The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Timothy Karr Senior Director of Strategy at Free Press explains Internet Slow Down Day, why the FCC keeps getting Net Neutrality wrong, the telecom industry and FCC revolving door, why we need common carrier status, why the phone and cable lobby want to sell you more than an Internet connection, why the FCC ignores the public on Net Neutrality and why business models from Netflix to Reddit rely on an open Internet.

Zephyr Teachout embarrasses Andrew Cuomo in the New York Democratic Primary, the spending disparity between Cuomo and Teachout, why Cuomo is a good machine boss but a terrible candidate and will Bill De Blasio run for President.

President Obama to announce a major push against Isis, are we heading toward another Middle East debacle? And under what authority can President Obama bomb Syria.

On The Fun Half: Is Congress running scared on war? Governor Jerry Brown signs pad sick day leave for California workers, debating military action in Isis and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 09-10-14-Timothy_Karr-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST