The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Gary Rivlin the author of Katrina After the Flood explains how the white elite of New Orleans used Katrina to take power back in the city. Why New Orleans has no public hospital after Katrina. "ethnic cleansing through neglect" and the plan to force black people out. The made up fear stories that helped drive the Katrina crisis. "Disaster Capitalism" and why the Bush Administration and the New Orleans Democratic leadership let New Orleans down and the policies that only benefited the white community of New Orleans rebuild.

On The Fun Half: Lindsey Graham says he would beat Donald Trump's brains out. Random Rush. Jeb Bush flounders on and warns against "evil doers". What really happened during Katrina. Why the media keeps brining up Elizabeth Warren.

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Direct download: 08-26-15-Gary_Rivin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

New Republic Senior Editor Jeet Heer explains why Donald Trump is not a real populist. Why America has distorted the meaning of populism. Richard Hofstadter's "status anxiety" and the raw reality of power politics. Trump's economic positions and why his base does not care. Why Trump is the Republican ideal going back to the Reagan era. Is Trump making overt racism normal again. What does Trump really want? Also getting real about what populism is.

On The Fun Half: Jeb Bush sticks to his guns on saying "anchor babies" but blames it on Asians! China and birth tourism. A atheist fan calls in to debate Sam. How dangerous is Donald Trump? And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-25-15-Jeet_Heer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST


Padraig O'Malley the author of  The Two-State Delusion: Israel and Palestine – A Tale of Two Narratives will explains why the conflicting narratives of Israelis and Palestinians undermines political solutions. How fear and humiliation define the conflict. Why the Two States solution is almost impossible and why the Occupation needs to end now.

On The Fun Half: Harry Reid backs the Iran deal, why Donald Trump's far right populism is getting scary and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 08-24-15-Padraig_OMalley-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm EST


Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains why he is out protesting the Koch Brothers who are visiting his home state of Ohio. The Koch Challenge and why the Kochs are destroying our drinking water. Jeb Bush falters. John Kasich is far right on guns, unions, reproductive rights and education. Why Kasich is becoming the establishment favorite. What can sink Kasich? And Martin O'Malley backs expanding Social Security.

Andy Kindler talks about his latest comedy victory at the Just For Laughs festival and his attacks on Louie CK. How Jerry Seinfeld found out Andy was dissing him. Debating Sam Harris followers on Twitter. The problems with New Atheism. If Hitler did the college comedy circuit. And Andy's critique of Jon Stewart.

The real problem with Sam Harris debate. Sam Harris responds to Sam and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-21-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST


Comedian the co-host of Part of the Problem explains how he considers him a libertarian and why he is a morally opposed to taxes. Should we cut the entire military? Resisting taxes and slavery. What would a ideal libertarian transition look like? Debunking the unfounded liability myth in social programs. What type of system produces the best healthcare. What spurred economic growth in the 1950s and 1960s. How do economies and regulations evolve. Is private property protected by force? And the fiat currency controversy.

On The Fun Half: More fallout from the great Libertarian debate. Donald Trump tears about Jeb Bush. Michael Steele admits Sam seder was right. Cornel West backs Bernie Sanders. John Kasich pushes far right education policies in Ohio and would love to abolish teachers lounges. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-20-15-Dave_Smith-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EST


How stock options helped create create obscene levels of CEO pay and why incentives in modern Capitalism are all about short term gain. The problem with Stock buybacks and why the SEC is asleep at the helm. Governor Sam Brownback continues his Right Wing destruction agenda for the state of Kansas. The attack on public education leads to a "shocking" shortage of teachers. States roll back teaching requirements and the neoliberal push for private education.

On The Fun Half: A medical device worker explains more ways that the FDA saves lives. Is Sam Harris like Joe Lieberman? Why its even worse when Democrats support neoliberal education policies. Could the left have done more to hurt Andrew Cuomo in New York? Mike Huckabee says Martin Luther King Jr. would be appalled by Black Lives Matter. Chelsea Manning gets in trouble for unapproved reading material. Is Dick Cheney smart? What Donald Trump tells us about how wrong the mainstream media is.  Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-19-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm EST


Ann Lee a Professor of economics at New York University explains why the fundamentals of China's economy are strong and why the worry about a imminent economic collapse in China are unfounded. How China is portrayed in the Presidential election. A defense of China's currency policy. Whats motivating Chinese President Xi Jinping's anti corruption drive?

Donald Trump destroys Frank Luntz after he destroys Fox News.

On The Fun Half: Hillary Clinton talks with Black Lives Matter activists and debates changing hearts and changing laws. Honoring the incredible legacy of Julian Bond. Has Donald Trump exposed and eclipsed the Tea Party? Mike Huckabee supports forcing the ten year old victim of rape being forced to have her stepfathers baby.

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Direct download: 08-18-15-Ann_Lee-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST


Susan Dwayer a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Maryland explains the importance of bioethics. Her critique of Steve Pinker's attack on the field of bioethics, Consider race, class and gender in medical research. And why we need to consider the big picture in medicine.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson calls Barack a anti semite. Bobby Jindal now imagining laws that don't exist and the Governor of Maryland said what? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-17-15-Susan_Dwyer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST


Cliff Schecter and Sam recap the fallout from the first GOP debate. Who is gonna win the New Hampshire Republican Primary? Is Donald Trump the future kingmaker of the Republican Party. Is Ted Cruz now a real contender for the Republican nomination? Chuck Schumer's absurd opposition to the Iran deal and why he should not lead the Democrats in the Senate. The transformation of media and why Chuck Schumer can't get away with his war mongering. The president of United Against  Nuclear Iran resigns because he backs the Iran nuclear agreement. But, UANI now has Joe Lieberman supporting the deal. Why the prospects for the Iran deal look good in Congress and is Chuck Schumer out as the next Democratic leader? And Jeb Bush says taking out Saddam Hussain was "a good deal".

Film Guy Matthew and his reading and gambling habits. Sam's appearance on Marc Maron's Sitcom. Why Sam does not like how Maron talks about politics. Matthew talks about documentary film making and suggests the early 1960s documentary called Portrait of Jason.

We talk with a caller who works in the food business and who loves FDA  regulation. Debating Bernie Sanders and how to run a grassroots campaign. How did Sam get into the film industry. Clean Coal is a lie. Can you compare the EPA to BP?

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Direct download: 08-14-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST


Journalist Sharon Lerner joins Sam to discuss the terrifying human costs of DuPont's "chemistry of deception". The dangerous chemical that almost all Americans are exposed to. The danger of teflon. Internal documents and the history of DuPont's deception. The products that since the 1950s have been a danger to public health that DuPont continued to sell to the public and expose its workers to. How the EPA finally finally DuPont and what comes next in the investigation of DuPont. And what comes next for DuPont.

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson worked with tissues from aborted fetuses for his medical research in 1992, how will the crazies reacted. Can technology save democracy? Do progressives trust government to much? Transparency coming in teacher evaluations? Why is Lawrence Lessig running for President. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-13-15-Sharon_Lerner-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST


Sam Explains the details of Hillary Clinton's debt free college plan. Why Lawrence Lessig's possible presidential run is the real threat to Bernie Sanders. Heroic FDA regulator Frances Oldham Kelsey passes away and Sam honors her legacy with a epic Libertarian takedown.

On The Fun Half: More debating Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders promises to tackle "institutional racism". Are Black Lives Matters protesters successful. Donald Trump gets shrewd on Planned Parenthood. Donald Trump gives another amazing speech. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-12-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:32pm EST


Adam Green the co-founder of the Progressive Campaign Change Committee explains how the idea of debt free college developed. Hillary Clinton's push for debt free college. How progressives are winning the policy debate. Why progressives win when real issues are in play. Where all of the Democratic candidates stand on debt free college. Proving once again that activism matters and government can help peoples lives. What you can do locally to push for debt free college and what you can do if you work in national Democratic politics to help push progressive unity and change.

On The Fun Half: RedState's Erick Erickson called out for all of his sexist comments after he bans Donald Trump from his RedState event. Is Donald Trump paying Breitbart for good coverage? Debating Black Lives Matter and the Bernie Sanders campaign. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-11-15-Adam_Green-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST


Guardian Writer at Large Steven W Thrasher explains how and why Black Lives Matter has gone global. The historical roots of Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter in Palestine and what comes next from the movement.

Also for freebies: a clip from the Better Half of a caller talking about the Black Lives Matter protests at a Bernie Sanders event and a message to white progressives.

On The Fun Half: President Obama's excellent defense of the Iran deal, more absurd arguments against it. Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-10-15-Steven_Thrasher-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:19pm EST

Cliff Schecter and Sam Seder breakdown the Republican debates right after they happened. Find out who won and lost and why. 

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Direct download: 08-07-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:07am EST

Sam, M&M and Noah the intern and Noah the interns family watch the second Republican debate together. Listen to the full debate with commentary.


Direct download: 08-06-15-GOP_Big_Boy_Debate-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:50pm EST


Vox's David Roberts explains the modern history of the EPA's new coal power plant rules. Why the new EPA rules will cut Greenhouse Gases but still allow for flexibility. The Red States push back and why it will fail. Are the new rules to weak?  How will the Obama Administration defend the EPA from legal challenges to the new regulations? And David Roberts looks forward to the Republican debates.

And the MR team gives you the best debate preview you can ask for and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-06-15-David_Roberts-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EST


We listen to a Republican focus group argue about Donald Trump and its amazing. Once again we prove why Trump is the perfect Republican. Sam checks in on Rush and we get an amazing Random Rush on Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush says we spend to much money on women's health and promises to defund Planned Parenthood.

On The Fun Half: Chris Christie brags about his sex in life New Hampshire. Is Capitalism the problem? Elizabeth Warren schools Republicans on Planned Parenthood and Senator James Lankford says abortion is a mens issue because its a "family issue". The Obama Administration upgrades Malaysia's human rights record as part of the push for TPP. World New Net Daily exposes the President Obama "demon". Are GMOs safe? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-05-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EST


Journalist Ari Berman, author of Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America and Sam take a deep dive into the history and full policy implications of the Voting Rights Act. Nixon's Southern Strategy and the rebranding of discrimination. Where in the Constitution voting rights come from. The evolution of the counterrevolution against Civil Rights. The George W Bush Administration and the myth of voter fraud. The voter fraud myth and Iraq WMD lies. John Lewis's Civil Rights joining and the Supreme Court's absurd reasoning in gutting the Voting Rights Act. Why the United States would be Apartheid South Africa without the VRA. And are there silver linings in a recent ruling on Fair Housing?

On The Fun Half: Chuck Todd calls the 2016 Republican the "strongest in thirty years". We review the insane 2016 Republican field again. Should Obama get credit for the Iran deal. Debating a libertarians. Will Kshama Sawant keep her Seattle City Council seat?

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Direct download: 08-04-15-Ari_Berman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST


Monkey Cage Blog editor E.J. Graff and Sam break down how Transgender people have been discriminated against in the military and why the politics are shafting now. Transgender people and the LGBT movement and the politics of "fitting in". What is "Gay INC." and how it effected the LGBT movement. Fear, sexual identity and gender identification. Gender and the why of military service. The money and energy behind the fight for Transgender rights in the military and why the LGBT movement is a bright spot in America.

On The Fun Half: A Israeli religious fanatic stabs six and kills one at a Gay rights march Jerusalem and settler terrorists in the West Bank kill a Palestinian baby and injury others in a firebomb attack. The Sam Harris fan is angry at us for being unfair to his man. Sam debates a Libertarian. Chris Christie says the Teachers Union deserves a "punch in the face". Ted Cruz makes Bacon with a machine gun and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 08-03-15-E.J._Graff-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm EST


Sam and Political strategist Cliff Schecter examine whether the mainstream media is finally waking up to the fact that the Republican Party is made up of far right extremists, the nature of the conservative media system why Republican Party has lost control and why the mainstream media needs to step up in calling out lies. Also are Right Wing media outlets just like Nigeria email scams? The Right's new assault on Planned Parenthood and Erick Erickson demands that the Republicans shutdown he government again. Also why Donald Trump is crushing the Republican Primary field.

Former Air America host and the Director of the new film project  Playing Gay explains to Sam how television helped open the door to marriage equality and the broader fight for LGBT rights. The former stigma of playing Gay roles and the importance of Will & Grace. The disgusting ways Gay people used to be portrayed in film and television and when do you remember your first image of a Gay person on television?

Donald Trump still dominating the Republican field because he is the perfect Republican. Rick Perry challenges Donald Trump to a Pull-Up contest. Chris Matthews goes after Bernie Sanders. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-31-15-Cliff_Schecter-David_Bender-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm EST


Milton Allimadi, the publisher of Black Star News joins Michael to discuss Obama’s recent trip to Ghana and Ethiopia. How is Obama energizing African youth and fostering leadership and activism and what that can do for Africa. Why is Africa failing to utilize it’s vast arrays of natural resources and how can it detach itself from it’s colonial history? What is next for the continent?

On The Fun Half: Michael talks about the Middle East, Bernie draws 100,000 supporters across the country for internet rally, Noah the Intern is incapable of speaking into a microphone, Bernie draws 100,000 supporters across the country, prosecutor Joe Deters charges Cincinnati cop Ray Tensing with the murder of Samuel Dubose, Ferguson cops write a black comedy sketch. And of course, we (try) to take your calls, and read your IM’s.

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Direct download: 07-30-15-Milton_Allimadi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm EST


Educator and blogger Mercedes Schneider and Sam explore what No Child Left Behind has done to education, why punitive approaches to education fail, the myth of George W Bush's success in Texas and the destructive myth of the "lazy" teacher and the absurd argument that money does not matter in Public Education and why new reforms may lessen the stakes of high stakes testing.

On The Fun Half: Why vouchers don't work. The assault on Planned Parenthood continues and Mitch McConnell is a huge hypocrite. Malaysia gets a fake human rights upgrade to help make TPP happen. Smart ways to get Republicans to say even more stupid things. No one likes Chris Christie and he promises to ignore state laws on Marijuana when he is President (and we are amused). Donald Trump promises to tap Sarah Palin for a role in his Cabinet and its a smart move. Bernie Sanders leads the Republicans. Hillary Clinton's pathetic answer on Keystone.

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Direct download: 07-29-15-Mercedes_Schneider-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST


Jennifer Mittelstadt a historian at Rutgers University takes a deep dive with Sam into the problematic legacy of the New Deal and explains the political compromises that excluded women and minorities from many of the benefits of the New Deal, the evolution of the Corporate welfare state and what would a "New New Deal" look like.

On The Fun Half: Sam shares his babysitter nightmare. You can organize your own Bernie Sanders event for July 29th here! Mike Huckabee's compares President Obama to Hitler and that his Iran deal "will march Israelis to the doors of the oven". Daniel Kurtzer, who served as U.S. ambassador to Israel for four years under President George W. Bush, says that Mike Huckabee is engaging to incitement similar to what led to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-28-15-Jennifer_Mittelstadt-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EST


Professor Juan Cole explains how the climate crisis in Syria helped create the conditions that led to the creation of ISIL. Sea level rises and the next wave of instability in the Middle East. The importance of water in Israel/Palestine. Why Martin O'Malley's recent comments on climate change and ISIL has provoked so much rage on the right. Obama and the resurgence of Islamophobia. Is ISIL on its way out? Is the Turkish government soft on ISIL? How ISIL makes its money. How Arab states think about the Iran deal and is the nuclear agreement good for Israel?

On The Fun Half: a Cleveland cop pepper sprays Black Lives Matter activists for no reason. A Klan rally in South Carolina gets an amazing soundtrack. Policing and America's racial history. Bernie Sanders gets smart on Black Lives Matter and why Bernie is unique, important and powerful. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-27-15-Juan_Cole-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EST


Cliff Schecter joins us to talk about the recent shooting in Louisiana and gun control in America. He'll talk about how the right isn't truly pro-life and how this Planned Parenthood video is the latest in a pattern of punishing women's sexualities. And is the Iran Deal sustainable? Did we leave Senator Corker's bathrobe on the negotiating table?

And later in the show Isabel Gillies calls in to talk about her family and possibly a new book in the works? She recommends  her own movie Metropolitan (which is about to re-release for its 25th Anniversary) and the show Silicon Valley.


Direct download: 07_24_15_Cliff_Schecter_Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:29pm EST


Washington Post columnist and American Prospect Editor Harold Meyerson explains the history of Southern labor conditions. Why the South is making American labor conditions cheaper than China. Why new jobs aren't driving up wages. And why America is still defined by two labor systems: one southern and one northern.

Elizabeth Warren destroys another sleazy finance executive.

On The Fun Half: Rand Paul takes a chainsaw to the tax code and advocates for the worst tax plan ever. Bernie Sanders and Israel. Conservative Matt Lewis call for Republicans to repudiate Donald Trump and ends up destroying conservatism. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-23-15-Harold_Meyerson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm EST


Video footage reveals the completely unjustified arrest of Sandra Bland. What the death of Sandra Bland tells us about the systemic racism and abuse that African Americans face.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump makes political sense and reveals Lindsey Graham's cellphone number to the world. Donald Trump's China strategy is amazing. What Black Lives Matter is really saying. A terrifying new climate change study. A Maine Cop keeps calm under pressure. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-22-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EST


Journalist David Dayen, talks about Netroots, Sandra Bland, and Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley poor responses to Black Lives Matter over the weekend.

Elon James, journalist and CEO of This Week in Blackness furthers the discussion with his take on Sanders and O'Malley at Netroots, what still needs to be done to empower the disempowered, and what we should expect moving forward.

On the Fun Half: Republican Caller wants to turn white-collar criminals into farmers and put horses on the border, Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter. Sam suggests that all Republicans should drop out until their ready to be serious about policy. Trump doxes Lindsey Graham, and as always your calls and IMS.

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Direct download: 07-21-15-David_Dayen-Elon_James_White-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:26pm EST


Matt Duss the President, Foundation for Middle East Peace, explains how President Obama's foreign policy views going back to his first run for President led to the diplomatic breakthrough with Iran. What was the actual nature of Iran's nuclear program? The Bush Administration and the expansion of Iran's nuclear efforts. What sanctions remain on Iran after the nuclear deal? How do sanctions "Snapback"? Did Iran pursue a path of ambiguity in its nuclear program? Congressional leaders who want to destroy the Iran deal. What will Congress's role be in the Iran process. Barack Obama and the broader goals of Democratic foreign policy and why opponents of the deal will never be satisfied. And why Saudi Arabia and Israel object to the Iran deal.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump insults John McCain for being a POW and the RNC throws a hissy fit. Does Iran have secret nuclear facilities. Alex Jones says the UN wants to eradicate humanity and is making your kids gay. Can Donald Trump save Amtrak? Bernie Sanders and Black Lives Matter. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-20-15-Matt_Duss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EST


Journalist Scott Timberg, discusses his new book Culture Crash: The Killing of the Creative Class and explains the destruction of creative institutions and the collapse of the creative class. And for members only an interview from the deep archives with Moon Unit Zappa.

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Direct download: 07-17-15-Scott_Timberg-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:22am EST


Murtaza Hussain, a journalist for the Intercept explains the stunning story behind the Fort Dix terror plot. And how this abuse of power has helped Chris Christie's political career. And for members only an interview from the deep archives with humorist Sarah Vowell.

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Direct download: 07-15-15-Murtaza_Hussain-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EST


Saqib Bhatti of the Roosevelt Institute explains why Chicago won’t go bankrupt and why Detroit didn’t have to either. Why Austerity hawks push bankruptcy policies and the best policy path forward. And for Members only! An interview from the deep archives with John Perkins, author of Confessions of a Economic Hit Man.

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Direct download: 07-14-15-Saqib_Bhatti-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:02pm EST


Journalist Justin Elliot explains his new investigative report into the Red Cross’s massive fundraising efforts on behalf of Haiti that have led to almost no results and for members! An interview with Bernie Sanders from the Air America days.


Direct download: 07-13-15-Justin_Elliot-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:51pm EST


Cliff Schecter explains the economic incoherence and moral blindness of Jeb Bush's call for americans to work longer hours. Is austerity a national security threat? How long will the Eurozone torture Greece? China's economic crisis and why does the right wing elite idealize China?

Conservationist Claudine Andre explains how she began her work on Bonobo conservation in the Congo, what threatens the Bonobo population?What makes the Bonobo such a unique animal and the documentary the chronicles her work.

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Direct download: 07-10-15-Cliff_Schecter-Claudine_Andre-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am EST


Kayvon Afshari the Communications Director the Director of Communications for the American Iranian Council and host of the Mideast show, explains why the P5+! negotiations with Iran are taking so long, the importance of staying focused on the nuclear issue, the broader diplomatic opportunities and challenges of US/Iran relations, the internal politics of Iran and what comes next.

On The Fun Half: a major Majority Report announcement, Bernie Sanders the US should apologise for slavery, Hillary Clinton sounds like Sam Seder on Donald Trump, the best possible outcome of 2016 and your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 07-08-15-Kayvon_Afshari-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:47pm EST


Professor James McCommons, author of  Waiting on a Train: The Embattled Future of Passenger Rail Serviceexplains the history of political compromise that created Amtrak. Why Amtrak will always need public subsidies. Why Amtrak can't be profitable. Why so few Americans have used train service. When government stopped supporting the railroads. Why politicians attack Amtrak. What we need to do in order to reform and grow the American rail system. Why passenger rail trains run late. Why Republican governors like Scott Walker and Rick Scott killed major rail projects in 2009. Why there is hope for expanded rail in California. And what are the best train lines to ride in the country.

A Tennessee man arrested for plotting a terrorist attack a Muslim community and is released to his family members.

On The Fun Half: Rand Paul thinks the more taxes you pay the more of a slave you are. The EU will not budge on Greece. Can Bernie Sanders attract more voters in the Democratic Primary. How much of an impact can individual teachers really have. Also your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 07-08-15-James_McCommons-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EST


American Prospect journalist Rachel M. Cohen, explains the surprising history of the Charter School movement. When teacher Union leadership backed charter experiments. How Charters started receiving anti Union money. Why Chicago is a pivotal city for unionizing charter schools. The policies that support Union organizing in charter schools. And the next steps for brining union accountability to charter schools.

On The Fun Half: Thomas Piketty calls out Germany for their hypocrisy in continuing to impose brutal austerity on Greece. How commons is the Confederate flag down south? South Carolina State Senator gives stunning homophobic rant during a debate on the Confederate flag. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-07-15-Rachel_M._Cohen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm EST


Historian Georgios Giannakopoulos, explains the stunning results of Greece's referendum on austerity and the historical events that led up to it. Austerity and the politics of blackmail in Greece.  Why does the Troika continue to impose austerity on Greece when it has proven a complete failure. Why the European Core is undermining the European project. Europe's democracy deficit. Why did Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis resign? Why Greece's referendum was a smart move for negotiating with the European Union. How Syrizia is in the political mainstream of Greek politics. What happens next and is there a difference between the French and German approach?

On The Fun Half: The trials and tribulations of private jet flying. Chris Christie tells Morning Joe that Rand Paul should be in front of "hearings" if there is another terrorist attack. Rush Limbaugh, defends Donald Trump's rape comments and says rape does not happen at college campuses. How far can Bernie Sanders go? Bill de Blasio whacks Andrew Cuomo, does this mean Cuomo is about to get indicted?

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Direct download: 07-06-15-Georgios_Giannakopoulos-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST


Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the importance of President Obama's new rules on overtime pay and why it will help many Americans. Also Martin O'Malley attacks Bernie Sanders on his gun record and Bernie Sanders smart response. And why progressive shouldn't be to excited about Jim Webb running for President.

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Direct download: 07-03-15-Cliff_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

Bernie Sanders holds the largest rally so far of the 2016 election. Sanders is not only drawing big crowds but also climbing in the polls. The mainstream media still trying to marginalize Sanders and Bernie Sanders brilliant description of what extremism really is. A New Jersey Court finds a Gay Conversion Therapy center in New Jersey was committing fraud. Will independent redistricting efforts help Democrats. The upcoming Supreme Court decisions that may transform Unions and undermine diversity.


On The Fun Half: Don Lemon makes Donald Trump sound smart for one second. Donald Trump continues to lose business partnerships. George Pataki goes after Donald Trump. The Dukes of Hazzard gets pulled from TV Land and Joe Rogan does not like it. Indy Mike comes to Donald Trump's defense. Busting voter fraud myths. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-02-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm EST


Journalist Nelson A Denis, author of the new book War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colonyexplains how America took colonial control of Puerto Rico. How the United States claimed to be liberators of Puerto Rico. How the American government rigged Puerto Rico to benefit corporate America. The man who turned Puerto Rico into a crime scene. The strategic importance of Puerto Rico. Pedro Albizu Campos and the revolutionary struggle against colonial occupation of Puerto Rico. The American killing and oppression of Puerto Rican nationalists and labor organizers. When simply owning a Puerto Rican flag could land you in jail. Puerto Rico's debt crisis and why history keeps repeating itself on the island. And why the obvious solutions to Puerto Rico's problems are still blocked by colonial American policies.

On The Fun Half: how to hold corporate Democrats accountable for TPP. What can the next Democratic President accomplish? Ted Cruz backs Donald Trump on immigration. . Donald Trump is doing great in the Republican Primary. Scott Walker slipping and why Jeb Bush might be smiling. Donald Trump goes to war against NBC and Univision. far right Jewish group hires Mexican laborers to protest for them. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-01-15-Nelson_Denis-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EST


Caroline Fredrickson the President of the American Constitution Society and author of the Under the Bus: How Working Women Are Being Run Over, explains how women and African Americans were cut out of the benefits of the Social Safety net. How the southern politicians protected the legacy of slavery during the New Deal era. The ongoing reality of the oppression and abuse of farm and domestic workers. Sexism and economic justice. Why Home Care workers are not considered full public employees and the Supreme Court decision that set back organizing rights. Why are small businesses allowed to discriminate? President Obama's new rules on overtime pay and how government contracts can be used to improve labor standards.

On The Fun Half: Sam debates Michael Steele on what Donald Trump means for the Republican Party. Donald Trump's slimy new tax avoidance move. John Kasich is the most dangerous Republican Candidate. An irate caller demands an apology from Sam. Chris Christie announces he is running for President and calls for slashing Social Security and where Christies billionaire supporters? Rush Limbaugh says after getting rid of the Confederate flag the left will go after the American flag And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-30-15-Caroline_Fredrickson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST


Ian Millhiser the Editor of ThinkProgress Justice, explains why this has been an unusually positive term for the Supreme Court. The Roberts Court makes the right call on many decisions from Marriage Equality to fair housing. SCOTUS rules against the Obama Administration in regulating Coal Power plants. What will happen for Mercury regulation next? Reviewing the absurdity of the King V Burwell case. Justice Roberts annoyance with the King V Burwell case. How the Court decided on marriage equality. Are there limits to Justice Roberts conservatism? And has Justice Kennedy distinguished himself on race from his conservative colleagues.

President Obama sings amazing grace and uses Christianity for a bold and moving speech on race in Charleston. A wave of possible arsons hit Black Churches across the South. Peter King dismisses the threat from White Supremacist terrorists and dismisses a study showing that they have killed more people than Muslims terrorist groups. The Republican candidates double down in opposition to marriage equality and Senator James Inhofe says even his Gay friends oppose the marriage equality decision. Glenn Beck says Marriage Equality might force him off the radio.  Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-29-15-Ian_Millhiser-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm EST


We lost Cliff Schecter due to a bad phone connection. But, no problem, Sam explains the historic importance and power of the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of marriage equality. Justice Kennedy's decision and the Living Constitution. Justice Scalia throws a tantrum and the House passes Trade Adjustment Assistance.

Then, filmmaker, Giovanni Zelko, explains the thinking behind his new film The Algerian. What makes a terrorist? Politically motivated terrorism and religiously motivated terrorism. Why American policy  creates terrorists. Sleeper cells and where the real threat of terrorism is coming from. The possibility of coexistence and how you can see The Algerian.

On The Fun Half: The mainstream media catches up with the Majority Report and recognizes the threat that Donald Trump poses to Republicans. The best way to have a Guaranteed Basic Income. What are. Was Claire Mccaskill always a corporate shill? Police rules of engagement and Military rules engagement and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-26-15-Giovanni_Zelko-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EST


SCOTUS upholds Obamacare in their decision on King V Burwell. Justice Roberts sums up the case in the most obvious way. The Right freaks out and Justice Scalia throws an epic tantrum. The Supreme Court, also upholds the real meaning of the Fair Housing Act. We hear a fresh Random Rush meltdown.

On The Fun Half: Bernie Sanders surges in the polls and Hillary backer Senator Claire Mccaskill unloads a silly and red baiting attack on Sanders. A new Gallup poll says that 47% of Americans would consider voting for a Socialist candidate. The South, guns and Slavery. Teenagers and opting out of mass testing. Random Rush. Martin O'Malley attacks Bernie Sanders on guns. Jim Webb defends the Confederate Flag and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-25-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST


Journalist Trudy Lieberman, explains why opponents and supporters of the Affordable Care Act are both spreading myths about the ACA. Is Obamacare unaffordable for many middle class consumers? Debating the costs of healthcare. How many families are choosing to take the penalty because the costs are to high? Why the Medicaid expansion is the best part of the ACA and how Republican Governors have harmed their people. How insurance has been shifted more and more onto consumers. Why we need full universal healthcare coverage. And why coops in the healthcare market may end up failing.

On The Fun Half: Two NYPD cops argued about who would call their supervisor after shooting Akai Gurley. Who is the MR team going to vote for? A powerful call from a on Islamophobia and the targeting civilians in the Middle East. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-24-15-Trudy_Lieberman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EST


Jacobin Editor,  Megan Erickson, explains the new technology myth spreading across Public Education. Paulo Freire's critique of the "banking" model of education and what is an abundance mentality in education. The movement towards privatising education and the business opportunity it poses. The private school chain in Peru that inspires privacy advocates in the United States. What really drives success in schooling. BF Skinner's terrifying vision of machine driven education and why "student centered" learning undermine students of the full possibility of education. "Scaling" individual teachers and why the corporate model undermines real reform. And why thinking about children as "capital" is wrong.

On The Fun Half: Donald Trump's disgusting position on the Central Park Five. How the teaching profession has been degraded. The thirteen Democrats who backed TPA in the Senate. Jackie Mason says free speech is only for minorities now. South Carolina moves eliminate the Confederate flag. What taking down the Confederate flag means. Are teachers unions getting more radical? And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-23-15-Megan_Erickson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST


Freelance journalist and Playwright Aurin Squire, explains the conversation we need to have about race. Why racism is a mental illness and the Right Wing media feeds it. The importance of not reacting and fostering dialogue and the importance of art in overcoming racism.

On The Fun Half: Republicans get big money from racist group leader that inspired Dylan Roof. Tony Blair secretly negotiates with Hamas. Dylan Roof's racist manifesto and why it sounds like so much other right wing garbage. Barack Obama gets frank on race on the Marc Maron podcast and the Mainstream Media freaks out and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-22-15-Aurin_Squire-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05pm EST


Cliff Schecter explains the overwhelming evidence that gun control works. Racism and the creation of the conservative movement. From the Civil War to the modern NRA and how the Right uses racism to advance its cause. Why the Republicans won't call the Charelston terrorist attacks racist. Jeb Bush's insane comments on the attack. Lindsey Graham claims on The View that the killings could have been motivated by a desire to kill Christians. Chris Hayes asks Mark Sanford why the Confederate Flag is still flying in South Carolina and how racism infests all of Republican politics.

Andy Kindler explains why his Website never changes. What to make of Marc Maron landing Barack Obama on WTF. Comparing Dennis Miller impressions. How delusional Jerry Seinfeld is. Who decides what is and isn't funny. Political Correctness is not killing careers and Donald Trump's deranged anti Mexican racism.

On The Fun Half: Sam talks about his eleven year anniversary. What having the Confederate Flag flying in South Carolina means. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-19-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EST


University of Rhode Island History Professor and author of The Long and Disturbing Story of Corporations Outsourcing Catastrophe, Erik Loomis explains the death toll of the fashion industry and the reality of corporate outsourcing. How sweatshops went global because of reform in the United States. The Bangladesh factory collapse of 2013 and debunking economic myths that justify corporate human rights abuses. Historical and Geographic distance from corporate abuse of labor and the environment. Why Libertarian politics will never safeguard the public good. The market as fundamentalist religion. How American companies still produce banned chemicals for shipment to oversees markets. Also what TPP will do to labor conditions around the world.

On The Fun Half: Fox News covers the Charleston race terror attack in the most grotesque way possible. Is Roger Ailes in trouble? Establishment Republicans run scared of Donald Trump. Did Donald Trump pay actors to appear at his Presidential campaign launch? We have a special guest call in. The persistent dangers of Right Wing terrorism. When will Right Wing leaders condemn Right Wing terrorism? Random Rush and also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-18-15-Erik_Loomis-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EST


The Huffington Post's Ryan Grim, explains the new plot that the Republicans are hatching to pass Fast Track Trade Authority. What happens if Fast Track Authority passes in the House without Trade Adjustment Assistance. How Progressive Democrats are going to be extorted in the TPP process. Why the TPP fight is now in the Senate. What Democrats are in play in the Senate. Donald Trump's role in Fast Track and why he is actually going to be a big deal in the Republican Primary. Also what happens next for the Republican push on Fast Track.

On The Fun Half: Is Donald Trump the Bernie Sanders of the right? The impact of Bernie Sanders on the 2016 race. How Donald Trump will go after Hillary Clinton and fellow Republicans. Donald Trump explains his ISIS game plan. Random Rush. Libertarian talk show host gets sold a lemon from a used car dealer.

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Direct download: 06-17-15-Ryan_Grim-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EST


New York University Professor and author of the recent book, Communal Luxury: The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune, Kristin Ross,  explains the political and historical importance of the Paris Commune. The fierce anti state and worker empowered politics that fueled the Paris commune. The different meanings of the word commune. How did the Paris Commune govern? The Commune as a political experiment. The problem with the politics of second guessing movements. Also what is the politics of communal luxury?

On The Fun Half: Ted Cruz whines to his supporters about how hard campaigning is and how much he needs your money. Why belief in mass voter fraud is a emotional issues. Donald Trump's Presidential announcement is everything you would want it to be. Trump promises to "Build a Great Wall" on our southern border and promises Mexico will pay for it. The Socialist critique of a basic income. Fox & Friends claim Jeb Bush is "authentic" like the rest of his family. A Fox contributor says he wishes "he could go black". The DNC perfectly trolls Donald Trump and the Republicans. Also your IMs and calls.

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Direct download: 06-16-15-Kristen_Ross-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST


Sam calls Nancy Pelosi to tell her we want a no vote on TAA and Fast Track authority.

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the importance of the fight on Trade and why its the key legislative fight of our time. Why we need to kill the Trade Assistance Authority. The internal politics of the Democratic Party and killing awful trade deals. The new political energy on the left. Why President Obama's establishment worship explains his support for corporate trade. Is the activist behind the Obama "ObamaTrade" website a progressive? President Obama's last minute push for trade and why Jeb Bush isn't going anywhere.

Film Guy Matthew Weiss talks about his teaching and production work. The joys of cutting Sam out of the action. How Matthew decides what to sell on eBay. What Matthew has been watching. Matthew tells us to watch the The Year of the Sex Olympics, the 1960s BBC television film that predicted the Reality TV era.

On The Fun Half: A major setback for corporate trade. What society should reward and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-12-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm EST

On this week's 'Call of the Week', caller Doug, is very upset about his conviction that there is mass voter fraud. Listen to Sam try to to talk sense with our favorite new far right caller. 

Direct download: 06-12-15-Call_of_the_Week.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

Check out this bonus episode with journalist and Majority Report friend David Dayen on the Corporate Democrats behind Obama's trade policy.

Direct download: 06-12-15-David_Dayen-BONUS_2-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52am EST

{Bonus Episode 1 6/12}: Sam had to set the record straight after his WTF interview with Marc Maron. Listen to him and Film Guy Matthew Weiss break it down and listen to the WTF interview here

Direct download: 06-02-15-Bonus_Sam_Seder-Matthew_Weiss_Talk_WTF-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am EST


NPR reporter and author of the new book the  The Test: Why Our Schools are Obsessed with Standardized Testing–But You Don’t Have to Be, Anya Kamenetz, explains the history of America's obsession with test taking. The conflicting political drives behind the testing movement. The connection between theories of intelligence and eugenics. Why higher test scores don't mean better schools. The Atlanta cheating scandal and the pressures that leading to cheating. What could lead to higher quality testing? Also the power of the testing industry.

On The Fun Half: NPR host Diane Rehm asks Bernie Sanders if he is also a citizen of Israel. Rick Perry is still a very stupid man. The racism behind the fear of voter fraud. Glenn Beck is convinced America is being overrun by psychological Nazis. A racist teacher in Texas wants to return to segregation but claims through a hashtag that she is not racist. Senator Mark Kirk says on a hot mic that Lindsey Graham is a "bro without a hoe" Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-11-15-Anya_Kamenetz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST


Bard College Leon Botstein, explains whether we are still educating to create citizens. The rise of the suburbs and social segregation. The erosion of public education and the Charter School movement. Why our conversations are shrinking. The American progressive education tradition and the training of citizens. Media culture and the undermining of civic space. The policies that can lead us to creating citizens again. Also how men can do better academically. 

On The Fun Half: An Israeli study shows that "dirty bombs" are a myth.  Hillary Clinton's progressive push on voting rights and Chris Christie's stupid response. The young man in Mckinney who had the gun pulled on him explains what happened during the incident. Keith Ablow blames Obama for what happened in McKinney. Jerry Seinfeld flails and whines about "PC" culture. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-10-15-Leon_Botstein-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

Becky Bond the Vice President and Political Director of CREDO Action explains the unique mission and purpose of CREDO. How CREDO Mobile works and where it gives its money. CREDO's success in fighting the Keystone Pipeline. The state of the fight against NSA surveillance of innocent Americans. Also the push for more debates in the Democratic Primary.

Journalist Monica Potts, explains the personal debt crisis and the limits on America's creative class. How shrinking opportunities limits options and undermines service. Why the sharing economy softens the edges of the economy will undermining structural answers to poverty. How sustainable is the sharing economy? And what do we want America to look like?

On The Fun Half: Josh Fox schools Stuart Varney and Varney kicks him off. Fox & Friends do not want you to make assumptions about the cop in Mckinney Texas who pinned down a fourteen year old girl. Far Right caller insists that voter fraud is happening, but cannot prove it. 

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Direct download: 06-09-15-Becky_Bond-Monica_Potts-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST

Pando Senior Editor Mark  Ames, explains how Symour Hersh's attempts at Corporate muckraking in the 1970s reveal the dangers of going after the corporate state. Dangers of corporate muckraking journalism and what's wrong with the NSA debate.

On The Fun Half: The Police assault on black teenagers in Mckinney Texas and the horrifying viral that revealed it. Debating Libertarians. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-08-15-Mark_Ames-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:50pm EST

Journalist Charlie Pierce explains the bizarre new law enforcement shooting of a terrorism suspect in Boston. How does someone become monitored? Can Congress restore civil liberties? Hillary's Democratic challengers and the Republican clown car.

On The Fun Half: Some people want Michael Bloomberg to run for President and we found a handful of the handfuls of people that would vote for him. Debating the Constitution and the war in Afghanistan. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-05-15-Charles_Pierce-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05pm EST

National security blogger and analyst, Marcy Wheeler, explains what's good about the USA Freedom Act and what's wrong with it. Why the USA Freedom ACT, could end up creating new civil liberties problems for Americans. The Second Circuit Court decision that limits the NSA's domestic spying. The relationship between the FISA Court and the Justice system as a whole. The enduring danger of NSA abuse and overreach. Why metadata is used far beyond counter-terrorism. What triggers a database search of our metadata. Why the dragnet program has produced very little for national security. Also how the spying on the Civil Rights movement mirrors monitoring of Muslims.

On The Fun Half: If people voted by what issues they support, Bernie Sanders would be our next President. Is Glenn Beck in trouble? Also, why Glenn Beck says all of his predictions have come true. Alex Jones says Caitlyn Jenner is distracting us from an upcoming Obama civil war. Debating a another crazy caller. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-04-15-Marcy_Wheeler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

Journalist Guy Lawson, author of the forthcoming book, Arms and the Dudes: How Three Stoners from Miami Beach Became the Most Unlikely Gunrunners in History, explains how two stoners in Miami Beach who broke into the global arms industry. The stunning realities of the Bush Administration. Insurgencies and arms deals. How the ideology of the Bush Administration led to arms deals with global weapons runners. The Grandmothers in Illinois administrating major arms contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan. How the stoners got into major trouble. Scapegoats in the Bush era from arms to torture. The problem with how the New York Times covered the dudes. When will journalism question the powerful again? Also why power is run on belief systems.

On The Half: Mike Huckabee, in a bizarre outbreaks, says he wish he "felt like women" so he could shower with girls in Middle School. What should we have done in Afghanistan? The experience of transitioning. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-03-15-Guy_Lawson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EST

America's culture of cruel poor shaming reaches new heights with the disgusting new CBS reality show the Briefcase. America's delusional relationship to poverty. What's next for the Patriot Act? Is Rand Paul getting to much credit in the Patriot Act fight? Rush Limbaugh, takes on Caitlyn Jenner.

On The Fun: A caller reports on the cruelest reality show ever. The falling standards of workers in the richest country in the world. Will Bernie Sanders help move the country to the left. Glenn Beck and his crew wants to know if Rick Perry's ending the Texas drought with prayer will help or hurt is presidential election.

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Direct download: 06-02-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EST

The Nation's Ari Berman, author of the forthcoming Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America, explains the new Supreme Court case that will determine the meaning of "one person one vote". Is the Evenwel v. Abbott Case the next conservative rolling back of voting rights? The shrinking of representation in the Evenwel v Abbott. How money in politics is starting to undermine voting rights. The staggering amounts of money that will be spent in the 2016 election. Why the wealthy get the policies they want. Also how a center-left Supreme Court could help reverse this crisis.

On The Fun Half: a report from Kansas on the fanatic governance of Sam Brownback. A stunning new case of poor shaming in New York City targeting public school children. A caller tells us about being raised as a religious homeschooler. Scott Walker says forced ultrasounds are fine because ultrasounds are "cool". Carly Fiorina claims the Chinese aren't creative. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 06-01-15-Ari_Berman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST

Cliff Schecter explains why Dennis Hastert was just indicted. The mystery of who Dennis Hastert was paying hush money to and why. The systemic corruption of Republicans in Congress. Republican suppression and the pull of reactionary politics. Josh Duggar's molestation charges and how the story would be covered if he was African American. Also why the Duggars show has finally been cancelled. Rand Paul's push to sunset the Patriot Act and why some conservatives are getting better on prison reform. The new Quinnipiac poll that has terrible news for Republicans.

Isabel Gillies explains why she is sending her kids off to sumer camp. Mimicking the hormonal behavior of a thirteen year old boy. Isabel's experience as a juror. Also a Isabel tells us to watch the movie Force Majure.

On The Fun Half: A Bizarre call into CSPAN that may shed light on the Dennis Hastert situation. A high School student wants Sam to get him on MSNBC. Rand Paul says blame the Republican hawks for ISIS. Is Donald Trump finally going to run for President? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-29-15-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm EST

CREDO Action Vice President and Political Director, Becky Bond explains the broad outsider push for reclaiming our civil liberties and allowing sections of the Patriot Act to sunset. The fake reform bill that has moved through the House. Why the politics of the Patriot Act is fluid and why civil liberties can still win. The broader loss of American civil liberties over the last fifteen years. Credo Action's fight against the Medicare cuts that would help fund the TPP. Has the Medicare provision made it even more difficult for Democrats to back Fast Track and TPP.

Wisconsin Congressman, Mark Pocan, explains what his biggest with the Patriot Act are. The corporate giveaways and the undermined standards for labor and the environment. The stunning secrecy of the TPP document. The failure of labor standards to end the murders of labor organizers in Columbia. How TPP undermines regulation and threatens American sovereignty. How passing TPP could lead to Medicare cuts and what the state of play is on Fast Track Authority and TPP.

On The Fun Half: Sam gives a caller advice on what to do next with limited resources in a bad economy. More Global Warming Denial nonsense. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 05-28-15-Becky_Bond-Mark_Pocan-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EST

The Patriot Act stalls in the Senate. What reforms are in the USA Freedom Act? Bernie Sanders announces he is formally running for President in front of a big crowd in Burlington Vermont. How the media reports and distorts Bernie Sanders. How the delusional mainstream media treats Carly Fiorina seriously and mocks Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders continues to blow minds with his sane tax policies. The Koch Brothers are going to buy a lot of GOP candidates. Marco Rubio says Gay rights are "real and present danger" to religious freedom.

On The Fun Half: Lindsey Graham says that he does not trust the Iranians because he spent a lot of time in the "Pool Rooms". The right's assault on public education. The Left's big win in Alberta Canada. Right Wing Mandela is running for President. Louie Gohmert does not believe that Obama is going to takeover Texas he still blames Obama. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-27-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

Journalist Masha Gessen, author of The Brothers: The Road to an American Tragedy, explains the story of the Tsarnaev family and how they arrived in the United States. Tamerlan Tsarnaev's stalled boxing career and the crushed American dreams of the Tsarnaev family. Tamerlan Tsarnaev's interest in far right conspiracies. Terrorism and the opportunity for "belonging". Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hidden spiral that no one seemed to notice. Why Dzhokhar's defense failed and all of the questions that are still unanswered. Was Tamerlan a FBI informant? Also the FBI's odd role in the Boston Marathon investigation.

On The Fun Half: The poison pill that could kill TPP. Could an anti human trafficking provision destroy the "most progressive" trade deal ever. An Alex Jones fan calls in to debate Libertarianism. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-26-15-Masha_Gessen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EST

Medicare cuts to fund part of TPP and CREDO Action responds. Cliff Schecter explains Lindsey Graham's latest melodrama. The new Iraq invasion history re-writing. The lies that led to the invasion of Iraq. The major lies that led to the Iraq invasion. Why President Obama's not holding people criminally accountable allows for the re-writing of history. Holding Democrats accountable for voting for the Iraq invasion. Jeb Bush says accepting the scientific reality of climate change is "arrogant". The religious dog whistle in Jeb's demented stance. Also is Jeb already out of it.

Barry Crimmins and Sam remember the Boston comedy scene. Understandings Barry's unique relationship to stand up comedy. Why are progressives comedians called political and reactionaries are considered "fun". The time Barry Crimmins wouldn't shake Henry Kissinger's hand. Where you can see the Bobcat Goldthwait directed, documentary Call Me Luckyabout Barry's story as a victim of sexual abuse and evolution as a human rights activists. How Barry Crimmins took on AOL's profiting from child pornography. Barry's quest to get excommunicated and The Church's systemic coverage of abuse.

On The Fun Half: An amazing Libertarian caller wants to debate Reddits new anti harassment rule and devolves from there. We also have a global warming "skeptic" caller. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 05-22-15-Cliff_Schecter-Barry_Crimmins-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

The Nation's John Nichols explains the power and importance of Bernie Sanders push for debt free college. Why progressive politics means creative politics. Can Hillary be progressive. Why fighting austerity is the defining question. Also why the TPP is all about corporate power and 1980s economic thinking.

Why Jade Helm the new far right conspiracy that won't  won't go.

On The Fun Half: George W Bush's CIA briefer admits the Administration hyped intelligence on Iraq. Bernie Sanders shocks Wolf Blitzer. Republicans want Obama to be nice to Saudi Arabia. Also Rafael Cruz has some new craziness. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-21-15-John_Nichols-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37pm EST

LA makes a major step towards a living wage as the city moves to raise wages to $15 an hour. The success of the Fast Food workers strikes and the grassroots push for a living wage across the United States. What raising the minimum wage means for most workers. Medicare cuts are going to help fund the TPP. Will this help the Democrats to get more aggressive against Obama's awful trade agenda. Elizabeth Warren is right on the trade deal says someone who actually read the bill.

On The Fun Half: Sam talks with Luis Lang a former Republican, whose experience of not being able to pay his medical bills led him to support progressive healthcare polices and leave the Republican Party. Wisconsin Senator, Ron John says he sort of trusts the Supreme Leader of Iran more than Obama. Hillary Clinton takes on the Hillary Heroin crisis. Bernie Sanders maybe going towards legal weed. Remembering Malcolm X's radicalism and how it relates to Harry Reid going after the Koch brothers. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-20-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm EST

Legendary blogger Digby (Heather Parton) explains the Republicans corporate agenda is stifled by democracy. Racist author Charles Murray's plan to subvert democracy through plutocrat funded lawsuits. The Republicans Scientology strategy and the end of regulation. How the Right can use the federal courts to destroy governments ability to protect the public good. Why the Right's shamelessness opens the door for a radical anti democratic push. What could the Left do to protect a plutocratic attack on the Courts. Why Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don't watch any news. Why the Fox News outrage machine won't allow the Republicans to ever move from the far right. Why the Republicans are probably the most successful minority party in world history. Also why a marginal Republican can win the 2016 nomination.

On The Fun Half: Lindsey Graham is running for President because "the world is falling apart". The delusional and reprehensible, George Pataki is running for President and we member the time that Sam owned him on TV. Random Rush. Did Bill O'Reilly beat his wife? And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-19-15-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

Yale Professor, Jacob Hacker explains why Republicans never pay for their extremism and economist Dean Baker explains how TPP will hurt hurt the American economy.

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Direct download: 05-18-15-Jacob_Hacker-Dean_Baker-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:07pm EST

Cliff Schecter explains just how disgusting and stunning it is that Republicans are cutting Amtrak spending the day after last weeks Amtrak crash that caused several deaths. Why the Republicans are undermining the American economy. Why more Amtrak funding would have saved lives. Why increasing infrastructure spending would be a win for everyone. Obama pushes the Senate to pass the awful TPP trade agreement. Does NAFTA threaten the Volker rule? Why TPP could do even more to undo financial regulation. How to play the far right on TPP. Jeb Bush can't decide whether he backs the invasion of Iraq or not.

Comedian Judy Gold explains acting in a new off Broadway musical, Clinton The Musical. Do Republicans go to play? What is it like to work with Louis CK? Jim Gaffigan's new show and why being in a play forces you to be on time. Are boys easer to raise? Rewarding kids sarcasm is it a good thing or a bad thing? Why Judy thinks we use our phones to much and listen to Jusy's new podcast.

On The Fun: Jeb Bush announces he is running for President by accident and gets schooled on ISIS by a College student. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-15-15-Cliff_Schecter-Judy_Gold-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EST

Boston University Sociology Professor and author of The New Prophets of Capital,Nicole Aschoff, explains how capitalism survives through adopting critiques of capitalism. Why the promoters of "conscious" end up feeding some of the worst tendencies in capitalism. Whole Foods Libertarians. Why it isn't just Libertarians that are looking to the market for change. What the term Neoliberalism distracts us from. The Capitalism of the Gates Foundation and the quest for a vaccine market. Why are countries poor? By ignoring structural inequality we become even more dependent on the benevolence of billionaires. Oprah and anxiety relief capitalism. And also the limits of "Lean In" feminism. Also why we need to reclaim anti capitalism places.

On The Fun Half: Jeb Bush says its a "disservice" to oppose the war in Iraq and whines that a student questioner is smart and right about Iraq. He also announced he is running for President by accident. Man losing eyesight because he is a right wing crazy. How do you reform capitalism? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-14-15-Nicole_Aschoff-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Journalist David Dayen, explains how the foreclosure crisis is still hurting Americans. Does the ongoing crisis in inequality explain the failure of Fast Track trade authority to pass the Senate? What's in the TPP and why its awful. President Obama's war against Elizabeth Warren. Why Washington is wired to pass terrible trade deals. Why TPP isn't really a trade deal. The lies and old rhetoric the Obama Administration is using to sell TPP. Why TPP will increase medical prices. The TPP job creation myth. TPP and China and what happens next after the defeat Fast Track in the Senate.

On The Fun Half:  Chris Christie spends taxpayer money on shopping splurges, parties and wing talker Howie Carr goes after Chris Christie for proposing Social Security cuts. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-13-15-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm EST

Wendy Brown a Professor of Political Science at the University of California Berkeley and author of Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism's Stealth Revolution explains the idea of Demos and how it drives our Democracy. How Neoliberalism shrinks our capacity to be human and undermines democracy. Are human beings only economic? The debate inside extreme Neoliberalism. The effort to engineer the Neoliberal human. Why Neoliberal state is not small. How Neoliberalism organically moves into every sphere of life. How value works in modern Capitalism. How Facebook became what it is. How to read Citizens United through the Neoliberal lens. Also the lost loss of Liberal Arts education.

On The Fun Half: More on the craziness of mass testing. Debating the merits of testing. Is TPP going to not pass in the Senate? Sherrod Brown calls President Obama out on TPP lies. Does Mitt Romney still want to run for President? Andrea Tantaros says the last acceptable form of discrimination in this country is against white men. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-12-15-Wendy_Brown-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST

Milton Allimadi, the publisher of Black Star News, explains the importance of John Kerry's visit to Somalia. The Cold War roots of the crisis in Somalia. How American policy led to the Al Shabaab terrorism crisis. Why Nigeria has elected a former dictator as President and when will the "second liberation" happen in South Africa.

Florida Governor Rick Scott, is a super human who lied about his own mother's death in the process of blocking Medicare expansion.

On The Fun Half: President Obama goes to Nike HQ to push TPP. Glenn Beck warns of us own likely death. Marco Rubio, bases his foreign policy strategy off of The Taken Movies. Carly Fiorina lying about her own website fail and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-11-15-Milton_Allimadi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm EST

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the results of the UK elections and why the Conservatives won big. The leader of Labor and the Liberal Democrat parties, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg resign. Why "Third Way" politics only works for really charismatic politicians. Why was the polling so bad in the UK? NSA spying programs revealed by Edward Snoward is found to be illegal by an Appeals Court. How is Edward Snowden not a whistleblower at this point. Mike Huckabees savvy far right populism. Can Fast Track and TPP be defeated? Why the hell is Lindsey Graham running for President? What does Jeb Bush want out of running for President? Also is the Culture War over and what is the Culture War anyway?

Film Guy Matthew Weiss and Sam discuss there history. The Neoliberal strategy of film schools and Ray Carney's truth telling. Matthew has a list of projects he is working on. Matthew's potential upcoming project with director Caveh Zahedi. Matthew's success at the "Bad Film Festival". Why its much easier to make a movies now. Matthew's new podcast. When do you stop listening to new music? And Matthew told us to watch the filmRatcatcher.

President Obama promotes TPP at Nike. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 05-08-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EST

Princeton Professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor highlights the distinctions between Ferguson and Baltimore. The Black political establishment in Baltimore and the class tension inside African American politics. How class is always obscured in American culture. The language of the "culture of poverty" and the lost reality of institutional racism. President Obama and the politics of respectability. How class and race intersect and the ongoing disregard for African American life in the United States. The racism of Wells Fargo. And what is the answer for institutional racism and the American underclass?

On The Fun Half: President Obama giving his all to pass the awful TPP. Harry Reid pushes back strong against TPP and Fast Track. Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump come out against Fast Track authority. What caused the culture war? Are vegetarians better people? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-0715-Keeanga_Yamahtta_Taylor-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

Andrew Hartman author of the new book  A War for the Soul of America: A History of the Culture Wars, explains the importance of the 1960s social movements. The 1980s and 1990s and the new social map of America. The New Left and Neoconservative battle and how it defines us today. What drove Neoconservative reactionary politics. The cruel myth of 1950s America. What made the Neoconservative movement happen? Is the cultural war manufactured? What the New Left did to transform America. Also is the culture war over or simply now part of the economic war?

On The Fun Half: Mitt Romney is still delusional and we really want him to run for President. Michael Savage tells Alex Jones that President Obama will arm "Bloods and Crips" for his own army. Are crazy conspiracies worth covering? Dana Loesch asks the author of Clinton Cash, if he is afraid of being "Vince Fostered".  Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-06-15-Andrew_Hartman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

Princeton Professor and author of One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian Americaexplains how Christian America is rooted in the corporate reaction against the New Deal. How corporations hired ministers to help destroy the New Deal. What is Christian libertarianism? How "The Family" was founded and was rooted in the corporations war against labor. Why Dwight eisenhower accepted and even expanded the New Deal while embracing the language of the religious right. The National Prayer Breakfast and "God's law" coming before America's laws. How Ronald Reagan completed the counter revolution and why the movement is alive and well in the modern Republican Party.

On The Fun Half: a UK election update and why the UK might have another election soon. The FEC throws in the towel on enforcing election rules. Are Democrats to blame for the crisis in Baltimore? And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-05-15-Kevin_Kruse-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

The Young Turks and Turner Movie Classics host Ben Mankiewicz explains why the MSM always in covering Police brutality and poverty. Why cable news fails again and again. How we can cover Bernie Sanders and fight against media narratives that don't take him seriously. The Clinton machine and why isn't Jerry Brown running for President?

On The Fun Half: Bernie Sanders says why shouldn't we be more like Scandinavia? Russell Brand says we should actually vote and who people in the UK should vote for. Ted Cruz wants to know if the military is going to take over Texas. Sam Harris's silly exchange with Noam Chomsky. Glenn Beck warns marriage equality will ruin Christianity and your phone calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-04-15-Ben_Mankiewicz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:07pm EST

Cliff Schecter breaks down the vital importance of the charges filed against Baltimore police for the murder of Freddie Grey. The "rough ride" and the culture of police abuse in Baltimore. What Martin O'Malley has to answer for from his record as Mayor Baltimore. The drug war and the destruction of America. Addressing the crisis of the American underclass. Lead, crime and public health. Hillary Clinton calls for an end the mass incarceration and Bernie Sanders draws attention to the poverty crisis. The big upside of Bernie Sander's run for President. Chris Christie goes down? Also Jeb Bush's stunningly sleazy PAC strategy.

Andy Kindler gets his own theme song! Andy Kindler's booming comedy career. Andy Kindler's views on positive thinking. Is it Hillarybot time for Andy? Wolf Blitzer does a great job covering Baltimore?? Is Bibi a secret Muslim? Andy on Charlie Hebdo. Andy tours the south. Andy beefs with Adam Sandler. Sam's experience doing Maron's show. Also why we should watch Rushmore.

Texas Governor concerned that the the army is about to implement martial law in his state and Rand Paul promises to look into it. A caller defends Alex Jones. why silly Jones conspiracies distract us from real change to real problem. Explaining protesting to your children. The Baltimore curfew and the homeless population of the city. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 05-01-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EST

Award-winning “Subject to Debate” columnist for The Nation and author, most recently, of Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights, Katha Pollitt, explains why marriage equality is winning. The pushback against Indiana's Gay discrimination law  and the shift in equality politics. The assault on women's reproductive rights in many states. Why aren't we leading boycotts against states that are attacking women's rights. Why abortion is still stigmatized. The use of the word "slut" and the punishing of female pleasure. Gender power and why marriage equality is gaining ground and abortion rights are losing ground. Also the geographic realities of the loss of access to women's health rights.

On The Fun Half: Bernie Sanders announces he is running for President! Bernie runs on the most important issues facing America while the Republicans search for their billionaires. Hillary Clinton, opposes major part of President Obama's trade policy? How Hillary should actually be pressed on Fast Track Authority. The unreal story that the Baltimore PD leaked about Freddie Grey. Gang members protect students coming home from school in Baltimore. Sean Hannity and a Fox reporter in Baltimore harasses Congressman Elijah Cummings while he is helping enforce the curfew in Baltimore. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 04-30-15-Katha_Pollitt-PUP.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

The death toll continues to climb in Nepal after that countries massive earthquake. Baltimore calms for the moment and Hillary Clinton speaks out on mass incarceration and Rand Paul blames bad parenting for the crisis in Baltimore.

SiriusXM host Mike Signorile author of the new book  It’s Not Over: Getting Beyond Tolerance, Defeating Homophobia, and Winning True Equality, explains the state of play on the marriage equality case being heard before the Supreme Court right now. Why liberal Justices have become far more aggressive on marriage equality. Justice Ginsburg destroys the "traditional" argument against marriage equality. The problem with the word inevitable and the problem with magnanimous. How to take on deep rooted homophobia. Why anti Gay bigots are still given far to much respect on media platforms. How many Americans are out and how many are still in the closet. Isn't "outing" really reporting. Also how to reverse the deeper strains of homophobia and Transphobia.

On The Fun Half: Pat Robertson tells a woman to forgive her husband for having an affair with a man because "he isn't a habitual homosexual". The future of the middle class in the contract economy. Bernie Sanders enters the 2016 race! Baltimore mom whose viral tape of her hitting her son at the protests says that she didn't want him to become another "Freddie Grey". Texas Republican connects marriage equality to the crisis in Baltimore and a anti Gay state politician is outed for posting his pictures of his penis on Grindr. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 04-29-15-Mike_Signorile-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

What the riots in Baltimore tell us. Why Police brutality is the underlying story. The culture of Police abuse in Baltimore. The stupidity of the "moral" question and how the Police beat Freddie Grey. Baltimore gang members explain what they are trying to do at the Baltimore protests and why they are trying to prevent violence. Also Baltimore's record on systemic Police violence.

On The Fun Half: The Supreme Court hears historic case on marriage equality and a pastor makes a insane case against marriage equality. The environmental poisoning of Baltimore. Which is worse local or national politics? How the Harry Reid injury conspiracy circulated through the Right Wing media. Right wing talker says Bruce Jenner has "mental disorder". Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 04-28-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

Authors Carmen Boullosa and Mike Wallace co -authors of the recent book A Narco History, explain the full and violent history of Mexico's drug trade. Understanding the real history of the drug crisis and the problem with prohibition. How American drug usage and gun laws fuel cartel violence. How Mexico became a key point of drug processing. The racialized history of drug prohibition. How the United States forces failed and violent drug policies on Mexico. How the Mexican mega Narco organizations developed. How the CIA's used drug traffickers in the 1980s to fight covert wars. How Neoliberalism unleashed even more Narco power. The horrific human rights abuses carried out by Mexican cartel. How the Republican Right and the NRA helped flood Mexico with weapons. And what to do about the crisis.

On The Fun Half: Now Rand Paul is backing drone attacks. The problem with high stakes testing. Why the TPP is a global problem. How big Pharma really makes money. Allen West says prayer prevents Football injuries and your calls and IMs. 

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Direct download: 04-27-15-Mike_Wallace-Carman_Boullosa-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EST

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the importance of the fight against the TPP. President Obama goes on the attack against progressives for opposing TPP. Why anti corporate trade politics works in the Midwest. Sherrod Brown calls out the Obama Administration for its awful stance on trade and dropping the ball on the vital progressive agenda. Barack Obama's extreme flip flop on corporate trade deals and what you need to do to block Fast Track and TPP. Why The Koch Brothers want Scott Walker. Also why Jeb Bush is in real trouble in his presidential bid.

Isabel Gillies gives Sam exercise and fashion advice. Also why do people dress like slobs when they go to the theatre or on a plane. Coyotes invade New York City. Figuring out the Guardian Angels. Isabel tells us to watch the movie Fed Up. Also will Matt go sugar free.

A crazy Libertarian caller goes at Sam.

Direct download: 04-24-15-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:22pm EST

The insurance industry warns against the climate crisis. The fight against Fast Track Trade authority in the Senate and the House. Bernie Sanders forces a delay on the Fast Track bill. Sander Levin's alternative bill in the House on Fast Track authority. Why the far right is ignoring Fast Track and TPP. Hillary Clinton's fudge on trade and the importance of progressive pressure. Rand Paul claims its sexist to critique his treatment of women reporter. People who hate Obamacare most already have government healthcare. Senator Ron Johnson explains what Republicans are most afraid of happening in the King V Burwell case.

On The Fun Half: US drone strike kills both an American Italian hostage of AQ. Give Keith Ablow, claims that young people want to join ISIS because President Obama "debranded" America. Michele Bachmann warns that we are in the end times. Pittsburgh high school students organize vicious anti Gay bullying rings. What's annoying about Bill Maher. Judith Miller and the lies that led us to invade Iraq. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 04-23-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

Lily Geismer, professor of history at Claremont McKenna College and author of  Don’t Blame Us: Suburban Liberals and the Transformation of the Democratic Partyexplains how the suburban makeover of the Democratic Party has moved the Party to the right. Where the title "don't blame us". George Mcgovern and the economic and social shifts in Democratic politics. The liberal tax revolt. Why Massachusetts isn't as liberal as its reputation. Knowledge workers, the Massachusetts technology sector and the new liberalism. How suburban liberal fuse social justice and economic exclusion. Why suburban is becoming urban in liberal politics. Also how Obama's focus on high tech growth and delivery speaks directly to suburban liberal Democratic politics.

On The Fun Half: Judith Miller's sociopathic revisionist history of her war mongering reporting.  Why the TPP is just a corporate give away. President Obama sells the TPP and raises and fails. Mike Huckabee is a real American and your not. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 04-22-15-Lily_Geismer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm EST

Linda Lipsen of the American Association of Justice, explains why regular Americans need access to the Court system. What does keeping access to the Courts mean and why many companies believe they shouldn't be held accountable. the important relationship between trial lawyers and regulation. How trial lawyers confront corporate bullies. Identity theft and how corporations are working to get Congress to protect them for their own failures in security. America's corrupt arbitration system. Also how to protect the integrity of the Courts and protections for working Americans.

On The Fun Half: we read iTunes reviews. Bill O'Reilly says he is the "enemy" because he is a powerful white man. Scott Walker goes Pat Buchanan on immigration and the Koch's back him. Glenn Beck and Scott Walker talk about Scott Walker's soul. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 04-21-15-Linda_Lipsen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Far right Rabbi claims liberals are attracted to Muslim terrorists. Is The DOJ going to block the Comcast Time Warner merger? Did NBC lie about Richard Engel's kidnapping.

On The Fun Half: why is the TPP getting so little attention? The dramatic threat that the TPP poses to health, the environment and labor. The problem with Fast Track Authority. How to get the right to oppose Fast Track and TPP. What we need in a Democratic primary. Brian Kilmeade exposes "dangerous" new types of Weed. Random Rush. Marco Rubio has his own Billionaire and just how demented our politics are. Marco Rubio says being Gay isn't a choice but is still against marriage equality. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 04-20-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

The host of The Young Turks Cenk Uygur explains the passage of Fast Track Authority for the TPP in the Senate. Why TPP is going to pass because the corporations control America. How TPP shows the hypocrisy of the Republicans. Will Chuck Schumer be progressive on TPP? Comast and MSNBC. Cenk, MSNBC and corporate Democrats. Why Hillary Clinton is no progressive. The moral obscenity of overturning the Estate Tax. Kansas's new cruel attack on the poor is also a giveaway to the banks. If Jesus comes back will he just beat on Republicans. Also what will the future of media be in twenty five years?

Brian Barr an attorney with Levin Papantonio, explains how BP triad to get out of a settlement for the BP Gulf oil spill, why BP still hasn't given any money to the victims of their leak. BP's stunning claim that they didn't cause any real harm in the Gulf. BP's lack of conscience and disgusting pr strategy. Also why BP could cause another disaster.

Virginia Buchanan an attorney with Levin Papantonio explains the health dangers of the Energy drink industry. How youth are targeted by the Energy drink industry and how to protect the public from these drinks.

Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 04-16-15-Sam_Seder-Las_Vegas-Day_2-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:06pm EST

Ben Gordon, an Attorney with Levin Papantonio, explains how some California wine producers may have dangerous levels of arsenic in their wines. How do you find out if the wine you are drinking is dangerous? Why winemakers do not need to disclose their ingredients? What's the endgame for the lawsuit against unethical winemakers? Also the best way to find out about dangerous wines.

Peter Mougey of Levin Papantonio explains the importance of Elizabeth Warren's attack on the DOJ for nobody being held criminally accountable in the banking industry. Why financial reform is still failing. The under staffing crisis at the SEC. Why Elizabeth Warren is shrewd to not run for President. The corruption of FINRA. How corporations run the legal process.

On The Fun Half: David Pakman joins Sam and explains the most crazy interviews he has done recently. The pathetic Republican field and who David thinks the nominee will be. Debating the Republican establishment. Who will win the Republican nomination? Will progressives vote for Hillary? Alex Lawson of Social Security Works joins the conversation to explain how Republicans will attack Hillary. The power and lack of power of mainstream media in today's world. The Senate Democrats progressive moves on Paid Medical leave and Social Security. The inane politics of mainstream Social Security coverage. Chris Christie's plutocrat push on Social Security. The Pete Peterson scam. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 04-16-15-Sam_Seder-Las_Vegas-Day_1-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:26pm EST

Journalist Samhita Mukhopadhyay, explains why she isn't excited about Hillary'c run. How we can balance a conversation on sexism and Clinton's lack of strong progressive credentials and why is Mindy Kaling's brother doing a incredibly stupid anti affirmative action stunt and campaign.

Investigative Journalist Tina Dupuy explains the rise of the Televangelists and the how they explain modern Republican politics. The Republican scam machine and how Presidential candidates enrich themselves.

On The Fun Half: Workers march for a $15 minimum wage. Pat Robertson's awful advice for his viewers. Bill de Blasio waits to hear a progressive vision from Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid thinks the Republican candidates are "losers". Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 04-15-15-Samhita_Mukhopadhyay-Tina_Dupuy-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST

Marie Gottschalk, a Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the new book Caught: The Prison State and the Lockdown of American Politics, explains the prison crisis in America. How American has become a prison state for many lower income Americans and people of color. Why many strategies for prison reform are limited in scope and the broader crisis of poverty and repression that prisons illustrate.

On The Fun Half: President Obama moves forward with Cuba thaw. The Senate threatens the Iran deal, NRA President, Wayne Lapierre says “Eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough” Also your calls and IMs.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 04-14-15-Marie_Gottschalk-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

Sam explains why the Patent Trolls have lost and podcasts are safe for now. Hillary Clinton launches her campaign. Why it isn't unreasonable for people to vote for Hillary because she would be the first woman President. Hillary's first campaign ad. Ted Cruz's announcement will make you feel like you are stuck in purgatory. Hillary's progressive language and Bill Clinton's populist 1992 campaign. Lincoln Chafee attacks Hillary Clinton foreign policy.

On The Fun Half: Rand Paul does not like women reporters. Rand Paul's incredible flip flopping. Megyn Kelly asks Rand Paul what his problem. Nepotism and the rigged American game. More good Obamacare news. The Dennis Miller doll and just how crazy things were in the Bush era. A Police Officer kills an unarmed black man while he is handcuffed. Ted Cruz warns against the "Gay Jihad". Also your calls and IMs. 

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 04-13-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:01pm EST

Keith Wailoo, a professor of history at Princeton University and author of Pain: A Political Historythe political history of pain and drive to seek relief from pain. Pain theory in politics and how it plays out in criminal justice and policy. Also how pain can explain the liberal and conservative divide.

Also for Members Only! A Conversation from the Air America days with comedian Colin Quinn.

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 04-10-15-Keith_Wailoo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST