Casual Thursday! Sam and Cliff Schecter, Libertass LLC, talk SCOTUS strip search ruling and other stories from the week’s news. Isabel Gillies gets a theme song but has to sell Sam on her movie pick. And in the better half, more news and an interview with Myla! Katy Perry, watch out! Your calls and IMs.
Mon, 30 April 2012
Glenn Greenwald from Salon on liberty and justice for some, the government's attitude toward torture and destruction of evidence, the failure to enforce criminal accountability for government officials and the prosecution of whistle blowers. Also, from Occupy Wall Street's media team Jeff Smith reports on the movement's plans for May Day 2012.
Direct download: 04-30-12-Glenn_Greenwald-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:23pm EST |
Fri, 27 April 2012
Casual Friday brings Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC and the discussion is all about the splintering of America. Plus, Film Guy Matthew Weiss with a flick recommendation and words of wisdom to kick off your weekend. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)
Direct download: 04-27-12-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST |
Thu, 26 April 2012
Mike Sacks, Huffington Post SCOTUS correspondent, on oral arguments addressing controversial Arizona immigration law SB1070. Also, from The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel discusses relentless attacks on women's rights. "Rupert Murdoch" calls in, Pennsylvania as petri dish for fracking industry, Mark Rubio's speech gaffe and defense for Bradley Manning pushes for fair trial. Your calls and IMs.
Direct download: 04-26-12-Mike_Sacks-Katrina_vanden_Heuvel-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EST |
Wed, 25 April 2012
Climatologist and director of Earth System Science Center Dr. Michael Mann on the Conservative smear campaign to discredit climate scientists, distract the public and the dire consequences. Also, science as contact sport and his book The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars. |
Tue, 24 April 2012
Social insurance, who benefits and who loses from the success/failure of Social Security? How healthy is the Trust Account and why the program's obligations cannot add to the deficit. Also, details on the BP Settlement from attorney Brian Barr.
Direct download: 04-24-12-Social_Security-Brian_Barr-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm EST |
Mon, 23 April 2012
Noted economist and author James K. Galbraith on rise of inequality in America, the financialization of our system, its inherent instability and the bloated scale of the financial sector. Also, illegal shenanigans by WalMart in Mexico and tax exempt ALEC lobbies hard. Listen LIVE at M-F 12:00pm (EST) |
Fri, 20 April 2012
Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, and Sam in Vegas talk America's #1 world ranking in civilian gun ownership, Romney's cookie-gate, Ted Nugent and more. Jimmy Reefercake delivers his final song of the week. Listen LIVE M-F at 12:00 pm (EST) |
Thu, 19 April 2012
Sam in Vegas for Mass Torts. Ari Berman, the Nation & Herding Donkeys, on Federal Judiciary; political leaning of SCOTUS; impact of next Presidential election and Obama indifference toward record Federal Bench vacancies. Plus, attorney James Kauffman on details of Jobs Bill. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST) |
Wed, 18 April 2012
Writer and Citizen Radio co-host Allison Kilkenny talks Occupy Wall Street; 'sleepful protests', NYPD and May Day preparations. Also, who is the 99% Spring? In the better half, Ed Wytkind, AFL-CIO's Transportation Trades Department President on stymied Transportation Bill; the real threat to Mass Transit and our economy. |
Tue, 17 April 2012
Chris Hayes from UP w/ Chris Hayes with an examination of meritocracy, the self correcting power of democracy and his forthcoming book Twilight of the Elites. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST) |
Mon, 16 April 2012
Hullabaloo blogger Digby recaps last week's "news"; the Hilary Rosen/working moms kerfuffle, more anti-woman legislation in Arizona, sexism at Augusta, racism hobby-ist John Derbyshire, commies in Congress and more. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST) |
Fri, 13 April 2012
Author Thomas Frank on the crisis of accountability plaguing our nation. How the elite handle crisis management, the corrupting force of money and the complete collapse of professional ideals. His Huffington Post article"Too Smart to Fail: Notes on an Age of Folly". In the better half, Truth-out reporter, Jason Leopold, on government's role stifling Occupy Wall Street. |
Thu, 12 April 2012
Economics professor Bill Lazonick discusses 50 year of changing corporate behavior, the impact on our society and economy. Plus, Mac McClelland goes undercover to unveil warehouse working conditions for workers delivering our internet goods. Hard labor, long shifts, low wages and dehumanizing conditions the order of the day. And for members, Ron Pollack, Families USA, talks the Affordable Care Act and the individual mandate.
Direct download: 04-12-12-Bill_Lazonick-Mac_McClelland-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32pm EST |
Wed, 11 April 2012
Jessica Valenti, feminist blogger, talks sexual messaging and our young girls, the failed abstinence only eduction and purity balls. And why controlling women works for conservatives. Also, Progressive Caucus co-chair Keith Ellison(D-MN), his goals for strengthening the movement. In the better half, author and Center for Public Integrity senior analyst Wendell Potter on the Affordable Care Act and the state of the health care insurance industry.
Direct download: 04-11-12-Jessica_Valenti-Keith_Ellison-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:05pm EST |
Tue, 10 April 2012
Writer Chris Mooney on his book The Republican Brain: The Science of Why they Deny Science and Reality. He examines conservative brain characteristics, the role played in shaping today's Right/Left divide and what the Left needs to learn. Also Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz on the global bee crisis. Their movie Queen of the Sun examines why bees are disappearing worldwide and what can be done to save the population.
Direct download: 04-10-12-Queen_of_the_Sun-Chris_Mooney-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12pm EST |
Mon, 9 April 2012
Cornell Economics professor Robert H. Frank on the conflict over consumption and competition. Does competition contribute to progress? He explains Darwin's role and the Progressive Consumption Tax. His book the Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good. |
Fri, 6 April 2012
Economics professor Daron Acemoglu on political and economic failure; how cultural values factor in and the role of the institution. His latest book, Why Nations Fail: the Origins of Power, Prosperity & Poverty. And, in the better half, members will hear Aaron Smith (@YI_Care) of Young Invincibles talk on protecting Health Care access for younger generations. |
Thu, 5 April 2012
Direct download: 04-05-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST |
Wed, 4 April 2012
Representing plaintiffs in NDAA case against government, civil rights attorney Bruce Afran on why the law is unconstitutional and how NDAA threatens the rights of every citizen. Did congress understand the Act before signing it into law? And it’s the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST) |
Tue, 3 April 2012
It’s official – Curveball, aka Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, lied to get the US into war and US doctored graphics to make the case more compelling. SCOTUS rules strip searches ok for EVERYONE and Sam on why conservatives hate science. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)
Direct download: 04-03-12-Curveball-SCOTUS-Science-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EST |
Mon, 2 April 2012
Sam comments on upheaval at Current and our man in Wisconsin Josh Orton with news of recalls, the GOP strategy involving fake democrats and tacking further right, Romney loses with women. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST) |