The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Chris Christie is sick of hearing about the minimum wage, he is lying and disgusting, a new video explains the "problems with Sam Seder", proving that Sam is Jewish, Progressives United Political Director Josh Orton explains why Scott Walker might get upset in Wisconsin, Republican leader says that some Wisconsin voters will vote against Scott Walker because they aren't "sharp" and Ebola hysteria still grips stupid people across the country.

On The Fun Half: Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow Laurie Garrett explains why its ridiculous to blame the government for the lack of an Ebola vaccine, oops the United States accidently delivers weapons to ISIS, Kurdish TV releases a music video mocking ISIS, did Leon Panetta violate CIA rules in publishing his book, Andrew Cuomo's book gets destroyed by Amazon reviews, Democrats getting serious about turnout, Random Rush, George Carlin gets a street named after him, Bristol Palin explains her drunken brawl in Alaska and your IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread  

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Direct download: 10-22-14-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm EST