Tue, 28 February 2023
Sam and Emma break down the biggest headlines of the day. They begin by discussing the oral arguments before the Supreme Court today, focusing on Biden's student debt cancellation plan. This includes Iowa's attorney general, Brenna Bird, insinuating to Maria Bartiromo that Biden's plan was designed to buy votes before the 2020 election, and Bernie Sanders fighting for universal cancellation on the SCOTUS steps while deliberations continue. Then they dive into the recent crackdown by the Biden Administration on child labor violations, as a seemingly direct result of reporting by NBCNews and the New York Times. Sam and Emma then go on to touch on the Commerce Department's application for semiconductor company subsidies, and how that application will mandate whoever is receiving those subsidies must provide their employers with the requisite childcare. And finally, the MR Crew breaks down yet another explosive Dominion Voting Systems court filing about Fox News's fraudulence in covering the 2020 election, with CEO Rupert Murdoch's own admissions that they were endorsing the "stolen election" narrative they didn't think to be true. And in the Fun Half, the MR Crew talk "19 Kids and Counting" star Jessa Seewald describing her abortion procedure as a "missed miscarriage", Michael Knowles trying to out-freak his Daily Wire colleagues on trans issues, and Brian Kilmeade reporting from a Ponte Vedra Beach diner begging anyone, ANYONE, to say that they want Ron DeSantis to be President and not Donald Trump. Plus, your calls & IM's! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Mon, 27 February 2023
Sam is back! He and Emma speak with Naomi Oreskes, professor of the History of Science at Harvard University, author of The Big Myth: How American Business Taught Us to Loathe Government and Love the Free Market, co-authored with Erik Conway. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on another “low-confidence” government report on COVID emerging from a Wuhan lab, Biden’s student debt relief plan coming to the floor of the Supreme Court, political protests breaking out in Mexico, the recent report on child labor in the US, Fox’s internal censorship ahead of Dominion’s multi-billion-dollar lawsuit against them, and Elon Musk’s commitment to being awful both publicly and privately, before diving into the death-knell in DeSantis’ presidential hopes: a Jeb Bush endorsement. Professor Naomi Oreskes then joins as she dives right into her work with Erik Conway exploring why intelligent people are so inclined to completely reject hard-won, well-established scientific evidence (from global warming to the impacts of child labor), and the government regulations that would best address the issues that are discovered, first taking on the influence of market fundamentalism on denouncing any and all attempts at government regulation. Professor Oreskes then walks Sam and Emma through the ideology of market fundamentalism, exploring the ever-looming threat of communism and the myth of the free market in creating a fundamental threat to liberty juxtaposed with a utopian and organic economic system, making any restraint on the market a step towards the return to serfdom, before shifting to how market fundamentalism was able to capitalize on pre-existing elements of US culture such as hyper-individualism and the deification of property rights. Moving into the evolution of this fundamentalist ideology in the West, Naomi Oreskes parses through the debates around child labor regulation, energy provision, and labor compensation to show how the ideology of market fundamentalism was laundered from the elites through academia and the electoral system during the first half of the 20th Century, alongside a mass investment into cultural propaganda align public opinion with their aims. Wrapping up, Sam, Emma, and Naomi explore the greater ideologies behind the emergence of market fundamentalism, from the Mont Pelerin society to Friedman and Hayek, and tackle why embracing truth to combat propaganda is necessary to win the battle. Check out Naomi's book here: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/big-myth-9781635573572/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to ZipRecruiter: Some things in life we like to pick out for ourselves - so we know we've got the one that's best for us - like cuts of steak or mattresses. What if you could do the same for hiring - choose your ideal candidate before they even apply? See for yourself! Just go to this exclusive web address, https://www.ziprecruiter.com/majority to try ZipRecruiter for free! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Fri, 24 February 2023
It's Casual Friday! Emma speaks with Alex Pareene, Contributing Editor at the New Republic and proprietor of the AP newsletter on Substack, to round up the week in news. Then Emma is joined by political commentator Olayemi Olurin! First, Emma runs through updates on the 1st anniversary of Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine, the US’ Ukraine policy, the Ohio EPA’s failure in relying on Norfolk Southern to do their own testing, environmental emergencies across the US, Tennessee’s transphobic legislation, Florida’s walkouts against DeSantis, and Minnesota removing drivers license requirements for housing, before diving deeper into Sean Hannity’s hard-hitting questions on whether any GOP primary opponent has a different platform than Trump. Alex Pareene then joins as he walks through the holes in the GOP’s response to the genuine failures of Biden’s administration in East Palestine, as they focus on deregulation (literally the centerpiece of GOP politics for a century) and culture war issues that never stick to Biden, before parsing through Pete Buttigieg’s incredibly weak response to his inaction over these last few weeks. They also tackle Ron DeSantis’ weak positioning ahead of the 2024 primaries, and assess the roles of Donald Trump and George Santos in shifting the Overton window for compulsive liars in politics. Olayemi Olurin then walks through her recent piece in Teen Vogue assessing the systemic racism ingrained in the US police state which led to the murder of Tyre Nichols, what we can learn from the Police and Media’s emphasis on the Black identity of (some of) the police officers, and the indoctrinatory impact of top-down institutional biases. Wrapping up, Olayemi and Emma discuss the widespread emergence of anti-trans and anti-drag legislation, the normalization of the harassment and marginalization of LGBTQ+ folks, and what the hell the legal world is making of these obvious abuses of the judicial system. And in the Fun Half: Emma discusses the UK Labor Party’s internal corruption and complete abandonment of actual labor support, and Malcolm X’s family launching a lawsuit against the FBI, CIA, and NYPD. Emma and Matt Lech also assess the LaRouche-Dore-Hinkle homophobic pro-Russia rally and the anti-left and anti-labor backing of this movement, plus, your IMs! Check out Alex's new work at Popula here: https://popula.com/author/alex-pareene/ Check out the Politics of Everything podcast here: https://newrepublic.com/podcasts Check out all of Olayemi's work here: https://www.olayemiolurin.com/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Sunset Lake CBD: sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at http://www.sunsetlakecbd.com. Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to Nutrafol: You don’t have to choose between better hair growth and your health. There’s a holistic solution for men that promotes both healthier hair and whole-body wellness: Nutrafol. Nutrafol is the #1 dermatologist-recommended hair growth supplement, clinically shown to improve your hair growth, thickness, and visible scalp coverage. You can grow thicker, healthier hair AND support our show by going to https://nutrafol.com/men/ and entering the promo code MAJORITY to save fifteen dollars off your first month’s subscription. This is their best offer ANYWHERE and it is only available to U S customers for a limited time. Plus, FREE shipping on EVERY order. Get FIFTEEN DOLLARS OFF at https://nutrafol.com/men/ promo code MAJORITY. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Thu, 23 February 2023
Emma speaks with Trevor Aaronson, contributing writer at The Intercept, to discuss his recent podcast Alphabet Boys. Then, she's joined by freelance journalist Zachary A. Siegel, to discuss his recent coverage in Bolts Magazine of the Chicago mayoral race. First, Emma runs through updates on decreasing unemployment filings, Trump’s visit to East Palestine – beating out both Biden and Buttigieg – Norfolk Southern coming to an agreement with their unions, the ADL study on all of last years extremist killing coming from the Right wing, Israel’s bombing of the Gaza strip, early polling for Feinstein’s vacated CA Senate seat, and more, before diving into the Democrats’ failure to respond (in any capacity) to the disaster in East Palestine and the revelation of child labor abuses at Packers Sanitation Services Inc. Trevor Aaronson then joins as he dives right into the history of the FBI’s infiltration of left-wing political and civil rights movements, a tactic foundational to the Bureau’s Hooverian ideology, beginning with the Counter-Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) of the 1950s that ran through the ‘70s, serving to undermine and endanger groups like the Black Panther Party and American Indian Movement and those that served as community leaders, and moving through Senator Frank Church’s investigation into and disbandment of this program and its horrendous abuses. Next, Aaronson walks through the post-Church Committee development of the FBI, as they somewhat took on a reserved role until the birth of the War on Terror, and a mass influx of funding for domestic political infiltration coming after the 9/11 terror attacks, and creating a renaissance of the FBI’s right to surveil and infiltrate without a criminal predicate. Trevor then looks to the protests of summer 2020 as he takes Emma through the story of Mickey Windecker, a self-proclaimed mercenary recruited by the FBI to infiltrate and inform on left-wing activists groups planning protests in Denver in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, employing violence, intimidation, and intra-community conspiracy to undermine and entrap Black anti-racist activists into illegal acts, resulting of the arrest of one protestor for the FBI-funded purchasing of weapons for the FBI informant, who would then give said weapon back to the FBI. After briefly touching on Jim Jordan and the GOP’s “Church Committee 2.0” and why we must push back against the revisionist narrative that the FBI only (or even primarily) targets the right wing, Emma and Trevor wrap up the interview by tackling the likelihood that these tactics were also prevalent outside of Denver, and the future of his reporting with “Alphabet Boys.” And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by Matt Binder and Brandon Sutton as they discuss Donald Trump’s visit to an East Palestine McDonalds, the Democrats’ obsession with evacuating from any areas where things go a little wrong for them, and why DeSantis’ crime tour won’t do much for his fight against Trump. Ben from Texas dives into his experiences in the struggling local news world, the crew covers pro-life Alaska State Rep. David Eastman’s statements on why child abuse ending in murder is good for society, actually, and why that’s not super abnormal for US politics. Bill Maher hosts Andrew Sullivan to discuss why trans rights are actually about forcing you to eat pussy and suck dick no matter what you want to do, Jordan Peterson explores why trans people are an affront to his god, and Mike from CA takes on the relationship between child labor and dangerous working conditions, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Alphabet Boys here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/alphabet-boys/id1668980612 Check out Zachary's coverage here: https://boltsmag.org/in-chicago-mayor-race-policing-dominates-over-violence-prevention-programs/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ExpandTheDiscourse Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/mattbinder Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Wed, 22 February 2023
Emma hosts writer Malcolm Harris to discuss his recent book Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World. First, Emma runs through updates on the EPA-enforced Norfolk Southern clean-up in East Palestine, updates on various special elections, Biden’s inhumane plans for Title 42’s expiration, and Seattle City Council’s outlawing of caste discrimination, before parses through DeSantis’ crime tour and why we need to aggressively combat these culture war issues. Malcolm Harris then dives right into the story of Palo Alto as a paragon for American Capitalism, from the gold rush through the Silicon Valley revolution, beginning with an era of grassroots vigilantism legitimized by the federal government allowing the US to slowly seize California from Native groups and Spanish colonies. Walking through the goldrush and the following era, Harris discusses early Palo Alto through analogs of overseas colonies – detached from the rest of the US until the construction of the transcontinental railroad, yet a hotbed of exploitation, immigration, and globalization – before looking at how this era defined the disruptive and destructive nature of American settler-colonialism and its capitalist emphases. Next, Malcolm and Emma explore the story of Leland Stanford and his university as a further stage in the development of the disruptive and hyper-capitalist ideology of Palo Alto, before taking on the shift in technological innovation in the 20th century as the region turned towards the radio age, and began to cultivate the private-government relationship that grew in tandem with the Military Industrial Complex. After working through the post-Cold War developments, as Palo Alto saw a mass influx in Military tech funding, juxtaposed with a simultaneous militant movement exemplified by the Black Panthers, Malcolm and Emma wrap up the interview by taking on the modern history of Big Tech and the clear parallels between its neoliberal and libertarian reactionary ideology and that created the system that helps it thrive. And in the Fun Half: Emma parses through the absurdity of Ben Shapiro’s arguments on the wage-to-cost-of-living gap, Stephanie from Alabama comments on yesterday’s interview on cops and courts, and Mike in Denver discusses the “Chritonesque” nature of Big Tech. Emma also dives into the genocidal transphobic rhetoric of Matt Walsh, Steven from Baltimore talks gender fluidity and Judith Butler, and Marjorie Taylor Greene expands on her calls for Civil War. Polling proves Donald Trump to be miles ahead of his Republican competition, and Mike from Buffalo takes on the stochastic terrorism of Matt Walsh and the like, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Malcolm's book here: https://www.littlebrown.com/titles/malcolm-harris/palo-alto/9780316592031/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Tue, 21 February 2023
Emma hosts Joanna Schwartz, professor at UCLA Law School, to discuss her recent book Shielded: How The Police Became Untouchable. Then, she's joined by Sam Mellins, senior reporter at New York Focus. to discuss New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's top judicial nominee, Judge Hector LaSalle, being struck down by the State Senate in Albany. First, Emma runs through updates on a second earthquake hitting Turkey and Syria, China’s denial of any Russian allyship, the Israeli Knesset advancing Netanyahu’s extreme abuses of the judicial branch, Buttigieg’s delayed action in East Palestine, and Ron DeSantis launching his “Crime Tour,” before diving into Tucker Carlson’s attempt to shift East Palestine discourse away from corporate cost-cutting and towards Joe Biden’s “industrial sabotage.” Professor Joanna Schwartz then joins as she explores her focus on various untold stories of police brutality throughout the US, beginning with the story of Onree Norris, a 78-year-old victim of a wrong-address home invasion, to explore the complete lack of accountability faced by police departments nationwide when an incident doesn’t make the 24-hour news cycle. Diving deeper into Onree Norris’ story as she assesses the barrier of qualified immunity on his quest for justice, with prosecution requiring pre-existing judicial decisions surrounding the exact same circumstances – decisions that courts actively refuse to publish for this very reason – all serving to stifle any attempts to hold police, their departments, or their local government’s accountable. Next, Professor Schwartz zooms out to look at the history of qualified immunity, beginning with the passage of the Klu Klux Klan Act in 1871 which sought to grant the right of trial and due process to the recently freed Black population when it came to addressing justice for constitutional violations by the state, only for the Supreme Court to respond immediately by making various decisions to undermine and stunt these developments as the US continued into the Jim Crow era. Moving into the second half of the 20th Century, Joanna and Emma explore the Supreme Court’s decision to finally reverse this decision in 1968, then opening up lawsuits against local governments in ’71, only to – once again – launch various decisions that undermined this right, opening up local governments to passing qualified immunity and other measures that protect them from accountability and hinder victims of police brutalities’ quests for justice. Wrapping up the interview, they tackle the history and development of policing institutions in the US, coming out of the slave economy and settler-colonial structure of the early US, and discuss what policy measures can help bolster Americans’ right to justice in the face of state abuses. Sam Mellins then joins as he walks through Kathy Hochul’s failed nomination of Hector LaSalle to the Chief Judgeship of the NY Court of Appeals, why she embraced this loss so dearly, and where it leaves the future of this seat. And in the Fun Half: Emma talks with Mason from Alabama on the relationship between gun-control legislation and policing reform, Donald Trump talks the “n-word” (Nuclear) and rags on DeSantis’ crime tour, and the crew parses through Jimmy Dore’s recent “anti-war” rally that featured promoters of the invasion of Afghanistan and Ukraine, and exemplified the untethering of Dore’s anti-establishment schtick from the relationship between labor and capital. George Santos finally takes down his walls on Piers Morgan Uncensored and gets honest about his lies, Bob from Raleigh plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Joanna's book here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/677131/shielded-by-joanna-schwartz/ Check out Sam's work here: https://www.nysfocus.com/author/sam-mellins/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Shopify: Scaling your business is a journey of endless possibility. Shopify is here to help, with tools and resources that make it easy for any business to succeed from down the street to around the globe. Go to https://shopify.com/majority for a FREE fourteen-day trial and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features! 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Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Mon, 20 February 2023
The MR Crew is back! Sam sits down for a pre-taped conversation with Peniel Joseph, joint professor of public affairs and history at the University of Texas at Austin, to discuss his recent book The Third Reconstruction:America's Struggle for Racial Justice in the Twenty-First Century. First, Emma runs through updates on Biden’s visit to Ukraine in the wake of Blinken’s statements on a Russia-China allyship, Jimmy Carter’s entrance into hospice care, East Palestine’s environmental disaster, Turkey’s corrupted infrastructure, and Supreme Court updates, before diving into Bernie’s appearance on Face the Nation as he assesses Biden’s presidency and his own legacy. Professor Peniel Joseph then joins as he walks through the stories of America’s three reconstructions, beginning with the broad outlines of the first post-Civil War reconstruction period that attempted to radically redesign our country around freedmen, investing in Black infrastructure, politics, ownership, and civic associations, while dual dueling ideologies grappled over the narrative in the background. Next, Professor Joseph parses through this battle between confederate redemptionists and radical reconstructionists, with the coalescing of various marginalized movements eventually losing the narrative battle to lost cause promoting historical revisionists, despite the incredible material revolution of the period, before he and Sam explore the dominant ideologies on Black assimilation during the period between our first two reconstructions, with the combination of broad legal equality with the white right to personal discrimination aiding the development of civic discrimination, from segregation to red-lining and more. After tackling the dissemination of the lost cause ideology, Peniel and Sam take on the post-WWII period through the 1970s that saw the second US reconstruction, looking at how the reconstructionists were able to dominate the narrative by the end of the period, initiating a 50-year consensus where marginalized people were able to slowly garner levels of political power theretofore unseen, before shifting to our modern reconstruction, beginning with the election of Obama, and taking on the dueling ideologies of today, juxtaposing the various progressive developments with far-right crackdowns on free speech and social activism. Wrapping up the interview, Sam and Peniel discuss the importance of clinging onto oral and non-traditional histories in an era defined by rhetorical struggle, and why we must continue to uplift marginalized stories and legacies. And in the Fun Half: Jordan Peterson ponders whether it’s truly possible to treat queer people with dignity and respect, Emma covers Greta Thunberg’s evolving radicalism, and Ann Coulter appears on Tim Pool to spew nonsense in parallel with MTG’s appearance with Don Jr. as they discuss why being anti-war actually necessitates starting wars. Emma and Matt parse through the impact of Biden’s crackdown on striking freight rail workers on East Palestine’s disaster, and explore Bernie’s recent statements on Israel and fighting against their apartheid state. Plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Peniel's book here: https://www.basicbooks.com/titles/peniel-e-joseph/the-third-reconstruction/9781541600768/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to Cozy Earth: One out of three Americans report being sleep deprived, and their sheets could be the problem. Luckily Cozy Earth provides the SOFTEST, MOST LUXURIOUS and BEST-TEMPERATURE REGULATING sheets. Cozy Earth has been featured on Oprah's Most Favorite Things List Four Years in a Row! Made from super soft viscose from bamboo, Cozy Earth Sheets breathe so you sleep at the perfect temperature all year round. And for a limited time, SAVE 35% on Cozy Earth Bedding. Go to https://cozyearth.com/ and enter my special promo code MAJORITY at checkout to SAVE 35% now. Hurry, holiday offer ends soon. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Fri, 17 February 2023
![]() It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Ryan Grim, DC Bureau Chief at The Intercept, to round up the week in news. Then, they're joined by Chapo Trap House's Matt Christman, to discuss his new podcast project Hell On Earth. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on Senator John Fetterman’s mental health, Rick Scott being forced to retreat his plan for sunsetting Medicare and Social Security, DeWine finally asking for FEMA’s help, the reveal of a brand new GOP fraudster, and medical policy changes in North Dakota (good ones) and Idaho (bad ones), before jumping into the release of new information in Dominion’s lawsuit against Fox, and Ohio’s GOP representatives finally come around to speaking up for their constituents in East Palestine. Ryan Grim then joins as he walks through the coverage of the freight rail chemical spill in East Palestine and the important role of independent media in keeping the story afloat as Norfolk Southern attempted to sweep it under the rug, before tackling the utter failure of Pete Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation in handling this issue and every other one they’ve faced. Next, Ryan, Sam, and Emma parse through the impact of Biden’s State of the Union in getting the GOP to abandon their cuts to Social Security and Medicare, discuss public opinions on the war in Ukraine, both at home and abroad, and dive into the complete defamation debacle that Fox is facing after intra-office messages were leaked flaunting their lies about election fraud. Next, Matt Christman dissects his most recent endeavor “Hell On Earth,” which walks through the evolution from feudalism to capitalism in Europe, first looking at the collision of the 30 Years’ War and a small environmental emergency and how it spurred a complete economic emergency on the continent, while protestant reformation and political realignments saw various alternatives emerge. Christman then looks to the English revolution and the purification of the church with a new understanding of government led by parliament with growing tides of radical democracy, exploring how this realignment in England, despite the empire’s minimal resources, opened the country up to take advantage of early capitalism and settler-colonialism, launching it to the peak of European power and pushing the West to fully embrace capitalism as the economic model. They wrap up the interview by tackling some extra fun tidbits on Fox’s lawsuit with Dominion. And in the fun Half: Sam and Emma parse through Jimmy Dore’s appearance on Tim Pool’s show to explain why Pfizer is the only real problem in the world to be skeptical about, and shows exactly why his anti-establishment shtick is meaningless. They also tackle Matt Walsh embarrassing himself on the Tennessee House floor, plus, your IMs! Check out Ryan's work here: https://badnews.substack.com/ Check out Hell On Earth here: https://hellonearth.chapotraphouse.com/views/podcast/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Sunset Lake CBD: sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at http://www.sunsetlakecbd.com. Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to ZBiotics: Go to https://thld.co/zbiotics_majority_0123 and get 15% off your first order of ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic by using my code MAJORITY at checkout. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Thu, 16 February 2023
![]() Emma hosts Jarrod Shanahan, assistant professor of criminal justice at Governors State University, and Zhandarka Kurti, assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice at Loyola University, Chicago, to discuss their recent book States of Incarceration: Rebellion, Reform, and America's Punishment System. Then, Emma is joined by Jake Werner, Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, to discuss his recent piece entitled "Washington inflates the China balloon threat". Check out Jarrod and Zhandarka's book here: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/S/bo184798417.html Check out Jake's piece here: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2023/02/03/washington-inflates-the-china-balloon-threat/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ExpandTheDiscourse Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/mattbinder Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Wed, 15 February 2023
![]() Sam and Emma host Julia Rock, staff reporter at The Lever, to discuss her recent reporting on the Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, as well as recent meetings surrounding restaurant union negotiations. Then, they're joined by Suzanne Nossel, CEO of PENAmerica, to discuss the organization's efforts to combat censorship efforts at the state level by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on Dianne Feistein’s tentative retirement, Arizona’s Nitric Acid spill, Idaho’s ban on gender-affirming care, Oklahoma stripping a Lesbian mom of her parental rights, and the GOP getting upset over the FTC doing its job, before diving deeper into the House Republican’s frantic search for SOMETHING to cut, as the Senate GOP takes defense (even the woke stuff), social security, and medicare off of the table. Julie Rock then joins as she dives right into the recent regulatory debacle in East Palestine, walking through the last decade of deregulation of the freight rail industry, an age dubbed the “buyback era” by workers as their employers purchased stocks for the C-Suite while cutting spending on infrastructure, inspections, and workforce and safety redundancy, before looking to the role of lobbying in ensuring this deregulation, focusing particularly on the freight industry’s promotion of a mechanical break upgrade, only to turn around and object to any attempt to regulate the implementation of these breaks while carrying hazardous products, successfully having the Trump administration repeal the requirements while Pete Buttigieg has continued to lag on its reimplementation. Rock then shifts to her recent experiences sitting in on a National Restaraunt Association conference where NLRB General Council spoke on her agency’s crackdown on union-busting tactics in the industry, the fear held by C-Suites nationwide of Gen-Z labor organizing, and the tactics the corporations are looking to employ moving forwards. Next, Suzanne Nossel parses through how her work on censorship has progressed over the last decade, shifting from hyper-localized protests by parents to a full-scale legislative assault from state governments, walking through the myriad education-based restrictions coming out of Governor DeSantis’ office in Florida and the massive difference between interpersonal disputes over speech and authoritarianism at the invocation of the state, before wrapping up the interview by tackling the specifics of the College Board’s battle over AP African American history. And in the Fun Half: Sma and Emma discuss Minnesota’s trans refuge bill, what it can do to fight back against the gender-affirming care bans cropping up across the US, and parse through Tim Pool running coverage for both the corporations and regulators responsible for East Palestine's chemical catastrophe, which Dion from Kentucky helps them expand on. Patrick from LA then walks Sam and Emma through an extended Men’s Rights hypothetical that begins with reproductive rights for all pronouns and ends with balancing the rights of courageous men with those of blue-haired cows (women), plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Julia's reporting at The Lever here: https://www.levernews.com/author/julia-rock/ Check out PENAmerica's work here: https://pen.org/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to ZBiotics: Go to https://thld.co/zbiotics_majority_0123 and get 15% off your first order of ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic by using my code MAJORITY at checkout. HelloFresh: No matter your lifestyle or meal preferences, HelloFresh has recipes sure to please everyone at your table. From Fit & Wholesome to Veggie or Family-Friendly, you’ll always find something even the pickiest eaters will enjoy. Go to https://hellofresh.com/majority65 and use code majority65 for 65% off plus free shipping! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Tue, 14 February 2023
Happy Valentine's Day! Sam and Emma break down the biggest headlines of the day, running through updates on this weekend’s mass shooting at Michigan State, the slowing consumer price increases, the revelations coming out of East Palestine, Biden nominating his 100th Federal Judge, Starbucks being punished for union busting, and Israel’s protests over Netanyahu’s abuses of the Judicial branch, before diving deeper into Nikki Haley’s Presidential run. Next, they parse through the discourse around the Norfolk Southern train derailment in East Palestine, with the catastrophe coming just months out from the US Federal Government stepping in to break a freight rail strike, as US freight companies cut down on their workforce, making fewer people work longer hours on bigger trains, before Sam and Emma tackle the lobbying of the Trump Administration to reverse break requirements of freight lines, which further emphasized the externalized cost of freight rail deregulation. Shifting into an Ohio-specific lens, Sam and Emma walk through the responses of Governor DeWine and Senator JD Vance as they tiptoe around the severe regulatory and labor issues at hand, pointing their fingers at woke EPA policies and a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that is still waiting for Ohio to actually request aid. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma watch Rep. Maxwell Frost absolutely nail his appearance on the House Oversight Committee, Biden nailing down the GOP on Social Security during the State of the Union and why we still can’t trust them, and the GOP’s bigoted and violent legislation against trans Americans. Patrick from Pelham Bay also walks through Brett Weinstein’s most recent quackery promotion, Rin from California dives into the GOP’s turn to fascism, and Hua from Raleigh talks about internal dysfunction and corruption at the EPA. Jordan Peterson wishes men had more at stake to stop them from assaulting women, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to Shopify: Scaling your business is a journey of endless possibility. Shopify is here to help, with tools and resources that make it easy for any business to succeed from down the street to around the globe. Go to https://shopify.com/majority for a FREE fourteen-day trial and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features! Tushy:The Hello TUSHY bidet washes your bum with fresh water for a WAY better clean than toilet paper. Simply spray and pat dry! It attaches to your existing toilet – requires NO electricity or additional plumbing – and cuts toilet paper use by 80% – so the Hello Tushy bidet pays for itself in a few months. Go to https://hellotushy.com/majority to get 10% off today! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Mon, 13 February 2023
![]() Sam and Emma host Gerald Horne, Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston, to discuss his recent book The Counter-Revolution of 1836: Texas Slavery & Jim Crow and the Roots of U.S. Fascism. Then later in the show, they're joined by Camille Gix, member of the Initiative I-135 steering committee at House Our Neighbors, the political committee for Real Change, to discuss I-135, the housing initiative coming before Seattle voters until Tuesday February 14th. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on the climbing death toll from last week’s earthquake in Syria and Turkey, Turkey’s response to contracting failures, the DOJ’s lawsuit to halt a Jet Blue-Spirit merger, the IRS’ dramatic service approvement, Israel expanding their West Bank settlements, and Matt Schlapp’s response to being outed as a sexual harasser, before parsing through updates on the disaster chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio, and the environmental catastrophe cover-up that is beginning to trickle out. Professor Gerald Horne then joins as he dives right into his work taking on the pre-foundational, foundational, and developmental myths of the United States, focusing on his analysis of the Texas revolution as a “counter-revolution,” seeking to expand institutions that promote a dearth of progress (indigenous dispossession, the transatlantic slave trade) rather than reinventing their institutions in favor of progress. Continuing his analysis of the Texas revolution, Professor Horne walks through the Texan elite and their push against the “Mexican Tyranny” of emancipation, then capitalizing on the success of their revolution by launching a period of mass bloodshed as they violently dispossessed the Comanches to expand their territories and plantations. Shifting away from Texas, Horne, Sam, and Emma explore the role of America and Mexico in challenging and supporting, respectively, Texas’ role in the transatlantic slave trade, with Andrew Jackson using the Trail of Tears to force indigenous people into Texas’ surrounding areas while Texas attempted to ally with now French-Occupied Mexico to stay off pressure from the US, lasting through to the Juneteenth arrival of Black Soldiers in Galveston to not only implement Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation but to put an end to the France-Texas alliance. Continuing forward through the turn of the century, Gerald walks through the lasting impact of this era of Texas history in the rebirth of the Klu Klux Klan, before stepping back to analyze the importance of the greater historical context behind this revolution, and how to unite macro and micro lenses of history. Camille Gix then joins to walk through Seattle’s I-135 initiative, what “Social Housing” implies, and why this model can bolster the reclamation of housing from the financial world to the public realm. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma watch Republicans talk around cuts to Social Security, assess the importance of raising the cap, analyze the connection between Chinese Spy Balloons and the UFOs invading US airspace this weekend, and discuss the rise and fall of 21st Century renaissance-man James O’Keef. Nova from Minnesota dives into the importance of fighting for SSDI, Owen from San Marcus talks about the reach of Matt Walsh and the issues of the computer science workforce, and Rosanne takes a note from the Babylon Bee for her newest stand-up set. They also discuss the Super Bowl, and the immediate aggrievement that the right found in it (Race War anyone?), plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Gerald's book here: https://www.intpubnyc.com/browse/the-counter-revolution-of-1836-texas-slavery-jim-crow-and-the-roots-of-u-s-fascism/ Check out House Our Neighbors here: https://www.houseourneighbors.org/ Check out the House Our Neighbors YouTube channel for more voting information: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVBKjRuf0UoAlbuHuC-uidg Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Ritual: We deserve to know what we're putting in our bodies and why. 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Fri, 10 February 2023
It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at Salon.com and proprietor of the blog Hullabaloo, to round up the week in news. Then they are joined by Judy Gold, host of the Kill Me Now podcast! It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at Salon.com and proprietor of the blog Hullabaloo, to round up the week in news. Then they are joined by Judy Gold, host of the Kill Me Now podcast! First, Sam and Emma run through updates on the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Florida’s High School sports board decides not to analyze the menstrual flows of high schoolers, a brand new George Santos story, Elon Musk’s various personal business failures, and Mississippi’s new aim to create a Jackson-specific criminal justice system, before parsing through updates on the horrifying train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, and the anti-labor policy that made it possible. Digby then joins as she dives right into the GOP’s brand new “Throwing Sh*t at the Wall Until it Sticks” committee, walking through Jesse Watters’ proclamation that he just wants to throw someone in jail while the rest of the Five obsess about whether the Right’s special investigation is more or less special than the Left’s. Next, they walk through AOC’s performance at the Subcommittee on Weaponization of Federal Government, highlighting Twitter’s special treatment of the far-right, before wrapping up the interview by parsing through the Republican Party’s complete embrace of minoritarian rule, and where the GOP-led House is going next. Judy Gold then gets right into the renaissance of her political vitriol with the emergence of George Santos, before she dives into her recent work transforming her book “Yes, I Can Say That!” into an Off-Broadway production, exploring the growing prevalence of silenced comedians (be they jailed or canceled) and the importance of judging the intent of a joke rather than claiming entire topics as “off-limits.” Check out Digby's work at Salon here: https://www.salon.com/writer/heather_digby_parton Check out Hullaballoo here: http://digbysblog.net/ Check out the Kill Me Now podcast here: https://www.stitcher.com/show/kill-me-now-with-judy-gold Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Sunset Lake CBD: Sunset Lake CBD is a majority employee-owned business that pays a minimum wage of $20/hour. Today, until the 14th— Valentine’s Day, you can save 30% off on all of Sunset Lake CBD’s edibles. That includes all of the gummies, CBD fudge, and coffee when you use code SWEET at checkout. Also, Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off your purchases! Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to HoldOn Bags: To shop plant based bags and replace single use plastics all over your home, visit https://holdonbags.com/MAJORITY or enter MAJORITY at checkout to save 20% off your order. Stamps.com: Taking trips to the Post Office is probably not how you want to spend your time. – that's why you should mail and ship online at Stamps dot com., the place where you get the services of the Post Office and UPS all in one place. There’s NO risk - and with my promo code, MAJORITYREPORT, you get a special offer that includes a 4-week trial PLUS free postage and a digital scale. Just go to https://www.stamps.com/, click on the Microphone at the TOP of the homepage and type in MAJORITYREPORT - that's https://www.stamps.com/, promo code MAJORITYREPORT. Stamps.com - never go to the post office again. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Thu, 9 February 2023
![]() Emma hosts Anastasia Curwood, Professor of History at the University of Kentucky, to discuss her recent book Shirley Chisholm: Champion of Black Feminist Power Politics. Then, she's joined by labor and politics reporter Cole Stangler, to discuss the recent worker protests in France. First, Emma runs through updates on the death toll from the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria, the brutality coverup in the Atlanta PD’s Cop City killing of an activist, the role of Norfolk Southern Freight in helping kill the safety regulations that would’ve aided their most recent chemical derailment, and the Ohio reporter that was arrested for asking questions about the incident, before diving into Ron DeSantis absolutely charisma-free response to being called a pedophile by Donald Trump. Professor Anastasia Curwood then dives right into her work creating what may be the first true cradle-to-grave biography of one of America’s most important political figures of the 20th Century, parsing through Shirley Chisholm’s roots as a Brooklyn-born daughter of formerly enslaved immigrants from Barbados, immediately entering into a world of Black radicalism and political organizing, from her grandmother’s emphasis on self-determination to her father’s involvement with Marcus Garvey, all shaping the lead up to her political career. Next, Professor Curwood walks Emma through the start of Chisholm’s entrance into politics, running with insurgent Democrat clubs to win a seat on the New York State Assembly in 1964, where she would align herself growing Civil Rights movement and garner an incredible grassroots base that, alongside the electoral realignment coming out of the Civil Rights Act, put her in an ideal position to become Brooklyn’s first Black Congressperson as she road through a tough primary against former CORE Director James Farmer, before winning the general at the end of 1968. After tackling her role (both in the New York State Assembly and in the House) in fighting for a bolstered social safety net (including pushing a universal childcare bill all the way to Nixon’s veto), Emma and Anastasia Curwood wrap up the interview by assessing Chisolm’s relationship to the White Feminist movement of the era, including organizing greatly with women like Bella Abzug and Gloria Steinem earlier in her political career, only to be completely deserted by them in her 1972 presidential run. Next, Cole Stangler gets right into the Emmanuel Macron policy that would raise the French pension age at least two years for all workers, parsing through the general consensus among the French as an attack on their labor rights, delaying access to the funds that much of the French have spent decades paying and extending their reliance on labor exploitation. After briefly contrasting the French pension program with the US systems of Social Security and Medicare, Cole Stangler wraps up the interview by tackling the constitutionally-guaranteed labor rights in France, and what this means for the protest moving forwards. And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by Brandon Sutton and Matt Binder as Matt discusses his experience debating the right on “what if I like HAD to say the N-Word,” Ben Shapiro relays the good ol’ “don’t they teach Black people to listen to the cops” dog whistle, and Left Reckoning caller Joe calls in to discuss recommended guests for discussing China-Taiwan relations. Candace Owens flips the fuck out on “demonic” Trans people in coming to the defense of Witchcraft-promoter JK Rowling, WeWork inventor Adam Neumann reinvents Capitalism’ parasitic relationship to housing, and Dave from Jamaica tackles the alienating nature of AI Porn, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Anastasia's book here: https://uncpress.org/book/9781469671178/shirley-chisholm/ Check out all of Cole's work here: https://colestangler.com/ Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ExpandTheDiscourse Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/mattbinder Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Wed, 8 February 2023
![]() Sam hosts journalist Ann Neumann to discuss her recent piece in Harper's, "Falling Like Leaves: The war in Ethiopia and its crimes against civilians". Then, Sam's joined by Dawn Tefft, a Lead Organizer with Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC), and Sam Harshner, organizer and Adjunct Instructor of Political Science and History at Marquette University, to discuss their work with EWOC and its central mission. First, Sam runs through updates on Biden’s State of the Union speech, the rising death roll in the wake of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the Democrats sweeping Pennsylvania’s special election, the Fed continuing their attack on labor, and the House GOP launching their investigation into Hunter Biden’s d*ck pics, before diving into the contrast between Biden’s tack towards bipartisanship and Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ statements that she’s nothing like Joe Biden. Ann Neumann then joins as she walks through the last five years of Ethiopian conflict, beginning with the protests and riots breaking out in 2016 and led to myriad resignations across the Ethiopian government and the assumption of Abiy Ahmed to the Prime Ministership, who immediately stepped in to sign a peace treaty with Isaias Afwerki to end the multi-decade Eritrean-Ethiopian border conflict – a move that would earn Ahmed a Nobel Peace Prize, only for it to become apparent that, as a part of the treaty, there was an agreement to turn against their common enemy of Tigray. After a brief conversation on the role of Tigray and Eritrea in the liberation of Ethiopia from the Derg regime, Neumann parses through the role of the US in propping up various leaders in Eritrea and Ethiopia in the shift towards neocolonialism, with Abiy Ahmed being a particular darling of the west. Wrapping up the interview, Ann walks Sam through the crimes against civilians that have come through Ethiopia’s strict information blockade, from outright violence and violation to the manipulation of food and medicine, and how the information blockade itself developed. Dawn Tefft and Sam Harshner dive right into the creation of the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee in early 2020 in response to the impact of the pandemic on workplaces, with the DSA joining with United Electorate to help sponsor and strategize labor organizing and the establishment of unions across the US in the fight for safe workplace policy in a pandemic. After briefly touching on EWOC’s work at Marquette University, Dawn and Sam walk through the biggest challenges that faced workplace organizing throughout the pandemic, and how easy it is for workers to unite over mediocre and unsafe working conditions. And in the Fun Half: Sam and the MR Crew tackle Biden baiting the Right into committing to Social Security and Medicare, Frank Luntz’s response on (s)quack box, and other highlights from Biden’s State of the Union. Nine from Seattle dives into Eritrea’s relationship to colonialism and colonization, Ryan from Ohio dives into the disaster train derailment that has taken his house, and Chad from NYC rants against corporate “charity” as per the development of Box Tops. Donald Trump calls Ron DeSantis a groomer, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Ann's piece here: https://harpers.org/archive/2023/02/falling-like-leaves-ethiopia-tigray-crimes-against-civilians/ Learn more about EWOC here: https://workerorganizing.org/ Donate to Hasan's fund for earthquake victims: https://events.softgiving.com/donate/HasanAbiForTurkeySyriaEarthquakesFund Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: ZBiotics: Go to https://thld.co/zbiotics_majority_0123 and get 15% off your first order of ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic by using my code MAJORITY at checkout. Henson Shaving: Go to https://hensonshaving.com/ Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Tue, 7 February 2023
Sam and Emma break down the biggest headlines of the day as they count down to what may be Biden’s final State of the Union. Emma and Sam first dive into updates on the growing death toll in Turkey and Syria in the wake of this weekend’s earthquake, the speakers to watch for tonight, the center-right folding on the debt ceiling, the future of abortion rights, and various labor news in the political media sphere. Next, explore Judge Janine Pirro’s takedown of Biden’s first three years in office, and his failure to prove his worth to the voters, despite massive decreases in prescription drug prices (for some), and an incredibly high employment rate. They also walk through Shannon Bream’s discussion with Jared Bernstein, once again, on what Biden has actually accomplished, Kevin McCarthy singling out the national debt as the biggest threat to America, and Matt Gaetz using that tack to turn his sights on the impoverished. Wrapping up the free half, Sam and Emma parse through the Commonwealth Fund’s recent report on the US’ floundering healthcare system, paying more (both from the government and the people’s pockets) for less, worse, and more dysfunctional care than any other country in the OECD, all serving to put the US well behind in life expectancy and other quality-of-life measurements. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma watch Rep. James Comer try to dance away from questions about the GOP-led House’s bogus investigations, discuss various reactionary members of the dumdum “left,” and Charlie Kirk has Kari Lake walk through her plans on running for one political seat while claiming occupation of another. Bobby from Maine dives into the impact of the Medicare/Medicaid debate on actual people, James from Boston takes on the devastating impacts of the “school choice” drive on public education, and Candace Owens claims that history education has completely undermined ahistorical arguments. Valerie from Arizona dives into the defunct relationship between crime and housing, plus, your calls and IMs! Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to HoldOn Bags: To shop plant based bags and replace single use plastics all over your home, visit https://holdonbags.com/MAJORITY or enter MAJORITY at checkout to save 20% off your order. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Mon, 6 February 2023
Sam and Emma host Gary Orfield, professor and co-director of the Civil Rights Project at the University of California, Los Angeles, to discuss his recent book The Walls around Opportunity: The Failure of Colorblind Policy for Higher Education. First, Emma and Sam run through updates on the US shooting down China’s spy balloon, the Democratic base’s low enthusiasm on another Biden presidential run, the DNC overhauling their primary schedule, various GOP-run states figuring out how to crack down on drag shows and the establishments that host them, the Koch brand lining up behind Trump’s primary challengers, and Florida’s focus on teenage periods, before parsing through the destruction wrought in Turkey this weekend with a massive 7.8 earthquake. Professor Gary Orfield then joins as he dives into the evolution of the role of race consciousness in college admissions, beginning in the wake of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which saw the federal government join with students and the general public to push higher education towards integration, employing policies of race consciousness and affirmative action that would actively push against the inherent biases of the admission process, all steering US universities to a near-balance between the demographics of their students and the US population writ large by the end of the 1970s. After exploring how the Reagan Administration and neoliberal shift of the ‘80s heavily undermined poverty-specific policies like the Pell Grants while shifting the tax burden from the public to families as they cut federal funding, Professor Orfield walks through the post-Reagan challenges to affirmative action on the Supreme Court, with three cases between Michigan and UT over the first two decades of the 21st Century, moving into the upcoming cases with Harvard and UNC, which all focus on the same issue of whether active race-conscious admissions are actively conscious about race. Wrapping up the interview, Gary explores the main impacts on higher ed that we could see with an undermining of affirmative action, particularly as policy would move to the states, and tackles the importance of a bottom-up approach to solving the crisis of higher education in the US, ensuring students coming from marginalized communities are provided appropriate collegiate preparation, alongside overhauling the cost of college and university to open them up to lower-income folks, and a readdress the influence of biases in the admissions process. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma cover the right’s clamor over whether ignoring the Chinese War Balloon or shooting it down is more of a sign of a declining American empire, Tom from Columbus talks Ben Rhodes and putting pressure on politicians, Max from Bergen county discusses leveraging the death penalty to reduce traffic violations, and Charlie Kirk takes aim at AOC, calling code-switching, “rhetorical blackface.” Jack from Boston explores pushback on the Supreme Court from legal institutions, and Sam from New College in Sarasota Florida dives into Ron DeSantis’ and Chris Rufo’s attempted infiltration of her college, and the grounding of the attack in bigotry from racism to transphobia. Jack from Louisville walks through LMPD’s stonewalling of any accountability measures, Vato T from Washington takes on education, class, and affirmative action, George Santos moves his grift from Drag Race to Broadway, and Matt Schlapp lashes out at supposed “reporters” for “reporting” on his “reported” abuse, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Gary's book here: https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691227412/the-walls-around-opportunity Help out New College here: https://savenewcollege.org/ Check out the New College Students for Educational Freedom Twitter account here: https://twitter.com/NCFEduFreedom Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: ZBiotics: Go to https://thld.co/zbiotics_majority_0123 and get 15% off your first order of ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic by using my code MAJORITY at checkout. ExpressVPN: We all take risks every day when we go online, whether we think about it or not. 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Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Fri, 3 February 2023
![]() It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Jamelle Bouie, opinion columnist at the New York Times and co-host of the Unclear and Present Danger podcast, to round up the week in news. Then, they're joined by Hamza Syed, co-host of The Trojan Horse Affair podcast, available from the New York Times and Serial. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on Biden leading the US through another strong quarter for labor, Blinken delaying his trip to China amidst the arrival of a “Spy Weather balloon” in the US, George Santos, the removal of Rep Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and the Fed continuing their full-on assault on labor, before diving into Fox’s juxtaposition of a strong labor market with Ford failing to meet some of their own revenue expectations. Jamelle Bouie then joins as he dives right into the murder of Tyre Nichols at the hands of the Memphis Police Department’s Scorpion Squad, and the importance of understanding the impact of the hyper-policing of marginalized communities on their relationship to politics and the state writ large. Bouie walks through the work of Joe Soss and Vesla Weaver that paints police as the most direct relationship that marginalized communities have with the state, understanding that their treatment at the hands of police creates a pessimistic view of the state and encourages a removal from the political system entirely. Capping off that conversation, Jamelle, Emma, and Sam walk through marginalized communities’ relationship to crime, understanding their fellow citizens as overpoliced in daily life while under-policed in terms of the actual risks to the community via violent crime, all serving to paint their social role, as understood by the state, as one of developing criminality rather than active citizenship. Next, Jamelle Bouie parses through the nascent stages of the GOP presidential race, why DeSantis and much of the rest of the Right relies on culture war discourse over policy, why the media struggles to handle GOP lies after decades of embracing them, Donald Trump’s role as an outside candidate even in 2024, and the constitutional nature of debt ceiling debates. They also talk with Hamza Syed about his work uncovering the Islamophobic response of the UK Government to obviously false papers covering an Islamic coup of Birmingham’s education system, and the UK Policy Exchange’s and much of the media’s attempt to paint his journalism as an extension of this Islamist project of extremism. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma watch Kevin McCarthy try to defend the removal of Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee as “precedent” following the removal of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar for threats against other sitting congresspeople. They also dive into the recent House vote to denounce socialism and what that means for the future of socialist policies like M4A, with 109 Democrats joining the Right on the vote, Ben Shapiro talks girl pants and why they can never be paired with boy legs, and Donald Trump rags on Ron DeSantis’ whimpering for help ahead of his 2018 race, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Jamelle's work here: https://www.nytimes.com/column/jamelle-bouie Check out The Trojan Horse Affair here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/podcasts/trojan-horse-affair.html Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: Sunset Lake CBD: Sunset Lake CBD is a majority employee-owned business that pays a minimum wage of $20/hour. Visit https://sunsetlakecbd.com and use code TINCTURE at checkout to save 35% on all tinctures. Also, Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off your purchases! Aura: Go to my sponsor https://aura.com/majority to try 14 days free and let Aura go to Henson Shaving: Go to https://hensonshaving.com/ Shopify: Scaling your business is a journey of endless possibility. Shopify is here to help, with tools and resources that make it easy for any business to succeed from down the street to around the globe. Go to https://shopify.com/majority for a FREE fourteen-day trial and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Thu, 2 February 2023
Emma hosts Laura Katz Olson, professor of Political Science at Lehigh University, to discuss her recent book Ethically Challenged: Private Equity Storms U.S. Healthcare. First, Emma runs through updates on the Fed approving another interest hike as they continue their push against labor, Biden and McCarthy’s unsurprisingly unproductive debt ceiling meeting, the GOP’s ousting of Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, the College Board removing myriad Black authors from their AP AfAm syllabus, protests in France and the UK, and the US upping their military presence in the Philippines as they wrap up tensions with China, before diving into the incoming House Budget Chair’s concerning statements on the GOP’s targets for debt ceiling cuts. Professor Laura Katz Olson then joins as she dives right into the deregulation of the 1970s and ’80s which saw a huge influx of money into the junk bond industry, and opened up the economy to much broader investments into private equity and venture capitalism, beginning a period of corporate raiding and butchering by these firms, taking prospering companies, chopping costs to pay off debt, and then selling them off as a shell of their former selves. Professor Katz Olson then walks Emma through the contrast between the perspective we were sold on private equity by the neoliberal pioneers, that they come in and save struggling companies, with their actual practice of relying on the income of prosperous companies to pay off the debt of their own acquisition, before expanding on private equity’s recent entrance into the world of medical care, seeing the vast income in the healthcare industry as the perfect tool to rake up profits from the working class, in a comparable manner to their takeover of the Dental industry in the 1990s. Stepping back, Laura Katz Olson parses through the playbook of private equity and their reliance on Non-Disclosure Agreements and Non-Disparagement clauses to keep their destructive practices under wraps, as their cost-cutting practices inevitably break down the capacity of the company to function by piling more and more responsibility on workers. Wrapping up, Profesor Katz Olson discusses the specific impact this process has on medical care, which works along the lines of life and death, and how venture capitalists are stepping into Medicare and Medicaid-funded care to rip dollars from our taxes. Emma concludes the free half by reflecting on Ilhan Omar’s response to being ousted from the Foreign Affairs Committee, her role as one of the few Representatives willing to question corporations, and what this loss means moving forwards. And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by Brandon Sutton and Matt Binder as they assess the absurd discourse about whether non-consensual porn of someone is okay, the beginnings of the multi-millionaire class truly separating themselves from humanity, and Casey from Tennessee dives into Memphis’ history of police abuses against its Black population. Denis Prager has a moral panic about the left starting moral panics about the right’s moral panics about… before the MR Crew also touches on DeSantis’ attempt to undermine Florida’s big liberal arts college, AJ from Chicago discusses Crowder’s sexual revelations, and Marjorie Taylor Greene demands to get to the root of why elementary schools individually received billions in COVID money for “diversity.” Mark the Barb from Buffalo discusses his escape from Jordan Peterson’s ideology, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Laura's book here: https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/title/12719/ethically-challenged Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/ExpandTheDiscourse Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/mattbinder Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |
Wed, 1 February 2023
![]() Sam and Emma host Raymond Jackson, President of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 689, to discuss the recent strike by Loudoun County Transit workers in Virginia. Then, they are joined by Helena Bottemiller Evich, founder of the publication Food Fix, to discuss the recent developments within the FDA and the issues surrounding Abbott's baby formula. First, Emma and Sam run through updates on Trump’s pleading of the fifth for the 400th time, the AP African American course updates, Nikki Haley launching her run for the GOP nomination in 2024, Hochul siding with her corporate lobbyists once again, and the previous abuses of the cops that killed Tyre Nichols, before parsing through Biden’s State Department’s refusal to acknowledge the apartheid and oppression faced by Palestinian people. Raymond Jackson then joins as he dives into the context of ATU Local 689’s strike as it reaches its third week, with Keolis taking over Loudoun Transit in 2021 and promptly cutting health benefits and forcing workers into outrageous workloads, all while serving the richest county in the US. After walking through the one-sided bargaining that has taken place in the wake of the takeover, Jackson discusses the other transit strikes inspired by Keolis’s takeovers, before they wrap up the interview by exploring the various ways to support Local 689 both from Virginia and afar. Helena Bottemiller-Evich then dives into the recent announcement of a major reorganization of the FDA amidst intense scrutiny over their food management, tackling the baby-formula drama that put this issue front and center, and why, despite decades of dysfunction, this issue only just came to a breaking point. They discuss the impact of Donald Trump’s takedown of the administrative state, and why it didn’t impact the revolving door of drug-focused administrators, before taking a step back to look at the much greater issues that faced the FDA’s actual attempts to regulate food, particularly in terms of its funding and relationship to the industry it supposedly regulates. Wrapping up, Helena, Sam, and Emma tackle the recent updates to FDA regulation, including taking heavy metals out of baby food, and how to bolster the US’ ability to regulate the food industry. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma discuss Donald Trump staking out his violently transphobic agenda, the major PACs that stand in line with him, Lindsay Graham’s defense of supporting Trump despite his agenda being mirrored across the GOP, and Jonah from Montreal discusses Crowder’s legacy in Canada. Chris from the Twin Cities dives into the dangers of increasing transphobic policy, Ben Shapiro wishes Black people would just comply with the Police’s conflicting commands, Tony discusses the challenge of balancing means-tested social welfare with low-income budget changes, and H. Jon Benjamin has a heart to heart with Sam about the issues he brings to the Bob's Burgers studio, plus, your calls and IMs! Get more information on the ATU strike here: https://www.atulocal689.org/ Check out Food Fix here: https://foodfix.co/ Help the Rees family here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-baby-willy?s=09 Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today’s sponsors: LiquidIV: Cooler weather makes it easier to miss signs of dehydration like overheating or perspiration, which means it's even more important to keep your body properly hydrated. Liquid I.V. contains 5 essential vitamins—more Vitamin C than an orange and as much potassium as a banana. Healthier than sugary sports drinks, there are no artificial flavors or preservatives and less sugar than an apple. Grab your favorite Liquid I.V. flavors nationwide at Walmart or you can get 20% off when you go to https://www.liquid-iv.com/ and use code MAJORITYREP at checkout. That’s 20% off ANYTHING you order when you get better hydration today using promo code MAJORITYREP at https://www.liquid-iv.com/. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/ |