The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Becky Bond the Vice President and Political Director of CREDO Action explains the unique mission and purpose of CREDO. How CREDO Mobile works and where it gives its money. CREDO's success in fighting the Keystone Pipeline. The state of the fight against NSA surveillance of innocent Americans. Also the push for more debates in the Democratic Primary.

Journalist Monica Potts, explains the personal debt crisis and the limits on America's creative class. How shrinking opportunities limits options and undermines service. Why the sharing economy softens the edges of the economy will undermining structural answers to poverty. How sustainable is the sharing economy? And what do we want America to look like?

On The Fun Half: Josh Fox schools Stuart Varney and Varney kicks him off. Fox & Friends do not want you to make assumptions about the cop in Mckinney Texas who pinned down a fourteen year old girl. Far Right caller insists that voter fraud is happening, but cannot prove it. 

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Direct download: 06-09-15-Becky_Bond-Monica_Potts-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST