The Majority Report with Sam Seder

A Republican Candidate in Texas says that he wants black voters not to vote but instead spend their Food Stamps. Through a computer glitch the Majority Report was replaced by the Ken, Ken & Ken show, Ryan Grim of the Huffington Post joined the Ken Ken & Ken show, Ryan triad to explain why the Democrats are failing, debating Benghazi, why does Ryan hate America and want Black to vote more. Ken Ken & Ken gave financial advice. Ken Ken & Ken breakdown some "brilliant" Dennis Prager comments  on the War on Women and they took your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-31-14-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST

Journalist Jessica Bruder explains the American retirement crisis, more people living in vans across America, Nickled and Dimed meets On the Road, the new low income labor force, where mobile workers end working, the collapse of American retirement security and the difficulty of political organizing.

On The Fun Half: Jeb Bush leaning towards running for President, more follow up on the Sam Harris torture, Rafael Cruz with more insanity, why we need popular movements for social welfare, Mark Begich opens a lead in Alaska, why this is good for Social Security, Rick Weiland accuses national Democrats of undermining his campaign, the Red States where minimum wage is on the ballot, a call from H Jon Benjamin and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-28-14-Jessica_Bruder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

Smart Floridians want to secede because of the climate crisis, Chris Christie and Andrew Cuomo enforce obscene Ebola quarantine policies, was the Cuomo Christie press conference the worst thing ever? Nurse quarantined in New Jersey in violation of her human rights, another school shooting, what's at stake in the 2014 election and how the 2014 races are shaping up.

On The Fun Half: North Carolina candidate assaults his girlfriends Hairdresser, Chris Christie backtracks on the minimum wage, an awesome new Obamacare conspiracy, African children beaten in the Bronx called "Ebola", Random Rush, how to vote in the New York's Governors race,  and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-27-14-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:42pm EST

Political maestro Cliff Schecter joins us to discuss his latest piece on the police chief of Oakley, Michigan, population less than 300, deputizing 100 people to combat ISIS and hides their identity, what that says about America, an update on the Midterms and the incredible amount of money spent on it so far.

Actor Richard Kind joins us to discuss his incredible role in FOX's new TV show Gotham, how he must play golf when he goes on radio, his recommendation of Red Oaks on Amazon, Kind's time on the New York Stage and his last role in Travesties, Sharknado 2, his recommendation of the show Transparent.

Also, Ebola in NYC, a Jimmy Reefercake song, Paul LePage, legalized marijuana, your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 10-24-14-Cliff_Schecter-Richard_Kind-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm EST

Carne Ross the founder of Independent Diplomat explains the nationalism, what is progressive nationalism, the failures of Eurozone policies, austerity and democracy, the failure of Francois Hollande, worker cooperates and new economies and holding power accountable.

A #GamerGate supporter calls and to explain what drives the movement and its weird.

On The Fun Half: a final debunking of Sam Harris, right wingers want a state called Reagan, more fallout from #GamerGate and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread


Direct download: 10-23-14-Carne_Ross-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37pm EST

Chris Christie is sick of hearing about the minimum wage, he is lying and disgusting, a new video explains the "problems with Sam Seder", proving that Sam is Jewish, Progressives United Political Director Josh Orton explains why Scott Walker might get upset in Wisconsin, Republican leader says that some Wisconsin voters will vote against Scott Walker because they aren't "sharp" and Ebola hysteria still grips stupid people across the country.

On The Fun Half: Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow Laurie Garrett explains why its ridiculous to blame the government for the lack of an Ebola vaccine, oops the United States accidently delivers weapons to ISIS, Kurdish TV releases a music video mocking ISIS, did Leon Panetta violate CIA rules in publishing his book, Andrew Cuomo's book gets destroyed by Amazon reviews, Democrats getting serious about turnout, Random Rush, George Carlin gets a street named after him, Bristol Palin explains her drunken brawl in Alaska and your IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread  

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Direct download: 10-22-14-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm EST

Journalist and author of Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War James Risen explains the immense corruption of the "war on terror", Iraqi money laundering, the new mercenary class, the conman who claimed to read secret terrorism message on Al Jazeera and duped the CIA and the AirForce, the whistleblower Diane Roark and her abuse at the hands of the NSA, the case the Government is using against James Risen, why there hasn't been a single news story that has harmed national security during the "war on terror" and why Risen is willing to go to jail to protect his source.

On The Fun Half: Sam had to leave because of an emergency. Michael went through your IMs and followed up on Islam and #GamerGate and all your IMs.

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Direct download: 10-21-14-James_Risen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST

Nation Institute Fellow Dani McClain explains why Black women voters are key for the Democrats in the midterms, how grassroots organizers are connecting social and economic justice, Moral Mondays and shifting southern politics and voter suppression efforts and the 1014 elections.

Video game developer and women in tech advocate Brianna Wu explains #GamerGate and their campaign to harass her with death and rape threats that forced her family out of her home, what it's like to be a woman in gaming, and online internet, her experiences as a woman inside the video game industry, the broad implications #GamerGate has in the culture wars and political sphere and what we can do to agitate for a modern world that's safe for and accepting of women.

On The Fun Half: Ted Cruz calls Obama's blocked Surgeon General nominee an anti gun activist, the broader implications of #GamerGate and Islamophobia, Border agents fast tracking refugees back to danger in Central America and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-20-14-Dani_McClain-Brianna_Wu-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains why Andrew Cuomo is so delusional, the best ways to vote against Cuomo in 2014, the state of play in the 2014 election, can Mitch McConnell still beat in Kentucky, why Democrats may pull off an upset in Georgia, Mary Landrieu and Mark Begich's run smart campaigns on Social Security, radical Republican Cory Gardner running a tight race against Mark Udall, why Iowa may also elect a crazy person to the Senate, Democrats say turnout is good, why Tom Harkin is sitting on money that could be used to defeat Joni Ernst, why Democrats will hang on in North Carolina and  Ebola panic and the midterms.

Isabel Gillies explains how her new book Starry Night  is doing, what her next project is, Isabel's rough parenting week,  Isabel suggested the movies All Is Lost and what makes a movie store.

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn confuses African borders with America's borders during an Ebola hearing, Fox & Friends have an amazing explanation for why we don't have a Surgeon General, media and the Ebola hype, did Alaska Congressman Don Young kill someone once? and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-17-14-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST

Huffington Post Washington Bureau Chief Ryan Grim explains the story of Gary Webb the reporter who broke the CIA/Contra Cocaine dealing story,  John Kerry's role in exposing drug running, how the CIA loosened rules on reporting drug running, how the CIA created the Contras, Freeway Rick Ross and the Crack explosion, the mainstream media and the destruction of Gary Webb, why the LA Times hated Gary Webb, why The Nation went after Gary Webb, the racial politics of the Webb story,  why even the CIA was shocked at how successful the smear campaign against Gary Webb and the tragic end of Gary Webb's life.

Rick Scott refuses to appear on stage with Charlie Crist because Christ had a fan underneath his podium.

On The Fun Half: Ron Paul says "liberty not government" will save us from Ebola, how Libertarians are ruining Austin, the Wendy Davis race, Nikki Haley explains her bizarre reasoning for keeping the Confederate flag flying on the South Carolina State House and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-16-14-Ryan_Grim-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EST

Citizen Radio co-hosts and co-authors of Newsfail  Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny explain what inspired their book, why Allison quit the Nation, diversity and progressive media, who Jamie and Allison read, the problems with Jon Stewart and the Daily Show, debating Stephen Colbert, why MSNBC is losing viewers, the future of online news, supporting values instead of teams, the real reforms we need, a Guarrilla strategy for independent media and if you had the power to change one thing in politics what would it be?

On The Fun Half: the CIA finds its own counter insurgency policies are failures, a new Ebola case in Texas, culture and the profit motive, money as distinct from value, why Millennials are driving less and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-15-14-Jamie_Kilstein-Allison_Kilkenny-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

Cornell University Professor Edward E. Baptist author of The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism explains the absurd Economist review of his book that blamed him for not being fair to slave owners, stolen capital and stolen labor, slavery and the foundations of the global economy, the economics of slavery, the expansion of slavery in the United States, African Americans bodies as resources, torture and the legacy of slavery, Charles Ball and documenting slavery and the linkage between slavery and the development of the American economy.

On The Fun Half: protests continue in Ferguson, Cornel West arrested in Ferguson protests, tight midterm races, Mitch McConnell's insane lie on Obamacare and the Kentucky healthcare exchange, we could have had an Ebola vaccine without austerity, Scott Brown crashes UNH tailgate party and your IMs.

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Direct download: 10-14-14-Edward_Bapist-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

Middle East Eye contributing writer CJ Werleman explains why the New Atheists don't understand terrorism, the real reasons for terrorism in the Middle East, oil politics and terrorism, foreign policy and atheism and the real nature of suicide terrorism.

On The Fun Half: Elizabeth Warren says Obama sided with Wall Street, listening to Malala Yousafzai, Marriage Equality comes to Alaska, celebrating indigenous peoples day and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-13-14-CJ_Werleman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm EST

Attorney Michael Burg  of Burg Simpson explains how the drive against union labor is undermining building standards across the country, how corporations blocking Americans from the opportunity to go to Court, the propaganda against class action law suits, the most important post financial crisis law suit and why Wall Street criminals need to go to jail.

Consumer advocacy attorney Brandon Bogle explains the pharmaceutical industries scam testosterone products, targeting the aging male consumer, drug companies are marketing companies, how Pharma invents diseases and the health crisis created by Pharma scams.

Talk host David Pakman explains his impressions of the Mass Torts Conference, Dupont pollutes small town America, Supreme Court upholds draconian voter ID laws, the Republican voter fraud scam, why Republicans benefit from low voter turnout and Phyllis Schlafly says Obama is letting Ebola in America on purpose to make it more like Africa.

Attorney Roger Denton explains the danger of the blood thinning drug Xarelto, why the marketers behind Xarelto are lying about the safety of the drug, why Bayer Pharmaceuticals is so horrible and the FDA revolving door.

On The Fun Half:  how Sam gambles, why David Pakman always gets Ided, why Republicans target trial lawyers, is tipping a problem and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 10-10-14-Sam_Live_Vegas_Day_2-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Radio host and author Thom Hartman explains new research on how to reach conservatives on the climate crisis, do we need to fight climate change to "protect the American way of life"? The difference between the liberal and conservative minds, using conservative memes to fight climate change, how and why we can rebuild the American grid and the battle between private and public good in reversing climate change.

Attorney Peter Mougey of Levin Papantonio explains why regulation isn't working in America, Wall Street and regulatory capture, why fines on Wall Street make no difference, how the financial sector is threatening pension systems across America, why the big banks get away with everything, Eric Holder's pro corporate legacy, why we need trial lawyers in regulation and UBS's Puerto Rico retirement scam.

Josh Young author of And Give Up Showbiz?: How Fred Levin Beat Big Tobacco, Avoided Two Murder Prosecutions, Became a Chief of Ghana, Earned Boxing Manager of the Year, and Transformed American Law explains the amazing life of attorney Fred Levin and his incredible role in brining down big tobacco.

On The Fun Half: decentralizing energy, how will Sam will win his money back in Vegas, the importance of tort cases and holding corporations accountable and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 10-09-14-Sam_Live-Vegas-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

Alnoor Ladha the Executive Director of The Rules explains the roots of global poverty and inequality, why global institutions favor the wealthy, why social movements from Occupy to the African Awakenings are the future, the WorldVsBank protests and creating a new global movement.

Malaya Davis of the Ohio Student Association  explains the fight for justice for John Crawford, the unarmed black man killed in a Walmart, their three demands for the local Police and how the community has responded to their activism.

On The Fun Half: The Islam debate continues, Reza Aslan debunked? Brian Kilmeade says Generals should walk out of their meetings with President Obama, Rush Limbaugh says liberals want whites to get Ebola and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-08-14-Alnoor_Ladha-Malaya_Davis-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:35pm EST

Lawrence Lessig the head of MayDay PAC explains his strategy for radical campaign finance reform, big donors and our corrupt campaign finance reform, equality movements and those with power and without power, what candidates MayDay PAC is supporting, why MayDay PAC is putting a million dollars into the South Dakota Senate race,  the importance of South Dakota Senate race is crucial for campaign finance reform, the corruption of South Dakota Republican Senate candidate Mike Rounds and why we need to start voting on campaign finance reform.

Freelance journalist Eugenia Williamson explains the rightward drift of PBS, corporate influence and public broadcasting and the surprising role of President Clinton in PBS's move to the right.

On The Fun Half: Matt and Michael takeover. Chris Cuomo says that Reza Aslan is angry and that's why people are afraid of Muslims, Gretchen Carlson's word salad, Elisabeth Hasselbeck's ebola fear mongering, debating Sam Harris, Rush Limbaugh thinks Obama wants white to get ebola and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 10-07-14-Lawrence_Lessig-Eugenia_Williamson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EST

Michael Macdonald author of  Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq and Professor at Williams College explains the core motivations that led the Bush Administration to invade Iraq, why invading Iraq was about creating a neo liberal Middle East, chaos and the goal of market "paradise" in Iraq, breaking the Iraqi state, confusing the real problem with the invasion of Iraq, regime change and logic of disorder, Thomas Friedman and the elite reasons for the war in Iraq, delusions and propaganda in American foreign policy, Dick Cheney and what the neocons really wanted in Iraq and why the current war on ISIS will fail.

On The Fun Half: the Supreme Court allows marriage equality to proceed across the country, Ferguson protesters disrupt St. Louis symphony with moving Michael Brown requiem, Ben Affleck takes on Bill Maher and Sam Harris Islamophobia, and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-06-14-Michael_Macdonald-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EST

Political strategist Cliff Schecter remembers Sam's role in Spin City, Fox News anchor says we can't trust Africans to get treatment fro Ebola because they go to "witch doctors", why the mid term elections matter, the implications of a Republican controlled Senate, the Senate race in South Dakota, Harry Reid and Tom Daschle feud, how Democratic leadership is messing up the midterms, why Democrats can still win on raising the minimum wage and increasing Social Security, Cliff predicts Alison Grimes will beat Mitch Mcconnell and how Chris Christie screwed New Jersey commuters.

Film Guy Matthew Weiss talks about what's next after Teachers Lounge, Film Guy Matthew's teaching method, why Sam does not go to movies anymore, Michael's review of Time Is Illmatic and Matthew suggests the movie Hellaware.

David and Jason Benham explain why losing their HGTV reality TV show for their anti Gay and anti Muslim activism is just like being attacked by ISIS, Scott Brown explains that no one really cares about equal pay and reproductive health and your IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 10-03-14-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:57pm EST

Economist and author of The End of Normal, James K  Galbraith explains how our conception of normal economic growth was formed, how growth began to start favoring the wealthy over the working and middle classes, what led to the 2008 economic crisis, financialization and the culture of criminality, the problems with economic forecasting, why 2000 was a turning point, how the Bush Administration tried to keep the economy running, the problem with the term "Great Recession" the four horseman" of low growth, technology replacing labor and why a robust social safety net is the best response to the "End of Normal".

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson says learning about actual American history might make students want to join ISIS,  College Republicans release a demented new say yes to the dress ad targeting young women voters, birth control helps prevent unwanted pregnancy and your calls and IMS.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 10-02-14-James_K_Galbraith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST

The largest day of airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, why the White House is waving its own rules on civilian casualties, the death toll in Iraq and Syria, who is profiting from the new Middle East war, Iraqi Army drops ammo and food for ISIS fighters by mistake, new stunning Secret Service failures, Laura Ingraham blames first US Ebola case on Obama's "Core Ties To The African Continent", Michele Bachmann tells Value Voters Summit that the war is "about Islam", is the Tea Party gonna sit out the Kansas Senate race and the Kansas Tea Party's stunning demands to back the Kansas Republican senate nominee.

On The Fun Half: how to push the Democrats to the left, if the Republicans win Congress expect terrible trade agreements, pay gaps between rich and poor across the globe, the 1 Percent are more active than the rest of us, why the Secret Service is failing and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 10-01-14-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm EST