Mon, 31 October 2016
The Majority Report is taken over by Ken Ken & Ken. KKK gets to the bottom of why New Dork does not speak, defends Donald Trump and rates the Trump women. Michael Shure from TYT joins KKK and defends the libtard policies for Hillary and Obama. Why can't the media be honest about Mr. Trump's momentum? Why won't Michael be honest about Jewish power? Shure defends BLM and they call out Cenk Uygur. Bud Light loses Seth Rogan and Amy Schumer. Random Hartmann and the KKK show takes phone calls. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Fri, 28 October 2016
![]() Cliff Schecter explains travesty of the Bundy Ranch occupiers getting acquitted for their armed occupation of an Oregon Wild Life refuge. The invasion of Native American lands in North Dakota. Will the acquittal lead to more Right Wing terrorism? Racism and the rule of law. Can Trump win North Carolina or Florida and Democrats look set to retake the Senate? Judy Gold likes the MR idea of Bruce Springsteen getting deputized to arrest Chris Christie. Judy Gold hates Chris Christie because she went to high school with guys like him. Conservative Amanda Carpenter calls out the GOP for sexism. The evolution of feminist humor and why isn't Hillary Clinton invited to Hillary Clinton events? Alex Jones is most certainly not anti-semitic. Mike Pence is offended to be called out for voter suppression. Horrific abuse and attacks on Native American protestors in North Dakota and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors. Children International. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks!
Direct download: 10-28-16-Cliff_Schecter-Judy_Gold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:20pm EST |
Thu, 27 October 2016
Jane McAlevey author of No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age, explains the distinction between organizing and mobilizing. Why organizing is reflective and face to face. Mobilizing after self-discovery. Why the Left needs to get back to back to basics organizing. The American South and organizing factory workers today. Organizing in the suburbs. Thinking strategically and understanding the working Americans are really hurting. Understanding the power of workers. What the Chicago Teachers strike got right. Constructing solidarity in post-industrial cities. What are "super majority" strikes and what are real strikes? And why narrative change isn't power. On The Fun Half: Gary Johnson has a meltdown. Jennifer Rubin fails badly on with Bill O'Reilly. Tomi Lahren gets called out for enabling the alt-right. Check out today’s sponsors. Children International,, use code Majority and |
Wed, 26 October 2016
A major breakthrough for fighting global warming and ozone depleting pollutants in Kigali. China creates a new market for greener products. The left fights a carbon tax in Washington State. Newt Gingrich loses it on Megyn Kelly. Elizabeth Warren rips Richard Burr. Michael Savage says Beyonce is a threat to Western Civilization. Crazy Right Wing host says Obama was just a warm-up act for Hillary Clinton's full blown communism. Elizabeth Warren says "nasty women" are gotta beat Trump and Katrina Pierson says adult performer Jessica Drake who accused Trump of sexual harassment is just looking for attention. On The Fun Half: former Libertarian Presidential candidate and Gary Johnson advisor Steve Kerbel defines Libertarianism. Steve thinks all taxes are theft. How to fund Government. What does the Department of Education do? Taxes and progress. What should we do with Medicare? Are doctors really hurting? It gets a bit uncomfortable and Steve has problems with the Civil Rights Act. Check out today’s sponsor!
Tue, 25 October 2016
The New America Foundation's Director of Open Markets Barry C. Lynn, explains what monopoly means in the American economy. The eyeglasses market and the obscene power of monopoly. Why are monopolies allowed? The American revolution and fighting monopolies. The Reagan and Clinton Administration's support of monopolies. Why Libertarians have no problem with corporate central planning. From Walmart to Amazon what creates the monopoly problem in today's economy. How Bill Clinton embraced monopolies in defense, media, and finance. Why today's plutocrats are a bigger threat than the plutocrats of the Gilded Age. Good signs from the Hillary Clinton campaign? Why America needs to support the EU in fighting Silicon Valley and why we need to stop the AT&T Time Warner merger. On The Fun Half: Curt Schilling demands to know why Jews vote for Democrats. John McCain runs away from the press. Sam's question to Jill Stein and she gives an incredibly weak answer. Glenn Beck's latest scheme. Eric Bolling compliments Elizabeth Warren and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors! enter promo code Majority at check out. and Harry’, enter code MAJORITYREPORT |
Mon, 24 October 2016
Luke Mayville (@LukeMayville) joins us today to discuss his new book, "John Adams and the Fear of Oligarchy." John Adams' skepticism of "meritocracy" and the glorification of the rich. John Adams' understanding of "oligarchy," as opposed to the "meritocratic" elite of the counter-majoritarian Federalist Papers. What is true and untrue about Thomas Jefferson's "populism." Adams' heterodox views on elites and his argument for an aristocratic senate. On the fun half - Trump threatens accusers in his Gettysburg Address, Reince is darn tired of people doubting RND support of Trump. KellyAnne Conway wants you to trust her about Trump's lack of transparency, Eric Trump lives in a bubble, Obama hits the campaign trail, and your calls and IMs! Support our sponsors:, (code: MAJORITY), and
Fri, 21 October 2016
![]() Attorney Gavi Mairone the founder of MM~LAW LLC, a law firm dedicated to advancing private human rights law, explains how he uses private lawsuits against major corporations to combat terrorism and human rights abuses. When banks and oil companies are complicit in terrorism. The Chevron case and kickbacks to the Saddam Hussain regime. How is terrorism is defined globally? Civil law and reciprocity. Defending the Yazidis and corporations fund terror. Michael Watts an Attorney from Texas, explains how he defended himself in a criminal brought orchestrated against him. Was Watts targetted because of his support of Democratic candidates and his work against BP? The war against trial attorneys. The BP connection to the prosecution of Michael Watt. The Ron Johnson connection to the case and what the Watts case teaches us about abuses of the criminal justice system. Elizabeth Graham, the director of Grant & Eisenhofer's complex pharmaceutical and medical device litigation practice, explains the case her firm is bringing against Conceptus a birth control device that causes serious health problems. How Conceptus and Bayer misled the FDA on its clinical trial and where the case goes from here. On The Fun half: Donald Trump's successes and fails at the Al Smith dinner. Rudy Guiliani can't take a joke. Barack Obama savages Marco Rubio and your calls and IMs. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks!
Direct download: 10-21-16-Gavriel_Mairone-Michael_Watts-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST |
Thu, 20 October 2016
Cliff Schecter explains how Trump went from having his best debate to his worst debate. Is Trump another far right candidate that Russia backs. Trump's shocking refusal to accept losing. Donald Trump's calculated white supremacy. The obvious difference between Al Gore and Donald Trump. The disgrace of the lack of climate coverage in the debate and William Kristol has a meltdown on Morning Joe. Thom Hartmann joins the show to discuss the Morning Joe and William Kristol freakout. Why Donald Trump is a natural leader of the Republican Party. Why the Republican establishment owns Donald Trump. The dark money that fuels Republican media. Why we are not going back to normal after Trump loses and will Hillary Clinton be more ruthless than Barack Obama? Pushing Hillary Clinton to the Left. The exchange where Hillary Clinton dominated Donald Trump and when Trump wouldn't promise to accept the results of the election if he loses. How is Donald Trump's TV Network going to get rolled out? Why the Right is all about entertainment and Trump's insane comments on abortion. Trump says we need to take care of the "bad hombres". Trump calls Hillary a "nasty woman". Ari Rabin Havt joins the discussion to ponder the next possibilities of what might happen on the Supreme Court. Obama's legacy, Merrick Garland and Citizens United. Chris Cuomo calls out Kellyanne Conway. How Pete Peterson corrupts public debate. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks!
Direct download: 10-20-16-Cliff_Schecter-Thom_Hartmann-MEM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm EST |
Wed, 19 October 2016
Live from Las Vegas, October 19, 2016. |
Tue, 18 October 2016
Jacobin editor Peter Frase (@PeFrase) on his new book Four Futures: Life After Capitalism. How speculative fiction helps imagine future societies. What if it were possible to "escape" from the necessities of labor through automation. The possibility of post-scarcity and reality of ecological constraints. Abundance, equality, and their opposites, as determining factors for future societies. On the fun half - Melania Trump comes to the defense of her husband, Nicki Minaj slams her. Paul Ryan warns of giving Bernie more Democrat Senators to work with, Wisconsin Trump supporters start a Paul Ryan Sucks chant. McCain promises to block Hillary's SCotUS selections. |
Mon, 17 October 2016
Glenn Greenwald tells Brian Stetler that there is an imbalance in transparency between Clinton and Trump and what's interesting in the Wikileaks emails. Journalist David Dayen explains what the Wikileaks emails reveal. The importance of branding and positioning in the Wikileaks emails. How corporate power works in the Democratic Party. How economic policy-making is influenced by Wall Street? How Cabinets are filled? Why Progressives need to speak out now. The Warren wing of the Democratic Party. What about a progressive foreign policy? And how Clinton can be pressured and President Obama's Wall Street legacy. On The Fun Half: Katrina Pierson says Donald Trump needs to Tweet about women because the media is unfair. Jake Tapper schools Congresswoman Renee Ellmers. Glenn Beck praises Michelle Obama. Sam Harris is baffled by why his followers are supporting Trump. Amy Goodman is facing charges for practicing journalism in North Dakota. The most amazing Hindus for Trump event ever. Random Rush. Check out today’s sponsor! Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks!
Fri, 14 October 2016
Cliff Schecter explains how Trump is going full Alex Jones and full Fascist. Jared Kushner, Ivanka and the campaign's anti semitism. The irony of Trump's disgusting campaign. The Right's fantasy life. Is Hillary's surge going to start impacting down ballot races? Rob Portman's political calculation in Ohio. Deb Fischer, rescinds her rescindment of her endorsement of Donald Trump. We hear from Screaming Majority about their new musical Waste Fraud and Abuse, playing now in New York City! Isabel Gillies talks about finding comfort. Is the 1 train cozy? What Sam would do if he was stuck in the Hospital. What people in Denmark think about America. The depressing election. Donald Trump and sexual assault. Entitlement at sexual assault. Billy Bush and rape culture and Isabel tells us all to watch the third season of Transparent. On The Fun Half: Michelle Obama calls out Trump's bragging about being a sexual predator. President Obama says Republicans should not get any credit for disavowing Trump now. Ben Carson is turning into a super villain. Trump denies assaulting a reporter because "look at her". Donald Trump Jr is also a scumbag. Mike Pence is pathetic. Greg Gutfield gets a little sane and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsor! Harry’ use promo code MAJORITYREPORT Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks!
Direct download: 10-14-16-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:32pm EST |
Thu, 13 October 2016
On today’s show we have Zachary Roth (@zackroth,) a national reporter for MSNBC and author of "The Great Suppression: Voting Rights, Corporate Cash & the Conservative Assault on Democracy." Alexander Hamilton's anti-democratic leanings. The waxing and waning of elite opinion on who should vote and why. Backlashes against previous expansions of democratic participation. Is democracy a means to an end or an end in itself? Why it's so revealing we don't have a federal right to vote. Why a right to vote would have far-reaching implications. Buckley v Valeo and "money=speech." How the Denton Fracking Ban was immediately undone by the oil and gas industry. On the fun half - What was behind Trump's trial balloon attacks FDA? The flood of Trump sexual harassment begins; Katrina Pierson, Ben Carson, Mike Pence, and Rush Limbaugh struggle with the revelation. Megyn Kelly and Dana Perino discuss, on Fox News, why women might hesitate before making allegations of sexual assault. Plus your calls and IMs! |
Wed, 12 October 2016
Today we have Wosny Lambre (@BigWos) IN STUDIO! to talk about the barn fire that is the current GOP and our moment in sports protests. How Trump managed to cleave to base from conservative Republicans. The Tea Party as the final coherent movement of the current populist right and donor class. The NFL's ceaseless quest for growth hits an obstacle. How the NFL tries to have it both ways with violence. On the fun half - Ben Carson thinks Briana Keilar should hear more talk like Trump's. Trump tells his Florida crowd to make sure to vote on November 28th. Rep. Blake Farenthold unsure on Chris Hayes if he'd stop supporting Trump if he said "I like rape." |
Tue, 11 October 2016
![]() Cathy O'Neil, author of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy, explains how data can be bias. Who Defines success and algorithms. Big data hype and being "beyond morals". Data and the war on teachers. Targeting teachers through data. Data-driven models to predictive policing and sentencing. The myth that numbers don't mislead and algorithms and job discrimination. On The Fun Half: The Republican civil war. Trump's most amazing spokesperson yet. A Trump supporter says Hillary Clinton is hypocrite because she listens to Beyonce. Sean Hannity calls Republican leaders "feckless". Alex Jones says Clinton is possessed by demons. Ben Carson defends Trump in the most amazing way. Why the mainstream still does not understand the Republican Party even in the age of Trump and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors: Texture: and Harry’ use promo code MAJORITYREPORT Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Mon, 10 October 2016
Cliff Schecter explains why Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz did a better job moderating the second debate. Why Trump did a much better job and Clinton was not as effective, but it was still a win for Clinton. Trump promises to jail Hillary if elected and throws Pence under the bus. What will the next Trump scandal be? Why Trump beat Paul Ryan. The long-term threat to the Republican Party. The Wikileaks of Hillary Clinton's Wall Streets speeches and what they say about her politics. Billy Bush eggs on Donald Trump as he brags about sexual assault. We reflect on rape on culture. Rudy tries to spin for Trump. Paul Ryan gets booed by rabid Trump supporters. CNN reaches peak 2016 campaign and Corey Lewandowski calls Reince Priebus weak. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Fri, 7 October 2016
Cliff Schecter explains why Tim Kaine won the after debate. Why this was a terrible week for Ted Cruz and good for Mike Pence 2020. Why Hillary Clinton might win big and the Democrats might retake Congress. On The Fun Half: Donald Trump gets low energy. The holocaust-denying neo-nazis who support Donald Trump. Hurricanes are a Left Wing according to the crazy Right. Shep Smith warns people to get out of the way of Hurricane Matthew. Random Rush. Why the Green Party never goes anywhere And your calls and IMs. Check out today's sponsors! Check out today’s sponsors. Harry’ use promo code MajorityReport. And Meundies Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Thu, 6 October 2016
Tobias Franz a postdoctoral researcher at the Cider, Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá explains the history of the FARC rebel movement in Colombia. What are Narco Capitalists? Internal displacement and civil war in Colombia. Is the FARC just another drug cartel? The transition from Uribe to Santos. The details of the FARC peace deal. And what happens next. On The Fun Half: how does Obamacare actually work. Amazing testimony from the Bridgegate trial and it does not look good for Chris Christie. Tucker Carlson calls out Tim Kaine for not being manly. Can the Democrats retake the Senate? Kelly Ayotte calls Donald Trump a role model and at first says yes. Megyn Kelly calls out Sean Hannity and Hannity gets livid on Twitter. If Donald Trump wins, Paul Ryan's sociopathic budget will become law. Gary Johnson continues to show he has no idea what he is talking about and your calls and IMs. Check out today’s sponsors. Harry’ use promo code MajorityReport. with promo code Majority and MVMTWATCHES.Com/majority |
Wed, 5 October 2016
Huffington Post Washington bureau chief Ryan Grim explains why Mike Pence pivoted away from Donald Trump during the debate. Why Trump will be mad. Is the Clinton campaign strategy shifting more towards base turn-out? Did Bill Clinton subtly push for Single Payer healthcare? And Bill Clinton wants to be considered a progressive President. The time Mike Pence snapped at the debate and why last night's moderator failed on style and substance and more Social Security myth busting. On The Fun Half: no Wikileaks October surprise for Hillary Clinton and Alex Jones is enraged. Bill Weld the Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate is now mostly interested in using his time to defeat Donald Trump. Gary Johnson thinks knowing geography leads to war. Bill Clinton calls Obamacare "crazy" and he's basically right. Megyn Kelly laughs in Kellyanne Conway's face. Eric Trump has trouble talking about his dad's taxes. Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. Go to You can also show your support by going to Thanks! |
Tue, 4 October 2016
NYU Journalism Professor Jay Rosen (@JayRosenNYU), author of, joins us to discuss the media crisis made apparent by the Donald Trump campaign. Has the media been overwhelmed by the 2016 campaign? What should the political press do? How Trump has short-circuited the traditional practices and assumptions of campaign journalism. How the Tea Party/Birther movement metastasized before the press could catch on. The circularity in the rationale for "campaign coverage." Read Prof. Rosen's piece, "Asymmetry between the major parties fires the circuts of the mainstream press" |
Mon, 3 October 2016
Michael (filling in for Sam) to break down Colombia's rejection Peace Deal with the FARC in a move, Hillary's leaked comments on Bernie Sanders supporters, and some more info on Donald Trump's taxes is leaked. On the fun half - Giuliani loses it after Chuck Todd calls him on his own infidelities, Trump impersonates Hillary's pneumonia spell, Ben Carson says Trump reminds him of a less mature version of himself, and your calls and ims! |