The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Donald Trump ignores a question from CNN and calls the reporter "fake news". Will the media defend itself against Trump.

Analyst, Dan Dicker explains why Rex Tillerson simply means an oil and gas based foreign policy. Exxon's investments in Russia. How Exxon will win in the new foreign policy. Rex Tillerson's foreign policy and the hunt for oil. Trump and Tillerson will be even more oil driven than Bush? Russia and the United States boxing in China? The Climate Crisis and the Trump earth destruction cabinet. The coming resource conflicts of the new century. What Iran sees coming. The coming energy price increase and are we headed to a human rights free foreign policy.

Rex Tillerson won't answer a direct from Tim Kaine on Exxon and climate change and Tillerson won't answer Rubio's questions on Putin ordering the killings of journalists and activists. Donald Trump has no idea what he's talking about Obamacare. Ben Carson heads to HUD. Elizabeth Warren wants to know if Trump will profit off of HUD. Is there more than one source and tape for the Trump allegations? Carl Bernstein calls K

On The Fun Half: Republicans move towards getting rid of Obamacare. Joe Lieberman still the worst after all these years. KellyAnne Conway a "Propaganda Minister". Congressman Mo Brooks talks about the "war on whites" and your calls and IMs.

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