The Majority Report with Sam Seder


-Cliff Schecter and Sam explain why the DNC favoring Hillary Clinton is bad for everyone. Why Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the worst. Why Marco Rubio is not going to win the Republican Primary. Why Hillary Clinton is wrong to run to the right on taxes. How the Democrats goad Donald Trump, is this the end of the Republican Party and who hurts the Republican Party more Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. (9:00)

-Sam explains whats inside the Budget deal. (37:40)

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump goes crazy sexist against Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump hates journalists but promises not to kill them. Why we have a better country with higher taxes. Sam debates our favorite conservative caller Doug and your calls IMs.

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Direct download: 12-22-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST