The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Today, Michael will be talking to Publisher and Owner of The Black Star News Milton Allimadi (@Allimadi) on South Africa and turmoil in the ANC and Uganda's contested presidential elections.

Muhammed Ali's legacy beyond boxing. Malcolm X's influence on Muhammed Ali's consciousness. The upcoming elections in South Africa. The unraveling of the ANC government under Jacob Zuma. Jacob Zuma's history of misbehavior. The struggle to maintain the current coalition under political and economic tensions. The crisis in Uganda. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. American influence in Uganda since the 90s. The controversy over the Ugandan presidential elections. What can be done to get Uganda out of Museveni's control

On the fun half: More on Muhammed Ali. Are liberals purging leftists? The protests in France and the failure of centrist politics. Trump is having a tough time pivoting as the GOP promises he will. Bernie has a message for those calling on him to drop out, and your calls an IMs.

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Direct download: 06-06-16-Milton_Allimadi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EDT