The Majority Report with Sam Seder

How Republicans will dismantle healthcare.

Journalist Branko Marcetic, explains the creation of a mass National Security State under the Obama Administration. Killing American citizens without due process. Eric Holder's letter to Rand Paul and can an American Citizen be killed on American soil? The wars Trump inherits across the globe. Obama's failed record on secrecy and transparency. The Obama war on whistleblowers. Lessons from the Nixon era and can Obama do anything to reverse his dangerous National Security legacy?

On The Fun Half: Rush Limbaugh all of sudden is open to a stimulus. Why FDR was a great Liberal. Armstrong Williams explains why Ben Carson is becoming the head of HUD. Mike Pence lies on Morning Joe. Mike Flynn and his son are both insane. Trump's Boeing tweet and why it happened. The New York Times Public Editor makes a stupid case for outreach to Trump voters.

Check out today’s show, code Majority,, enter my code REPORT, and Harry’ enter code MAJORITYREPORT.

Direct download: 12-06-16-Branko_Marcetic-PUB.mp3
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