, which led to a bump in demand. After WW2, a scientist from Lederle Laboratories had the bright idea to sell an excess supply of antibiotics to the meat industry to make chickens grow faster. They even dipped the meat in antibiotics before packaging it for sale. This gave rise to strains of antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Whoops! Thankfully, there are now some regulations around antibiotic use in animal agriculture and a growing movement against things of that nature, but factory farmed meat is still problematic in all sorts of ways and will probably kill you. Why, it's almost like treating food and medicine as commodities for exchange, rather than goods produced to fulfill basic human needs, can lead to widespread problems!

On the fun half: Callers discuss Our Revolution/DSA/Berniecrat wins around the country, Republicans send out hilarious robocalls impersonating Jewish journalists seeking dirt on Roy Moore, Sean Hannity bends over backwards to save face w/r/t that perv, ABC chases Rep. Mo Brooks down infinite stairs, Tammy in Texas explains how to run for state office, Mariana from Twin Cities provides additional background on the meat industry, Roy Moore's attorney says some racist shit to MSNBC's Ali Velshi, Alex Jones rails against PC culture, and Jamie and Mindy discuss what's wrong with the ruling class. (Check out Jamie's op-ed on the trouble with framing the 1% in an individualistic, moralizing way here.)

Don’t miss this deal from today’s sponsor! Quip toothpaste! right now, go to to get your first refill pack FREE with a quip electric toothbrush.

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Direct download: 11-15-17-Maryn_McKenna-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST

Branko Marcetic from Jacobin magazine joins us to discuss his article on the Ricketts family, the billionaires that has worked tirelessly to crush unions across their investment portfolio.

And on the fun half - A new accuser goes on record with troubling detail and evidence of Roy Moore's sexual alleged sexual predation. Don Jr. and Wikileaks slid into each other's DMs. And Your calls and IMs!


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Direct download: 11-14-17-Branko_Marcetic-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

Donald Trump looks awkward at a summit photo for a meeting of ASEAN. The Saudis on the verge of creating the largest famine in the world in Yemen. The Republican tax plan is massive class warfare agains toms too America. Why giving rich people money does not help the economy. Ivanka Trump tries to talk about taxes. Sean Hannity gets particular about sex with teenagers.

On The Fun Half: how the Republican tax plan will devastate those with health problems. Steve Bannon says that Roy Moore is facing the politics of personal destruction. Trump has appointed more Judges than any President since Nixon. DSA Pittsburgh offers broken brake lights in Pittsburgh. Time for a Sam Harris style "thought experiment" and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors! Texture! To start your Texture FREE trial go to TEXTURE.COM/MAJORITY If you choose to continue, Podcast Listeners will get Texture for just $9.99 a month. That’s over 30% off their listed price. -There are also great gift options available for the holiday season and Casper! Get $50 toward any mattress purchase by visiting and using MAJORITY at checkout.
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Direct download: 11-13-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

Republicans have nothing to say about Roy Moore probably being a pedophile.

Cliff Schecter explains the importance of Tuesdays wins for Democrats and holding back Republicans. The most satisfying wins from Tuesday. The blue wall in the West. Why Democrats need to run in every district. Republicans are still going to support Roy Moore despite pedophilia allegations. Sean Hannity apologizes for "not being totally clear" in defending Roy Moore's misconduct. Moore's predatory behavior pattern and will Republicans pass a massive regressive tax giveaway to the wealthy?

Andy Kindler joins us to talk about the allegations of sexual misconduct by Louie CK. Power and sexual kinks. Dennis Miller and Bill O'Reilly whine about late night and Dennis Miller is more depressed as ever.

Republican Congressman calls for Mueller firing.

Check out today’s sponsor! Harry’s! Claim your FREE TRIAL OFFER from Harry’s today – $13 value for FREE when you sign up, just cover shipping!by going to

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Direct download: 11-10-17-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm EST

Journalist David Dayen explained the roots of regulation of mass travel in the United States going back to the railroad industry. Why cities need airports and how the airlines used to be regulated. Why did Democrats in the 1970s deregulate the industry? The civil Aeronautics Board and why it worked well. The miscalculation that Ralph Nader and other liberals made in the 1970s. the 1970s focus on "regulatory capture" and how it led to corporate friendly policy. How to think about anti trust. Whats happening with the AT&T deal. The Trump Justice department is right on the merger and Trump is blowing it and the Wilbur Ross and the Paradise Paper revelations.

New allegations of Alabama Republican Roy Moore accused of being a child sexual predator.

On The Fun Half: Carter Page calls in. Who is worse Bush or Trump? Plutocrat Democratic donor whines about Democrats talk about class and threatens to cut funding. Sheldon Whitehouse humiliates a Trump nominee. Steve Bannon, rambles on and on and wants Mitch McConnell to resign and your calls and IMs.

Check out the deal from today’s sponsor! MVMT Watches! Get 15% off today —WITH FREE SHIPPING and FREE RETURNS—by going to MVMT.COM/MAJORITY.

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Direct download: 11-9-17-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

Fox News tries to pretend last night's Democratic blowout didn't happen and Tucker Carelson is depressed.

The Washington Post's Dave Weigel, explains why Democrats performed so well last night. The anti Obama effect. Democrats fears and anxiety. Not every Democrat is Hillary Clinton and why Republicans should be afraid. The results and the block against the next round of gerrymandering. Democrats can put more seats into play. Bernie Sanders help local progressives win across the county. The role of outside groups and the DNC. The DNC's toxic brand and the incredible results for Socialism.

And rundown of last night's results.

On The Fun Half:  Steve Doocey wonders why Republicans who don't embrace Trump even want to win. A Democratic wave coming after a crushing defeat on a referendum for Donald Trump. Danica Roam, talks to her constituents after defeating her transphobic opponent. Corey Lewandowski, gets caught in a pretty hilarious lie and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsor! Cameron Hughes Wine: This wine is fantastic, this deal is fantastic – do not miss out on this limited time offer! Go to and use the code [Majority] right now! That’s CH Wine dot com and enter code [Majority].

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Direct download: 11-8-17-David_Weigel-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

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On today's show, journalist David Neiwert joins us to discuss Donald Trump and the rise of the radical right. From his years spent reporting on the topic, Neiwert concludes this sentiment has been building for years and Trump is only the most recent apotheosis of it. While some people trace upticks in hate crimes to economic shifts, Neiwert holds that they rise due to demographic shifts that bring whites into contact with unfamiliar people and cultures. He next discusses the components of right wing authoritarianism, or RWA, a variable used to describe authoritarian and/or fascist behavior based on a multi-factor personality type. Finally, he explains the difference between the "alt-right" and straightforward neo-Nazis.

On the fun half: Callers describe the level of voter turnout in their various locales, Carter Page calls in to defend himself, Congressman Jim Himes discusses Carter Page on "Morning Joe," Ed Gillespie positions himself as the anti-pedophilia candidate in Virginia, Trump refuses to apply "extreme vetting" to those seeking to buy guns, Ainsley Earhardt thinks church is the best possible place to get murdered, and we discuss whether Tim Black was really hacked. Don't forget to vote, folks!

From a listener:

"Hello! We call ourselves the International Polling Superfecta. We are a collection of MR supporters who are interested in data analytics. After compiling a poll of the Virginia governors race from October 30th to November 1st, we have the following results. Northam leads Ed Gillespie 55% to 45%. It was collected from a 666 Google opinion survey conducted on Android. We weighed the results based on the turnout of different ages from the 2013 governor's election provided by the CNN exit poll to compensate for age biases that could be contained in the results. When results say "Democrat", note that it refers to respondents who selected Northam, and Republican refers to Gillespie. One final warning: Both the last governor and senate elections saw the Democrats severely under perform their polling. One should keep that in mind when viewing these results."

Check out the data here.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:27pm EST

On today’s show, journalist Alyssa Battistoni, (@alybatt), joins us to discuss working-class movements and their responsibility to champion social alongside ecological progress. You can read her piece in Jacobin here.

On the fun half - more demented response to another mass shooting, Fox News runs obviously fake story on Antifa SuperSoldier Day, Richard Spencer's booking agent scares self in latino neighborhood.

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Direct download: 11-6-17-Allisya_Battistoni-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST

Cliff Schecter, joins Sam to dissect the Republicans cruel, stupid and classist new tax plan. What Republicans might object to the House Republicans tax plan. Tax free private school accounts. No more tax deductions for public school teachers who buy their own supplies. Why Republicans can attack teachers now. Why Democrats need to stop talking about deficits. And what will happen in the New Jersey and Virginia campaigns next week?

Larry Murphy from Bob's Burgers speculates as to what comes next in the Russia probe and he and Michael and Sam do impressions.

On The Fun Half: More fallout from the DNC role in the 2016 primary. Donald Trump says no one in government matters besides him. Elizabeth Warren calls out the DNC and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-3-17-Cliff_Schecter-Larry_Murphy-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST

On today's show, Sam speaks with journalist Katie Gilbert about Chokwe Lumumba, a human rights attorney and politician who was involved with the Republic of New Afrika movement and black cooperatives in the 1970s, then went on to be elected mayor of Jackson, Mississippi in 2013. He succeeded at passing a 1% sales tax to support infrastructure, but his work was cut short when he died of heart failure in 2014.

On the fun half: Donna Brazile surprises everyone, the crew discusses the DNC's incompetence and argues with callers over whether the primary was rigged, Jim Bakker thinks Trump is a good Christian, a caller recommends the book "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Around Us," Peter Thiel puts a caller in his place, Tucker Carlson thinks the people who died in Tuesday's van attack in NYC are "martyrs to diversity," Bob Mercer divests himself from Breitbart, and Sean Hannity is mad at CNN for correctly translating "Allahu Akbar."

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Direct download: 11-2-17-Katie_Gilbert-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:57pm EST

On today's show, Michael speaks with Milton Allimadi, publisher of Black Star News, about just what the hell the United States is doing in Africa. (Spoiler alert: nothing too good!) From helping France fight Al Qaeda in Mali (which just happens to have a lot of uranium and oil) to supporting  problematic neoliberal president Yoweri Museveni in Uganda, the U.S. has made it clear it's motivated more by economic interests than anything having to do with human rights in its foreign policy towards the countries of Africa.

On the fun half: Trump might not be getting the full briefings anymore, Gorka thinks "political correctness kills," Sarah Huckabee Sanders thinks we should honor our confederate history, George W. Bush is a hypocrite who supports Trump-lite candidate Ed Gillespie in Virginia, the Duck Dynasty guy wants to have sex with Beyonce, Bill O'Reilly gets rejected by Sinclair Media, a caller espouses evo-psych theories of conservatism, the MR crew muses on what they've un-learned, and an extremely high person calls in.

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Direct download: 11-1-17-Milton_Allimadi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm EST

On today's show we experienced some technical difficulties, with interesting results.

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Direct download: 10-31-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EST

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Direct download: 10-30-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST

Happy Casual Friday! On today's show, Heather Digby Parton stops by to lend her expert commentary on Senator Jeff Flake's resignation, Gorka's accusations against Hillary, and more. Film Guy Matthew also comes by to discuss his sick Ebay lots, what movies we should watch, and a TV clip of Isla Fisher saying she owes her career in the U.S. to Sarah Silverman and Sam. A new Jimmy Reefercake song is debuted!

In the fun half: Trump discusses his specs for the wall, a caller wonders if we're headed for civil war, the MR crew discusses Mark Ames and Matt Taibbi, and more on how Senator Flake should not be elevated.

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Direct download: 10-27-17-Digby_Film_Guy_Matthew-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EST

On today’s show, Steve Clemons (@SCClemons) of The Atlantic joins us to discuss foreign policy with regards to North Korea. In many ways, Clemons says, the U.S. has become the rogue nation in the equation. Trump is dismantling the diplomatic options and leaning on military power, possibly in an effort to distract us from the Russia investigation. Yikes!

In the fun half: Whitefish Energy picks a Twitter fight with San Juan mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, Trump complains some more about how unfairly the fake news media is treating him, Trump brags about his excellent "president president" relationship with China's president Xi Jinping, George H.W. Bush gropes women from his wheelchair, Mark Halperin's pervy behavior and weaksauce apology, and a ten-year-old girl with cerebral palsy got caught by ICE on her way to the hospital.

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Direct download: 10-26-17-Steve_Clemons-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

On today's show, Sam speaks with Ari Berman (@AriBerman) of Mother Jones about the voter suppression that helped throw Wisconsin to Trump.

On the fun half: Sam doesn't want to run for president, Sean Hannity hates never Trumpers, Tomi Lahren on the Steele dossier, the US ambassador to Canada believes "both sides" of climate change science, Alex Jones will never lie to you on purpose, Walter Block's "rate my professor" page, and Scott Brown's lewd comments.

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Direct download: 10-25-17-Ari_Berman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm EST

Happy Monday! On today's show, Sam recaps his trip to Vegas and updates us on the situation in Puerto Rico. Also: The Trump administration denies a teenage immigrant the right to an abortion, and Bill O'Reilly blames God for his problems.

In the "fun" half: Jamie discusses her experience modeling for Terry Richardson, Ben Carson is bad at his job, cable news has no class analysis, the DNC is bungling everything, shady corporations like Sinclair Media control the news, Michael defends the Kurds from idiot tankies, Sam schools a caller on Trump's tax cuts.

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Direct download: 10-24-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:50pm EST

Marshall Steinbaum (@Econ_Marshall) joins us to discuss how we should discuss taxes. The New Deal origins and mythology behind the "tax revolt," and the danger of being to comfortable with individuals getting obscenely wealthy, and what Trump's hesitation to shamelessly pass tax cuts for the wealthy signifies.

And on the fun half - Pompeo promises a "vicious CIA," Trump sees a psychiatrist, Turning Point USA wears diapers at Kent State, Fox News thinks the Weinstein Company should shut down due to sexual harassment, and Tom Price's wife wants to quarantine the HIV positive, and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-23-17-Marshall_Steinbaum-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

Attorney Mike Burg, talks about a very disturbing case involving BRC Arizona and BRC Illinois on body snatching for snatching. The FBI criminal investigation into companies illegally taking bodies for research. When people think their bodies are being used for science, but are being used instead for army training exercises and why selling body parts is a multi billion dollar business.

Attorney Burton Leblanc, explains, the control substance act and the role of drug companies in the opioid crisis. The crisis in West Virginia and what companies need to do in order to address the crisis. The similarity to the Tobacco case. How do you hold the industry to account? And why southern Ohio matters in the case.

Activist Jared Johnson, explains taking on debt collectors. The telephone consumer protection act and why debt collectors could owe you money. Why Sue the Collector helps you take on debt collectors and other abusers and why are you might be in luck if you have student debt and go to sue the to find out your rights.

Cenk Uygur, explains the mess of the Trump Administration, why establishment Republicans are untrustworthy. George W Bush was horrible don't forget it. Why the establishment led to Trump and why did Russ Feingold lose his race in Wisconsin.

Direct download: 10-20-17-Mass_Torts-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

Attorney Peter Mougey, explains how the pharmaceutical industry profits from the opioid crisis. The revolving door and how the DEA and Congress are compromised by industry interests. Where money is lost in the process and where money should be spent? And how Wall Street exploits Puerto Rico.

Attorney Micah Adkins, explains he is working on equifax cases related to identity theft and the ongoing screw ups and public abuse by credit and identity companies and why you should never buy life lock.

Corporate abuse and why trial lawyers are an essential bulwark against corporate abuse and oligarchy.

Direct download: 10-19-17-Mass_Torts-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

On today's show, Corey Robin, (@CoreyRobin) joins us to discuss his piece in n+1 "Triumph of the Shill" on the political dead end the GOP finds itself in now that they have consolidated power.

On the fun half - Trump says Obamacare doesn't exist and is terrible and needs to be sabotaged, Seb Gorka not happy McCain bashed nationalism, Bill O'Reilly drank last summer and talked about Kushner, are cops workers or instruments of state oppression?, and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-17-17-Corey_Robin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST

Steve Bannon brags about destroying healthcare and the Iran deal.

Health industry whistleblower and founder of, Wendell Potter explains what Trump's new executive order on the insurance exchanges does. Reopening the door to insurance scams. Buying insurance across state lines and lowering standards. Junk plans and why they will be made even worse if Trump's plan goes through. Why the Affordable Care Act did not go far enough. Why is our health system so ridiculous? Corporate corruption and our dangerous and unjust healthcare system and how the media needs to cover healthcare.

On The Fun Half: Gorka threatens the left and loves Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon totally not drunk on Sean Hannity. Internal Left debates. The head of the Panama Papers investigation is killed in a car bomb. Nikki Haley talks nonsense about the Iran deal. Donald Trump makes fun of Mike Pence and your calls and IMs.


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Direct download: 10-16-17-Wendell_Potter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST

Cliff Schecter (@CliffSchecter) joins us to discuss the ongoing degeneration of the GOP and what to make of the apparent Bannon/McConnell split.

Then, Vic Berger (@VicBergerIV), video maven at Super Deluxe joins us to discuss his rise as the internet's premier video editing satirist.

On the fun half - A Louisiana sheriff wants to stop freeing good laborers from his prison, Social Security is incapable of ever being insolvent, Emma Thompson on the iceberg of sexual harassment in Hollywood, Mattis lays out obvious Iran Deal logic so even Trump can understand, and your calls and IMs.


Direct download: 10-13-17-Cliff_Schecter-Vic_Berger-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:45pm EST

Amanda Terkel (@aterkel), Washington Bureau Chief, HuffPost, joins us to discuss her article, "26 Years Ago, America Started Talking About Sexual Harassment Thanks To Anita Hill." 

And on the fun half - Trump continues gaslighting Puerto Rico, Bryan Fischer wants enviromentalists to consider the benefits of the death penalty, horrible fires continue in California, Rush Limbaugh's audience upset he suggested Trump was being dictatorial with the NFL, and your calls and IMs!

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Direct download: 10-12-17-Amanda_Terkel-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

On today’s show, Sam discusses a piece in Columbia Journalism Review, 'What If The Right-Wing Media Wins' with author McKay Coppins (@McKayCoppins). How the right has shifted from ostensibly wanting to 'reform' the media to wanting to destroy journalism. Why the right is fundamentally advantaged in the bankrolling the weaponization of information over the left.

On the fun half -  Zuckerberg apologizes for virtually-hi-fiving in Puerto Rico, will have to apologize for not getting why he needed to apologize. Marsha Blackburn peddles Planned Parenthood lie in Tenn senate race, and your calls and IMs.


Direct download: 10-11-17-McKay_Coppins-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

Meet the new members of the Majority Report crew.

Journalist David Dayen, explains the types of fraud that JP Morgan committed during the housing crisis. How the federal government always goes soft on JP Morgan Chase and other unethical mega banks. Why the fines that JP Morgan pays are not real fines. Who is Larry Snieder and what happened in the Roosevelt era to protect people from losing their homes. How Chase unloaded toxic assets, how Chase kept a secret data base on its toxic assets. How Chase, kept trying to collect on loans tat they didn't owe anymore. How Chase scammed everyone and got away with it and did Jamie Dimon play a direct role in fraud and scams? And the absolute failure of the Obama Administration to hold Wall Street accountable.

On the Fun Half: Mike Ditka, says there has been no oppression in the last one hundred years in the United State. More revelations of Harvey Weinstein's abuse. Republicans try to make Harvey Weinstein the leader of the Democratic Party. Ben Shapiro's website, runs an incredibly racist video on his website. Bob Corker, is also a race baiter and should not be trusted and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-10-17-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

Good morning everyone, on today's show, Jay Cassano, (@jcassano ) joins us today to talk about the apparent corruption regarding separately Harvey Weinstein and Ivanka Trump and Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance.

On the fun half - Don Jr. calls in, what is being revealed to society about sexual harassment by powerful people, Mike Pence plots a tax-funded PR stunt at a Colts/49ers game, Trump and Corker continue sparring, and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-09-17-Jay_Cassano-MEM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

Cliff Schecter, joins us BuzzFeed expose of Milo reveals about Right Wing politics. Nazis and Republicans. Will far right plutocrats ever not in invest in politics. The Billionaire bubble and why its dangerous.

Judy Gold, destroys Trump, explains how disgusting he is and does an amazing Rex Tillerson impression.

The Saudi King gets stuck trying to leave his plane. Jon Huntsman gets "grilled" by his daughter on Fox News. The real story with Puerto Rico's debt. Don Jr and Ivanka probably committed fraud and the Manhattan DA decided to not press charges after getting a campaign contribution from a Trump attorney lawyer and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-06-17-Cliff_Schecter-Judy_Gold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST

Author and law professor, Lawrence Lessig, explains the questionable historical roots of the modern implementation of the electoral college. The legal case he is pursuing to reform the electoral college. The opportunity that Bush V Gore creates. David Boise's role in the lawsuit. Is The Supreme Court honest. What was it like clerking for Scalia. The national popular vote movement and how you can help the Equal Citizens movement.

On The Fun Half: Senator Bob Corker tells reporters that a few members of the Cabinet are saving the world from chaos. How to reform America's voting process. UK teachers are getting abused as well. Jeff Merkley, destroys new horrible Trump EPA pick. Elizabeth Warren tells slimy Wells Fargo CEO that he should be fired. More immigration horror stories. What does debt relief actually mean? and your calls and IMs.

Check out today's sponsors: Get started TODAY! is offering all (Majority Report) listeners their first delivery of standard 1” air filter for FREE with FREE SHIPPING and Go to and get a free trial or three months off your yearly plan when you join today.

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Direct download: 10-04-17-Lawrence_Lessig-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

Donald Trump stumbles into promising debt relief for Puerto Rico and Mick Mulvaney walks it back.

Ian Millhiser, from the Center for American Progress, explains the a major redistricting decision that could overturn the Wisconsin Republican Party's effort to gerrymander. Justice Kennedy's tell and possibly good new in the gerrymandering case. The long term danger of one party state governments. Neil Gorsuch is a dick. Lawrence Lessig's theory for why we need to abolish the electoral college. Further Republican efforts to disenfranchise voters. The Fredrich Case could harm public sector unions. Forced arbitration and why it favors corporations and Constitutional case on religious freedom.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump seems to believe crazy rumor that Puerto Rican truck drivers have gone on strike. America's Gun horror. How the Democrats should play the Alabama Senate race and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors: enter code MAJORITY to get 20% off ANY order, Texture is normally $9.99 a month –But, if you sign up right now, And right now, my listeners can post jobs on ZipRecruiter for FREE, That’s right. FREE! Just go to slash “MAJORITY

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

On today's show French based labor reporter Cole Stangler (@ColeStangler) joins us to discuss Macron's war on labor. What can we say definitively about Macron's victory now that he has a Trump-level approval rating. How the french economic system and labor actions have worked historically. Macron's reheated 3rd way centrism.

On the fun half - Alex Jones flips on cohost for not running with Antifa Las Vegas theory, a texas atheist calls in to discuss evangelicalism and christian fascism, Pat Robertson thinks Las Vegas massacre is a result of not respecting authority, and your calls and IMs.

Tune into the Michael Brooks Show tonight on the Majority Report Youtube Channel. Live at 7pm ET and become a Patreon at

Direct download: 10-03-17-Cole_Stangler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

The biggest mass shooting in American history and why Republicans are now going to push to weaken regulation on gun silencers. The NRA's terrorism and American's disgusting relationship with guns and the Republicans disgusting gun policy.

On The Fun Half: The role Joe Rogan plays in public discourse. Gun control and public support. Donal Trump's grotesque response to Puerto Rico. Trump offers golf trophy to the people of Puerto Rico. Geraldo asks the Mayor of San Juan where all the dying people are. Ron Johnson tells healthcare privilege and your calls and IMs.


Direct download: 10-02-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Today on the program we have Heather 'Digby' Parton (@Digby56) as well as Anthony Atamanuik (@TonyAtamanuik) of Comedy Central's 'The President's Show.'

Digby helps us break down the current sense of Trump malaise, how tardy the response to Puerto Rico's hurricane disaster, and taking the temperature of the long GOP descent most recently observable in the success of Roy Moore in Alabama.

Then Anthony Atamanuik of The President Show joins us to talk about how he maintains playing the Trump character for so long. How The President Show is both smart and dumb funny. The long struggle ahead against the massive voter cult that has been captured by the corporate right.

Direct download: 9-29-17-Heather_Digby_Parton-Anthony_Atamanuik-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

Gary Cohn can't promise middle class families they won't pay more in taxes.

Journalist and historian Nelson A. Denis (@NelsonADenis) joins us. The history of the Jones Act and Puerto Rico as a colony and shock doctrine target. PR's obscene lack of representation. What else is behind the Trump admins response.

On the fun half - Dave Rubin and his dumb libertarian hanger-ons are afraid to debate economics. Trump keeps saying theres a Senator in the hospital. Tom Price's avaricious grubbing of tax-funded private jets is something Trump will look in to. Supreme Court to take another shot at public unions. Plus your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 9-28-17-Nelson_Denis-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm EST

Sean Illing (@seanilling) of Vox joins us to talk about Trump's NFL fight and how the GOP is a white identity party and his piece in Vox on the Alt-Right's poor understanding of philosophy from his article, "The alt-right is drunk on bad readings of Nietzsche. The Nazis were too."

On the fun half - a German listener calls in for an in-depth update on the right wing in Germany. Trump back to defending the flag and deleting pro-Luther Strange tweets. Plus your calls and IMs!

Direct download: 9-27-17-Sean_Illing-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

Steve Mnuchin reflects on lying to Americans about pushing for a large tax break for the wealthy.

Stephanie Kelton (@StephanieKelton), a Professor of economics and public policy at Stoney Brooke University, explains the Bretton Woods system. Why leaving behind the Gold Standard creates policy flexibility. Why did Nixon take America out of the Gold Standard? Why our fiscal policy has not left behind the Gold Standard way of thinking. What is money in modern economics? How does payment work? What actually causes inflation. Why inflation is not the problem right now in global economics. Taxes and how money works in society and the plutocrats who have an interest in perpetuating the debt myth.

On The Fun Half: Protestors are removed from the Senate as they fight to protect public healthcare. Bernie Sanders makes more progress in mainstreaming Single Payer healthcare. Sanders schools Graham and Cassidy at the CNN debate. Lindsay Graham tries to attack the health insurance industry while pushing a bill to enrich them. Marxism and identity. Rick Santorum throws a tantrum on CNN over the Graham Cassidy health bill. Louie Gohmert thinks John McCain should be recalled because he has cancer. Sarah Huckabee explains that Trump can do policy and pick fights on Twitter at the same time and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 9-26-17-Stephanie_Kelton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST

Puerto Rico in chaos. Trump hasn't mentioned Puerto Rico's humanitarian crisis. What the Jones Act does to Puerto Rico. Graham Cassidy is still alive and the Koch Brothers are angry. Donald Trump campaigns for Luther Strange and picks a fight with professional athletes who protest. What other athletes support Colin Kaepernick? Brian Kilmeade thinks Muhammad Ali didn't get in trouble for speaking out on politics.

On The Fun Half: Arthur Laffer, still pushing his trickle down scam. Laffer's economics destroyed Kansas. What was Trump's path to victory? Alabama's Senate race and Trump's odd endorsement of Luther Strange. Donald Trump, talks about drugs hitting people on the head after they are thrown over the wall. White identity politics and Trump and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors: Blue Apron! BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY,,

Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show and watch live tomorrow at 7pm!

Direct download: 9-25-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

Trump tells Africa his rich friends are coming to his country to get rich.

Today, Vox's Jeff Stein (@jstein_vox) joins us to talk about how dumb the GOP is/is playing about the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal bill. The radicalism of this repeal led by liar Bill Cassidy, who presented himself as caring about people keeping their healthcare. How will McCain, Rand, and McConnell vote?

On the fun half - Jimmy Kimmel destroys Brian Kilmeade. Destroys. Rouhani shows Trump how to be diplomatically dignified and serious at the UNGA. Fired Google guy James Damore thinks "Grand Wizard" sounds cool. Sean Spicer "doesn't think" he purposely lied.

Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show and get all content here:

Direct download: 9-21-17-Jeff_Stein-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EST

Jimmy Kimmel, calls out Senator Bill Cassidy for lying to him about the Jimmy Kimmel test and healthcare test. How Republicans are counting on scamming America. Did Trump win because you won't date a conservative? An amazingly stupid new column argues just that. The boring story of the 2016 election.

On The Fun Half: Senator Bill cassidy, lies more about his new healthcare bill. The Google Memo guy is a fucking idiot. Nikki Haley claims "Rocket Man" worked. Some of the worst people in America praise Trump's UN Speech. Tom Price likes to fly price jets and of course is a total hypocrite about it. South Dakota State Rep, posts a "All Lives Splatter" meme on Facebook. Is YouTube bad for politics? Morgan Freeman appears in an insane new ad for the Committee to Investigate Russia and your calls and IMs.

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Become a Patreon, to the Michael Brooks Show  And watch TMBS live tonight at 7 eastern time.


Direct download: 9-20-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

Trump threatens to destroy North Korea at the UN.

Marcy Wheeler, of Empty Wheel, explains why the FBI are getting closer and closer to Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort. Robert Mueller is trying to get Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort to flip on the Trump origination. Who is leaking and not leaking? People close to Trump are feeling financially drained. Trump's lawyers talk loudly and publicly about the Russia investigation. How close is Jared Kushner to the investigation. Facebook, Cambridge Analytics and collusion? Who is Guccifer 2.0 and is it proven that Guccifer is a Russian asset? And what was the depth of the relationship between Russia and the Republican operatives?

On The Fun Half: The Republicans next play to steal your healthcare. Also Senators will have no time to debate the new bill. What Senators to target and your calls and IMs.

Become a Patreon, to the Michael Brooks Show  And watch TMBS live tonight at 7 eastern time.

Direct download: 9-19-17-Marcy_Wheeler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST

Trump wishes the CIA a happy birthday in a very bizarre way and he threatens North Korea.

Daniel P. Keating, a Professor of Education and the University of Michigan and author of, Born Anxious: The Lifelong Impact of Early Life Adversity – and How to Break the Cycle, explains how stress gets transmitted, what is epigenetic. The advantages and disadvantages of stress. Why America is becoming more stressed. Generational stress and group oppression. The individual and group implications of heightened stress levels and measuring stress levels, education and inequality. Why all groups are effected by enhanced  stress and what are the policy solutions to the stress crisis?

On The Fun Half: Does Trump recognize his wife. More great things about Bernie Sanders Medicare for all bill. Clay Travis believes in the first amendment and boobs. ESPN commentator gets real about racism. Is "Bernie would have won" a useful slogan? Bernie makes the case for Single Payer on Meet the Press. The new Republican plan to destroy healthcare. Republican Senator Bill Cassidy and his misleading "Jimmy Kimmel" test and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 9-18-17-Daniel_Keating-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST

Casual Friday today, featuring Cliff Schecter (@CliffSchecter) and Isabel Gillies (@IsabelGillies).

Trumpkins are burning MAGA hats over possible DACA deal.

With Cliff, Sam discusses Chuck Schumer and Trump's new bromance and the wisdom of Bernie's Medicare-for-All push.

The with Isabel, why Isabel feels like she's grown up since the last time she was on and how she makes her children uncomfortable when eating out. Also why she wants to sue snapchat.

On the fun half - Rand Paul wants medicare Bernie's shine, Trump calls Jeff Sessions an idiot, centrist Dems look for ways to embrace Medicare for All, Bill O'Reilly thinks confederate statues are a waypoint for leftists on the way to destroy the constitution, and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 9-15-17-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EST

Phillip Longman, former policy director and managing editor at New America's Open Markets, joins us to discuss his piece in Democracy Journal, "Time to Fight Health-Care Monopolization." How current healthcare should be seem as corporate welfare. The trouble with mergers. The role of vertical integration. How the American defense contracting industry is like a single-payer system.

On the fun half - Cory Booker is out and proud in support of Bernie's Medicare for All, Steve King, Breitbart, and Hannity are all upset about Trump's possible DACA deal, ancho babies aren't a thing, Alex Jones sidekick reads scripture after being dunked on by a teen girl.

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Direct download: 9-14-17-Phillip_Longman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Columnist George Monbiot (@GeorgeMonbiot) to discuss his new book, “Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis.” How we came to our global moment. The problems with returning to a Keynesian (growth-reliant) economy in an time of climate change. The role of television in alienating people from their communities. The need for new stories and the success of 'Big organizing" following from the Bernie Sanders campaign.

On the fun half - Hillary on the virtues of centrism, Mike Cernovich is upset with us, Senate Dems flock to Bernie's Medicare-for-All bill, the NRA wants you to stop calling guns 'weapons,' and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 9-13-17-George_Monbiot-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST

The GOP continues their death spiral promotion as every Dem senator who wants to be president in 2020 signs on to Bernie's single-payer bill. How the democrats are attempting to set both poles of the healthcare debate.

On the fun half: Hillary is being destructive, a cop gets yelled at by a brave guy with a phone, Ted Cruz likes a porn tweet, Alex Jones claims Trump is being slowly poisoned, plus your calls an IMs.

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Direct download: 9-12-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

On today’s show Christy Thornton (@llchristyll), Fellow in Global History at Harvard University, joins us to discuss Mexico, neoliberalism and the drug war. What the disappearance of 43 teaching students and subsequent lying about the disappearances by the Mexican government has to do with Mexican politics and President Pena Nieto. What is the political spectrum like in Mexico? Mexico's corruption and movements responding to them. What role did Nafta play in exacerbating the drug cartel problem.

On the fun half - Hillary on why she lost, Bannon "declares War" on the GOP, update from a Florida listener, and your calls and IMs.


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Direct download: 9-11-17-Christy_Thorton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

Thank you Kelly and good luck!

Cliff Schecter and Sam explain why Florida might be in a deep crisis this weekend with Hurricane Irma. The Republicans lie about climate change puts us all in danger. Rush Limbaugh tells his listeners not to worry about Irma and than cancels his show because of it. The danger of a nuclear meltdown in Florida. Democrats win on the debt ceiling negotiation. Republican moderates not seeking reelection. Will Republicans try to destroy healthcare again? And why is Hillary Clinton doing this?

Andy Kindler reacts to an amazing anti Semitic email about Dennis Miller. Jude Apatow tweets out how funny Kindler is. Kindler disses Bill Maher. Bill O'Reilly admires Dennis Miller for traveling. Why Dennis left radio and Andy says goodbye to Kelly.

Alex Jones gets annoyed at Mike Cernovich for not making any sense.

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Direct download: 9-8-17-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

Organizer and historian, Mark Bray, (@Mark__Bray), author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, explains the political formation of Antifa and its emergence in Europe and the United States in the 1980s. The Pan Left position of Antifa. Mass anti racist and anti fascist movements. Spanish and French Antifa assemblies. Are there tactical differences inside Antifa. The Black Bloc and Black Bloc tactics. Anti Fascism is not a thought experiment its a real politics. Would the language fit better in an American context? Whats the right way to deal with mass Right Wing movements? And what determines whether or not we get fascism?

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump undermines Republicans. Steve Bannon lashes out at Gary Cohn. Steve Bannon, argues that the reason the Catholic Church support, immigrants rights is because they need undocumented people to fill up church. Jeff Sessions and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 9-7-17-Mark_Bray-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EST

The many, many, many lies that Jeff Sessions spread about cancelling DACA. Joe Scarborough calls out Paul Ryan and DACA and is still an annoying hypocrite. How the national politics of DACA have moved to the Left. Steve King suggests that DACA deportees will be like Peace Corp volunteers in their home countries. As Democrats slowly embrace Anti-Monopoly positions, Think Tank, New America, buckles under pressure from Google and scraps its anti monopoly program. The Open Markets team creates a new project:  Citizens Against Monopoly.

On The Fun Half: DACA exploits young undocmmented people. Unonization is essential for reversing the wage gap. Random Rush. Rush Limbaugh lies about climate change, hurricanes and puts in audience in danger. Alex Jones and Roger Stone warn of a coup. Another horrible week of Police conduct caught on video and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 9-6-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EST

Remember when Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr, took moderate positions on immigration? Jess Sessions announces the cancelation of DACA. All of the ways Jeff Sessions lied about DACA. Why ending DACA is sadism and racism. Sheriff Joe Arpaio pardoned by Trump has one of the most obscene and disgusting records in the country. Hurricane Harvey is an environmental and humanitarian crisis and why deregulation costs lives.

On The Fun Half: Gorka explains why he left the White House and why MAGA agenda will still win. Can Democrats reclaim Congress? Jeff Sessions lies and lies and lies about DACA. Texas Republicans pretend that its hard for them to take help from government and your calls and IMs.

Become a Patreon to the Michael Brooks Show and watch it live tonight at 7pm on the Majority Report Youtube Channel

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Direct download: 9-5-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

A repeat edition of Majority Report's traditional labor speeches compilation including FDR, Mario Savio, John Lewis, & more!

Back live tomorrow.

Direct download: 09-4-17-Labor_Day-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Today, historian Robin D. G. Kelley joins us to discuss his classic 1990 book "Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists during the Great Depression."

Then, Sam is joined on Ring of Fire by Marshall Allen of ProPublica, to talk about why this practice of waste leaves a heavy burden on our healthcare costs, and why it’s a myth that drugs become toxic after expiration.

Then for members, a throwback conversation between Janeane and Andy Kindler talking about conservative pathologies. See who Janeane calls a "nasty dickhead"!

Direct download: Robin_Kelley_Friday_W_ROF_PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Richard Rothstein, research associate of the Economic Policy Institute and a fellow at the Thurgood Marshall Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and of the Haas Institute at the University of California (Berkeley) joins us to discuss his new book, 'The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How our Government Segregated America.'

For members, Dick Gregory joined Sam and Marc back on Air America's Break Room Live.

Direct download: Richar_Rothstein_Wednesday_PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Author Betsy Hartmann joins us today to discuss her book, 'The America Syndrome: Apocalypse, War, and Our Call to Greatness.'

And for members, Sam and Janeane take a call from Retired Lt Col Nelson Peoples (played by David Waterman) on the military's new automated killing robots. 4/1/2005

Direct download: Betsy_Hartmann_Tuesday_Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Today, Economist Ann Pettitfor (@AnnPettifor) on her book, 'The Production of Money: How to Break the Power of Bankers.'

And for members, filmmaker Alex Gibney on his documentary, 'Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room' with Sam and Janeane on April 29, 2005

Direct download: Ann_Pettifor_Monday_Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Trump lashes out at short senator Bob Corker after being called 'unstable. 'Trump continues demonstrating how best to alienate possible allies. America is massively unprepared for election cybersecurity. The GOP's assault on voting rights.

Then, Film Guy Matthew Weiss joins us to recommend a John Cassavetes film.

On the fun half - Jesse Watters says actually it's good Trump in unstable. And your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 08-25-17-Cliff_Schecter-Film_Guy_Matthew_Weiss-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST

Jonathan Morduch, author of The Financial Diaries: How American Families Cope in a World of Uncertainty, explains how Americans are suffering in the new economy, why Americans are squeezed and the different ways people are making money and not making money.

On the fun half: Jeff Flake thanks Trump for coming to Arizona to bash him, what is the place for cops in working class movements, Fox News is freaking out about ESPN, and your calls an IMs.

Direct download: 08-24-17-Jonathan_Morduch-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

Trump heads to Arizona to talk about the wall.

Yale University, Law Professor, James Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law, explains the Nazi Party basing law on American systems of law and racism. How the Nazis built Nuremberg Laws. Why the Nazis looked to the United States on banning interracial marriage. Why some aspects of American anti miscegenation laws went to far for the Nazi Party. American immigration laws and the Nazi Party. Immigration law and excluding citizenship. The debates inside the Nazi Party. The limits of egaltarian law in the United States and Nazi Germany. Racism and egalitarianism and when Affirmative Action was white.

On The Fun Half: Trump instigates in Arizona against the media. Trump acts like a spoiled child and conservatives love it. Don Lemon is disgusted by Donald Trump's lying. Police get violent with protestors in Phoenix. Charlottesville residents demand action in taking down confederate monuments. Why White people need to push for civil rights now. Paul Ryan is asked by a Nun how he can reconcile his Catholicism with his war on the poor. Governor Paul LePage, thinks the Civil War was about states rights. A website for Arizona  Republican website, uses a photo from the 90s sitcom, All American Girl with Margaret Cho and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-23-17-James_Whitman-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST

Trump copies Bush in Afghanistan and South Asia and why his new Afghan strategy will lead to more civilian killings.

Harvard Professor Elizabeth Hinton, author of, From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America, explains how the Johnson Administration's War on Poverty led to increased policing in the African American community. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the debate on crime in urban communities in the 1960s and 1970s. Racist theories of what causes crime. Why Johnson suppressed the findings of the Kerner Commission. The belief in police contact and punishment for preventing future crime. The logic of the development of the modern American carceral state. The deep connections in the 1960s between anti crime and anti poverty policies. The devolution of focus on economic problems to "cultural pathology". The Reagan Administration's gutting of social welfare. President Obama's Our Brothers Keepers problem and the legacy of cultural pathology politics.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump looks directly at the sun. Do Democrats face an uphill battle in 2018? The Republican Senate Leadership Fund runs a great ad against "chemtrail Kelly" who Trump has endorsed in her primary against Jeff Flake. Steve Mnuchin and his wife are both absolutely horrible people. Don Lemon schools a racist Trump surrogate. Alex Jones tours Seattle and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors: Littleton Coin Company is the place to sell your U.S. coins and currency,

Turn into the Michael Brooks show at 7pm ET tonight on the Majority Report YouTube Channel. Become a Patreon

Direct download: 08-22-17-Elizabeth_Hinton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EST

Donald Trump says the USS John McCain disaster is "too bad". Steve Bannon is out, but Sebastian Gorka is still in the White House and his dissertation advisor cannot believe that he has risen as far as he has. Steve Bannon goes back to Breitbart. The Trump Administration's giveaway to Sinclair broadcasting and the new Far Right TV network that is coming. Why the future of the Republican Party is White Nationalist and why the modern Right is all about resentment.

On The Fun Half: The stupid story behind the name of Gavin McInnes's Proud Boys. Racist Jason Kessler tweets that Heather Heyer was a "fat, disgusting communist" and claims the next morning that he was on Zambian and xanax and that he repudiates the "heinous" tweet that was sent out. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai,Republican Senate Candidate in Massachusetts speaks to an empty free speech rally. Dave Rubin takes Koch Brother funding. Donald Trump's ongoing disaster Administration. Ali Velshi schools a Trump shill on MSNBC. Susan Collins condemns Trump and thinks Trump might not be the 2020 Republican nominee and your calls and IMs.

Check out today's sponsors: MeUndies:  Texture!, ZipRecruiter:

Direct download: 08-21-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST

Cliff Schecter discusses whether or not Republicans finally turning on Trump? Why removing confederate statues are important but not the main issue. The tactical mistake Nancy Pelosi made. Forcing the Republican leadership to denounce Donald Trump's racism. Susan Bro, says she is not going to speak with Trump anymore. Steve Bannon's double game. Is Steve Bannon out. The ACLU will no longer defend armed protestors. Should the ACLU stop defending the speech rights of Nazis and is there ever a time to protect free speech.

Andy Kindler, reviews some delusional racism on Fox News. Melissa Francis wines about not being able to defend racists and racism. Steve Bannon is out and wha tif he wrote for Seinfeld. Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller do a "hilarious bit". Dennis Miller is deflated and probably a sociopath.

Heather Heyer's mother Susan Bro, won't meet with Donald Trump. Crowd turns themselves in solidarity in Durham over the statue toppling. The terrorist attacks in Spain, leads Trump to bring back his favorite mad cup war crime. Richard Spencer on Israeli news and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-18-17-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-MEM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:42pm EST

On today's show attorney and activist Eva Golinger (@evagolinger) joins us to discuss Venezuela.

Getting deeper into Venezuelan politics than the simplistic narratives surrounding "Chavismo," and how they bear on Venezuela's current political turmoil. Hugo Chavez's constitutional leadership and Venezuela's long history as a US client state. The 2002 Venezuelan coup. Maduro, the opposition, and street protests.

On the fun half - the religious left and political clergy, more on Trump as a confederate, Trump on the most racist movie ever, and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 08-16-17-Eva_Golinger-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

Who to shame in the Trump Administration and why.

New York Magazine's Eric Levitz, explains why the center does not exist. Why voters are not rational. Why human beings are social and tribal and how that effects voting behavior. Why many Americans support extreme Left and Right views. Why there are no "moderate" or "centrist" voters. Why most Americans are to the Left on economics. Why obsessing with the "center" undermines organizing. Big money and the centrist myth. White racial resentment and big money work together. Why Obama's 2012 campaign was more effective than Clinton's 2016 campaign and why Democrats need to create enemies to build political power.

On The Fun Half: Nazis chant "Jews will not replace us" and condemn Trump for giving away Ivanka to Jews. Donald Trump's pro racist rant makes John Kelly flinch. Trump places blame on the "Alt Left". And your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors: Littleton Coin: Whether you’re an experienced collector or someone who needs help identifying what you have in your collection, Littleton Coin Company is the place to sell your U.S. coins and currency Or give them a call toll free at 1-877-857-7850, Check out this week’s menu and get your first THREE meals FREE—WITH FREE SHIPPING—by going to BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY, It’s life insurance for the twenty first century.

Direct download: 08-16-17-Eric_Levitz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

Mark Hayer, the father of murdered activist Heather Heyer calls for forgiveness and speaks of his daughters incredible integrity. No one believes Trump's condemnation of racism. Who does Trump, mostly accuse of racism on Twitter? New York hates Donald Trump. Jesse Waters, takes issue with people calling for Trump to be specific about white terrorism when they didn't like him using terms like "radical islam" . Remembering when Steve Scalise said he was David Duke without the baggage. White supremacy and the broader Republican project. Officials continue to take down confederate monuments and Rush Limbaugh tries comedy.

On The Fun Half: how racism works institutionally and personally. Democrats can abandon the center because the center does not exist. Alex Jones talks nonsense with Gavin Mcinnes. Gavin whines that he has lost his famous friends. RWM has also lost friends. Donald Trump calls Jim Acosta fake new and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-15-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EST

Sam breaks down the weekend's fascist terror attack at an alt-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Republican party's responsibility in fomenting and coopting white supremacy. 

On the fun half - more on Charlottesville.

Direct download: 08-14-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EST

Cliff Schecter joins us on the verge of the apocalypse. Sebastian Gorka and other idiots in the Administration are pushing for a military option in  North Korea. Gorka undermines Rex Tillerson. The timing of the threats against North Korea and the raid on Paul Manefort's house. Stuart Varney whines about Democrats criticizing Trump. The American pundits instigating for war against North Korea. The absolutely insane NSC Council document on Trump's internal enemies and the rise of the "cultural marxist" talking point.

Judy Gold hates Donald Trump. Jeff Lord is out at CNN. Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump whine at each other. Talking with your kids about having an insane President. The time Trump laughed at a Hillary being called a dog and Judy wants to know what our last meals will be.

On The Fun Half: Trump thinks some leak for love. Trump reverses himself and declares the opiod crisis an emergency. Trump thanks Russia for expelling diplomats and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-11-17-Cliff_Schecter-Judy_Gold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

Trump is irrational and North Korea responds to his threats.

Gilad Edelman, of the Washington Monthly,  explains the long war against government. The Clinton era and the undermining of government. Private contractors across government. Why we don't know how many private contractors work in federal government. Why we need more federal government. Campaign financing and government contracting. IRS staff and funding. Why privatizing government is a win/win for the Right and why government needs to expand.

On The Fun Half: are Democrats structurally disadvantaged? Texas Megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress says God gave Trump the authority to take out the North Korean leader. Alex Jones warns of a coup. Newt Gingrich tries to ease tensions between Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. The US Government will not condemn a terrorist attack on a Mosque and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-10-17-Gilad_Edelman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST

Trump threatens North Korea with fire and fury and North Korea threatens Guam.

Physician, activist and Harvard instructor, Adam Gaffney, explains why Medicare for all is the answer to our health crisis. Why a public option is not going to solve the core problems of the health crisis. The debate inside the Left about how to expand healthcare. The Conyers bill and will doctors make less money overall? Why is American healthcare more expensive? Why Medicare for all is a win for everyone and how Obamacare improved the expectations for healthcare.

On The Fun Half: What's the best way to nationalize healthcare? Rex Tillerson walks back Trump's crazy threats? Lindsay Graham, says its better to fight the "war over there". Trump has been calling for war against North Korea for over a decade. Trump, has a fresh idea for fighting drugs. The positive news packet that Trump gets everyday. Seb Gorka says we are now a "hyperpower" and why there is no such thing as lone wolf terrorist attacks. Fox News whines about Mitch McConnell and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-09-17-Adam_Gaffney-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST

New report indicates climate change is moving even faster than we realized. How the Trump Administration is suppressing climate science. Policy and identity. What Ryan Cooper got right and wrong in his piece on Kamala Harris, Deval Patrick and Corey Booker. ICE's new obscene policies and using children as bait.

On The Fun Half: The climate crisis and is Miami doomed? Is Joy Reid genuine in her insanity? Elizabeth Warren comes out against criminalizing protests against Israel. Nikki Haley confirms a leak on Fox News by accident. Senators move to protect Robert Mueller from getting fired. Alan Dershowitz won't answer whether he is working for Trump. DSA breaks from international socialists and backs BDS against Israel. And your calls and IMs.

Tune in tonight at 7pm for the debut of the Michael Brooks Show and join

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST