The Majority Report with Sam Seder


The Huffington Post's Ryan Grim, explains the new plot that the Republicans are hatching to pass Fast Track Trade Authority. What happens if Fast Track Authority passes in the House without Trade Adjustment Assistance. How Progressive Democrats are going to be extorted in the TPP process. Why the TPP fight is now in the Senate. What Democrats are in play in the Senate. Donald Trump's role in Fast Track and why he is actually going to be a big deal in the Republican Primary. Also what happens next for the Republican push on Fast Track.

On The Fun Half: Is Donald Trump the Bernie Sanders of the right? The impact of Bernie Sanders on the 2016 race. How Donald Trump will go after Hillary Clinton and fellow Republicans. Donald Trump explains his ISIS game plan. Random Rush. Libertarian talk show host gets sold a lemon from a used car dealer.

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Direct download: 06-17-15-Ryan_Grim-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EST