The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) and H. Jon Benjamin (@HJBenjamin) join us for Casual Friday.

On today's show: Sam recalls meeting Carter Page and hearing him say "dodgy dossier." Trump congratulates Roseanne Barr on her high ratings.

Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) joins us to talk about the latest from the Trump White House. Fired VA head David Shulkin and efforts to privatize the VA. Trump's unqualified celebrity appointees. Laura Ingraham's unwise attack on David Hogg and subsequent backhanded apology. Sam takes Cliff to task for giving a platform to David Frum, a man who wrote speeches for a war criminal, and a lively debate ensues.

Voice actor H. Jon Benjamin (@HJBenjamin), author of Failure Is An Option, joins us to talk about his book, his short career in academia, his terrible jazz album, and more. Sam and Jon recall their time as roommates. Long simmering rivalries are brought to the surface. Bill O'Reilly babbles drunkenly about race.

On the fun half: Jeb Bush accidentally makes a good joke at Trump's expense. Trump compares US infrastructure to that of "a third world country." Mad Dog Mattis gives John Bolton a warm welcome. The crew discusses religion as a force in the world. A caller gives insight into the minds of two Mexican-American MAGA guys he used to live with. The ins and outs of automatic voter registration. Boris Johnson gets taken to task for sexist comments. A caller tells us about Lindsay Shepherd, a grad student who went full alt-right via the "free speech" Jordan Peterson route. Do we hate Pod Save America?

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:42pm EST

David Webber joins us to discuss his new book, The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor's Last Best Weapon. 

In The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder: Labor’s Last Best Weapon, David Webber uses cases such as Safeway’s to shine a light on labor’s most potent remaining weapon: its multitrillion-dollar pension funds. Outmaneuvered at the bargaining table and under constant assault in Washington, state houses, and the courts, worker organizations are beginning to exercise muscle through markets.

On the fun half - Sam Harris is frustrated publishing his meltdown in an email exchange with Ezra Klein failed to convince people he's the most rational, Geraldo talks about whether he still talks with Bill O'Reilly, a caller defends Turkey, what does it mean that America can't police the world anymore, Tucker Carlson is worried about the decline of men still, Stuart Varney and Fox & Friends wonder why people are jealous of banker bonuses, and your calls an IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

Ari Berman (@AriBerman), senior reporter at Mother Jones, joins us to discuss his latest article, Hidden Figures: How Donald Trump is Rigging the Census.

On today's show: Sam Harris has a hilarious Twitter meltdown over some extremely fair mannered criticism from Ezra Klein.

Ari Berman, author of Give Us The Ballot: The Modern Struggle For Voting Rights In America, joins us to discuss the Trump administration's efforts to tamper with the census. Why the U.S. census has not asked respondents' citizenship status since 1950. Why an accurate census of everyone living in the U.S. is mandated by the constitution. The 2010 census' drastic undercounting of immigrants and POC and its implications for everything from voting rights to education. How Trump is trying to rig the 2020 census and steps people are taking to fight it.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders lies about the census and steals Jamie's Peter Pan collar look.

On the fun half: Alex Jones compares David Hogg to Hitler. S.E. Cupp says Melania will be a better role model than Hillary Clinton if she leaves her cheating husband. What are people's rights w/r/t ICE? A caller's insight into why Sam Harris is freaking out so hard. Conservative teen says more dumb things about gun violence, fellow panelists set him straight. A Steven Crowder appearance gets canceled due to his own elaborate demands. An update on how badly the DCCC is screwing up in PA by favoring establishment candidates. Hundreds protest the police killing of Stephon Clark at Sacramento City Hall.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EST

Nomiki Konst (@NomikiKonst) joins us to discuss recovery efforts in Puerto Rico.

On today's show: Andrew Cuomo is trying to quell voting rights in New York. Ben Shapiro criticizes David Hogg's speech using his trademark sophistry and MTV camera work.

Nomiki Konst (@NomikiKonst), investigative reporter for The Young Turks, joins us to talk NY state politics and disaster capitalism in Puerto Rico. The shady moves Cuomo has pulled to keep New York as Republican-dominated as possible in fealty to wealthy donors. The legitimate alternative presented by actress/activist Cynthia Nixon despite Cuomo and friends' efforts to smear her. The ongoing recovery efforts in Puerto Rico and how disaster capitalists are closing in like vultures. Wealthy entrepreneur Brock Pierce's plan to create a libertarian utopia/tax shelter there and how it resembles old fashioned colonialism.

On the fun half: Sam recalls his career as an assistant DJ. US media's misplaced praise for Mohammed Bin Salman. CNN's panel of conservative women don't believe Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels...but if he did, it would be fine. Herman Cain excuses Trump's history of housing discrimination with the "everyone's racist" defense. How John Bolton weaseled out of serving in Vietnam. What if the Trump WH goes to war before the midterms? The power of religious fundamentalism to keep people from acknowledging facts. DCCC still sabotaging progressive Democrats. Killer Mike's appearance on NRA TV and leftist criticism of how liberals approach gun control.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:27pm EST

On today's show: Rick Santorum says children should take CPR classes if they're so concerned about gun violence. NAACP National Youth Director Tiffany Dena Loftin on the importance of intersectionality in March For Our Lives. Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez gives a powerful speech. NRA TV's sad attempt at a response. Trump's un-evolved stance on NAFTA and how it's different from Bernie's. Why the federal "right to try" bill that just passed the House is a bad idea. How anti-sex trafficking bills SESTA and FOSTA would hurt the people they purport to be helping. A summary of voting rights measures to watch. Some developments in the Guccifer 2.0 story. Why Stormy Daniels was denied a spot on "Celebrity Apprentice."

On the fun half: Stormy Daniels recounts details of her affair with Trump. What we can learn from Marie Newman's failed bid in the Illinois primary. Judge Jeanine defends Trump's honor from Ann Coulter re: the omnibus spending bill. MA gubernatorial candidate Scott Lively wants "separation of LGBT and state." A caller uses arguments against raising the minimum wage to point out the powerlessness of the capitalist class. A caller compares March for Our Lives to his memories of anti-Vietnam War activism. Do Corbyn and Wolff's prescriptions for democratizing the economy go far enough? Sam's opinion on the omnibus spending bill. A libertarian calls in to talk about apples. Could the DSA be doing a better job on electoral politics? A DJ criticizes Matt's sound drops.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm EST

Blogger and political analyst Digby joins us to break down the latest news from the Trump White House.

On today's show: Sam fills in Ari Melber on John Bolton's extremism. Former Playboy model Karen McDougal admits Trump compared her to Ivanka during their affair.

Political writer Heather Digby Parton (@digby56), of and Hullabaloo, joins us to talk Trump's terrifying foreign policy moves. Who is Trump's new security advisor John Bolton and what does he believe? Bolton's history of extreme hawkishness, even among fellow neocons. His ties to fanatical Islamophobes like Pamela Gellar. Bolton's stated desire for pre-emptive war with North Korea and Iran. Will Trump veto the omnibus spending bill because there's not enough funding for the wall? Is Sean Hannity writing Trump's tweets? The "mad man" theory by which everyone gives Trump what he wants out of fear. Why Rex Tillerson was fired. What's going on between Kushner and Saudi Arabia. The United States as "rogue nation" and Trump as authoritarian threat. The last ditch option of Republicans standing up to Trump (yeah right).

On the fun half: Trump tells TP USA's Charlie Kirk his advice for his 25-year-old self: "don't run for president." Did Trump promise Stormy Daniels a spot on "The Apprentice"? Mick Mulvaney says Trump will sign the spending bill because it "funds his priorities" but Trump tweets otherwise...then signs it, anyway. John Bolton goes on Fox News, says he wants a "military solution" to North Korea. Rex Tillerson gives a farewell speech, tells us to be nicer to one another. A Norwegian caller fills us in on the history of libertarian socialism and why it's still a valid term. Jamie and Michael argue over whether there's room for anyone who's anything less than 100% pro-choice on the left. Mindy on how to talk to one's kids about Trump.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm EST

Today: political advisor Luke Thompson (@ltthompso) to give an inside view of how campaigns work and why we shouldn't overrate the capabilities of Cambridge Analytica. What is it that Cambridge Analytica actually sold? 

On the fun half - are we too dismissive of population growth concerns? Trump boasts of deals with MBS, Zuckerberg says Facebook should be regulated, Alex Jones warns of world war, ICE releases woman they terrorized for no reason, how to we respond to Sam Harris' idea religion is the root of all evil? and your calls and IMs!

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Journalist and historian Elizabeth Catte joins us to discuss her new book, "What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia."

On today's show: Austin bombing suspect blows himself up, Trump tweets his approval.

Elizabeth Catte joins us to discuss her book, "What You Are Getting Wrong About Appalachia." The media paints Appalachia as a place with a monolithic culture, but it's actually quite diverse. How the message of  JD Vance's "Hillbilly Elegy" goes along with conservative theories about race and poverty. How liberals and conservatives both believe there are market solutions to poverty. Why people are talking about Appalachia now. The need for broader, more nuanced coverage of the region. Trump, Appalachia, and right-wing populism. How the left should reach out to those alienated by the political establishment.

On the fun half: What the leftists of today can learn from Red Vienna, militant workers' movements, and the USSR's treatment of anarchists. Sam accidentally says "black Africans" on MSNBC, recovers like a champ. Trump's terrible toilet tweets. Sarah Huckabee Sanders claims we don't "get to dictate how other countries operate." Ben Carson still blaming his wife for home improvements. Should Chicago schools be rehabilitating Colin Powell's image? Nine Democrats vote against joint resolution that would have ended US support for Saudi war in Yemen.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

Patrick Blanchfield (@PatBlanchfield) of Splinter News joins us to talk about his latest piece, "The Market Can't Solve A Massacre."

On today's show: Channel 4 exposes Cambridge Analytica's honeypot tactics and oligarchic election tampering.

Patrick Blanchfield (@PatBlanchfield) of Splinter News joins us to discuss why neoliberalism can't solve the problem of gun violence. The definition of neoliberalism and how it values human life in terms of market activity. How both Democrats and Republicans apply neoliberal logic to mass shootings. How neoliberalism shifts responsibility for solving problems from society to individuals. Democrats' self-sabotaging technocratic retreat and the need for a broader view on gun violence. The connection between gun violence, racism, the carceral state, militarism, arms manufacturers, and conflict abroad. What student activists are getting right. Concrete steps we can take to reduce the threat of violence for everyone, not just those the market deems valuable.

On the fun half: The crew discusses Kanye West. Jordan Peterson freaks out over Pankaj Mishra's takedown. How do we keep people engaged after Trump leaves office? Cynthia Nixon is running against Andrew Cuomo and we're all about it. Tucker Carlson delivers alt-right talking points about why immigration is bad. Ben Carson blames his wife for $31,000 dining set. How much could a Berniecrat actually get done in office? The deficiencies of modern political discourse and why Jordan Peterson speaks to so many people.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm EST

Nathan J. Robinson, editor-in-chief of Current Affairs (@curaffairs), joins us to discuss his latest piece on Jordan Peterson, "The Intellectual We Deserve."

On today's show: 'Fox and Friends' is upset with Jim Carrey for drawing an unflattering portrait of Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Nathan J. Robinson (@NathanJRobinson) joins us to break down the Jordan Peterson phenomenon. Who is Jordan Peterson and how did he get such a large following? Peterson's journey from obscure academic to bestselling "self-help" author. The strategy of presenting simple ideas in a complicated way so people think they're profound. The slipperiness of what he's actually saying and how it opens the door to reactionary thought. Peterson's apparent ignorance about the history of identity politics and political activism. What his success says about our current cultural moment. The vacuum created by real academics' absence from the mainstream. How this kind of discourse puts the left at a disadvantage.

On the fun half: John from San Antonio urges people to vote for Marie Newman and other progressives in the Illinois primary, plugs Bernie's upcoming town hall. Will the Democratic Party learn a lesson from Hillary's remarks in India? Crown prince Mohammed bin Salman pursues social reforms for women's attire in Saudi Arabia, continued human rights abuses in Yemen. Peter Thiel praises Trump's economic policies, lack of political correctness. Hannity says not prosecuting Hillary was biggest abuse of power in U.S. history. What U.S. leftists can learn from Red Vienna. Ben Shapiro says the media is biased in its coverage of gun violence and school children have no right to comment.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST

On today's show: Ryan Zinke says "konnichiwa" after listening to a woman's story of Japanese internment camps.

Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon), founder of and host of The Benjamin Dixon Show joins us to break down the latest news from the Trump White House. North Korea hawk John Bolton is set to become Trump's national security advisor. Trump's increasing confidence that he can do whatever he wants and no one will care. Can our institutions absorb this? How Trump and the GOP are driving turnout among Democrats. Lessons from the PA 18 election, which saw blue collar labor allied with educated suburban women to elect Conor Lamb. Jeff Flake says climate change is real but the left needs to accept nuclear energy. What will happen when Trump runs out of people to fire?

Film Guy Matthew Weiss (@langdonboom) joins us in studio(!) to talk film and more. The time Matthew tried to thank Governor Cuomo for re-routing truck traffic in his neighborhood. An update on the Mike Cernovich documentary. Today's film rec: "The Spirit of the Beehive," a 1973 drama set in post-Franco Spain and starring a young girl. (Also: "Out of the Blue" and "Dear Zachary: a Letter to a Son About His Father.") Matthew hawks his Ebay items, which now include a talking Dennis Miller doll signed by Sam.

On the fun half: A caller highlights excessive law enforcement spending in NYC. Big pharma's role in the opioid crisis and artist Nan Goldin's protest at the Sackler wing of the Met. Stormy Daniels' lawyer says she was physically threatened to stay silent. Man pulls a switchblade on high school student in Rocky Point, L.I. to teach him about guns. Demands from Chicago students go way beyond gun control. Teens are crazy for Bernie! Stephen Hawking owns Piers Morgan on the topic of IQ. Mindy tells her own harrowing story of opiate withdrawal. The government's responsibility for treating drug addiction. Some criticism of David Frum. A listener reports back from Dave Rubin's "free speech" event.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm EST

Journalist and author Liza Featherstone (@lfeatherz) joins us to discuss her new book, Divining Desire: Focus Groups and the Culture of Consultation.

On today's show: What Conor Lamb's victory means for the GOP. Sean Hannity criticizes student walkouts, brags about being 100% Irish.

Journalist, author, and professor Liza Featherstone joins us to discuss her latest book, Divining Desire: Focus Groups and the Culture of Consultation. The surprising origin of focus groups in the government of 1920s Vienna. The influence of demographics and the difference between quantitative and qualitative research. How the tactic migrated to the U.S. government during WWII, then jumped to Madison Avenue in effort to jumpstart the postwar economy. The connection between advertising and psychoanalysis and the influence of Freud's ad man nephew. The push back against "subliminal marketing." How the focus group migrated back to politics in the 1980s.

A lone protestor (and MR listener) heckles Sebastian Gorka outside an event in Ohio.

On the fun half: John from San Antonio on the blue wave sweeping the country. Sam gives Chris Lapakko some documentary tips. Ronald Raygun responds to criticism. New WH economic advisor Larry Kudlow's greatest failed predictions. The Democrats who voted for the Dodd-Frank rollback. Ryan Zinke defends his private jet rides and other excessive spending. Rand Paul criticizes Gina Haspel's torture record. Dubya's press secretary Dana Perino defends the Bush admin's early aughts torture program on "The Five." Juan Williams tries to talk sense into The Five but they dig their heels in and joke about waterboarding. Kudlow's $100k/month (former?) coke habit. Jordon Dyrdahl-Roberts, who quit his job at the Dept. of Labor rather than cooperate with ICE, calls in to break down the "just following orders" defense. (Donate to his crowdfunding page here.) A caller recommends an article on Splinter News, "The Market Can't Solve A Massacre."

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

Good morning on today's show, Christy Thornton,(@llchristyll)  a Professor in the Sociology Department at Johns Hopkins University joins us to talk about the prospect of Mexico electing a left President.

First, Fox and Friends try to spin Conor Lamb's victory as disappointing for Dems.

Who is Andrés Manuel López Obrador and where does he fit in the context of Mexican democracy? The outlines of the Mexican left. The long shadow of Mexico's longtime sole party, the PRI. What are the major problems facing Mexico, from historical neoliberalism to foreign interference.

On the fun half - Is Elon Musk a 'good capitalist,' students across the country walk out in protest of inaction on gun control, RIP scientist and NHS-defender Stephen Hawking, Alex Jones decodes Rex Tillerson,

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

On today's show: Trump bids a fond farewell to Rex Tillerson. Sarah Huckabee Sanders won't blame Russia for UK gas attack, even after Theresa May said it was probably them. Republican Rick Saccone claims to be the underdog in PA Congressional race. Incoming CIA director Gina Haspel's dark history of overseeing torture and covering it up afterwards. Trump won't answer a valid question re: Tillerson. ICE spokesman in resigns over being told to lie about California arrests.

On the fun half: Why is the Trump White House so uptight about letting Stormy Daniels talk? Alex Jones thinks Daniels is working with globalists to take down America. Jimmy Dore thinks we should team up with Mike Cernovich for the anti-war cause. Hillary Clinton continues to ruin everything. Stacy Dash is running for Congress, has an awkward appearance on Ari Melber. Why budget surpluses are bad. A caller in Austin reports what he knows about the mail bomb attacks there. A caller in Pittsburgh says Hillary isn't helping. Sam's thoughts on Cuomo. A caller discusses voter purging in WI. Sam's undistinguished basketball career. Why do we hate Jordan Peterson? Let's break it down.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm EST

On today's show: Trump wants to arm teachers who are "naturally talented" with guns.

William Darity Jr.(@SandyDarity) joins us to discuss An Economic Bill of Rights for the 21st Century, a piece he co-authored for The American Prospect with Darrick Hamilton and Mark Paul. FDR's proposed "second bill of rights" that would have enshrined economic rights into the constitution. Employment programs under the New Deal and the idea of a federal jobs guarantee. How such a program would be funded. How a public jobs program would increase the power of workers and create a floor for wages and benefits. What these jobs would actually consist of and how they'd fulfill other promises in the bill, like housing, healthcare and education. Why the right to an adequate education needs to be written into the constitution. Darity's updates to FDR's original list of rights: the right to sound financial services, a clean environment, and trust fund as birthright. How guaranteeing these rights would help fight racial inequality.

Elizabeth Warren calls out fellow Democrats for supporting the bill that would deregulate banks. John from San Antonio updates us on Democrats in Texas. Trump owns "sleepy eyed son of a bitch" Chuck Todd. Betsy Devos drowns on '60 Minutes.' Ronald Raygun shares another ICE horror story. Alex Jones shills fluoride-free mouthwash. Steve Bannon tells France's National Front to keep up the good work. How to handle a stubborn moderate.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm EST

Digby (@digby56) and Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler) join us for Casual Friday.

On today's show: Trump likes Gary Cohn even though he's a "globalist." Trump's awkward press conference with steel workers.

Digby (@digby56) of updates us on what the hell Trump thinks he is doing with North Korea. Hannity's absurd "rocket man blinked" segment. More theories on the Stormy Daniels situation. A pee-themed performance Trump might have watched in Moscow. A brief explanation of the Seychelles story.

Andy Kindler (@AndyKindler) joins us to talk masculinity and drag some right wing bozos. Chad Prather's ode to the alpha male. Dennis Miller's depressing comedy. Adam Carolla's documentary on campus snowflakes. Miller's attempts to take down Kathy Griffin. Maybe he's just not that smart? A new Jimmy Reefercake song is played.

On the fun half: Parkland High School student Sarah Chadwick's parody video of Dana Loesch's NRA ad. A caller recommends the BBC series "North South," about industrialization in England, and the Left Flank Gam1ng Youtube channel. Greg's uncle calls in from Nebraska. The Yakubian left defines neoliberalism. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's very expensive door. Sen. Dean Heller tries to boost re-election bid with Justice Kennedy retirement rumors. A caller reports back from Dave Rubin's "free speech" event sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute. A caller relates how Sam inoculated him against libertarianism.

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Direct download: 3-09-18-Digby_Andy_Kindler-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST

Professor Richard D. Wolff (@profwolff), of U Mass Amherst and The New School, joins us to discuss the failure of capitalism and what socialism in the US could look like.

On today's show: Sam Nunberg changes course on complying with Mueller's subpoena. Professor Richard D. Wolff (@profwolff) returns to talk Marxism, crisis, and economic democracy. How the financial crisis of 2008 awoke many Americans to the fatal flaws of capitalism and made them curious about socialism. How globalization and the credit industry have harmed the working class. The Corbyn-led Labour Party's plan to democratize the economy via worker coops. A brief analysis of MMT. The past failures and future potential of unions. For more Richard D. Wolff, check out Democracy at Work and Economic Update.

On the fun half: Florida state rep. Elizabeth Porter says children have no right to influence gun control policy. Dana Loesch responds (sort of) to CT governor calling the NRA terrorists. Jeff Sessions suddenly cares about states' rights. Susan Page and Jeremy Peters unwittingly contradict each other re: microaggressions. Some Puerto Ricans critical of San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz. NRA TV chuds angry you can wear a Colin Kaepernick jersey to vote. Trump claims he'll build the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem for $250k. Anthony in Miami questions the blue wave. How to make sure you haven't been purged from the voter rolls. Jamie's dad calls in to wish her a pre-emptive happy birthday, and another quality Raygun call.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:17pm EST

Labor reporter Mike Elk (@MikeElk) joins us to discuss the teachers' strike in West Virginia.

On today's show: The GOP's fake mailer about Democrat Conor Lamb's support of gun rights. Ted Cruz's hackish attack ad against Beto O'Rourke.

Labor reporter Mike Elk (@MikeElk) of The Guardian and Payday Report joins us to talk about the West Virginia teachers' strike. The issues that led up to the strike and why the striking teachers had the support of their communities. The role of union leadership and why they accepted a deal the rank and file rejected. An explanation of the deal that ended the strike for real. Under what circumstances will the teachers and other state workers' 5% raise be funded by cuts to Medicaid? The strike's ripple effect on other states. The history of militant labor in West Virginia and how that squares with the state's drift toward the Republican Party. The significance of having a majority-female teachers' union and the value of emotional labor.

On the fun half: The GOP's creepy attack ad against Conor Lamb. Ted Cruz's hackish attempts to make fun of Beto O'Rourke's name. Chuck Schumer makes a lackluster case for Israel at AIPAC. John from San Antonio updates us on voting patterns in Texas. Dissident Peasant critiques Ted Cruz's country song and offers his perspective on solidarity in red states and eroding confidence in Trump. White House chief economic advisor Gary Cohn pretends to quit over trade tariffs but it's probably for his own personal enrichment. Sam challenges (more) libertarians to come on the show and debate him. A caller details the dire pollution situation in Missouri, recommends the documentary "Atomic Homefront." Sam plays clips from his "Sex and the City" appearance and talks about Cynthia Nixon's primary chances against Cuomo. The bottomless cynicism of Pennsylvanians. What is left-libertarianism? Sean Hannity cucks Roger Stone.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST

David Dayen (@ddayen) joins us to discuss bipartisan attacks on Wall Street reform.

On today's show: Updates on how the West Virginia teacher strike is developing. Will Oklahoma teachers be next? And Sam Nunberg's origin story involves meeting Trump at Wrestlemania.

Journalist David Dayen (@ddayen) of The Intercept joins us to discuss the latest bipartisan attack on Wall Street reform. While Congressional bill S.2155 was pitched as a way to relieve community banks and credit unions from the more onerous and expensive parts of Dodd-Frank, Citigroup and other "stadium banks" have been successfully lobbying to build in as many shelters for themselves as possible. 13 Democratic senators support the bill, including Jon Tester, Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnelly, and Mark Warner. Dayen discusses Democrats' political rationalizations for supporting the bill as well as the nuts and bolts of how it will promote bank consolidation, hamper regulation, and increase the risk of another financial crisis. For more on the topic, check out Dayen's latest article here and keep up with his work here.

On the fun half: Why you should stop calling conservative Democrats "moderate Democrats." Greg from OK on the potential strike brewing in his state. Would the MR crew eat lab meat? John from San Antonio with an encouraging update on early voting results in TX. Sam Nunberg's strange day of press. A caller degrades sacred plant medicine by accusing Jimmy Dore of being on it. Jim Bakker claims his apocalypse food bucket biz is "a coop." NY Congresswoman Claudia Tenney claims most mass shooters are Democrats. What's making the DCCC so unresponsive to regular people? Michael explains why he'd vote for Dennis Kucinich.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

Ryan Grim (@RyanGrim) of The Intercept joins us to talk about the tightening legal net around Jared Kushner and why the DCCC is attacking progressive candidates. 

Brian Kilmeade tells Ainsley Earhardt if she's worried about he pay at Fox News she should be glad she isn't in Hollywood.

The, a look a the Kushner family's business practices and what a failed loan deal with the Qataris tells us about the sort of legal trouble Jared may be in. Why democratic strategists are still stuck in the 'have no position' style of politics, now regarding the emerging consensus for universal healthcare coverage.

On the fun half - Trump jokes about wanting to be President for Life like Xi, Mike from PA calls in to talk DCCC shenanigans, Mike Cernovich thinks christians are being persecuted by tech companies, how to talk about Obama without being glib or racist, and your calls and IMs!

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm EST

On today's show: The West Virginia teacher strike and how it relates to the Janus case. School child owns Governor James Justice on the topic of education funding. Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) joins us for a weekly politics rundown. What's different about the Parkland shooting that will actually inspire change? The state of Georgia's extortion of Delta over the NRA discount. How gun control will impact youth voting patterns. The latest on Jervanka.

Sam re-plays a 2015 interview with the legendary Barry Crimmins, who sadly passed away this week. Crimmins talks political comedy, refusing to shake Henry Kissinger's hand, and "Call Me Lucky," the documentary film Bobcat Goldthwait made about his life. He also discusses the abuse he suffered as a child and its effects on him as an adult, and the complicity of the Catholic church in covering up abuse.

On the fun half: Laura Ingraham claims Trump isn't racist. Tucker Carlson criticizes Trump re: gun control. A caller plugs Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive who is running for Congress in New York. Dissident Peasant talks union organizing and the WV teacher strike. A caller on the liberatory potential of technology. Mindy will have none of her Republican neighbor running for office. Alex Jones claims Youtube suspended him because he's exposing pedophiles, but he's recently been accused of sexual harassment and discrimination. Rush Limbaugh thinks the teacher who brought a gun to school is a "radical leftist" plant. A delightful call from Jordan Peterson. Sam and Jamie discuss their relationship to Marxism.

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:32pm EST

Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz (@rdunbaro) joins us to discuss her new book, Loaded, A Disarming History of the Second Amendment.

On today's show: Sam remembers Barry Crimmins, a pioneer of political comedy who died on Wednesday at the age of 64.

Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz (@rdunbaro), author of Loaded, A Disarming History of the Second Amendment, joins us to discuss the history of gun rights in America. How Dunbar Ortiz first discovered the addictive power of guns when living in 1970s New Orleans. The connection between our militaristic culture and violence at home. How gun rights made it into the constitution. The history of gun rights in America as a means of killing Native Americans and enslaving Africans. Guns as currency of U.S. expansion. How the NRA was taken over by right-wing groups in the 1970s. How minorities and communists scared the right into becoming gun nuts. Reagan's connection to the reactionary John Birch society. How arming themselves backfired on the Black Panthers.

On the fun half: Trump tells senators they're afraid of the NRA, says he wants to seize guns without due process. John from San Antonio on what early voting results in Texas mean for the Democrats. Jeff in Georgia ties gun culture to evangelical Christianity's worship of power. Nobel peace prize committee receives not one but two forged nominations for Donald Trump. John Kelly misses his reign of terror at the DHS. The Mooch takes Kelly to task for Porter abuse scandal. Mnuchin gets heckled at UCLA speaking engagement, reportedly doesn't want anyone to see the video. Josh tells a gun story from his childhood, talks Jumaane D. Williams' chances at beating Cuomo's lt. governor in the primary. Bernie Sanders pushes to end U.S. involvement in Yemen war. Trump advisor Sam Numberg says he thinks Russia offered Don Jr. dirt on Clinton. Ajit Pai is still the worst. The absurdity of thinking guns will protect us from the government.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:40pm EST