The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Professor Kristen Buras the author of Charter Schools, Race, and Urban Space: Where the Market Meets Grassroots Resistance explains how charter schools took over New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina. Her case study of New Orleans—where veteran teachers were fired en masse and the nation's first all-charter school district was developed—shows that such reform is less about the needs of racially oppressed communities and more about the production of an urban space economy in which white entrepreneurs capitalize on black children and neighborhoods. Check out her debate with Sarah Newell Usdin, founder and CEO, New Schools for New Orleans HERE.

On The Fun Half: The Senate Intelligence Committee releases it's scathing CIA torture report summary. John Brennan still hanging on to the notion that torture saved lives. John McCain gives a laudable speech on the Senate Floor. Anthony Romero of the ACLU has an editorial calling on Obama to pardon all of key players in torture regime. FOX thinks the torture report was released to distract from Obamacare. Random Rush - Limbaugh still the most oppressed. Your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread.

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Direct download: 12-09-14-Kristen_Buras-PUB.mp3
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