The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Corey Pein (@coreypein), independent journalist and host of The Baffler's 'News from Nowhere' podcast. Where the idea the killer identified as a Bernie supporter came from. How best to characterize the killers ideology as a fascism adapting itself to the 21st century. How fascists are co-opting the sloppy "free speech" arguments. Mainstream journalists' lack of experience with actual white supremacists.

On the fun half - Conservatives have jingogasm over Mad Dog Mattis boast, State Department secretary gets mind blown by question over US hypocrisy over Saudi Arabia and Iran, Chris Hayes goes off on lying Gianforte spokeskid Shane Scanlon, and your calls and IMS.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EDT

Yale historian Timothy Snyder, author of On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, explains his understanding of totalitarian regimes. How do institutions and democracies fall apart. Trump's fascist impulse. Terrorism and justification for unrelated things. Differences and similarities and historical examples. What Trump and Hitler share in common. Why we should not obey in advance. The importance of not relying on institutions to protect us. What is providing a check on Trump. Loyalty over law and fascism and how do we get out of the crisis?

On The Fun Half: Fareed Zakaria talks nonsense about conservatives on college campuses. Middle Schoolers don't want to be seen in a picture with Paul Ryan.Is Trump's support shrinking? Bernie Sanders interrogates Mick Mulvaney and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey. 

Check out today’s sponsor, Texture! Texture is normally $9.99 a month –But, if you sign up right now, at you get a 14 day FREE trial.

Direct download: 05-30-17-Timothy_Snyder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EDT

Macron again out-gestures Trump in Brussels.

Violence-prone Greg Gianforte wins special election in Montana. What the loss means for Democrats going forward. Democrats need to go negative. Confirmation that Jared Kushner is under FBI investigation. What Trump's derision of NATO signifies.

On the fun half - Dems need to not be afraid smear Republicans, Corbyn closes in on May and says the War on Terror is not working, the natsec-deferential 4th Circuit surprisingly blocks Trump's muslim ban, Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone suggest people are getting high on food stamps, Ben Carson thinks poverty is a mindset.

Direct download: 05-26-17-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EDT

Journalist David Dayen discusses Republican Congressional candidate Rob Gianforte's assault of a reporter. Will progressive candidate Rob Quest make an upset in Montana? Why Gianforte lost it over the new CBO score for the Republicans healthcare plan. The CBO documents the endless failures and cruelties of the Republican healthcare bill. Is GOPCare in trouble in the Senate? Why the "choir" matters in politics. Will Democrats go populist and talk about monopolies and anti trust policies? Sinclair Broadcasting and monopolies. Jess Sessions lied on his security clearance form. Why Trump did not need to obstruct justice because the powerful don't face the legal system in modern America. Arthur Anderson, the Obama Administration and the creation of to big to jail.

On The Fun Half: Trump is a jerk, Mitch Landrieu gets real about why confederate monuments need to come down. What Trumpcare will do to healthcare in this country. Betsy DeVos is a danger to the nation's children. A racist outburst in Arkansas. Rush Limbaugh rambles about the future of Fox News.

Direct download: 05-25-17-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm EDT

Mike Hanna, (@mjahanna) freelance presenter and former bureau chief for CNN in Jerusalem. What is unprecedented about Trump's decision to make his first trip abroad to "the world's great religions." What's happening inside Iran as the crucial context for middle-eastern prospects for peace. Trump's obvious natural affinity for authoritarian leaders.

On the fun half - John Podhoretz not sure if Michael Brooks is as bad as the holocaust, Hannity continues to melt down over the Seth Rich story, Trump talks cavalierly about nuclear war, the Trump admin dances with swords, a CIA agent says Trey Gowdy should get his ass kicked, and your calls and IMs!

Direct download: 05-24-17-Mike_Hanna-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EDT

Trump budget goon Mick Mulvaney wants you to spare some compassion for high-earning taxpayers. Trump cuts social security. The end is nigh for Dodd-Frank. More intel officials give testimony unhelpful to for Trump. Bernie campaigns in Montana for Rob Quist.

On the fun half: Trump bumbles his way through the middle-east (and Israel), on capitalism vs socialism in America, Wisconsin voter suppression dealt setback in court, and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 05-23-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EDT

Today, Steven Hahn, professor of history at NYU, on his new history of 19th century american empire-building, "A Nation Without Borders: The United States and Its World in an Age of Civil Wars, 1830-1910." Mexico and the Mississippi River valley as important and overlooked centers of 19c imperial power. How imperialism favored by slaveholders and apologists worked well with limited-government philosophies. American capitalism's development, alongside the state, following the civil war. The trans-Mississippi West and post-emancipation South as "imperial proving grounds" for American state capitalism. Why socialism was big in states like Texas, Oklahoma, and in the midwest.

On the fun half - Are democrats ready to ride single-payer to victory? Trump dances and curtsies in Saudi Arabia, HR McMaster blows some more of his integrity, Wilbur Ross gives creepy defense of "liberalizing" Saudi regime, Anderson Cooper said Jeffrey Lord would defend Trump pooping on his desk.


Direct download: 05-22-17-Steven_Hahn-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EDT

Did President Erdogan order his bodyguards beat protestors in Washington DC?

Cliff Schecter celebrates the death of the very awful Roger Ailes. Shep Smith cries over Roger Ailes. How Ailes damaged the country and led the way to Trump. Fox News and damaging America with propaganda. Republicans don't know anything about the healthcare bill that they passed. Why Republicans don't know how to govern. Will Republicans lose the House? And the always awful Joe Lieberman, might be the next director of the FBI.

Judy Gold, reviews the rules for meeting with Trump for foreign heads of state. Jared Kushner is the worst. Donald Trump whines and denies criminal wrongdoing. What Judy is up to. Is Lawrence out at MSNBC? And debating the MSNBC lineup and the future of media.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump, Rob Ford and Russia. The potential Pence disaster. Elizabeth Warren grills Steve Mnuchin on a "21st century Glass Steal bill". and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey. 

Check out today’s sponsor, Casper: Get $50 toward any mattress purchase by visiting and using offer code MAJORITY

Direct download: 05-19-17-Cliff_Schecter-Judy_Gold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EDT

Roger Ailes is dead! Fox & Friends mourns his loss.

Sarah Jones (@onesarahjones), social media editor at the New Republic, joins us to talk about the terrible political mix that constitutes the New York Times editorial department. How the hiring of Bret Stephens is symptomatic of the New York Times lack of political imagination. Sarah's critique of Hillary apologies like Susan Bordo's "The destruction of Hillary Clinton" and "Lean-In" feminism.

On the fun half - On Chelsea Clinton's merit, Jake Tapper hits Trump for pity party, John Kelly tells Trump to stab the press, is capitalism to thank for technology, Chomsky says Bernie woulda won.

Direct download: 05-17-17-Sarah_Cole-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EDT

Donald Trump told James Comey, that he hoped that "he could let this go" with regards to the investigation of Flynn. James Comey is releasing information on Trump. Are we close to impeachment or removal from office? Why there is more information coming from Comey. Putin offers to release a transcript of Trump's meeting with Russian officials. Secretary Tillerson, wants none of it. Did Trump out an Israeli intelligence operative who is undercover with ISIS. Mitch MCconnell, does not care if Trump revealed intelligence,  Ross Douthat's bizarre defense of Trump's criminality and Donald Trump whines about how he is being treated.

On The Fun Half: California charter schools win. Philadelphia elects a very progressive DA. Jesse Waters, in an extremely stupid way downplays the Comey scandal. Tucker Carlson's hilarious non-coverage of the election story. Donald Trump plagiarizes Legally Blond. Erdogan's bodyguards attack protestors in Washington DC and your calls and IMS.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey. 

Direct download: 05-17-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EDT

Kimberley Phillips-Fein, a Professor of Individualized Study at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University and author of Fear City: New York’s Fiscal Crisis and the Rise of Austerity Politics, explains when New York City was a middle class city and the City of New York system. The rise of New York's public sector and the political movements of the sixties. When the stock exchange considered leaving New York. Borrowing and austerity. Allen Greenspan, Donald Rumsfeld and Donald Trump and the destruction of New York. New York's bankruptcy and the shock doctrine across public services. Why New York is now plutocrat paradise and why austerity and destroying public value is an anti democratic policy choice.

On The Fun Half: General McMaster, spins for Trump on sharing classified with Russia. Joe and Mika call out "conservative hucksters". Oprah gives Ivanka Trump a pr opportunity. Mike Huckabee goes crazy with some bad music in the background. Donald Trump reveals once again that he is a massive sociopath. Random Rush. Dave Rubin is very stupid and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey. 

Check out today’s sponsor: Get $50 toward any mattress purchase by visiting and using offer code MAJORITY

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EDT

ND's Kevin Cramer gets humiliated by constituent stuffing cash in his lapel.

Today, author Steve Keen joins us to talk about his book, "Can We Avoid Another Financial Crisis?" Why economist Hyman Minsky was asking the right questions about the Great Depression. Classical economics finance blind spot. Capitalism's boom-bust cycle. Modern monetary theory. Why Germany is seemingly immune from these private debt level issues.

On the fun half - Gregg Popovich blasts "Game Show" Donald Trump, Joe and Mika throw KellyAnne Conway under the bus, Nikki Haley calls Trump the CEO of America, North Carolina Republicans are still racist, right-wing nutjobs, and Rep Rodney Frelinghuysen of NJ gets a bank employee fired for being anti-Trump.


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm EDT

Stay focused on Paul Ryan and Mitch McDonnell who enable Donald Trump. Alex Jones has vital new intelligence on Donald Trump and Tim Allen.

Cliff Schecter, explains the latest stages of the Donald Trump mess and why Democrats are finally pressing Republicans and feeling emboldened. Why Democrats need to make it impossible for Republicans to govern. Congressman Tom MacArthur, is confronted for his horrific vote and role in crafting healthcare repeal. Why Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell need to relentlessly attacked by Democrats. Donald Trump admits to obstructing justice Why Trump is not smart and why the Trump team can't get their Comey story straight.

Film Guy Matthew Weiss, explains his new behind the scenes documentary. What's new with Matthew. Did Sam plan his Binder joke? The Big Fall signed by Sam is available on eBay. Donald Trump talks about Citizen Kane and Matthew tells us to watch, W.R. Mysteries of Organism.

Bigotry in South Pedro island. Donald Trump is crazy. A new Trump scandals and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey. 


Direct download: 05-12-17-Cliff_schecter-Matthew_Weiss-MEM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EDT

Journalist Marcy Wheeler, explains the evolving nature of the Trump and Russia scandal. Jared Kushner's meetings with the Russians. The endless conflicts of interest in the Trump Administration. Sally Yates and "team Trump". Did Mike Flynn think he was protected by Kushner? Why Trump's sketchy business background makes him look incompetent. Flynn's quest for immunity. What precipitated the firing of Comey? Is Jared Kushner in the crosshairs of a criminal investigation? Al Franken's questioning and why Trump wouldn't want to fire Mike Flynn. The importance of Jeff Sessions lies about meeting with the Russian ambassador. How we should treat possible criminal actions by the Trump organization and are we about to face another round of leaks?

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump claims he always intended to fire James Comey. Donald Trump meets with Henry Kissinger. Bernie or Bust Bill Clinton returns. Betsy DeVos gets bood off stage. A voter wants to know what the difference is between private employees and public officials making healthcare choices. New Orleans takes down the statues of traitors like Jefferson Davis. South Padro Island has a lot of racist white people. Right Wing Mandela calls out snowflakes. Is Trump close to impeachment? Trump's new fraudulent push on "voter fraud" and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EDT

Journalist Dan Froomkin explains the bizarre way that Trump fired Comey. The legitimate reasons for firing Comey. What Sally Yates revealed that probably led to the firing of James Comey. The FBI investigation into Russia and Trump is heating up. How the Republicans have become Trumps lacks. Will Republicans ever not back Trump. Would Republicans prefer a President Pence. Do Republicans like the distraction from what they are trying to do to healthcare and why we expect more leaks.

Jeffrey Tobin calls out the absurdity of the Rod Rosenstein memo and the idea that Trump fired James Comey over the Hillary Clinton press conference.

Journalist and writer Luke Savage, explains what the West Wing reveals about a certain liberal type in America. Why the West Wing has grown to be more than a tv show. Why the West Wing presents an idealized and empty view of politics. Decoding the West Wing to understand the fallacies of the Obama Administration and liberalism. "Smart v dumb" politics. The loss of class politics in the Democratic Party. The Thirqd Way and debate society politics and what actually motivates voters and what Democrats need for real opposition.

On The Fun Half: Dumdum Left idiocy. Russia's Foreign Minister trolls reporters hard. Chuck Schumer starts to put pressure on Mitch McDonnell. The Senate votes down a Trump reversal of Obama era methane rules. Bernie or Bust Bill Clinton calls out the Majority Report. Diane Feinstein indicates that Senators have seen evidence of Russian collusion with Trump. Mike Pence oddly defends the Comey firing. Jeffrey Toobin, calls out Trump for a "grotesque abuse of power" in firing Comey. Sally Yates destroys John Cornyen and Ted Cruz. Sarah Huckabee Sanders says Comey committed "atrocities" and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey.

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Direct download: 05-10-17-Dan_Froomkin-Luke_Savage-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EDT

Steven A. Cook (@StevenACook) on his book "False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East." Why celebrations of Turkish democracy turned out to be premature. Why the enthusiasm for Libya was equally misplaced.

Then, Avi Asher-Schapiro (@AASchapiro) on his Intercept piece, "As Uber Probes Sexual Harassment At Its Offices, It Overlooks Hundreds Of Thousands Of Female Drivers."

On the fun half - Franken suggests Flynn not the only one who's been secretive about meeting with members of the Russian government, Iowa Rep Rod Blum hates his life as a congressman, and your calls and IMs!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EDT

Donald Trump is leaving the Paris Accords and what climate change is really about for the Right. Emmanuel Macron wins big in France, but record numbers of abstentions. Syria policy failures and fascist movements. Republicans need to gut healthcare to subsidize tax cuts. Raul Labrador says people don't die because they don't have healthcare. All of the Republicans lies about slashing healthcare. John Faso lies to a voter about not taking away her healthcare. Democratic Congressman offers to do a Townhall in Faso's district and National Review writer goes next level stupid.

On The Fun Half: Republican tells lobbyists behind the scenes that he backs healthcare repeal, while saying he isn't sure in public. Good news for Democrats and voting rights in Georgia. Matthew Dowd says we might need to think about single payer. Young people drawn to fascism in France. And your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors: Texture is normally $9.99 a month –But, if you sign up right now, at you get a 14 day FREE trial. ZipRecruiter, listeners can post jobs on ZipRecruiter for free by going to and Shari’s Berries, or berries starting at just $19.99, is to visit, click on the microphone in the top right corner, and use code SEDER

Direct download: 05-08-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EDT

Measles outbreaks in America because of anti vaxxer activism.

Political strategist Cliff Schecter, explains the relevance of the GOP moving toward blowing up one sixth of our economy. Fake moderates and how the bill passed. Why people with preexisting conditions might be in even more dangerous position after this bill passed. Why big employers are going to be able to hurt the quality of employee care. Why subsidies will be cut for plans that cover abortion services. The ruthless attack on Medicade. How the bill saves Social Security money by killing people off. What happens next in the Senate? Will the Senate pass it the bill? Why the bill is a massive tax cut for the rich. What was the political calculus behind the Republican "moderates" passing the bill? And will Democrats benefit politically from retirements and and open seats?

On The Fun Half:Republican Congressmen didn't read the repeal bill. Tom Perriello runs anti Trumpcare ad. Chris Cillizza writes an incredibly stupid column. Blue state republicans and healthcare. How Republicans will destroy Medicade. Trump says Australia,has better healthcare than America and Bernie Sanders agrees. Republican Senator exploits Jimmy Kimmel and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsor, The only way to get 100 Blooms for Mom with a Free Glass Vase starting at 19.99 is to visit on the microphone in the top right corner, and use my code “SEDER”

Direct download: 05-05-17-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41pm EDT

Republicans move to strip healthcare from millions.

New Yorker staff writer and author of Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street, Sheelah Kolhatkar, explains the history of hedge funds and what they contribute and don't contribute to the economy. Why hedge funds get away with paying incredibly low taxes. How hedge funds, helped warp the economic cycle. Who is Stevan Cohen and why his criminal conduct matters. What was suspicious about Steve Cohen's trading? How Cohen's criminal conduct was discovered. The failed drug innovation that Cohen profited from. How Steven Cohen got away with it? And why the government didn't bring a criminal case against Cohen.

On The Fun Half: revisiting the voting for lesser of two evils debate. Patrick Leahy questions James Comey on the New York FBI's office and helping the Trump campaign. Al Franken wants to know if bigots across the country are encouraged by Steve Bannon being Trump's chief strategist. Code Pink activist is convicted of a crime for laughing at Jeff Sessions. Police abuses under Jeff Sessions and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey.

Direct download: 05-04-17-Sheelah_Kolhatkar-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EDT

Journalist Jeff Spross, explains why Trump while lying talked more about jobs than Hillary Clinton. What is a public jobs option. Employing people for social good. The job guarantee and the living wage. Why private employment would be better with a public option. Why recessions will be less violent with a job guarantee. Will a public job option hurt teen workers? How much would a public job option cost? Why this program makes more sense than universal basic income and who supports a public jobs option in Congress?

On The Fun Half: the problem with Jimmy Kimmel's healthcare statements. Matt Lewis's absurd attack on Jimmy Kimmel. Why Republicans can't repeal the affordable care act. Chris Cuomo schools Paul Ryan. Mick Mulvaney tries and fails to spin the budget. James Comey justifies interfering in the election. The pro confederate propaganda industry.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey.

Direct download: 05-03-17-Jeff_Spross-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm EDT

Daniel Ziblatt, a Professor of government at Harvard University and author of Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy, explains what classes need to give up power in order for democracy to flourish. How did classical conservatives come to accept democracy? The invention of the conservative political party. Conceding democracy but not conceding power. Why stable center-right parties might be essential for democracy. Lessons from Egypt on preserving democracy. How to deal with old regimes in transitions to democracy. Trump and Republican commitment to democracy. What conservatives in the 19th century in Germany and Britain discovered about appealing to voters on non economic grounds. Is spin good for democracy? And the institutions that are needed to maintain democracy.

On The Fun Half: Satirizing Obama and satirizing Trump. Trump and the danger of war. No Donald Trump's crazy view of the civil war is not unique to him. Democrats win the the budget? Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks blames people with pre-existing conditions. Jimmy Kimmel issues a moving call for universal healthcare and what he misses. Alex Jones loses custody and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey.

Check out today’s sponsors. Shari’s Berries: The only way to get this amazing deal, for berries starting at just $19.99, is to visit, click on the microphone in the top right corner, and use code SEDER and Away Travel! For $20 off your order, visit and use promo code MAJORITY during checkout! That’s and use promo code MAJORITY during checkout!

Direct download: 05-02-17-Daniel_Ziblatt-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EDT

Trump thinks a dealmaker like Andrew Jackson could've avoided the Civil War.

Wosny Lambre (@BigWos) joins us to discuss the end of ESPN's TrueHoop podcast and what the layoffs signify for sports and corporate media at large. Is ESPN imploding because they went SJW? Reince says the admin is looking at the first amendment.

On the Fun Half - Trump melts down on 'Deface the Nation,' a Bernie-leaning Michigan voter on being bamboozled to vote for Trump, on Hillary's former centrist framing of abortion rights, and Germany's Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel bashes Ivanka's nepotism.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EDT