Wed, 31 October 2012
Sam hosted a heated interviewed with Veteran activist and Naked Capitalism Contributing Editor Matt Stoller. Matt argued that Obama's policy agenda was regressive On the Better Half: Will the Republicans want to get rid of the electoral college if Obama wins the electoral college and loses the popular vote? why are Republicans are trying to destroy Nate Silver's reputation and more thoughts from Sam on his contentious debate with old friend Matt Stoller. And keep the conversation going on the morning thread! Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don’t forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Tue, 30 October 2012
On today's show journalist Frederick Kaufman explained Wall Street's speculation in food commodities, why pizza is a great starting point for understanding the global food system, how the financialization of food markets drives up prices and how the "Foodie" movement is overlooking the role of Wall Street abuse in creating unjust and unsustainable food systems. Also...Hurricane Sandy in NYC. And keep the conversation going on the morning thread! Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don’t forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Fri, 26 October 2012
10/26/12 Cliff Schecter let us know what was happening on the ground in a couple of swing states, the possibility of electing some progressive candidates for Congresswhy Michelle Bachman, Steve King and Allen West might lose, why President Obama’s numbers are rebounding and what will the impact of the horrific statements on rape that Republican candidate have made will be on woman voters? Film Guy Matthew was hurt that he has been kipped for a couple of show and he took a real shots at Isabel Gillies. Sam was not sympathetic and Film Guy Matthew, recommended the less well known Frank Capra classic Meet John Doe. And keep the conversation going on the morning thread! Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don’t forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks!
Direct download: 10-26-12-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Film_Guy-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:35pm EST |
Thu, 25 October 2012
Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi explained President Obama's latest comments on Wall Street reform, why he may defensive about his record, how Mitt Romney is the embodiment of all that has gone On the Better Half: Richard Mourdock adds himself to the list of Republican making disgusting comments about rape, Sam explains how the GOP has lost control of its Christian Right Frankenstein and predicts less effort from Democrats to appeal to religious conservative voters and your calls and IMS. And keep the conversation going on the morning thread! Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don’t forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Wed, 24 October 2012
Independent journalist John Knefel freshly returned from Guantanamo Bay, where he covered the opening stages of the trials of several defendants including alleged 911 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Knefel described the disturbing legal precedent set by Guantanamo, the Orwellian nature of the government's case, the difficulty in mounting a credible defense of Guantanamo defendants and how conflicting rulings between military commissions and civilian courts could lead to a return of indefinite detention. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don’t forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Tue, 23 October 2012
The Atlantic's Steve Clemons explained what was missing in yesterday's foreign policy debate, how President Obama offers tactical mastery but little strategic vision while Romney has neither tactical mastery or strategy, where President Obama has been a foreign policy success and where he has fallen short of the progressive policy he articulated in 2008, the stunning lack of discussion of climate change, Steve's pessimistic outlook on the Middle East, what is really driving Iran's nuclear program and the urgent need for a new Global social Contract. On the Better half: the biggest takeaway from the debate-Mitt Romney looked weak and out of his depth, how Obama commanded the debate, why the right is disappointed in Romney's performance, Sam still thinks the race is Obama's and some Random Rush. And keep the discussion going on the morning thread! Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don’t forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Mon, 22 October 2012
Ari Berman talked the GOP's ongoing vote suppression. How GOP is helping people register, then after seeing who they register for, destroy the registration. How Republicans made a huge deal over ACORN and how different their complains about ACORN were compared to the much more sinister methods of voter suppression they use. Sam and Ari then preview tonight's debate on foreign policy, Mitt Romney's vagueness and how the media is seething at the mouth waiting for Obama to mess up the debate so they can basically write his obituary. In the better half Sam discusses a recent NY Times article that shows analysis on how Mitt Romney's plan of cutting taxes on the rich does not lead to more jobs, New York Mayor / King Michael Bloomberg invoking socialism and the USSR to scare voters into voting for Scott Brown over Elizabeth Warren, the leaked news about Iran entering nuclear talks with the U.S., an update from "legitimate rape" Todd Akin, ANOTHER CEO threatening his employees that if Obama wins they'll lose their jobs and to not only vote, but donate $2500 to Mitt Romney. Plus, your calls and IMs!
Fri, 19 October 2012
Cliff and Sam both see many paths to an Obama victory, Cliff praised George McGovern for his legacy on issues of war and peace, should recent polls make liberals worried? Could Obama lose the popular vote and win the electoral college? Isabel Gillies shared a life lesson she received from Nora Ephron, explained why Romney is such a jerk and recommended the James Bond movie Moonraker and got some push back from Sam for that pick. Paul Ryan calls war on woman "a myth", Congressman Joe Walsh peddles Todd Akin like views on Abortion and Rape, Sam thought Romney was nasty and Obama was self effacing at the Alfred E Smith Dinner and we heard a new song from Jimmy Reefercake. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks!
Direct download: 10-19-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm EST |
Thu, 18 October 2012
Did you know that Mitt Romney profited from the auto bailouts? Greg Palast explained how Mitt Romney and a shadowy group of hedge fund investors made a killing off of the auto industry bailout, Also Mitt's son Tagg wants to "slug" the President, isn't that the type of behavior that kids from two parent families don't engage in according to Mitt? On the Better Half: Mitt wants bosses to tell their employees how to vote, Ben Stein blows the cast of Fox and Friend's minds with basic arithmetic, what will really bring down gas prices, listeners praise Sam and a very conservative Appeals Court Judge calls DOMA unconstitutional. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks!
Wed, 17 October 2012
Obama comes out of debate 2 with a win. Digby was not surprised that he performed so much better this time, thought Romney did fine but fact checks will hurt him, people respond better to Obama's articulation of a optimistic vision, as long as Obama talks grand bargain Romney can lie his way to the middle, Romney's strange answer on equal pay, both candidates compete to see who can pollute America more, are Democrats going the way of gun control and the death penalty on climate? Romney's huge blunder in the Benghazi exchange, how the right pushed the Libya story and why it worked and Sam notes that there has been no discussion of the Supreme Court in the debates so far. On the Better Half: Michael from Florida thinks Obama will lose his state but Sam thinks it will be very close, the moment that won the debate for Obama, and Sam translates an agitated Rush, Obama delivers a zinger that is actually funny and Mitt Romney contradicts self on blind trusts. Surprise, surprise. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Tue, 16 October 2012
On today's show Sam epically tears apart Paul Ryan for his epically cynical visit to a soup kitchen. Sam also broke down Wall Street's latest theatrics, Andrew Ross Sorkin wants us to know that if Wall Street needs to be bailed out again it might not be so generous as to save itself without as many pre conditions. And in other Wall Street news Sam is puzzled by the former Morgan Stanley executive who stabbed a cab driver and won't be charged. On the Better Half: Ezra Klein argues that it actually isn't brave for affluent, air conditioned room dwelling policy wonks to advocate raising the retirement age, Sam concurs and elaborates, Sam explains what Obama needs to do in tonight's debate and connects that to why he thinks that someone from the Romney campaign leaked the debate agreement between the two campaigns and much more. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks!
Direct download: 10-16-12-Sam-Talks-Paul_Ryan-Wall_Street-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EST |
Mon, 15 October 2012
Labor journalist Josh Eidelson, caught us up on the latest news on the Walmart strikes, explained Walmart's history of aggressive anti unionism, how its business model Also the Koch Brothers have sent out a helpful letter to their employees "suggesting" how they should vote in the coming election and Sam wonders what Libertarian would make of this corporate infringement on liberty. On the Better Half: Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Fri, 12 October 2012
It's Casual Friday! Cliff Shecter and Sam take a look at last night VP debate and discuss how the right wing loves Republican bullies but then blast Joe Biden for being "a meanie" to Paul Ryan, how Conservatives pundits are fixated on Joe Biden's "smile" (because they know they lost), some of the topics from the Vice Presidential debate last night: Medicare, Social Security, and more. They also discuss good times in Vegas over the past few days! In the better half (but it's a Freebie Friday, so you all get it!), Sam and Cliff continue their conversation. They discuss Darrell Issa's planned hearings on Septembers jobs numbers. Sam AND Cliff take your calls and IMs, Cliff Schecter and listener BushInChainz go at it over IMs! and more...
Direct download: 10-12-12-Cliff_Schecter-Casual_Friday-Live_From_Vegas-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm EST |
Thu, 11 October 2012
First up Sam spoke with Cliff Schecter about why democrats struggle with messaging, what cutting social security will do to the American worker and how Joe Biden can win his debate with Paul Ryan tonight. Remember when the big telecoms worked with the Bush Administration to illegally spy on Americans? Now the Supreme Court has joined Congress and the Executive Branch in insuring that those companies will never be held accountable for breaking the law, Virginia Senate Candidate Tim Kaine says he won't cut Social Security and a Paul Ryan endorsed State Rep says "some girls, they rape so easy." Sam digests this latest bit of horrible from a Republican elected official. And Sam caught up with former Mississippi Supreme Court Judge Oliver Diaz. Sam and Judge Diaz discussed the Chamber of Commerce's campaign to destroy judicial integrity state by state and what "Tort Reform" would mean for Judaical Independence and how the Chamber worked to destroy Judge Diaz's career and reputation. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks!
Direct download: 10-11-12-Live_in_Vegas-Cliff_Schecter-Judge_Oliver_Diaz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST |
Tue, 9 October 2012
Former Washington lobbyist and policy advisor Jeff Connaughton author of The Payoff, explained why Washington never takes on Wall Street, how careerism shapes law enforcement decisions in Washington, the failure of the regulatory apparatus and why aggressively reigning in the major banks would help the economy as a whole. Sam and Jeff also discussed the "Blob" and how there is no two party system when it comes to the financial sector. And Ron Seifert, of explained his groups work in direct action against construction of the Keystone XL pipeline in Texas, how police are engaging in major acts of brutality against demonstrators and the misuse of Imminent domain in seizing private land for the pipeline. Better Half: Paul Ryan gets testy but makes some good points about crime and poverty and admits that President Obama isn't proposing any new gun laws, why would ask me that question, Paul Broun, ranking Republican on Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Mon, 8 October 2012
Author Kevin Baker discussed his new Harper's story Why Vote? Kevin noted the steady erosion of democracy and some of the political myths that Americans cling to, why this Presidential election matters, the extremism of Romney's agenda and how the push for right-wing austerity economics is not isolated to the United States. |
Fri, 5 October 2012
Cliff chronicled his many many moments of frustration with Obama's debate performance, why the Social Security response was Obama's weakest moment and the debate reminded Cliff of the mistakes President Obama made when he first came into office, Also Producers Matt and Michael gave out some movie recommendations On the Better Half: Sam was name dropped by Louie CK, he praised Sam glowingly but spoke about him like he was dead, more reactions to the debate when will the Democrats get a clear position on social Security? and maybe the debate was not so much of a disaster for Obama. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Thu, 4 October 2012
Author Ari Berman and Sam agree-Romney won last nights debate, Obama looked and sounded tired and unfocused and didn't take advantage of numerous opportunities to push back against Mitt, Ari wanted to know where the aggressive Obama was last night? Meanwhile, Mitt basically renounces his entire campaign to this point and moves to the center, all the while lying about his centerpeice economic proposals. Ari than brought us up to date on the latest news in voter rights, on a positive note state courts have been overturning voter ID laws across the country, but the Supreme Court may reverse parts of the Voting Rights Act. On the Better Half: Sam took Jim Lehrer to task for being terrible at moderating, Romney won the debate by swinging back to the middle, Mitt Romney thought that 47 percent of Americans were moochers, Paul Ryan only thinks its thirty percent, a Cornell study finds that nearlyall of us have benefited at one time or another from government programs and much more! Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Tue, 2 October 2012
Nan Aron, President of the Alliance for Justice explained why the next Supreme Court term matters so much, the future of affirmative action and the voting rights act and Justice Robert's troubling history of hostility to civil rights. How the Supreme Courts decisions on Citizens On The Better Half: Noam Chomsky on who he will be voting for and why, free medical clinics in LA lead to overnight waits, Libertarians are creating a feudal paradise in Honduras, Scott Brown slips up in a major way in his last debate with Elizabeth Warren and Sam does his Masshole voice. Also Mayor Bloomberg says something awful no matter what way you interpret it. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |
Mon, 1 October 2012
Filmmaker Eugene Jarecki, discussed his new documentary on the war on drugs The House I Live In. Jarecki, explained the origins of his commitment to social justice, how the business of the drug war works, why politicians from both major parties have internalized the idea that they always need be "tough on crime", the roots of racial targeting in drug sentencing laws and why good police work is degraded by drug policies. On the Better Half: California becomes the first state to ban "homosexual conversation therapy" for teenagers, Sam explained how George Soros bribes his daughter, Romney practices zingers, Krugman is on the grand bargain watch and Paul Ryan cannot explain Mitt Romney's tax plan to Chris Wallace because he does not have enough time. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation — anytime. And don't forget Sam is live every week day at noon. Thanks! |