The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Cliff SchecterLibertas LLC, talks NRA in wake of shooting rampage in Aurora, calls out right-wing  Chick-fil-A chain (not a pop singer!) and indulges in weekly Romney bashing. And Isabel Gillies delivers this week's film pick (surprise, surprise!).

Direct download: 07-20-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gilllies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST

Glen Ford, editor of Black Agenda Report, on destructive policies of the Obama administration, the quiescent Left and the collapse of the Black community's voice in opposing this President. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-19-12-Glen_Ford-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:08pm EST

Stephen Kohn from the National Whistleblowers Center on FDA's surveillance of whistleblowing scientists; the invasive email dump, an enemies list and other elements of the case. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-18-12-Stephen_Kohn-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

David Dayen from Firedoglake News discusses California's Prop 32, the ballot initiative to divest unions of their political voice under guise of "campaign finance reform".  Prop 32 goes before voters in November. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-17-12-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST

Acclaimed writer Tom Junod on the targeted killing, drone strikes, capture and kill wars begun by Bush but given a legal and moral apparatus by Obama.  His Esquire article, "The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama."  LIsten LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-16-12-Tom_Junod-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

Investigative journalist Guy Lawson on his book, Octopus: Sam Israel, the Secret Market, and Wall Street's Wildest Con.  Also, interviews from Netroots Nation, EJ Graff (@ejgraff) from American Prospect and Susie Sampson(@susiesampson) from Tea Party Report.

Direct download: 07-13-12-Guy_Lawson-EJ_Graff-Susie_Sampson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm EST

Physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Steven Weinberg, on Higgs boson particle, today's attitude toward science and implications of not funding big science.   His latest book, Lake Views: This World and the Universe.  And, from Netroots Nation, Forrest Brown, from  Progressive Change Campaign Committee.

Direct download: 07-12-12-Steven_Weinberg-Forrest_Brown-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:02pm EST

Techdirt's Mike Masnick on Ron and Rand Paul's "Internet Freedom" manifesto, which goes against what most Internet freedom advocates support.  Also, the tug-of-war over net neutrality, regulatory control of the internet and safeguarding innovation.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-10-12-Mike_Masnick-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Plaintiff attorney Christopher Paulos from Levin Papantonio on crooked culture of  pharmaceutical industry and recent GlaxoSmithKline settlement.  Also, pay slashed to minimum wage for city employees in Scranton, Romney weekend fundraisers and Obama tax cuts.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-09-12-Christopher_Paulos-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST

Sam and Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC look to FDR & history in Obama assessment, talk jobs numbers and pick the low hanging fruit from the Romney campaign tree.  Also, Jonathan Krohn, former conservative wunderkind has movie picks.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST) 

Direct download: 07-06-12-Cliff_Schecter-Jonathan_Krohn-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:11pm EST

Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone on LIBOR banking scandal as Barclays implicates British Government and scale of cartel style, market manipulation by players worldwide is unveiled.  Also, Higgs boson, major discovery! Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-05-12-Matt_Taibbi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

Bill Scher executive editor at Liberal Oasis and Sam have a lively debate about the virtues of the Obama Administration.  Also, in Occupy news, Occupy Philly in action, tweets of Brooklyn Bridge Occupy protester threatened and jailed Duarte Square protester on a hunger strike. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-03-12-Bill_Scher-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:40pm EST

Producer and director David Van Taylor on judicial confirmation wars and his film Advise and Dissent: where the Supreme Court and politics collide. And a surprise call from Sen Kathy "Janeane Garofalo" Harriss.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 07-02-12-David_Van_Taylor-Janeane_Garofalo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

Ari Berman, author of Herding Donkey's on SCOTUS v. Affordable Care Act: the votes of the Justices, the impact on reputation of the Court, mobilization of the Right and implications for Medicaid.  Also, voter suppression, the Voting Rights Act and the DOJ.  And joining us with a Friday movie pick, comedian Michael Ian Black. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-29-12-Ari_Berman-Michael_Ian_Black-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EST

The Supreme Court upholds the Individual Mandate of Affordable Care Act.  Law Professor Amanda Frost talks semantics of ruling, implications of commerce clause and offers early thoughts about ramifications going forward.  Oops, CNN gets it wrong. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-28-12-Amanda_Frost-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:28pm EST

Author of What's the Matter with Kansas Thomas Frank revisits the conservative state of Kansas where the wealthy are excused from income tax and the tea party agenda is in full swing.  Also, Ted Alexandro reports from Occupy CITI.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-27-12-Thomas_Frank-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:31pm EST

Lori Wallach from Public Citizen on the secret negotiations of the far-reaching Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) "free trade" agreement.   It's globalization on steroids - and you're not supposed to know about it.  And, in advance of Thursday's Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act we revisit Sam's March interview with law professor Amanda Frost.

Direct download: 06-26-12-Lori_Wallach-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST

Middle East expert Juan Cole on Egyptian elections and the country's political landscape; agenda of Muslim Brotherhood and what their victory means for the country.  You may be surprised. Also, three important Supreme Court rulings today: reversal of Montana's anti-Citizens United stance, life without parole sentences for juveniles unconstitutional and federal law trumps in Arizona's SB1070 or "if you're-brown-you-have-a-problem" law. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-25-12-Juan_Cole-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC on the NRA, ATF and brouhaha over Fast & Furious, the divisive 5:4 decisions of Robert’s court and the question: why don’t liberals care about SCOTUS? And back in rotation, Film Guy Matthew Weiss with a thoughtful and apropos movie review.  And, pot or crack – which is more harmful; DEA flummoxed. Romeny’s such a prankster and you’ll get a time-out if you say Vagina!  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-22-12-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EST

Chris Hayes of UP with Chris Hayes speaks with Sam about his new book , Twighlight of the Elites and on the iron law of meritocracy, cult of smart, the race for the inner ring and more.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-21-12-Chris_Hayes-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST

Author, historian and columnist Rick Perlstein on political maneuvering in the mid-west, Republican bullying tactics and the confusion over Democratic Party principles, why the Left isn't represented.  And, Romney just not getting click-thrus. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-20-12-Rick_Perlstein-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EST

Environmental activist Bill McKibben,, talks Tim DeChristopher, Key Stone XL pipeline and calls out the Fossil Fuel industry for taking massive federal subsidies.  Dave Zirin on powerful political voice of athletes, suicide rates of retired NFL players and more. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-19-12-Bill_McKibben-Dave_Zirin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

Abe Bonowitz from the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty on waning support for capital punishment policy, the devastating emotional toll and the truth about its costs. Also, Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown on the fiscal cliff, Bush tax cuts, the financial fraud task force and more in a wide ranging discussion. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-18-12-Abe_Bonowitz-Sherrod_Brown-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC talks the Worst and the Best of Obama this week:  Trans-Pacific Partnership and DREAM ACT-LITE.  Also, Darcy Burner stands up for women!  And Isabel Gillies on her power shrink, trip to Brazil and finally.....a review.  Plus, Jeff Smith, OWS media team, reports on D17 trial of Occupy Wall Street participants arrested protesting Trinity Church's real estate holdings in NYC. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST).

Direct download: 06-15-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

Joel Rubin from Ploughshares Fund discusses Iran; the nuclear program, the negotiations and cyber warfare.  Also, cold war doctrine dictates U.S. nuclear strategy and GOP resistance to reducing nukes.   And for members, talking with blogger Jesse LaGreca(@JesseLaGreca) and marriage equality activist and author Zach Wahls (@zachwahls).

Direct download: 06-14-12-Joel_Rubin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07am EST

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on authorization of Kill List, Citizens United SCOTUS embarrassment and opportunities in Grand Bargain.  And, best Banking Committee JPMorgan can buy, Jamie Dimon testifies on Capitol Hill.  Listten LIVE on 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-13-12-Sheldon_Whitehouse-Markos_Moulitsas-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm EST

Eliot Spitzer, former governor and Viewpoint host, on Dems strong negotiating position in face of fiscal cliff; expiration of Bush tax cuts and debt ceiling vote, especially given Republican discomfort with current deal triggering automatic cuts to federal spending.  Also, DOJ's willful resistance to take on important prosecutions.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-12-12-Eliot_Spitzer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EST

Syria and latest on Middle East jockeying with National Security Network Executive Director Heather Hurlburt and Matt Duss, Director of Middle East Progress at Center for American Progress. Why Turkey must get involved, Russia's role and the region's sectarian divide.  Also, talking serious environmental and food supply threat from Pebble Mine Project in Alaska,blogger and podcaster Shannyn Moore. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-11-12-Heather_Hurlburt-Matt_Duss-Shannyn_Moore-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

Oregon's Senator Jeff Merkley talks banking reform and good process government. Other guests include, Cliff Schecter from Libertas, Gaius Publius and Joe Sudbay from AMERICAblog, blogger Marcie Wheeler from Empty Wheet and senior policy editor at Daily Kos, Joan McCarter and Ari Berman from the Nation. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-08-12-Netroots_Nation_2-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm EST

Sam reports LIVE from Netroots Nation and talks with Adam Green co-founder of Progressive Change Campaign Commettee, Pat Garofalo, economics editor at Think Progress, live streamer Tim Pool, David Dayen from Firedoglake, Majority Report Tech Guru Kyle Shank and a long time listener is unveiled....hint: it's not Eddie Pepitone!


Direct download: 06-07-12-Netroots_Nation_2012-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EST

Ruth Conniff, The Progressive political editor, on Wisconsin recall election results.  How out of state money, tactics that stirred resentment and Democratic party ambivalence pushed Walker to victory. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-06-12-Ruth_Conniff-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm EST

On day of WI Recall we discuss Detroit, where American Dream and middle class flourished, now is canary in coal mine for all U.S. cities.  Filmmaker Heidi Ewing on her new film Detropia, a haunting look at the iconic American city.  Also, Jamie Kilstein from Citizen Radio petitions to fight Jonah Goldberg -- for charity! Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-05-12-Heidi_Ewing-Jamie_Kilstein-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EST

Huffington Post's Amanda Terkel in Wisconsin reporting on tightening recall race.  Both sides are energized, sending in big name supporters: Bill Clinton, Chuck Norris andSarah Palin and the outcome could result in a party split for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Also, Honeywell’s -.7% tax rate while CEO takes home $37 million. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-04-12-Amanda_Terkel-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm EST

Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, discusses the distortion of John Edwards infraction and implications of Bill Clinton's support of Bain.  Plus, Josh Orton on the road inWisconsin with debate results and latest in Walker's John Doe scandal.  And Matt comes through with a movie review.  Also, Sam on Rick Scott's push to purge Florida's voting rolls.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 06-01-12-Cliff_Schecter-Josh_Orton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

Journalists Manissa Maharawal and Zoltan Gluck report on growing student protests in Quebec, mobilization of neighborhoods, Bill 78 and reflections on Occupy Wall Street. And author of Tasteful Nudes, Dave Hill, belatedly delivers his movie recommendation. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-31-12-Manissa_Maharawal-Zoltan_Gluck-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST

Sam breaks down parameters of the Kill List highlighting what's not in the New York Times article: targeted killing (who qualifies?), strike zone (defined boundaries?), Terror Tuesdays (who's in, who's out).  And attacks on Chris Hayes sticking in Sam's craw.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-30-12-Obama-Kill-List-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EST

Venture capitalist and entrepreneur Nick Hanauer on his banned TED talk, why trickle-down economics doesn't work and the why middle class are the true job creators.   Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-29-12-Nick_Hanauer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm EST

Cliff Schecter, from Libertas LLC, on the free gun giveaway, the tax rate game of chicken and the Dems slow drift right.  And Dave Hill talks being Santa and hockey fisticuffs.  Check out his book, Tasteful Nudes.

Direct download: 05-25-12-Cliff_Schecter-Dave_Hill-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

NSA whistle-blower Thomas Drake and Jesselyn Radack, DOJ whistle blower, on the government's intimidation and personal destruction of whistle-blowers.  The Espionage Act, secret signing statements and  how Obama has outdone Bush in squashing informants.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-24-12-Thomas_Drake-Jesselyn_Radack-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST

Academy Award winning filmmaker, Charles Ferguson on the corruption of American politics, banking and academia.  The origins, the disillusion and the solution.  And, Canadian student protests reach day 100, Bill O'Reilly blows lid off Occupy and 70k extra in your bank account - what to do? Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-23-12-Charles_Ferguson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EST

Ryan Grim from the Huffington Post reports on the smear campaign waged by industry tainted regulators to unseat Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chair Gregory Jaczko.  The personal assassination and the twist as Jaczko waits the appointment of a successor.  Also, perhaps the most telling statistics ever on how income disparity hurts Social Security.  Listen LIVE at at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-22-12-Ryan_Grim-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EST


Jeff Smith, Occupy Wall Street media team, reports on NATO Summit protests in Chicago.  The overblown police presence, the entrapment and decorated War Veterans return medals.  Plus, Corey Booker lashes out then backpedals and JP Morgan Chase losses mount.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-21-12-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EST

Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, with news highlights from the week.  GOP strategy clashes with agenda of elite puppeteers.  Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Joe Ricketts, Romney's flip flop and Matt Miller's BS.  Plus, Jon Benjamin reviews movies, sort of.  Also, Obama on Arizona ballot - leave it to a Birther. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST). 

Direct download: 05-18-12-Cliff_Schecter-Jon_Benjamin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

Alec Loorz, high school senior, climate activist and founder of Kids vs. Global Warming began speaking out at 12 yrs old.  Now he’s the lead plaintiff in ground breaking suit against the government.  He talks about his work, basis for the lawsuit and how youth across the country are responding. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-17-12-Alec_Loorz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST

Joel Rubin from Ploughshares Fund on Iranian nuclear capability, their goals, U.S. goals and how we track enrichment activity.  Also, the cold war mentality guiding the US nuclear weapons agenda.  Plus,  Florida denies driver's license to gay couple.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-16-12-Joel_Rubin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone on JP Morgan Chase's 2 billion dollar loss, banking regulation nitty-gritty and the outlook for the Too Big To Fail -- even bigger now.  Also, Jeff Smith from OWS on actions in Chicago during NATO Summit. Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-15-12-Matt_Taibbi-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST

JP Morgan Chase's massive loss, Jamie Dimon's "mulligan", Colin Powell's leadership motto, psychopaths roaming free on Wall Street and more.  Listen LIVE at 12-noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-14-12-JP_Morgan_Chase_Loss-Psychopaths-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EST

Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, on gun insanity in America, Romney as bully, Biden’s marriage equality push and more.  Plus, Air America alumna Lizz Winstead reminisces with Sam and provides a movie pick.  Listen LIVE at 12 noon (EST)

Direct download: 05-11-12-Cliff_Schecter-Lizz_Winstead-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EST

Marine Master Sgt Jerry Ensminger on water supply contamination at Camp Lejeune that poisoned a million people.  His story, the military's shocking reaction and what is happening today.  

Also, in the Better Half for members, filmmakers Karin Hayes and Victoria Bruce on We're Not Broke a look at how multinational corporations are gaming the tax system at the expense of the public and the U.S. economy.

Direct download: 05-10-12-Jerry_Ensmiger-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:44am EST

Our guy in Wisconsin, Josh Orton on state election results, Democratic pick Mayor Barrett will face Scott Walker in recall election, how money figures into recall and a look at Nancy Pelosi's position on Simpson-Bowles.  Plus, Richard Lugar loses long held Senate seat and North Carolina bans same-sex marriage. 

Direct download: 05-09-12-Election_News-Josh_Orton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm EST

Author Eyal Press on what makes ordinary people stand up with moral courage against popular tide especially at great personal risk? His book, Beautiful Souls: Saying No, Breaking Ranks, and Heeding the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times.  Also, Jay! Tomlinson, of Best of the Left, on Our Blue Media.  Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 05-08-12-Eyal_Press-Jay_Tomlinson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm EST

Todd Gitlin, former SDS leader and author of Occupy Nation, on 4 essential points to understand about OWS, the movement's need for organized intention and how OWS serves the Left.  Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 05-07-12-Todd_Gitlin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:23pm EST

Casual Friday brings Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC discussing the week's politics, today comparing and contrasting Obama with FDR, looking at the different contexts that influenced their political choices.  Isabel Gillies brings her movie pic and Jeff Smith on Police Reform Organizing Project. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 05-04-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm EST

Columnist, professor and author Eric Alterman on American Liberalism today: social demands v. economic ones.  Where the Left is dropping the ball and steps to regaining the balance.  Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 05-03-12-Eric_Alterman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm EST

Former Senator Russ Feingold on Citizens United and the partisan make-up of the Supreme Court.  And Alexis Goldstein on Occupy the SEC, the Volker Rule and May Day.  Plus, yesterday was Loyalty Day and in the better half, Romney’s gay foreign policy adviser sacked, “mission accomplished” and a recap of massive May Day marches. 

Direct download: 5-02-12-Russ_Feingold-Alexis_Goldstein-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm EST

On this May Day 2012 Sam goes down to Bryant Park to talk with marchers, protesters and those out to celebrate the rights of workers.

Direct download: 05-01-12-Occupy_Wall_Street-May_Day-LIVE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

Glenn Greenwald from Salon on liberty and justice for some, the government's attitude toward torture and destruction of evidence, the failure to enforce criminal accountability for government officials and the prosecution of whistle blowers.  Also, from Occupy Wall Street's media team Jeff Smith reports on the movement's plans for May Day 2012. 

Direct download: 04-30-12-Glenn_Greenwald-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:23pm EST

Casual Friday brings Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC and the discussion is all about the splintering of America.  Plus, Film Guy Matthew Weiss with a flick recommendation and words of wisdom to kick off your weekend. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 04-27-12-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

Mike Sacks, Huffington Post SCOTUS correspondent, on oral arguments addressing controversial Arizona immigration law SB1070.  Also, from The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel discusses relentless attacks on women's rights.  "Rupert Murdoch" calls in, Pennsylvania as petri dish for fracking industry, Mark Rubio's speech gaffe and defense for Bradley Manning pushes for fair trial.  Your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 04-26-12-Mike_Sacks-Katrina_vanden_Heuvel-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EST

Climatologist and director of Earth System Science Center Dr. Michael Mann on the Conservative smear campaign to discredit climate scientists, distract the public and the dire consequences.  Also, science as contact sport and his book The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars.  

Direct download: 04-25-12-Michael_Mann-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EST

Social insurance, who benefits and who loses from the success/failure of Social Security? How healthy is the Trust Account and why the program's obligations cannot add to the deficit.  Also, details on the BP Settlement from attorney Brian Barr.  

Direct download: 04-24-12-Social_Security-Brian_Barr-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm EST

Noted economist and author James K. Galbraith on rise of inequality in America, the financialization of our system, its inherent instability and the bloated scale of the financial sector.  Also, illegal shenanigans by WalMart in Mexico and tax exempt ALEC lobbies hard.  Listen LIVE at M-F 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 04-23-12-James_Galbraith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:31pm EST

Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, and Sam in Vegas talk America's #1 world ranking in civilian gun ownership, Romney's cookie-gate, Ted Nugent and more.  Jimmy Reefercake delivers his final song of the week. Listen LIVE M-F at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 4-20-12-Cliff-Schecter-Vegas-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EST

Sam in Vegas for Mass Torts.  Ari Berman, the Nation & Herding Donkeys, on Federal Judiciary; political leaning of SCOTUS; impact of next Presidential election and Obama indifference toward record Federal Bench vacancies.  Plus, attorney James Kauffman on details of Jobs Bill. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 04-19-12-Ari_Berman-Sam_Vegas-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST

Writer and Citizen Radio co-host Allison Kilkenny talks Occupy Wall Street; 'sleepful protests', NYPD and May Day preparations.  Also, who is the 99% Spring?  In the better half, Ed Wytkind, AFL-CIO's Transportation Trades Department President on stymied Transportation Bill; the real threat to Mass Transit and our economy.

Direct download: 04-18-12-Allison_Kilkenny-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:11pm EST

Chris Hayes from UP w/ Chris Hayes with an examination of meritocracy, the self correcting power of democracy and his forthcoming book Twilight of the Elites.  Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 04-17-12-Chris_Hayes-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST

Hullabaloo blogger Digby recaps last week's "news"; the Hilary Rosen/working moms kerfuffle, more anti-woman legislation in Arizona, sexism at Augusta, racism hobby-ist John Derbyshire, commies in Congress and more.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 04-16-12-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Author Thomas Frank on the crisis of accountability plaguing our nation.  How the elite handle crisis management, the corrupting force of money and the complete collapse of professional ideals.   His Huffington Post article"Too Smart to Fail: Notes on an Age of Folly".  In the better half, Truth-out reporter, Jason Leopold, on government's role stifling Occupy Wall Street.

Direct download: 04-13-12-Thomas_Frank-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:45pm EST

Economics professor Bill Lazonick discusses 50 year of changing corporate behavior, the impact on our society and economy.   Plus, Mac McClelland goes undercover to unveil warehouse working conditions for workers delivering our internet goods.  Hard labor, long shifts, low wages and dehumanizing conditions the order of the day.  And for members, Ron Pollack, Families USA, talks the Affordable Care Act and the individual mandate.

Direct download: 04-12-12-Bill_Lazonick-Mac_McClelland-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:32pm EST

Jessica Valenti, feminist blogger, talks sexual messaging and our young girls, the failed abstinence only eduction and purity balls.  And why controlling women works for conservatives.  Also, Progressive Caucus co-chair Keith Ellison(D-MN), his goals for strengthening the movement.  In the better half,  author and Center for Public Integrity senior analyst Wendell Potter on the Affordable Care Act and the state of the health care insurance industry.

Direct download: 04-11-12-Jessica_Valenti-Keith_Ellison-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:05pm EST

Writer Chris Mooney on his book The Republican Brain: The Science of Why they Deny Science and Reality.  He examines conservative brain characteristics, the role played in shaping today's Right/Left divide and what the Left needs to learn.  Also Taggart Siegel and Jon Betz on the global bee crisis.  Their movie Queen of the Sun examines why bees are disappearing worldwide and what can be done to save the population.

Direct download: 04-10-12-Queen_of_the_Sun-Chris_Mooney-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:12pm EST

Cornell Economics professor Robert H. Frank on the conflict over consumption and competition.  Does competition contribute to progress? He explains Darwin's role and the Progressive Consumption Tax.   His book the Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good.

Direct download: 04-09-12-Robert_Frank-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:24pm EST

Economics professor Daron Acemoglu on political and economic failure; how cultural values factor in and the role of the institution.  His latest book, Why Nations Fail: the Origins of Power, Prosperity & Poverty. And, in the better half, members will hear Aaron Smith (@YI_Care) of Young Invincibles talk on protecting Health Care access for younger generations.

Direct download: 04-06-12-Daron_Acemoglu-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm EST

Casual Thursday! Sam and Cliff Schecter, Libertass LLC, talk SCOTUS strip search ruling and other stories from the week’s news.  Isabel Gillies gets a theme song but has to sell Sam on her movie pick.  And in the better half, more news and an interview with Myla!  Katy Perry, watch out! Your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 04-05-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

Representing plaintiffs in NDAA case against government, civil rights attorney Bruce Afran on why the law is unconstitutional and how NDAA threatens the rights of every citizen.  Did congress understand the Act before signing it into law? And it’s the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.  Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 04-04-12-Bruce_Afran-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST

It’s official – Curveball, aka Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, lied to get the US into war and US doctored graphics to make the case more compelling.  SCOTUS rules strip searches ok for EVERYONE and Sam on why conservatives hate science. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 04-03-12-Curveball-SCOTUS-Science-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EST

Sam comments on upheaval at Current and our man in Wisconsin Josh Orton with news of recalls, the GOP strategy involving fake democrats and tacking further right, Romney loses with women. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 04-02-12-Josh_Orton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm EST

Casual Friday brings Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, talks all the week's news; Trayvon Martin killing, SCOTUS and the antagonistic divide between Right and Left.  Plus on the links sharing his day of golf, Richard Kind has our movie review. Listen LIVE at 12:00pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-30-12-Cliff_Schecter-Richard_Kind-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm EST

Mother Jones reporter Adam Serwer reports on SCOTUS v Obamacare; the poor analogies, Limiting Principle, the Individual Mandate (is it severable?) and the effect of court’s partisan make-up.  Plus, Spain’s general strike and Occupy’s NYC subway fare action.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-29-12-Adam_Serwer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:42pm EST

Interviews from Sam's coverage of SCOTUS v Obamacare.  Iowa Senator Tom Harkin on how Democrats should sell Affordable Care Act and the prospect of unconstitutional ruling on Individual Mandate and cancer survivor Spike Ward on her personal experience.  In the better half, healthcare advocate Ethan Rome on the benefits of the ACA. What people aren't understanding about the Act.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-28-12-Tom_Harkin-Spike_Ward-Ethan_Rome-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:19pm EST

Law Professor Amanda Frost breaks down Obamacare SCOTUS case, outlines legal and political implications. Also, writer, blogger Richard (RJ) Eskow on Jobs Act, how it strips investor protections and who's funding the bi-partisan push. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-27-12-Amanda_Frost-RJ_Eskow-John_Sarbanes-Mike_Malloy-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST

Writer John Carl Baker on his article in Jacobin discussing GOP stranglehold on Florida politics, policy and prosperity (or lack of).  Despite highly unpopular Governor Scott, Democratic Party opposition is absent.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-26-12-John_Carl_Baker-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Gun control, NRA lobby and racism in this country all brought to light in wake of Trayvon Martin shooting.  Also, who gets budget spotlight and what does Obama stand for?  Cliff Schecter, Libertas LLC, addresses it all in his regular Casual Friday segment.  Isabel Gillies has movie rec for weekend watching. Listen LIVE 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-23-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:58pm EST

Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone Magazine on corrupt culture of Bank of America; how CEO rivalry and government regulation created the banking behemoth that conned the American people into bankruptcy.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-22-12-Matt_Taibbi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38pm EST

Brian Beutler from Talking Points Memo on Paul Ryan’s budget, change in Obama’s willingness to negotiate and what’s in store for lame duck session.  Plus, Janeane “Katherine Harris” Garofalo breaks from campaign trail supporting  Joe-the-Plumber to join us.  Romney communications director’s gift to Santorum and Occupy Wall Street makes Bloomberg nervous. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-21-12-Brian_Beutler-Janeane_Garofalo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm EST

Jonathan Cohn from The New Republic on upcoming challenge to Affordable Care Act; what the litigation means; possible impact on relationship between Federal Govt and States and how Supreme Court may respond.  Killing of Trayvon Martin puts Police conduct under scrutiny.  Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST).

Direct download: 03-20-12-Jonathan_Cohn-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm EST

Ryan Devereaux from the Guardian at New York courthouse waiting appearance of Cecily McMillan, woman who suffered seizure Saturday while cuffed by NYPD, reports on general mood of gathering and ensuing melee.  And Jeff Smith, OWS media team, witness to Cecily McMillan brutality, reports on day’s events, police brutality and Occupy’s effort to move forward. Listen LIVE at 12:00 pm (EST)

Direct download: 03-19-12-Ryan_Devereaux-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

Alyona Minkovski and Sam talk Obama Administration civil liberties failures.  Film Guy Matthew Weiss has movie recommendations and Jimmy Reefercake shows with a song.  In the better half, the latest attack on internet freedom and right wing hate infects college basketball. Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-16-12-Alyona_Minkovski-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EST

Writer and attorney Abigail C. Field on the dirty details of official Foreclosure Fraud Settlement including slippery balance sheet practices that rob homeowners of relief, manipulation of basic servicing standards letting banks off hook and why injunction sought by AG Schneiderman in MERS suit is critical.  

Direct download: 03-15-12-Abigail_C_Field-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm EST

Renowned economics professor Richard Wolff discusses the collapse of capitalism, Roosevelt's action during the Great Depression and measures to stabilize our economy.  And austerity in Greece, projections for what's ahead.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-14-12-Richard_Wolff-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Sunday marked the 1st anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  Joining us to talk about the nuclear situation in America and the world is professor and investigative reporter Karl Grossman. Plus, arrests in the Murdoch corruption scandal and Greece holding on to austerity measures.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-13-12-Karl_Grossman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST

Richard Kahlenberg, Century Foundation Senior Fellow, on the right to unionize, Taft Hartley and why labor movements haven’t seen same progress as civil rights movement.  Texas fails to get DOJ support for voter ID laws and massacre in Afghanistan fails to provoke the real question.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST).

Direct download: 03-12-12-Richard_Kahlenberg-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST


Cliff Schecter from Libertas LLC on Ohio’s key role in election cycle, how Governor Kasich is killing Republican brand and the Obama administration’s defense of assassination policy.  Recommending movies, Tom Scharpling from Best Show on WFMU reminisces with Sam.  And in the better half, surprise call from Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler model Sydney Moon.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-09-12-Cliff_Schecter-Tom_Scharpling-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST


Glenn Greenwald from Salon on U.S. policy condoning assassination of American citizens. Disregard for constitutional right to due process, growing power of the Executive Branch and how the policy defines Obama.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-08-12-Glenn_Greenwald-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm EST


Huffington Post's Ryan Grim on Super Tuesday results, Mitt's words to Ann and the quiet maneuvering of Steny Hoyer.  Also, Ed Pilkington from the Guardian on unraveling of Murdoch Empire.   Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-07-12-Ryan_Grim-Ed_Pilkington-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:59pm EST


Blogger Digby on the backlash against American women today and Rush Limbaugh's role in waking us up.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-06-12-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EST


Writer Seth Freed Wessler on surveillance, entrapment and religious and ethnic profiling conducted by NYPD through unregulated secret program.  Also, justification for killing Americans abroad, should-we or shouldn’t-we with Iran and Limbaugh’s advertisers bail.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-05-12-Seth_Freed_Wessler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32pm EST


Casual Friday brings Cliff Schecter and discussions of Breitbart’s passing, state of Republican primary race and divisive nature of conservatism.  Isabel Gillies delivers movie reviews. Plus, breaking news from Jon Benjamin.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 03-02-12-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST


Sam on Andrew Breitbarts death.  Also, Tracie McMillan talks experiencing our food system from fields to Walmart and Applebees.  And Occupy WallStreet takes issue with monied donors, Jeff Smith discusses.  

Direct download: 03-01-12-Breitbart-Tracie_McMillan-Jeff_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:11pm EST


Dave Weigel from Slate on Mitt’s Michigan victory, the media’s control of the contest message and the ruin of the GOP.  Author Michael Hastings on Department of Homeland Security monitoring of Occupy Wall Street.  Listen LIVE at 11:30 am (EST)

Direct download: 02-29-12-Dave_Weigel-Michael_Hastings-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm EST