The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Teaser Monday...As demonstrators continue to protest police brutality nationwide Rush Limbaugh joins FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace to explain how "ungrateful" African Americans are. Limbaugh believes the real outrage in this case is that an American citizen died because of cigarette taxes.

On The Fun Half:  U.S. Rep-elect Glenn Grothman thinks the government is bribing single parents to stay unemployed and unmarried, will we or won't we see the CIA torture report? U.S. hostage rescue attempt in Yemen failed over the weekend, Chief Mark Kessler tells Alan Colmes that his videos were part of undercover government operation to take down anti-government militias, Rolling Stone University of Virginia rape story bad for the magazine and bad for rape victims, is broken windows policing the new stop and frisk? Your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-08-14-Ongoing_Garner_Coverage-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST