Thu, 30 June 2022
![]() Emma hosts Natasha Lennard, columnist at The Intercept, to discuss her recent reporting before, during, and after Roe V. Wade's overturning by the Supreme Court. Then, Emma is joined by Greg Casar, candidate for Congress in Texas's 35th District, to give us an update from the campaign trail. First, Emma dives into Biden’s role as the passive PR president, finally coming along to back other people doing something about Roe, and she covers what a politician that actually has initiative looks like (AOC being the perfect example). Then she’s joined by Natasha Lennard as she dives into us finally meeting the known horror of an overturned Roe, looking at how this decision will be enforced by exploring the genre of enforcement that has defined the US’ police state throughout its history: an alliance between far-right vigilantism and a reactionary state – seen perfectly in Texas’ civil bounty laws. Expanding on this, Lennard walks through the history of the vigilante groups, from lynchers in the Jim Crow south to slave patrols in the north, as a clear expression of the US elites’ desire to maintain control of the bodily autonomy of Black people, women, and particularly Black women. Next, with help of the Daily Wire crew, they walk through the importance of antiracism and queer liberation in the fight for reproductive rights, before preparing for the Democratic tactic of calling the right “hypocritical” when they codify abortion prohibition on a national level, and wrapping up the interview by looking to the organizers and activists that have already set up the networks by which we must fight for the right to bodily autonomy. Greg Casar then joins as he dives into the response to Roe trigger laws as someone running for TX-35, and the importance of using your power to bend the arch towards justice, next looking to the importance of empathetic and open policy towards immigrants and solutions to the massive rent issues in the US today. And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by Matt and Brandon as they dive into the difference between conspiracies used as a distraction, and conspiracies that need distracting from, Ben Shapiro says Trump cannot be held responsible for 1/6, because he can’t be responsible for ANYTHING! Rob from NJ dives into the Daily Wire’s step into cinema, Joe Rogan, with his finger ever on the prostate pulse of US reactionaries, comes out as pro-DeSantis. The crew dives into Roe’s overturn, and the pointlessness (and points) of constantly questioning republicans about exceptions, and James from Ft. Worth starts a “Who’s More Democratic” competition, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Check out JustCoffee and get 25% off with the code MR25! Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out AidAccess here: The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Wed, 29 June 2022
![]() Sam and Emma host Mark Joseph Stern, senior writer at Slate, to discuss the recent bombshell SCOTUS opinions, and what other decisions remain to be issued. Then, they are joined by Matt Stoller, Director of Research at the American Economic Liberties Project and author of the BIG newsletter on SubStack, to discuss what's been going on at the Federal Trade Commission. First, Sam and Emma dive into Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony on Trump’s request to let more armed protesters into the Capitol since “they’re not here to hurt me,” and the Supreme Court allows Louisiana to redistrict around the disenfranchisement of African Americans. Then, they’re joined by Mark Joseph Stern as he dives right into Carson v. Makin and the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down a Maine requirement for private schools that received PUBLIC funding (largely due to lack of resources for public education in the area) to maintain a secular education, even though these schools are known to reject Muslim and Jewish students and ostracize children of same-sex couples. He, Emma, and Sam discuss how far Kavanaugh and Roberts could go in dismantling secularism and bolstering the funding for hyper-religious PUBLIC institutions. Next, they look to the Kennedy case in Washington, as the Supreme Court struck down the lemon doctrine in the case of a high school football coach coercing his players into Christian prayer. They first boil it down to the legal dispute, looking at the conservative justices’ rejection of the “endorsement” of religion as a violation of the establishment clause, before they look to the factual dispute, covering the blatant lies that the conservative majority based their decision on, including ignoring student statements that they were ostracized for refusing to join the prayer, the fact that the coach spent over 50 games leading these prayers, despite only being penalized for the last three, and the fact that the coach voluntarily left the job in the wake of being placed on PAID administrative leave. They wrap up their interview by diving into the rapid manner by which the conservative justices’ agenda is being passed, and look at the future of their agenda and the doctrines they’ll look to overturn next. Then, Matt Stoller joins as he walks through the Financial Trade Commission’s declaration to enforce the Robinson-Patman act requiring corporate middlemen to be paid exclusively for services rendered, looking at the role of Pharmaceutical Benefits Managers, how they extort the industry, and what role this might play in hindering future monopsonies, which leads them to a brief discussion on the monopsony of Minor League Baseball, the role MLB’s anti-trust exemption plays in this, and what is being done to push the Majors to provide living wages to the futures of their sport. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma walk through Cassidy Hutchinson’s extended testimony in front of the 1/6 committee, from Trump’s desire to let more armed folks into the Capitol to Mark Meadows taking phone calls in secret on the day of. Tim from Rochester discusses being a High School football player, how coaches sell you a “divine dream,” and the absurdity of the recent SCOTUS ruling around that topic. Next, they look at some early horror stories around trigger laws in Dayton Ohio, and reflect on the Terri Schiavo case some decade and a half later. Emma discusses the anemic Democratic response to Roe, the Dem Leadership’s game of pretend around what the Republicans' goals for reproductive rights actually are, and the crew covers some of the stupidest arguments about the hope inspired by Dobbs. A log cabin republican is offended as his allies call him abnormal, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Check out JustCoffee and get 25% off with the code MR25! Magic Spoon: Magic Spoon is a new cereal company that’s discovered a way to recreate your favorite childhood cereals with 0 sugar, 12 grams of protein, and only 3 net grams of carbs in each serving. Go to to for your custom bundle of cereal and try it today! Be sure to use our promo code MAJORITYREPORT at checkout to save five dollars off your order. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out AidAccess here: The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Tue, 28 June 2022
Sam hosts William Forbath, Associate Dean for Research at the University of Texas at Austin Law School, and Joseph Fishkin, Professor at the UCLA School of Law, to discuss their recent book The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution: Reconstructing the Economic Foundations of Democracy. Sam first runs through recent updates, from AOC and progressives pushing the White House to take action on Roe and the discovery of 46 dead migrants in an abandoned San Antonio trailer, to the GOP’s insistence that, no, fundamentally undermining reproductive rights in the country ISN’T important, and everything is basically the same. Then, he’s joined by William Forbath and Professor Joseph Fishkin as they dive right into the state of the public’s relationship to the US Constitution, with the left lacking a vision of how it functions within the political society and the right having successfully ingrained it as central to how the constitution shapes policy, before situating our political era as a second Gilded Age defined by economic and political inequality, and why the left’s lack of a constitutional vision means that these are not seen as constitutional issues. Next, they trace the recent history of how the two US parties relate to the court, with the institutionalist liberals basking in the afterglow of the Warren court while the GOP, since at least Nixon, has seen opposition to the Court’s “progressive” nature as central to their victories. Forbath and Fishkin then jump back to the founders, assessing how they weighed their beliefs of a judicial system as central to a functioning democracy while understanding that it had no right to overrule the will of the people via the legislature, seeing the constitution as a check on the concentration of power to be used against governmental institutions, and thus puts forward a duty to legislate against economic and political concentration. They then shift to the rise of the anti-slavery Republican Party in the mid 19th Century and their vacation of the South as any semblance of a base until they had begun to dismantle the concentration of economic and political power in the region with the prevalence of slave owners and the electoral role of the 3/5ths clause, moving into an era of egalitarian constitutionalism emphasizing checks on concentrations of economic and political powers and a distribution of opportunity that extends across race gender, that saw the Reconstruction amendments (despite clear loopholes) attempt to reshape the role of the constitution. Next comes the 20th Century, as they walk through the rise of federal courts in the wake of the industrial revolution and the simultaneous populist political movement that came out against the rising concentration of wealth, with Taft attempting to build up the Court’s stature as it became clear they were on the side of the corporation, only for his (physical and meta) attempts to culminate during the reign of FDR after he forced the anti-democratic court into lockstep with him. They wrap up the interview by looking at the lasting effects of the post-FDR Warren Court, and the current shattering of the view of the courts as apolitical, before looking forwards to the upcoming judicial attacks against legislative capacities and how we can move forwards in a way that bolsters the will of the people rather than the deification of the Courts. And in the Fun Half: Sam interviews special guest Saul Seder on the state of the 3rd grade, parental rights in the state of Disney, the superiority of Jim Carrey over his father, and summarizes highlights from the 2022 little league season. Then Sam and the crew dive into Cassidy Hutchinson’s surprise hearing for the 1/6 committee, Kamala Harris’ only solution to the Dobbs decision being still holding midterm elections (rather than…?), and a GOP candidates’ commitment to cop brotherhood by refusing to acknowledge the existence of rape. Rudy describes the reverberations of his assault, Hutchinson covers Trump’s violent outbursts on and leading up to 1/6, and Russia goes after Ukrainian civilians, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Check out JustCoffee and get 25% off with the code MR25! Aura: Protect yourself from America’s fastest-growing crime. Try Aura for 14 days for free: Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out AidAccess here: The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Mon, 27 June 2022
![]() Sam hosts Khiara M. Bridges, professor of law at the University of California, Berkeley, to discuss the recent overturning of Roe V. Wade and the repeal of concealed carry laws in New York State by the Supreme Court. First Sam reviews the standards set by this 6-3 conservative Supreme Court, overturning Roe and concealed carry laws while promoting single-religion prayer in public school, and the unsurprising result of an already unpopular court having it’s approval ratings go into free fall, before covering MSNBC accidentally stumbling into Reproductive Rights activists that actually know the history of reproductive rights and the Democrats’ fight (or lack thereof) for it. Then, he is joined by Professor Khiara Bridges as she dives into the actual state of the Dobbs decision, the difference between Alito’s opinion to overturn Roe and Roberts’ concurrence which saught to only address the ACTUAL question of the case on the viability line, and why the concepts the Court was addressing changed with the replacement of RBG with ACB. Next, they get into the role of the “Due Process” clause of the 14th Amendment, exploring how the leak went after this concept much more aggressively than the actual opinion and walking through the other elements of this Reconstruction amendment, and how this attempt to undermine the clause is still central to the opinion, just obscured in qualifier about what THIS case is doing, before Professor Bridges dives into the 9th Amendment and the legal establishment’s refusal (from academia to the courts) to actually acknowledge the idea of rights of the public not previously enumerated in the Constitution. The professor then walks Sam through how the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause has been interpreted as a right to privacy, via reason and logic, by previous courts dating back to the start of the 20th Century, and dives into the arbitrary algorithm set up by this Court to reject “new” rights on a case by case basis, wrapping up by exploring this algorithm’s contrary implementation in the Bruen decision. And in the Fun Half: Sam admires Tulsi Gabbard’s empathy and commitment to rationality by refusing to respond to the Roe decision (which definitely has nothing to do with her move to conservatism), Kristi Noem reminds us that every life is precious, unless that life could produce a white dude, and the LAPD finally get back to their roots of ruthlessly beating nonviolent protesters and journalists alike. SCOTUS shows us we have nothing to fear from their future by shooting tear gas from their roof, Chuck Todd gets awkward when AOC brings up holding justices accountable for their actions and statements, and Ronald Raygun reflects back on the Trump Cuck Rushmore with our recent 1/6 revelations. Rudy claims he was struck by a boulder only for video evidence to show who the real Sisy-phus is, James from CO calls in about a libertarian track to home ownership, plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Check out JustCoffee and get 25% off with the code MR25! sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out AidAccess here: The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Fri, 24 June 2022
It's Casual Friday! Sam hosts Jamelle Bouie, opinion columnist at the New York Times and co-host of the Unclear and Present Danger podcast, to discuss his recent piece "The Gerontocracy of the Democratic Party Doesn’t Understand That We’re at the Brink." First, Sam dives right into the Supreme Court’s overturning of the half-century precedent of Roe v. Wade as the first major rollback of any established right in US history, the thirteen trigger laws it enacts, and the future of reproductive health when healthcare professionals are forced to weigh they own well being and security in making decisions. Jamelle Bouie then joins as he and Sam dive right into the growing divide between establishment Democrats and younger progressives in just acknowledging the horrendous state of our politics, as seen in Whip Clyburn’s official response to the Roe decision stating that it was “anti-climactic,” and take on the role of the Gerontocratic leadership of the Democratic party and their ossified perspective on how politics can and does function in the 21st Century, from Pelosi’s requests for a “strong Republican party” to Biden’s praising of McConnell’s integrity. Next, Bouie dives into his recent research into the Republican party that preceded today’s neoconservatism and their shift to hard-edged partisanship, contrasting this with the Democrats’ desire to triangulate in politics, as we saw with Hillary’s comments on sacrificing trans people for the integrity of anti-democratic institutionalism, and refusal to acknowledge that, yes, the GOP does mean what they say. After a conversation on the future of this fight, and the other big fights coming down the SCOTUS pipeline, Sam and Jamelle wrap up the interview by assessing the 1/6 hearings, Mike Pence, and the Democratic leadership’s attempted creation of right-wing heroes. Sam further dives into the other precedents (Griswald, Casey, Loving, etc) that are put in question by this decision and the absurdity of Thomas’ argument that this won’t set a precedent… while encouraging an extension of this decision to future cases. And in the Fun Half: Sam explores the meaning behind the Majority Report name, James Carville asks for our help, and House Democrats sing God Bless America for some unknowable reason. Katie from Providence dives deeper into the subjectivity around the abortion “exemptions,” and how the objective nature of the punishment for abortions will easily overshadow them. Shannon from the USVIs discusses supporting Black women in the US, Alan and Brendan from North Carolina reflect on the shaping of their perspectives on reproductive rights, Valerie from AZ talks constitutionality and the Supreme Court teeing up myriad elements of queer rights to be overturned, and Mindy reads a statement from the Archdiocese of New York. The crew listens to Mick Lynch’s inspirational responses to the UK media’s insulting coverage of their rail strike, and Ron Johnson throws Mike Kelly under the bus, to which Kelly says, “who?” Jeff Clark can’t believe that Federal Agents wouldn’t let him wear the pants in their relationship, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Jamelle's piece here: Check out the Unclear and Present Danger podcast here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Check out JustCoffee and get 25% off with the code MR25! sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: Quip: Quip gets your smile ready, making good habits easy with all the essentials you need to care for your mouth. The quip Electric Toothbrush uses timed vibrations with 30-second pulses to guide a dentist-recommended two-minute clean. It’s loved by over SEVEN MILLION mouths. You can even upgrade with a NEW Smart Motor to track and improve your brushing AND earn sweet rewards. If you go to RIGHT NOW, you’ll get your first refill FREE. That’s your first refill FREE at Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out AidAccess here: Donate to Gregory for Oklahoma's Statehouse campaign here! The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Thu, 23 June 2022
Sam hosts Mike Konczal, director of macroeconomic analysis at the Roosevelt Institute, to discuss his recent paper "Prices, Profits, and Power" that he co-authored with Niko Lusiani. Then, Sam is joined by Amane Badhasso, candidate for Congress in Minnesota's 4th District, to give an update from the campaign trail. First, Sam dives into the decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen which saw SCOTUS reject the constitutionality of limiting concealed carry permits to those with heightened need, looking at how this changes what the Second Amendment means, and the ahistorical perspective required to come to this decision. Next, he’s joined by Mike Konczal who jumps right into defining inflation and situating the US economies capacity and supply coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, before he and Sam get into the material difference between demand-created inflation, and inflation caused by a lagging supply that has been crippled by a multi-year pandemic. Then, Konczal compares the state of US inflation with our peers in Europe, with our economy jumping out ahead of them towards the beginning of the pandemic as we had to fund the economic stabilizers they already had, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine shot the European economy right up to our level, and he and Sam look at the idea of wage-driven inflation (which is a dubious cause of our current moment), and assess the rampant corporate profits of the last two years and the price gauging and demand-based inflation that they are tied to. They wrap up the interview by diving into the paths the Fed is taking to combat inflation, with a focus on encouraging saving rather than spending, and Mike gives his own takes on what could help inflation without also hurting those already made most marginalized by inflation. Amane Badhasso then joins as she dives into her connection to Minnesota Congressional District 4 as a refugee finding a safe haven, and her desire to promote and expand a progressive and community-oriented platform, contrasting that with her opponent’s deep ties to the Military-Industrial complex, before they conclude their discussion by touching on the relationship between US and Israel and what it means for her to take on mass human rights violations. And in the Fun Half: Sam is joined by Matt and Brandon as they dive into updates from the 1/6 hearing, as the Republicans, almost all of whom refused to serve on the committee, reject the lack of perspective as “cross-examination” in what is very much not a court case. Ted Cruz fears the Antifa riots that will break out after the Roe decision, and Veronica from Olympia dives deep into her personal experience with running as a Democrat in a state race that the left is very unlikely to win. They also walk through the biggest races in the upcoming midterms, admire Herschel Walker’s initiative to grant statehood to DC and Puerto Rico, and dive into attacks against Lauren Boebert from the same conservative PAC that went after Madison Cawthorne. Brian from Flagstaff thinks the problem is that the Civil War never ended, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Mike's paper here: Check out Amane's campaign here: Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Check out JustCoffee and get 25% off with the code MR25! Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Donate to Gregory for Oklahoma's Statehouse campaign here! The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Wed, 22 June 2022
![]() Sam hosts Jaz Brisack of Starbucks Workers United to give us some updates from the unionization efforts on the ground. Then, Sam is joined by Michael Bronski, professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Harvard University, to discuss his recent piece in the Boston Review "Grooming and the Christian Politics of Innocence". First, Sam dives into the continuing defamation suit by Dominion against Fox, SCOTUS’ decision to publically fund private religious schools, and the blistering updates from the 1/6 hearing, including testimony from Shea Moss, the election official accused by name by Trump, on the life-shattering matter that this was for her, from death threats at her home to racist threats in public, and Trump asks Arizona House officials to give him a break, I mean it’s what? 11,000 votes?? Next, Jaz Brisack joins as she and Sam get right into her incredible history in labor organizing having only recently graduated, discussing growing up in Texas and Mississippi and knowing she wanted to work in the field of labor, with her first dip into organizing during the fight with the United Auto Workers to organize a massive Nissan factory and what she learned from those original interactions with dirty anti-union corporate tactics. Although that vote fell short in 2017, Jaz discusses the massive influence it had on her and her hopes for organizing, as she carried her interest in labor organizing and labor history into her years as a Rhodes Scholar, before finally getting into her work organizing fast-food franchises in upstate New York. Here, she dives into her work, both labor and organizing, at Panera and Spot Coffee, and how her work with the International Workers of the World finally brought her to the Starbucks in Buffalo where the inklings of SWU began. After diving deep into the challenges and unique qualities of being the first (of so many) unionized Starbucks in the world and the nature of supposedly “progressive” organizations creating a divide in the workplace when it comes to labor rights and violations, they wrap up the interview by covering the importance of labor fights making it onto the mainstream stage and where SWU is going next. Professor Bronski then drops by to walk through the history of the translation of a Christian politics of innocence into homophobic and transphobic legislation, first looking at the sexual psychopath laws of the 1920s to ’30s and the shift in the ‘40s and ‘50s to focusing on the threat to children, before diving deeper into this concept of “innocence” and how it plays into a Christian fundamentalist’s political ideology. Next, they discuss the role of figureheads like Anita Bryant in pushing back against any social progress for the LGBTQ+ community and bringing about the ’90s version of “don’t say gay” legislation, before they wrap up the interview with a larger conversation on the waves of homophobia as reactions to threats on the patriarchy, the role of the Women’s lib movement in this, particularly in opening up children to be corrupted, and situate this moment of homophobic political backlash. And in the Fun Half: Sam dives into the 1/6 hearings and why Democrats are obsessed with the few Republicans that determine speaking out against Trump to be their best career path, and listen into Adam Schiff’s discussion with AZ Speaker of the House on Trump’s official requests to overturn the election, Shea Moss’ mother on how Trump’s public accusations have had wildly distressing effects on their day-to-day lives, and Ron Johnson’s defense of his chief of staff attempting to deliver false elector lists to Mike Pence in the WAKE of the 1/6 violence. Chris from Berkeley and Valerie from AZ dive into the pain and frustration they feel about how Democrats are handling these hearings, Gregory from Oklahoma dives into his race for State House District 26, and Jesse Watters pitches COINTELPRO-ing the reproductive rights advocates protesting outside of the Supreme Court. Plus, your calls! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Aura: Protect yourself from America’s fastest-growing crime. Try Aura for 14 days for free: Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Donate to Gregory for Oklahoma's Statehouse campaign here! The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Tue, 21 June 2022
![]() Emma hosts Robert Kuttner, founder and editor at the American Prospect, to discuss his recent piece "After Hyper-Globalization". Then Emma is joined by David Adler, General Coordinator at Progressive International, to discuss the recent Colombian elections. First, however, Emma discusses Israel once again disbanding a corrupt far-right apartheid government, to leave the power open for another new far-right apartheid movement to come to power, and dives into the slow but steady emergence of evidence proving more and more of the Uvalde Police’s statements as blatant lies attempting to cover their ass as they stood around while children died. Then, Robert Kuttner joins as he and Emma dive right into what hyper globalization is, and why this system, based on a complete absence of regulation of commerce, trade, and production across borders, was so primed to fail (hint: it had to do with its complete refusal to regulate capitalism), collapsing as soon as China arrived in the WTO and refused to comply, and the COVID pandemic shut down supply lines worldwide. Next, Kuttner walks through the history of hyper globalization, with Clinton’s neoliberal regimes of the 90s starting a move to international trade agreements that sought to undercut foreign countries’ ability to regulate capitalism and gave US Banks footholds abroad, before he and Emma jump back to the 1940s, looking at the conceptual systems that preluded it, focusing on the Bretton Woods system of Keynesian economics that emphasized what was essentially an international new deal, built on the spine of an International Monetary Fund to advance funding to struggling economies, a World Bank for public investment in development, and an International Trade Organization that allows countries to enforce labor rights in international trade. Robert Kuttner then contrasts Keynes’ dream with the eventual World Trade Organization as a purified right-wing capitalist version of his vision, abusing concepts of sovereignty, property rights, and intellectual property to bolster Western corporations and keep down nations that they see as only necessary for extraction. They wrap up the interview by touching on the role of Biden (and Trump!) in reversing this global trend, and discuss what a new deal for the global south would look like, and how we can fight for it. Then, Emma is joined by David Adler as he situates Gustavo Petro’s victory as the first progressive administration to come to power in Colombia, coming to power in a wholesale rejection of the far-right, neo-imperial military alliance that defined the Uribismo ideology that defined Iván Duque Márquez’s administration and those that came before him (since, unsurprisingly, the Uribe administration). They wrap up their discussion with a conversation on the international reactions from both the far-right and the progressive left, the importance of the recent success of leftist candidates in Latin America, and the corruption and lies that fuel the US’ relationship in the region. And in the Fun Half: Emma discusses the Chesa Boudin recall with Nathaniel from Berkeley, and Joe Rogan hosts a military-response training specialist to discuss why the police in Uvalde needed more military-response training (which they already had) to protect their egos. Sean from Washington asks Emma about one of the few sports she’s not well-versed in, Larry Kudlow asks Pence if he’s EVER seen a president lie like this, and Emma and the crew dive into the UK Rail Strike. Grayson from Michigan discusses being screened by Denis Prager’s staff, more cops get scared of touching things, plus, your calls! Check out Robert's piece here: Check out Progressive International here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Mon, 20 June 2022
Sam and Emma host Robin D.G. Kelley, professor of American History at UCLA, to discuss Juneteenth, observed today. First, however, Sam and Emma dive into Gustavo Petro’s victory in Colombia’s presidential election over a mayoral tycoon, Melanchon’s coalition topping Macron’s (and both being beaten out by LePen’s), Iowa’s Supreme Court overturning the state constitution’s protection of abortion rights, and the outright refusal of liberals to hold any ranking Republican accountable for the stochastic terrorism that led to 1/6. Then, they’re joined by Professor Kelley as he first tackles the classic story behind the holiday, celebrating the arrival of Union forces in Galveston Texas to deliver the good news of emancipation, supposedly marking the official end of slavery in the US, and contrasts this with the way Black folks in Texas celebrated this moment, referring to it as a “jubilee” and a recognition of their divine sovereignty over their own life and land, as they look forwards to right to vote and the promise of reconstruction. Continuing off this, Kelley, Sam, and Emma discuss the actual history of the emancipation proclamation as leaving out some 450k enslaved people, the actual freedom of these people coming through their own agency and fight as they flocked to help union forces, and the role Texas played as a haven for slave owners escaping this “tyranny.” After touching on the continuation of this fight, with the right’s bulwark against history and the liberals’ own erasure in favor of uplifting a fallacy of unity, Professor Kelley dives into celebrating Juneteenth in a way that genuinely raises these issues and views this date as the start of a new war for reconstruction, working towards the reparations and decolonization that were seen in the promise of reconstruction, and expanding it to fights for indigenous people from Palestine to the US. Then they expand the discussion to the relationship between racism and capitalism (or just racial capitalism), how the birth of this economic system occurred in a European society that centered on racial and gendered differences for social delineations, and thus had access to a mode of thinking that legitimized the exploitation of “lesser” people. Next, they look to the development of capitalism in the United States, and how it built up white patrimony to deceive the majority of white Americans, and patriotism and nationalism for the rest, indoctrinating them into a world where racial and ethnic hierarchy are standards, before they wrap up the interview by emphasizing that class struggle is not colorblind, anti-racism is not anti-class, and that to truly fight these powers and live up to the promise of Juneteenth’s jubilee, we have to simultaneously take on these overlapping systems. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma cover Trump speaking out against the accusations of him calling Mike Pence a wimP**** when really, he just meant Pence lacked courage, Brendan from PA calls in to discuss the upcoming Pennsylvania races and why the GOP is going unopposed in 3 of the 17 house races, and discuss the Democrats’ desire to not politicize the 1/6 coup attempt. Adam Schiff discusses Clarence Thomas’ conflicts of interest before Sonya Sotomayor comes to Thomas’ rescue, because how could you ever force a man to resign when he knows his colleagues’ names. Krystal Ball embarrasses Bill Maher by having a reasonable recollection of the last two years, Denis Prager calls out the left for refusing to debate him, and ignores the calls for debate, and a Missouri Senate Candidate, accused of all sorts of violence against women and children, launches his RINO Hunting campaign. Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Cozy Earth: One out of three Americans report being sleep deprived, and their sheets could be the problem. Luckily Cozy Earth provides the SOFTEST, MOST LUXURIOUS and BEST-TEMPERATURE REGULATING sheets. Cozy Earth has been featured on Oprah's Most Favorite Things List Four Years in a Row! Made from super soft viscose from bamboo, Cozy Earth Sheets breathe so you sleep at the perfect temperature all year round. And for a limited time, SAVE 35% on Cozy Earth Bedding. Go to enter my special promo code MAJORITY at checkout to SAVE 35% now. LiquidIV: Cooler weather makes it easier to miss signs of dehydration like overheating or perspiration, which means it's even more important to keep your body properly hydrated. Liquid I.V. contains 5 essential vitamins—more Vitamin C than an orange and as much potassium as a banana. 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Just go to this exclusive web address, to try ZipRecruiter for free! Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Fri, 17 June 2022
It's Casual Friday! Sam hosts Heather Digby Parton, contributing writer at and proprietor of the blog Hullabaloo to round up the week in news. Then Sam is joined by Jason Myles, co-host of the This Is Revolution podcast. First, Sam covers the confirmation that Ginni Thomas was conspiring with John Eastman, Trump’s Coup Lawyer, and Assange’s extradition being approved. Digby and Sam then get right into the updates from Yesterday’s 1/6 hearing, from Donald Trump calling his Vice President the “P-word” (hint: it’s not “Pence” or “President”), and debate who Trump’s next right-hand man will be, especially as the god squad votes are among the most important in his control of the Republican party. Next, Sam and Digby have some discourse on the discourse around 1/6, exploring the contrast between US coverage of the hearings (or really, the lack thereof) and the coverage abroad, getting deep into the US political establishment’s obsession with legitimizing the right as a party with integrity, and contrasting them with “magas” and “ultra-magas,” despite the central involvement of active Senators, Congresspeople, and spouses of Supreme Court Justices, with everyone participating, from Grassley to Graham, completely aware of the illegality of what they were planning. Diving deeper into yesterday’s focus on Mike Pence, Digby and Sam analyze why someone who supposedly was against this, kept asking people for advice and debating strategy with the MAIN strategizers of the insurrection, before walking through the role of Michael Ludwig in legitimizing the “bipartisan” nature of the committee, and exploring the future of Republican insurrection attempts as they shift to more localized corruption and grassroots bigotry. Then, Sam is joined by Jason Myles as they dive into his recent video essay exploring the progression of Black cinema and the role it played both in Hollywood as a whole and the greater American and African American cultures, starting in the 1960s, with the new left of Maverick filmmakers making independent films and a push for more Black power contrasted with the actual rise of Blaxploitation movies, with movies like Sweet Sweetback and others practically saving Hollywoods bottom line, despite going completely against the general Black intelligentsia. Jason then dives into the next stages, as the ‘90s came back around to independent films (once again due to falling profits) making these “hood films” on the defective young black man, diving into the infection of neoliberalisms’ focus on “cultural” shortcomings and ignoring the classism and racism that were the actual issues of the time, and how these stereotypical and exploitative films pushed Black power away from the political realm and into, exclusively, the cultural realm. They wrap up their interview by looking at the modern era of Black cinema, the contrasts between films like Black Panther and Moonlight, and the need to return Black power to a political concept. And in the Fun Half: Tulsi dances around Sean Hannity’s stupidity, Jesse Watterboard has an idea to get to the bottom of the SCOTUS leak, and DeSantis celebrates the ancestry of Apartheid heir Elon Musk. Ted Cruz takes shots at Disney’s queer agenda, as he points to the integrity of regimes that are rejecting the upcoming “Lightyear” film, such as China and the UAE. Meghan Kelly returns to the media as she calls out her former employers for discussing the fact that trans kids who are rejected by their families frequently resort to suicide, plus, your IMs! Check out Digby's blog Hullaballoo here: Check out This Is Revolution here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: Shopify: Scaling your business is a journey of endless possibility. Shopify is here to help, with tools and resources that make it easy for any business to succeed from down the street to around the globe. Shopify powers over 1.7 million businesses - from first-sale to full-scale. Shopify gives entrepreneurs the resources once reserved for big business - so upstarts, start-ups, and established businesses alike can sell everywhere, synchronize online and in-person sales, and effortlessly stay informed. Go to, for a FREE fourteen-day trial and get full access to Shopify’s entire suite of features! Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Thu, 16 June 2022
Emma hosts Devon Carbado, professor at the UCLA School of Law, to discuss his recent book Unreasonable: Black Lives, Police Power, and the Fourth Amendment. First, Emma runs through recent news from Ginni Thomas’ communications with John Eastman about overturning the election, to the Fed raising interest and likely triggering a recession just to undermine worker power and the effect of gas price gouging on inflation. Then she’s joined by Professor Devon Carbado as they dive right into the relationship between the Fourth Amendment and the police state, as this constitutional statute from 1791 has provided access to and control over Black people and their bodies, first looking at the qualification of “search and seizure” as the only police actions that are protected, to the insanely low standards of what it means for police accostings to be “reasonable,” such as confronting someone in a high crime area. They then dive into the 1968 decision in Terry v. Ohio that affirmed the police’s right to stop and frisk without probable cause, provided that they meet the even lower standard of “reasonable suspicion,” setting the stage for one of the least effective and most violating “investigatory” tools, which still maintains its legality even after the NYPD failed to claim reasonable suspicion in Floyd, et al. v City of New York. Next, Professor Carbado walks through the stages of Black oppression in the US and the refusal by the right the understand and acknowledge the history throughout these developments, before he takes on the various levels of policing in this country that put Black people and people of color in more direct confrontation with the police, including the fact that repeated exposure increases the probability of being harmed, the culture of police and their unions, qualified immunity, and the impossibility of holding them to account. Emma and the Professor then look to Whren v United States and the Supreme Court’s (including RBG) affirmation of racial profiling, discussing how this decision as well aided the beaurocratization of racism and classism that we saw so clearly in Ferguson, with police fines making up over a quarter of the city’s budget. They wrap up the interview by diving deeper into the judicial system’s role, how the right’s specificity in targeting precedent and setting up legal apparatus like the Federalist Society allows them to stack the courts for their agenda, and what the Left can learn from that. And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by Matt and Brandon as they take on the complex anti-hero that is Anna Sorokin, as she begins to dip her feet into NFTs, Noah from Tampa debates Emma on why her college athletic takes are exactly right, Bro Flamingo calls in to discuss the downplaying of the 1/6 coup attempt on both the right and left, and they all dive into the idea of Republicans actually being held accountable. Candace Owens comes after parental rights, Eric Adams “reallocates” funding from education to the NYPD, and AOC responds to the fact that she was called out by name by 1/6 rioters. Real estate brokers flaunt their place inside the housing bubble, Kowalski dives into fertilizer and food shortage issues, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Devon's book here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder -
Direct download: 6_16_How_The_Police_Abuse_The_4Th_Amendment_W__Devon_Carbado_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:47pm EST |
Wed, 15 June 2022
![]() Sam and Emma host Jamie Edwards, organizer with the Trader Joe's Union effort in Hadley, Massachusetts, to discuss the union organizing efforts from the ground. First, however, they touch on the GOP’s flipping of a century-long Democratic seat in Texas, discuss a Florida Synagogue’s suit against the Florida abortion ban, and discuss how odd it was that Rep Loudermilk was giving tours to people who just happened to show up on 1/6. Steve Bannon reveals that the 1/6 committee completely ignored Mike Lindell’s information, the couple that armed themselves as a BLM rally marched past their house gives tips on gun safety, and Sam and Emma walk through a recent California survey showing that living with a gun owner doubles your chances to die by homicide and does nothing to decrease your chances of a home invasion. Next, they dive into the most Hershel Walker of Hershel Walker news, as it’s revealed that the man who rants against fatherless households in Black communities, happens to have left a household fatherless. Finally, Emma and Sam are joined by Jamie Edwards as they dive into their experience organizing Trader Joe’s Unite’s first chapter in Hadley, MA, first looking at the beginnings of the campaign at the start of the pandemic, when, after years of falling benefits, they and their colleagues were directly faced with the corporation’s active refusal to take their safety seriously, from fully banning masks and gloves at the outset, to pressure from management to ignore capacity limits. Next, they get into the more typical forms of union-busting that the organizers have faced, from Jamie being sent home for wearing a union pin to threats against workers’ future wages and general disciplinary action, before they get into the success of TJU, and the roles the pandemic, a strong NLRB, and the unionizations of Starbucks and Amazon departments nationwide have all played in keeping the energy up. Jamie then wraps up the interview by covering the importance of Trader Joe’s United being an independent union, especially with corporations’ “third party” talking points, and discusses the future of the fight. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma take a call from Georgian native Q on comedy, Dave Chapelle, and why some people’s politics don’t develop, Jason from Texas dives into the special election in the Rio Grande Valley and discusses the grassroots development of the radical right in Texas, Jason from Columbus discusses Ohio’s housing crisis, Ben from Worcester talks… Worcester, and Charlie Kirk gives young women tips and tricks on finding a husband. Blake from Arkansas discusses why the solution to every social ill is him not paying child support, plus, your calls and IMs! Follow Trader Joe's United here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Magic Spoon: Magic Spoon is a new cereal company that’s discovered a way to recreate your favorite childhood cereals with 0 sugar, 12 grams of protein, and only 3 net grams of carbs in each serving. Go to to for your custom bundle of cereal and try it today! Be sure to use our promo code MAJORITYREPORT at checkout to save five dollars off your order. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out the U.S. Trans Survey here: Check out this study on gun violence in the home here: The Majority Report with Sam Seder -
Direct download: 6_15_Scotus_Opinions_Drop__Will_There_Be_A_Big_One__Trader_Joes_Unite_W__Jamie_Edwards_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:48pm EST |
Tue, 14 June 2022
Sam and Emma host Mark Joseph Stern, staff writer at Slate, to preview the incoming SCOTUS opinions of the week. First, Sam and Emma preview primary Tuesday, the ever-mounting success of Starbucks unions, and remind us that much like Liz Cheney, Bill Barr is NOT our friend. Then, they’re joined by Mark as they dive into this “storm before the even bigger storm” moment in the Supreme Court, first covering why the Supreme Court’s summer decision dumps all come down to the end of June so they can get out on vacation, and speculating on the order of the drops when there are so many massive decisions currently pending. Next, they get into the actual issues at hand, looking to the many layers of Dobbs v Jackson, including the continued obscurity around the leak and leaker’s identity, what small “cleanups” we’ll see in comparison to Alito’s leaked draft, and the futures of Griswald and Sodomy laws. They also dive into Andrus v Texas, looking at how the Supreme Court allowed lower-level courts to overturn the Sixth Amendment guarantee to effective assistance of counsel, practically removing habeas review and other judicial practices while still keeping their institutional image intact, and explore this deferral of the Court as an affirmation to the lower courts’ that they will allow the overturning of their own precedent if it aligns with their conservative ideology. Sam then gets right into the administrative state as he, Emma, and Mark Joseph Stern look to West Virginia v EPA, discussing the role of Brett Kavanaugh’s baby, the major questions doctrine, in bolstering the Court’s ability to undermine the delegatory capacities of Congress and the executive branch by requiring explicit and specific congressional guidelines. After a conversation on the “activist” nature of this conservative court, they wrap up the interview by discussing the future of concealed carry with New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc. v. Bruen, and the use of coercive religious practices in public schools with Kennedy v. Bremerton. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma cover the updates on yesterday’s 1/6 hearing, exploring the accusation of Trump’s campaign lawyer as “an agent of the deep state” for rejecting the validity of the Dominion fraud, McClain from Iowa, Bradley’s Dad from LA, AND Peter from St. Paul all dive deep into handling conversations with conservative parents and the importance of finding commonalities, as the right becomes more and more the Republican Party of (some of our) fathers. Brock from Wichita talks gun control, and Fox News displays their militant support for trans people by… telling the story of a conservative family’s acceptance of their son, which of course makes Matt Walsh angry when there’s an excellent documentary talking about women’s bodies right there! Plus, your calls and IMs! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: StartMail: Free email services like Gmail and Yahoo aren’t really free. You pay with your privacy! Internet giants exploit your data by selling it to the highest bidder. But with StartMail, you can feel safe again. StartMail keeps your email private – every email can be encrypted, even if the recipient doesn’t use encryption. Start securing your email privacy with StartMail. Sign up today and you’ll get 50% off your first year! Go to Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out the U.S. Trans Survey here: The Majority Report with Sam Seder -
Direct download: 6_14_Does_The_Supreme_Court_Overturn_Roe_V._Wade_Tomorrow__W__Mark_Joseph_Stern_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:35pm EST |
Mon, 13 June 2022
Sam and Emma host Jefferson Morley, editor of the JFKFacts blog, to discuss his recent book Scorpions' Dance: The President, the Spymaster, and Watergate. Sam and Emma begin by assessing the fundamentally bipartisan-and-nothing-else gun control bill, and cover the arrest of Idaho White Supremacists planning a riot at a pride event, Sarah Palin’s advancement in the Alaskan senate race, and walk through the 10 republicans in the Gun Control gang of 20, and the unsurprising fact that almost half are retiring. Then, Jefferson Morley joins as they dive right into what the Watergate conspiracy was, and how it was covered at the time, including the classic representation of the incident as an example of a crusading free press taking on a lawless president, and how this discourse completely obscures the hidden hand of the CIA and how their role in the conspiracy has crystalized over the last half-century. They then dive into what Nixon’s plan for this group of “Plumbers” was, originating from his paranoia around government leaks and the anti-war movement, and coming to fruition via recommendations from Richard Helms, director of the CIA, who helped provide 4 of the 7 members of the team. Next, they jump back to the actual developments of the Watergate investigation, with the slow release of tapes in the weeks following, despite Nixon’s constant pressuring of Helms to stop the FBI investigation, and how this led the public to focus not on the CIA’s role in Watergate, but their other abuses, from foreign assassinations to spying on Americans, as the Church Committee in charge of the senate investigation of the CIA wanted to keep it Bipartisan and away from the Nixon investigation. Morley then dives deep into Nixon’s relationship with his intelligence agencies, working as a lawless president alongside a lawless CIA, as he couldn’t convince Hoover to dig into domestic surveillance, making his relationship with Helms’ CIA central to his power, working closely in Nixon’s assassination attempts on Salvador Allende’s cabinet, and providing Nixon with a relationship that he could leverage – not with the knowledge of their foreign interventions but with a threat over hidden information with the Bay of Pigs. After an extensive conversation on what this “hidden information” likely entailed, that being the CIA’s role in the assassination of JFK, and the internal spy games being played against each other by the White House, CIA, FBI, and Joint Chiefs of Staff, Morley, Sam, and Emma wrap up the conversation by exploring the lasting lessons we can learn about the dangers of a lawless president that is supported by a lawless CIA. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma watch Dennis Prager signal out the true evil of our society: evil. Calvin from Montana calls in about Democrats’ chance in the upcoming midterm cycle as Biden explains, totally unrelatedly, why republicans are good, actually. Sam and Emma dive into the 1/6 hearings, from the attacks on Capitol Police to Giuliani’s drunken proclamation that Trump, with no evidence, should claim victory in the wake of the 2020 election. As Starbucks’ unionization trends continue, Schultz goes on a rampage against this “secondary party” (workers) invading the Starbucks family, and Patriot Front is detained in Idaho. JB from Cleveland gives updates on surveys helping trans visibility, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Jeff's book here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Established Titles: Get an amazing gift for your dad this Father’s Day! Go to Aura: Protect yourself from America’s fastest-growing crime. Try Aura for 14 days for free: Grove: Did you know that only nine percent of plastic actually gets recycled, no matter how much we put in our recycling bin? At Grove Collaborative, they believe it’s time to ditch single-use plastics for good – in fact, by 2025, Grove will be 100% plastic-free. From laundry care to hand soaps and more, Grove carries hundreds of products aimed at replacing single-use plastics across every room of your home AND your head-to-toe personal care routine.Go to today to get a free gift set worth up to fifty dollars with your first order. Plus, shipping is fast and FREE. Get started RIGHT NOW at Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder -
Direct download: 6_13_The_Secret_History_Of_Watergate_W__Jefferson_Morley_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:12pm EST |
Fri, 10 June 2022
![]() It's Casual Friday! Emma hosts David Griscom, co-host of Left Reckoning, to round up the week in news. Then, Emma is joined by the DSA's Stylianos Karolidis and Sumathy Kumar to discuss their For the Many candidate slate in New York City. First, Emma dives deep into yesterday’s debut of the primetime 1/6 hearings, appreciating the committee’s breadth of day-one topics, from Trump’s 7-point plan to overturn the election, the complete disconnect between him and any federal defense agencies, and the impact of his “stand back and stand by” tweet, to the role of Bill Barr and the barebones, yet horrifying, unseen footage of the coup attempt. Next, she’s joined by Left Reckoning’s David Griscom as they dive into the Texas-centric news of the week, starting off with the more hopeful news of an Austin Starbucks’ successful unionization vote, before diving into a conversation on policing that begins with a contrast between Capitol Police’s treatment of BLM protesters and 1/6 Coup attempters, and shifting to the continued lies and cowardice of the Uvalde police as an example of the extreme disinvestment from public good that the neoliberal era has created. Next, David and Emma tackle the crisis of Texas’ power grid, as Ted Cruz blames rising prices on the (nonexistent) Texas Green New Deal, rather than their hyper-privatized power grid which serves profit overall, including a recent approval of price-fixing for Bitcoin mining while the rest of the state is encouraged to minimize electricity consumption in +100ºF Weather. Griscom wraps up the interview by diving into HIS story of Texas, as he dissects and rejects this recent move by the far-right to paint a picture of a Straight, White, conservative, Christian Texas that’s being invaded by Trans folks and immigrants, and walks through the challenges to Abbott’s recent bill to investigate the parents of gender-affirmed trans kids. Then, Emma is joined by Stylianos Karolidis and Sumathy Kumar as they walk through the broader and more specific strategic goals of NYC-DSA’s “For the Many” slate of 13 candidates across the City and up into the Hudson Valley, from pushing climate-centric discourse and working to reinvent NY housing policy to changing the culture of NY State Politics as a whole. And in the Fun Half: Anthony from NY calls in to reminisce on the beauty of Michael Brooks, Emma covers Ivanka coming out against her father’s Big Lie, and parses through the myriad paths of culpability around 1/6, with a particular focus on the GOP enablers of the “Big Lie” conspiracy and the belief in insurrectionists that Donald Trump had asked this, and nothing else, of them. Dave Rubin dives into his friendship with Ben Shapiro, who thinks he is a sinner and mentally ill due to his marriage, and Crowder continues his transphobic bent, plus, your calls and IMs! Help out the DSA For The Many slate here! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder -
Direct download: 6_10_Casual_Friday_W__David_Griscom_Stylianos_Karolidis__Sumathy_Kumar_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm EST |
Thu, 9 June 2022
Emma hosts John S. Huntington, professor of history at Houston Community College, to discuss his recent book Far-Right Vanguard: The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism. First, Emma covers Yesterday’s SCOTUS ruling that protects federal law enforcement from civil rights lawsuits, the ACLU challenges Greg Abbott’s directive to investigate the parents of trans kids, and the haunting reflections from Miah Cerrillo in the wake of surviving the Uvalde shooting. Professor John S. Huntington then joins as he and Emma unpack the gap in academia that inspired his project, choosing to look all the way back to the outset of the 20th Century for the origins of modern conservatism, rather than starting from Nixon, Reagan, and the birth of neoliberalism, discussing the groundswells of radical conspiracy theorists, white supremacy, and anti-communism that now define the contemporary right. Jumping back to the start of the 1900s, Professor Huntington and Emma contextualize the state of the two-party system as one with both conservatives and liberals on both wings, a form of US politics that is extinct today, leading up until the 1920s which saw a rebirth of the nativism and racism of the previous century with the second coming of the KKK and the release of Birth of a Nation, seeing Klansmen suddenly strewn throughout US society, from corporations to Congress, and building up through the 1930s, setting the groundwork for a coalition against FDR’s New Deal democracy made up of businessmen, segregationists, and anti-communism conspirators. Emma and John then dive into the decentralized element of this conservative network, walking through the genuinely fascistic Klan supporters who wanted a renaissance of a white Christian America in contrast with the Jeffersonian Democrats who simply wanted to rescue their party from the commie that was FDR, with anti-communism as an easy rhetorical connection tieing them together against their enemies. After a discussion on the role of the first era of the red scare in setting up this rhetoric, Emma and Prof. Huntington dive deeper into the Jeffersonian Democrats’ founder James Reed, as well as figures like J. Evetts Haley, Robert Welsch, and William F. Buckley as the innovators of the conservative movement, from the anti-communism of the early 1900s to the neoliberalism of Nixon and Reagan, funneled through organizations like Buckley’s John Birch Society, and working to paint a picture of a “respectable” far-right that is different from the conspiracy kooks, who just happen to share the same policy ideas. This brings them to the era where academics tends to start their study, with the rhetorical shift to dog-whistle politics that occurs with the transition to neoliberalism under Nixon and in the wake of Goldwater’s rise, before they wrap up the interview by diving into the state of the two parties today, and discuss why conservatism has had so much more success in ingraining their talking points in political discourse, and pushing their fundamentalist policy as the baseline of acceptability. And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by Matt and Brandon as they cover Senators Lummis and Gillibrand deciding that NOW (in the wake of multiple massive crypto crashes) is the time to endorse Americans putting their retirement savings on the blockchain, Jack Del Rio claims 1/6 to be a “dust-up,” and Emma goes in on the exploitation of college sports. Devin from Alberta calls in to distill the idea of laying claim to right-wing claimed “space” to trigger the conservatives, Jay Z and Dorsey open a bitcoin academy (more similar to Trump University than any educational institution), and Kyle Rittenhouse sees little killers like himself facing backlash all across the US (presumably from Buffalo to Uvalde). Justin from Augusta discusses the Bill of Rights as inherently reactionary, Abby Martin takes on Sec. Blinken as he proclaims his support for Saudi Arabia and Israel at a freedom of the press conference, and Dennis Prager comes out as a baby-hater (those tiny-toed narcissists!) Emma and Matt discuss being called “groomers” by those that support pedophiles, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out John's book here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder -
Direct download: 6_9_The_Radical_Roots_Of_Modern_Conservatism_W__John_S._Huntington_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26pm EST |
Wed, 8 June 2022
Emma hosts Alex Sammon, staff writer at the American Prospect, to discuss his recent article "The RNC's Ground Game of Inches." Then, Emma is joined by Joe Eskenazi, editor and columnist at Mission Local, to discuss San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin's recall last night. First, Emma covers the continued kabuki theater around gun control as Schumer now shifts to a smaller deal, Matthew McConaughey speaking on the Uvalde tragedy before staging a photo op with Henry Cuellar, and touch on the recall of Chesa Boudin. Then, she’s joined by Alex Sammon as they dive into his coverage of the RNC’s mass investment in community centers as they begin to gun for very specific impoverished communities, first discussing the complete runaround that Sammon saw as organizers and facilitators refused to return calls or discuss the centers, forcing him to attend in person. This gave him an intimate view of these centers, which have been cropping up across the US since the GOP’s realization that they actually are not THAT far behind in polling with communities of color, and that just bringing around certain communities in certain states can have massive dividends, as they shift to a grassroots movement that is reminiscent of left-wing organizing that focuses on meeting community needs. Sammon then dives specifically into his experiences at the community center in Robeson, North Carolina, a historically blue district in a supposedly blue state, and how the GOP took advantage of growing racial tensions between Native and Black populations alongside an economic collapse in the wake of the NAFTA replacement, as he explores the complete swap between organizing tactics of the GOP and Democrats, as the former shifts to a ground game, with these community centers offering daily programming with a clear association to the right, whereas democrats have chosen to go after airplay in districts where myriad people have no internet access. They wrap up their discussion by touching on what this says about the complete failures of Democratic messaging under Biden. Next, Emma is joined by Joe Eskenazi in reaction to the successful recall of Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s reform-focused DA, and the complete lack of surprise around the result. Next, he looks to flesh out the dynamics that were working behind the scenes, with the wealthier enclaves of the city, alongside real estate investment and a big SF PAC, and why, no matter how important it is, following the money is not a tangible electoral tactic, just as confronting emotions with statistics (e.g. no, SF does NOT have a crime wave) is unsuccessful when the wealthy constituency believes to the heart in the antisocial behavior of the poorer communities. They wrap up the interview by diving deeper into Boudin’s relationship (or lack thereof) with the SFPD, walking through the obvious refusal to work (whether a work stoppage, underperformance, or both) for his office, why this is so common in relationships between Police forces and their governing officials, how Mayor London Breed took advantage of this and used Boudin as her scapegoat, and what the conversation around San Franciscan politics should look like moving forwards. And in the Fun Half: Emma takes a very quick call with Justin from Ohio on why in the world Democrats try to appeal to the need for strong opponents, the absurdity (and obvious homophobia) of going from “parents’ rights” to making it illegal for a parent to bring a child to a drag show, and Steve Scalise discusses the total lack of regulation around planes (must’ve never flown in one). Chris Coons comes to Joe Biden’s defense for bolstering his allyship with MBS, Charlie from NJ discusses the “what if it was YOUR [daughter, child, wife, sister, Black friend]” talking point making its way into the gun control debate, and Tulsi Gabbard takes on the most pressing issues in American politics: Hunter Biden’s sex scandals and her social media following. The Queen of England appears more lifelike than ever, and Steph from NY proposes a waterworks public project, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Alex's piece here: Check out Joe's work at Mission Local here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Established Titles: Get an amazing gift for your dad this Father’s Day! Go to StartMail: Free email services like Gmail and Yahoo aren’t really free. You pay with your privacy! Internet giants exploit your data by selling it to the highest bidder. But with StartMail, you can feel safe again. StartMail keeps your email private – every email can be encrypted, even if the recipient doesn’t use encryption. Start securing your email privacy with StartMail. Sign up today and you’ll get 50% off your first year! Go to Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Tue, 7 June 2022
![]() Sam and Emma host Matt Ford, staff writer for the New Republic, to discuss the most important cases coming before the Supreme Court this month. Then Sam and Emma are joined by Akela Lacy, politics reporter at the Intercept, to discuss her recent piece "What's Stopping Chesa Boudin?" ahead of his recall election. Emma and Sam first cover the indictment of 5 Proud Boys on the eve of the nationally televised 1/6 hearings, and John Cornyn finally comes to his senses on gun control and speaks out against easy access to… Elementary Schools. Matt Ford then joins as they walk through the massive consequences that we must prepare for regarding this conservative SCOTUS and their upcoming decisions. Matt begins by assessing the discord behind the scenes of the Court right now, from a difficulty in finding cohesion in rulings and reports of lacking amicability, to the news of the leak and the friction that has caused, before diving deeper into internal reactions to the leak, including the belief that it was a liberal-left attack on the institution’s integrity, and what role the justices could’ve played in the matter. Next, they cover the matter of what the leak covered, diving into Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and the 15-week cut off as an effective reversal of Roe v. Wade, as well as looking at the greater implications of undermining 4A privacy rights, from an overturn of Obergerfell to a return to sodomy laws. Matt, Sam, and Emma also cover the upcoming New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen as the first 2A case since 2010, and look to West Virginia v. EPA as the next step in the conservative road to demolishing the administrative state. Then, Akela Lacy joins as she situates the recall attempt against Chesa Boudin as one of many recalls targeting reform-minded DAs, regardless of popularity or success, and a product of an effort that started before Boudin even effectively took office, with massive amounts of money flowing in from countless angles, including the former Chair of the San Francisco DNC working as a paid “volunteer,” and mass investment from police unions and realty associations. Next, they cover the massive project that this recall effort has entailed, including the purchasing of the website days before Boudin took office and the creation of an “outlet” (it’s just a substack) on the talking points, before unpacking the lies and misinformation that fuels the establishment attacks, and wrapping up with a discussion on the relationship between Boudin and the San Francisco police. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma watch Arnulfo Reyes’ heartbreaking recount of his class’ experience in the shooting at Robb Elementary, Sam from St. Paul dives into Minnesota infrastructure and redlining, John from San Antonio runs through upcoming CA primaries, and Grant Stinchfield and Stephen Crowder do their best ahistorical spin on the Holocaust. Charles from TN discusses owning a Tesla and having people try to talk to him about Musk, Kowalski from Nebraska celebrates international Antifa victory day (D-Day) and unpacks the Ukrainian wheat harvest, Kyle Rittenhouse spreads misinformation about himself, presumably, so someone will actually hold him to account, and Justin from Cincinnati discusses transphobia and Ohio, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Matt's work here: Check out Akela's piece here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Cozy Earth: One out of three Americans report being sleep deprived, and their sheets could be the problem. Luckily Cozy Earth provides the SOFTEST, MOST LUXURIOUS and BEST-TEMPERATURE REGULATING sheets. Cozy Earth has been featured on Oprah's Most Favorite Things List Four Years in a Row! Made from super soft viscose from bamboo, Cozy Earth Sheets breathe so you sleep at the perfect temperature all year round. And for a limited time, SAVE 35% on Cozy Earth Bedding. Go to enter my special promo code MAJORITY at checkout to SAVE 35% now. ZipRecruiter: Some things in life we like to pick out for ourselves - so we know we've got the one that's best for us - like cuts of steak or mattresses. What if you could do the same for hiring - choose your ideal candidate before they even apply? 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Secure your online data TODAY by visiting That’s and you can get an extra three months FREE. Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Mon, 6 June 2022
Sam and Emma host Gary Gerstle, Professor of American History at the University of Cambridge, to discuss his recent book The Rise and Fall of the Neoliberal Order: America and the World in the Free Market Era. First, Emma and Sam dive into the continued rise of mass shootings over this weekend, the Uvalde Police’s continually changing story, Dr. Oz’s victory in the PA GOP Senate Primary, and Elon suddenly scrapping his Twitter deal after finding out about Twitter BOTS, but definitely not his crashing Tesla stock. They’re then joined by Professor Gerstle as they work through the concept of political orders as these prolonged eras of dominant ideologies, with the two that he largely covers being the New Deal political order, lasting from FDR’s reign up until the ‘60s or so, and the Neoliberal Order, burgeoning in the ‘70s and lasting up until the end of Obama’s presidency, looking at these two orders in contrast, with the former compelling the right to assimilate into a democratic socialist ideology, and the latter seeing a Clinton-lead democratic party assimilating into corporate liberalism and deregulation. Next, they get into the factors that drive the emergence of new orders, starting as a modest movement of political organizations and actors, before networks of donors, constituents, think tanks, and policy networks and political actors arise around it as it proves itself as a viable political system. They then look to the crises that left the vacuum for these orders to step in, with the 1930s Great Depression marking the largest capitalist crisis in US History, and the ‘70s recession occurring alongside rising racial tensions, US imperialism, and a reemergence of international industrial competitors seeing US Capital suddenly threatened from all sides. Sam, Emma, and Professor Gerstle then walk through the evolution of political orders and how one took issue and influence from its priors, first looking to FDR’s desire to create a new form of liberalism, one that puts everyday Americans in a position to actually enjoy their freedom, before Freidman and Hayek come around and reject his appropriation of liberalism, but still looking to government as a corporate facilitator, particularly with the role of the military in ensuring the safety and freedom of markets worldwide. After covering the role of the fall of the USSR and Clinton’s assimilation to neoliberalism, Sam, Emma, and Professor Gerstle walk through our contemporary moment as the neoliberal order stalls, and the difference between a fight between a far-right and a progressive left and the single-camp transitions of previous orders. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma discuss Dr. Jill Biden’s unveiling of a new Nancy Pelosi stamp, just as pride month starts, in an unfortunate moment of institutional fetishization, Dave Rubin obsesses over Elon Musk fighting to get his workers back to work, before inquiring about who died and left COVID in charge. Sam and Emma discuss the original rise of TERFism in England, cover the Ohio GOP’s new bill requiring genital inspections of young girl athletes, a Wisconsin high school gets bomb threats for trying to teach their students to respect queer people, Miles from LI talks the evolution of “based,” and Louie Gohmert comes to the defense of the Right’s right to lie right to the Government. Plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Gary's book here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Ritual: We deserve to know what we're putting in our bodies and why. Ritual’s clean, vegan-friendly multivitamin is formulated with high-quality nutrients in bioavailable forms your body can actually use. Get key nutrients without the B.S. Ritual is offering my listeners ten percent off during your first three months. Visit to start your Ritual today. 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Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Fri, 3 June 2022
It's Casual Friday! Sam and Emma host Alex Pareene, Contributing Editor at the New Republic and proprietor of the AP newsletter on Substack, to round up the week in news. Then, Sam and Emma are joined by comedian Sarah Silverman to discuss her recent Off-Broadway musical The Bedwetter! First, Emma and Sam walk through the news, including NYC tightening their stringent gun laws, the social security trust getting extended by at least a year, Florida ending gender-affirming healthcare… for adults on medicaid, and Biden visiting Saudi Arabia as OPEC announces a production boost. Alex Pareene then joins as they dive into his article on the “unanswered question,” addressing an entire generation’s recognition of our political system as completely broken, before they walk through the weirdness of the state of our economy, including an incredibly strong employment rate and wages on the rise, while the media and government are fear-mongering about gas prices and inflation, and ignoring soaring rent and the inaccessibility of homeownership. Alex then dives into how democratic leadership is viewing this economic moment, as their property value skyrockets but corporations are finding it difficult to higher people an unlivable wages, and looks to the pandemic as a massive cause of the booming housing prices, with the “work from home” economy allowing white wealthier folks to move to lower-rent areas (thus driving up prices), and the stoppage in building production and a collapse of the supply line making the price of creating accessibility sky high. Next, Alex, Emma, and Sam look to the political divide between discussing inflation and gas prices, and refusing to address the inability of Americans to afford a roof over their heads, as representative of the democratic leadership’s ideological commitment to corporate neoliberalism even as their polling numbers continue to dwindle. They wrap up the interview with an extended conversation on policing, and how, in the wake of the Uvalde massacre, the media and government have to readdress their relationship to policing, and why Biden refuses to initiate such a political movement. Then, Emma and Sam are joined by comedian, author, playwright, and just all-around creative talent that is Sarah Silverman, as they unpack her work with the late-great Adam Schlesinger to convert her memoir into a critically-celebrated (by Sam, at least) musical, how Sam connects to these stories (obviously important), and the beautiful influence she had on one Emma Vigeland. And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma take a call from Ronald Raygun on the absurd pseudo-“standards” that we hold police to, Candace Owens doubles down on the Uvalde shooter being trans, because it’s not normal for adult men to purse their lips, and Greg Gutfeld uplifts apolitical niche commentator Joe Rogan. Sam unpacks his takes on Nomiki’s race against progressive Kristen Gonzalez, and Jose Vasquez calls in to announce his State Senate candidacy in Reno Nevada. Plus, your calls and IMs! Check out the AP SubStack here: Check out the Politics of Everything: Check out Sarah Silverman's The Bedwetter here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Established Titles: Get an amazing gift for your dad this Father’s Day! Go to sunsetlakecbd is a majority employee owned farm in Vermont, producing 100% pesticide free CBD products. Great company, great product and fans of the show! Use code Leftisbest and get 20% off at And now Sunset Lake CBD has donated $2500 to the Nurses strike fund, and we encourage MR listeners to help if they can. Here’s a link to where folks can donate: Tushy: Hello Tushy cleans your butt with a precise stream of fresh water for just $79. It attaches to your existing toilet – requires NO electricity or additional plumbing – and cuts toilet paper use by 80% – so the Hello Tushy bidet pays for itself in a few months. Go to to get 10% off today! Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Thu, 2 June 2022
Emma hosts Dorothy Roberts, professor of Law, Sociology, and Civil Rights at the University of Pennsylvania, to discuss her recent book Torn Apart: How the Child Welfare System Destroys Black Families--and How Abolition Can Build a Safer World. Emma first covers yesterday’s simultaneous mass shootings, including five dead in Tulsa, the continued shortage of US-produced baby formula, the Israeli murder of another journalist in the occupied West Bank, and the GOP pitching mental health policy, which they don’t support, as a solution to gun violence. Professor Dorothy Roberts then joins to discuss her book as a continuation of her work on the family policing system that we call “child welfare,” a system that fits neatly within our greater carceral apparatus. First, she and Emma trace the history of the family policing system back to the early era of American settler colonialism and slavery, with family separation as a tool of control over Black and indigenous communities, seen in the wake of the Civil War with “apprenticeships” of black children that put them back in the hands of former slave owners, and throughout the early history of the US Military removing indigenous kids from their communities, put into either military barracks or the infamous residential schools. Professor Roberts and Emma then discuss the framing of tactics as the criminalization of poverty disguised as the saving of children, and how this “benevolent terror” stripped agency away from POC and families under the guise of empathy. Next, Prof. Roberts walks through the impact of political stereotypes of Black women on the genuine criminalization of them and their children, starting with Reagan’s endorsement of the “welfare queen” myth alongside the trifecta of crime control, the war on drugs, a complete unraveling of the welfare system, and continuing deep into the Clinton administration’s commitment to neoliberalism. They wrap up the interview by moving to the criminalization of Black women’s pregnancy in a way that has become increasingly more prevalent in an era of assault on reproductive rights, and take on the particular role of law enforcement in ensuring these terror attacks on poor families are committed, before Dorothy takes on the importance of income community-based programs and services in creating a future without these carceral attacks on family.
And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by Matt and Brandon as Dave from Jamaica calls to address the worrying obsession on the right (and not-so-on-the-right) over the Depp v. Heard decision, as they watch Crowder capitalize on a WOMAN being denounced as a DEFAMER, and Matt Lech dives deeper into the idea of defamation vs. free speech. Will from Indiana sparks Emma’s sports talk, Sam Harris philosophizes about children dying, but with reverse racism, and Joe Rogan discusses his turn against UBI as he realized that capitalists DO deserve all the power, otherwise, who’s gonna be a wage slave? Jake the teacher dives into New York’s mayoral control over the school system, plus, your calls and IMs! Check out Dorothy's book here: Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |
Wed, 1 June 2022
Sam and Emma host Dr. Leah Torres of the West Alabama Women's Center to discuss her recent piece in Slate "Doctors in Alabama Already Turn Away Miscarrying Patients. This Will Be America’s New Normal." Then, Sam and Emma are joined by Richard Revesz, professor and Dean Emeritus at New York University School of Law, to discuss the EPA v. West Virginia case before the Supreme Court. Emma and Sam first dive into Biden’s approval of another round of military support for Ukraine and the ever-changing story of the Uvalde police comes under more and more fire as their faulting of Robb Elementary teachers becomes another disproven factor. Dr. Torres then joins as she, Emma, and Sam unpack the soft power of the anti-abortion laws in Alabama, starting with her assuming the role of a “pariah” among her colleagues upon her migration from New Mexico as an abortion activist and provider. This immediately resulted in another colleague filing an unethical complaint against her, which the state responded to by launching a full-scale investigation into Dr. Leah Torres over “fraud,” with completely unrelated and baseless accusations over vague form responses. Next, Dr. Torres takes this idea of the state deciding what their records say and mean, and shifts into a more specific discussion of abortion access and care, particularly in a state where that care is criminalized, telling stories of her colleagues forced into fear denying treatment to 13-year-old rape victims and miscarriage patients over minuscule rules and regulations that they might not be able to disprove, before she wraps up the conversation by diving deeper into the countless ways the growing abortion rhetoric and legislation will lead to needless deaths. Then, Sam and Emma are joined by Professor Richard Revesz as they get right into the idea of the “major questions doctrine,” cousin of the non-delegation principle, and the role it plays in today’s Supreme Court ideology. After covering how it will be used in the EPA v. West Virginia, Prof Revesz dives deeper into how this doctrine takes on the administrative state, requiring specific guidelines for any government agency (whereas the non-delegation principle rejects delegation outright), the role it played in SCOTUS decisions against the CDC and OSHA, and what it can tell us about the goals of this Court. They wrap up the interview by focusing on public opinion regarding the Court, specifically, before looking at the role the legal-academic institutions across the US play in providing legitimacy to the Court. The Free Half is wrapped up as Nomiki Konst joins to announce her candidacy for NY State Senate District 59, her goals for the most progressive district in a progressive state, and what it would look like to represent Long Island City, Astoria, and Stuy Town alongside Gramercy as a member of the New York State Senate.
And in the Fun Half: Sam and Emma dive right into the bad faith and pseudo-philosophical debates around trans rights, with Sam reflecting on Sam Harris’ philosophizing about torture, and the dishonest rhetoric around “silencing” while trans people are genuinely being assaulted worldwide, before the crew debates Central vs. Prospect Park and Sam spends some time listing things one can do in Prospect Park. Charles Booker’s new campaign ad hits incredible emotional heights (particularly rare as he’s a democrat) and isn’t just him asking for money on a very windy hill (cough Amy McGrath cough), Tim Pool contradicts Tim Pool’s statements on gun rights before bringing in Tim Pool’s theories on civil war to add nuance to Tim Pool’s counterarguments to civil war, and Sam and Emma dive behind the SCOTUS curtains and the apparent disrespect of Justice Roberts by the conservative leaker. They also look to the upcoming GA midterms, as Herschel Walker takes a step back from Donald Trump, plus, your IMs! Check out Leah's piece at Slate here: Donate to Nomi's State Senate campaign here! Become a member at Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: Join the Majority Report Discord! Get all your MR merch at our store: Check out today’s sponsors: Aura: Protect yourself from America’s fastest-growing crime. Try Aura for 14 days for free: Established Titles: Get an amazing gift for your dad this Father’s Day! Go to Vessi: Use code MAJORITY for $25 OFF each pair of Vessi shoes at Support the St. Vincent Nurses today! Check out Matt’s show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! Subscribe to Matt’s other show Literary Hangover on Patreon! Check out The Nomiki Show on YouTube. Check out Matt Binder’s YouTube channel: Subscribe to Brandon’s show The Discourse on Patreon! Check out The Letterhack’s upcoming Kickstarter project for his new graphic novel! Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. Subscribe to AM Quickie writer Corey Pein’s podcast News from Nowhere. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop The Majority Report with Sam Seder - |