Fri, 31 March 2017
Political strategist Cliff Schecter, explains why Devin Nunes needs to be thrown off of the Intelligence Committee and a Republican Congressman suggests that Congresspeople work for the President. Jack Kingston, spins for Trump. What game is Devin Nunes playing and is the White House throwing him under the bus? Mike Flynn is in trouble, but does he have any real information. Paul Manafort is still probably the center of the crime. Is the Russia story about organized crime or espionage. Is Trump going to finish his term? Republicans pass legislation attacking funding for Planned Parenthood and the dangerous Republican assault on the environment. David Earl Waterman and Maggi Mayfield the co-hosts of the YTunes Shuffle podcast, why did Waterman have an enemy of Sam on his show? How Sam alienates people. The unique format of YTunes Shuffle. Did Sam like Seal in the 1990s. Does Waterman know Louie CK? Why Maggi. On The Fun Half: Joe Biden wants to know why Democrats didn't talk about the Middle Class in 2016. Have we got Trump wrong on women. The state of the Gorsuch battle. Claire McCaskill voices concerns about filibustering Gorsuch. The climate crisis and Florida. Starting on April 1!! Get 30% off of the MR Coffee blend at with coupon code MRSPRING17.
Direct download: 03-31-17-Cliff_Schecter-David_Waterman-Maggi_Mayfield-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST |
Thu, 30 March 2017
Tanya Erzen, an associate professor of religion and gender studies at the University of Puget Sound, joins us to discuss her new book: "God in Captivity: The Rise of Faith-Based Prison Ministries in the Age of Mass Incarceration", explains what brought her to work inside the prison system and the shift of state prisons in religion training centers. What are Faith Based Character institutions? Religion and saving individuals instead of focusing on structure. The theology of conversion. What is the purpose of prison? The important of questioning the system inside prison. Coercion and freedom of religion in religious training in captivity. Private prisons and religion. Watergate and the conservative idea of prison reform and slavery and the modern prison system. On The Fun Half: Why the military can't protect us from cybercrime. David Samson is sentenced to a year of confinement to his vacation home. Bridget Kelly sentenced for Bridgegate, but she promises to not be a scapegoat. Rick Santorum says coal jobs "breathe oxygen in the lungs" of into small towns. Progressive religion and prison reform. Rein Priebus is Trump's caretaker. Angela Rye won't talk with "bigot" Joe Walsh. Another ICE horror story. Did Keith Ellison mess up? Random Rush and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Wed, 29 March 2017
House Republicans vote to keep themselves in the dark about Trump's taxes. Why Tax Reform could be the next GOP Waterloo. Devin Nunes continues wandering around Capital Hill not resigning from the intelligence committee. Trump/Russia probably more money laundering than manchurian candidate. A holocaust survivor tells acting ICE director he's on the "wrong side of history." On the Fun Half - Can Democrats take Tom Price's seat in Georgia's 6th? Trump voters beg him to stop tweeting, Trump makes a mistake after saying it's important not to make mistakes, ICE happy to not have to chase the dangerous guys, and your calls and IMs. |
Tue, 28 March 2017
Vox environmental reporter David Roberts explains the term tribal epistemology and how it explains contemporary politics. The climate crisis and the closing of the conservative mind to objective reality. The origins of the Right's attack on science. Why conservatives don't believe in neutrality. Are there tensions inside the political Right? Do Americans want to restore institutions? The different types of populism. Are we sorting ourselves into two societies? Accepting the reality of how polarized we are and why so many liberals don't understand it. Why total post modernism will make journalism impossible and why journalists need to take sides in order to save journalism. On The Fun Half; Trey Gowdy hilariously reverses himself on leaks in defense of Devin Nunes. Are Democrats going to win Tom Price's seat? How to sell expanding Medicare. Bill O'Reilly gets very racist talking about Maxine Waters. Former CIA officer comments on Nunes and his bizarre behavior. Glenn Beck almost tricks himself into supporting universal healthcare. Healthcare is a right. Oklahoma Republican thinks that rape and incest might be the will of God. Check out today’s sponsor: right now, you too can enjoy the Stamps service with a special offer that includes a 4-week trial PLUS postage AND a digital scale without long-term commitments. Go to, click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in my code MAJORITYREPORT |
Mon, 27 March 2017
Will Menaker (@WillMenaker), cohost of podcast Chapo Trap House, joins the show today. Will the democrats ever support Medicare for All? The Democrats' fetishization of complexity. Why the GOP has no room to offer a coherent healthcare policy. Ezra Klein selling out of single payer. On the fun half - Reince Priebus says Trump guiding followers to watch Judge Jeanine segment bashing Paul Ryan was a coincidence, Bernie calls for a public option, the House Freedom Caucus is not ready to govern as they are insane, 60 Minutses embarrasses itself by having Mike Cernovich on, Koppel tells Hannity he's bad for America, Alex Jones apologizes for PizzaGate, and your calls and IMs. Texture: Go to to get a FREE 14-day trial. |
Fri, 24 March 2017
Trump can't get the votes together to pass the House's horrible healthcare bill yet. The importance of the Russia story in driving down TRump's numbers. Digby, explains what the smart Republican move on healthcare would have been. The monstrosity of the Republican bill and how Trump attacked Obamacare from the Left. Did Trump back the Republicans into a corner on healthcare? Does Steve Bannon oppose "Ryancare". How Tom Price can still hurt Obamacare. James Comey lets the Intelligence Committee know that Trump is being investigated. The Republicans conduct on the Intelligence Committee. Is Nunes part of an investigation? Did Trump think he was dealing with the Russian mafia? And Neil Gorsuch's radical agenda and staged performance. Democrats question Gorsuch on corporate power and why he will almost certainly end up on the Court. Isabel Gillies tells us the story of genuine kelly. Sam and Isabel's tennis and beer commercials. Isabel gets an Alexa. Teenagers and technology. Isabel's parenting methods and Isabel tells us watch the documentary series called Abstract the Art of Design. Bernie Sanders calls out the democratic leadership. OMB Director Mick Mulvaney tells people to move to another state if they don't like the care that is offered in their states. Neil Grouch's cruel decision on a child with autism. Al Franken calls out Gorsuch for denying that Justices are political. Don Lemon burns the Freedom Caucus. Albee Hastings calls out Republican nastiness. Steve Mnuchin talks about Donald Trump's stamina. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Thu, 23 March 2017
Chuck Schumer finally moves towards a filibuster on Neil Gorsuch. The importance of the FBI investigation into Trump. Did Trump deal with the Russian Mafia. Zephyr Teachout, an Associate Professor of Law at Fordham University and a political activist explains Neil Gorsuch's radical and extremist understanding of economic and political power. Is Gorsuch going to go even further and getting money into politics? The disturbing nature of Judge Gorsuch's hearings. The frozen trucker case. Claiming a textual reading but inventing law. The Chevron decision and why Gorsuch does not follow precedent. What Gorsuch is signaling to the oligarchs. The Mercer and Koch effort to destroy democracy. The role of the Mercer family in defeating Zephr's run for Congressional run and money corrupting politics and Trump's violation of the Emoluments Clause. And a unanimous Supreme Court overturns Neil Gorsuch's decision on students with disabilities and Neil Gorsuch in addition to being cruel is incredibly unfunny. On The Fun Half: Samantha Bee uses Sam to rip Gorka apart. Why Democrats need universal programs. Bob Casey comes out for filibustering Neil Gorsuch. Intelligence Committee Chairman tips off the Trump Administration? Adam Schiff says the Nunes needs to not be a mole for the Trump Administration. Schiff also says the evidence of Russia's role in the election is more than circumstantial. Carl Bernstein explains why we are un uncharted territory. John McCain calls for a select committee on the Russia story. The Freedom Caucus killing Ryan's healthcare bill? Congressman Thomas Massie, says he wants to kill the healthcare bill in order to save Trump. Elizabeth Warren rips into Republicans for their horrific approach to healthcare and your calls and IMs.
Wed, 22 March 2017
![]() Chris Lehmann: editor, columnist, and author on how the current anti-PC fixation is an echo from the 1990's PC hysteria. Where Andrew Sullivan's problems with intersectionality came from. Sullivan's borderline crazy belief intersectionality is a "religion," contrasted with his softening of Charles Murray's "race science." Jonathan Chait, Andrew Sullivan, etc and their preoccupation and phobia of criticism from the left. Why are colleges allowing the American Enterprise Institute colonize their institutions? Padraig O'Malley: Remembering Martin McGuinness - The story of Martin McGuinness and his struggle against violent oppression. McGuinness joining the IRA after Bloody Sunday. How conflicts evolve to higher level of violence. The history of the IRA and the Irish struggle. McGuinness' alleged role in the times of rising violence, and his belief there is "no peace without forgiveness." On the fun half - Jeffrey Lord on Trump's "Americanese," Misogyny and anti-PC in the 'rational skeptic' communities, Al Franken hits Neil Gorsuch on his "Frozen Trucker" case, Amanda Carpenter slams Ivanka's nepotism, Whitehouse back into slamming Gorsuch, GOP Rep Massie gets 275 calls against Ryancare and 4 for it, and Wayne (Rex Tillerson) Tracker didn't want to be Secretary of State.
Direct download: 03-22-17-Chris_Lehmann-Padraig_OMalley-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST |
Tue, 21 March 2017
Democrats focusing on the right things in the Neil Gorsuch hearings? Trump voters beginning to regret voting for him. Bill O'Reilly says that Trump should start telling the truth. Democrats need to offer universal programs. James Comey confirms Russia preferred Trump to Clinton. Trey Gowdy is a massive hack. James Comey shows his hand at the hearings on Russia's influence on the 2016 campaign. Congressman Nunes head of the Intelligence Committee says he has never heard of Carter Page or Roger Stone. Trump's tweets debunked in real time at the Comey hearing. Are the Democrats finally getting serious about populism in dealing with Neil Gorsuch? Al Franken grills Gorsuch and Sheldon Whitehouse calls out Gorsuch for corporate corruption. On The Fun Half: Neil Gorsuch does more puppy dog face to hide his extreme views. Why Democratic appointed Judges are more honest than Republican ones. Tomi Lahren, gets in trouble for being pro choice. Kimberley Guilfoyle wants Snoop Dogg to be visited by federal marshals. Trump and criminals justice and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Mon, 20 March 2017
FBI Director James Comey confirms that Russia's role in the election is being investigated. The hearings for Neil Gorsuch begin. Sam interviews journalist Masha Gessen, who explains that Trump is attempting to create an autocracy. Trump's attacks on government and the media. The rules for fighting autocracy. How Trump is degrading public norms on corruption. Searching for signs normalcy. Trump's constant lies and how exhausting it is. Russia and the urge toward conspiracy theories. The importance of maintaining open debate. Is our system capable of resisting. Why the Russia story is a trap. Why we are frantically searching for a conspiracy when we need to protect our political space. Dealing with the reality of Americans supporting Trump and how to balance fighting autocracy and more traditional political battles. On The Fun Half: Richard Spencer says Egyptians were made by white people. Angela Merkel and Donald Trump have a very awkward meeting. Trump does not regret tweeting conspiracy theories. The Republican horror show. Paul Ryan brags about supporting Donald Trump because of all of the awful things he is now able to do. Trump reaches a new low in popularity. The Clinton campaigns failures. Why Russia won't be a silver bullet and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors! ZipRecruiter: Right now, my listeners can post jobs on ZipRecruiter for free by going to Blue Apron: Check out this week’s menu and get your first THREE meals FREE—WITH FREE SHIPPING—by going to BLUE |
Fri, 17 March 2017
![]() Sean Spicer says that British Intelligence may have been part of the imagined wired tap on Trump and Sam and Michael do a dramatic reenactment of Obama calling UK Intelligence. Cliff Schecter reflects on the Dumdum Left and Trump. The perils of electing a sociopath. The sociopath proposal to cut Meals on Wheel and after school meals for poor children. Republicans cruel fairy tales that lead to making kids starve. Republicans dreamed about making people poor while they were drinking at the keg in college and more useless and cruel cuts proposed by Trump. Film Guy Matthew Weiss explains why The Expanse is a good but not great show. Matthew's new eBay adventures. More filmmaking adventures with Matthew and Sam and Matthew tells us to watch the film: The Shop on Main Street. On The Fun Half: OMB Head Mick Mulvany lies and lies about Meals on Wheels. Libertarians writer lie about Meals on Wheels. Reporters getting exhausted by covering Trump's fantasy life. Mick Mulvany talks dangerous nonsense about the climate crisis. Trump comes out for a even worse healthcare bill. Paul Ryan talks libertarian nonsense about health care and Bernie Sanders advocates sanity and compassion in health care. Ali Velshi debunks nonsense on health care and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks!
Direct download: 03-16-17-Cliff_Schecter-Film_Guy_Matthew-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EST |
Thu, 16 March 2017
The disastrous Republican healthcare rollout and Trump is already throwing Ryan under the bus. Christy Ford Chapin, an assistant professor of twentieth-century political history at the University of Maryland and author of" Ensuring America's Health: The Public Creation of the Corporate Health Care System", explains why America has a uniquely dysfunctional healthcare system. How did Blue Cross/Blue Shield get launched? Pre-paid physician groups and why they made sense. Has insurance companies distort medicine. Americans older fear of mega corporations. Lobbying power and modern modern medicine. The 1930s push for national health insurance. Truman's plan for universal healthcare and to destroy insurance companies. Opposition to public healthcare and why did the private insurance industry support Obamacare?H On the Fun Half: Paul Ryan is humiliated by Jake Tapper. Paul Ryan says his own healthcare bill needs to revised in order to pass through the House. Tom Price has no soul. Trump's new Muslim ban gets blocked in Federal Court and some kid in the audience does not like it. If Trump wants someone to blame, blame Stephen Miller. Is Seb Gorky a Neo-Nazi. Trump's radical far Right Wing budget. Trump never forgets, Random Rush. The Trump Administration will make it easier for drones to kill civilians and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks!
Wed, 15 March 2017
Paul Ryan's healthcare plan is class warfare against the Middle Class and the Poor. Journalist Angela Nagle, explains the long history of elite disdain for the masses that spans Left and Right. The Alr Right and Steve King's White Nationalism. How is the Alt Right different from the old Right? The Alt Right and the resurgence of over racism. Trump and civic conservatism and racism. Panic and racism. The younger people of the Alt Right. The problem with "I'm just joking" as a defense. The Left and Internet culture and the openings for the Alt Right. The Right and culture. Who cares about being edgy? And what would Alt Right policy look like? On The Fun Half: Republican plans to undermine and hurt Obamacare. Former CBO director confirms that the Ryan plan is an attack on vulnerable Americans. Lindsey Graham, sees trouble ahead for the Ryan replacement plan. Leaked tape of Paul Ryan trash talking Trump behind his back back during the campaign. Congressman Joe Barton, gets booed after saying violence against women is a state issue. Why Trump needs parenting. Bernie Sanders with a powerful town hall in West Virginia. Check out today’s sponsor! Seeso is your one-stop comedy streaming service. That’s promo code MAJORITY |
Mon, 13 March 2017
![]() Steven Cook (@StevenACook), the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations joins us on the show today. Michael Flynn's blatant cooperation with the Turkish government. Turkey's history as a "Frenemy" to the US. Who is Fethullah Gülen and why did the Turks have Mike Flynn call him "Saddam Hussein?" Erdogan's upcoming attempt to consolidate the powers of the presidency in a referendum and why he called the Dutch "Nazi remnants" and how clashing with Geert Wilders and the Dutch right-wing nationalists helps both. Then, Mike Hanna (@mjahanna) of Al Jazeera English joins us to talk about the UN in the age of Trump. The UN initiative against sex crimes. Is Nikki Haley answering to the State Department or the White House. How Trump could use the UN as a front to project his foreign policy in Syria and across the world. The UN's ability to cope with the political aspects of conflicts. South Africa and Jacob Zuma's corruption and successor. The unraveling of the African National Congress. An on the fun half - Bernie says both parties forgot West Virginia, Steve King goes full racist, an update from Ronald Raygun on tumult in the immigrant communities, Brian Stelter goes hard at Sean Hannity, Theresa May laughs in a very alarming fashion, and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors: Texture: Sign up now at and get a FREE 14-day trial |
Fri, 10 March 2017
Mike Flynn lobbied for Turkey and maybe also a Russian agent. The Republicans radical far right agenda. Cliff Schecter explains the Republicans demented healthcare plan. The Republicans who oppose the Medicaid cuts. The radicalization of the Republican Party. Why the Republicans attacked the ACA from the Left and want to destroy from the right. Paul Ryan is an idiot and still gets credit from bad reporters for being wonky. Republicans are always dishonest about insurance and the Democrats failing message on healthcare. Writer and filmmaker Stephen Elliot, explains filmmaking in the Trump era. His new series Drive and people losing it in the Trump era. Experiencing politics under Bush and Trump. why conservatives are bad at fiction writing and comedy. Sympathy and empathy. Can you find the humanity in Trump? Getting fired from every job Stephen has ever had. Where does the word bromance come from. Memories from the Dean campaign and having a constantly moving career. The love of working with actors and what's next. The most epic interview interruption ever. Greg Gutfeld attacks Sam Seder and it's, Sad! Ali Velshi, explains to a inarticulate Republican Congressman why private healthcare does not work. Chris Hayes wants to know why the Republicans are rushing Obamacare repeal. Rand Paul hurting Trump? Check out today's sponsors! Casper: Get $50 toward any mattress purchase by visiting and using offer code MAJORITY and Harry's! Harry’s is so confident in the quality of their blades, they want you to try their most popular Trial Set for FREE! Go to
Direct download: 03-10-17-Cliff_Schecter-Stephen_Eliot-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:37pm EST |
Thu, 9 March 2017
We are sending Marines to Syria. Why Paul Ryan wants to use repealing the ACA to give rich people tax cuts. Richard Kahlenberg, a Senior Fellow at the Century Foundation explains why Betsy DeVos does not believe in public education. The myth of mass public school failure. The opportunity gap in public education. Why unregulated school choice is a problem. Why money well spent in public education works. Trump's plan to divert money to private schools. The plan for a backdoor voucher system. Opening the door to discrimination in public education. The myth of private school success. The erosion of democrats values and how to fight the Trump/DeVos plan to gut public education. On The Fun Half: Mark Cuban gets ahead of Democrats on healthcare. The Democrats failing message on healthcare. Congressman Joe Kennedy III calls out Paul Ryan's cruelty. Republican Congressman is shockingly stupid. Scott Pruitt explains his plans to use the EPA to destroy the environment and public health and denies the role of human activity in climate change. |
Wed, 8 March 2017
Sean Spicer makes another deranged case for smaller government. Journalist Nelson Denis, explains the one hundred year anniversary of Puerto Ricans getting citizenship in the United States. America's second class citizenship for Puerto Ricans. The colonial treatment of Puerto Rico in America. Puerto Rico and the Cold War. The Jones Act and imposed austerity on the island. The legal structure of wealth extraction from Puerto Rico. Charles Herbert Allen the first civilian governor of Puerto Rico. The financial control board and the false narrative about Puerto Rico. Corruption, austerity and privatization The movement for Puerto Rican independence and the need to reform the Jones. On The Fun Half: International Women's Day protests. The EPA scraps science terminology from it's website. Trump's OMB Director thinks that "insurance is not the end goal". Donald Trump not committed to the new healthcare bill. The GOP's Medicaid hustle. The CEO insurance provision. The GOP health plan and crisis of lottery winners on Medicaid. Al Franken is concerned about Jeff Sessions lying to the Senate. The Trump Administration considers separating mothers from their children at the Mexican border and IMs.
Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Tue, 7 March 2017
![]() Alexis Goldstein (@alexisgoldstein) to discuss how Wall Street will rob us via the GOP and Trump Admin. Wall Street's professed values for diversity and "pinkwashing." How bankers thought nationalization was more of a possibility post-financial crisis than lawmakers did. The current significance of Dodd-Frank and the reality of "over-regulation" rhetoric. How DeVos and Ben Carson can cause damage despite not knowing anything. Then, Michael Shure (@MichaelShure) on the prospects for the GOP's cobbled together Obamacare replacement. Why Michael thinks the replacement will die in the House. On the fun half - Bob Beckel says Trump is losing it, Chaffetz thinks medical debt is because people like iPhone, Ben Carson has thoughts on brains and slavery (but apparently not housing), Seb Gorka thinks VOICE is "un-American." Support our sponsors at (Code:Majority) and (Code: SEDER)
Direct download: 03-07-17-Alexis_Goldstein-Michael_Shure-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:28pm EST |
Mon, 6 March 2017
Democrats raise big money for a Congressional election in Georgia. Donald Trump gives advice to school children. The Republicans deregulate everything. Our country is about to be much sicker, polluted and corrupt. ICE terrorizes the undocumented and Steve Bannon's racist inspiration. On The Fun Half: James Comey demands that the DOJ clarify that Obama did not phone tap Donald Trump. George Stephanopoulos loses patience with Sarah Huckabee. Mark Levin's conspiracy theory travels. Trump and Ukraine policy. Carter Page has another bizarre interview. Roger Stones and Alex Jones spin a new conspiracy and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors! Texture: is normally $9.99 a month –But, if you sign up right now, at you get a 14 day FREE trial, Go to now and use promo code MAJORITY for 20% off and Go to, click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in my code MAJORITYREPORT |
Fri, 3 March 2017
Political strategist Cliff Schecter breaks down the ongoing fallout from the Sessions revelations. The many Russian connections to the Trump Administration. The oligarch Administration. Did Jeff Sessions admit he committed perjury? The connected interests between Russia and the United States. Congressman David Nunes threatens the press for investigating the Russia story and what is happening with the FBI? The Administration's savage EPA cuts and Rand Paul wants to read the Obamacare bill. Andy Kindler does the drugs. Kindler's new CNN war. Andy rips into Van Jones and Andy joins Sam and Michael in mocking Dennis Miller. On The Fun Half: Carter Page is an odd fellow and raises more questions about the Trump Administration. Carter Page also claims his civil rights were violated. Jess Sessions recuses himself. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks!
Direct download: 03-03-17-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EST |
Thu, 2 March 2017
Jeff Sessions met with the Russian ambassador and lied about it. Rebecca Kolins Givan, an Associate Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations at Rutgers University, explains the thinking behind the push for privatization. Privatizing profit and socializing risk. Finance and making money off of public health services. The Post Office and rural mail delivery. How workers can organize in the face of cost cutting and privatization and the possibility for organizing in spite of the assault on the public sector and the distinct types of union organizing. On The Fun Half: Jeff Sessions issues a new denial about meeting with Russians. We mock Jeff Sessions. The time Paul Manafort gave a really unconvincing explanation about Russia. Nancy Pelosi says Sessions needs to go. Racism caught on tape. More police brutality and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Wed, 1 March 2017
We mock Gorka. Trump is laughed at for claiming to drain the swamp. Trump demonizes immigrants. Van Jones major fail on CNN. The Democratic response is a major misfire. Why buying insurance across state lines won't help and why "access" to healthcare means nothing. On The Fun Half: Gorka on whether Trump considers Islam a religion. Trump's dangerous new immigration proposal. The mainstream media buckles for Trump. Uber's CEO rants like a jerk to a Uber driver. Alex Jones drops more science and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsor. Harry’s: Harry’s is so confident in the quality of their blades, they want you to try their most popular Trial Set for FREE! Comes with a razor handle of your choice, five-blade cartridge, and shaving gel. Free when you sign up, just pay a small fee for shipping. Go to |