The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Richard Rothstein, research associate of the Economic Policy Institute and a fellow at the Thurgood Marshall Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and of the Haas Institute at the University of California (Berkeley) joins us to discuss his new book, 'The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How our Government Segregated America.'

For members, Dick Gregory joined Sam and Marc back on Air America's Break Room Live.

Direct download: Richar_Rothstein_Wednesday_PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Author Betsy Hartmann joins us today to discuss her book, 'The America Syndrome: Apocalypse, War, and Our Call to Greatness.'

And for members, Sam and Janeane take a call from Retired Lt Col Nelson Peoples (played by David Waterman) on the military's new automated killing robots. 4/1/2005

Direct download: Betsy_Hartmann_Tuesday_Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Today, Economist Ann Pettitfor (@AnnPettifor) on her book, 'The Production of Money: How to Break the Power of Bankers.'

And for members, filmmaker Alex Gibney on his documentary, 'Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room' with Sam and Janeane on April 29, 2005

Direct download: Ann_Pettifor_Monday_Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Trump lashes out at short senator Bob Corker after being called 'unstable. 'Trump continues demonstrating how best to alienate possible allies. America is massively unprepared for election cybersecurity. The GOP's assault on voting rights.

Then, Film Guy Matthew Weiss joins us to recommend a John Cassavetes film.

On the fun half - Jesse Watters says actually it's good Trump in unstable. And your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 08-25-17-Cliff_Schecter-Film_Guy_Matthew_Weiss-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EDT

Jonathan Morduch, author of The Financial Diaries: How American Families Cope in a World of Uncertainty, explains how Americans are suffering in the new economy, why Americans are squeezed and the different ways people are making money and not making money.

On the fun half: Jeff Flake thanks Trump for coming to Arizona to bash him, what is the place for cops in working class movements, Fox News is freaking out about ESPN, and your calls an IMs.

Direct download: 08-24-17-Jonathan_Morduch-Pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EDT

Trump heads to Arizona to talk about the wall.

Yale University, Law Professor, James Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law, explains the Nazi Party basing law on American systems of law and racism. How the Nazis built Nuremberg Laws. Why the Nazis looked to the United States on banning interracial marriage. Why some aspects of American anti miscegenation laws went to far for the Nazi Party. American immigration laws and the Nazi Party. Immigration law and excluding citizenship. The debates inside the Nazi Party. The limits of egaltarian law in the United States and Nazi Germany. Racism and egalitarianism and when Affirmative Action was white.

On The Fun Half: Trump instigates in Arizona against the media. Trump acts like a spoiled child and conservatives love it. Don Lemon is disgusted by Donald Trump's lying. Police get violent with protestors in Phoenix. Charlottesville residents demand action in taking down confederate monuments. Why White people need to push for civil rights now. Paul Ryan is asked by a Nun how he can reconcile his Catholicism with his war on the poor. Governor Paul LePage, thinks the Civil War was about states rights. A website for Arizona  Republican website, uses a photo from the 90s sitcom, All American Girl with Margaret Cho and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EDT

Trump copies Bush in Afghanistan and South Asia and why his new Afghan strategy will lead to more civilian killings.

Harvard Professor Elizabeth Hinton, author of, From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America, explains how the Johnson Administration's War on Poverty led to increased policing in the African American community. Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the debate on crime in urban communities in the 1960s and 1970s. Racist theories of what causes crime. Why Johnson suppressed the findings of the Kerner Commission. The belief in police contact and punishment for preventing future crime. The logic of the development of the modern American carceral state. The deep connections in the 1960s between anti crime and anti poverty policies. The devolution of focus on economic problems to "cultural pathology". The Reagan Administration's gutting of social welfare. President Obama's Our Brothers Keepers problem and the legacy of cultural pathology politics.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump looks directly at the sun. Do Democrats face an uphill battle in 2018? The Republican Senate Leadership Fund runs a great ad against "chemtrail Kelly" who Trump has endorsed in her primary against Jeff Flake. Steve Mnuchin and his wife are both absolutely horrible people. Don Lemon schools a racist Trump surrogate. Alex Jones tours Seattle and your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors: Littleton Coin Company is the place to sell your U.S. coins and currency,

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Direct download: 08-22-17-Elizabeth_Hinton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EDT

Donald Trump says the USS John McCain disaster is "too bad". Steve Bannon is out, but Sebastian Gorka is still in the White House and his dissertation advisor cannot believe that he has risen as far as he has. Steve Bannon goes back to Breitbart. The Trump Administration's giveaway to Sinclair broadcasting and the new Far Right TV network that is coming. Why the future of the Republican Party is White Nationalist and why the modern Right is all about resentment.

On The Fun Half: The stupid story behind the name of Gavin McInnes's Proud Boys. Racist Jason Kessler tweets that Heather Heyer was a "fat, disgusting communist" and claims the next morning that he was on Zambian and xanax and that he repudiates the "heinous" tweet that was sent out. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai,Republican Senate Candidate in Massachusetts speaks to an empty free speech rally. Dave Rubin takes Koch Brother funding. Donald Trump's ongoing disaster Administration. Ali Velshi schools a Trump shill on MSNBC. Susan Collins condemns Trump and thinks Trump might not be the 2020 Republican nominee and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EDT

Cliff Schecter discusses whether or not Republicans finally turning on Trump? Why removing confederate statues are important but not the main issue. The tactical mistake Nancy Pelosi made. Forcing the Republican leadership to denounce Donald Trump's racism. Susan Bro, says she is not going to speak with Trump anymore. Steve Bannon's double game. Is Steve Bannon out. The ACLU will no longer defend armed protestors. Should the ACLU stop defending the speech rights of Nazis and is there ever a time to protect free speech.

Andy Kindler, reviews some delusional racism on Fox News. Melissa Francis wines about not being able to defend racists and racism. Steve Bannon is out and wha tif he wrote for Seinfeld. Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller do a "hilarious bit". Dennis Miller is deflated and probably a sociopath.

Heather Heyer's mother Susan Bro, won't meet with Donald Trump. Crowd turns themselves in solidarity in Durham over the statue toppling. The terrorist attacks in Spain, leads Trump to bring back his favorite mad cup war crime. Richard Spencer on Israeli news and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-18-17-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-MEM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:42pm EDT

On today's show attorney and activist Eva Golinger (@evagolinger) joins us to discuss Venezuela.

Getting deeper into Venezuelan politics than the simplistic narratives surrounding "Chavismo," and how they bear on Venezuela's current political turmoil. Hugo Chavez's constitutional leadership and Venezuela's long history as a US client state. The 2002 Venezuelan coup. Maduro, the opposition, and street protests.

On the fun half - the religious left and political clergy, more on Trump as a confederate, Trump on the most racist movie ever, and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 08-16-17-Eva_Golinger-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EDT

Who to shame in the Trump Administration and why.

New York Magazine's Eric Levitz, explains why the center does not exist. Why voters are not rational. Why human beings are social and tribal and how that effects voting behavior. Why many Americans support extreme Left and Right views. Why there are no "moderate" or "centrist" voters. Why most Americans are to the Left on economics. Why obsessing with the "center" undermines organizing. Big money and the centrist myth. White racial resentment and big money work together. Why Obama's 2012 campaign was more effective than Clinton's 2016 campaign and why Democrats need to create enemies to build political power.

On The Fun Half: Nazis chant "Jews will not replace us" and condemn Trump for giving away Ivanka to Jews. Donald Trump's pro racist rant makes John Kelly flinch. Trump places blame on the "Alt Left". And your calls and IMs.

Check out today’s sponsors: Littleton Coin: Whether you’re an experienced collector or someone who needs help identifying what you have in your collection, Littleton Coin Company is the place to sell your U.S. coins and currency Or give them a call toll free at 1-877-857-7850, Check out this week’s menu and get your first THREE meals FREE—WITH FREE SHIPPING—by going to BLUEAPRON.COM/MAJORITY, It’s life insurance for the twenty first century.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EDT

Mark Hayer, the father of murdered activist Heather Heyer calls for forgiveness and speaks of his daughters incredible integrity. No one believes Trump's condemnation of racism. Who does Trump, mostly accuse of racism on Twitter? New York hates Donald Trump. Jesse Waters, takes issue with people calling for Trump to be specific about white terrorism when they didn't like him using terms like "radical islam" . Remembering when Steve Scalise said he was David Duke without the baggage. White supremacy and the broader Republican project. Officials continue to take down confederate monuments and Rush Limbaugh tries comedy.

On The Fun Half: how racism works institutionally and personally. Democrats can abandon the center because the center does not exist. Alex Jones talks nonsense with Gavin Mcinnes. Gavin whines that he has lost his famous friends. RWM has also lost friends. Donald Trump calls Jim Acosta fake new and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-15-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EDT

Sam breaks down the weekend's fascist terror attack at an alt-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the Republican party's responsibility in fomenting and coopting white supremacy. 

On the fun half - more on Charlottesville.

Direct download: 08-14-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EDT

Cliff Schecter joins us on the verge of the apocalypse. Sebastian Gorka and other idiots in the Administration are pushing for a military option in  North Korea. Gorka undermines Rex Tillerson. The timing of the threats against North Korea and the raid on Paul Manefort's house. Stuart Varney whines about Democrats criticizing Trump. The American pundits instigating for war against North Korea. The absolutely insane NSC Council document on Trump's internal enemies and the rise of the "cultural marxist" talking point.

Judy Gold hates Donald Trump. Jeff Lord is out at CNN. Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump whine at each other. Talking with your kids about having an insane President. The time Trump laughed at a Hillary being called a dog and Judy wants to know what our last meals will be.

On The Fun Half: Trump thinks some leak for love. Trump reverses himself and declares the opiod crisis an emergency. Trump thanks Russia for expelling diplomats and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-11-17-Cliff_Schecter-Judy_Gold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EDT

Trump is irrational and North Korea responds to his threats.

Gilad Edelman, of the Washington Monthly,  explains the long war against government. The Clinton era and the undermining of government. Private contractors across government. Why we don't know how many private contractors work in federal government. Why we need more federal government. Campaign financing and government contracting. IRS staff and funding. Why privatizing government is a win/win for the Right and why government needs to expand.

On The Fun Half: are Democrats structurally disadvantaged? Texas Megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress says God gave Trump the authority to take out the North Korean leader. Alex Jones warns of a coup. Newt Gingrich tries to ease tensions between Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. The US Government will not condemn a terrorist attack on a Mosque and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-10-17-Gilad_Edelman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EDT

Trump threatens North Korea with fire and fury and North Korea threatens Guam.

Physician, activist and Harvard instructor, Adam Gaffney, explains why Medicare for all is the answer to our health crisis. Why a public option is not going to solve the core problems of the health crisis. The debate inside the Left about how to expand healthcare. The Conyers bill and will doctors make less money overall? Why is American healthcare more expensive? Why Medicare for all is a win for everyone and how Obamacare improved the expectations for healthcare.

On The Fun Half: What's the best way to nationalize healthcare? Rex Tillerson walks back Trump's crazy threats? Lindsay Graham, says its better to fight the "war over there". Trump has been calling for war against North Korea for over a decade. Trump, has a fresh idea for fighting drugs. The positive news packet that Trump gets everyday. Seb Gorka says we are now a "hyperpower" and why there is no such thing as lone wolf terrorist attacks. Fox News whines about Mitch McConnell and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-09-17-Adam_Gaffney-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EDT

New report indicates climate change is moving even faster than we realized. How the Trump Administration is suppressing climate science. Policy and identity. What Ryan Cooper got right and wrong in his piece on Kamala Harris, Deval Patrick and Corey Booker. ICE's new obscene policies and using children as bait.

On The Fun Half: The climate crisis and is Miami doomed? Is Joy Reid genuine in her insanity? Elizabeth Warren comes out against criminalizing protests against Israel. Nikki Haley confirms a leak on Fox News by accident. Senators move to protect Robert Mueller from getting fired. Alan Dershowitz won't answer whether he is working for Trump. DSA breaks from international socialists and backs BDS against Israel. And your calls and IMs.

Tune in tonight at 7pm for the debut of the Michael Brooks Show and join

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Direct download: 08-08-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EDT

The Intercept's Murtaza Hussain (@MazMHussain) joins the show today to discuss the evolution of the Syrian conflict. Iran's attempts to stabilize the region with in ways favorable to themselves.

On the fun half -  On Kamala Harris and sexism, racism, and corporatism. Jeff Flake keeps talking about how brave Republicans could theoretically get. Eric Bolling tried using baseball jerseys to seduce Fox News contributors.

Direct download: 08-07-17-Murtaza_Hussain-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EDT

Cliff Schecter on the politics of the Republicans push for regressive tax cuts and what Democrats will cave. West Virginia's Governor, Jim Justice defects from Democrat to Republican. Will Joe Manchin, leave the Republican Party. Robert Mueller calls for a Grand Jury. Jeff Sessions reign of terror as Attorney General and the dangers of relying on the defense and intelligence establishment.

The Film Guy Matthew IMDB list. Is Film Guy Matthew double dipping? Sam and Matthew go down memory lane and Matthew tells us to watch the Turkish film Clouds of May.

On The Fun Half: The amazing Scarramucci tapes. Jeff Sessions issues a threat to leakers. Kellyanne Conway spins. Ed Rollins says Sessions should reverse himself. Ken Starr has thoughts on Special Prosecutors and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-04-17-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EDT

Why The Trump Administration is pushing a new white supremacy based anti immigrant package.

Journalist Jushua Holland, explains the recent Democratic pivot toward Medicare For All. Is Single Payer healthcare the wrong litmus test? The transition to universal healthcare. The basic challenges of insuring every American. Loss aversion and the best way to achieve  full coverage. Why the ACA was sold in the wrong way. Is there a distinct importance to having a universal coverage? And why no matter what the specifics are we should call the program Medicare For All.

On The Fun Half: Seb Gorka says Trump can dictate North Korea policy through Twitter. Stephen Miller attacks Jim Acosta. Mark Steyn, can get out of our country. Tucker Carelson still complaining about Al Gore. Dave Rubin hosts British tabloid bigot and your calls IMs.

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Direct download: 08-03-17-Joshua_Holland-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EDT

Donald Trump signs a new sanctions package, targeting Russia, North Korea and Iran. What the Iran sanctions will do. The Jeff Sessions Justice Department now looking at discrimination against white people. We are three years away from a major acceleration in the climate crisis. What's next on health care. Chris Cuomo rips apart Mick Mulvaney and what Democrats will back the Republicans regressive tax package?

On The Fun Half? The human toll of Trump's attack on immigration. Donald Trump lies about his fascist style Boy Scouts speech. Jim Bakker's new "Staying Alive" food bucket. Boris Epshteyn has a very badly timed segment on the White House's communication team and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-02-17-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm EDT

Best selling author Naomi Klein, author of, No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need, explains the history of modern branding. The formation of the Trump brand. The liberals who helped create the CEO myth of leadership. Why Trump can't be worked with. Why labor unions should fight Trump on all fronts. Why the climate crisis needs to remain central to our politics. What to learn from Jeremy Corbyn. Why the Left needs to synchronize race, class and gender and what comes next in Left politics.

On the Fun Half: Corey Lewandowski, sees a role for the Mooch in the future. Did Trump's lawyer lie on national television? How Fox New connected the Seth Rich conspiracy story. Lindsay Graham promotes war on North Korea and your calls and IMs.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm EDT