The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Cliff Schecter explains why Trump's horrible debate and awful tweeting has put the Senate back in play. Trump's midnight tweeting. Arkansas Attorney General tries to spin for Donald Trump calling on America to look into a sex tape. How will Tim Kaine debate Mike Pence? The extremist Mike Pence record. Why America needs a timeout. Chris Christie is going down and how does the Senate landscape look?

Film Guy Matthew Weiss talks about being a professor and remembering names. Matthew critiques Louie and suggests we all watch Abigail's Party. Mike Leigh's method and what kind of films can be made today.

On The Fun Half: Trump surrogates can't keep up with how awful he is. Glenn Beck is not running for President America. Donald Trump spokesperson uses online polls to try to convince Chuck Todd that Donald Trump won the debate. Jeb Bush is still sad and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-30-16-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

Steve Mims, the director of the film Starving the Beast explains the attack on funding for public universities and the language of "disruptive innovation" policy. The drive to slash public higher education and reinvent the value of education. The false assumptions behind the neoliberal turn in higher education. Imposing market-based metrics on non-market institutions. What is the purpose of higher education? Service workers and elite managers. Why the "sharing economy" is not a sharing economy and the smokescreens behind slashing public education.

On The Fun Half: Gary Johnson has another self-proclaimed Aleppo moment. Newt Gingrich fat shames. How Obamacare helps. Katrina Pierson knows that online polls are the most scientific. The Trump campaign tries to make the case that Donald Trump is the real feminist. Michael Savage says Hillary beat Trump at the debate because she is "low life". Young girl at a charlotte City Council meeting speaks out on racism. Justice Kennedy does not want to talk about Citizens United and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-29-16-Steve_Mims-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm EST

Why Donald Trump faltered at last night's debate. How Donald Trump's complete lack of knowledge and ability is catching up with him. Why the polls and pundits called the debate for Hillary. Results from the Frank Luntz focus group. Trump's delusions of grandeur. Why Lester Holt did a good job. Trump lies about his support for the invasion of Iraq and wants to know why no one calls Sean Hannity. Trump does not pay taxes or his contractors. Exposing the Trump myth and why he is just like other Republicans. Trump's misleading views on trade. Why Trump embraces trickle down and the time Trump said he had better judgment and temperament than Hillary Clinton and how Donald Trump treats women.

On The Fun Half: the danger of ICE. From Air America to Youtube progressive talk. Trump's grotesque sexism and racism. How long does Trump think Hillary has been fighting ISIS. Glenn Beck freaks out over Ted Cruz endorsing Ted Cruz and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-27-16-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST

The different flavors of #NeverTrump, from Rubio to Kasich and Bush to Ted Cruz. What is the residual layover from trump in the GOP. The demographic "cul-de-sac" and how the Trump nomination has shown the myth of the untapped conservative voters is a myth. The Trump campaign as a brash re-branding of "No-Labels," and how it motivates Trump's monomania on "otherness." Should Hillary try hard to provoke Trump in the debate or be content to play "teacher's pet."

On the fun half - Mike Pence is animated by some external force to say he is not a puppet, Paul Ryan says congress will be making laws for Trump, Chuck Todd wants more grieving Benghazi mom, and your calls an IMs.

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Direct download: 09-26-16-Luke_Thompson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Political strategist Cliff Schecter, explains the importance of the election and takes issue with Jimmy Dore's arguments. Why the filibuster is going to die. The danger to voting rights. How would Trump govern? Is Ted Cruz about to endorse Trump? Hillary Clinton's progressive new push on the estate tax. Neil Cavuto gives an absurd defense of not raising the estate taxes. The brilliance of Hillary's tax strategy.

Andy Kindler is headlining a Hillary Clinton memes. The time Gary Johnson sticks his tongue out at a reporter. And the time Gary Johnson said we shouldn't do anything about climate change because the world is gonna end anyway. Kindler reviews his set for the Hillary Clinton fundraiser. The time Al Franken complimented Sam Seder. The time Andy Kindler got cut from the Chevy Chase roast and Andy Kindler reviews the comedy stylings of the Dalai Lama.

On The Fun Half: What are Clinton's politics. North Carolina Republican Congressman says that charlotte protestors hate white people. Omarosa, says everyone Trump critic will have to bow down. Alex Jones doubts Hillary Clinton can debate? Why Colin Kaepernick is succeeding and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-22-16-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm EST

Derrick Jensen author of The Myth of Human Supremacy, explains the distortion of the west's relationship between humans and nature. Perceiving nature as a stand in for money. The problem with the "Great Chain of Being". Social stories and the desire to dominate. How plants communicate. What's the purpose of living? How do we understand how evolution works? A new model of biological success? Is agriculture the problem? And how do we get off the path of global environmental destruction and leaving behind the human supremacy mindset.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump calls for brining back Stop and Frisk at a Fox News Town Hall on race. Sean Hannity defends more police violence. Trump's Mahoning County, Ohio Chair is incredibly racist. Lead in Chicago public schools. Should America have a two child policy? Remember how horrible George W Bush was. Bill Clinton gives the preview of a pivot on TPP and advocates more giveaways for corporations. Geraldo Rivera  blames rap music. Hillary Clinton appears on In Between Two Ferns.   and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:35pm EST

Ross Douthat, blames Samantha Bee for Donald Trump in a absolutely stupid argument that spans form late night TV to the NBA. Sam responds to Jimmy Dore on the Supreme Court and whether or not there is a difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump's horrific potential Supreme Court potential Supreme Court picks and Merrick Garland's actual record. Jimmy Dore calls in to debate with Sam and it gets tense.

And Elizabeth Warren destroys the CEO of Wells Fargo. Donald Trump explains his philosophy of "other peoples money". Katrina Pierson, fails again. Louie Gohmert has an amazing theory as to why President Obama ordered the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki. Donald Trump Jr. compares Syrian refugees to skittles in an analogy that comes from Nazi Germany. and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-21-16-Jimmy_Dore-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:35pm EST

Lester Spence, a Associate Professor of Political Science and Africana Studies at Johns Hopkins, talks about the role of Police in creating social control. Policing, social control and political power. Police and class. Race and machine politics. The intersectional nature of the Black Lives Matter Platform. What it means to be black goes beyond police killings and abuse. The future of Black Lives Matter organizing. President Obama says his name "may not be on the ballot" but progress is. The problem with Obama's argument. Why Donald Trump will be awful and not lead to revolutionary backlash and claiming that Trump and Clinton are the same is absurd.

On The Fun Half: debating the usefulness of the Green Party. Fox & Friends makes the mistake of asking bigoted questions to an actual law enforcement official. Hillary Clinton comments on Isis and Trump. Donald Trump has a "vision" for profiling. The time Chris Christie lied about his role in bridge closures. Reviewing Christie's record on the bridge closures.  When Trump called Christie out out for the bridge closing and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-20-16-Lester_Spence-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

Michael Monday today, with TCM host and host of The Young Turk's "What the Flick?!" Ben Mankiewicz (@BenMank77) joining us to discuss the media's culpability in a potential Trump victory. How is the media "normalizing" Trump? The inscrutability of current horse race. The failure of the "supposed geniuses" strategizing for the Clinton campaign revealed by the DNC leaks. Why people so enthusiastic about Bernie Sanders disregard his reasoning on voting for Hillary.

On the fun half - Gary Johnson is still behind on the news, Reince Priebus threatens #NeverTrump republican politicians, Trump surrogate explicates Obama's "Otherness," Glenn Beck thinks he and his audience will be immortalized for history, Garfield High football team in Seattle takes a knee, and your IMs.



Direct download: 09-19-16-Ben_Mankiewicz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

Cliff Schecter explains why the media has never done its job in destroying Donald Trump. How Donald Trump has fueled his rise on birtherism and now say President Obama was born in the United States. Why the media is sick of talking about Trump's endless corruption at the very moment they need to talk about it. Trump is doing better in the polls because of third party performance. Why is Hillary Clinton struggling so much? Gary Johnson draws more from Clinton than Trump and the ads that Hillary Clinton should run.

Judy Gold is pissed at Donald Trump and our stupid media. Jimmy Fallon goes really easy on Trump. Late night shows and why they go easy on Trump. Donald Trump is the absolute worst and all of the disgusting people backing Trump.

On The Fun Half: a conservative Rabbi freaks out about Israel, his daughter and the "un-jews". Caller wanted to know if we talked about Trump in the first half. Megyn Kelly has had it with Katrina Pierson and she destroys Michael Flynn. Right Wing Mandela gives insight into the inner workings of the Trump campaign. Alex Jones has racist tendencies.  And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-16-16-Cliff_Schecter-Judy_Gold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

Nicole Nguyen an Assistant Professor of Social Foundations of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago and author of A Curriculum of Fear: Homeland Security in U.S. Public Schools, explains the relationship between national security and public schools. Programs that train public school students in national security and spying. Ways of thinking about security and the infusion of homeland security ideology and violence into public schools. Homeland Security and leveraging resources for "school reform". What are the results of the Homeland Security program like and the effects of fear on young people.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump is told by a Pastor to stop making a political speech at her Church and he backs down and later attacks her Fox. Democrats move towards a new and better public option. A Trump punches a seventy year old woman with a oxygen tank. A Flint resident is offended by Trump's visit and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 09-15-16-Nicole_Nguyen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST

Colin Powell has his emails leaked and we find out what he really thinks about Benghazi and Donald Trump. Bob Woodward is actually not a great journalist. Colin Powell and Condi Rice trash Neocons for getting Iraq wrong over email. New leaked documents reveal the incredible power of corporate money in American politics and probable corruption in Scott Walker's Wisconsin. Donald Trump is not going to release his medical records on the Dr Oz show. Donald Trump agrees to a Family Leave plan because his daughter forced him to do it.  Hillary Clinton offers a progressive paid leave plan. Big Sugar corrupts Harvard scientists.

On The Fun Half: Hillary Clinton is almost certainly going to win the Presidency. Sean Hannity has a Brown Belt! Bill O'Reilly has a bizarre understanding of race. Steve King claims Colin Kaepernick is supporting ISIS. President Obama destroys Donald Trump and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-14-16-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

Author and reporter John Washington explains why there are prison strikes taking place across America. The Free Alabama Movement. Post Civil War America and the American prison system. How brands like McDonalds and Victoria Secret benefit from prison labor. How prisoners are working many hours and receiving no payment. The modern prison human rights movement and how prisoners are organizing. Creating prison unions. The crisis in prison human rights and who is covering the strikes and where we go from here.

Remembering the murder of the Attica prison protesters.

On The Fun Half: Mike Pence will not call David Duke deplorable. Internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos has no idea what he is talking about. Donald Trump tries to make his supporters feel good about themselves. Trump supporters assault protestors. Bill O'Reilly tries to spin his defense of Roger Ailes and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-13-16-John_Washington-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm EST

Michael Monday today with Bhaskar Sunkara (@sunraysunray), talking Jeremy Corbyn and the contest for the Labour leadership. What Corbyn's resilience means for the future of the Labour party. Why Labour's prospects for victory in the next election are narrow. The exodus of workers from the Labour party. What it means for the left to take over Labour. How Labour is more easily influenced to the left than America's Democratic Party. How third parties take off.

On the fun half - Pence gravely defends Trump supporters as "not a basket of anything," Obama halts the North Dakota Access Pipeline, Trump wants to fill the Supreme Court with Scalias, and your calls and IMs!

Support today's sponsor, Harry', with code word MAJORITYREPORT at checkout.

Direct download: 09-12-16-Bhaskar_Sunkara-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

Phil Robertson says the Founders believed flood victims should deal with it themselves.

Cliff Schecter joins us to talk about the media and the current campaign coverage. The media's moment of reckoning with Matt Lauer's horrible Commander-in-Chief Forum performance and the lack of proportion in covering Hillary's emails and Donald Trump's blatant fraudulence. How television news ruined everything.

Former MR producer and current staff at Matt Binder joins the show to discuss his times since leaving the show. Is his child drinking Monster Energy drinks. Which NY billionaire is worse, Bloomberg and Trump? And Matt recommends watching "Stranger Things" and "Tallulah" on Netflix.

On the fun half - Glenn Beck has an insane analogy about our country and birth pangs, Corportatist Dems line up against Colorado Care, Mike Pence says Trump has a Reaganesque "core of humility," and your calls and IMs!

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Direct download: 09-09-16-Cliff_Schecter-Matt_Binder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EST

Today Sam, Kelly, and Matt break down NBC's Commander-in-Chief debate hosted by Matt Lauer. The waste of time by Lauer on email questions. Lauer's total lack of follow-up questions. Gary Johnson asks "What is Aleppo?"

On the Fun Half - More Commander-in-Chief Forum recap. What should the media do to cover Trump better, and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-08-16-Sam_Seder-Commander_Forum-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

Attorney with Earthjustice Stephanie Tsosie and Young Turks reporter Jordan Chariton (@JordanChariton) for updates on the North Dakota Access Pipeline Protests. 

Stephanie on the parties involved in the suit, originally brought against the Army Corps of Engineers, and Energy Transfer Partners, the pipeline company itself. The immediate goal of halting construction.

Jordan Chariton on the impressive camp sizes forming near the pipeline areas of Native Americans from around the state and country. The different degrees of obstructive protest being deployed by the "protectors." The historical solidarity of the protests in the wider Native American community.

On the fun half - Donald Trump continues practicing for the Commander-in-Chief forum, Pam Bondi is desperately trying to prove she wasn't bribed by Trump to not investigate Trump University, Hannity and Assange bond over Hillary Clinton's email, and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-07-16-Stephanie_Tsosie-Jordan_Chariton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

New York Magazine's Gabriel Sherman, explains the legal fallout from the sexual harassment allegations against Roger Ailes. The Gretchen Carlson settlement. Roger Ailes and his enemies. How Rupert Murdoch protects his executives who cross the line. Is Roger Ailes going to target Murdoch's sons. Why Greta Van Sustren is leaving Fox News so fast. Is Megyn Kelly going to jump ship? Is Sean Hannity scared? And how could Fox News executive Bill Shine not have known what was happening with Roger Ailes and the harassment culture.

Donald Trump sways awkwardly at a Black Church in Detroit and Ben Carson checks his phone.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson, leaves an interview to find his luggage. Bill Clinton sits on the board and gets big money from an online college. Donald Trump will not talk about being a Birther anymore. Katrina Pierson goes to new stupid places in defending her boss. Donald Trump does not pay his campaign staff. America and China move forward on a climate deal. Security contractors unleash attack dogs on Native American protesters in North Dakota. Woke Henry Kissinger and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-06-16-Gabriel_Sherman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EST

On this year's Labor Day special, some speeches featured before and some that haven't. Here's the rundown:

Studs Terkel compilation on the relevance of Labor Day.

Excerpt from John Lewis' "Democracy In Steel" from July 1936

Frances Perkins on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.

Eugene Debs, "Winning a World."

Eugene Debs, as performed by Mark Ruffalo.

Eugene Debs, from "The Crimes of Carnegie." (Read by a Librivox volunteer) 

Harry Truman upon vetoing Taft-Hartley.

Direct download: 09-05-16-Labor_Day_2016.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST

Cliff Schecter wants to know why the New York Times is obsessed with the Clintons. The new nothing story about the Clinton Foundation. Trump's immense corruption and abuse. Hillary Clinton needs to stop trying to appeal to Republicans. Why Clinton is failing to connect Republicans to Donald Trump. Trump doubles down on bigotry. Why John McCain might lose his Senate seat and will John Kasich undermine Donald Trump in Ohio?

Isabel Gillies calls in from her vacation. Is Pokemon GO dangerous? Does Isabel believe in spirits? The colonial history of Iraq and Isabel tells us to watch Almost Famous and Primal Fear.

On The Fun Half: A Trump advisor warns against "Taco Trucks" on every corner. Colin Kaepernick continues his protest and gets more supporter from other players. Was Donald Trump the most dangerous candidate. Alex Jones warns of the technocracy and your calls and IMs.

Check out today's sponsors! Casper, Get $50 toward any mattress purchase by visiting and using offer code MAJORITY. Also, Harry’s will give you $5 off your first purchase with promo code MAJORITYREPORT.

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Direct download: 09-02-16-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST

Journalist Sarah Jaffe, author of Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt, explains why Americans are protesting and resisting power. Movements Right and Left. President Obama and the Left. The radical left rebirth after the financial crisis. The opening up of anti Capitalist space. New disruptive protest tactics. Is the Left finally reading Alinsky. Intersectional politics and connecting the environmental crisis with social justice and inequality.

On The Fun Half: how the MSM is influenced by the Right. Are the Clinton's demonized? Hillary Clinton says we are still Reagan's "City on a Hill". Shep Smith calls out voter suppression on Fox News. The Right talkers fight each other. Glenn Beck makes a plea for peace. Anti Semites are optimistic about Donald Trump. The myth of Democratic Primary voter fraud and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 09-01-16-Sarah_Jaffe-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm EST