The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Kimberley Phillips-Fein, a Professor of Individualized Study at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University and author of Fear City: New York’s Fiscal Crisis and the Rise of Austerity Politics, explains when New York City was a middle class city and the City of New York system. The rise of New York's public sector and the political movements of the sixties. When the stock exchange considered leaving New York. Borrowing and austerity. Allen Greenspan, Donald Rumsfeld and Donald Trump and the destruction of New York. New York's bankruptcy and the shock doctrine across public services. Why New York is now plutocrat paradise and why austerity and destroying public value is an anti democratic policy choice.

On The Fun Half: General McMaster, spins for Trump on sharing classified with Russia. Joe and Mika call out "conservative hucksters". Oprah gives Ivanka Trump a pr opportunity. Mike Huckabee goes crazy with some bad music in the background. Donald Trump reveals once again that he is a massive sociopath. Random Rush. Dave Rubin is very stupid and your calls and IMs.

Cast: Sam Seder @samseder, Michael Brooks @_michaelbrooks, Matt Lech, @mattlech and Kelly Carey, @kellycarey. 

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Direct download: 05-16-17-Kimberly_Phillips_Fein-PUB.mp3
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