The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Journalist David Sirota explains the pay to play pension schemes orchestrated by the Chris Christie Administration in New Jersey, why New Jersey taxpayers have paid a billion dollars in fees to Wall Street, how Chris Christie is rewarding campaign contributions from Wall Street, the stunning conflicts of interests in the New Jersey pension system, why New Jersey only has an acting Attorney General right now, the FCC rule that Republican governors need to overturn before they run for president in 2016, austerity advocate Erskine Bowles breaks pay to play rules in North Carolina, pension bankruptcy myth and how Wall Street is like the arms industry.

On The Fun Half: Sean Hannity hosts Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson for his insights on Isis, Washington Post oped writer pushes Scott Walker for President does not disclose that he co-wrote a book with Scott Walker, Rafael Cruz says that the "average black does not understand" the minimum wage,  and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 09-03-14-David_Sirota-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST