The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Sam speaks with author and activist Darnell Moore (@Moore_Darnell) about his new book, 'No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America.'

On today's show: Trump is pumped for 9/11 memorial, praises the endless war on terror in Shanksville, PA.

Sam speaks with Darnell Moore about his book, 'No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America.' In this memoir, Moore details the abuse he suffered growing up black, gay and poor in Camden, NJ and how he learned to love himself. With an intersectional critique of white supremacy and heterosexism, Moore examines the complex ways toxic masculinity weaves itself into the lives of people in marginalized communities and society at large. Moore also discusses coming to terms with the actions of his abusive father, who was just 15 when Moore was born, and how his family and community impacted his development. Lastly, he discusses his involvement in the Movement for Black Lives and the importance of coalition building to all liberation movements.

On the fun half: Trump stars in his own version of "GoldenEye." How will automation affect the future of the labor movement? Trump makes light of terrorists who killed US soldiers in Omarosa tape. Miss Michigan introduces herself by blasting Flint's water problems. NM Congressional candidate Janice Arnold Jones slams Native American opponent Deb Haaland, says she didn't grow up on a reservation. Trump's jubilant 9/11 photo. Ezra Klein sucks off Silicon Valley. The MR crew remembers the 1973 coup in Chile, when socialist president Salvador Allende was overthrown by US-backed fascist Augusto Pinochet. Nicki Minaj vs. Cardi B: whose side are you on? Jamie ruins the fun half. Beto O'Rourke's great campaign ad. An update on Lula. A caller breaks down Dinesh D'Souza's new movie, plugs Punks for Progress and anarchist thinker Errico Malatesta. Michael's take on the #resistance response to Nike x Kaepernick.

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Direct download: 9-11-18-darnell_moore-pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST