The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Casual Friday brings Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, talks all the week's news; Trayvon Martin killing, SCOTUS and the antagonistic divide between Right and Left.  Plus on the links sharing his day of golf, Richard Kind has our movie review. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-30-12-Cliff_Schecter-Richard_Kind-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm EST

Mother Jones reporter Adam Serwer reports on SCOTUS v Obamacare; the poor analogies, Limiting Principle, the Individual Mandate (is it severable?) and the effect of court’s partisan make-up.  Plus, Spain’s general strike and Occupy’s NYC subway fare action.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-29-12-Adam_Serwer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:42pm EST

Interviews from Sam's coverage of SCOTUS v Obamacare.  Iowa Senator Tom Harkin on how Democrats should sell Affordable Care Act and the prospect of unconstitutional ruling on Individual Mandate and cancer survivor Spike Ward on her personal experience.  In the better half, healthcare advocate Ethan Rome on the benefits of the ACA. What people aren't understanding about the Act.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-28-12-Tom_Harkin-Spike_Ward-Ethan_Rome-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EST

Law Professor Amanda Frost breaks down Obamacare SCOTUS case, outlines legal and political implications. Also, writer, blogger Richard (RJ) Eskow on Jobs Act, how it strips investor protections and who's funding the bi-partisan push. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-27-12-Amanda_Frost-RJ_Eskow-John_Sarbanes-Mike_Malloy-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

Writer John Carl Baker on his article in Jacobin discussing GOP stranglehold on Florida politics, policy and prosperity (or lack of).  Despite highly unpopular Governor Scott, Democratic Party opposition is absent.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-26-12-John_Carl_Baker-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Gun control, NRA lobby and racism in this country all brought to light in wake of Trayvon Martin shooting.  Also, who gets budget spotlight and what does Obama stand for?  Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, addresses it all in his regular Casual Friday segment.  Isabel Gillies has movie rec for weekend watching. Listen LIVE 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-23-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone Magazine on corrupt culture of Bank of America; how CEO rivalry and government regulation created the banking behemoth that conned the American people into bankruptcy.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-22-12-Matt_Taibbi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Brian Beutler from Talking Points Memo on Paul Ryan’s budget, change in Obama’s willingness to negotiate and what’s in store for lame duck session.  Plus, Janeane “Katherine Harris” Garofalo breaks from campaign trail supporting  Joe-the-Plumber to join us.  Romney communications director’s gift to Santorum and Occupy Wall Street makes Bloomberg nervous. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-21-12-Brian_Beutler-Janeane_Garofalo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm EST

Jonathan Cohn from The New Republic on upcoming challenge to Affordable Care Act; what the litigation means; possible impact on relationship between Federal Govt and States and how Supreme Court may respond.  Killing of Trayvon Martin puts Police conduct under scrutiny.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST).

Direct download: 03-20-12-Jonathan_Cohn-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EST

Ryan Devereaux from the Guardian at New York courthouse waiting appearance of Cecily McMillan, woman who suffered seizure Saturday while cuffed by NYPD, reports on general mood of gathering and ensuing melee.  And Jeff Smith, OWS media team, witness to Cecily McMillan brutality, reports on day’s events, police brutality and Occupy’s effort to move forward. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-19-12-Ryan_Devereaux-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

Alyona Minkovski and Sam talk Obama Administration civil liberties failures.  Film Guy Matthew Weiss has movie recommendations and Jimmy Reefercake shows with a song.  In the better half, the latest attack on internet freedom and right wing hate infects college basketball. Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-16-12-Alyona_Minkovski-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EST

Writer and attorney Abigail C. Field on the dirty details of official Foreclosure Fraud Settlement including slippery balance sheet practices that rob homeowners of relief, manipulation of basic servicing standards letting banks off hook and why injunction sought by AG Schneiderman in MERS suit is critical.  

Direct download: 03-15-12-Abigail_C_Field-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm EST

Renowned economics professor Richard Wolff discusses the collapse of capitalism, Roosevelt's action during the Great Depression and measures to stabilize our economy.  And austerity in Greece, projections for what's ahead.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-14-12-Richard_Wolff-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Sunday marked the 1st anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  Joining us to talk about the nuclear situation in America and the world is professor and investigative reporter Karl Grossman. Plus, arrests in the Murdoch corruption scandal and Greece holding on to austerity measures.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-13-12-Karl_Grossman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Richard Kahlenberg, Century Foundation Senior Fellow, on the right to unionize, Taft Hartley and why labor movements haven’t seen same progress as civil rights movement.  Texas fails to get DOJ support for voter ID laws and massacre in Afghanistan fails to provoke the real question.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST).

Direct download: 03-12-12-Richard_Kahlenberg-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST


Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC on Ohio’s key role in election cycle, how Governor Kasich is killing Republican brand and the Obama administration’s defense of assassination policy.  Recommending movies, Tom Scharpling from Best Show on WFMU reminisces with Sam.  And in the better half, surprise call from Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler model Sydney Moon.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-09-12-Cliff_Schecter-Tom_Scharpling-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST


Glenn Greenwald from Salon on U.S. policy condoning assassination of American citizens. Disregard for constitutional right to due process, growing power of the Executive Branch and how the policy defines Obama.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-08-12-Glenn_Greenwald-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EST


Huffington Post's Ryan Grim on Super Tuesday results, Mitt's words to Ann and the quiet maneuvering of Steny Hoyer.  Also, Ed Pilkington from the Guardian on unraveling of Murdoch Empire.   Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-07-12-Ryan_Grim-Ed_Pilkington-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST


Blogger Digby on the backlash against American women today and Rush Limbaugh's role in waking us up.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-06-12-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EST


Writer Seth Freed Wessler on surveillance, entrapment and religious and ethnic profiling conducted by NYPD through unregulated secret program.  Also, justification for killing Americans abroad, should-we or shouldn’t-we with Iran and Limbaugh’s advertisers bail.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-05-12-Seth_Freed_Wessler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32pm EST


Casual Friday brings Cliff Schecter and discussions of Breitbart’s passing, state of Republican primary race and divisive nature of conservatism.  Isabel Gillies delivers movie reviews. Plus, breaking news from Jon Benjamin.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-02-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST


Sam on Andrew Breitbarts death.  Also, Tracie McMillan talks experiencing our food system from fields to Walmart and Applebees.  And Occupy WallStreet takes issue with monied donors, Jeff Smith discusses.  

Direct download: 03-01-12-Breitbart-Tracie_McMillan-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:11pm EST