Fri, 3 June 2016
1352 - Cliff Schecter: Trump's White Nationalism Fail? & Dave Hill Performs Hotel California in a Mexican Prison
Political strategist and MR regular explains some progressive wins in the state of Ohio. The transformed politics of Social Security. The evolution of the modern Democratic Party on Social Security. Where Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are on Social Security. Social Security and the Republican con game. The Trump Paul Ryan meeting. Donald Trump starts reversing himself on his war against the Republican establishment. Is Donald Trump calculated or insane and will Bernie win California? Comedian Dave Hill is working on speaking better by hosting his own radio show. Dave Hill's brush with fame in Japan. The time Dave Hill worked for Donald Trump. Dave Hill's relationship with Trump. Why Trump is just a performer and parenting tips for older dads and Dave's experience in performing in Prisons in New York and Mexico and check out Dave's new book, Dave Hill Doesn't Live Here Anymore. On The Fun Half: Hillary Clinton smacks Donald Trump. An epic Libertarian debate and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks!
Direct download: 06-03-16-Cliff_Schecter-Dave_Hill-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:35pm EDT |