The Majority Report with Sam Seder

10/11 Cathy O’Neil: Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

Cathy O’Neil, author of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy, explains how data can be bias. Who Defines success and algorithms. Big data hype and being “beyond morals”. Data and the war on teachers. Targeting teachers through data. Data-driven models to predictive policing and sentencing. The myth that numbers don’t mislead and algorithms and job discrimination.

Full Libertarian Debate: Sam Seder & Former Libertarian Presidential Candidate

Published on Jun 26, 2016

In this Majority Report clip, former Libertarian Party presidential hopeful Darryl Perry joins the show to debate Sam Seder. It doesn't exactly go all that well, and it definitely ends badly.

And for members, from the archive: Jeanine talks with the late Howard Zinn on Iraq and American's trust of government.

Direct download: Pub_Edit_BestOfCathy_ONeil_Darryl_Perry_Howard_Zinn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

8/26 David Daley: Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy

David Daley on his new book "Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy." “Operation Redmap,” and the GOP’s post-2008 strategy, largely successful, in strategically redistricting and gerrymandering as a way to make it easier for Republicans to win. What Dave learned actually walking the districts. The sophistication of gerrymandering in an age of big data. The upcoming referendums to lead to independent redisticting, and the court’s conception of the “efficiency gap.”

SHAMED: Fl. Gov. Rick Scott Flees Starbucks
Published on Apr 6, 2016
In this Majority Report clip, not only does someone recognize an elected state official and know his name, she scream-shames him right on out of her Starbucks of choice! Hero American Cara Jennings is one of the few proud citizens to pay enough attention to what a huge, corrupt asshole one of her state governors is and she screams at him on sight. It is a wonder to behold, this act of freedom and liberty, and Gov. Scott also does not even get his coffee.

For members, from the archive: Sam and Jeanine talk with the late Helen Thomas, famed White House correspondent, on how terrible George W Bush is.

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

2/3 Jane Mayer: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right

The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer author of Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, explains and the new role of oligarchs in American politics.

-The difference between now and the robber baron era. More people work for the Koch Brothers than the Republican National Committee. The Koch’s cultural project. The Powell Memo and the deep history of the American Right.

-How the actual “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” works. The war on academics and objective science. How we subsidize the Kochs and their toxic industries. Why the Kochs backed the bank bailouts.

-The influence of this money in the 2016 election season on the GOP side. How Donald Trump is the only Republican who they can’t control.

-Koch money and global warming denial and when the Kochs targeted Jane Mayer for a smear job.

"Kasich Thinks He Schools Jewish Scholars on Bible Basics"

Published on Apr 14, 2016
John Kasich manages to have literally no self-awareness whatsoever as he sets a new bar for arrogance whilst explaining Bible stories to Talmudic scholars—in this case, ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews in Borough Park, Brooklyn. Talmudic scholars devote their lives to studying scripture. John Kasich seems to have a cursory knowledge of a children's Bible, or something along those lines. It would be embarrassing to watch if he wasn't such a terrible person.

And for members, from the archives: Sam spoke with Lewis Lapham on the characteristics of fascism.

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

6/28 Mark Blyth: Brexit & the Global Failure of the Elite

Mark Blyth of the Watson Institute at Brown University explains why the Brexit is the chickens coming home to roost on austerity and inequality. How Brexit and Donald Trump show the failure of austerity, Right Wing politics and Neoliberalism. Why the public does not and should not distrust the elite. Why the Euro is awful and the EU is good and why the UK had the best of both worlds. What happened to the Greek economy and the stupidity of Eurozone economics. The failure of UK’s political class. Is the UK doomed? The politics of Europe. Where is the positive agenda. What’s disturbing about the Hillary Clinton candidacy and is there a positive agenda for the future?

Fox 'Meets the Trumps': The ULTRA-LUXURIOUS D.C. Hotel Tour

Published on May 27, 2016
In this Majority Report clip, Andy Kindler joins us as Greta Van Susteren "interviews" Donald and Melania Trump, for a segment that causes Upworthy's Parker Molloy to wonder, "Is [Van Susteren] being paid by the number of times she can say 'Trump?'" Indeed, Miss Molloy! Please do join us, there are three of these wonderfully illuminating clips.

3/15 Amanda Taub: Donald Trump & the Rise of American Authoritarianism

How do you measure authoritarian attitudes? The four parenting questions that reveal the authoritarian mindset. The Republican Party’s anxiety about social change and what voters that appeals to. How crisis can activate the authoritarian value society. Vox’s polling and fear of threats from foreign sources. Race and measuring response to authority. How many Democrats are authoritarian and what do we do about authoritarian politics?

And for Members: Sam talks with Thomas Frank (who joined us in 2016 to talk about his book "Listen, Liberal") to talk about his book "What's the Matter with Kansas?"

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

8/16 Carol Anderson: White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide

Carol Anderson a Professor of African American Studies at Emory University and author of White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide,explains the roots of the racial crisis in Milwaukee. The history of progress and blowback against African American human rights. The “Black Codes” the laws against the Great Migration. Racism South and North. How White Rage works. How states responded to Brown v Board of Education. Public school funding and property taxes and what that tells us about race. The legal structure of second class citizenship for African Americans. Why class and race are connected but not the same issue and why the Right wants America to look like Apartheid South Africa.

Then, Jeb's son George, the current Texas land commissioner, endorses Donald Trump at an event. Published on Aug 9, 2016

And from the archives for members only, Sam and Jeanine talk to Jared Diamond on his book, "Collapse."

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

Political strategist Cliff Schecter talks about Michael Flynn'e meeting with Austria's Neo Nazi Party. The Russia connection and Donald Trump. Where is Hillary Clinton? President Obama's failing leadership. The Dangers of Trump and the disaster Cabinet. Chuck Schumer's flawed approach. The Republicans war against democracy. Why Democrats have no strategy. The value of the fight and what Democrats need to do.

Isabel Gillies and Film Guy Matthew Weiss present their thoughts on the year. Worries about the dangers of the Trump era and are we losing our world? Will the Trump Presidency change culture. Why Matthew and Isabel are both gloomy. And fear makes you more ruthless and Isabel said we should watch Planet Earth and Matthew suggests we watch  L'Argent.

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

The ethics free Trump transition. Corey Lewandowski says "drain the swamp" is chronologically low on the Trump priority. Donald Trump reverses himself on rigging the system and draining the system. President Obama takes steps to block Trump from creating a Muslim registry program. North Carolina Republican power grab and transgender discrimination. Can Trump's private security be reign in? Republicans will roll over for Trump. Maine Governor Paul Lepage works to undermine the will of the people for a minimum wage increase. Will Obamacare be saved? Random Rush. Newt Gingrich backs down and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:06pm EST

Hopefully Michigan's Governor is on the verge of getting indicted for his role in the Flint water crisis?

Digby explains, explains the FBI's reckless role in the 2016 election and why it's so dangerous. The absurd pick of James Comey as FBI Director by Barack Obama. Why there are no excuses for Comey's conduct during the election. The FBI and the far right infrastructure. Trump's private security force and the danger to democracy. The biggest dangers of the Trump Presidency. The terrifying Richard Branson interview about Trump's pathology. Democrats delusions about Republicans ruthlessness. Why the Press folds for authority and why are we still ignoring issues and focusing on Trump the person.

On The Fun Half: Newt Gingrich is tired of the "drain the swamp"phrase. Bill O'Reilly has a new theory about race. Why conservatives don't care about conservative principles and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EST

On today's show Samuel R. Bagenstos (@sbagen) talks about his new article, "Civil Rights Déjà Vu, Only Worse." The playbook Trump's admin will use to attack government agencies once they're in charge. The perspective from career civil servants. How presidencies outlast their time in office through the bureaucracy, and how long it takes to deprogram damage by previous administrations, like George W Bush's. The GOP's pathological and insidious obsession with non-existent voter fraud.

On the fun half - Rep. Bill Huizenga unwittingly demonstrates why GOP health insurance plans are nonsense. Alex Jones tries to keep his audiences eye on the ball with regard to Obama's birth certificate. Scott Brown's daughter on CNN for some reason, on how she was able to look beyond Trump's racism. Trump concerned about Russian hacking... in 2014.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EST

Today: Ben Mankiewicz (@BenMank77) on Jerry Brown and the "fighting spirit" liberal democrats need.  How we'll never know how Hillary would've governed.The decline of the political class. What makes democratic leaders? The insidious effect television has had on our politics. Hunter S Thompson's lessons from the Hell's Angels and Trump's America. Making an aggressive case for progress.

On the fun half - Ed Miliband continues his career in stock photography, a reformed libertarian calls in, Ted Koppel takes on Alex Jones, a Russian ambassador is killed in Turkey, John McCain goes soft on Trump, and your calls and IMs., BERRIES.COM, click on the microphone and type in “MajorityReport,” and

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm EST

Journalist Guy Lawson explains why we are moving into another level of post-truth politics. How to think about the Donald Trump disaster. Why the Trump's conflicts of interest are a distraction from the decline of American Empire. The anger of Trump supporters. How can journalists cover Trump? When I dictator says something believe them. George W Bush and taking fundamentalism seriously. Making Trump own his many, many failures. Why Americans are not removed from geo-politics and history. Jared Kushner is dangerous. Taking Trump's language seriously.  Why didn't the Clinton campaign want to talk politics? The failure of the Democratic Party and why the press needs to step up.

On The Fun Half: The many, many reasons why Hillary Clinton lost. Protests meet the North Carolina Republican coup. Pat Robertson disses Sarah Palin. How to protest a racist. Trump thanks African Americans for not voting and our new Trump policy. Lindsey Graham says we need to do something about Russia hacks and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

Attorney and writer, Thomas Geoghegan, explains why the election was rigged for Trump and why the Constitution itself is rigged. Why the Presidency, Senate, House and Supreme Court are rigged. How the system is designed to benefit the rich and powerful. The Electoral College and undermining Trump. Why we need to get rid of the Electoral College. Moral authority and protest. Why Congress should object to counting votes from each state where the vote was suppressed. Why Democrats need to widen the divide. Why California and New York need to make voting mandatory and the only way to save the Democratic Party and the Country?

On the Fun Half: Keith Ellison makes the case to lead the DNC. The Republican coup in North Carolina. Rev. William Barber, breaks down what is happening in North Carolina. Tech titans bow down to Trump and Twitter is excluded. Journalist loses the job over and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

Journalist David Dayen, explains the history of the Exxon climate crisis coverup. The Exxon knew campaign. Trump's Oil and Gas Cabinet. The gutted FCC. Will Democrats raise the climate crisis during Tillerson's hearings? Wells Fargo stunning scams. Wells Fargo's cheap life insurance game and what Ta Nehisi Coates misses about Obama's legacy.

On The Fun Half: The COO of Energy Transfer Partners, says in a secret recording that Trump "gets it". Trump's earth destroying Administration. A Trump spokesperson says that finding out all members of the Energy Department who went to UN climate meetings is all about "intellectual" curiosity. Why did Trump voters on Obamacare vote for Trump?

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Mara Einstein, author of Black Ops Advertising: Native Ads, Content Marketing and the Covert World of the Digital Sell, explains why Native Advertising corrupts journalism. How to tell the distinction between "branded content" and journalism and how to guard open information.

Corporations paying people to become "trust agents" on social media. How new is native advertising? How the press has devalued its credibility by lending it to advertisers, such as the infamous scientology ad in The Atlantic. Why the onus can't just be on individuals as consumers. The daunting challenge of regaining press credibility.

On the fun half - Reince defends the "chemistry" of installing Exxon at the State Department. Kanye visits Trump Tower. What flavors of Trump scams will we we get. Bernie combats right-wing folktales on MSNBC. Carly Fiorina, possible DNI, impressed by Trump's sports paraphernalia. And your calls and IMs. (43:45)

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST

The politics behind Trump's phone call to Taiwan. What is a logical defense of speaking with Taiwan like this, Trump's lack of conduct notwithstanding. Background in US/Taiwan relations, back to the Chinese civil war between the communists and Republic of China. The narrative surrounding Trump's lack of preparedness. Taiwan's merits as a democracy with progressive leanings. The US's unfortunate history of using Taiwan to provoke China.

On the fun half - Trump doth protest claims Russia intended to help him. John Bolton thinks it was an Obama false flag. Bernie is good at media, uses Russia question to challenge Trump on medicare and social security. Tony Blair reheats centrism.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains why Trump supporters know nothing and get major facts wrong. 40% of Trump voters think he won the popular vote. Joe Manchin's play to protect minors health insurance. Should the Democrats be to undermine Trump or simply promote Democratic policies? Learning from the Bush years? The Trump nightmare cabinet and who is really making the picks. Betsy DeVos wants to destroy Public Education. Trump's EPA pick has a background of colluding with dirty energy companies and will the Labor Secretary pick be sacrificed?

On The Fun Half: The Republicans working toward greater inequality. Democrats should not help the Republicans destroy healthcare. Paul Ryan's plans to destroy public health. Why Hillary Clinton not running on policy was a major mistake. Donald Trump defends his plutocrat cabinet. Tulsi Gabbard defends Trump appointing Generals in a very disingenuous way. Mike Flynn's tweets "border on being demented" according to General Barry McCaffrey. Trump supporting College Students need safe spaces and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

Why Trump's Cabinet is a nightmare for the environment and workers and a giveaway to the Koch brothers.

Journalist and historian Rick Perlstein, talks about the danger posed by the authoritarian impulse of the Trump age. Lying and authoritarians. How news needs to work when the President always lies. Steve Bannon and the lying culture. The problem with NPR's Morning Edition. Mike Flynn is not an "orderly" thinker. The ideology of the news media. The media narrative and the danger of "redemption" stories. Understanding that the Trump family is like a Mafia family.

On The Fun Half: Trump's plutocratic pick for Labor Secretary. The next level of plutocracy.  Time Warner Chairman says Democrats who support overturning Citizens United are a bigger threat to the First Amendment than Trump. On Yahoo News Rep. Dana Rohrabacher freaks in defense of Russian human rights abuses. Ted Cruz is really disgusting. Trump lies about the Carrier deal and attacks a local labor union leader on Twitter. Meteorologist, Kait Parker calls out Breitbart for misleading on climate science and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

Mike Pence spins and lies about Mike Flynn's son's role in the transition team. The maneuver the Democrats could use to seat Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. Lawrence Lessig says Hillary Clinton could have the right to be President because of Bush V Gore. The Brooks Brothers riot. The Far Right wing hack smearing Keith Ellison and why the Republicans are cornered on the ACA unless the Democrats bail them out.

On The Fun Half: Trump's threat to sanctuary cities. Hillary Clinton and the electoral College. How the Democrats need to play healthcare.  Bob Dole lobbies for Taiwan and remember when he did a Viagra ad? and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

How Republicans will dismantle healthcare.

Journalist Branko Marcetic, explains the creation of a mass National Security State under the Obama Administration. Killing American citizens without due process. Eric Holder's letter to Rand Paul and can an American Citizen be killed on American soil? The wars Trump inherits across the globe. Obama's failed record on secrecy and transparency. The Obama war on whistleblowers. Lessons from the Nixon era and can Obama do anything to reverse his dangerous National Security legacy?

On The Fun Half: Rush Limbaugh all of sudden is open to a stimulus. Why FDR was a great Liberal. Armstrong Williams explains why Ben Carson is becoming the head of HUD. Mike Pence lies on Morning Joe. Mike Flynn and his son are both insane. Trump's Boeing tweet and why it happened. The New York Times Public Editor makes a stupid case for outreach to Trump voters.

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Direct download: 12-06-16-Branko_Marcetic-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EST

Bhaskar Sunkara (@sunraysunray), founder of Jacobin magazine, on to discuss the assassination of Fred Hampton, and political organizing and activism in the age of Trump. The Jacobin article, "Politics is the Solution," written in the early hours following Trump's victory. The incredible inanity of Hillary's "America never stopped being great" response to "Make America Great Again." What is the natural constituency for centrist democrats?

On the fun half - How big of a headache will Dems make the cabinet confirmation process? Reince shows the GOP commitment to the Trump's New Mendacity. Trump bumble into Chinese/Tiawanese relations.


Direct download: 12-05-16-Bhaskar_Sunkara-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm EST

Greg Gutfeld calls out the Trump victory tour.

Cliff Schecter explains why Trump's audiences are not excited about condemning racism. How Democrats regroup. How oppose Donald Trump. The Democrats need to filibuster all Trump Court nominees. Should Nancy Pelosi continue on as Democratic leader. How the Republicans play the media and money and progressive media.

Andy Kindler explains why he hates awful reporters and columnists even more. Andy can't stand the dumb-dumb Left. Adam Carolla's incredibly stupid new product. Still doing Trump material after the election. Doing comedy in the age of Trump and why Bill Baher is bad news.

Alex Jones loves Donald Trump. Dana Bash talks about Trump like he's a child. Charles Blow schools a Conservative hack on CNN. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-02-16-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EST

Journalist David Dayen, explains why Trump's picks for Commerce and Treasury (Wilbur Ross and Steven Mnuchin) secretaries are both profiteers off of the housing crisis. Reverse mortgage schemes. Steve Mnuchin misery merchant. Wilbur Ross's outsourcing career in private equity and how he profited from the foreclosure crisis. The Obama failure on the Foreclosure crisis and the rise of Trumpism. The irony of the Obama age. Trump's Carrier deal and the Cure Bill.

On The Fun Half: the future of the Democratic Party. Trump is savvy. Facebook and disinformation. Barney Frank burns Scalia.

Check out today’s sponsors!, MVMT Watches and Harry’s: use code MAJORITYREPORT

Check out today’s sponsors: Children International,, code MAJORITYREPORT, and Wondery: check out the Secrets, Crimes & Audiotapes Podcast.

Direct download: 12-01-16-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm EST