Tue, 30 June 2015
6/30/15 Caroline Fredrickson the President of the American Constitution Society and author of the Under the Bus: How Working Women Are Being Run Over, explains how women and African Americans were cut out of the benefits of the Social Safety net. How the southern politicians protected the legacy of slavery during the New Deal era. The ongoing reality of the oppression and abuse of farm and domestic workers. Sexism and economic justice. Why Home Care workers are not considered full public employees and the Supreme Court decision that set back organizing rights. Why are small businesses allowed to discriminate? President Obama's new rules on overtime pay and how government contracts can be used to improve labor standards. On The Fun Half: Sam debates Michael Steele on what Donald Trump means for the Republican Party. Donald Trump's slimy new tax avoidance move. John Kasich is the most dangerous Republican Candidate. An irate caller demands an apology from Sam. Chris Christie announces he is running for President and calls for slashing Social Security and where Christies billionaire supporters? Rush Limbaugh says after getting rid of the Confederate flag the left will go after the American flag And your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 29 June 2015
6/29/15 Ian Millhiser the Editor of ThinkProgress Justice, explains why this has been an unusually positive term for the Supreme Court. The Roberts Court makes the right call on many decisions from Marriage Equality to fair housing. SCOTUS rules against the Obama Administration in regulating Coal Power plants. What will happen for Mercury regulation next? Reviewing the absurdity of the King V Burwell case. Justice Roberts annoyance with the King V Burwell case. How the Court decided on marriage equality. Are there limits to Justice Roberts conservatism? And has Justice Kennedy distinguished himself on race from his conservative colleagues. President Obama sings amazing grace and uses Christianity for a bold and moving speech on race in Charleston. A wave of possible arsons hit Black Churches across the South. Peter King dismisses the threat from White Supremacist terrorists and dismisses a study showing that they have killed more people than Muslims terrorist groups. The Republican candidates double down in opposition to marriage equality and Senator James Inhofe says even his Gay friends oppose the marriage equality decision. Glenn Beck says Marriage Equality might force him off the radio. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Fri, 26 June 2015
6/26/15 We lost Cliff Schecter due to a bad phone connection. But, no problem, Sam explains the historic importance and power of the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of marriage equality. Justice Kennedy's decision and the Living Constitution. Justice Scalia throws a tantrum and the House passes Trade Adjustment Assistance. Then, filmmaker, Giovanni Zelko, explains the thinking behind his new film The Algerian. What makes a terrorist? Politically motivated terrorism and religiously motivated terrorism. Why American policy creates terrorists. Sleeper cells and where the real threat of terrorism is coming from. The possibility of coexistence and how you can see The Algerian. On The Fun Half: The mainstream media catches up with the Majority Report and recognizes the threat that Donald Trump poses to Republicans. The best way to have a Guaranteed Basic Income. What are. Was Claire Mccaskill always a corporate shill? Police rules of engagement and Military rules engagement and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Thu, 25 June 2015
6/25/15 SCOTUS upholds Obamacare in their decision on King V Burwell. Justice Roberts sums up the case in the most obvious way. The Right freaks out and Justice Scalia throws an epic tantrum. The Supreme Court, also upholds the real meaning of the Fair Housing Act. We hear a fresh Random Rush meltdown. On The Fun Half: Bernie Sanders surges in the polls and Hillary backer Senator Claire Mccaskill unloads a silly and red baiting attack on Sanders. A new Gallup poll says that 47% of Americans would consider voting for a Socialist candidate. The South, guns and Slavery. Teenagers and opting out of mass testing. Random Rush. Martin O'Malley attacks Bernie Sanders on guns. Jim Webb defends the Confederate Flag and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 24 June 2015
6/24/15 Journalist Trudy Lieberman, explains why opponents and supporters of the Affordable Care Act are both spreading myths about the ACA. Is Obamacare unaffordable for many middle class consumers? Debating the costs of healthcare. How many families are choosing to take the penalty because the costs are to high? Why the Medicaid expansion is the best part of the ACA and how Republican Governors have harmed their people. How insurance has been shifted more and more onto consumers. Why we need full universal healthcare coverage. And why coops in the healthcare market may end up failing. On The Fun Half: Two NYPD cops argued about who would call their supervisor after shooting Akai Gurley. Who is the MR team going to vote for? A powerful call from a on Islamophobia and the targeting civilians in the Middle East. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 23 June 2015
6/23/15 Jacobin Editor, Megan Erickson, explains the new technology myth spreading across Public Education. Paulo Freire's critique of the "banking" model of education and what is an abundance mentality in education. The movement towards privatising education and the business opportunity it poses. The private school chain in Peru that inspires privacy advocates in the United States. What really drives success in schooling. BF Skinner's terrifying vision of machine driven education and why "student centered" learning undermine students of the full possibility of education. "Scaling" individual teachers and why the corporate model undermines real reform. And why thinking about children as "capital" is wrong. On The Fun Half: Donald Trump's disgusting position on the Central Park Five. How the teaching profession has been degraded. The thirteen Democrats who backed TPA in the Senate. Jackie Mason says free speech is only for minorities now. South Carolina moves eliminate the Confederate flag. What taking down the Confederate flag means. Are teachers unions getting more radical? And your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 22 June 2015
6/22/15 Freelance journalist and Playwright Aurin Squire, explains the conversation we need to have about race. Why racism is a mental illness and the Right Wing media feeds it. The importance of not reacting and fostering dialogue and the importance of art in overcoming racism. On The Fun Half: Republicans get big money from racist group leader that inspired Dylan Roof. Tony Blair secretly negotiates with Hamas. Dylan Roof's racist manifesto and why it sounds like so much other right wing garbage. Barack Obama gets frank on race on the Marc Maron podcast and the Mainstream Media freaks out and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Fri, 19 June 2015
6/19/15 Cliff Schecter explains the overwhelming evidence that gun control works. Racism and the creation of the conservative movement. From the Civil War to the modern NRA and how the Right uses racism to advance its cause. Why the Republicans won't call the Charelston terrorist attacks racist. Jeb Bush's insane comments on the attack. Lindsey Graham claims on The View that the killings could have been motivated by a desire to kill Christians. Chris Hayes asks Mark Sanford why the Confederate Flag is still flying in South Carolina and how racism infests all of Republican politics. Andy Kindler explains why his Website never changes. What to make of Marc Maron landing Barack Obama on WTF. Comparing Dennis Miller impressions. How delusional Jerry Seinfeld is. Who decides what is and isn't funny. Political Correctness is not killing careers and Donald Trump's deranged anti Mexican racism. On The Fun Half: Sam talks about his eleven year anniversary. What having the Confederate Flag flying in South Carolina means. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 06-19-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST |
Thu, 18 June 2015
6/18/15 University of Rhode Island History Professor and author of The Long and Disturbing Story of Corporations Outsourcing Catastrophe, Erik Loomis explains the death toll of the fashion industry and the reality of corporate outsourcing. How sweatshops went global because of reform in the United States. The Bangladesh factory collapse of 2013 and debunking economic myths that justify corporate human rights abuses. Historical and Geographic distance from corporate abuse of labor and the environment. Why Libertarian politics will never safeguard the public good. The market as fundamentalist religion. How American companies still produce banned chemicals for shipment to oversees markets. Also what TPP will do to labor conditions around the world. On The Fun Half: Fox News covers the Charleston race terror attack in the most grotesque way possible. Is Roger Ailes in trouble? Establishment Republicans run scared of Donald Trump. Did Donald Trump pay actors to appear at his Presidential campaign launch? We have a special guest call in. The persistent dangers of Right Wing terrorism. When will Right Wing leaders condemn Right Wing terrorism? Random Rush and also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 17 June 2015
6/17/15 The Huffington Post's Ryan Grim, explains the new plot that the Republicans are hatching to pass Fast Track Trade Authority. What happens if Fast Track Authority passes in the House without Trade Adjustment Assistance. How Progressive Democrats are going to be extorted in the TPP process. Why the TPP fight is now in the Senate. What Democrats are in play in the Senate. Donald Trump's role in Fast Track and why he is actually going to be a big deal in the Republican Primary. Also what happens next for the Republican push on Fast Track. On The Fun Half: Is Donald Trump the Bernie Sanders of the right? The impact of Bernie Sanders on the 2016 race. How Donald Trump will go after Hillary Clinton and fellow Republicans. Donald Trump explains his ISIS game plan. Random Rush. Libertarian talk show host gets sold a lemon from a used car dealer. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 16 June 2015
6/16/15 New York University Professor and author of the recent book, Communal Luxury: The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune, Kristin Ross, explains the political and historical importance of the Paris Commune. The fierce anti state and worker empowered politics that fueled the Paris commune. The different meanings of the word commune. How did the Paris Commune govern? The Commune as a political experiment. The problem with the politics of second guessing movements. Also what is the politics of communal luxury? On The Fun Half: Ted Cruz whines to his supporters about how hard campaigning is and how much he needs your money. Why belief in mass voter fraud is a emotional issues. Donald Trump's Presidential announcement is everything you would want it to be. Trump promises to "Build a Great Wall" on our southern border and promises Mexico will pay for it. The Socialist critique of a basic income. Fox & Friends claim Jeb Bush is "authentic" like the rest of his family. A Fox contributor says he wishes "he could go black". The DNC perfectly trolls Donald Trump and the Republicans. Also your IMs and calls. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Fri, 12 June 2015
6/12/15 Sam calls Nancy Pelosi to tell her we want a no vote on TAA and Fast Track authority. Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the importance of the fight on Trade and why its the key legislative fight of our time. Why we need to kill the Trade Assistance Authority. The internal politics of the Democratic Party and killing awful trade deals. The new political energy on the left. Why President Obama's establishment worship explains his support for corporate trade. Is the activist behind the Obama "ObamaTrade" website a progressive? President Obama's last minute push for trade and why Jeb Bush isn't going anywhere. Film Guy Matthew Weiss talks about his teaching and production work. The joys of cutting Sam out of the action. How Matthew decides what to sell on eBay. What Matthew has been watching. Matthew tells us to watch the The Year of the Sex Olympics, the 1960s BBC television film that predicted the Reality TV era. On The Fun Half: A major setback for corporate trade. What society should reward and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 06-12-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm EST |
Fri, 12 June 2015
On this week's 'Call of the Week', caller Doug, is very upset about his conviction that there is mass voter fraud. Listen to Sam try to to talk sense with our favorite new far right caller. |
Fri, 12 June 2015
Check out this bonus episode with journalist and Majority Report friend David Dayen on the Corporate Democrats behind Obama's trade policy. |
Fri, 12 June 2015
{Bonus Episode 1 6/12}: Sam had to set the record straight after his WTF interview with Marc Maron. Listen to him and Film Guy Matthew Weiss break it down and listen to the WTF interview here.
Direct download: 06-02-15-Bonus_Sam_Seder-Matthew_Weiss_Talk_WTF-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am EST |
Thu, 11 June 2015
6/11/15 NPR reporter and author of the new book the The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing–But You Don’t Have to Be, Anya Kamenetz, explains the history of America's obsession with test taking. The conflicting political drives behind the testing movement. The connection between theories of intelligence and eugenics. Why higher test scores don't mean better schools. The Atlanta cheating scandal and the pressures that leading to cheating. What could lead to higher quality testing? Also the power of the testing industry. On The Fun Half: NPR host Diane Rehm asks Bernie Sanders if he is also a citizen of Israel. Rick Perry is still a very stupid man. The racism behind the fear of voter fraud. Glenn Beck is convinced America is being overrun by psychological Nazis. A racist teacher in Texas wants to return to segregation but claims through a hashtag that she is not racist. Senator Mark Kirk says on a hot mic that Lindsey Graham is a "bro without a hoe" Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 10 June 2015
6/10/15 Bard College Leon Botstein, explains whether we are still educating to create citizens. The rise of the suburbs and social segregation. The erosion of public education and the Charter School movement. Why our conversations are shrinking. The American progressive education tradition and the training of citizens. Media culture and the undermining of civic space. The policies that can lead us to creating citizens again. Also how men can do better academically. On The Fun Half: An Israeli study shows that "dirty bombs" are a myth. Hillary Clinton's progressive push on voting rights and Chris Christie's stupid response. The young man in Mckinney who had the gun pulled on him explains what happened during the incident. Keith Ablow blames Obama for what happened in McKinney. Jerry Seinfeld flails and whines about "PC" culture. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 9 June 2015
Becky Bond the Vice President and Political Director of CREDO Action explains the unique mission and purpose of CREDO. How CREDO Mobile works and where it gives its money. CREDO's success in fighting the Keystone Pipeline. The state of the fight against NSA surveillance of innocent Americans. Also the push for more debates in the Democratic Primary. Journalist Monica Potts, explains the personal debt crisis and the limits on America's creative class. How shrinking opportunities limits options and undermines service. Why the sharing economy softens the edges of the economy will undermining structural answers to poverty. How sustainable is the sharing economy? And what do we want America to look like? On The Fun Half: Josh Fox schools Stuart Varney and Varney kicks him off. Fox & Friends do not want you to make assumptions about the cop in Mckinney Texas who pinned down a fourteen year old girl. Far Right caller insists that voter fraud is happening, but cannot prove it. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 8 June 2015
Pando Senior Editor Mark Ames, explains how Symour Hersh's attempts at Corporate muckraking in the 1970s reveal the dangers of going after the corporate state. Dangers of corporate muckraking journalism and what's wrong with the NSA debate. On The Fun Half: The Police assault on black teenagers in Mckinney Texas and the horrifying viral that revealed it. Debating Libertarians. And your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Fri, 5 June 2015
Journalist Charlie Pierce explains the bizarre new law enforcement shooting of a terrorism suspect in Boston. How does someone become monitored? Can Congress restore civil liberties? Hillary's Democratic challengers and the Republican clown car. On The Fun Half: Some people want Michael Bloomberg to run for President and we found a handful of the handfuls of people that would vote for him. Debating the Constitution and the war in Afghanistan. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Thu, 4 June 2015
National security blogger and analyst, Marcy Wheeler, explains what's good about the USA Freedom Act and what's wrong with it. Why the USA Freedom ACT, could end up creating new civil liberties problems for Americans. The Second Circuit Court decision that limits the NSA's domestic spying. The relationship between the FISA Court and the Justice system as a whole. The enduring danger of NSA abuse and overreach. Why metadata is used far beyond counter-terrorism. What triggers a database search of our metadata. Why the dragnet program has produced very little for national security. Also how the spying on the Civil Rights movement mirrors monitoring of Muslims. On The Fun Half: If people voted by what issues they support, Bernie Sanders would be our next President. Is Glenn Beck in trouble? Also, why Glenn Beck says all of his predictions have come true. Alex Jones says Caitlyn Jenner is distracting us from an upcoming Obama civil war. Debating a another crazy caller. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Wed, 3 June 2015
Journalist Guy Lawson, author of the forthcoming book, Arms and the Dudes: How Three Stoners from Miami Beach Became the Most Unlikely Gunrunners in History, explains how two stoners in Miami Beach who broke into the global arms industry. The stunning realities of the Bush Administration. Insurgencies and arms deals. How the ideology of the Bush Administration led to arms deals with global weapons runners. The Grandmothers in Illinois administrating major arms contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. How the stoners got into major trouble. Scapegoats in the Bush era from arms to torture. The problem with how the New York Times covered the dudes. When will journalism question the powerful again? Also why power is run on belief systems. On The Half: Mike Huckabee, in a bizarre outbreaks, says he wish he "felt like women" so he could shower with girls in Middle School. What should we have done in Afghanistan? The experience of transitioning. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Tue, 2 June 2015
America's culture of cruel poor shaming reaches new heights with the disgusting new CBS reality show the Briefcase. America's delusional relationship to poverty. What's next for the Patriot Act? Is Rand Paul getting to much credit in the Patriot Act fight? Rush Limbaugh, takes on Caitlyn Jenner. On The Fun: A caller reports on the cruelest reality show ever. The falling standards of workers in the richest country in the world. Will Bernie Sanders help move the country to the left. Glenn Beck and his crew wants to know if Rick Perry's ending the Texas drought with prayer will help or hurt is presidential election. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |
Mon, 1 June 2015
The Nation's Ari Berman, author of the forthcoming Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America, explains the new Supreme Court case that will determine the meaning of "one person one vote". Is the Evenwel v. Abbott Case the next conservative rolling back of voting rights? The shrinking of representation in the Evenwel v Abbott. How money in politics is starting to undermine voting rights. The staggering amounts of money that will be spent in the 2016 election. Why the wealthy get the policies they want. Also how a center-left Supreme Court could help reverse this crisis. On The Fun Half: a report from Kansas on the fanatic governance of Sam Brownback. A stunning new case of poor shaming in New York City targeting public school children. A caller tells us about being raised as a religious homeschooler. Scott Walker says forced ultrasounds are fine because ultrasounds are "cool". Carly Fiorina claims the Chinese aren't creative. Also your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks |