The Majority Report with Sam Seder

On today's show: Mike Pence won't comment on Rob Porter, says "it's a great honor to serve." Cliff Schecter (@cliffschecter) joins us to discuss the latest news from the Trump administration. Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis and John "not a general" Kelly might seem like the adults in the room, but they're guilty of atrocities and shouldn't be glorified. Nobody is surprised the Trump administration harbored a known abuser. Did Trump and Pence know about Porter? Some good news from Ohio. John Kasich 2020?

Rand Paul's shutdown speech elicits tough talk from Charlie Dent (R-PA) re: the time he got beaten up by his neighbor, which in turn elicits movie ideas from the MR crew. Omarosa says she regrets everything on Celebrity Big Brother and the White House is forced to respond. Corey Pein (@coreypein), host of News From Nowhere and author of the forthcoming Live Work Work Work Die: A Journey into the Savage Heart of Silicon Valley, joins us to talk tech and movies. Silicon Valley is no longer being valorized in our culture. Why superhero franchises are tiresome. Corey recommends Werner Herzog's 1972 film "Aguirre, the Wrath of God," a fictional story about a doomed Spanish conquistador expedition starring Klaus Kinski. More fun with Jordan Peterson.

On the fun half: Gabe in Chicago talks ADHD, Justice Democrats, and the IL governor's race. Trump sticks up for Rob Porter. Porter's ex-wife Jennifer Willoughby details the abuse she suffered. A ribald joke about Meghan McCain. More on why Jimmy Dorr is the worst. Brenda has the best idea yet for a Rand Paul beatdown flick. Fox News gets upset that writer Jesse Farrar wants to waterboard conservative students, never mind giving them bad grades. The other problem with campus culture. How do we fix the opiate epidemic? Trump blames Hope Hicks for the Rob Porter scandal.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm EST