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Thu, 30 November 2017
Today, writer and editor David Klion (@DavidKlion) joins us to discuss how the left should orient itself to the Trump/Russia investigation. The thriving ecosystem of russia conspiracy theory and disinformation. What's 'real' with the Russia story with regard to both 'collusion' and money-laundering? How the real story should be focused on the anti-democratic nature of global neoliberalism. On the fun half - Joe Scarborough is finally saying Trump has dementia, Roy Moore blames pedophilia accusations on leftists and LGBT people, The Federalist says vote for him, Trump is easily distracted by his own personality while discussing tax policy and nuclear war, and your calls and IMs! |
Wed, 29 November 2017
On today's show, Sam speaks with Michael Hardt, author of the book 'Assembly (Heretical Thought)' about how grassroots, non-hierarchical movements like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter could become more politically effective and what lessons we can take from them as we fight for everything from daily survival to the abolition of capitalism. Sam also addresses Mike Cernovich's attempts at cooking up a scandal based on an old tweet of his. On the fun half: A caller reminds us the moon landing was faked, Senator Lindsey Graham threatens to nuke all of Asia if we get into a war with North Korea, Bernie pwns Ted Cruz on the Republican tax bill, a tech CEO says corporate tax cuts do NOT create jobs or raise wages, Sean Hannity whines about the terrible pictures of him that New York Magazine used, and alt-righter Lucian Wintrich tackles a woman for stealing his notes. Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show: patreon.com/TMBS Check out today's sponsor: Get 30% off your, plus free shipping on a case of wine, PLUS free gift bags from Cameron Hughes Wine when you use the code MAJORITY at CHWine.com! Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @MattLech @_michaelbrooks @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |
Tue, 28 November 2017
On today's Majority Report, Jack Schneider, a professor of education at College of the Holy Cross, joins us to discuss why test scores alone are not a good indicator of school quality. After growing weary of seeing state data used improperly, he came up with a new metric that takes into account many factors including a school's teachers, culture, academics, resources, and services geared towards students' character and well being. Schneider also explains why some charter schools produce better test scores, yet see larger numbers of their students drop out once they get to college. On the fun half: Ronald Raygun critiques Sam's looks, Tammy apologizes to Janeane, SNL is fomenting a "leftist" revolution to bring back President Obama, Greg complains about our unfair treatment of libertarians, Jeff from GA is opening a library in Sam's name, more on the downsides of charter schools, Sam debunks the notion that raising taxes on grad students will drive down tuition, and James O'Keefe tries to "gotcha" WaPo with a fake Roy Moore accuser and fails miserably. Today's sponsors: Get 75% off your order at OmahaSteaks.com with the code REPORT Get a four-week free trial PLUS postage AND a digital scale at Stamps.com! Click the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in MAJORITYREPORT Get $20 off and free shipping at Brooklinen.com with the promo code MAJORITY Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @MattLech @_michaelbrooks @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |
Mon, 27 November 2017
Good day! On today's Majority Report, the MR crew breaks down the news, including: The archbishop of Canterbury doesn't understand why American evangelicals support Trump, Bill Kristol finds his inner careerist on Twitter, Ben Wittes of the Brookings Institute figures out Trump is bad, and neocon David Frum is equally disingenuous. Come back and talk to us when you #NeverTrumpers bring something to the table. On the fun half: John from San Antonio thinks the Democrats can overcome gerrymandering, Sam will win the lottery before Trump is impeached, Ronald Raygun bemoans the low bar for entry into #theresistance (and workshops an idea for a movie), Mulvaney is going to "drain the swamp" by destroying the CFPB, Breitbart's Joel Pollack defends Roy Moore with an analogy to Ringo Starr, Jamie discusses socialist feminism with Tammy from Texas, Geraldo thinks Trump is "punching down" at Time Magazine, and the gang discusses the false dichotomy between class and identity. Get 30% off of the MR blend at Just Coffee, use the code: MRHoliday Go to JustCoffee.Coop now. Good until Dec. 15 Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @MattLech @_michaelbrooks @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |
Fri, 24 November 2017
Today, historian William Hogeland joins us to discuss his book "Autumn of the Black Snake: The Creation of the U.S. Army and the Invasion That Opened the West." Also, a sample of The Michael Brooks Show members' only content: 'Illicit History - 5 - The Crushing Of Manley's Socialism In Jamaica' originally uploaded Sunday, 8 October, 2017. Become a member at patreon.com/tmbs For members, Bernie Sanders once again joins Sam on Air America to talk about GOP plans to repeal the estate tax, from 6-7-06. |
Wed, 22 November 2017
Christopher Glazek (@SeeGlazek) joins us to talk about his article in Esquire, 'THE SECRETIVE FAMILY MAKING BILLIONS FROM THE OPIOID CRISIS.' For members, segments from Air America archives episode 8-17-04, Bernie Sanders talks with Sam and Jeanine about GOP tax cruelty followed by Reverend Billy of the Church of Stop Shopping. |
Tue, 21 November 2017
![]() On today's show, Sam addresses an investigation into Matt Taibbi that seems to totally exonerate him of Sexual harrassment charges, the crew discusses Charlie Rose's grossness, John Conyers pays off his harassment victims with taxpayer dollars, the gang mocks and sounds alarm bells over census bureau nominee Thomas Brunell and his awful book, the FCC is going to hell and taking net neutrality with it, and the Republicans threaten the role of blue slips in blocking judicial nominees. On the fun half: More discussion of sexual harassment, a caller wonders if the Democrats will learn all the wrong lessons from Ralph Northam's victory, Alex Jones is breeding an army of conspiracy theorist super soldiers, a homophobic group invites a rainbow flag dancer to perform, congressman Greg Gianforte assaults a reporter and lies to the cops about it, Stephen Moore defends Roy Moore, and the Simpsons predicted Dennis Miller's descent into madness. Also: Trump wants to end a work program for Haitians devastated by the 2010 earthquake, Ray from Westchester defends his county's liberal-ness, the government is taking people's driver's licenses away for unpaid student loans, an IMer writes a Yelp review of Matt, and another IMer explains why anarcho-communism is the only solution to the violent contradictions of late capitalism.
Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @MattLech @_michaelbrooks @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |
Mon, 20 November 2017
On today's show, labor historian Jefferson Cowie joins us to talk about his book "The Great Exception: The New Deal and the Limits of American Politics." While the New Deal is often held up as the model for progressives to shoot for, it came out of an exceptional period from the 1930s to the 1970s when politics were focused on collective, economic well being. It was also the result of a compromise that excluded African Americans from most of its benefits. In this interview, Cowie describes the 20th century trajectory from collectivism to individualism and posits new tactics for the future. On the fun half: Jon from San Antonio discusses the effect the Republican tax plan will have on rents, Senator Lamar Alexander defends trickle down economics against all evidence, Ronald Raygun conveys critiques received via Twitter, homophobic lawmaker Wes Goodman is a huge hypocrite, Bill Kristol pretends to be offended by Trump's racism, people celebrate Mugabe's ousting, and the crew ponders whether or not we're headed for revolution. Also: the crew discusses Al Franken and rape culture, and a caller tells us about the first woman mayor of New Orleans.
Fri, 17 November 2017
Good morning everyone, on today’s show Digby (@digby56) joins us to discuss the Republicans' tax plan, which would actually raise taxes on families making less than $75,000/year and give those ill-gotten gains directly to Ivanka Trump. Then, comedian Judy Gold (@JewdyGold) joins us to let it all out regarding the Al Franken story, Trump's absurdly hypocritical tweet, Christian hypocrisy on Roy Moore, sexism in the comedy world, and more. Also: Disgraced former DHS official Jamie Johnson's not-at-all novel take on why the blacks hate the Jews, and Jim Bakker tries in vain to stop the war on Christmas, which we have basically won already. Take our show survey: http://majoritysurvey.com/
Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |
Thu, 16 November 2017
On today's show, the one and only Janeane Garofalo joins us to talk about how to deal with your conservative family at Thanksgiving...or not! Plus: Al Franken's sexual harassment allegation, that story about the "fuck Trump" bumper sticker, Trump's dry mouth, Sean Hannity's attempts to save face over his treatment of Roy Moore, Janeane and Michael argue about Ayn Rand, and Janeane and Jamie argue about the media's coverage of sexual misconduct. Oy! On the "fun" half: Senator Chris Murphy discusses the crisis in Yemen, more on how to spend Thanksgiving with assholes, Janeane critiques Sam's sartorial choices, some callers get froggy, and a brief nod to the idea of changing hearts and minds. Take our show survey here: http://majoritysurvey.com/ Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show https://www.patreon.com/TMBS Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |
Wed, 15 November 2017
![]() Good morning. On today's show, author Maryn McKenna joins us to discuss how the humble chicken went from a household egg producer/occasional meal to a grotesque, antibiotic-laden frankenfood foisted on the U.S. population. To wit: In 1977, the government issued dietary guidelines telling people to eat less saturated fat, which led to a bump in demand. After WW2, a scientist from Lederle Laboratories had the bright idea to sell an excess supply of antibiotics to the meat industry to make chickens grow faster. They even dipped the meat in antibiotics before packaging it for sale. This gave rise to strains of antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Whoops! Thankfully, there are now some regulations around antibiotic use in animal agriculture and a growing movement against things of that nature, but factory farmed meat is still problematic in all sorts of ways and will probably kill you. Why, it's almost like treating food and medicine as commodities for exchange, rather than goods produced to fulfill basic human needs, can lead to widespread problems! On the fun half: Callers discuss Our Revolution/DSA/Berniecrat wins around the country, Republicans send out hilarious robocalls impersonating Jewish journalists seeking dirt on Roy Moore, Sean Hannity bends over backwards to save face w/r/t that perv, ABC chases Rep. Mo Brooks down infinite stairs, Tammy in Texas explains how to run for state office, Mariana from Twin Cities provides additional background on the meat industry, Roy Moore's attorney says some racist shit to MSNBC's Ali Velshi, Alex Jones rails against PC culture, and Jamie and Mindy discuss what's wrong with the ruling class. (Check out Jamie's op-ed on the trouble with framing the 1% in an individualistic, moralizing way here.) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/sep/22/1-percent-uncomfortable-wealth-rachel-sherman Don’t miss this deal from today’s sponsor! Quip toothpaste! right now, go to http://getquip.com/majority to get your first refill pack FREE with a quip electric toothbrush. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |
Tue, 14 November 2017
Branko Marcetic from Jacobin magazine joins us to discuss his article on the Ricketts family, the billionaires that has worked tirelessly to crush unions across their investment portfolio. And on the fun half - A new accuser goes on record with troubling detail and evidence of Roy Moore's sexual alleged sexual predation. Don Jr. and Wikileaks slid into each other's DMs. And Your calls and IMs!
TRACKR: TrackR makes a great gift and during this holiday season save 20% off your order when you go to thetrack.com/majority OMAHA STEAKS: Go to omahasteaks.com and enter the code "report" in the search to see the exclusive $59.99 holiday gift package. MEUNDIES: This holiday season, to get your exclusive 20% off the softest underwear and socks you will ever wear, free shipping and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Go to meundies.com/majority. |
Mon, 13 November 2017
Donald Trump looks awkward at a summit photo for a meeting of ASEAN. The Saudis on the verge of creating the largest famine in the world in Yemen. The Republican tax plan is massive class warfare agains toms too America. Why giving rich people money does not help the economy. Ivanka Trump tries to talk about taxes. Sean Hannity gets particular about sex with teenagers. On The Fun Half: how the Republican tax plan will devastate those with health problems. Steve Bannon says that Roy Moore is facing the politics of personal destruction. Trump has appointed more Judges than any President since Nixon. DSA Pittsburgh offers broken brake lights in Pittsburgh. Time for a Sam Harris style "thought experiment" and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors! Texture! To start your Texture FREE trial go to TEXTURE.COM/MAJORITY If you choose to continue, Podcast Listeners will get Texture for just $9.99 a month. That’s over 30% off their listed price. -There are also great gift options available for the holiday season and Casper! Get $50 toward any mattress purchase by visiting Casper.com/MAJORITY and using MAJORITY at checkout. Take our show survey https://majority.fm/majority-report-surveys/ Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show https://www.patreon.com/TMBS |
Fri, 10 November 2017
![]() Republicans have nothing to say about Roy Moore probably being a pedophile. Cliff Schecter explains the importance of Tuesdays wins for Democrats and holding back Republicans. The most satisfying wins from Tuesday. The blue wall in the West. Why Democrats need to run in every district. Republicans are still going to support Roy Moore despite pedophilia allegations. Sean Hannity apologizes for "not being totally clear" in defending Roy Moore's misconduct. Moore's predatory behavior pattern and will Republicans pass a massive regressive tax giveaway to the wealthy? Andy Kindler joins us to talk about the allegations of sexual misconduct by Louie CK. Power and sexual kinks. Dennis Miller and Bill O'Reilly whine about late night and Dennis Miller is more depressed as ever. Republican Congressman calls for Mueller firing. Check out today’s sponsor! Harry’s! Claim your FREE TRIAL OFFER from Harry’s today – $13 value for FREE when you sign up, just cover shipping!by going to Harrys.com/MAJORITYREPORT Take our show survey https://majority.fm/majority-report-surveys/ Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show https://www.patreon.com/TMBS
Direct download: 11-10-17-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm EST |
Thu, 9 November 2017
Journalist David Dayen explained the roots of regulation of mass travel in the United States going back to the railroad industry. Why cities need airports and how the airlines used to be regulated. Why did Democrats in the 1970s deregulate the industry? The civil Aeronautics Board and why it worked well. The miscalculation that Ralph Nader and other liberals made in the 1970s. the 1970s focus on "regulatory capture" and how it led to corporate friendly policy. How to think about anti trust. Whats happening with the AT&T deal. The Trump Justice department is right on the merger and Trump is blowing it and the Wilbur Ross and the Paradise Paper revelations. New allegations of Alabama Republican Roy Moore accused of being a child sexual predator. On The Fun Half: Carter Page calls in. Who is worse Bush or Trump? Plutocrat Democratic donor whines about Democrats talk about class and threatens to cut funding. Sheldon Whitehouse humiliates a Trump nominee. Steve Bannon, rambles on and on and wants Mitch McConnell to resign and your calls and IMs. Check out the deal from today’s sponsor! MVMT Watches! Get 15% off today —WITH FREE SHIPPING and FREE RETURNS—by going to MVMT.COM/MAJORITY. Take our show survey https://majority.fm/majority-report-surveys/ Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show https://www.patreon.com/TMBS |
Wed, 8 November 2017
Fox News tries to pretend last night's Democratic blowout didn't happen and Tucker Carelson is depressed. The Washington Post's Dave Weigel, explains why Democrats performed so well last night. The anti Obama effect. Democrats fears and anxiety. Not every Democrat is Hillary Clinton and why Republicans should be afraid. The results and the block against the next round of gerrymandering. Democrats can put more seats into play. Bernie Sanders help local progressives win across the county. The role of outside groups and the DNC. The DNC's toxic brand and the incredible results for Socialism. And rundown of last night's results. On The Fun Half: Steve Doocey wonders why Republicans who don't embrace Trump even want to win. A Democratic wave coming after a crushing defeat on a referendum for Donald Trump. Danica Roam, talks to her constituents after defeating her transphobic opponent. Corey Lewandowski, gets caught in a pretty hilarious lie and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsor! Cameron Hughes Wine: This wine is fantastic, this deal is fantastic – do not miss out on this limited time offer! Go to chwine.com and use the code [Majority] right now! That’s CH Wine dot com and enter code [Majority]. Take our show survey https://majority.fm/majority-report-surveys/ Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show https://www.patreon.com/TMBS |
Tue, 7 November 2017
Take our survey @ majoritysurvey.com On today's show, journalist David Neiwert joins us to discuss Donald Trump and the rise of the radical right. From his years spent reporting on the topic, Neiwert concludes this sentiment has been building for years and Trump is only the most recent apotheosis of it. While some people trace upticks in hate crimes to economic shifts, Neiwert holds that they rise due to demographic shifts that bring whites into contact with unfamiliar people and cultures. He next discusses the components of right wing authoritarianism, or RWA, a variable used to describe authoritarian and/or fascist behavior based on a multi-factor personality type. Finally, he explains the difference between the "alt-right" and straightforward neo-Nazis. On the fun half: Callers describe the level of voter turnout in their various locales, Carter Page calls in to defend himself, Congressman Jim Himes discusses Carter Page on "Morning Joe," Ed Gillespie positions himself as the anti-pedophilia candidate in Virginia, Trump refuses to apply "extreme vetting" to those seeking to buy guns, Ainsley Earhardt thinks church is the best possible place to get murdered, and we discuss whether Tim Black was really hacked. Don't forget to vote, folks! From a listener: "Hello! We call ourselves the International Polling Superfecta. We are a collection of MR supporters who are interested in data analytics. After compiling a poll of the Virginia governors race from October 30th to November 1st, we have the following results. Northam leads Ed Gillespie 55% to 45%. It was collected from a 666 Google opinion survey conducted on Android. We weighed the results based on the turnout of different ages from the 2013 governor's election provided by the CNN exit poll to compensate for age biases that could be contained in the results. When results say "Democrat", note that it refers to respondents who selected Northam, and Republican refers to Gillespie. One final warning: Both the last governor and senate elections saw the Democrats severely under perform their polling. One should keep that in mind when viewing these results." Check out the data here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XfSjrjL4J2B2fDWop5ODZ4sNBQANmmpUS6lSNRXAk2g/edit#gid=1734894587 Check out todays sponsors! And right now, you too can enjoy the Stamps.com service with a special offer that includes a 4- week trial PLUS postage AND a digital scale without long-term commitments Stamps.com enter MAJORITYREPORT. Policygenius.com! Policygenius lets you compare life insurance from the top providers in online. And Brooklinen! Check out this deal! Get $20 off AND free shipping when you use promo code [ majority ] at Brooklinen.com |
Mon, 6 November 2017
On today’s show, journalist Alyssa Battistoni, (@alybatt), joins us to discuss working-class movements and their responsibility to champion social alongside ecological progress. You can read her piece in Jacobin here. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/08/living-not-just-surviving On the fun half - more demented response to another mass shooting, Fox News runs obviously fake story on Antifa SuperSoldier Day, Richard Spencer's booking agent scares self in latino neighborhood. Take our show survey here https://majority.fm/majority-report-surveys/ Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show here https://www.patreon.com/TMBS |
Fri, 3 November 2017
Cliff Schecter, joins Sam to dissect the Republicans cruel, stupid and classist new tax plan. What Republicans might object to the House Republicans tax plan. Tax free private school accounts. No more tax deductions for public school teachers who buy their own supplies. Why Republicans can attack teachers now. Why Democrats need to stop talking about deficits. And what will happen in the New Jersey and Virginia campaigns next week? Larry Murphy from Bob's Burgers speculates as to what comes next in the Russia probe and he and Michael and Sam do impressions. On The Fun Half: More fallout from the DNC role in the 2016 primary. Donald Trump says no one in government matters besides him. Elizabeth Warren calls out the DNC and your calls and IMs. Take our show survey here https://majority.fm/majority-report-surveys/ Get a great mattress from Casper-- $50 off at casper.com/Majority Code Majority Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show here https://www.patreon.com/TMBS Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn
Direct download: 11-3-17-Cliff_Schecter-Larry_Murphy-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EST |
Thu, 2 November 2017
On today's show, Sam speaks with journalist Katie Gilbert about Chokwe Lumumba, a human rights attorney and politician who was involved with the Republic of New Afrika movement and black cooperatives in the 1970s, then went on to be elected mayor of Jackson, Mississippi in 2013. He succeeded at passing a 1% sales tax to support infrastructure, but his work was cut short when he died of heart failure in 2014. On the fun half: Donna Brazile surprises everyone, the crew discusses the DNC's incompetence and argues with callers over whether the primary was rigged, Jim Bakker thinks Trump is a good Christian, a caller recommends the book "Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of Psychopaths Around Us," Peter Thiel puts a caller in his place, Tucker Carlson thinks the people who died in Tuesday's van attack in NYC are "martyrs to diversity," Bob Mercer divests himself from Breitbart, and Sean Hannity is mad at CNN for correctly translating "Allahu Akbar." Take our show survey here. Become a Patreon of the Michael Brooks Show here: http://majoritysurvey.com/ Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @MattLech @_michaelbrooks @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |
Wed, 1 November 2017
On today's show, Michael speaks with Milton Allimadi, publisher of Black Star News, about just what the hell the United States is doing in Africa. (Spoiler alert: nothing too good!) From helping France fight Al Qaeda in Mali (which just happens to have a lot of uranium and oil) to supporting problematic neoliberal president Yoweri Museveni in Uganda, the U.S. has made it clear it's motivated more by economic interests than anything having to do with human rights in its foreign policy towards the countries of Africa. On the fun half: Trump might not be getting the full briefings anymore, Gorka thinks "political correctness kills," Sarah Huckabee Sanders thinks we should honor our confederate history, George W. Bush is a hypocrite who supports Trump-lite candidate Ed Gillespie in Virginia, the Duck Dynasty guy wants to have sex with Beyonce, Bill O'Reilly gets rejected by Sinclair Media, a caller espouses evo-psych theories of conservatism, the MR crew muses on what they've un-learned, and an extremely high person calls in. Take our show survey here https://majority.fm/majority-report-surveys/ Harry’s is so confident you’re going to love their blades, they’ll give you their trial shave set for FREE when you sign up at Harrys.com/MAJORITYREPORT, just pay for shipping! For $20 off of Sam's favorite suitcase, visit awaytravel.com/majority and use promo code MAJORITY during checkout! @SamSeder @MattLech @_michaelbrooks @jamie_elizabeth @bf1nn |