The Majority Report with Sam Seder

The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings continue apace.

On today's show: TV shrink Gina Loudon uses "science" and "psychological theory" to write a book about why Trump is "the most sound minded person to ever occupy the White House." Kamala Harris grills Kavanaugh on his discussion of the Mueller probe with Kasowitz, the law firm founded by Trump's personal lawyer. Cory Booker threatens to release Kavanaugh's racial profiling email as act of civil disobedience. Kavanaugh doesn't believe Roe v. Wade is settled precedent; Harris asks Kavanaugh about laws governing the male body. Richard Blumenthal presses Brett Kavanaugh to recuse himself on Trump's criminal and civil matters; he refuses. Booker questions Kavanaugh on Scalia's belief re: race and constitutionality, gets ominous answer.

On the fun half: Aspiring Milo replacement Brandon Straka makes boring video about how SJW culture made him "walk away" from the Democratic Party. Ronald Raygun on how the Trump cult is like Mormonism. A government photographer doctored Trump's inauguration crowd photos for him. NYT op-ed from anonymous White House staffer is self-serving, shitty. Trump addresses anonymous op-ed at his meeting with sheriffs. Why Malcolm Gladwell is wrong that Steve Bannon should be invited to speak at the New Yorker festival. Laura Loomer protests being "shadowbanned" from Twitter at Congressional hearing; Billy Long (R-MO) drowns her out with auction chant.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm EST