The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Ari Berman talked the GOP's ongoing vote suppression. How GOP is helping people register, then after seeing who they register for, destroy the registration. How Republicans made a huge deal over ACORN and how different their complains about ACORN were compared to the much more sinister methods of voter suppression they use. Sam and Ari then preview tonight's debate on foreign policy, Mitt Romney's vagueness and how the media is seething at the mouth waiting for Obama to mess up the debate so they can basically write his obituary.

In the better half Sam discusses a recent NY Times article that shows analysis on how Mitt Romney's plan of cutting taxes on the rich does not lead to more jobs, New York Mayor / King Michael Bloomberg invoking socialism and the USSR to scare voters into voting for Scott Brown over Elizabeth Warren, the leaked news about Iran entering nuclear talks with the U.S., an update from "legitimate rape" Todd Akin, ANOTHER CEO threatening his employees that if Obama wins they'll lose their jobs and to not only vote, but donate $2500 to Mitt Romney. Plus, your calls and IMs!
Direct download: 10-22-12-Ari_Berman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EST