The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Eddie Glaude, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Religion and African American Studies at Princeton University, joins us.

On today's show: Sen. Dick Durbin asks Kavanaugh to call for FBI investigation; he won't do it.

Professor Eddie Glaude (@esglaude) joins us to break down the Kavanaugh hearings. What the GOP's continued support of Kavanaugh says about how far the US hasn't come as a nation. The indignant rage of patriarchy under threat. Comparisons with the Anita Hill hearings and what, if anything, is different now. The potential for impeachment down the line. The counter-narrative that will give cover to the Senators who vote to confirm Kavanaugh. Donald Trump as symptom of what's wrong with the GOP. The disingenuousness of being outraged by Trump's style, rather than his policies.

Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) joins us for a bit of catharsis. Kav gets belligerent with Sen. Amy Klobuchar when questioned about his drinking.

A new Jimmy Reefercake/Adam Rainstopper jam is played.

On the fun half: CNN's Jeffrey Toobin calls Jeff Flake spineless and pathetic. Sen. Richard Blumenthal probes Kavanaugh's lies about what "Renate Alumnus" means. Kav's Yale classmante Lynn Brookes says he's lying about his drinking. Supercut of Kav raving about "BEER." Why don't the Democrats wield anger and outrage the way the Republicans do? A Jimmy Dore fan calls in to argue with us, calls Jamie a Democratic Party apologist. Kavanaugh and Mitchell discuss July first entry about who was at the party. Liberty University student defends Kavanaugh, says it's okay to assault if it means ending abortion. Coon and Ford discuss when she brought letter to Congressman, during "shortlist" period.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:16pm EST

Our coverage of Brett Kavanaugh's meltdown testimony. Back as usual tomorrow.

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:14pm EST

Live coverage of Christine Ford's testimony on her allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:45pm EST

Murtaza Hussain joins us to discuss his latest piece from the Intercept, "The US Goes to War Against the ICC to Cover Up Alleged War Crimes in Afghanistan." Hussain and Michael break down how and why John Bolton and the US are threatening sanctions against global officials at International Criminal Court, who are looking to bring charges against US actors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Murtaza breaks down the United States' relationship to the ICC and why it stands as the great chance to bring war crimes against the US officials from the George W. Bush administration. The crimes levied against US officials in Afghanistan deal specifically with detention policies enacted by American military and government officials and contractors hired to help the war effort beginning in 2003. Michael and Murtaza place these accusations in the context of a Trump administration that is a strange brew of outwardly isolationist rhetoric while maintaining deference to "the Generals" and unfettered military action. Taking a broader focus in the Middle East, Murtaza and Michael discuss the path forward in Syria and what happens at the end of "revolution," and what happens after "people cannot breathe anymore." Now in Syria, Murtaza sees a double down from Assad, a government that employs violence and oppression in the near future.

And in the Fun Half: Trump-worshippers are unenthusiastic about the midterms, why doorknocking works, Michael Moore's covering Flint, MI, could Democrats impeach Kavanaugh, Bill Cosby's publicist says his client and Kavanaugh are victims of a "sex war," Trump says China will keep the GOP from keeping its majority in November, chances of Avenatti in 2020, impeaching Kavanaugh from the DC Circuit court, how voting works in Brasil, engaging with anarcho-syndicalists, personal politics & voting, Trump talks options in Venezuela, Missouri GOP Senate candidate uses his son pre-existing condition to push ACA repeal, Texas State Senator Charles Schwertner is under investigation for sexual misconduct, gaming as recruiting ground for white nationalist groups, plus your calls and IMs!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

Louis Hyman (@louishyman), historian of work and business at the ILR School of Cornell University, joins us to discuss his new book, Temp: How American Work, American Business and the American Dream Became Temporary.

On today's show: UN audience laughs when Trump boasts of achievements.

Louis Hyman joins us to discuss his book, Temp: How American Work, American Business and the American Dream Became Temporary. In this book, Hyman looks at changes in the economy from the 1930s to the 1970s and from the 1970s to today. The New Deal era's efforts to make capitalism work for "everybody" (but mostly for white men).  The cultural shift that occurred in the '60s and '70s with the rise of the conglomerate and the use of efficiency consultants. How the financial crisis of the 1970s enabled this shift. How bosses began to see women and POC as a reserve pool of labor. How the rise of the gig economy corresponds with that of the service economy. The need for new labor formations that are not mere reiterations of what we saw during the New Deal era.

Rep. Kevin Cramer questions whether the accusation against Kavanaugh should disqualify him, even if it's true.

On the fun half: Ronald Raygun on the rape in "Revenge of the Nerds" and how abuse is normalized. Michael Avenatti explains to Rachel Maddow why Mark Judge needs to go before the Senate amid gang rape allegation. Avenatti's questions for Kavanaugh emailed to Mike Davis. Kavanaugh's Yale roommate believes he could have done it; Kav's high school yearbook page full of references to drinking, being a "Renate alum" (Renate being a girl they all held hands with). Kavanaugh says he "never did such a thing," repeats himself explaining away Deborah Ramirez allegations. Kav's defense against gang rape claim: he was a virgin for "many years" after high school. Kav gets emotional defending his record with women law clerks, wants fairness. Mindy on how Republican women are gender traitors. Dave Rubin tries to re-appropriate the term "reactionary right" in total galaxy brain move. Anti-Kav protesters chase Ted Cruz out of DC restaurant, compare his looks unfavorably to those of Beto O'Rourke.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST

On today's show: Is deputy AG Rod Rosenstein about to get fired for his role in the Mueller investigation? Sean Hannity expects Donald Trump will fire Robert Mueller after Hurricane Florence passes. Mitch McConnell says they're going to "plow through" with Kavanaugh's nomination. Kavanaugh pal Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, libels a random person in rush to publicize doppelganger theory. Fox and Friends slow to let go of doppelganger theory. What was the "Women for Kavanaugh" bus tour really about?  Fox and Friends "legal expert": Kavanaugh "has been rehabilitated," so there's no problem confirming him. "Republican voter" women on CNN defending Kavanaugh are actually GOP operatives.

On the fun half: GOP AZ Rep. Paul Gosar's brothers and sisters appear in ad for his opponent, David Brill. Jimmy Dore calls out AOC for fast endorsement of Cuomo, has no understanding of how power works. A caller spotlights how liberals are afraid of conflict. Jamie notes that most working class people don't vote and many can't, and the left shouldn't leave them behind. Jeff in Philly rails against AOC, says Crowley is a "better Democrat" than her. A caller marvels at Jimmy Dorr's idiocy.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm EST

We are joined by Digby (@digby56) and Corey Pein (@coreypein).

On today's show: GOP Congressman Ralph Norman (R-SC) jokes about Ruth Bader Ginsburg being groped by Abraham Lincoln.

Heather "Digby" Parton (@digby56), of and Hullabaloo, joins us to break down the latest news from Washington. Kavanaugh was promoted from the start as someone who is nice to women; coincidence? Will blind GOP support of Kavanaugh turn off Republican women voters? Digby says yes. What will happen to abortion law if Roe is overturned? Parallels with the Anita Hill hearings and the old tactic of slut-shaming. Kav's damning connection to sexual harasser Alex Kozinski. Paul Manafort's plea deal.

Corey Pein (@coreypein), author of "Live, Work, Work, Work, Die: A Journey Into The Savage Heart of Silicon Valley" and host of the "News From Nowhere" podcast, joins us. Jordan Peterson is suing a Cornell professor for calling him a misogynist; so much for the free exchange of ideas. The parallels with Richard Spencer and how the far right adapts to whatever kind of society they're operating within, appropriating liberal values they do not believe in. Will Mike Bloomberg's "I'd do her" comments and blatant conflicts of interest torpedo his presidential aspirations? Corey recommends three movies: "The Death of Stalin," "Sorry to Bother You," and "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle."

On the fun half: Tony Blair says the British should "build bridges" with Steve Bannon. Fran from Philly on Catholic morality and lust. Noam Chomsky and his Brazilian wife Valeria Wasserman visit Lula in prison. Brenda on the latest right wing Youtube opportunist, a transphobic and sexist trans woman. Does the Dalai Lama support ethno-nationalism?

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Direct download: 9-21-18-Digby-Corey_Pein-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

Professor Adam Tooze latest book, Crashed How A Decade of Financial Crisis Changed the Worldtakes a detailed look at the fallout from the 2008 financial crash following the subprime mortgage crisis. Tooze takes a global view of the financial meltdown and shows how no part of our global banking system was left unaffected by this series of financial heart attacks. The windup to the crisis can be attributed to the surge in subprime mortgage in 2004 and the short-term, money-market based funding which led to the crisis in 2008. The market could have recovered if only small banks were investing in the subprime field, however, the systemic risk came from the biggest banks having such big investment in the shakiest subprime loan investments.

Tooze sees the US's technocratic response to the crash as fairly robust but one that led each side of the political spectrum in opposite direction--namely, the Tea Party & Occupy Wall Street. Tooze sees the contemporary Republican Party as absolutely opposed to the idea that government can create policies to correct market inefficiencies or its bad actors--it can only liberate. Beyond the US, Tooze believes that similar strains of populist and nationalism have sprung up in Spain, Greece, Portugal, and Italy. Tooze and Sam discuss how privatizing profits and socializing costs in the post-2008 crash are the by-products  Obama and his administration choosing to save the banks and hand the people its cost while Americans lost their homes, jobs, and invested wealth.

So where are we now? According to Tooze, we are heading in the wrong direction towards a crisis, although one that is not as bad as 2008. America's relationship with emerging markets is a complex one that should concern the global community. But above all, the unwinding of Dodd-Frank will allow banks to work with fewer checks and increase the chances of market downturns in the future.

And in the Fun Half: George Mason asks Mercatus Center "new who dis?", Jake Tapper: JOURNALIST--Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez addresses the $40 Trillion Question, Jimmy Dore has new fans, the Sierra Club & Raygun's tight spot, Jeff Sessions is flooding the immigration debate, everybody wants to talk about Jimmy Dore, James O'Keefe is back, baby!, Madea Benjamin protests the Hudson Institute's call for war with Iran, ICE & CBP claim they are unaware of health risks associated with child detention, plus your lovely calls and IMs!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

On today's show: Trump says Florence is "wetting in terms of water." Florence causes massive runoff from factory farms, kills 32. South Carolina refused to evacuate prisons in path of hurricane. Anita Hill says Joe Biden "deferred to power," created a situation where she would suffer. Greg Gutfeld thinks what's happening to Brett Kavanaugh is more unfair than what happens to rape victims. Kav's classmate Mark Judge (spoiler alert!) posts creepy things on Facebook.

On the fun half: Trump says he's disappointed in Jeff Sessions "for many reasons." "Don Jr." educates us on the evils of dick shaming. An update on the crisis in Yemen and US culpability in it. A caller who read Jordan Peterson's book summarizes lobster man's thoughts on immigrants. Kennedy talks about weed soda on Fox Business News. Willie Nelson says on 'The View' that he supports Beto O'Rourke, doesn't care what anyone thinks of his politics. Is boomer hatred the class hatred of fools? Stormy Daniels' role in the cultural fight against Trump. Laurie Bertram Roberts (@smartstatistic) of the Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund (@fundmsabortions) on the history of abortion restrictions and their links to anxiety about white genocide.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

Jason Stanley, Jacob Urowsky Professor of Philosophy at Yale University and author of How Fascism Works, joins us.

On today's show: Mazie Hirono grills Kavanaugh about his clerkship with personal mentor Judge Alex Kozinski and how it's possible he never heard the open secret of his abusive behavior.

Jason Stanley (@jasonintrator), Professor of Philosophy at Yale, joins us to discuss his new book, 'How Fascism Works.' In this book, Stanley examines fascism from a philosophical perspective to catalog the various elements of fascist tactics, ideology and propaganda, including: law and order policy, attacking unions, destruction of norms, the one party state, looking back to a mythic past, and playing on people's anxiety during a crisis. Also on the menu: a zero sum mentality, anti-intellectualism, sexual angst, social conservatism, and social Darwinist ideas that naturalize hierarchy.

On the fun half: Stormy Daniels describes Trump's unusual, mushroom-like penis. Ken Starr says on CSPAN that he's "reaffirmed in my firm belief" in Kavanaugh because of all the women supporting which we guess he means the 5 of 65 who stand by their support. Erick Erickson blows lid off Ford's eviction revenge plot; Kav's creepy friend Mark Judge flip-flops on what he remembers. Ted Cruz wishes Dems wouldn't be so quick to blame cops when they kill people; Beto O'Rourke speaks to Dallas church about Botham Jean's unjustifiable murder. Joe Rogan parrots conspiracy theories about land reform in South Africa. Trump's complacency may hurt GOP in midterms. McDonald's workers strike for $15/hour and against sexual harassment, with the support of Fight for 15. Disabled rights under attack in CA. Mark Judge's weird YouTube page. Caller Mariana reminds us how slippery and adaptable fascist messaging and tactics can be.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

Journalist Beth Macy, joins us to discuss her new book, DOPESICK: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America.

On today's show: Debra Katz, lawyer for Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford, says Ford considers it an attempted rape and is willing to testify.

Author Beth Macy (@papergirlmacy) joins us to discuss her new book, "DOPESICK: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America." For this book, Macy investigated the long term impacts the over-prescription of opiates has had on US communities. How unemployment drove a secondary market for opiates. Purdue Pharmaceutical's 1990s marketing of Oxycontin in places where workplace injuries were highest and the money they funneled into convincing people it was safe. The large budget Purdue devoted to wooing doctors and nurses. The type of harm reduction measures that work and where they've been implemented. Does anyone responsible for this epidemic feel any remorse?

On the fun half: It's time for Democrats to let go of their fealty to norms that no longer exist. Susan Collins says she will reserve judgment on the Kavanaugh accusation. Erick Erickson defends Brett Kavanaugh; Trump Jr. mocks the accusation on Instagram. A caller shares his experience in recovery, recommends kratom as an alternative to maintenance drugs like methadone. A Marxist perspective on the Cardi B/Nicki Minaj feud. Australian school girl Harper Nielsen takes a knee during national anthem in solidarity with indigenous people. A caller recalls how he first got hooked on opiates through his student health center.

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Check out Jamie's op-ed on the New York primary results at NBC News, her piece on psychedelic therapy for opiate addiction at Bust, and her piece on why addicts are being charged with murder at Rolling Stone

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

Cynthia Nixon comes up short in her challenge of Andrew Cuomo, but progressives gain across New York State.

The Host of the Benjamin Dixon, Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon ) joins us and explains the breaking news of the Paul Manafort plea deal. Manafort will plead guilty to defrauding the United States. Serious allegations of sexual assault by SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Was California Senator, Diane Feinstein, hiding the Kavanaugh allegations? Diane Feinstein proves she is politically and morally failing. Why republicans almost certainly knew about the allegations against Kavanaugh. Diene Feinstein pulls a Joe Biden. The IDC loses big in New York and why there is progressive momentum in New York politics and what it teaches us about the "dum dum left". The Jimmy Dore business model and the left version of Alex Jones. Why the dum dums are stupid about Obama and insane on Tucker Carelson and the Police and PR teams are smearing Botham Jean, after he was murdered in his apartment by an off duty police department.

Legendary comedian and Majority Report amigo Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler), defends his honor after a brutal review of his comedy in the UK. Andy still hates Ricky Gervais. Was there a mob mentality at the Kindler show. Bill O'Reilly happy that Michelle Wolf lost her show on Netflix, still seems unhappy and Dennis Miller getting even less funny?? And what does Andy Kindler do during the day?

On The Fun Half: Diane Feinstein needs to go. The Republican money advantage and how to understand ideology. Republicans in Texas remove Beto signs from someones sign. Tucker Carelson and Michael Avenatti, have a stupid fight and its kind of funny. Lou Dobbs and Ed Rollins are lying and disgusting about Trump's lies on Puerto Rico. How DuPont poisoned America and the lawsuits that took them down. Jerry Brown attacks Trump on Climate. Random Rush and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm EST

Dave Weigel (@daveweigel ) of the Washington Post (and his new newsletter, The Trailer) joins MR to talk about the end of the 2018 primary season. Weigel breaks down yesterday's Rhode Island primary which saw a centrist Democratic governor, Gina Raimondo, defend her ticket against Matt Brown, a Sanders-styled progressive. Weigel and Sam then break down the last series of primaries in New York, including Cuomo v. Nixon and Zephyr Teachout's chance to win the democratic ticket for Attorneys General. Cuomo has continued to tack left in the face of Nixon's challenge.  Weigel then breaks down the AG race in NY that is a 3-way race with Maloney, James, and Teachout all within a chance to win. Teachout has struck fear in Cuomo, Weigel floats the idea that there are New York voters who will vote for Teachout with the hope that she will impeach Cuomo. As for Maloney, his position as a swing district representative is problematic. If Maloney were to win the AG primary, the Democratic party would need to fill his spot on the NY-18 ballot.

Weigel then breaks down the 2018 midterm democratic messaging, "Republicans will take your healthcare away." Republicans are floundering with how many candidates in midterms are tied up in ACA repeal lawsuits across the country. But what's more surprising is that GOP leadership is planning to repeal the ACA but magically keep all the parts constituents enjoy in the ACA, including coverage for preexisting conditions. And in the Senate, Wiegel says McConnell is signaling to donors that they need more funds, as the most recent round of polling has shown GOP candidates are not pulling away in races they thought they would.

And in the Fun Half: Dave Rubin slams Sam in a Playboy feature, Kavanaugh and the pro-life vote, progressives getting shutdown in Maryland, Rick Santorum calls out "the country of Puerto Rico" for its lackluster response in dealing with its own crisis, Raygun calls in with flawless logic about why Puerto Rico is an island, why is America warehousing migrant children, our addiction to military industrial jobs, Dana Rohrbacher is standing up to Chinese people who eat dogs, Kevin McCarthy is out to get Big Tech...for silencing Republicans, will Obama endorse Gillum in Florida, why doesn't MR enter the armed-insurrection discourse, how the unions are reacting to the fissuring of New York political structures on the left,

The Sierra Club: You can listen to ‘The Land I Trust’ at or on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EST

Investigative journalist and friend of the show David Dayen (@ddayen) joins us to discuss his latest piece for The New Republic, "He Was The Resistance Inside The Obama Administration."

On today's show: Trump claims his administration's actions in Puerto Rico were an "unsung success."

David Dayen (@ddayen) joins us to discuss how Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner undermined President Obama's efforts to restructure the big banks following the financial crisis of 2008. In 2009, Obama ordered his Treasury Department to finalize a "resolution" for Citi Group that would help stabilize the economy. While Obama himself wasn't necessarily in favor of nationalization, the order left the team the leeway to take that option, and at least one of them (Larry Summers) was interested in it. Dayen reports on how Geithner essentially refused Obama's order and the negative impact his bank-friendly approach could have. Also: Chuck Schumer's non-existent strategy for blocking Trump's judicial nominees and The New York Times' uneven candidate endorsements.

On the fun half: Dana Loesch argues that Dallas murder victim story "could have been very different" if the victim "was a law abiding gun owner." Brit Hume defends Tucker Carlson's "diversity" comments. Carlson apes talking points from white nationalist Youtubers. John from San Antonio on the September 13 primaries. Rachel Maddow shares news that DHS moved $10M from FEMA to ICE. More on Obama's political failings. Should the Democrats spend more time debunking trickle down economics? A caller explains why the left is at a disadvantage when it comes to grassroots action around the judiciary. Kathy Hochul's willful ignorance of how class intersects with gender. Stefan Molyneux tells fans to get rid of their Nikes and join his cult. Steve Scalise claims tax cuts always help the economy, leaves out what happened under Bush II.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

Sam speaks with author and activist Darnell Moore (@Moore_Darnell) about his new book, 'No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America.'

On today's show: Trump is pumped for 9/11 memorial, praises the endless war on terror in Shanksville, PA.

Sam speaks with Darnell Moore about his book, 'No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America.' In this memoir, Moore details the abuse he suffered growing up black, gay and poor in Camden, NJ and how he learned to love himself. With an intersectional critique of white supremacy and heterosexism, Moore examines the complex ways toxic masculinity weaves itself into the lives of people in marginalized communities and society at large. Moore also discusses coming to terms with the actions of his abusive father, who was just 15 when Moore was born, and how his family and community impacted his development. Lastly, he discusses his involvement in the Movement for Black Lives and the importance of coalition building to all liberation movements.

On the fun half: Trump stars in his own version of "GoldenEye." How will automation affect the future of the labor movement? Trump makes light of terrorists who killed US soldiers in Omarosa tape. Miss Michigan introduces herself by blasting Flint's water problems. NM Congressional candidate Janice Arnold Jones slams Native American opponent Deb Haaland, says she didn't grow up on a reservation. Trump's jubilant 9/11 photo. Ezra Klein sucks off Silicon Valley. The MR crew remembers the 1973 coup in Chile, when socialist president Salvador Allende was overthrown by US-backed fascist Augusto Pinochet. Nicki Minaj vs. Cardi B: whose side are you on? Jamie ruins the fun half. Beto O'Rourke's great campaign ad. An update on Lula. A caller breaks down Dinesh D'Souza's new movie, plugs Punks for Progress and anarchist thinker Errico Malatesta. Michael's take on the #resistance response to Nike x Kaepernick.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST

On today's show: Tucker Carlson wants to know why you think diversity is good. Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro survives drone assassination attempt. What's the humanitarian answer to the crisis in Venezuela? Michael parallels the coup in Venezuela with Lula's situation in Brazil. Obama says Trump is the symptom, not the cause. Obama browbeats young people for not voting, takes zero responsibility for our current situation.

On the fun half: The dangers of advocating anti-imperialism without class analysis. Candace Owens shares New York Times conspiracy: they did the op-ed themselves. Will Trump pivot to economic nationalism? Jamie recalls sad Bernie bros at a DNC marijuana party. Cynthia Nixon responds to Rosh Hashanah NYS Dem Committee mailer. Ben Shapiro will not bake Dave Rubin a gay wedding cake and would not go to his anniversary party. Alex Jones' "de-platforming" from Twitter and the need to nationalize Big Tech. Elon Musk smokes a blunt with Joe Rogan, is still the worst. Is Doug Henwood right that the Democrats need a stronger platform to take back the House? A caller believes Nixon can beat Cuomo.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm EST

Digby (Heather Parton) (@digby56) and Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) join us.

On today's show: Brett Kavanaugh may have perjured himself four times in 2008 confirmation hearings. Trump tries and fails twice to say the word "anonymous."

Digby (@Digby56), of and Hullabaloo, joins us to discuss the latest news from the White House. The Democrats grow a spine for once. Kavanaugh's record as a right-wing activist. The $600k re-election fund Susan Collins will get if she votes against Kavanaugh. Digby's take on the anonymous NYT op-ed. Author of stolen memos calls for Kavanaugh's impeachment.

Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) joins us for her semi-regular rage fest. Judy gives props to Obama, negative shout outs to Lindsey Graham. But Obama framed m4a as a "new idea," isn't that kind of wack? Judy on having shows canceled over her politics and certain jokes she makes. Is Trump a regular Republican? A new Jimmy Reefercake song is played.

On the fun half: Alex Jones and Laura Loomer accost Jack Dorsey over Twitter "censorship" after tech hearing. Former basketball player Brock Gillespie says Nike's Kaepernick ad isn't bold, they should use Jesus instead. Stuart Varney explains to Fox and Friends how Jeff Bezos can prevent Whole Foods workers from unionizing. Tammy from TX recommends Henry Rollins' stand-up special. John Yoo says Kavanaugh didn't have anything to do with terrorist surveillance program. Blumenthal asks Kavanaugh if a judge can be attacked based on heritage, he won't answer. Kavanaugh refers to birth control as "abortion inducing drugs." Sheldon Whitehouse asks Kavanaugh about his connection to the Federalist Society; he plays dumb once more. A caller on the White House's mob-like backchannels to Justice Kennedy. Brenda makes a play for Michael's job.

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Direct download: 9-07-18-Digby-Judy_Gold-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm EST

The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings continue apace.

On today's show: TV shrink Gina Loudon uses "science" and "psychological theory" to write a book about why Trump is "the most sound minded person to ever occupy the White House." Kamala Harris grills Kavanaugh on his discussion of the Mueller probe with Kasowitz, the law firm founded by Trump's personal lawyer. Cory Booker threatens to release Kavanaugh's racial profiling email as act of civil disobedience. Kavanaugh doesn't believe Roe v. Wade is settled precedent; Harris asks Kavanaugh about laws governing the male body. Richard Blumenthal presses Brett Kavanaugh to recuse himself on Trump's criminal and civil matters; he refuses. Booker questions Kavanaugh on Scalia's belief re: race and constitutionality, gets ominous answer.

On the fun half: Aspiring Milo replacement Brandon Straka makes boring video about how SJW culture made him "walk away" from the Democratic Party. Ronald Raygun on how the Trump cult is like Mormonism. A government photographer doctored Trump's inauguration crowd photos for him. NYT op-ed from anonymous White House staffer is self-serving, shitty. Trump addresses anonymous op-ed at his meeting with sheriffs. Why Malcolm Gladwell is wrong that Steve Bannon should be invited to speak at the New Yorker festival. Laura Loomer protests being "shadowbanned" from Twitter at Congressional hearing; Billy Long (R-MO) drowns her out with auction chant.

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Direct download: 9-06-18-Sam_Seder-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm EST

Chokwe Antar Lumumba (@ChokweALumumba), mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, speaks with Sam at NetRoots Nation.

On today's show: More of the Kavanaugh confirmation dog and pony show. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) questions Kavanaugh about a "mole" that hacked Democrats' emails during the Bush admin; Kavanaugh claims he has no recollection of getting an email about this. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says all the non-incriminating stuff is already public, so what's the problem?

Sam plays his interview with Chokwe Antar Lumumba, mayor of Jackson, Mississippi. Oft referred to as "the most radical mayor in America," Lumumba reluctantly ran for mayor after his father, Chokwe Lumumba, died after just eight months in office. Lumumba discusses his programs that give loans to community and worker owned cooperatives, the role millennials play in the politics and development of Jackson, and what electoral politics can achieve in the fight for equality. Also: the role played by race, racism, and segregation, the need for a systemic critique, and what books he's been reading.

On the fun half: Marco Rubio confronts Alex Jones in a hallway. John from San Antonio on progressive races in FL, MA. What went into Ayanna Pressley's surprise win in MA? The moment Pressley found out she'd won. parkland father Fred Guttenberg tries to shake Kavanaugh's hand, gets snubbed. Did Republican operative Zina Bash flash an alt-right symbol at the confirmation hearing? Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says Democrats should vote to confirm Kavanaugh even though Republicans wouldn't even allow a hearing on Merrick Garland and a Republican Senate hasn't confirmed a Democratic appointee since 1895. A Canadian calls in to defend Sam Harris. Will Kelsey Grammar's 'Frasier' reboot be about Jordan Peterson, and can the MR crew defeat JP with the power of apples? Stay tuned!

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Direct download: 9-05-18-Chokwe_Lumumba-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

The MR crew catches up on all the news they missed while they were on vacation!

On today's show: The crew remembers John McCain. Senators Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Richard Blumenthal try to postpone Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings until they can sort through the 11th hour document dump. Dick Durbin asks to postpone the hearing because of Merrick Garland. Chuck Grassley explains the Kavanaugh documents. Could Obama have done more to get progressive judges on the Supreme Court? Lindsey Graham suggests Kavanaugh could overturn Roe precedent. Kavanaugh signaled in 1998 that he believes a sitting president can't be indicted. Milo VERY upset over being bumped from Politicon.

On the fun half: Zephyr Teachout and AOC are coming to SUNY New Paltz. Republicans burn their own shoes over Colin Kaepernick Nike ad. Tucker Carlson uses the term "ruling class," says kneeling during the anthem will lead to the fall of American society. Judge Napolitano visibly deflated after legal analyst says Trump's latest tweet gives "fodder" for Mueller's probe. Ronald Raygun acts out. Trump claims the Democrats want to "raid Medicare to pay for socialism." Jeff from GA encourages Sam to debate the ghouls. Jamie advises a listener on starting a DSA chapter. Sam and Michael's take on Iran, Russia and China.

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Direct download: 9-04-18-Sam_Seder-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EST

Today our annual repeat of a compilation of labor speeches from FDR, Mario Savio, John Lewis, & more. Full live show returns tomorrow!

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST