The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Murtaza Hussain, a journalist for the Intercept, explains the stunning story behind the Fort Dix terror plot. Recorded July 15.

FOR MEMBERS: Air America throwback (2/11/2005), Sam and Janeane interview Eugene Mirman, Eddie Izzard, Flight of the Concords, and Stewart Lee live from the HBO Comedy Arts Festival.

Direct download: 12-31-15-Murtaza_Hussain-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST


From October 16, Sam live in Las Vegas at the Mass Torts Made Perfect conference:

Tim Maloney of Maloney & Campolo is on first Volkswagen’s use of a “defeat device” in their software to cheat emissions tests. Discussion of VW’s ambitions to be the world’s’ largest car company, and the role “clean diesel” was meant to play in getting them there. Which VW executives and engineers must have known about the cheat, and what was the long game? Finally, how this type of behavior is incentivized by corporate structures.

Chris Paulos from Levin Papantonio is on to talk about DuPont’s contamination of the Parkersburg, West Viginia area with C8, a harmfully bio-persistent and toxic surfactant originally developed, and subsequently phased out, by 3M. Discussion of DuPont’s cover-up of C8 contamination, as well as DuPont’s history of malfeasance and criminality. Next, the strategy and ramifications of the Carla Bartlett v. DuPont case. The use of C8 in the production of teflon products, and DuPont’s failure to incinerate the C8 as 3M guidelines recommend.

Finally, Michael Baum of Baum Hedlund is on to talk about Factor 8, a hemophilia drug found to be infected with HIV in the early 1980s. How plasma centers sought hepatitis-infected plasma, needed for antibodies, by using donors from prison populations and by advertising in gay magazines. The subsequent use of that infected plasma to make blood products meant to be with non-contaminated plasma. Baum says estimates of people infected are nearly 10k in the US and 10k internationally.

FOR MEMBERS: Paul Starr on the political decisions that formed the media, spanning from the 15th century to the 21st.

Direct download: 12-30-15-Mass_Torts-Paul_Starr-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST


Journalist Johann Hari, explains the motivation for his new book Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on DrugsWhy were drugs banned to begin with and what really creates drug addiction. Harry J. Anslinger the most important person you never heard of. Anslinger’s racism and obsession with Billie Holiday. The racist roots of the drug war. The heroism of Billie Holiday and the white supremacist crusade that destroyed. Arnold Rothstein and invention of modern drug dealing. Why cartels are so violent. Former drug warriors who want to end the war on drugs. Debunking drug addiction myths. What we can learn from Portugal. Also why drugs are a social problem not an individual one. Recorded January 22.

FOR MEMBERS: Another throwback to Air America days, Sam and Janeane talk to the late historian Tony Judt on Abu Ghraib, governmental lying, the media during wartime, Israel/Palestine and much more. Recorded 6/2/2004.

Direct download: 12-29-15-Johann_Hari-Tony-Judt-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST


Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everythingexplains the fundamental organizing reality of the climate crisis and why the “right is right” on what addressing climate will mean for capitalism. Why the left should talk about climate change all the time and why they don’t talk about it more. Why the “extraction worldview” allow us to think of ourselves as separate from nature. Why the 1980s were the worst time for establishing a serious policy on climate change. How mainstream environmental groups were compromised by becoming part of the Washington DC game and should we focus on confronting the fossil fuel industry or seriously investing in renewable energy? And defining the movement that needs to be built in order to reverse the climate crisis. Recorded November 19, 2014.

FOR MEMBERS: A throwback to Air America days, Sam interviews Harry Shearer discussing the Army Corps of Engineers' failures in New Orleans that led to the Katrina disaster and Tom Delay.

Direct download: 12-28-15-Naomi_Klein-Harry_Shearer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST


6:45 - Professor Walter Block explains the four types of Libertarians and why he is a Anarcho/Libertarian. Non-aggression and property rights. The confusing world of Libertarian Courts. Feudalism or Hobbesianism? How were property rights established? Retributions and Libertarians. Natives Americans, homesteading and property in America. Also Walter Block’s relationship to Rand Paul and the vaccine debate. Recorded February 11.

1:03:10 - Pando Senior Editor Mark Ames, explains how Symour Hersh’s attempts at Corporate muckraking in the 1970s reveal the dangers of going after the corporate state. Dangers of corporate muckraking journalism and what’s wrong with the NSA debate. Recorded June 8.

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Direct download: 12-24-15-Walter_Block-Mark_Ames-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST


9:00 - Gary Dorrien, an American social ethicist and theologian at Columbia Univeristy, is on to discuss his book The New Abolition: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Black Social Gospel and how modern movements like #BlackLivesMatter relate to historical black freedom movements. 12:50 - What is the Back Social Gospel? What did "abolition" come to mean and who were the New Abolitionists? 25:23 - The four strains of the Black Social Gospel. The dispute between Booker T. Washington and Du Bois. 34:10 - How Dorrien's four strains have developed over time. 40:00 - Getting Martin Luther King Jr. right. Cornel West's view on King. MLK the socialist. 47:00 - The consequences of historical amnesia. How these currents affect the DNC primary.

52:30 - Michal Rozworski, writer and host of the Political Eh-conomy podcast, is on to discuss his Jacobin article Why We Fight Uber. How Uber is essentially a dispatcher with lobbyists. 59:00 - How Uber undermines the idea of the risk-taking capitalist. 1:05:00 - The potential for co-op ridesharing platforms. Seattle's pro-union decision for Uber drivers.

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Direct download: 12-23-15-Gary_Dorrien-Michal_Rozworski-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EST


-Cliff Schecter and Sam explain why the DNC favoring Hillary Clinton is bad for everyone. Why Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the worst. Why Marco Rubio is not going to win the Republican Primary. Why Hillary Clinton is wrong to run to the right on taxes. How the Democrats goad Donald Trump, is this the end of the Republican Party and who hurts the Republican Party more Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. (9:00)

-Sam explains whats inside the Budget deal. (37:40)

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump goes crazy sexist against Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump hates journalists but promises not to kill them. Why we have a better country with higher taxes. Sam debates our favorite conservative caller Doug and your calls IMs.

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Direct download: 12-22-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST


Jeb Bush claims that he is winning by losing. Bernie Sanders and the data breach controversy. Democrats focus on Donald Trump at the Democratic Debate and ignores the rest of the Republican crazies. Bernie and Hillary clash on regime change. Hillary's conflicted policy on Syria. The problem with Hillary Clinton's "no new middle class tax" pledge and why we need universal programs in college and healthcare.

On The Fun Half: why Martin O'Malley is kind of annoying. New Matt's bizarre Star Wars experience. Why Hillary Clinton is undermined by the DNC helping her. Caller Michael thinks Jeb Bush is still in the race. The Chris Christie "surge".

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Direct download: 12-21-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST


12:12 - Blogger Digby (Heather Parton) explains why the Right is pushing hard against women's rights. Barack Obama and the spike in anti Muslim bigotry. How anti women and Muslim politics go together on the Right. Why the Right hates Hillary. The full scope of the horrific war of the Republican war on women. Why Donald Trump is the Pope of the GOP. What the Republican base is losing. The year of Black Lives Matter. The prison state and the extension of Jim Crow. Technology and holding Police accountable for systemic abuse. Barack Obama unleashed and the differences between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

1:06:13 - Isabel Gillies is not going to see the new Star Wars movie. Why Isabel's phone fell out of her window. Isabel enjoyed 2015 and Isabel's picks for the best movies of the year and Isabel tells us to listen to Serial season 2 and Sam and Michael are not happy with the pick.

The DNC uses a software failure to block the Sanders campaign from accessing its own voter data.

On The Fun Half: Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a disaster as DNC Chair. Bernie Sanders gets a major new labor union endorsement. Hillary Clinton should back Bernie Sanders and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-18-15-Digby-Isabel_Gilles-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST


Grist's Ben Adler explains what the world agreed to at the Paris agreement on climate change (9:40). The innate damages of global warming pollution. Why everyone in the world agrees on the climate crisis except for the Republicans - including North Korea( 18:34). Why the Paris agreement acknowledges but does really do anything about the scale of the climate crisis. The 2020 global update on carbon cuts. The changing roles of South Korea, China and Singapore in the Paris agreement. Will global energy companies and first world countries be held accountable? The practical details of dealing with the human toll of the climate crisis and why poor countries are hurt the most by climate change (25:28).

On The Fun Half: why the Democratic establishment rigged the debates against Bernie Sanders. Safe spaces on college campuses. Can Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. Bill O'Reilly compares the "War on Christmas" to terrorism. Random Rush and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-17-15-Ben_Adler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST


We review how the Republicans did in last nights debate. The implications of the Republican freak-show for the rest of the country. Why Marco Rubio is a very weak candidate. The foreign policy debate inside the GOP and Donald Trump and Rand Paul both make sense for a minute. Will Cruz and Trump be to the left in foreign policy and Donald Trump has no idea what he is talking about.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson is ready to kill innocent people too. Jeb Bush fails again and your IMs.

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Direct download: 12-16-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST


Ian Millhiser, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund and the Editor of ThinkProgress Justice, explains the educational and public policy benefits of Affirmative Action (10:50). How a student body is built at prestigious universities. The long dividends of racial diversity in college campuses. Why Justice Roberts is the most anti-Civil Rights Justice on the Court. The history of affirmative action (14:05).  What is the Supreme Court's role in determining the type of education a university provides (19:55)?Why Justice Kennedy is like the Dread Pirate Roberts (24:35). How Justice Kennedy and Justice Roberts differ in their views of race (26:28). Does Abigail Fisher even have standing (37:35)? And why Elena Kagan is recusing herself, and what the rules for recusal are for Supreme Court (42:32).

On The Fun Half: Sam and Michael give their debate predictions. Ted Cruz goes all in on the anti Muslim conspiracy bandwagon and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-15-15-Ian_Millhiser-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST


Interview with journalist Jesse A. Myerson joins us to discuss his recent piece for The Nation How to Get Rid of Your Landlord and Socialize American Housing, in 3 Easy Steps (7:12). How private real estate value is created by public goods (8:47). Enclosure of the commons, and the relationship between communities, housing, schools, and race (11:12). Myerson's three policy solutions (21:48). Bernie Sanders' pro public goods candidacy (33:07).

On The Fun Half: Why Bernie Sanders matters more than Donald Trump in the long run. Trump claims Cruz is bought by Oil companies. What's inside the Paris climate deal. Is Ben Carson a secret member of the Wu Tang Clan? And your calls and IMs

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Direct download: 12-14-15-Jesse_Myerson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST


-Cliff Schecter and Sam debate closing the No Fly List loophole. Why Cliff thinks we should do it and why Sam thinks its a problem. The smart politics of the No Fly List bill. Why we don't have the "right" to bear arms. Why if this case goes to the Supreme Court its a bad and dangerous thing. Donald Trump goes full bigot and nativist. Why the mainstream press still won't admit that Republicans love Trump. Why all the other Republicans are just like Trump and why Sam has been predicting someone from the crazy caucus will get the GOP nomination (11:27 )

-Andy Kindler explains why he would have turned in other actors during the McCarthy era. How Andy Kindler became a comedian. Sam lets Andy know about H. Jon Benjamin's Jazz album. Kindler comes through NYC without visiting sam and Andy's history with Donald Trump. (54:27)

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump gets what he wants from Ted Cruz. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-11-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST


Greg Grandin, a professor of history at NYU and author of Kissinger's Shadow explains the global scale of Henry Kissinger's crimes (9:20).

How Henry Kissinger locked in the Israel/Palestine crisis and why we still live under "Kissingerism"(18:00).

The intellectual roots of Henry Kissinger. Why Henry Kissinger is not a realist and how Nixon and Kissinger used foreign policy to get reactionary support in American politics (25:57).

Why Kissinger's Southern African wars help explain Iran Contra. What makes Kissinger different from The Dulles Brothers (31:41).

The Kissinger and Nixon bond. Why Kissinger is treated as a revered elder statesman when he is a war criminal and the Democrats who spread the Kissinger myth (40:23).


On The Fun Half: A corrupt scientist erupts at a Greenpeace researcher, Bernie Sanders explains how to fight Trump. Never Give Dick Cheney credit for anything and your IMs.

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Direct download: 12-10-15-Greg_Grandin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST


Journalist Guy Lawson explains his personal connections to Canadian politics(10:56). The Trudeau family history and how Justin Trudeau was able to become the Prime Minister of Canada. Why the left wing NDP lost ground in Canada's elections by embracing austerity. Why Justin Trudeau leveraged a charity boxing match into becoming Prime Minister(16:00). Is Canada relevant to global politics? Rob Ford the Crack smoking conservative political leader and the destruction of Canadian identity Confronting anti Islamic bigotry and preserving Canadian identity and the Obama and Trudeau bromance(27:54).

On The Fun Half: Greenpeace exposes scientists ready to take cash to lie about climate science. Why we should monitor Gun owners. Donald Trump provides no cover for Republicans. Blind support for the Right in Israel is a threat to Israel. Fox & Friends wants to train children how to takedown active shooters. Philadelphia Mayor calls Donald Trump an "asshole" and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-09-15-Guy_Lawson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST


Harvard historian Sven Beckert, author of Empire of Cotton: A Global History, tells us why cotton helps us understand capitalism (8:16). How Europe was able to dominate the global cotton trade. The difference between "mercantile" capitalism and "war" capitalism (12:23). Slavery and the growth of global cotton. How Southern slavery is a part of national and global history (15:41). Why the British Empire focused cotton production on India. How nation states were central to the development of capitalism and modern sweatshop labor and the history of capitalist development (18:07).

On The Fun Half: Debating Donald Trump's Muslim ban with our "Constitutionalist" caller Doug. Ted Cruz surges in Iowa. Donald Trump goes full Fascist and Sam gets into a heated debate with Michael Steele and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-08-15-Sven_Beckert-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST


Hilary Matfess, a research analyst at the National Defense University’s Center for Complex Operations, explains the dangers in Nigeria's new discovery of oil reserves in the Lake Chad area. The "resource curse" and Nigeria's corruption. Coordinating security efforts against Boko Haram and why oil disputes undermine that effort and the broader effort to reform Nigeria's oil sector.

On The Fun Half : President Obama's address on terrorism. What President Obama believes about terrorism. Jeb Bush wants Obama to be intense! And your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-07-15-Hilary_Matfess-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:42pm EST


Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the common thread of America's insane gun laws in the terror attacks in Colorado and California. Why being an arms dealer should make you socially ostracized. Reshaping the culture of guns and society. A new Gun TV channel and Every study shows that more guns make communities less safe. Now women can serve in any combat role in the military. How social change happens and Donald Trump continues to dominate.

H. Jon Benjamin and Sam reflect on their upbringing and he explains his reasoning behind releasing a Jazz album. The reviews of Jon's album have not been great. Were the musicians Jon worked with offended by his lack of ability to play. Is Jon's son proud of him?

On The Fun Half: Why did the San Bernardino County terrorist attacks. Donald Trump makes a lot of Jew jokes to a roomful of Republican Jewish crowd. A conservative teen twitter war.  And your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-04-15-Cliff_Schecter-Jon_Benjamin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST


We update the latest information from the shootings in San Bernardino.

Premilla Nadasen an an associate professor of history at Barnard College, Columbia University and author of the new book Household Workers Unite: The Untold Story of African American Women Who Built a Movement, explains why household workers have been ignored in the dominant narrative of labor history. Why the New Deal ignored domestic labor. Race and who a worker was and is. The "gendered imagination" and the limits of northern labor organizing. The logistical challenges of organizing without a collective workspace. The incredible organizing power of Georgia Gilmore and why her story matters. The Bronx "slave markets" and the use of story telling by members of the domestic workers movement and the importance of intersectionality in overcoming racial divisions in organizing domestic workers.

On The Fun Half: Mike Allen pisses off Rahm Emanuel. Alex Jones conducts an epic interview with Donald Trump. Alabama Police Department planted drugs on black men for years. Ted Cruz's campaign releases raw video that shows Cruz trying to forcing his mom to talk about personal things in a campaign ad and your IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-03-15-Premilla_Nadasen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm EST


Freelance journalist Brandon Smith explains the story behind the release of the Laquan Mcdonald murder video. The erased Burger King video and was there a systemic Police coverup. Why the Mcdonald killing is emblematic of Police killings of African Americans across Chicago. Will the other officers on the scene be criminally investigated?

Micah Uetricht an Associate Editor of In These Times explains the dark role of State's Attorney for Cook County Anita Alvarez in pressing charges against Jason Van Dyke. The broader history of the Chicago PD's abuse of African Americans. The political interests of Rahm Emanuel and will there be a federal investigation of Chicago Police? Why Mayor Emanuel's new oversight board will probably not lead to real reform. Did Mayor Emanuel block the release of the video to save his reelection campaign? The killing of Rekia Boyd and are Anita Alvarez and are Rahm Emanuel in political danger.

On The Fun Half: Tween conservative story leaves the movement. Eric Bolling is incredibly stupid and he has his own 9/11 conspiracy. Steve Doocy also backs Donald Trump's Muslim smearing. New Atheist bullshit leads to horrible things. Also your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-02-15-Brandon_Smith-Micah_Uetricht-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EST


Journalist David Dayen explains how monopolies and duopolies are harming public health and setting back innovation. Where is the incentive for companies to deliver better products in monopoly markets. The Boston Tea Party and the history of Antitrust laws. How disruptive technologies can lead to monopolies. Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson's differing responses to monopolies. The Golden Era of Antitrust and Robert Bork's war against Antitrust laws. Antitrust in the Amazon driven economy and why we need an Antitrust movement.

On The Fun Half: Why "Black on Black" crime is a garbage argument. The systemic abuse of the Chicago Police. Donald Trump wants money to show up at the next debate. and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-01-15-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST