The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Dr. Kimberly Mehlman-Orozco (@MehlmanOrozco) joins us to discuss her new book Hidden in Plain Sight: America’s Slaves of the New Millennium. Drawing on a large volume of research, Mehlman-Orozco debunks some of the preconceived notions people hold about trafficking victims, traffickers, and clients, who are often unaware they're employing trafficking victims. She critiques counterproductive policy like the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act, which targets websites like, and lays out a case for comprehensive decriminalization of sex work as advocated by Amnesty International.

On the fun half: Ronald Raygun tries to bang Sam's wife and updates us on one of his immigration cases, Rep. Don Shooter gets weird in response to a question about the sexual harassment allegations against him, Alex Jones has an anti-Semitic ragegasm over "demonic" journalist Brian Stelter, a caller delivers some left crit of Oprah, Trump needs his "executive time," Boris thinks Trump is doing a great job handling North Korea, how do we move the Democrats to the left, and Gabe from Chicago notes the Republican psyche is all projection.

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Direct download: 1-8-18-Kimberly_Mehlman_Orozco-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EST