The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Murtaza Hussain, a journalist for the Intercept, explains the stunning story behind the Fort Dix terror plot. Recorded July 15.

FOR MEMBERS: Air America throwback (2/11/2005), Sam and Janeane interview Eugene Mirman, Eddie Izzard, Flight of the Concords, and Stewart Lee live from the HBO Comedy Arts Festival.

Direct download: 12-31-15-Murtaza_Hussain-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST


From October 16, Sam live in Las Vegas at the Mass Torts Made Perfect conference:

Tim Maloney of Maloney & Campolo is on first Volkswagen’s use of a “defeat device” in their software to cheat emissions tests. Discussion of VW’s ambitions to be the world’s’ largest car company, and the role “clean diesel” was meant to play in getting them there. Which VW executives and engineers must have known about the cheat, and what was the long game? Finally, how this type of behavior is incentivized by corporate structures.

Chris Paulos from Levin Papantonio is on to talk about DuPont’s contamination of the Parkersburg, West Viginia area with C8, a harmfully bio-persistent and toxic surfactant originally developed, and subsequently phased out, by 3M. Discussion of DuPont’s cover-up of C8 contamination, as well as DuPont’s history of malfeasance and criminality. Next, the strategy and ramifications of the Carla Bartlett v. DuPont case. The use of C8 in the production of teflon products, and DuPont’s failure to incinerate the C8 as 3M guidelines recommend.

Finally, Michael Baum of Baum Hedlund is on to talk about Factor 8, a hemophilia drug found to be infected with HIV in the early 1980s. How plasma centers sought hepatitis-infected plasma, needed for antibodies, by using donors from prison populations and by advertising in gay magazines. The subsequent use of that infected plasma to make blood products meant to be with non-contaminated plasma. Baum says estimates of people infected are nearly 10k in the US and 10k internationally.

FOR MEMBERS: Paul Starr on the political decisions that formed the media, spanning from the 15th century to the 21st.

Direct download: 12-30-15-Mass_Torts-Paul_Starr-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST


Journalist Johann Hari, explains the motivation for his new book Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on DrugsWhy were drugs banned to begin with and what really creates drug addiction. Harry J. Anslinger the most important person you never heard of. Anslinger’s racism and obsession with Billie Holiday. The racist roots of the drug war. The heroism of Billie Holiday and the white supremacist crusade that destroyed. Arnold Rothstein and invention of modern drug dealing. Why cartels are so violent. Former drug warriors who want to end the war on drugs. Debunking drug addiction myths. What we can learn from Portugal. Also why drugs are a social problem not an individual one. Recorded January 22.

FOR MEMBERS: Another throwback to Air America days, Sam and Janeane talk to the late historian Tony Judt on Abu Ghraib, governmental lying, the media during wartime, Israel/Palestine and much more. Recorded 6/2/2004.

Direct download: 12-29-15-Johann_Hari-Tony-Judt-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST


Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everythingexplains the fundamental organizing reality of the climate crisis and why the “right is right” on what addressing climate will mean for capitalism. Why the left should talk about climate change all the time and why they don’t talk about it more. Why the “extraction worldview” allow us to think of ourselves as separate from nature. Why the 1980s were the worst time for establishing a serious policy on climate change. How mainstream environmental groups were compromised by becoming part of the Washington DC game and should we focus on confronting the fossil fuel industry or seriously investing in renewable energy? And defining the movement that needs to be built in order to reverse the climate crisis. Recorded November 19, 2014.

FOR MEMBERS: A throwback to Air America days, Sam interviews Harry Shearer discussing the Army Corps of Engineers' failures in New Orleans that led to the Katrina disaster and Tom Delay.

Direct download: 12-28-15-Naomi_Klein-Harry_Shearer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST


6:45 - Professor Walter Block explains the four types of Libertarians and why he is a Anarcho/Libertarian. Non-aggression and property rights. The confusing world of Libertarian Courts. Feudalism or Hobbesianism? How were property rights established? Retributions and Libertarians. Natives Americans, homesteading and property in America. Also Walter Block’s relationship to Rand Paul and the vaccine debate. Recorded February 11.

1:03:10 - Pando Senior Editor Mark Ames, explains how Symour Hersh’s attempts at Corporate muckraking in the 1970s reveal the dangers of going after the corporate state. Dangers of corporate muckraking journalism and what’s wrong with the NSA debate. Recorded June 8.

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Direct download: 12-24-15-Walter_Block-Mark_Ames-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00am EST


9:00 - Gary Dorrien, an American social ethicist and theologian at Columbia Univeristy, is on to discuss his book The New Abolition: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Black Social Gospel and how modern movements like #BlackLivesMatter relate to historical black freedom movements. 12:50 - What is the Back Social Gospel? What did "abolition" come to mean and who were the New Abolitionists? 25:23 - The four strains of the Black Social Gospel. The dispute between Booker T. Washington and Du Bois. 34:10 - How Dorrien's four strains have developed over time. 40:00 - Getting Martin Luther King Jr. right. Cornel West's view on King. MLK the socialist. 47:00 - The consequences of historical amnesia. How these currents affect the DNC primary.

52:30 - Michal Rozworski, writer and host of the Political Eh-conomy podcast, is on to discuss his Jacobin article Why We Fight Uber. How Uber is essentially a dispatcher with lobbyists. 59:00 - How Uber undermines the idea of the risk-taking capitalist. 1:05:00 - The potential for co-op ridesharing platforms. Seattle's pro-union decision for Uber drivers.

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Direct download: 12-23-15-Gary_Dorrien-Michal_Rozworski-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30pm EST


-Cliff Schecter and Sam explain why the DNC favoring Hillary Clinton is bad for everyone. Why Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the worst. Why Marco Rubio is not going to win the Republican Primary. Why Hillary Clinton is wrong to run to the right on taxes. How the Democrats goad Donald Trump, is this the end of the Republican Party and who hurts the Republican Party more Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. (9:00)

-Sam explains whats inside the Budget deal. (37:40)

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump goes crazy sexist against Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump hates journalists but promises not to kill them. Why we have a better country with higher taxes. Sam debates our favorite conservative caller Doug and your calls IMs.

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Direct download: 12-22-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST


Jeb Bush claims that he is winning by losing. Bernie Sanders and the data breach controversy. Democrats focus on Donald Trump at the Democratic Debate and ignores the rest of the Republican crazies. Bernie and Hillary clash on regime change. Hillary's conflicted policy on Syria. The problem with Hillary Clinton's "no new middle class tax" pledge and why we need universal programs in college and healthcare.

On The Fun Half: why Martin O'Malley is kind of annoying. New Matt's bizarre Star Wars experience. Why Hillary Clinton is undermined by the DNC helping her. Caller Michael thinks Jeb Bush is still in the race. The Chris Christie "surge".

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Direct download: 12-21-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST


12:12 - Blogger Digby (Heather Parton) explains why the Right is pushing hard against women's rights. Barack Obama and the spike in anti Muslim bigotry. How anti women and Muslim politics go together on the Right. Why the Right hates Hillary. The full scope of the horrific war of the Republican war on women. Why Donald Trump is the Pope of the GOP. What the Republican base is losing. The year of Black Lives Matter. The prison state and the extension of Jim Crow. Technology and holding Police accountable for systemic abuse. Barack Obama unleashed and the differences between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

1:06:13 - Isabel Gillies is not going to see the new Star Wars movie. Why Isabel's phone fell out of her window. Isabel enjoyed 2015 and Isabel's picks for the best movies of the year and Isabel tells us to listen to Serial season 2 and Sam and Michael are not happy with the pick.

The DNC uses a software failure to block the Sanders campaign from accessing its own voter data.

On The Fun Half: Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a disaster as DNC Chair. Bernie Sanders gets a major new labor union endorsement. Hillary Clinton should back Bernie Sanders and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-18-15-Digby-Isabel_Gilles-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST


Grist's Ben Adler explains what the world agreed to at the Paris agreement on climate change (9:40). The innate damages of global warming pollution. Why everyone in the world agrees on the climate crisis except for the Republicans - including North Korea( 18:34). Why the Paris agreement acknowledges but does really do anything about the scale of the climate crisis. The 2020 global update on carbon cuts. The changing roles of South Korea, China and Singapore in the Paris agreement. Will global energy companies and first world countries be held accountable? The practical details of dealing with the human toll of the climate crisis and why poor countries are hurt the most by climate change (25:28).

On The Fun Half: why the Democratic establishment rigged the debates against Bernie Sanders. Safe spaces on college campuses. Can Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. Bill O'Reilly compares the "War on Christmas" to terrorism. Random Rush and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-17-15-Ben_Adler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST


We review how the Republicans did in last nights debate. The implications of the Republican freak-show for the rest of the country. Why Marco Rubio is a very weak candidate. The foreign policy debate inside the GOP and Donald Trump and Rand Paul both make sense for a minute. Will Cruz and Trump be to the left in foreign policy and Donald Trump has no idea what he is talking about.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson is ready to kill innocent people too. Jeb Bush fails again and your IMs.

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Direct download: 12-16-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST


Ian Millhiser, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress Action Fund and the Editor of ThinkProgress Justice, explains the educational and public policy benefits of Affirmative Action (10:50). How a student body is built at prestigious universities. The long dividends of racial diversity in college campuses. Why Justice Roberts is the most anti-Civil Rights Justice on the Court. The history of affirmative action (14:05).  What is the Supreme Court's role in determining the type of education a university provides (19:55)?Why Justice Kennedy is like the Dread Pirate Roberts (24:35). How Justice Kennedy and Justice Roberts differ in their views of race (26:28). Does Abigail Fisher even have standing (37:35)? And why Elena Kagan is recusing herself, and what the rules for recusal are for Supreme Court (42:32).

On The Fun Half: Sam and Michael give their debate predictions. Ted Cruz goes all in on the anti Muslim conspiracy bandwagon and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-15-15-Ian_Millhiser-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST


Interview with journalist Jesse A. Myerson joins us to discuss his recent piece for The Nation How to Get Rid of Your Landlord and Socialize American Housing, in 3 Easy Steps (7:12). How private real estate value is created by public goods (8:47). Enclosure of the commons, and the relationship between communities, housing, schools, and race (11:12). Myerson's three policy solutions (21:48). Bernie Sanders' pro public goods candidacy (33:07).

On The Fun Half: Why Bernie Sanders matters more than Donald Trump in the long run. Trump claims Cruz is bought by Oil companies. What's inside the Paris climate deal. Is Ben Carson a secret member of the Wu Tang Clan? And your calls and IMs

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Direct download: 12-14-15-Jesse_Myerson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST


-Cliff Schecter and Sam debate closing the No Fly List loophole. Why Cliff thinks we should do it and why Sam thinks its a problem. The smart politics of the No Fly List bill. Why we don't have the "right" to bear arms. Why if this case goes to the Supreme Court its a bad and dangerous thing. Donald Trump goes full bigot and nativist. Why the mainstream press still won't admit that Republicans love Trump. Why all the other Republicans are just like Trump and why Sam has been predicting someone from the crazy caucus will get the GOP nomination (11:27 )

-Andy Kindler explains why he would have turned in other actors during the McCarthy era. How Andy Kindler became a comedian. Sam lets Andy know about H. Jon Benjamin's Jazz album. Kindler comes through NYC without visiting sam and Andy's history with Donald Trump. (54:27)

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump gets what he wants from Ted Cruz. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-11-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST


Greg Grandin, a professor of history at NYU and author of Kissinger's Shadow explains the global scale of Henry Kissinger's crimes (9:20).

How Henry Kissinger locked in the Israel/Palestine crisis and why we still live under "Kissingerism"(18:00).

The intellectual roots of Henry Kissinger. Why Henry Kissinger is not a realist and how Nixon and Kissinger used foreign policy to get reactionary support in American politics (25:57).

Why Kissinger's Southern African wars help explain Iran Contra. What makes Kissinger different from The Dulles Brothers (31:41).

The Kissinger and Nixon bond. Why Kissinger is treated as a revered elder statesman when he is a war criminal and the Democrats who spread the Kissinger myth (40:23).


On The Fun Half: A corrupt scientist erupts at a Greenpeace researcher, Bernie Sanders explains how to fight Trump. Never Give Dick Cheney credit for anything and your IMs.

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Direct download: 12-10-15-Greg_Grandin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST


Journalist Guy Lawson explains his personal connections to Canadian politics(10:56). The Trudeau family history and how Justin Trudeau was able to become the Prime Minister of Canada. Why the left wing NDP lost ground in Canada's elections by embracing austerity. Why Justin Trudeau leveraged a charity boxing match into becoming Prime Minister(16:00). Is Canada relevant to global politics? Rob Ford the Crack smoking conservative political leader and the destruction of Canadian identity Confronting anti Islamic bigotry and preserving Canadian identity and the Obama and Trudeau bromance(27:54).

On The Fun Half: Greenpeace exposes scientists ready to take cash to lie about climate science. Why we should monitor Gun owners. Donald Trump provides no cover for Republicans. Blind support for the Right in Israel is a threat to Israel. Fox & Friends wants to train children how to takedown active shooters. Philadelphia Mayor calls Donald Trump an "asshole" and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-09-15-Guy_Lawson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST


Harvard historian Sven Beckert, author of Empire of Cotton: A Global History, tells us why cotton helps us understand capitalism (8:16). How Europe was able to dominate the global cotton trade. The difference between "mercantile" capitalism and "war" capitalism (12:23). Slavery and the growth of global cotton. How Southern slavery is a part of national and global history (15:41). Why the British Empire focused cotton production on India. How nation states were central to the development of capitalism and modern sweatshop labor and the history of capitalist development (18:07).

On The Fun Half: Debating Donald Trump's Muslim ban with our "Constitutionalist" caller Doug. Ted Cruz surges in Iowa. Donald Trump goes full Fascist and Sam gets into a heated debate with Michael Steele and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-08-15-Sven_Beckert-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST


Hilary Matfess, a research analyst at the National Defense University’s Center for Complex Operations, explains the dangers in Nigeria's new discovery of oil reserves in the Lake Chad area. The "resource curse" and Nigeria's corruption. Coordinating security efforts against Boko Haram and why oil disputes undermine that effort and the broader effort to reform Nigeria's oil sector.

On The Fun Half : President Obama's address on terrorism. What President Obama believes about terrorism. Jeb Bush wants Obama to be intense! And your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-07-15-Hilary_Matfess-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:42pm EST


Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the common thread of America's insane gun laws in the terror attacks in Colorado and California. Why being an arms dealer should make you socially ostracized. Reshaping the culture of guns and society. A new Gun TV channel and Every study shows that more guns make communities less safe. Now women can serve in any combat role in the military. How social change happens and Donald Trump continues to dominate.

H. Jon Benjamin and Sam reflect on their upbringing and he explains his reasoning behind releasing a Jazz album. The reviews of Jon's album have not been great. Were the musicians Jon worked with offended by his lack of ability to play. Is Jon's son proud of him?

On The Fun Half: Why did the San Bernardino County terrorist attacks. Donald Trump makes a lot of Jew jokes to a roomful of Republican Jewish crowd. A conservative teen twitter war.  And your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-04-15-Cliff_Schecter-Jon_Benjamin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST


We update the latest information from the shootings in San Bernardino.

Premilla Nadasen an an associate professor of history at Barnard College, Columbia University and author of the new book Household Workers Unite: The Untold Story of African American Women Who Built a Movement, explains why household workers have been ignored in the dominant narrative of labor history. Why the New Deal ignored domestic labor. Race and who a worker was and is. The "gendered imagination" and the limits of northern labor organizing. The logistical challenges of organizing without a collective workspace. The incredible organizing power of Georgia Gilmore and why her story matters. The Bronx "slave markets" and the use of story telling by members of the domestic workers movement and the importance of intersectionality in overcoming racial divisions in organizing domestic workers.

On The Fun Half: Mike Allen pisses off Rahm Emanuel. Alex Jones conducts an epic interview with Donald Trump. Alabama Police Department planted drugs on black men for years. Ted Cruz's campaign releases raw video that shows Cruz trying to forcing his mom to talk about personal things in a campaign ad and your IMs.

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Direct download: 12-03-15-Premilla_Nadasen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm EST


Freelance journalist Brandon Smith explains the story behind the release of the Laquan Mcdonald murder video. The erased Burger King video and was there a systemic Police coverup. Why the Mcdonald killing is emblematic of Police killings of African Americans across Chicago. Will the other officers on the scene be criminally investigated?

Micah Uetricht an Associate Editor of In These Times explains the dark role of State's Attorney for Cook County Anita Alvarez in pressing charges against Jason Van Dyke. The broader history of the Chicago PD's abuse of African Americans. The political interests of Rahm Emanuel and will there be a federal investigation of Chicago Police? Why Mayor Emanuel's new oversight board will probably not lead to real reform. Did Mayor Emanuel block the release of the video to save his reelection campaign? The killing of Rekia Boyd and are Anita Alvarez and are Rahm Emanuel in political danger.

On The Fun Half: Tween conservative story leaves the movement. Eric Bolling is incredibly stupid and he has his own 9/11 conspiracy. Steve Doocy also backs Donald Trump's Muslim smearing. New Atheist bullshit leads to horrible things. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-02-15-Brandon_Smith-Micah_Uetricht-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EST


Journalist David Dayen explains how monopolies and duopolies are harming public health and setting back innovation. Where is the incentive for companies to deliver better products in monopoly markets. The Boston Tea Party and the history of Antitrust laws. How disruptive technologies can lead to monopolies. Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson's differing responses to monopolies. The Golden Era of Antitrust and Robert Bork's war against Antitrust laws. Antitrust in the Amazon driven economy and why we need an Antitrust movement.

On The Fun Half: Why "Black on Black" crime is a garbage argument. The systemic abuse of the Chicago Police. Donald Trump wants money to show up at the next debate. and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 12-01-15-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST


HuffPostLive Host and Producer Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani, explains how Republican rhetoric creates a context for American terrorism. The attacks on Planned Parenthood and the lack of accountability for demonizing women's health providers. Is Turkey backing Isis? The incoherence of the West's Syria policy and what wold coherence look like.

On The Fun Half: Republicans start calling Donald Trump a fascist but still might vote for them. World leaders meet to discuss the climate crisis in Paris and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 11-30-15-Caroline_Modarressy_Tehrani-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:22pm EST


Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist for The New York Times, Charlie Savage, discusses his new book Power Wars: Inside Obama's Post-9/11 Presidency. Savage explains how Obama has persued many of the same National Security policies as the Bush Administration all the while putting the policies on a more secure legal footing. Savage also delineates the differing objections to many of the Bush post 9-11 policies and why some on the left feel betrayed by Obama on civil liberties.

And for members only an interview with Senator Bernie Sanders on the Patriot Act from the Air America days in 2005!

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Direct download: 11-25-15-Charlie_Savage-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:36am EST


Kathryn Olmsted, the Chair of the History Department at the University of California Davis and author of Right Out of California: the 1930s and the Big Business Roots of Modern Conservatism explains the surprising California roots of modern Republican politics. The plutocrat reaction to FDR and how the California agriculture industry helped spread modern conservatism.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump advisor knows he would get beaten up if he went to a Black Church. CNN takes Muslim baiting to a new extreme. Glenn Greenwald calls out CNN for war mongering and your IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 11-23-15-Kathryn_Olmsted-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EST


Linsey McGoey, lecturer in Sociology at the University of Essex  and author of No Such Thing as a Free Gift: The Gates Foundation and the Price of Philanthropy, explains the hidden history of philanthropy.

The relationship between great wealth and structural reform. Why did Andrew Carnegie and other plutocrats believe in charity. The faulty assumption that wealth isn't supported by government. How much money does the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation actually give? Is philanthropy feeding inequality. When charity becomes R&D. Grants and avoiding taxes. Do companies need charity? And what sort of results are the Gates Foundation having on education and global health.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump pushes the Muslims in New Jersey cheered conspiracy theory. Why the mainstream media still can't deal with Donald Trump and what he represents. Black Lives Matter protester attacked at a Trump rally. Donald Trump wants water boarding and calls Jeb Bush weak. New Atheists and magical thinking and your IMs.

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Direct download: 11-23-15-Linsey_McGoey-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST


Cliff Schecter explains the sickening decision of the Republican House's move to block Syrian refugees. The mainstreaming of anti Islamic policies and rhetoric. Donald Trump is a bigot and the Republican frontrunner. Chuck Schumer is a problem. What is Hillary Clinton's foreign policy? Clinton opposes demonizing Islam. The Libyan intervention and learning from foreign policy failures. Bernie Sanders calls out American backed coups. The unfolding crisis in Africa. Bernie Sanders follows in FDR's footsteps and calls for economic freedom and Bernie Sanders explains why we need Medicare for all.

Isabel Gillies talks about menopause, New Kelly is starstruck. When is Isabel's next book coming out? Looking back on Star Wars. Getting your kids into a good high school? And Isabel tells us to watch The Great British Baking Show.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump proposes fascist style Muslim tracking program. John Kasich Super PAC launches stupid campaign against Donald Trump. Donald Trump destroys Kasich on Twitter and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 11-20-15-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST


Janeane Garofalo finally watched the Hunger Games. The way to avoid family political fights.  What type of Republican is Janeane. Why we should have limited travel for Ben Carson supporters. Is this country less right wing than people think? Why the press is still dumb. Can Bernie Sanders get elected President? President Obama calls out fear mongering on refugees and Ted Cruz is pathetic.

On The Fun Half: We are not bankrupt. Janeane is not interested in debating conservative callers. There is no liberal media in the mainstream. Also your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 11-19-15-Janeane_Garofalo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EST


Yousef Munayyer the Executive Director of End the Occupation explains the core dynamics that need to be addressed in order to destroy ISIS. The lessons we need to learn from the Iraq invasion. Why endless Occupation does not work. Addressing the Saudi Iran proxy war. The nature of the Assad regime. How the West and Russia are getting pushed together in Syrian policy. Why partition won't work and the regional solution that would secure Syria and Iraq.

On The Fun Half: Jeb Bush knows how to tell who is and isn't Christian. John Kasich wants to create a new government agency that would spread Judeo-Christian propaganda across the world. Ben Carson has no idea what he's talking about. Jeb Bush is so unpopular. Does the left have a "Islam problem" and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-18-15-Yousef_Munayyer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

What are the different types of Islamist politics. Saudi and Iranian politics. The distinctions between Sunni and Shia Islamic movements and the flaws in Western foreign policy.

On The Fun Half: Sam Harris responds to the Paris attacks and we respond to him, Louie Gohmert says that the ISIS leader has a PHD in Islam so he knows what Islam is and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 11-17-15-Michael_Brooks-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST


How the terrorist attacks in Paris happened. The terror tactics reflect ISIS. The command structure of ISIS and security policy in Europe. Bernie Sanders says he takes a more "conservative" approach to foreign policy than Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton says we are not at war with "radical Islam". Martin O'Malley calls out Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders needs to get sharper in the debates. Hillary Clinton's major fail. Hillary Clinton incoherent on free college and Bernie misses another opportunity.

On The Fun Half: Sam speaks with a caller from Paris. Why is Sarah Palin still on national TV! And your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 11-16-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm EST


Cliff Schecter explains how the Koch Brothers created Joni Ernst. How the Koch Brothers money network works. The shadowy world of far right money and the disaster of Citizens United. Why the Republicans are not rational. Will Mitt Romney jump in? Why attitude is what matter in the Republican Primary and the GOP death spiral.

Film Guy Matthew Weiss is on the verge of a big career breakthrough. We debut a freshly discovered Ben Carson diss track. Film Guy Matthew prepares for Tae Kwon Do tournament and he told us all to watch À nos amours.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump gives a absolutely insane and hilarious speech in Iowa, explains his plan to bomb "the shit out of ISIS", rips into Ben Carson and calls out Marco Rubio. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-13-15-Cliff_Schecter-Film_Guy_Matthew-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST

Listen along with Sam, Michael and new Matt to full coverage of the Republican Primary debate on November 10th.

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Direct download: 11-10-15-Fourth_GOP_Debate-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47am EST


MSNBC reporter and co-author of Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg explains where the Notorious RBG meme came from. Why Justice Ginsburg has always been a trailblazer. Overcoming sexism and anti-semitism in the law. How Justice Ginsburg's progressive politics were developed in Sweden in the 1960s. The law and redefining gender norms. Justice Ginsburg's low key approach and hidden radicalism. Where does Justice Ginsburg stand on economic issues. The reasoning behind Roe v. Wade and Ginsburg's future role on the Court.

On the Fun Half: Bill O'Reilly says fascism is creeping across college campuses because of anti racism activism. Bush senior attacks Dick Cheney. Why Republicans want lower wages. Sam's complete guide to superdelegates and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-12-15-Irin_Carmon-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm EST


Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi explained why Carly Fiorina got him drunk at his Republican drinking game. How long can Ben Carson go along with saying nothing. Why the Fox News Business debate was a giant nothing burger. Why John Kasich is so depressed. How Jeb Bush is preparing to drop out. Carly Fiorina keeps lying. How far will Donald Trump go and why the press cannot accept how crazy the Republican Party is.

On The Fun Half: Why Hillary Clinton is wrong on raising the minimum wage. Ben Carson talks gibberish on the financial system and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-11-15-Matt_Taibbi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:45pm EST


Research analyst and journalist Mike LaSusa explains Rudy Giuliani’s history of using “Broken Windows” and “Zero Tolerance” policies in New York City. The stunning level of brutality the NYPD used in enforcing these policies. Rudy Guiliani's consulting work in Mexico, Brazil and Trindad and Tobago. Class, race and violence in Latin America, what actually reduces crime and "Zero Tolerance" and gentrification.

On The Fun Half: The strike for a living wage, debating Israel and Palestine, Ben Carson blames drug addiction on political correctness and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-10-15-Mike_LaSusa-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm EST

Blogger Digby explains the insanity of the modern Republican Party. Why Ben Carson and Donald Trump are the perfect examples of today's Republicanism. Ben Carson willing victim of a practical joke? The mega delusions of Ben Carson. The Donald Trump drop out theory. How the three Democratic Candidates faired in the MSNBC Democratic forum. Why the Democratic Primary is a good thing for the Party and progressives. Corporate Democrats panic. Why Bernie Sanders needs to push further left in order to deepen his challenge to Hillary Clinton and why Bernie needs to get more clear about what his political "revolution" means.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson freaks out at a press conference. Bill O'Reilly battles George Will. Michele Bachmann is pretty convinced the world is coming to an end. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-09-15-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST


Cliff Schecter explains the victory of Matt Bevin in the Kentucky Governors race. Why Democrats are still failing to explain Obamacare. Why Third Way Democrats keep failing. Why Democrats need to run as populists. Why legalizing Marijuana failed in Ohio. Is it over for Ben Carson? The Ben Carson con artist campaign. Jeb Bush continues to sink and Chris Christie sinks to the little kids debate.

Brian Reich the host Sportocracy talks about talking with his kids about sports and injuries. The horror of sports injuries, would Brian let his kids play Football? The ethics of watching sports? What happened to Grantland? Bill Simmons and the real "Gamergate". And Brian tells us to watch The Two Escobars.

On The Fun Half: Fox & Friends struggle with reporting good jobs numbers and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-06-15-Cliff_Schecter-Brian_Reich-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:27pm EST


Joy-Ann Reid is a national correspondent for MSNBC and the author of the new book Fracture: Barack Obama, the Clintons and the Racial Divide explains the uneasy history between African Americans and the Democratic Party. Jesse Jackson's relationship with the Democratic Party and the changing demographics of American politics. Reaching out to Black voters and alienating white voters. Why President Obama is hesitant to speak directly to African American issues. The differences between the Clintons and Obama when speaking on race. The split between African Americans and the left over Obama. President Obama civil rights leadership and Wall Street.

On The Fun Half: The why of progressive taxation, Ben Carson's campaign releases a rap song, Harry Reid rips Morning Joe for its softball Koch Brother interview and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-04-15-Joy_Ann_Reid-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:39pm EST


A shock win for a far right extremist in the Kentucky gubernatorial race. The threat to healthcare in Kentucky. Ohio voters reject a controversial Marijuana legalization proposal. Why Marijuana prohibition destroys lives. A user of Medical Marijuana has the state of Ohio take their newborn baby away from them. Houston rejects equal rights. Charter School in Brooklyn has "got to go" list of kids who administrators wanted forced out of the school and the danger of Charter Schools.

On The Fun Half: Caller Greg wants Jordan to absorb all of Palestine. Rafeal Cruz says the country will be destroyed if Hillary Clinton wins,  Jeb Bush says sorry to the French and Donald Trump rips Marco Rubio. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-04-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST


Edward Miller an an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Global Pathways and American Classroom programs at Northeastern University and author of Nut Country: Right-Wing Dallas and the Birth of the Southern Strategy, explains the surprising history of the modern southern strategy. Why JFK coined the term "nut country".  Race, class and conservative politics. Texas politics, segregation and racially driven politics. The Howard Hunt media empire, the first Alex Jones and the Republican devolution on Civil Rights.

On The Fun Half: James O'Keefe's sad new pathetic fail. Megyn Kelly mocks the Republican candidate debate demands. Republican debate demands. Donald Trump is amused by the "low energy" Jeb Bush. Lawrence Lessig drops out of the Democratic Primary and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 11-03-15-Edward_Miller-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

Juan Cole of Informed Comment Blog and author of The New Arabs, explains why Turkey's Justice Development Party won big in yesterdays elections. Why President Erdogan is getting more authoritarian and rigid. Why Erdogan is campaigning against the Kurds and the why of Turkey's interventions in Syria.

Comedian Christopher Hamilton says political correctness is hurting comedy.

On The Fun Half: Sam breaks in to debate PC and comedy. Paul Ryan wants Family Leave for him and no one else, terrorists murder a secular publisher in Bangladesh and Bernie Sanders is not sexist. Also your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!

Direct download: 11-02-15-Juan_Cole-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EST


It's Halloween and the Ken, Ken & Ken Show returns! KKK talks with the Huffington Post's Ryan Grim about the liberal media, whether or not he's "butthurt" after the last GOP debate and whether Bernie Sanders should be afraid of getting of getting taken out by the Clintons.

KKK take on more liberal media myths, Bernie Sanders hugging a Muslim student and take your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-30-15-Ryan_Grimm-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST

The MR Team commented in real time on last night's "Big Boy & Girl's Table" Republican debate from Boulder Colorado.

Direct download: 10-28-15-Third_GOP_Debate-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EST


Sam and Cliff Schecter cover the GOP debate. Answers to the questions: Who got body salmmed? Who will now have to drop out?  Why CNBC is like a Right Wing Waynes World? The amazing stupidity of the CNBC anchors and why the kids table debate was worthless. The Mike Huckabee hustle. When is Rand Paul going to drop out? Why Chris Christie did enough to stay in the race and why John Kasich is is like Jon Huntsman. Why Jeb Bush is the Fredo of the Bush family and when Marco Rubio owned Jeb Bush in the debate. Is Ted Cruz the best long term bet to win the Republican Primary? Why Ted Cruz won by playing the attack the media game.

In a palette cleanser Bernie Sanders expresses a beautiful support for a Muslim student and he issues a wonderful condemnation of bigotry in all forms. Bernie calls for decriminalizing Marijuana on the federal level. How to vote in the Ohio Marijuana referendum and how to think about the new budget deal.

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Direct download: 10-29-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm EST


Andrew Highsmith an assistant professor of history at UC Irvine and author of Demolition Means Progress: Flint, Michigan, and the Fate of the American Metropolis, explains the origin of the phrase "demolition means progress". Flint Michigan and GM's history of racial segregation. African American politics and the limited nature of reform in Flint. Education and poverty. Housing, wealth accumulation and segregation. The difference between Metropolitan and Suburban capital and the dangerous priorities of capital.

On The Fun Half: Marco Rubio tries to justify missing Senate votes and fails. Michael Steele explains to Sam on All in With Chris Hayes why Republicans don't count 9/11 in  George W Bush's security record. George W Bush would need to prevent 9/11. The water crisis in Flint Michigan. John Kasich whines that the Republican frontrunners are crazy, pretending like the rest of them aren't. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-28-15-Andrew_Highsmith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST


Good news! The Obama Administration takes a turn away from over testing children and why we still aren't addressing the underlying crisis of economic injustice in education.

Robert F. Kennedy, JR., explains the goal of Patrick Kennedy's new book. Why the Right Wing media attacks his family for business and ideology. Ted Kennedy and living with the death of three brothers. The Kennedy family ethic and the loss and trauma that they have endured. Has Patrick Kennedy upset his members of his family with his new book? The personal warmth and compassion of Ted Kennedy and what Patrick Kennedy is doing for mental health and addiction in America.

On The Fun Half: The war for the soul of the Democratic Party. How Bernie Sanders should and can make the case that he gets things done. Donald Trump had it hard he only got a small "million" dollar loan from his father. Bernie Sanders calls out the Clintons for rewriting history on Gay rights. Hillary Clinton defends her record on Gay Rights on the Rachel Maddow show. Chris Christie blames Black Lives  Matter for an increase in crime and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-26-15-Robert_Kennedy_Jr-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EST


Cliff Schecter explains the absurdity of the Benghazi hearings and the nonsense Republican scandal machine. Trey Gowdy admits that the hearings exposed something new. What if Republicans were held to the same standards as Democrats. How delusional Republicans are about national security. Why did the Republicans focus on Benghazi? The awful parts of Joe Biden's record and why he is wrong about Republicans. Will Hillary Clinton be more influenced by the left. Why Lincoln Chafee failed as a candidate. Should Lawrence Lessig be in the next Democratic Debate? And Paul Ryan is already caving to the Freedom Caucus even before he becomes Speaker of the House.

On The Fun Half: meet the new MR producers Kelly and Matt. Ben Carson says Benghazi was "present" for Mitt Romney. More fallout from the Canadian elections and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-23-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EST


Journalist and author of the now free eBook The Hunting of Hillary,  Joe Conason explains the dark and bizarre history behind the Clinton conspiracy industry. Vince Foster's suicide and why the Right is the Clintons killed him. The evolving nature of the Benghazi scandal and why it migrated from Obama to Clinton. Exposing the Right Wing lie machine. Why The New York Times used to parrot the Right Wing conspiracy machine. How Trey Gowdy has endlessly embarrassed himself during the Benghazi hearings and are Republicans setting themselves up for another backlash just like they did when they impeached Bill Clinton.

On The Fun Half: "Nation of Islam" Obama tells us why Benghazi happened. Mark Levin freaks out about Paul Ryan and Harry Reid's trolling works. Joe Biden's dumb call out of Hillary Clinton. Understanding socialism. Jeb Bush says Super Girl is "hot". Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-22-15-Joe_Conason-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EST


John Kay a visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and author of Other People’s Money: The Real Business of Financeexplains the purpose of finance and how our economy devolved into greater financialization. Why paper wealth allows you to "imagine" more wealth. The “I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone” model of banking and do we need to wait for the next financial crisis for real reform?

On The Fun Half: Why Lawrence Lessig should have run as a Republican. Paul Ryan's terms and conditions for running for Speaker of the House. Bibi Netanyahu says the Grand Mufti gave Hitler the idea for the Holocaust. Is Bernie Sanders really a socialist and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-21-15-John_Kay-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST


Leah Gordon a Assistant Professor of Education at Stanford University and author of the new book  Power to Prejudice: The Rise of Racial Individualism in Midcentury America, explains how racism was explains cultural theories of racism and how these discourses have undermined a structural understanding racism in America. the limitations of viewing racism and prejudice on the individual level. The various pressures on post-war social science and the influence of behaviorism. The marginalization of liberal organizations and social scientists under McCarthyism and the problem with understanding racism through individualism.

On The Fun Half: Sam and Michael break down the Canadian election results, why Justin Trudeau ran a successful anti austerity campaign. Revisiting more Clinton conspiracy theories. Sam takes down Sam Harris again. More thoughts on the foreign policy of Bernie Sanders. Also your calls and IMs.


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Direct download: 10-20-15-Leah_Gordon-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EST


Donald Trump calls out George W Bush for the September 11th terrorist attacks happening under his watch. Jeb Bush whines and incoherently defends his brother. Reviewing the history of the Bush Administration's negligence before September 11th. Introducing the two new members of the MR team!

Journalist Tina Dupuy explains her forthcoming Podcast Cultish.

On The Fun Half: Sam debates our favorite conservative caller Doug, the best ways for Bernie Sanders to explain Democratic Socialism and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-19-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EST


Tim Maloney of Maloney & Campolo is on first Volkswagen’s use of a “defeat device” in their software to cheat emissions tests. Discussion of VW’s ambitions to be the world's’ largest car company, and the role “clean diesel” was meant to play in getting them there. Which VW executives and engineers must have known about the cheat, and what was the long game? Finally, how this type of behavior is incentivized by corporate structures.

Chris Paulos from Levin Papantonio is on to talk about DuPont’s contamination of the Parkersburg, West Viginia area with C8, a harmfully bio-persistent and toxic surfactant originally developed, and subsequently phased out, by 3M. Discussion of DuPont’s cover-up of C8 contamination, as well as DuPont’s history of malfeasance and criminality. Next, the strategy and ramifications of the Carla Bartlett v. DuPont case. The use of C8 in the production of teflon products, and DuPont’s failure to incinerate the C8 as 3M guidelines recommend.

Finally, Michael Baum of Baum Hedlund is on to talk about Factor 8, a hemophilia drug found to be infected with HIV in the early 1980s. How plasma centers sought hepatitis-infected plasma, needed for antibodies, by using donors from prison populations and by advertising in gay magazines. The subsequent use of that infected plasma to make blood products meant to be with non-contaminated plasma. Baum says estimates of people infected are nearly 10k in the US and 10k internationally.

Plus your calls and IMs!

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Direct download: 10-16-15-Tim_Maloney-Chris_Paulos-Michael_Baum-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST


Attorney Michael S. Burg explains how the homebuilding industry is building unsafe and faulty homes across the country. The collapse of labor unions and the degrading of building standards. Why the homebuilding industry is working to protect itself from lawsuits and the manipulation of the idea of "affordable housing". And how the game is rigged in favor of the builders.

The Chairman of the Board of Action Network Douglas Land explains why consumers need trade associations to protect themselves. How Action Network helped create the "keep your promises Dupont" campaign. Shareholder activism and how to hold corporate giants like Dupont accountable. How social media can help confront corporate abuse. Why Carly Fiorina is is basically the perfect expression of the problem and why corporations have thought of litigation as just a part of doing business and do Europeans to corporate accountability better?

Attorney Travis Lepicier explains what torts are and what mass tort cases are. How and what do dangerous drugs get developed and how do law firms discover clients abused by corporations and create cases. And what you can do if you have been harmed by the drug Invokana.

Ed Schultz explains why Bernie Sanders did a great job in the Democratic debate. What Hillary did and why the other three candidates don't matter. Why Bernie needs to sharpen up on foreign policy. Does Bernie need to broaden his pitch? And Ed explains the motivation behind his new Super PAC: Americans for a Strong Middle Class and Scott Walker's complete fail as a presidential candidate and why we need to kill the TPP.

And your IMs.

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Direct download: 10-15-15-Ed_Schultz-Michael_Burg-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm EST


Cliff Schecter thinks Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley all had strong performances at the Democratic Debate. Adam Green says last nights debate shows why the Elizabeth Warren wing of the party is winning. Is Hillary Clinton copying Barack Obama? Should we be cautious before trusting the Democratic Party elites? Reminding everyone that Bernie Sanders is more progressive. Why we all get welfare and Bernie Sanders expansive views of human rights and public good. Hillary Clinton's absurd comments on whistleblowing and Edward Snowden and a smarter way to take on the gun industry.

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Direct download: 10-14-15-Adam_Green-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm EST


On today's M&M Monday (on tuesday) Matt and Michael go on a trip down memory lane and talk about Matt's four and half years on the Majority Report, compare impressions and everyone wishes Matt a fond farewell.

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Direct download: 10-13-15-Matt_Binder-Michael_Brooks-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:54pm EST


The New Republic's Elizabeth Bruenig explains the inside workings of the new Marijuana industry.

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Direct download: 10-12-15-Elizabeth_Bruenig-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:42pm EST


Political strategist and weekly MR guest Cliff Schecter explains the limited political appeal of Kevin McCarthy and what Right Wing donor helped stick the knife into McCarthy. Why did McCarthy get destroyed? What the House Freedom Caucus wants. The only reason Paul Ryan would want to become Speaker of the House. Why the Republicans aren't a party anymore. What's next for the GOP? Will the Republican Party break up? Hillary Clinton comes out agains TPP, the transforming nature of the Democratic Party and what will happen in the Democratic debate next week.

Isabel Gillies and Film Guy Matthew Weiss sing along with their theme songs. Remembering how creepy Kids was. Did Matthew send off Matt properly. The crew talks New York and nostalgia and Matthew says we should watch News From Home. And Isabel suggests that Matt watch Braveheart. Why did Isabel pick Braveheart?

On The Fun Half: Rupert Murdoch demands a "realer" black President. Republican hack brings back the "magical negro" meme about President Obama. Peter King is terrified of Don Young. Rand Paul's brilliant solution to the mass shooting crisis (it involves stickers). Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-09-15-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm EST


Former Missouri State Senator and author of  Mr. Smith Goes to Prison: What My Year Behind Bars Taught Me About America’s Prison Crisis explains the campaign violation that sent him to prison. Where Jeff Smith served his prison sentence and why he always supported prison reform. The untapped potential of prison and the "underground economy". Who makes up the prison population? The attitude of prison officials toward the prison system. All the special interests that want the prison system to stay as it is. How do prisoners survive and the need for an underground economy in prison and why the prison system keeps prisoners trapped.

On The Fun Half: Republicans knife Kevin McCarthy and he drops out of the Speakers race. Right Wing caller Dug debates the Constitution with Sam. This is how Ben Carson actually deals with a gunmen. Ben Carson also clearly has no idea what the debt limit is. Is China a existential threat?  Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-08-15-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:45pm EST


What is President Obama's secret plan for Joe Biden, we hear from "Nation of Islam" Obama. The TPP is close to a done deal and why it still might be difficult to pass. US bombs hospital in Afghanistan. What could possibly justify bombing a hospital? What is the US justification. Doctors Without Borders debunks American spin on the airstrikes. The "moral high ground" and civilian deaths.

On The Fun Half: How Republicans destroyed studies on the effects on public health of gun ownership. Eric Bolling universal background checks are unfair to poor people. Wow. Ben Carson wants Kindergarden teachers to have guns in the class room. Texas textbook calls slaves "immigrants" and "workers". Donald Trump is in the middle of prayer circle. Ben Carson tells Fox & Friends what he would do in a mass shooting. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-06-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Independent journalist Melissa Etehad explains political currents underlying the Syria crisis at the UN Assembly meeting. President Obama and President Putin's distinct strategies in Syria. Can the Syria crisis be solved and Israel's former PM Ehud Olmert calls out the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

David Futrelle creator of the We Hunt the Mammoth a website that tracks the "mens rights" movement, explains what created the movement. "Pick Up Artists" and mens rights. Hatred of women and the Internet. White supremacists and the "manosphere" and what is "Men Going their Own Way"?

On The Fun Half: Jeb Bush says in response to the latest mass shooting "stuff happens" and Carly Fiorina says her medieval history degree will help her fight ISIS and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-05-15-Melissa_Etehad-David_Futrelle-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST


Cliff Schecter on why the latest mass shooting literally means there is blood on the hands of anti gun control Congresspeople. The NRA's battle against American public safety. President Obama's passionate statement on the Oregon shooting. Why guns are more dangerous than terrorism. President Obama tell us its time to politicize these issues. The problem with Bernie Sanders rhetoric on guns. The white male regression and the Planned Parenthood hearings. The most likely next Republican leader, Kevin Mccarthy admits Benghazi is all about politics. Why the Republicans are not a real political party anymore

Andy Kindler talks with Sam about his time in standup comedy. Andy's war with Piers Morgan. Piers calls Kindler an "obsessive little weirdo". When in your career can you just tweet at people. What to make of Donald Trump. The pundit weasels and Donald Trump as a bad insult comic and Andy's next comedy appearances.

On The Fun Half: we get a drunk caller who makes more sense than libertarians. Bernie Sanders raises big money from small donors. Bernie Sanders responds to Jeb Buhs's "free stuff" comments on CBS News and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 10-02-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST


New Republic Senior Editor Brian Beutler explains the new split inside the conservative legal movement. What is the Federalist Society and what does it do. Why conservative judicial activists are moving even further away from "restraint". Randy Barnett and the Libertarian faction of the Federalist Society. How a little known legal case called Lochner is being used to undermine the New Deal. Why the Right is now the faction of radical Court activism. The Republican internal debate about John Roberts. And what's next for the Republican leadership?

On The Fun Half: The head of Planned Parenthood owns Republican Congressman trying to shame her organization. More incredible lies about Planned Parenthood. Congressman Glenn Grothman explains why as 'a guy' he does not need Planned Parenthood. The GMO debate continues. A Major Majority Report announcement and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-30-15-Brian_Beutler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST


The great Janeane Garofalo talks about the Marc Maron monologue and why she does not listen to Podcasts. Janeane and Sam talk about how to pronounce words. Are comedians getting more political? Why student loans will force more young people into politics. Inspiration from Jeremy Corbyn. School fundraising and economic segregation. Are we at a tipping point? Donald Trump does not want to be President. The GOP's probable next leader Tom Price know nothing about women's healthcare (surprise, surprise). What happened to Ann Coulter? And how Janeane's conservative dad feels about Pope Francis.

On The Fun Half: Rush Limbaugh says new discovery of water on Mars might be part of a global warming hoax by NASA. Breitbart "blows the lid" on Ahmed the clock maker Muslim boy. The evolving nature of media discourse in America. Sam debates a Libertarian. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-29-15-Janeane_Garofalo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm EST


Clyde Prestowitz the President of the President of the Economic Strategy Institute, explains the faulty thinking behind the TPP. Why America's China policy is incoherent and our TPP policy shows us why. Brining China into the WTO and why it didn't cut the American trade deficit. Why our assumptions about trade deals are wrong. How China's trade policy undermines American jobs and how American corporations are complicit. Why Jeff Immelt is a supplicant in China and a player in Washington DC. And the elite consensus on trade.

On The Fun Half: Why did Shell stop drilling in the Arctic. Fox News Pope and sadly the real Pope backs Kim Davis. Jake Tapper grills Ben Carson and Carson's campaign advisor cuts the interview short. Peter King freaks out over John Boehner's resignation. Iran's President laughs at the GOP. Ted Cruz threatens to kill Iran's Supreme Leader. The GMO debate continues and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-28-15-Clyde_Prestowitz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

Cliff Schecter explains why John Boehner finally resigned. Will the government shutdown and what are the implications for the debt ceiling. Marco Rubio's feud with Donald Trump, Rubio's rise and Jeb Bush's Romney moment.

Sam and Isabel talked about parenting and Isabel told us to watch Grandma in theaters and told us to stream the animated movie Balto.

The time Carly Fiorina talked trash about Barbara Boxer's hair, libertarian caller argues Obama is a war criminal and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-25-15-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

Writer-at-Large for New York Magazine and Executive Producer, VEEP Frank Rich explains why the Mainstream fails in covering Donald Trump. Why you need to read comedic fiction in order to understand Trump. Public pranks and Donald Trump. Trumpism and the base of the Republican Party. Why Republican voters do not want Republican establishment candidates and why the Republican Party has no core only sugar daddies.

On The Fun Half: there are cool homeschoolers, is the Hunger Games right wing? SE Cupp twists herself into hilarious knots defending Ben Carson's anti Muslim bigotry. We listen to the best Masshole accent ever. Random Rush. What another government shutdown would mean and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-24-15-Frank_Rich-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:29pm EST


HuffPost Live and We The People Live host Josh Zepps explains the internal politics of the Pope's visit. Why the American Right is freaking out over the Pope. Will Donald Trump last? Why all the pundits were wrong about Scott Walker and why Martin Shkreli tells you what you need to know about the Pharma industry.

On The Fun Half: Saudi Arabia calls atheists terrorists, the leader of the UK's Labor Party is a vegetarian because he likes pigs (big contrast with Prime Minister Cameron?), the GOP freaks out over Pope Francis being an actual Catholic and your calls and IMs

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Direct download: 09-23-15-Josh_Zepps-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST


Andrew Sayer of Professor of Social Theory and Political Economy at Lancaster University and author of the recent book Why We Can’t Afford the Rich, explains the ideological and financial mechanisms that form neoliberal economics. Why we live in a global plutocracy. The problem with the word investing. Are all economies moral? How money and power defines morality in the economy. And what types of property should we support and not support.

On The Fun Half: Chuck Schumer's approval rating falls. Why GMO labeling is about ethics. Scott Walker claims he is showing leadership by dropping out of the Republican Primary. We remember Sarah Palin's amazing speech announcing she was quitting Governor of Alaska. Sociopath Pharma CEO  raises life saving drug price dramatically. Volkswagen installed software to defraud emissions controls. Random Rush. Carly Fiorina job destroyer and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-22-15-Andrew_Sayer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

Mark Leon Goldberg of UN Dispatch explains the success of the global fight against malaria. Is the international community shifting to a broader fight against poverty? The forthcoming UN sustainability goals. Why the international community is recognizing the connection between ecological and economic needs. The timelines for achieving global goals on poverty. Did the United States commit itself to cutting its own poverty rates? America's contribution to reducing the Aids and Malaria crisis. The Syrian refugee crisis and the global agenda. What three countries host the most Syrian refugees? The danger the Syrian crisis poses to Lebanon. And what to expect from this weeks United Nations meetings.

On The Fun Half: Richard Dawkins posits bizarre conspiracy theory on Twitter on the Muslim boy arrested for brining a clock to school. Are Bernie Sanders views on GMOs unscientific? Did the UK's Prime Minister David Cameron, "put himself" inside a dead pigs mouth. The Republican base and members of Congress believe crazy things about President Obama. Why John Boehner is worse than Donald Trump. Ben Carson does not want a Muslim President and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-21-15-Mark_Leon_Goldberg-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EST


Cliff Schecter joins us to discuss the latest happenings in Congress and to review the "best" of CNN's 2016 Republican Presidential debate.

Matthew Film Guy talks movies and recommends Mondo New York.

Jimmy Reefercake brings us his latest tune "Presidential Primary Blues."

In the fun half: Donald Trump's response to a Trump supporter saying we need to get rid of all the Muslims in the U.S., Doug calls in to blame young Ahmed for bringing his clock to school and debates Sam, plus yours IMs!

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Direct download: 09-18-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matt_Film_Guy-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:07pm EST


Blogger Digby explains how far right the political norm on the Right is now. Why Republican candidates think we are living in a dystopia. Why anti immigrant Republicanism will continue to undermine the Republican Party. Republicans don't understand foreign policy but they are afraid. When Carly Fiorina was a joke and why the Republican establishment wants her to succeed so badly. Did Ben Carson lose last night? Jeb Bush fails again. Is Jeb Bush the new Fred Thompson? Why Scott Walker is failing. Also why the Democrats should have more debates and a pro Hillary PACs pathetic attack on Bernie Sanders.

On The Fun Half: The best moment of the debate, Donald Trump dominates Jeb Bush. Why is Jeb Bush so low energy? Jeb Bush wants margaret thatcher on a 10 dollar bill. Is Donald Trump like Rob Ford? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-17-15-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:29pm EST

Listen along with the MR team to the second Republican debate!

Direct download: 09-16-15-GOP_Debate-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24am EST

A High School in Irving Texas suspends and have Police interrogate a 14 year old high school student named Ahmed Mohamed all because he made clock that some teacher thought was a bomb. Islamophobia matters.

On The Fun Half: Bernie Sanders speaks to Liberty University and frames inequality as a moral issue and what forms his worldview. The Pot business in Colorado. Mike Huckabee questions the motives of Syrian refugees. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-16-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

On today's M&M Tuesday, M&M take your phone calls on Trump's staying power, Bill Maher's absurd comments on Syrian refugees and Europe. And also Sam Harris tries to make sense on racial profiling and still does not.

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Direct download: 09-15--15-M_M-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST


Journalist Jay Cassano explains why Turkey's AKP Government is launching military strikes against Kurdish fighters and violating Kurdish rights in Turkey. The history of Turkish and Kurdish relations. Why the Turkish President is moving against the Kurds and is Turkey heading into civil war?

And Tennis star James Blake attacked by NYPD.

On The Fun Half: The radical leader of the UK's Labor Party, Bernie Sanders can draw more voters, Men's rights activists put out a new disgusting video and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 09-14-15-Jay_Cassano-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm EST


Sam remembers the September 11th attacks and how and why we harmed ourselves after them. Cliff Schecter joins Sam to discuss the fourteen anniversary of the September 11th attacks. Why the stolen 2000 election, the September 11th attacks and the invasion of Iraq were the three terrible events that defined the modern era. Watching September 11th happen. What could have been if Al Gore was President. President Obama and the world win a major victory with Democrats block a Republican filibuster on the Iran deal. How Elizabeth Warren helped solidify the Democratic Party. Also Prostitute visiting Senator David Vitter gets a reporter fired for asking him about prostitutes.

On The Fun Half: has Sarah Palin's stupidity actually gone up to another level? Glenn Beck calls Sarah Palin a clown and wants to know why she is hanging out with Trump. Robert Rubin, Hank Paulson and Timothy Geithner yuck it about income inequality. The CIA's role in Afghanistan and your IMs.

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Direct download: 09-11-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm EST


National Security journalist William Arkin author of Unmanned: Drones, Data, and the Illusion of Perfect Warfareexplains the growth of the global intelligence network supporting modern warfare and spying. The global hunt for information. The shifting calculus of unmanned war. How drone warfare has made border meaningless. The "Deep State" and the Obama Administration. The Homeland Security mistake. The fusion of domestic and international surveillance and the problem with the phrase "war on".

On The Fun Half: Glenn Beck says that Louie Gohmert sent him an email saying he might resign over the Iran deal. The Patriots were not the first Football team to tape other teams and we have proof. What the Republicans want to do to Social Security. What does a corruption probe that has already led to the resignation of the CEO of United Airlines have to do with Chris Christie? Donald Trump says that the Obama Administration failed on the Iran deal and says they will not "Read Art of the Deal". Jeb Bush continues to bore during his appearance on Stephen Colbert.

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Direct download: 09-10-15-William_Arkin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST


Steve Clemons the Editor at Large of the Atlantic explains the confusing nature of the Senate vote on the Iran deal. Why the Senate might not pass a bill disapproving of the Iran deal. The drama and the optics of the deal and how it plays out in Iran. Why the Obama team got a great deal with Iran. Hillary Clinton's problematic support for the Iran deal and the neocon influence on her foreign policy.

On The Fun Half: Mike Huckabee says he should go to jail instead of Kim Davis. Mike Huckabee aid physically blocks Ted Cruz from getting on stage with Kim Davis. Conservative calls in to debate the Kim Davis situation. Why Lawrence Lessig running for President is a waste of time. The Iranian cult/terrorist group the MEK and why so many Republicans support them. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-09-15-Steve_Clemon-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST


Alex Jones has an emergency alert to warn us that the elite are fighting the Tea Party. Why the elites want a world financial collapse. The one fact that Alex Jones nailed. Trump continues to dominate the Republican Primary and Sam called it when he Trump first jumped into the race and why Donald Trump is creating an internal war on the right.

On The Fun Half: Arizona local TV viewers freakout over a new anchor pronouncing Spanish words correctly. Debating a September 11 conspiracy theorist and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-08-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST


Happy Labor Day! Today on the program we bring you a collection of great speeches that celebrate labor and people power from FDR, Mario Savio, John Lewis, & more!

Direct download: 09-07-15-Labor_Day-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:09pm EST


Sam welcomes Cliff Schecter to breakdown the weeks news.

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Direct download: 09-04-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm EST

Harold A. Pollack a Professor at the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago explains how to save the disability insurance program and journalist David Dayen tells us why the FED is on the verge of a big mistake.

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Direct download: 09-03-15-Harold_Pollack-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST


University of Wisconsin Professor Harvey J Kaye author of  Fight for the Four Freedoms: What Made FDR and the Greatest Generation Truly Great, explains how FDR's Four Freedoms speech came about and how he connected the advances of the New Deal with America's intervention in World War II. What are the Four Freedoms. Was the New Deal inclusive? How the New Deal frightened southern Democrats. Freedom from Want and Freedom of Opportunity. The artistic rendering of the Four Freedoms. The Civil Rights movement and the campaign for the Double V. The progressive energy of the 1930s. And Ronald Reagan and the great pushback against a progressive America.

On The Fun Half: The Iran deal is going to happen and Lindsey Graham freaks out on Twitter. Republican Congressman terrifies school children by talking about Iranian children being trained to be suicide bombers. We have a GamerGate throw back phone call. Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis who refuses to issue marriage licenses to Gay couples, keeps getting divorces and having affairs. Donald Trump has found something in the Iran Deal that no one else has. Carly Fiorina makes into the CNN Republican debate. Ben Carson says we might have a "war on whats inside women". President Obama's new secret black nationalist plot and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 09-01-15-Harvey_Kaye-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST


University of North Florida Professor and author of Building God’s Kingdom: Inside the World of Christian Reconstruction explains the importance of Christian thinker Rousas Rushdoony and the drive for Christian run nation and administrated country. The relationship between the Christian Right and The reconstruction movement. How the reconstruction agenda is helping shape education and prison policy. And what the next wave of the Christian agenda is gonna be.

On The Fun Half: Rick Perry loses his mind at a Christian rally. Scott Walker is a dummy and wants to build a wall on the Canadian border? A caller tells us about growing up Christian. What is Israel's plan for Palestine and more abuses of the Occupation. How weird the Sarah Palin Donald Trump interview was. Is the Democratic Debate schedule rigged? Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis defies the Supreme Court and refuses to grant a marriage licences to Gay couples and is confronted. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 0901-15-Julie_Ingersoll-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

Columnist Malcolm Harris explains why college humor is limited by money not political correctness and he and Michael debate the role of political correctness in comedy and the changing nature of humor and taste.

Connecticut State Representative Matthew Lesser explains how he has taken on a leading role in the fight for student debt relief and how state politics can shape in national progressive agenda.

On The Fun Half: debating Chris Rock, Nas and comedy and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 08-31-15-Malcolm_Harris-Matthew_Lesser-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:54pm EST


Cliff Schecter explains the importance of Senator Tom Carper coming out for the Iran Deal. What Chuck Schumer should be worried about. Why Chuck Schumer should not lead the Democrats in the Senate. Why The Iran Deal is gonna happen. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz unite to destroy the world (or just kill the Iran deal). The Trump and Cruz love affair. SE Cupp blames liberals for Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders continues to rise and is Joe Biden going to jump into the Democratic Primary.

Isabel Gillies and Sam talk about Middle School memories. How the Isabel Gillies creative process works. The competition to get into good New York City high schools. How to tell if a parent has written a kids essay. Isabel's thoughts on Donald Trump. Why Trump resonates. Also Isabel suggests we all watch Stories Te Tell.

On The Fun Half: Why are Log Cabin Republicans backing John Kasich? No Donald Trump will not tell you what his favorite Bible verse is. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-28-15-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm EST

Author Colin Woodward, of  American Nations: A History of the Eleven, explains the 11 America's and how the different groups that founded America still shape our politics and culture today. Understanding our divisions in the American story. Have the fault lines in regional culture grown in recent history? Is mobility increasing our division. How do you balance individual freedom and group freedom. Who are the America's Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are talking to. And why Trump is hurting the Republican Party well into the future.

On The Fun Half: The practical realities of Islamophobia. Terrorist plots against American Muslims. More problems with Sam Harris. Fox' Five explain how hard it is to be white. A Trump supporter tells Jorge Ramos to get out of his country. Insane conspiracy theories about the Virginia shootings. Sam Harris thinks that European fascists get Islam? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-27-15-Colin_Woodward-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST


Gary Rivlin the author of Katrina After the Flood explains how the white elite of New Orleans used Katrina to take power back in the city. Why New Orleans has no public hospital after Katrina. "ethnic cleansing through neglect" and the plan to force black people out. The made up fear stories that helped drive the Katrina crisis. "Disaster Capitalism" and why the Bush Administration and the New Orleans Democratic leadership let New Orleans down and the policies that only benefited the white community of New Orleans rebuild.

On The Fun Half: Lindsey Graham says he would beat Donald Trump's brains out. Random Rush. Jeb Bush flounders on and warns against "evil doers". What really happened during Katrina. Why the media keeps brining up Elizabeth Warren.

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Direct download: 08-26-15-Gary_Rivin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

New Republic Senior Editor Jeet Heer explains why Donald Trump is not a real populist. Why America has distorted the meaning of populism. Richard Hofstadter's "status anxiety" and the raw reality of power politics. Trump's economic positions and why his base does not care. Why Trump is the Republican ideal going back to the Reagan era. Is Trump making overt racism normal again. What does Trump really want? Also getting real about what populism is.

On The Fun Half: Jeb Bush sticks to his guns on saying "anchor babies" but blames it on Asians! China and birth tourism. A atheist fan calls in to debate Sam. How dangerous is Donald Trump? And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-25-15-Jeet_Heer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST


Padraig O'Malley the author of  The Two-State Delusion: Israel and Palestine – A Tale of Two Narratives will explains why the conflicting narratives of Israelis and Palestinians undermines political solutions. How fear and humiliation define the conflict. Why the Two States solution is almost impossible and why the Occupation needs to end now.

On The Fun Half: Harry Reid backs the Iran deal, why Donald Trump's far right populism is getting scary and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 08-24-15-Padraig_OMalley-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm EST


Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains why he is out protesting the Koch Brothers who are visiting his home state of Ohio. The Koch Challenge and why the Kochs are destroying our drinking water. Jeb Bush falters. John Kasich is far right on guns, unions, reproductive rights and education. Why Kasich is becoming the establishment favorite. What can sink Kasich? And Martin O'Malley backs expanding Social Security.

Andy Kindler talks about his latest comedy victory at the Just For Laughs festival and his attacks on Louie CK. How Jerry Seinfeld found out Andy was dissing him. Debating Sam Harris followers on Twitter. The problems with New Atheism. If Hitler did the college comedy circuit. And Andy's critique of Jon Stewart.

The real problem with Sam Harris debate. Sam Harris responds to Sam and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-21-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST


Comedian the co-host of Part of the Problem explains how he considers him a libertarian and why he is a morally opposed to taxes. Should we cut the entire military? Resisting taxes and slavery. What would a ideal libertarian transition look like? Debunking the unfounded liability myth in social programs. What type of system produces the best healthcare. What spurred economic growth in the 1950s and 1960s. How do economies and regulations evolve. Is private property protected by force? And the fiat currency controversy.

On The Fun Half: More fallout from the great Libertarian debate. Donald Trump tears about Jeb Bush. Michael Steele admits Sam seder was right. Cornel West backs Bernie Sanders. John Kasich pushes far right education policies in Ohio and would love to abolish teachers lounges. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-20-15-Dave_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST


How stock options helped create create obscene levels of CEO pay and why incentives in modern Capitalism are all about short term gain. The problem with Stock buybacks and why the SEC is asleep at the helm. Governor Sam Brownback continues his Right Wing destruction agenda for the state of Kansas. The attack on public education leads to a "shocking" shortage of teachers. States roll back teaching requirements and the neoliberal push for private education.

On The Fun Half: A medical device worker explains more ways that the FDA saves lives. Is Sam Harris like Joe Lieberman? Why its even worse when Democrats support neoliberal education policies. Could the left have done more to hurt Andrew Cuomo in New York? Mike Huckabee says Martin Luther King Jr. would be appalled by Black Lives Matter. Chelsea Manning gets in trouble for unapproved reading material. Is Dick Cheney smart? What Donald Trump tells us about how wrong the mainstream media is.  Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-19-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST


Ann Lee a Professor of economics at New York University explains why the fundamentals of China's economy are strong and why the worry about a imminent economic collapse in China are unfounded. How China is portrayed in the Presidential election. A defense of China's currency policy. Whats motivating Chinese President Xi Jinping's anti corruption drive?

Donald Trump destroys Frank Luntz after he destroys Fox News.

On The Fun Half: Hillary Clinton talks with Black Lives Matter activists and debates changing hearts and changing laws. Honoring the incredible legacy of Julian Bond. Has Donald Trump exposed and eclipsed the Tea Party? Mike Huckabee supports forcing the ten year old victim of rape being forced to have her stepfathers baby.

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Direct download: 08-18-15-Ann_Lee-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST


Susan Dwayer a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maryland explains the importance of bioethics. Her critique of Steve Pinker's attack on the field of bioethics, Consider race, class and gender in medical research. And why we need to consider the big picture in medicine.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson calls Barack a anti semite. Bobby Jindal now imagining laws that don't exist and the Governor of Maryland said what? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-17-15-Susan_Dwyer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST


Cliff Schecter and Sam recap the fallout from the first GOP debate. Who is gonna win the New Hampshire Republican Primary? Is Donald Trump the future kingmaker of the Republican Party. Is Ted Cruz now a real contender for the Republican nomination? Chuck Schumer's absurd opposition to the Iran deal and why he should not lead the Democrats in the Senate. The transformation of media and why Chuck Schumer can't get away with his war mongering. The president of United Against  Nuclear Iran resigns because he backs the Iran nuclear agreement. But, UANI now has Joe Lieberman supporting the deal. Why the prospects for the Iran deal look good in Congress and is Chuck Schumer out as the next Democratic leader? And Jeb Bush says taking out Saddam Hussain was "a good deal".

Film Guy Matthew and his reading and gambling habits. Sam's appearance on Marc Maron's Sitcom. Why Sam does not like how Maron talks about politics. Matthew talks about documentary film making and suggests the early 1960s documentary called Portrait of Jason.

We talk with a caller who works in the food business and who loves FDA  regulation. Debating Bernie Sanders and how to run a grassroots campaign. How did Sam get into the film industry. Clean Coal is a lie. Can you compare the EPA to BP?

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Direct download: 08-14-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST


Journalist Sharon Lerner joins Sam to discuss the terrifying human costs of DuPont's "chemistry of deception". The dangerous chemical that almost all Americans are exposed to. The danger of teflon. Internal documents and the history of DuPont's deception. The products that since the 1950s have been a danger to public health that DuPont continued to sell to the public and expose its workers to. How the EPA finally finally DuPont and what comes next in the investigation of DuPont. And what comes next for DuPont.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson worked with tissues from aborted fetuses for his medical research in 1992, how will the crazies reacted. Can technology save democracy? Do progressives trust government to much? Transparency coming in teacher evaluations? Why is Lawrence Lessig running for President. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-13-15-Sharon_Lerner-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST


Sam Explains the details of Hillary Clinton's debt free college plan. Why Lawrence Lessig's possible presidential run is the real threat to Bernie Sanders. Heroic FDA regulator Frances Oldham Kelsey passes away and Sam honors her legacy with a epic Libertarian takedown.

On The Fun Half: More debating Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders promises to tackle "institutional racism". Are Black Lives Matters protesters successful. Donald Trump gets shrewd on Planned Parenthood. Donald Trump gives another amazing speech. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-12-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:32pm EST


Adam Green the co-founder of the Progressive Campaign Change Committee explains how the idea of debt free college developed. Hillary Clinton's push for debt free college. How progressives are winning the policy debate. Why progressives win when real issues are in play. Where all of the Democratic candidates stand on debt free college. Proving once again that activism matters and government can help peoples lives. What you can do locally to push for debt free college and what you can do if you work in national Democratic politics to help push progressive unity and change.

On The Fun Half: RedState's Erick Erickson called out for all of his sexist comments after he bans Donald Trump from his RedState event. Is Donald Trump paying Breitbart for good coverage? Debating Black Lives Matter and the Bernie Sanders campaign. Also your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 08-11-15-Adam_Green-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST