Tue, 31 August 2021
Sam and Emma host Richard Alba, Distinguished Professor of Sociology at the Graduate Center at the City University of New York (CUNY), to discuss his recent book The Great Demographic Illusion: Majority, Minority, and the Expanding American Mainstream, on the failure of the Majority/Minority model, and the demographics are destiny approach. They start off by reflecting on how recent the belief in the power of majorities has been emphasized in social science, before Prof. Alba walks through the history of this discourse, looking back to the mid-20th-century expansion of mainstream whiteness to include Irish, Italian, and Jewish people, as well as the importance of ethno-racial mixing in blurring these boundaries. Next, he, Sam, and Emma explore how the fixed nature of demographic boundaries fails to reflect the fluidity of both identity and definition among people, as well as the influence of maintaining the racialized underclass of white supremacy has on the shifting boundaries. They also touch on the polarizing nature of Majority/Minority discourse, and its contribution to racial anxiety among white people, as well as the variety of variables that influence the influx of mixed folks in the recent census including reconfiguring the ethno-racial definition process. They wrap up the interview by touching on social policies that can help encourage assimilation towards equality, particularly focusing on economic and social inequality, and how Professor Alba would respond to those on the right that consistently push white replacement theory. Sam and Emma also touch on recent and impending SCOTUS decisions, resulting in a potential 750k household evictions over the next six months, and potentially seeing Texas overturn Roe v. Wade. And in the Fun Half: Sam finds solace and solidarity in a school board pranking, Steven Crowder has trouble connecting with a guest’s story on racism, for some reason, and Carrie Prejean Boller continues her entrance onto the political stage through Fox and the far-right after her “canceling” for homophobic Miss California comments. The MR crew also discusses mask mandate prohibitions and the DOE’s Civil Rights Division’s plan to take them on, the Right’s politicization of sports with vaccination requirements, Critical Race Theory and Tax Codes, Tucker Carlson's mommy issues, and screen time policy on both the household, and federal levels, plus, your IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Joybird offers modern, customizable furniture for every space, available in a variety of vibrant, durable fabric options It’s finally here! Shop Joybird’s Labor Day Sale, and take advantage of their biggest savings of the season. Starting August 27th at Joybird.com. Choose from over 18,000 customization options, or browse curated collections to find the perfect piece for your style. Joybird’s Design Specialists are standing by to make your vision a reality—for free. Joybird is committed to creating quality furniture and a more sustainable future. Pieces are made using responsibly sourced materials free of harmful chemicals. Visit joybird.com/MAJORITY and get 35% off your purchase. That’s 35% off at joybird.com/MAJORITY. Harry’s: With Harry’s, you don’t have to choose between a great shave and a fair price. Harry’s delivers a close, comfortable shave at a fair price – still as low as two dollars per refill! Harry’s is giving their best offer to Majority Report listeners. New Harry’s customers can get a starter set that includes a 5-blade razor, a weighted ergonomic handle, foaming shave gel, and a travel blade cover at Harrys.com/MAJORITY – a $13 value all for just $3. Stamps.com: Anything you can do at the Post Office, you can do at Stamps.com. You personally print official U.S. postage 24/7 for ANY letter, ANY package, ANY class of mail, for ANYWHERE. Right now listeners get a special offer that includes a 4-week trial PLUS free postage AND a digital scale without any long-term commitment. Just go to Stamps.com, click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in MAJORITYREPORT. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Donate to Hurricane Ida efforts on Venmo @MutualAidLouisiana Become a Beta subscriber for new progressive social media platform Adduna!
Direct download: 8_31_What_Demographics_And_The_New_Census_Data_Mean_For_Americas_Future_W__Richard_Alba-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:13pm EST |
Mon, 30 August 2021
Sam's back this week as him and Emma host infectious disease specialist Dr. MarkAlain Dery, infectious disease physician and epidemiologist at Access Health Louisiana and host of the daily NoiseFilter Podcast, to discuss the fallout from Hurricane Ida making landfall in Louisiana, the evacuation efforts, and what it means for hospitals battling COVID-19 at the same time. Calling in from New Orleans City Hall, Dr. Dery describes the development of this perfect storm; following a massive uptick in Delta cases throughout the south and with hospitalizations still on the rise, despite already being at capacity, Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana immediately knocking out power and causing medical emergencies throughout New Orleans. He also dives into the lessons that the city had learned from Katrina, with improved infrastructure around levies and roofing, and looks into the evacuation attempt in the city. He, Sam, and Emma also look forward to how the viral pandemic will continue to develop after ravaging the south, with Dr. Dery looking at unvaccinated pockets throughout the country and the political games being played by Republican governors as the largest threats, as well as the likely developments of more and more strains as global vaccine rates remain low. They wrap up the interview with a discussion on the importance of responsible public health communication from both representatives and the mainstream media. Sam and Emma also look into the developments in the Afghanistan Evacuation, the U.S.’s resumption of killing civilians in the region, and the failure of the U.S. infrastructure to prepare hospitals for the pandemic and Hurricane Ida (if only there was an infrastructure package that was properly supported). And in the Fun Half: Sam gives an update on approving his Suns out Guns out license, the MR crew discusses the stirrings of the covid horrors as schools begin to reopen as well as the incredible culpability of the legitimate media that is “just asking questions” around vaccine skepticism. They also touch on some stories of regret on this coverage, including from a chiropractor in North Dakota, and Emma takes on the sapping of collective consciousness from public health issues in our “me” society. Josh from Chicago keeps the EmMajority Report alive with a fantasy football segment, Jake the Teacher discusses the chaos in the NYC school system’s handling of Covid, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Stitch Fix is a personal styling company that makes getting the clothes you love effortless. To get started, go to StitchFix.com/MAJORITY to set up your profile and they’ll deliver great looks personalized just for you – in your colors, styles and budget. Get started today at StitchFix.com/MAJORITY and you’ll get 25% off when you keep everything in your Fix! GiveWell: Choosing the right charity can be the difference between saving a life or not, and relatively few charities have high-quality evidence of their impact. Since 2010, givewell.org has helped over 50,000 donors find the places where their donations can save or improve lives the most. And here’s the best part: GiveWell is free, so GiveWell doesn’t take a cut of your donation. They allocate your tax-deductible donation to the charity you choose. If you’ve never donated to GiveWell’s recommended charities before, you can have your donation matched up to ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS before the end of August, or as long as matching funds last. To claim your match, go to givewell.org and pick PODCAST and The Majority Report at checkout. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_30_Hurricane_Ida_Batters_Louisiana_W__Dr._Markalain_Dery-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:08pm EST |
Fri, 27 August 2021
It's Casual Friday! Emma hosts Alex Pareene, contributing editor at The New Republic and author of The AP newsletter on Substack, to wrap up the events of the week. Emma starts off with some righteous indignation towards former Trump National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster saying to resident CNN Pentagon stenographer Jim Sciutto that the ISIS-K attacks in Kabul may have been a setup by the Taliban to make the Americans look bad. Anything to beat that war drum! Then, Emma and Alex get into how the media framing of the withdrawal most likely has a significant hand in Biden's approval ratings dipping, while buttressing a narrative that the "way" that this withdrawal is transpiring could look any less chaotic and fraught. They both acknowledge the reality that the mainstream press is unwilling to and, surprisingly, that Biden and his national security team is: War is tragic and chaotic, losing a war is the same, and that's what happened: the U.S. lost this war and needs to evacuate, the cost notwithstanding. They both reflect on their relief and general surprise that Biden has not bent to the narratives being constructed by the media and politicians on both sides of the aisle for the sake of maintaining the position of withdrawal at basically all costs. Alex partially attributes this to Biden's stubbornness borne fully out of his "Senate brain". They also remark on hypothetically what Trump would've done while he was president if push came to shove, and how it definitely doesn't square with his public remarks. They then touch upon the Supreme Court striking down the CDC's eviction moratorium, how to combat what's essentially an unaccountable judicial legislature, and the right's bizarre turn towards hawking ivermectin to their constituents as a COVID treatment. Pretty suspect that they're casting aspersions on a free vaccine but are cool with recommending to their voters they pay for a Merck-produced horse dewormer! Emma ends the first half by watching Biden hang his head at his press conference, fully perturbed by Peter Doocy's excessive nattering. Even Doocy can't make Biden change his mind on the withdrawal! And in the second half, Emma is joined by Lance of The Serfs TV to discuss the snap elections going on in Canada on September 20th. Lance provides a primer on Canada's parliamentary electoral system, as well as what's at stake for Trudeau, Trudeau's party the Liberals, the Conservatives, and the more progressive NDP. He continues to explain Trudeau's bristling at working with other parties, his desire to get back into a Liberal majority as a result, and how he has a strong tendency to maintain appearances and optics on thorny issues like public assistance and First Nations relations, while actively combatting them in less visible ways. Lance then continues to break down the election projections coming out of Canada's own 538, 338, why to trust the seat projections by party over total vote projections, the more peripheral parties and their outlooks heading into September, Lance's own work in assisting indigenous NDP candidates get elected to Parliament, and what is most likely in store for Canada as September 20th gets closer and closer. And in the Fun Half, Emma, Matt and Bradley discuss what's going on with the Line 3 pipeline protests in St. Paul, Minnesota, Jenna Ellis accusing Biden of treason for something her former boss Trump literally did (negotiate with the Taliban), Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger going on CNN's airwaves to lay blame at the feet of both Trump and Biden for the failures of the withdrawal (think you're missing a few presidents there Adam buddy!), and Trump himself calling into Hannity last night to rant about how stupid the people he literally hired, namely McMaster and John Bolton, are for how they handled Afghanistan while again, it can't be stated clearly enough, they literally worked for him, when he was the literal President of the United States. Plus, your IM's! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Gabi Insurance: There are hundreds of companies out there claiming to compare auto and home insurance rates. But there’s only one who actually does it: Get a better insurance, with Gabi! Gabi is the one true comparison platform with fast, verifiable quotes – NOT ballpark guesses. Gabi uses your current policy to find a better policy, comparing your current coverage with 40 of the top insurance providers like: Progressive, Nationwide and Travelers. All in one place! Gabi customers save nine hundred and sixty-one dollars per year on average And they’ll NEVER sell your info, so no annoying spam or robocalls! Get a better insurance with Gabi. It’s totally free to check and there’s no obligation. Go to Gabi.com/MAJORITY. That’s Gabi.com/MAJORITY. sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at http://www.sunsetlakecbd.com. And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: https://forms.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_27_Casual_Friday_w__Alex_Pareene__Lance_from_The_Serfs_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:48pm EST |
Thu, 26 August 2021
Emma hosts Orville Vernon Burton, Professor of Pan-African Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, and Computer Science at Clemson University, as well as civil rights attorney Armand Derfner, to discuss their recent book Justice Deferred: Race and the Supreme Court, on the progressions, and regressions, of the SCOTUS’ relationship to racial justice. Professor Burton and Derfner start us off by bringing us back to the first full century of this countries history, looking at how the Supreme Court of the 19th Century worked alongside the settler-colonial regime as they approved the removal of Native folks from their own land, and upheld rulings on slavery, all stemming from concepts of “ownership” that bolstered our systems of white supremacy, discussing on the Dred Scott and Lone Wolf decisions alongside treaties and cases on disenfranchisement as key examples. Emma, Armand, and Orville use this first century of SCOTUS cases to show the clear politicized role of the Court, dating back to their inception, even resulting in seemingly ahistorical decisions that sided with public opinion over critical thinking. Next, they jump up to the more recent courts, post-1970, as they supported the US’ slide into neoliberalism after forty years of progressive decisions, looking into the slow deconstruction of the Voting Rights Act, looking into how the courts of recent years both align with the original courts, in their ahistorical accounts and differ from them, particularly with the growing divide with public opinion. Lastly, they work through the middle period, from the 1930s to the 70s, and how the courts of these decades, particularly under Chief Justices Hughes and Warren, saw important decisions, even under conservative justices, emphasizing states’ responsibilities alongside their rights. Emma rounds out the free half with disturbing videos from another anti-mask PTC to James Carville making a relatively reasonable point. And in the Fun Half: Brandon, Emma, and Matt explore the problematic nature of deference to a system that has had more ex confederates than Black jurists (SCOTUS), Amber from Northern Virginia expands on the local organizing of the Right, looking into trans inclusivity policy in her state, and famously anti-war and anti-monarchy Tucker Carlson hosts the prince of war crimes Erik Prince to improv some Afghanistan tactics, using the classic journalist tactic of “yes, and-ing” your guest. Spocko from San Fran chats repercussions for falsified COVID documents, and Brandon and Dave from Jamaica emphasize how this cannot focus on punitive measures of imprisonment. They also chat Mike McKevinMcCarthy and positive coercion, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_26_The_Supreme_Courts_Real_Record_On_Race_w__Orville_Vernon_Burton__Armand_Derfner_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:22pm EST |
Wed, 25 August 2021
Emma hosts Karen L. Cox, Professor of History at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, to discuss her recent book No Common Ground: Confederate Monuments and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice, on the history and reckoning over confederate monuments in the US. Professor Cox brings us back to the 1890s as the end of reconstruction and the southern occupation are marked by a massive uptick in the construction of these symbols of white supremacy alongside increased racial violence, lynchings, and attempts to legalize segregation and disenfranchisement. She and Emma then dive into the “lost cause” ideology that drove this re-development, looking at how journalists like Edward Pollard and groups such as the United Daughters of the Confederacy and the KKK established a massively ahistorical disinformation campaign throughout the south, with confederate monuments playing a central role in a literal sense, as they became the focal point of community social life, being erected in town squares and at courthouses. Karen and Emma then progress into the 20th century, looking at how the 1915 Birth of a Nation continued this reignition of racial violence and the role class played in the issue, before they dive into the next wave of monument erections in the 50s and 60s, discussing the murder of Sammy Younge in Tuskegee, Alabama and the changes in white supremacist rhetoric. They round out the interview with the final wave of monuments in the 2000s following a decade of legalized disenfranchisement with gerrymandering, looking at how the symbols of the “lost cause” have slowly been disconnected from actual southern heritage as well as how and why the recent reckoning over the issue has become central to American racial discourse. Emma wraps it up with the infrastructure developments and is reminded by Lindsey Graham and Kayleigh McEnany how calm cool and collected Trump’s four years were in comparison to Biden’s first. And in the Fun Half: Dennis Prager reminds us that we can’t trust our doctors, since it was really our hearts and souls that went through four years of medical school, and Dimmy Jore gives us the ivermectin pitch straight from the horses’ ass as he incorporates it into his M4A blame game, and the MR crew, alongside Danny from ATL, discuss what to do with the US military complex, and why anti-war stances are continuously demeaned by the mainstream media. Dave in Minneapolis informs us on the upcoming St. Paul Line 3 protest, Tony Blair gives us his phony flair, and Kerry from Columbus talks OH senate election. They also chat sports, Tebow or not Tebow, and get a glimpse into a blissfully young and ignorant (rather than horribly middle-aged and ignorant) Charlie Kirk, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsor: Tushy: Hello Tushy cleans your butt with a precise stream of fresh water for just $79. It attaches to your existing toilet – requires NO electricity or additional plumbing – and cuts toilet paper use by 80% – so the Hello Tushy bidet pays for itself in a few months. Go to hellotushy.com/majority to get 10% off today! Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_25_The_Reckoning_Over_Confederate_Monuments_W__Karen_L._Cox-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm EST |
Tue, 24 August 2021
Emma hosts Jon N. Hale, Associate Professor of Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership at the University of Illinois, to discuss his recent book The Choice We Face: How Segregation, Race, and Power Have Shaped America's Most Controversial Education Reform Movement, on the misrepresentation of the “school choice” debate at the behest of the profit motive. Professor Hale gives Emma the run down, stemming all the way back to the responses to Brown v. Board, of how the concept of “school choice” was birthed from the liberal desire to have segregation, without appearing as a segregationist, building up to the Zelman v. Harris case that approved public funding for vouchers in 2004. Next, he and Emma dive into how terms like “taxpayer” and “bussing” allowed for liberals to simply object to the interference in the “educational marketplace,” looking at how this neoliberal theory hooked into the Republican Party of the 60s, 70s, and 80s, providing the privilege to design how our school system should look to the white and wealthy when Brown v. Board was supposed to make it more equitable, before the Clintons and moderate Dems of the 90s cemented it as the system of American education. With the Gatesian influence on education in the 2000s, Emma and Jon look into how the profit motive and the drive of “efficiency” have seen a complete deflation of the American public school system over the last century, resulting in Eric Adams’ recent pitch for a 300:1 student to teacher ratio, before they touch on the inflammatory effects of the pandemic on the institution. They round out the interview by touching a little more on recent organizing for charter schools, both from white communities and communities of color, what a world that commits entirely to either public schooling OR school choice would look like, and how teachers unions have consistently been construed as the villain of the story. Emma wraps up the first half by touching on the “mod squad’s” obstructionism on behalf of their wealthy suburban constituents. And in the Fun Half: Nomiki joins as the MR crew discusses the necessary emphasis on self-determination in addressing the future of foreign policy in Afghanistan, requiring a turn away from neoliberal foreign relations and an over-reliance on elite NGOs. Teacher Lauren calls in to discuss her experiences with charter schooling and what documentaries she feels appropriately get at the issues, JD Vance pulls some Islamophobic fear-mongering right out of his ass live on Tucker Carlson, Donna Shalala calls out centrist Dems obstructionism, and Pradeep calls in from up north to remind any Canadian listeners to register to vote. The crew hits on some key pop culture issues for millennials (whether Harry Potter was ever cool, the NFC East, and Applebees), plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsor: quip: quip mouthwash kills bad breath germs, helps prevent cavities, and leaves you feeling fresh thanks to a formula that gives your mouth everything it needs. Their 4X concentrate has fluoride, xylitol, and CPC, but they left out the artificial colors and stinging alcohol you’ll find in a lot of other rinses.That’s $5 off a Mouthwash Starter Kit, which includes a Refillable Dispenser and a 90-dose supply of quip’s 4x concentrated formula, at getquip.com/majority5. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_24_Reframing_The_School_Choice_Debate_W__Jon_N._Hale-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:16pm EST |
Mon, 23 August 2021
Emma hosts Dr. Nikki Usher, professor of journalism in the College of Media at the University of Illinois, to discuss her recent book, News for the Rich, White, and Blue: How Place and Power Distort American Journalism, on the troubles of both the supply and demand sides of mainstream US media. Dr. Usher and Emma use the recent media coverage on the Afghanistan withdrawal as a jumping-off point on how the media isn’t like the other girls (or the rest of us), and, frankly, loves the divide, before they into the importance of looking at the supply side of new media, as its much easier to control what your newsroom and news output look like than it is to control how it's received. Nikki and Emma look into how the current state of news media has bolstered the biggest institutions, thus limiting the geographical and financial access to the industry (largely to upper-class folks in DC and NYC), and what younger generations are doing to push back against this continued homogenization of newsrooms. Next, Dr. Usher moves into the importance of drawing from local pools of experience, not just major cities media operatives, and how that differs from engaging with the current liberal romanticization of local news outlets, and then she and Emma round out the interview with a discussion on the developments in media over the last few years, particularly in the context of their coverage of BLM and last summer’s protests, and where it still fails, particularly in its complete commitment to upholding the opinions and reporting of the US Police State, from the Pentagon’s pushback on the Afghanistan withdrawal to trusting Police Depts. to report on their own controversies. Emma wraps up the first half with updates on vaccination approval (the ever-important stamps from the FDA and DJT) and the Nabisco strike. And in the Fun Half: Emma, Matt, and Bradley chat about how entertainment’s reflections on real-life events, even when altered, can inspire important discussions, Cameron from MS asks the crew for their least favorite alt-right talking point, and they also look into the attempt by conservatives to balance wanting to BE the Taliban with their fear of Islam. Phil from the Chicago suburbs calls in to outline his new Charlie Kirk x Thomas Sankara impression (thankfully with no example) the crew chats Current Affairs and why cooperative workspaces, just like people having access to healthcare, ARE indeed part of the leftist agenda, Alex from NY gives his daily EmMajority Report matchups, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: GiveWell: Choosing the right charity can be the difference between saving a life or not, and relatively few charities have high-quality evidence of their impact. Since 2010, givewell.org has helped over 50,000 donors find the places where their donations can save or improve lives the most. And here’s the best part: GiveWell is free, so GiveWell doesn’t take a cut of your donation. They allocate your tax-deductible donation to the charity you choose. If you’ve never donated to GiveWell’s recommended charities before, you can have your donation matched up to ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS before the end of August, or as long as matching funds last. To claim your match, go to givewell.org and pick PODCAST and The Majority Report at checkout. Podium makes doing business as easy as sending a text. All your employees can text from a single inbox, offering a smoother experience for your customers. Whether you’re answering questions, collecting reviews, scheduling appointments and deliveries or dealing with payment collection – all you have to do is just send a text. Stay ahead of the competition with Podium – they have free plans for growing businesses, plus all the power growing businesses need to scale. Get started free today at Podium.com/MAJORITY Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_23_The_Prospects_For_A_More_Equitable_Future_In_Journalism_W__Dr._Nikki_Usher-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:46pm EST |
Fri, 20 August 2021
![]() It's Casual Friday! Emma is joined by Benjamin P. Dixon, host of The Benjamin Dixon Show, to wrap up a big week in news. Benjamin and Emma dive right into the really heavy events of the last week in Afghanistan and how Biden has at least proved his ability to hold strong under media pressure. Emma and Ben dive into the investments that have driven the National Security journalism over the past week, and why, although Biden is anything but an antimilitarist, we should stand behind his ability to push back against military contractors and stand strong in his stance on Afghanistan withdrawal, before juxtaposing that with the added pressure we must apply to get his administration to cancel student loan debt, now that we know he’s got the legal ability to do so. Reflecting on the reactionary nature (in a good way when it comes to getting him to do what we want) of Biden and his administration, Emma and Ben move onto discussing developing booster shots amidst severe global vaccine apartheid and mask mandates as republican dig into PTA grassroots organizing, before moving onto what Haiti’s rebuild could look like following the recent disaster. Emma wraps up the free half with Lt. Gov. Dan “Sacrifice Your Grandma” Patrick’s Fox drop-in to blame vaccination rates on Black folks. In the second half of the show, Emma is joined by Dan from the Internet, host of the Power Report and Audioface podcasts, to discuss the California recall effort, and why, despite Gov Newsom's utterly problematic policy record, the effort would only work to boost Republican ability to undo any progress in CA. And in the Fun Half, Matt takes over as co-host of the EmMajority Report to cover the recent allegations on the Minnesota GOP after their Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan's relationship with Bitcoin entrepreneur, alleged child-trafficker and Republican super donor Tony Lazzaro came to light, even as Tucker Carlson and the New York Post stand strong behind him, plus, your IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Freshly sends fresh, fully prepared meals right to your door. Get $40 off your first two orders at Freshly.com/majority sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at http://www.sunsetlakecbd.com. And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: https://forms.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Timbah.On.Toast's "Tim Pool: Chaotic News Analyst" Check out ReichWingWatch's "The Jimmy Dore Deception".
Direct download: 8_20_Casual_Friday_W__Benjamin_P._Dixon__Dan_From_The_Internet_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:31pm EST |
Thu, 19 August 2021
Emma hosts Hahrie Han, director of the SNF Agora Institute and Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University, to discuss her recent book Prisms of the People: Power & Organizing in Twenty-First-Century America, that she co-authored with Elizabeth McKenna and Michelle Oyakawa. Hahrie situates her relationship with organizing, starting as a child of Korean immigrants in Texas, growing as she became involved in student activism, and eventually being juxtaposed with the electoral work she put in on campaigns in the 90s. Emma and her jump into the importance of self-determination, walking through her first-hand experiences in fights against SB1070, Prop 206, and even a fight for higher minimum wages in Arizona, and looking at the importance of having short terms goals in building towards a larger-scale project. They wrap up the interview reflecting on why recent movement campaigns have failed to capitalize on lingering inspiration, and explore the case study of the activism that got us prohibition. Emma wraps up the first half by discussing Sam’s vacation and touching on Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Milley’s response to the media fulling buying into US intelligence’s clamor for continued power in the Middle East. And in the Fun Half: The MR crew are joined by Brandon Sutton as always, to discuss sick day tactics, and Dave from Jamaica gives his own input to inspire Brandon to go full Foucault. Next, they jump into the Islamophobic fear-mongering around refugee acceptance, from Stinchfields and Hannitys to Bill Mahers and Sam Harrises, Alex from NY returns with two fun fueled matchups, before Brian from AZ engages with Bill Maher’s religion takes, and reflects on the 9/11 attackers calling him devil by name (??). They also cover some of Bill O’Reilly’s takes on American Marxism (aka Disney going woke) and Dinesh D’Souza gives credit to the Taliban where it’s due, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Timbah.On.Toast's "Tim Pool: Chaotic News Analyst" Check out ReichWingWatch's "The Jimmy Dore Deception".
Direct download: 8_19_Power__Organizing_In_Twenty-First-Century_America_W__Hahrie_Han-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EST |
Wed, 18 August 2021
Sam and Emma host Spencer Ackerman, author of the Forever Wars newsletter on Substack, to discuss his recent book Reign Of Terror: How The 9/11 Era Destabilized America And Produced Trump. Sam, Emma, and Spencer jump off of a Charlie Kirk nativist clip to dive into the start of the war on terror as the rebirth of white replacement theory, starting with domestic attacks on Muslim Americans post-9/11 and giving way to Trump. They look into how the war on terror turned the enemies into those escaping the conditions we created, diving particularly into the parallels between the anti-sharia law policy passed in thirty different states and the current debates on Critical Race Theory in kindergarten, helping to create this apparatus of suspicion treating immigration as the vector of a national security threat. Next, Ackerman walks through the mutation of the political tool of the war on terror through the Bush years, bringing in a torture regime and normalizing violent nativism in policy, and ultimately being reaffirmed and reinforced by Obama’s attempts at “humanizing” it through drone strikes, before working through how Trump was able to capitalize on the tool. They wrap up the interview by looking into the importance of public pressure on the security apparatus, pushing Biden to end the license for US presidents to use this tool. Sam and Emma also cover general updates on the situation in Kabul as the US evacuates Afghanistan, and the state of the Delta variant as Texas Gov. Abbott has a breakthrough case get through three vaccinations. And in the Fun Half: Twigs from New Mexico calls in to discuss the importance of MR and TMBS in converting him from libertarianism, Josh from Chicago ponders where US imperialism will go next, and the WH press corps takes on the true populist stance of maintaining our military presence in Tajikistan. The MR crew spectates the continuing Fox & Frenemies beef between Kilmeade and Doocy as one worries about his career and the other about his livelihood, and Ryan from NH discusses why the left should stand stronger behind the withdrawal, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Tushy: Hello Tushy cleans your butt with a precise stream of fresh water for just $79. It attaches to your existing toilet – requires NO electricity or additional plumbing – and cuts toilet paper use by 80% – so the Hello Tushy bidet pays for itself in a few months. Go to hellotushy.com/majority to get 10% off today! ZocDoc: With Zocdoc, you can search for local doctors who take your insurance, read verified patient reviews and book an appointment, in-person or video chat. Never wait on hold with a receptionist again. Whether you need a primary care physician, dentist, dermatologist, psychiatrist, eye doctor, or other specialist, Zocdoc has you covered. Go to Zocdoc.com/MAJORITY and download the ZocDoc app to sign-up for FREE and book a top-rated doctor. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Help Aamon Hawk Buy A Super Computer! Check out Timbah.On.Toast's "Tim Pool: Chaotic News Analyst" Check out ReichWingWatch's "The Jimmy Dore Deception".
Direct download: 8_18_The_Endless_Consequences_Of_Borderless_Forever_Wars_W__Spencer_Ackerman-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:14pm EST |
Tue, 17 August 2021
Sam and Emma tackle a major week in news, starting with the fall of Kabul to the Taliban and the Biden administration's lackluster, finger-pointing response. They start by taking a bird's eye view of the fall of Kabul by going back to the beginning, when Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) was the sole person to vote against the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) in Afghanistan, and how far, or how little, we've come since then. Afterwards, they turn to Biden's remarks he delivered yesterday regarding what's ensued in Afghanistan in the last few weeks, noting that Biden struck the right tone, but some of the substance, namely in terms of Biden's continued adherence to American empire, was lacking. They continue combing through some of Biden's remarks, where he states firmly that the objective was not to nation build in Afghanistan, but to prevent a terrorist attack like that of 9/11 from happening again and to locate and kill Osama Bin Laden, a contention that does seem to be maximize the supposed successes of the invasion while notably minimizing the severe civilian casualties and atrocities that befell the Afghan people as a result, as well as the notable incursion into the Afghan people's everyday life for over 20 years. Biden then went onto say that he had to adhere in part to the deal that the Trump Administration struck to draw down troops by May 1st 2021 at the earliest, or risk further escalation of the conflict, as well as conceding that, in an effort to supply candor to the American people, Biden and the Administration were startled by how quickly Kabul fell. Sam and Emma, while giving some credit to Biden for his delivery and his marginally less hawkish approach to the war than Obama while he was serving as Vice President, don't buy this excuse from Biden, given that there's seemingly no universe where he didn't know that this was coming, and to completely shift blame onto Prime Minister Ashraf Ghani, who fled the country as a result of the invasion, and the Afghan military, completely excludes the role of the American military in this debacle. They end on observing how some of the members of the media responded to the remarks, with Nicolle Wallace making a shockingly cogent point regarding how people and the members of the press might have disproportionate responses to the remarks, while Tucker Carlson pivots to his favorite thing: blaming the P.C. mob for literally any world event. And in the fun half, the gang is joined as always on Tuesday afternoons by Nomiki Konst. The whole MR crew discuss at length the tragic story of Leslie Laurenson, a 58-year old British man who died of COVID very recently, and who, due to numerous influences online, notably the commentary of Bret Weinstein, refused to get the vaccine and was actively skeptical of them as a result. Sam, Matt, Nomi, and Emma dissect the fraudulence and cowardice of Weinstein's positions, where him and his cohort essentially propagate lies and misinformation but, when push comes to shove in terms of real and tangible outcomes as a result of their rhetoric, they shy away from any semblance of accountability and crow that people should know better than to take them *that* seriously. And finally, the gang would be remiss if they didn't cover Chris Cuomo's return from vacation and his hasty inability to truly own up to his complicity in advising his disgraced brother Andrew while actively covering his tenure as Governor when ostensibly fawning praise was in order, but never when Governor Cuomo actually had to face the music. The gang discuss how CNN botched the handling of this and how they could've initiated a real recusal for Chris with some teeth, as well as Chris's dissembling on air basically amounting to "I NEVER advised my brother, but when I DID advise him, I was SORRY about it. He's my BROTHER after all." They end on the curious phenomenon of the younger Cuomo brother searching his name to lambast other reporters that say mean things about him, as he did to Tori Bedford of GBH in 2018 and to Nomi herself a while back as well. Plus, your IM's! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Help Aamon Hawk Buy A Super Computer! Check out Timbah.On.Toast's "Tim Pool: Chaotic News Analyst" Check out ReichWingWatch's "The Jimmy Dore Deception".
Direct download: 8_17_The_Fall_Of_Kabul_And_Bidens_Response__Whats_Next_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:52pm EST |
Mon, 16 August 2021
Sam and Emma host Elizabeth Tandy Shermer, Associate Professor of History at Loyola Chicago University, to discuss her new book Indentured Students: How Government-Guaranteed Loans Left Generations Drowning In College Debt, which tackles the exploitative nature of US student loan programs dating back to their origin, setting up the generational wealth and debt divides we see today. After situating the crisis within the contexts of tuitions in the 60s, 80s, and today, Sam, Emma, and Elizabeth jump off of the first work-study programs introduced in the 60s, and how their nature was tied deeply to the Civil Rights Act. They dive into higher education as a battleground for a desegregated society, particularly following the success of Soviet science, with the Higher Education Act following the CRA in an effort to promote the enrollment of women and people of color, especially after the addition of Title IX in ’72. Next, they look at how the US student loan program found its structure in New Deal housing programs, which, while appearing progressive, ultimately put a product that cannot be repossessed, with the only guarantee going to bankers, into a “social welfare” program, bolstering the preexisting generational wealth and debt stratification. They conclude the interview by looking at the role of college, both in terms of their exploitation of students and how the US State has slowly shifted more and more responsibility their way, even as they become central in the progression of US medical technology, before they move onto what Biden could do in the latter stage of his presidency, including looking into both the preexisting policy initiatives in the Infrastructure package, and the potential of a College for All bill presenting a public competitor. Sam and Emma round out the free half by reflecting on the US failure that was the Afghanistan war, and the attempt of the US media and politicians to present this as anything but another “Saigon Moment.” And in the Fun Half: The MR crew discusses the behind the scenes stupidity and exploitation of Venture Capitalism, the fear-based relationship between the Biden Administration and the concept of immigration – even when it comes to Afghani refugees – and reflect on the roles of Trump and Pompeo in the Afghanistan pull out. John from AZ calls in to explore the relationship between inflation and wages, and Bill from MI jumps delves into the effect of wage stagnation on teachers, especially as the Republican war on Critical Race Theory picks up, before the staff admires the beauty of Timba.On.Toast’s dive into the deep end of Tim Pool’s inner functioning. They also touch on Dennis Prager’s takes on child abuse, Dave from Jamaica talks imperialism and Afghanistan, and Ian from FL calls in from Matt Gaetz’s district to chat about the impossibility of changing Pensacola politics, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Stitcher Premium-Hell of Presidents: From Washington to Biden, Hell of Presidents is telling the history of the United States through the office of the presidency, all in the irreverent Chapo Trap House style. Hell of Presidents is available exclusively on Stitcher Premium. To sign up and get a free month of listening go to stitcherpremium.com/hell on your mobile or desktop browser, click start free trial, select a monthly plan, and enter the code HELL. ZipRecruiter: Some things in life we like to pick out for ourselves - so we know we've got the one that's best for us - like cuts of steak or mattresses. What if you could do the same for hiring - choose your ideal candidate before they even apply? That’s where ZipRecruiter’s ‘Invite to Apply’ comes in - it gives YOU, as the hiring manager, the power to pick your favorites from top candidates. According to ZipRecruiter Internal Data, jobs where employers use ZipRecruiter’s ‘Invite to Apply’ get on average two and a half times more candidates — which helps make for a faster hiring process. See for yourself! Just go to this exclusive web address, ZipRecruiter.com/majority, to try ZipRecruiter for free! Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Help Aamon Hawk Buy A Super Computer! Check out Timbah.On.Toast's "Tim Pool: Chaotic News Analyst" Check out ReichWingWatch's "The Jimmy Dore Deception".
Direct download: 8_16_The_Checkered_History_Behind_The_Student_Loan_Debt_Crisis_W__Elizabeth_Tandy_Shermer_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EST |
Fri, 13 August 2021
![]() It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Ben Burgis, columnist at Jacobin, host of Give Them An Argument With Ben Burgis, and author of Canceling Comedians While the World Burns: A Critique of the Contemporary Left, to cover the top stories of the week. Ben, Sam, and Emma start off with a discussion on the developments in Afghanistan as the Taliban sweeps through, taking up control as the US evacuates, before they jump back to the decisions that led us there. They walk through the original choice to invade Afghanistan, rather than work with a Taliban surrender and find ways to diplomatically get their hands on Osama Bin Laden, only to pull resources out and move towards Iraq within a year and a half, keeping Afghanistan on the border of disarray for well over a decade until we let it fall back into Taliban hands. Sam and Ben look into the unlikelihood of US leaders learning from the failures of military intervention, before they move onto discussions of what Republicans have constituted as “authoritarian” and how that has changed over the last two decades, largely as a function of what party is implementing the policies. Starting with the post-9/11 Bush-era policy, and working through reactions to Obama’s handling of Ebola, Sam, Ben, and Emma explore how Republicans have sponsored countless invasive policies only to draw the line at one life-or-death vaccine. After discussing the importance of both recognizing and implementing legitimate coercion in the face of the pandemic, they wrap up the interview by touching on the developments on the infrastructure and reconciliation bills, and the state of progressive leverage heading into the final votes. Sam and Emma round out the first half with updates on the Delta variant, as Fl, OR, AR, MS, and LA all reach record hospitalizations, while MTG and Republicans continue to tout misinformation and Americans are forced out of hospitals. And in the Fun Half: Sam drums up some beef with old colleagues Tom Scharpling and Jon Benjamin, Louie Gohmert pours one out for the birds (but the “one” is “fossil fuels” and “for the birds” is “on the birds”), and Emma trashes on radio as Sam defends the medium made for his face. Next, the crew admires Bar Rescue’s Jon Taffer’s willingness to focus on Bars, and let other people worry about his employees well being, as he and Laura Ingraham promote treating our workforce like dogs while the pandemic ramps up. The show gets two Joshes (from MD and PA, respectively) to give updates on the state of their states, and the latter inquires about the potential of fiction authors coming onto the show. They also discuss factors that promote new variants and get some high-level important ideas, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsor: sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at http://www.sunsetlakecbd.com. And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: https://forms.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_13_Casual_Friday_W__Ben_Burgis_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:16pm EST |
Thu, 12 August 2021
Emma hosts Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, writer of The Incision newsletter on Substack, to discuss his recent book Medicare For All: A Citizen's Guide, that he co-authored with Dr. Micah Johnson, which explores the story of M4A through three parts: a diagnosis and history of the problem, the policy behind M4A, and the politics around it. Emma and Dr. El-Sayed first cover the general structure of our healthcare industry, with a particular focus on the roles of copays and deductibles in garnering profits for insurance companies, while also being the cause of around two-thirds of US bankruptcies, before they walk us through the history of the discourse on national health insurance. Starting with the 1900s progressive era, Abdul and Emma discuss the partnership between Baylor hospital and a local teachers union that was the blueprint for our current structure, eventually becoming Blue Cross Blue Shield, the WW2 wage freeze that initiated employer benefits, as well as the political fights for nationalized health insurance, including Truman in the 40s, Ted Kennedy’s push under Nixon, and LBJ’s success establishing medicare. After digging into the big adversaries for a single-payer system, looking at the lobbying groups led by doctors in the earlier 20th Century, and the coalescence around insurance agencies and big pharma as small business practices have become less and less common, Emma and Dr. El-Sayed look into the destructive capacity of the localized monopoly model under health insurance, and the drastic growth in efficiency, affordability, and prevention that we would see under a monopsony model. They round out the interview by looking at M4A’s recent step into mainstream politics, and unpack the shortcomings of the contemporary arguments against it. Emma wraps up the first half by covering the devastating developments of the delta variant, the continued pushback against mask mandates, and Dan Crenshaw’s frustration with election truthers. And in the Fun Half: Matt and Brandon join Emma as they chat about Mike Lindell’s symposium, both the Zoom crashes and MyPillow coupon booms, and the thought process that might be behind his mass bounty to disprove his election fraud data. They also look into Tucker’s victim-blaming, standing by known retaliator Andrew Cuomo as he faces controversy Fox news hosts are all too familiar with (sexual assault and hiding covid deaths), as well as Andrew Yang’s attempted union between UBI’s stability, and cryptocurrencies complete instability. Weston from Sacramento explores our employers’ desires to get us back to work, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsor: BetterHelp gives you access to your own fully licensed and accredited therapist via phone, chat, or video. A lot of therapists elsewhere have long waitlists and it can take weeks or months before they can see you… But when you sign up with BetterHelp, they match you with a therapist based on your specific needs, and you’ll be communicating with them in less than 24 hours. BetterHelp is giving our audience 10% off their first month when you go to https://betterhelp.com/majorityreport Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_12_The_Comprehensively_Transformative_Nature_Of_Medicare-For-All_W__Dr._Abdul_El-Sayed_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EST |
Wed, 11 August 2021
Sam and Emma host Carol Leonnig, national investigative reporter at the Washington Post, to discuss her recent book she co-authored with Phillip Rucker, I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year. They begin by stepping off Leonnig’s and Rucker’s previous work A Very Stable Genius, and how they were able to secure a sit down with Trump following his complete bashing of their last book. They look into his continued desire for an audience, not to mention an audience of his audience, and the maintenance of his three primary beliefs in his final year: that the 1/6 rioters were genuinely loving people, that BLM protesters were a clear existential threat, and that he, Donald Trump, was the clear winner of the 2020 election. Delving into the ladder, Sam, Emma, and Carol explore how Trump was able to convince both his base and himself of the election fraud, before moving onto his mishandling of the Coronavirus pandemic from the very start. They discuss his strategy of focusing on the battleground of the daily news cycle, taking every problem as a PR crisis, even as those close to him attempted to steer him towards practically tackling the pandemic to save his reelection. Carol then goes deep into the pressure on journalists, when it comes to Trump, to find the truth behind the truth, looking into what he and his administration actually believe, and why they genuinely take the actions they take, looking particularly into his clearing of Lafayette Square for a biblical photo op. They round out the interview by looking deeper into his administration, his enablers, and those that attempted to control his impulses, as well as the effect of his first three years on emboldening the worst of him. Sam and Emma conclude the free half by summarizing the vote-a-rama that took place on reconciliation, and Fox & Friends’ realization that socialism is, indeed, popular. And in the Fun Half: Emma, Sam, and the MR crew chat about the over-saturation of media critique, the importance of a large-scale audience for MR, and follow up yesterdays “Ligma” variant discussion with an exploration of some of the worst, and best, of MR IMs. Then, a dear MR Discord Moderator calls in for some carpentry tips (surprisingly not asking Emma of Nazareth), before Sam and a caller talk civics versus ethics, and Chris from Minneapolis follows up a discussion on the Senate Dem’s performative vote against “defund the police” by exploring what localities are actually doing, not just saying. Lastly, they look into the mob of parents chanting “child abuse” (unfortunately, not at themselves) at a Franklin, TN school board meeting on masks, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Tushy: Hello Tushy cleans your butt with a precise stream of fresh water for just $79. It attaches to your existing toilet – requires NO electricity or additional plumbing – and cuts toilet paper use by 80% – so the Hello Tushy bidet pays for itself in a few months. Go to hellotushy.com/majority to get 10% off today! quip: quip mouthwash kills bad breath germs, helps prevent cavities, and leaves you feeling fresh thanks to a formula that gives your mouth everything it needs. Their 4X concentrate has fluoride, xylitol, and CPC, but they left out the artificial colors and stinging alcohol you’ll find in a lot of other rinses.That’s $5 off a Mouthwash Starter Kit, which includes a Refillable Dispenser and a 90-dose supply of quip’s 4x concentrated formula, at getquip.com/majority5. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_11_Trumps_Disastrous_Final_Year_As_President_w__Carol_Leonnig_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:42pm EST |
Tue, 10 August 2021
Sam and Emma host Nick Estes, host of The Red Nation Podcast, to discuss his recent book Red Nation Rising: From Bordertown Violence To Native Liberation, on the relationship between policing and surveillance, and Native communities in the US, both inside and out of reservations. Nick, Emma, and Sam begin with the recent assaults of native folks that instigated the founding of Red Nation, and what the role of Bordertowns, lying just outside of reservations, plays in the policing of indigenous communities, before Nick Estes walks us through the relationship between Black and Native communities reaching back deep into the 20th Century, exploring Minneapolis as a meeting ground in the 1960s with the Soul Patrol and American Indian Movement attempting to police the police and keep their community members safe. Next, Emma and Nick look into how the current Line 3 pipeline protests, alongside previous pipeline violence such as DAPL, expresses the direct parallels between the “us versus them” mentality that police take when confronted with communities of color, regardless of urban or rural environments, and the military strategy that leads these coalitions of law enforcement agencies, with national guard policy currently promoting lethal force in protection of pipeline infrastructure. Estes wraps up the interview touching on the book as a primer for the tools to understand the role of capitalism and state intervention on behalf of industry in this exploitation and violence, the continued claiming of native lands, and the parallels between international fights for decolonization. Sam and Emma conclude the free half with an update on Cuomo’s resignation and infrastructure progress. And in the Fun Half: Nomiki Konst joins Sam and Emma to say goodbye to our first Black, Jewish, Muslim, Lesbian, AND Disabled governor, as they chat about Cuomo's departure and his potential replacements, including Kathy Hochul, Letitia James, and Tom Suozzi. Next, they move onto discussions on Biden’s handling of the pandemic and mask efficacies, admire Bill Hemmer’s clear dedication to German philosophy, and Mike Lindell continues to Mike Lindell. Sam and Nomiki debate the correlations between anti-science rhetoric and general misogyny, racism, and toxic masculinity from the alt-right, and they give a quick rundown on potential features of the reconciliation package, plus, your IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_10_Gov._Cuomo_Resigns__From_Bordertown_Violence_To_Native_Liberation_w__Nick_Estes_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02pm EST |
Mon, 9 August 2021
Sam and Emma host Milton Allimadi, publisher of The Black Star News and the author of Manufacturing Hate: How Africa Was Demonized In Western Media, to discuss the exploitative and racist depiction of African people and governments in US media coverage, before moving on to exploring the current conflict in Ethiopia in the Tigray region. They begin with Allimadi’s work on the African narrative created by US Journalists at the New York Times during decolonization that helped build a violent, impoverished, and chaotic image of Africa, emphasizing Africans as brutal and tribal, and establishing this image of the continent for the century moving forwards. Milton, Sam, and Emma look into how NYT clout dominated this discourse so heavily that Allimadi struggled for years coming out of Columbia to get his work published, before they begin to unpack the historical context for the current conflict between Ethiopia and Tigray. They discuss the history of military leadership following the fall of Haile Selassie, and the antagonistic relationship between the Ethiopian government and regions of Tigray and Eritrea, igniting a three-way conflict that would only begin to shift as the Eritrean-Ethiopian War came to a close, and began to center the Tigray region as Ethiopian and Eritrean forces invaded from either side. They discuss the land and independence-based rationale for the war, the devastating famine created by the Ethiopian blockade, and the role of the war on the greater continental and international levels, with PM Abiy Ahmed recently turning to China for infrastructural aid. Emma and Sam round out the first half by covering the continued rampant spread of the Delta variant as the US tries to get its act together to push back, and look into what this week might mean for the Infrastructure bill. And in the Fun Half: Emma, Sam, and the MR crew cover the developments in the Colonial Pipeline spill, with the gas company, stunningly, incredibly underestimating the actual devastation caused by the leak, Matt discusses the role of Jury nullification in helping prohibit legal action against protesters or for minor drug offenses, and they watch Maria Bartiromo take Senator Cramer to task on the lack of racism in the infrastructure bill, until he finally fights her off by reminding her of the big bad shadow coming in from the East – China. Riley from ND calls in to show appreciation for the Cramer coverage and look into the GOP’s attempt to capitalize on their misinformation about Critical Race Theory in school board elections, Gorfalax and Sam dive into the role of Trump’s (still standing) tariffs and how they bolster monopoly, and the crew covers Joe Rogan’s reiteration of the age-old fear mongering behind public health provisions, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Stitch Fix is a personal styling company that makes getting the clothes you love effortless. To get started, go to StitchFix.com/MAJORITY to set up your profile and they’ll deliver great looks personalized just for you – in your colors, styles and budget. Get started today at StitchFix.com/MAJORITY and you’ll get 25% off when you keep everything in your Fix! LiquidIV: The hot summer months are here and we need to be proactive to keep our body fueled up & hydrated. Liquid I.V. contains 5 essential vitamins—more Vitamin C than an orange and as much potassium as a banana. Healthier than sugary sports drinks, there are no artificial flavors or preservatives and less sugar than an apple. Grab your Liquid I.V. in bulk nationwide at Costco or you can get 25% off when you go to liquidIV.com and use code MAJORITYREP at checkout. That’s 25% off ANYTHING you order when you get better hydration today using promo code MAJORITYREP at liquidIV.com. Honey is the FREE shopping tool that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best one it finds to your cart. Honey supports over 30,000 stories online – ranging from sites that have tech and gaming products to popular fashion brands. . even food delivery! If you don’t already have Honey, you could be straight up missing out on free savings. It’s literally FREE and installs in a few seconds. Get Honey for FREE at joinhoney.com/MAJORITY. That’s joinhoney.com/MAJORITY. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Milton's Patreon, African History Club, here.
Direct download: 8_9_Conflict_In_Ethiopia__How_The_West_Perceives_Africa_W__Milton_Allimadi-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:17pm EST |
Fri, 6 August 2021
![]() Sam and Emma are joined Derek Davison & Dan Bessner, co-hosts of the American Prestige Podcast. Derek and Dan start off by summarizing the first (almost) 200 days of the Biden Administration’s foreign policy in comparison with their original goals, looking into the continued establishment of liberal internationalism in his cabinet alongside his (slightly delayed) execution of Trump’s plan to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. They look into this tactic for hegemonic stabilization, with the U.S. drawing back from smaller conflicts on the world stage as we turn towards great power conflicts and competition with China, before Sam works backward with them, recalling the Project for a New American Century and the strategy of managing the small fires that break out on the international stage in order to ensure no challenge to U.S. hegemony. Sam, Dan, and Derek then discuss the continued drive for American universalism, particularly in contrast with the current Chinese presence on the world stage, that seems to be closer to embracing a multipolar world that coexists rather than the U.S. “city on a hill” tactic. They wrap up the interview by discussing the foreign policy legacy of the Trump Administration, touching on the Iran Nuclear Deal, the industrialization of drone warfare following Obama, as well as the complete restructuring of American discourse into stratified world views bringing out an epistemological crisis in the absence of consensus. Sam and Emma also talk about the Conservative anchor talking point on not giving medical recommendations, just giving recommendations not to listen to medical recommendations. And in the Fun Half: Aamon Hawk joins the MR crew to discuss his incredible Sam/Crowder horror short, his cinematic inspirations, and how he got into animation, as Sam basks in his stardom. Then, Emma and Sam analyze the conservative claim that migrants are the cause of rising infection rates in Florida, somehow jumping over the border states Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, and Tucker Carlson somehow (yet completely unsurprisingly) forgets the contents of the infrastructure bill in a rant, only correctly stating that it lacked features to “move the bums out” and “clean them”… whatever that means. They also touch on Kyrsten Sinema’s continued implementation of the five D’s (dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge) in discussing the possibility of taking a vote on actual policy, and Emma once against displays her killer "Pirate Amy Goodman" impression, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Grove: Companies around the world produce two billion pounds of new plastic every day. Yet no matter how much we put in our recycling bin, just nine percent of plastic actually gets recycled. At Grove Collaborative, they believe it’s time to stop making single-use plastic. Grove is the online marketplace that delivers healthy home, beauty, and personal care products directly to you! It takes the guesswork out of going green — Every product is guaranteed to be good for you, your family, your home, and the planet. For a limited time when our listeners go to Grove.com/MAJORITY you will get to choose a FREE starter set with your first order. Go to Grove.com/MAJORITY to get your exclusive offer! sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at http://www.sunsetlakecbd.com. And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: https://forms.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_6_-_Casual_Friday_w__Derek_Davison_Dan_Bessner__Aamon_Hawk_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:48pm EST |
Thu, 5 August 2021
Emma hosts writer Jess McHugh to discuss her recent book Americanon: An Unexpected U.S. History In Thirteen Bestselling Books, which focuses on the books that shaped and grew the myth of American Exceptionalism over the last couple of centuries. Beginning with the Old Farmer’s Almanac and Webster’s Dictionary, Jess and Emma walk through how these instructional books found their way into a majority of early American homes, working to construct an image of an ideal American – a republicanized, rural, man with familial, nationalistic, and northern values. Jess McHugh also discusses the web of elite men that connected these works to the ruling and political class, before they continue, chronologically, down the line of the creation of this American mythos, looking into the works of Betty Crocker to generate pride in domestic resignation for women, emphasizing their role in helping generate strong and patriotic men, particularly during the war effort. Next, McHugh and Emma explore how this birthed a genre of self-help books aimed at women in the later 1900s, and the interesting note that these two women-oriented projects aligned with the first and second waves of feminism. They round out the interview with discussions on how these works, while reinforcing a figure of American exceptionalism, worked to ignore and other minority figures n society, from the McGuffy Readers’ ignoring of the existence of indigenous folks in the espousing of Frontier Values, or how “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask” presented progressive, but continued to reinforce heterosexual and white supremacist notions of sex. After they reflect on the role of stories to help us grapple with and ignore problematic elements of our national identity, Emma reflects on DeSantis’s fear baiting whataboutism on Covid, while Florida still maintains a rate of 20% of new U.S. Covid cases. And in the Fun Half: Brandon and Matt join as Emma works to beat the “former Cuomosexual” allegations, the crew covers Bill Gates’s affiliation with Jeffrey Epstein, that was, of course, fully business (never mind the certain businesses Epstein was involved in), and Tucker Carlson’s role in Viktor Orbán’s nationalist convention. Dave from Jamaica calls in to discuss funding models for media, and how the government can step in without influencing coverage, and Chi Chi from Tennessee continues the conversation on the role of media in bolstering the left, and reflects on the beauty and legacy of Michael Brooks. They wrap up the fun half by admiring the expertise of Meghan McCain on nepotism, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsor: BetterHelp gives you access to your own fully licensed and accredited therapist via phone, chat, or video. A lot of therapists elsewhere have long waitlists and it can take weeks or months before they can see you… But when you sign up with BetterHelp, they match you with a therapist based on your specific needs, and you’ll be communicating with them in less than 24 hours. BetterHelp is giving our audience 10% off their first month when you go to https://betterhelp.com/majorityreport Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_5_The_Books_That_Spread_The_Myth_of_American_Exceptionalism_w__Jess_McHugh_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:34pm EST |
Wed, 4 August 2021
Sam and Emma host Matthew Cortland, Senior Fellow at Data for Progress, to discuss Supplemental Security Income restorative/legislative efforts, and right to repair activist Louis Rossmann to discuss the change in right to repair laws after Biden's competition executive order was signed into law. Sam, Emma, and Matthew cover the structural differences in disability social securities, such as SSI versus SSDI, and the importance of SSI in helping folks without income. They then move onto the crippling drawbacks to SSI, stemming both from the US’ cultural aversion to social safety nets and recent targeting from the right, including a maximum monthly supplement at a rate well below the poverty line and absurd qualifications that prevent disabled folks from saving assets for a rainy day or accepting help from friends unless they are willing to sacrifice their social security, before discussing what legislators are working to bolster SSI, and what number to text to push Schumer to include it in reconciliation (SIGN SSI NOW to 50409). Next, Louis Rossmann hops on to chat about the importance of the right to repair, how the issue is wrapped up in monopoly and anti-trust discussions, and what the fight for repair has looked like over the last decade. They cover the importance of the Massachusetts automotive right to repair bill, and the role of federalism in helping achieve targeted advancements in the accessibility of schematics and parts on a greater scale. Sam and Emma also chat Cori Bush success, Nina Turner disappointment, and developments in the new Biden eviction moratorium. And in the fun half Sam and Emma are joined by Sean McElwee, Founding Executive Director of Data for Progress, to discuss the disappointing results for Nina Turner in Ohio's 11th Congressional District primary. Sean and the gang specifically looks into the importance of not giving the democratic establishment material for bad faith attacks that draw away from policy discussion – because the dark money will almost always be there to capitalize on it. Sam and Emma expand the importance of knowing that power will always push back, and emphasize the importance of taking on battles where progress can actually be made, before watching Asa Hutchinson’s awkward backtracking on his previous anti-vax mandate legislation, and Ben Shapiro’s failure to understand how contagion works. They also chat with Oscar from NoLa on DACA, and another caller takes the wrong route to addressing transphobia and problematic comments from Vaush, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here. Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Tushy: Hello Tushy cleans your butt with a precise stream of fresh water for just $79. It attaches to your existing toilet – requires NO electricity or additional plumbing – and cuts toilet paper use by 80% – so the Hello Tushy bidet pays for itself in a few months. Go to hellotushy.com/majority to get 10% off today! ZipRecruiter sends your job to over 100 of the web’s leading job sites. But they don’t stop there. With their powerful matching technology, ZipRecruiter scans thousands of resumes to find people with the right experience and invite them to apply to your job. Try ZipRecruiter FOR FREE, my listeners can go to ZipRecruiter.com/majority Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Text SIGNSSINOW to 50409 to further Matthew's SSI restoration/legislative efforts! Call Senator Schumer's Office to press him to support SSI restoration legislation at 212-486-4430/202-224-6542 Check out Louis's YouTube channel here.
Direct download: 8_4_SSI_Right_To_Repair__Nina_Turner_OH-11_w__Matthew_Cortland_Louis_Rossmann__Sean_McElwee_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:50pm EST |
Tue, 3 August 2021
Sam and Emma host journalist Ross Barkan, writer of the Political Currents by Ross Barkan newsletter on Substack, to discuss his recent book The Prince: Andrew Cuomo, Coronavirus, and the Fall of New York, which covers the rollercoaster of Governor Andrew Cuomo's legacy since the start of the pandemic. They start with a mention of the recent report from Attorney General Letitia James's Office confirming myriad instances of sexual harassment by the governor, before they backtrack to start at the beginning of his legacy in working with his father, former Governor of New York Mario, who helped him to achieve a high ranking position in the Clinton administration. Ross, Emma, and Sam explore how Mario’s administration reflected many qualities of Andrew’s, including a combative relationship with the left, and set the stage for Andrew’s clamor for power in New York State. This was followed by multiple terms in which he sought to bolster moderate and Republican power in the State Senate, through the creation of the Independent Democratic Conference to create a bipartisan majority, shifting progressive Democrats out of power. They explore the development of Andrew’s role on the national stage, from a middling governor with mediocre approval ratings to a pandemic hero, over the course of the first year of the pandemic as he stood in juxtaposition with President Trump – all despite largely taking on similar positions are the offset, including undermining the value of testing and underemphasizing the risk – before they move onto the crumbling of his pedestal following the reports on his coverup of mass deaths in nursing homes, and the recent reports regarding his sexual harassment. They wrap up the interview looking forward at the potential impeachment of Cuomo, or if he might continue to run for a fourth term if he holds onto office, before Sam and Emma conclude the first half with an update on Cori Bush’s protest of the lifting of the eviction moratorium as the pandemic reaches another peak. And in the Fun Half: Nomiki joins Sam and Emma as they delve a little deeper into the official report regarding Andrew Cuomo’s sexual harassment, and what it might look like moving forwards, particularly given Cuomo’s track record of successfully avoiding repercussions (see: the Moreland Commission), and discuss the possibilities in who could fill his seat, before they look into the insanely Cuomo-typical PowerPoint defense he levied against today’s reports. They also cover Matt Walsh’s “owning property is slavery” argument and its complementary “everything is the holocaust” discussion Republicans are having around the pandemic, Manchin and Graham’s bipartisan effort in boosting Covid spread in Congress, and developing debates around the infrastructure bill(s), plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsors: Native: Sometimes life stinks. But you don’t have to, because Native has your back. Native cares about the products you put on your body, and they’re all about stopping the stink, the right way. You probably already know about Native’s legendary aluminum-free deodorant, but they also have body wash, toothpaste, and their brand new mineral based sunscreen! Stay fresh, stay clean with Native by going to nativeDEO.com/majorityreport or use promo code majorityreport at checkout, and get twenty percent off your first order. ExpressVPN: We all take risks every day when we go online, whether we think about it or not. And using the internet without ExpressVPN? That’s like driving without car insurance! ExpressVPN acts as online insurance. It creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet so hackers can’t steal your personal data. It’d take a hacker with a supercomputer over a billion years to get past ExpressVPN’s encryption. And ExpressVPN is simple to use on all your devices! Just fire up the app and click one button to get protected. Secure your online data TODAY by visiting ExpressVPN.com/majority. That’s ExpressVPN.com/majority and you can get an extra three months FREE. Magic Spoon is a new cereal company that’s discovered a way to recreate your favorite childhood cereals with 0 sugar, 12 grams of protein, and only 3 net grams of carbs in each serving. Go to magicspoon.com/majorityreport to grab a variety pack and try it today, and use promo code MAJORITYREPORT at checkout to get free shipping. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop
Direct download: 8_3_Cuomos_Reign_Over_New_York_w__Ross_Barkan_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm EST |
Mon, 2 August 2021
Sam and Emma host David Dayen, Executive Editor at The American Prospect, to discuss the White House and Congress's inability to keep the federal eviction moratorium from lapsing, leaving thousands of renters' livelihoods in the balance. Beginning with Trump’s initial implementation of the moratorium, Dayen walks through the extensions leading up to the Supreme Court decision that found, while permissible for now, the moratorium had no grounds to be extended one more without congressional approval, all leading up to a lack of action by the Biden Administration until the final days of the moratorium. David, Emma, and Sam delve into this primary failing of the administration to either take action themselves – or at least prepare the legislature on some level for a vote on the matter – as well as the swift cop-out by Democratic House leadership to immediately shift the blame back onto Biden, before moving onto the complete disarray of American social services, as emphasized by the failure to distribute the tens of billions of dollars allocated for rental assistance. After looking into how the concept of “precedent” has prevented taking action, regardless of permanence, to genuinely help people, Sam, David, and Emma discuss the relationship between the progressive caucus and Democratic leadership, the importance of AOC’s and Cori Bush’s pressure, even if it only shifts Democrats inches, and why a mutually adversarial relationship is necessary to push their co-party members further to the left. Sam and Emma look further into AOC and Bush’s response to the House’s failure to act on the moratorium, and how the leadership has begun to push back on them. Then in the Fun Half: Benjamin P. Dixon of The Benjamin Dixon Show joins from the road as he gives on-the-ground updates on the OH-11 special congressional election, Nina Turner’s chances, and John from SA calls in later to touch on a few final numbers from the race. The MR crew discusses road trips, their favorite highways, Jeff from GA calls in from NY to discuss the failures of the legislature and the pride held in the senate of that very element, and AOC comes out to say that the progressives have put their foot down when it comes to getting two bills passed for infrastructure. Lastly, chairman of the OK GOP, John Bennett, recalls the harrowing beginnings of the Holocaust with Jewish folks being told to stay safe and not shop in grocery stores without a mask, before the crew admires Dave Rubin’s commitment to taking on big tech as he announces his departure from the grid in order to plan his destruction of Twitter, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ (Merch issues and concerns can be addressed here: majorityreportstore@mirrorimage.com) You can now watch the livestream on Twitch Check out today’s sponsor: LiquidIV: The hot summer months are here and we need to be proactive to keep our body fueled up & hydrated. Liquid I.V. contains 5 essential vitamins—more Vitamin C than an orange and as much potassium as a banana. Healthier than sugary sports drinks, there are no artificial flavors or preservatives and less sugar than an apple. Grab your Liquid I.V. in bulk nationwide at Costco or you can get 25% off when you go to liquidIV.com and use code MAJORITYREP at checkout. That’s 25% off ANYTHING you order when you get better hydration today using promo code MAJORITYREP at liquidIV.com. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today as they continue to strike for a fair contract! https://action.massnurses.org/we-stand-with-st-vincents-nurses/ Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere, at https://www.patreon.com/newsfromnowhere Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/milagrocomic/milagro-heroe-de-las-calles Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel! Check out The Nomiki Show live at 3 pm ET on YouTube at patreon.com/thenomikishow Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at Patreon.com/LiteraryHangover, or on iTunes. Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at patreon.com/theantifada, on iTunes, or at twitch.tv/theantifada (streaming every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7pm ET!) Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out the full length video of Aamon Animations' "Steven Crowder's NIGHTMARE" here.
Direct download: 8_2_-_Eviction_Moratorium_Finger-Pointing_w__David_Dayen_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37pm EST |