The Majority Report with Sam Seder


Journalist Nathan Scheider, author of Thank You, Anarchy: Notes from the Occupy Apocalypseexplains the different models of the sharing economy. Silicon Valley innovation and the loss of critical discourse on inequality and power. The Cooperative economy. Europe's push for a new economy. Why Bitcoin failed and how Cryptocurrency can succeed. What is the role of government in a post-corporate economy and rediscovering Anarchism.

Glenn Beck claims he is no longer a Republican, but still backs establishment Republicans

On The Fun Louie Gohmert has thoughts about Iran, They are disturbing and hilarious. Wacky right wing talkers say Weed made Obama a communist. More crazy from Ted Cruz's dad Rafael Cruz. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 03-30-15-Nathen_Schneider-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm EDT

Journalist Guy Lawson, explains the national crisis of Police violence. The power of the Police uniform. Mental illness and police killings. The Supreme Court and the Police responsibility to not escalate. Why the high crimes of US officials are blamed on low level fall guys. The Florida stoners who built a drug dealing empire. The corporations who profit from the illegal painkiller trade. Why the Oxycontin trade is huge in Florida. Why big pharma profits from illegal drug sales. The FBI's terror entrapment game. What if the domestic "War on Terror" is just as big a disaster as the global "War on Terror". Also why the United States ha become so much more frightened as a country.

On The Fun Half: We get an update from the UK on the state of that countries elections. Why the UK is headed for another coalition government? Louie Gohmert is a special kind of crazy. Louie Gohmert running for President? Rahm Emnuel is a bad tipper and hated by everyone. Lobbyist says drinking weed killer is safe then bolts an interview after be asked to drink some water with Monsanto weed killer in it. Indiana's stunning anti Gay new law. Governor Mike Pence's admits there really isn't any reason to the bill into law. The Corporate backlash against Indiana. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-27-15-Guy_Lawson-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm EDT

Economist Jeff Madrick, author of the recent book, Seven Bad Ideas: How Mainstream Economists Have Damaged America and the World,explains why mainstream economists failed to anticipate the 2008 economic crisis. The "invisible hand" utopia myth and why it is dangerous for the economy. The myth of rational decision making. All the things that markets don't work for. Why "you get what you deserve" is another destructive myth. Why Democratic economists buy into right wing economic ideology. Austerity as religion. Is trade always good? And how and why do bad economic ideas have so much power despite being discredited?

On The Fun Half: A New York public school teacher calls into the program to speaks out against Andrew Cuomo's attack on public school teachers. Why would an art teacher get judge by students performances on a math test? Louie Gohmert screams at the FCC Chairman "You're Playing God With the Internet". Is Tucker Carelson's brother might be even worse than him? Yes. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-26-15-Jeff_Madrick-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:24pm EDT

Roosevelt Institution Fellow, Mike Konczal, explains why trade agreements are not about trade. Why today's generation of trade agreements are about corporate deregulation. Why trade agreements favors tobacco interests over public health. Why the TPP is even worse. Why we can't combat global warming in the "free trade" era. Why corporations can undermine all national regulations for public health and the environment. America's terrible patent laws and forcing them on the developing world. Why is President Obama pushing TPP? Why aren't liberals more aggressive about reversing low wages? Also why the "robot story" is a fantasy.

On The Fun Half: 'Duck Dynasty' Star imagines vivid rape and murder scenario for atheist family in an incredibly disturbing fantasy. The truly bizarre reason why Ted Cruz switched from classic rock to country music after 9/11. We remember awful September 11th jingoistic music. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-25-15-Mike_Konczal-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EDT

Imprisoned journalist Barrett Brown, explains how he ended up in Prison. Corporate spying and the DOJ. What is Stratfor and what do they do? Is linking now a crime? The private sector and the national security state. The threat to journalism. What crimes Brown pled guilty to. The DOJ's battle against hacking and aggressive national security journalism. Why Brown feels fine in prison and how you can help his case.

Israel spies on America during Iran negotiations and leaks the information to Congresspeople trying to kill the nuclear deal. White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough tells J Street that the "Occupation must end".

On The Fun Half: Idiots at a Public School in upstate New York protest hearing the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic. Judge Alex Farrer agrees that Arabic is a language that is to close to terror attacks to be used for the pledge. Congressman Peter King will jump off of a "bridge" if Ted Cruz gets the nomination. A promotion video for "Mad As Hell" calls the Majority Report the "Minority Report". Rand Paul says he is more electable than Ted Cruz. John McCain says the media favors the "wacko birds" even though he is on TV all the time. Donald Trump goes birther for Ted Cruz? Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 03-24-15-Barrett_Brown-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

The Nation's Ali Gharib, explains how close the worlds powers are to a deal with Iran. Why the Neocons are getting more fanatical as the deal gets closer. The terrorist/cult organization the MEK and how they have bought themselves power in Congress. Benjamin Netanyahu's win and why it was an own goal for Israel.

On The Fun Half: John McCain throws a tantrum. Pat Robertson gives the Taliban props? Ted Cruz announces his run for President and is as crazy ever. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 03-23-15-Ali_Gharib-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:25pm EDT

Political strategist, Cliff Schecter, explains the story of Ricky Jackson, who spent thirty nine years in prison for a crime he did not commit. The state of Ohio fast tracks a million dollars to Ricky Jackson as compensation wrongfully imprisoning him. Why we need a Bill of Rights for people in the justice system. Geraldo Rivera makes total sense on Netanyahu and blows the minds of the Fox & Friends. The difference between supporting and defending Israel. How to hold Israel accountable. The hilarious and bizarre implosion of Congressman Aaron Schock. Why Barney Frank says Shock should be forced out of the closet because of his homophobic voting record. Also why President Obama admits he should have shutdown GITMO on day one.

Comedian and Podcast host David Feldman, explains that he actually is a comedian even if he does not get laughs. Why David as a Jewish comedian is afraid of the "madness of crowds". David's take on the Israeli elections. Is Mark Green Hep C? What its like writing for Triumph The Insult Comic Dog. Why no liberal radio and the death of talk radio. Corporate power and why liberal media is always in a uphill battle. Is the left turning into language police? And David suggests we watch the documentary AKA Doc Pomus.

On The Fun Half: Tennessee Republican warns the state that Volkswagen is a danger to the state because they are "magnet for organized labor". The Holocaust and Israeli politics. Sam debates a young Libertarian. Also your calls and IMs.

Political strategist, Cliff Schecter, explains the story of Ricky Jackson, who spent thirty nine years in prison for a crime he did not commit. The state of Ohio fast tracks a million dollars to Ricky Jackson as compensation wrongfully imprisoning him. Why we need a Bill of Rights for people in the justice system. Geraldo Rivera makes total sense on Netanyahu and blows the minds of the Fox & Friends. The difference between supporting and defending Israel. How to hold Israel accountable. The hilarious and bizarre implosion of Congressman Aaron Schock. Why Barney Frank says Shock should be forced out of the closet because of his homophobic voting record. Also why President Obama admits he should have shutdown GITMO on day one.

Comedian and Podcast host David Feldman, explains that he actually is a comedian even if he does not get laughs. Why David as a Jewish comedian is afraid of the "madness of crowds". David's take on the Israeli elections. Is Mark Green Hep C? What its like writing for Triumph The Insult Comic Dog. Why no liberal radio and the death of talk radio. Corporate power and why liberal media is always in a uphill battle. Is the left turning into language police? And David suggests we watch the documentary AKA Doc Pomus.

On The Fun Half: Tennessee Republican warns the state that volkswagen is a danger to the state because they are "magnet for organized labor". The Holocaust and Israeli politics. Sam debates a young Libertarian. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-20-15-Cliff_Schecter-David_Feldman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm EDT

University of Wisconsin Professor of  Sociology, Sarah Halpern Meekin, co author of the new book It’s Not Like I’m Poor, explains the importance of the Earned Income Tax Credit. Tax refunds and poverty and the experience of poverty. How the Earned Income Tax Credit takes six million families out of poverty. Does tax policy effect martial decisions? How people view poverty and the broader systemic causes of poverty. How the tax system could be improved and what is the feeling and identity of "not being poor".

On The Fun Half: Rick Santorum gets a question from an amazing crazy questioner in South Carolina, about the "Communist Dictator" Obama who wants to nuke Charleston South Carolina. Barrett Brown, Edward Snowden and the abuses of the National Security State. Will the Obama Administration start supporting UN resolutions recognizing the state of Palestine. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-19-15-Sarah_Halpern_Meekin-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:43pm EDT

Lisa Goldman, a Contributing Editor at 972 Magazine, explains why Benjamin Netanyahu was always likely to win reelection as Israeli Prime Minister. Why the elections are a big win for the Right in Israel. The importance of the Joint List and Israeli Arab politics. The failure of Yair Lapid's centrist politics. will Israel's next coalition government will be even more far right? Israel is a right wing society. Netanyahu and the permanence of  the oppression of the Palestinians. Why the Occupation isn't hurting Israelis but inequality is. Will Israel finally faces pressure from its European and American partners? Also will the Jewish community in America get fed up with Israel?

On The Fun Half: Seth Myers forgets that Ted Cruz isn't stupid, he is evil. Why Ted Cruz lies so well. The climate crisis is getting worse. The Republicans want the CIA to stop studying the security implications of the climate crisis. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-18-15-Lisa_Goldman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EDT

Professor of the Practice of Public Health John E McDonough, explains why Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin abandoned single payer healthcare. Is single payer healthcare being considered in any other state? The trends that will lead to greater consolidation in healthcare. Medicare Advantage and Privatization. Will the future be Medicare or Medicare advantage. Sam's healthcare adventure and irrational pricing and coverage system. Also does Congress actually have a smart solution to the The "Doc Fix"? The House Republicans ruthless and cruel new assault on public healthcare. Also what would happen if SCOTUS overturns healthcare subsidies.

On The Fun Half: Jon Voight wants Israelis to vote for Netanyahu really badly, he is also crazy. Glenn Beck has a new end of times theory! Netanyahu, goes all in with his racism and support for endless Occupation. Pat Robertson explains why your Muslim neighbors want to kill you.

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Direct download: 03-17-15-John_McDonough-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EDT

Journalist Eric Alterman, author of the new book,  Inequality and One City: Bill de Blasio and the New York Experimentexplains how the inequality crisis finally came into public consciousness since Occupy Wall Street. Why BilldDe Blasio's message on inequality is distinct, progressive and important. How de Blasio is trying to help the poor in New York City. The transformative potential of de Blasio's advocacy for the poor. de Blasio's amazing pick for the head of New York's welfare agency. How the right wing and mainstream New York media is losing its power and influence. Stress and inequality. Where De Blasio has stumbled and why Andrew Cuomo is fighting de Blasio on everything. The battle over Charter Schools and how Cuomo stabbed de Blasio in the back. Also we should judge De Blasio.

On The Fun Half: Can Bibi lose? The inequality crisis in Israel. The Republicans offer their 2016 sociopathic budget. Inequality in Dallas. John Kerry smacks down CBS and the Republicans for Iran letter stupidity. President Obama says he is embarrassed on behalf of the Republicans who sent the Iran letter. Tom Cotton wants us to know that the Iranians run Tehran now! Also your calls and IMs. 

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Direct download: 03-16-15-Eric_Alterman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EDT

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains his new creative campaign to finally get America to address its gun crisis. Oklahoma's racist frat members and the assault on American history by the right. Why the 1990s were good and why the Republicans failed so hard with the Iran letter.

Alexis Goldstein, co-host of Criticize After Dinner, discusses why you should be watching Better Call Saul, far left critiques of movies like Selma, Foxcatcher, and American Sniper, why House of Cards is stupid and addictive, and what you need to watch now in theaters, on TV, and streaming.

NYPD edits Wikipedia to cover up Police brutality and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-13-15-Cliff_Schecter-Alex_Goldstein-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm EDT

Leading progressive blogger and writer Digby, explains how the Obama White House finally learned the lesson that progressives have always know, that the modern Republican Party has zero interest in compromise. The importance of unlearning the lessons of the Clinton era. Former key Obama advisor Dan Pfeiffer's acknowledgment that the White House never regretted taking progressive action. How could the Obama White House and mainstream Democrats be so delusional about the Republican Party. Also the the Republican's far right infrastructure and is Pfeiffer being sincere? Why progressives are vindicated again. Also the Hillary Clinton's emails and the Clinton scandal machine. The Clinton soap opera and the crazy Republican Party.

On The Fun Half: Fox's Andrea Tantaros: Feminist moms don’t have husbands because they ‘give it up freely’. The folly of high stakes testing. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-12-15-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

The Daily Beast's London Editor, Nico Hines explains how in the 1980s the UK Government allowed for the growth of Pedophile rings in high level politics. How discrimination against Gay people led to the exploitation of young children by British politicians. When powerful politicians and Britain's Intelligence services crushed press coverage of sexual abuse. How the abuse was uncovered in 2012. Margaret Thatcher's direct role in the Pedophile cover up. Also how the UK's libel laws helped protect powerful child abusers.

Community activist and parent Michelle Kupper, explains New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's attack on public eduction. How Andrew Cuomo is extorting the state of New York's public schools and ignoring Court rulings on public school fundings. The real problem with the teacher evaluations that Cuomo is pushing. Why Cuomo's Neo-Liberal agenda education agenda will hurt the most vulnerable and undermine good teachers and what you can do to protect public education in New York state.

On The Fun Half: Morning Joe blames rap music for the horrific racism of the Oklahoma SAE fraternity. Why the mainstream press is covering Wisconsin's new assault on workers rights so poorly. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-11-15-Nico_Hines-Michelle_Kupper-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EDT

The Nation's Ari Berman, explains the historical importance of Selma Alabama. Why Martin Luther King Jr. selected Selma as a site for the Civil Rights struggle. Find out the unknown Civil Rights heroes of Selma. The slow pace of change in Selma and why the cities Country Club is still racially segregated. Why Selma's wealthy white class will not fund public education for African American children. Was Selma on its best behavior for the fifty year anniversary of Bloody Sunday? Also really how craven it was that so many Republicans refused to go to Selma for events marking Bloody Sunday.

On The Fun Half: The stunningly stupid letter sent by Senate Republicans to Iran. Why is Rush Limbaugh still in the country? Megyn Kelly listens to agree and agrees with the Wall Street Journal's Brent Stephen's make racist comments about Ferguson. Reflecting on the legacy of Paul Wellstone. Pat Robertson tells a lady to quit her job so shoe does not get "infected" with Buddhism. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-10-15-Ari_Berman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EDT

George Washington University Professor, Henry Farrell, explains the role of Tor browser by human rights activists, civil libertarians and criminal organizations. Criminal subcultures and trust. Why Libertarian utopias fail in real life and real markets. The story of Silk Road's 'Dread Pirate Roberts' (Ross Ulbricht) and how is his Libertarian politics, drug dealing and attempted murder brought down Silk Road. drug empire and the collapse of Silk Road's Libertarian fantasy. How do you find a trust worthy source for stolen credit cards? Also why Libertarians are ignoring the Silk Road failure.

On The Fun Half: a video of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity members at the University of Oklahoma sing an incredibly racist song, the first cop on the scene of the Michael Brown killing by Darren Wilson was one of the cops who sent racist emails. 47 Republican Senators send a shockingly stupid and probably unconstitutional letter to the leadership of Iran. Scott Walker continues his war on working people in Wisconsin. And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-09-15-Henry_Farrell-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EDT

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the systemic and grotesque racism of the Ferguson Police Department. What is a "manner of walking" arrest? How many Ferguson's across the country are there? Unequal justice in the United States. The Ferguson PD criminal racket. The Republicans cave on Department of Homeland Security funding. The Democrats finally showing spine? How to defeat new bad trade deals. How to convince the Right to oppose the TPP. Rahm Emanuel is so afraid of losing his race for reelection as Chicago's Mayor that he is now pretending to be a good person. Also why did the Supreme Court take King V Burwell now?

Isabel Gillies explains the next book she is working is working on. Why Sam is frustrated by House of Cards. Are kids more fun the older they get? Isabel is bad at video games but great as a mom. Isabel says we should all watch Selma. Why Boyhood lost to Birdman. And we should also watch the documentary Virunga.

The economy keeps adding jobs but wages are still down. Does President Obama want to use the Keystone Pipeline for something else? Right Wing Mandela comments on 50 Shades of Grey.

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Direct download: 03-06-15-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:32pm EDT

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi tells us the disturbing story of Countrywide whistleblower Michael Winston. Michael Winston's role in a Frontline documentary exposing Countrywide's systemic corruption. How Bank of America has targeted Michael Winston with the help of the Court system. The Frontline documentary the Untouchables and the failures of the Obama Administration to hold accountable a criminal financial industry. Why Loretta Lynch will not improve the Justice Department in corporate wrong doing. Also what will happen to Michael Winston?

The New Republic's Brian Beutler explains the Oral arguments in the King V Burwell hearings. The aggressive questioning by the four liberal justices to Michael Carvin the lawyer for the Plaintiff. How the Plaintiffs case would destroy the law. Also will Kennedy or Roberts end up saving Obamacare?

On The Fun Half: Ben Carson launches an incredibly awkward Presidential run and says prison proves that being Gay is a choice. Chris Matthews rips Benjamin Netanyahu and the Republicans for trying to hijack US foreign policy from President Obama. Louie Gohmert says Obama says Obama won't support Nigeria in fighting Boko Haram because Nigeria does not allow Marriage Equality. We theorize that Pat Robertson writes Nigerian scam emails. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-05-15-Matt_Taibbi-Brian_Beutler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EDT

Simon Lazarus of Constitutional Accountability Center explains why it is so absurd that the Supreme Court is taking King V Burwell. Why the Supreme Court ruling in favor from King would be an "unprecedented power grab". Why everyone know that subsidies are part of the ACA and what will the Court do?

Healthcare industry whistleblower Wendell Potter explains how the insurance industry is planning for the fallout from King V Burwell. What happens to state exchanges if subsidies are eliminated. The deadly spin that the Republicans and the insurance industry use on healthcare. How will progressives activists respond to the Supreme Court destroying subsidies. Also why we still need full universal coverage.

Congresswoman Barbara Lee explains how the Republicans attack on the ACA is all about hating President Obama. Why our new war in the Middle East is not being fully debated. The importance overturning the original authorization of military force given to President Bush in 2002. Also how to address the crisis of Police violence against African American communities.

Mara Liasson's silly argument that King v Burwell isjust as much a threat to Democrats as Republicans. The Alabama Supreme Court pushes forward against marriage equality. Russ Feingold planning on running for his old Senate seat. New York City will observe New York holidays. Edward Snowden returning the the United States? Also your IMs and calls.

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Direct download: 03-04-15-Sam_Live_SCOTUS-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41pm EDT

Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, explains what Republicans would do if the Supreme Court destroys Obamacare. Why so many members of the Congress and Supreme Court don't think about the human toll of overturning Obamacare. The failure of trade policies and why we need to fight TPP. Also why we need to stop listening to people who advocate awful foreign policy ideas.

Yale Law School Professor Abbe Gluck, explains the reasoning behind King v Burwell. What are the Plaintiffs are claiming in the King V Burwell Case. Why the Supreme Court taking the King V Burwell case is odd. The absurdity of King V Burwell. Also how will the Court rule on Burwell?

Hillary Clinton's email secret email account and are the Clinton's competent? Vote for the Majority Report for Best News and Politics at the Podcast awards!

On The Fun Half: Bibi's awful speech on Iran. What's in the Iran deal and what do war hawks actually want with Iran. What Bibi hoped to gain from his address to Congress. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-03-15-Families_USA-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm EDT

Columbia University Professor and author of  The Age of Acquiescence: The Life and Death of American Resistance to Organized Wealth and PowerSteve Fraser explains how Neo-Liberalism dominates American life. The collapse of organized resistance to economic power and elites and how we can recreate a spirit of resistance.

On The Fun Half: Bill O'Reilly caught in another lie. Bibi comes to America and now even Diane Feinstein is calling him out. The City of Cleveland defends the killing of Tamir Rice. Scott Walker says Reagan destroying a Union was his most important foreign policy decision and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 03-02-15-Steve_Fraser-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EDT

Cliff Schecter mourns the loss of Leonard Nimoy and reflects on the cultural importance of Star Trek. The Department of Homeland Security funding bill and the ongoing Republican fail on immigration. Was winning bad for the Republicans? Why President Obama is paying no price for being progressive. Why the crazy right wing media will never stop and why Bill O'Reilly's fans will never care that he is a serial liar. O'Reilly's LA Riots lie. Also Scott Walker compares fighting public sector unions to taking on ISIS.

Film Guy Matthew Weiss is choked up by the loss of Leonard Nimoy. Sam reflects on doing Marc Maron's TV show. Sam and Matt lament Marc's psychological growth. Matthew tells us to watch the new film Wild Canaries. Also is Matthew's movie pick suspect?

On The Fun Half: Pat Robertson goes haywire on Net Neutrality and the "socialist takeover". Random CPAC. The "Duck Dynasty" guy talks about "loving you" at CPAC. Fast Track Trade Authority is bad for America and the world. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 02-27-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm EDT

Micah Uetricht, the Web Editor of In These Times explains Rahm Emanuel getting forced into a runoff in the Chicago Mayoral race matters. The progressive politics of Rahm's opponent Chuy Garcia. The Chicago Teachers Union strike and the movement against Emanuel. Community activism and the response to the right wing Emanuel agenda. Also can Emanuel lose the election outright and the future of progressive urban politics.

Matt Duss the President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace explains the deeper conflicts behind the breakdown in the relationship between Israel and the United States. The strategic differences between the United States and Israel. Why Israeli voters are focused on economics. Bibi's cynical use of Iran his own political purposes. Tim Kaine will not attend Bibi's Congressional address and its a big deal. The distinction between American perceptions of Iran and the Palestinians. In spite of it all is Bibi still headed to reelection and the state of Iran negotiations.

On The Fun Half: Sarah Palin sells "I Stand With Bibi" T-Shirts. Andrew Cuomo announces a massive email purge in the middle of a public investigation into corruption in Albany. Rahm Emanuel is the absolute worst. More Bill O'Reilly lies. Pat Robertson says Yoga teaches you to speak "Hindu". Donald Trump makes news. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 02-26-15-Micah_Uetricht-Matt_Duss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EDT

Mother Jone's Senior Reporter Stephanie Mencimer explains what is at stake in the King v Burwell. the incredibly shaking reasoning King V Burwell. The odd plaintiffs who the far right recruited for the case. The bizarre reasoning and personalities behind the case. Also could the strange reasoning and plaintiffs behind the case effect the Supreme Court's thinking?

On the Fun Half: President Obama vetoes Keystone. Chicago Police are operating a "black site" that has included torture. Ron Paul says the Black Caucus were against war because they wanted more money for Food Stamps. Idaho lawmaker asks if woman can swallow camera for gynecological exam before medical abortion. Wow. Kansas State Senator wants to criminalize teachers who present materials that involve anything sexual. Jerry Seinfeld not that funny and racially problematic. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 02-25-15-Stephanie_Mencimer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EDT

Are Republicans going to shut everything else down again? The politics of the DHS debacle. Why domestic right wing terrorism is a much bigger threat than foreign Islamic terror groups. Why Republicans are failing so hard on immigration. Bibi Netanyahu's long fail. South African Intelligence leaks reveals that Mossad does not believe Bibi's fear mongering on Iran's nuclear program. Also America and Iran closer to a nuclear deal.

On The Fun Half: shocking! Climate denying scientists takes money from the fossil fuel industry and the Koch Brothers. Bill O'Reilly has always been a joke and liar. We remember when Al Franken destroyed Bill O'Reilly. No O'Reilly fan cares that he is a liar. Debunking yet more Milton Friedman. Random Rush and your IMs.

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Direct download: 02-24-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EDT

Canadian journalist Jeet explains the colonial roots of the Right's perception of non-white writers. Why the sad case of Dinesh D'souza illustrates the non-white conservative pundit. Racism and upward mobility. Also the links between South Asians and African Americans in the struggle for human rights.

Also Walmart finally raises its wages and we explain why.

On The Fun  Half: the full Rudy Giuliani is a horrible person breakdown. The legacy of Malcolm X. The right's Oscar freakout over American Sniper and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 02-23-15-Jeet_Heer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:17pm EDT

Sam hosts Marc Maron on a 2005 episode of the Majority Report and for Members only! segments from the deep archives of "Katherine Harris" in studio and Sam hosting the Air America Majority Report.

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Direct download: 02-20-15-Casual_Friday-Marc_Maron_Archive-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28pm EDT

Journalist and historian Rick Persltein explains how Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel is selling of to the private sector.

Direct download: 02-19-15-Rick_Perlstein-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm EDT

On today's program we have two archive programs explaining different aspects of Health Care reform.  ProfessorAmanda Frost from American University explains the implications of the Supreme Court holding up the individual mandate. Also John McDonough a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, explained in 2014 the challenges Vermont faced in implementing Single Payers. And for Members only!! Marc Maron hosting the Sam Seder Show in 2006 with a call in from Sam.

Direct download: 02-18-15-Amanda_Frost-John_McDonough-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:36pm EDT

Former GTMO Guard and whistleblower, Joseph Hickman, author of the new book, Murder At Camp Deltaexplains the policies of torture and systemic coverup at GITMO. How the CIA uses GITMO and why there is no political will to uncover human rights abuses at the facility.

Direct download: 02-17-15-Joseph_Hickman-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:57pm EDT

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains President Obama's tortured relationship with his AUMF. What authorization President Obama wants in his military campaign against ISIS. War Powers and the erosion of democracy. Mission creep and Iraq. The coming war between House and Senate Republicans. Also David Axelrod says President Obama was lying on being opposed to Marriage Equality when he ran for President on 2008.

Andy Kindler talks about Brian Williams. Andy Kindler was fired by The Daily Show? Who should replace Jon Stewart. The real problem with Jon Stewart. Andy's thoughts Charley Hebdo and anti Muslim bigotry. Is time for Bill Maher to apologise for his anti Muslim rhetoric? Sam's upcoming role on Marc Maron's Sitcom. Also Andy has more problems with Louis CK.

Scott Walker "punts" on whether or not he accepts evolution. Demented Rush Limbaugh says Scott Walker should say he dropped out of College so he wouldn't be accused of rape. Why did Scott Walker drop out of college? Debating the death penalty.  Also your IMs and your calls.

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Direct download: 02-13-15-Cliff_Schecter-Andy_Schecter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EDT

Russia signs a ceasefire with Ukraine. Should Sam takes over for Jon Stewart? Fox's Outnumbered freaks out over President Obama and Josh Earnest acknowledging that more people are affected by Climate Change than terrorism. The right celebrates the murder of Kayla Mueller by ISIS. Fox's incredible lies on Obama and climate change. Why Sam talks to crazy Libertarians.

On The Fun Half: more Libertarian debunking. Was Jon Stewart good for the Liberal cause? The problems with Jon Stewart's Crossfire moment. What's hard about political comedy. Bill Maher and political comedy. President Obama's new AUMF. Who will take over for Jon Stewart? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 02-12-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:02pm EDT

Professor Walter Block explains the four types of Libertarians and why he is a Anarcho/Libertarian. Non-aggression and property rights. The confusing world of Libertarian Courts. Feudalism or Hobbesianism? How were property rights established? Retributions and Libertarians. Natives Americans, homesteading and property in America. Also Walter Block's relationship to Rand Paul and the vaccine debate.

On The Fun Half: Northern Europeans and the causes of the Greek crisis. Another Libertarian debate. More Libertarian debunking. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 02-11-15-Walter_Block-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EDT

Economics editor of Channel 4 News, in the UK, Paul Mason, explains the political currents that led to the victory of Syriza in Greece. How Syriza drew center-left and center-right voters while being a party of the left. The Neo-Nazi politics of Golden Dawn and the connections between center-right parties and the Nazis. Austerity and the corruption of Greek business. Youth and the revolt against corruption and inequality and what comes next.

On The Fun Half: Eddie Murphy is doing what? How Republicans are trying to lie about caring for inequality and the real anti inequality agenda. Fox News discovers the rape crisis? A debate with a Mens Rights Activist. Utah State Rep is concerned about a new anti rape law for all of the horrible reasons you can imagine. Alex Jones goes on sexist rant in defense of Rand Paul and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 02-10-15-Paul_Mason-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:41pm EDT

Journalist Rafia Zakaria, author of the new book The Upstairs Wife: An Intimate History of Pakistan, explains the role of policing gender and sex in the creation of modern Pakistan. Women's narratives and understanding what is the Pakistani State. The complexity of Benazir Bhutto and the modern civil society movement against terrorism and government corruption in Pakistan.

On The Fun Half: HSBC launders billions for global terrorists and cartels, Syria's anarchist fighters, Eric Bolling's big time stupidity, Howie Kurtz defends Rand Paul's sexism, the state Marriage Equality in  Alabama and your calls and IMs. 

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Direct download: 02-09-15-Rafia_Zakaria-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EDT

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains the toxic brew that created Saudi Arabia. The cynical reasons that Western powers back Saudi Arabia. The Saudis and 9/11. Were senior officials involved in 9/11 and funding Al Qaeda, Zacarias Moussaoui says so. James Baker and how elites cover for the Saudis and the global oil system. Chris Christie under criminal investigation and has been crazily corrupt for a long time. The mystery woman involved in all of Chris Christies shady dealing. President Obama's progressive push. Also the White House pushes back against Bibi Netanyahu for disrespecting and undermining President Obama and Israel is starting to throw John Boehner under the bus.

The Managing Entertainment Editor at the Huffington Post Christopher Rosen, explains what he has been up to. How being on the Majority Report helped prepare Rosen for HuffPo live. What TV shows Rosen is watching. Why Rosen didn't like American Sniper and loved Grand Budapest Hotel. The Imitation Game and historical accuracy. The importance of Selma. Whiplash and the Theory of Everything. Is it time for Sam to rethink Boyhood because Rosen loved it and they also agree on Birdman? Also Rosen makes his Oscar win predictions.

On The Fun Half: Senator Tom Cotton is crazy and stupid. Tennessee Christian activist gives insane opening prayer for the Tennessee State Senate. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 02-06-15-Cliff_Schecter-Christopher_Rosen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:18pm EDT

Timothy Karr the Senior Director of Strategy for Free Press, explains the huge win for Internet users with the FCC's reclassification of Internet providers as common carriers. Michael Powell and why the common carriage classification was changed to begin with. Why the battle for Net Neutrality was all about reversing Michael Powell's mistake. President Obama's intervention that helped save Net Neutrality. The powerful grassroots politics that is essential for protecting Net Neutrality. Also what the telecom industry will do now to try to ruin the open Internet.

On The Fun Half: Steve Malzberg says he won't get his son a HPV vaccination so some "female" won't get cancer when she is in her sixties. More Milton Friedman debunking. Drones and ISIS. Fox & Friends calls out Frozen for hurting men. Brian Williams has been lying for years about being on a helicopter that came under fire in Iraq.

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Direct download: 02-05-15-Timothy_Karr-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EDT

Mitt Romney actually basically told Obama he won because of "black people". Also Michael Bloomberg thought Barack Obama didn't like people enough. Wow.

Journalist David Dayen explains how Bernie Sanders is pushing the Senate in a progressive and substantive direction. The interesting progressives who Bernie Sanders has hired for the Senate Budget Committee. The real deficits we face including: wages and infrastructure deficits. The problems with new corporate tax amnesty proposals. The Corporate strategy for massive tax evasion. The differences between President Obama and Rand Paul and Barbara Boxer's corporate tax proposals. How the US Government pays Apple to dodge taxes. Antonio Weiss and Wall Street's payment model that seed people from finance across federal government and how the AFLCIO is trying to stop it.

On The Fun Half: Carnival Cruises uses an amazing JFK speech in a totally tacky way and the right freaks out for all the wrong reasons. Right Wing Mandela calls out Carnival Cruises.Gross, Senator Thom Tillis does not want restaurants to be forced to make their employees wash their hands. What the hell is happening in Argentina? Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 02-04-15-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EDT

Harvard Law School Professor,  Lani Guinier and author of the new book, The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America explains the distinction between testing merit and democratic merit. Why standardized testing is a measure of wealth and not merit. Why testing is not a measure of talent. Class and college admissions. Also how and why we need to rethink merit.

Why Libertarians and progressives do not have the same views on decriminalizing drugs.

On The Fun Half: why there is no capitalism without regulation. How how the anti vaccine myth spread from the UK. How measles spread. Lessons from South Africa, Aids denial and vaccine denial. Rand Paul talks crazy on vaccines. Also some Random Rush. Also your IMs and calls.

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Direct download: 02-03-15-Lani_Guinier-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:19pm EDT

Politico Reporter and author of Big Money: 2.5 Billion Dollars, One Suspicious Vehicle, and a Pimp—on the Trail of the Ultra-Rich Hijacking American Politics, Ken Vogel explains the rise of the scam PAC. Shaun McCutcheon, scam PAC pioneer and the man who helped kill campaign finance controls. Why you need money to raise money in politics. Owning email lists and profiting from PACs. How Erick Erickson and Karl Rove make big money from PACs. Why there are more scam PACs on the Right. Also is there a solution to scam politics?

On The Fun Half: Scott Brown wants his Mass pension. The awesome Super Bowl game. The CDC warns of measles outbreak because of lack of vaccines. The problem with vaccine conspiracy theories. Chris Christie plays to the Vaxxer crowd. Scott Walker talks crazy and Syria. President Obama's new tax proposal. 

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Direct download: 02-02-15-Ken_Vogel-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EDT

Cliff Schecter is sad that Mitt Romney isn't running for President. Why Mitt didn't run. Why Mitt Romney is such a asshole. Jonathan Chait's whiney "PC Police" article for New York Magazine. "New Republic: Democrats and why we needed the blogosphere. Having platforms and absorbing attacks. Twitter and democratic discourse. President Obama pushes for an end to "mindless austerity" and wants more spending. Why we need to stop TPP.

Isabel Gillies invites Sam to this years Super Bowl Party. What's the best Clam Chowder? Isabel's dyslexia. Why Isabel is Tom Brady fan. What's the deal with "Deflategate"? And Isabel suggested Sherlock on Netflix.

On The Fun Half: Sam crushes the All In With Chris Hayes Fantasy Draft on MSNBC. Why Scott Walker is a dangerous candidate. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-30-15-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:47pm EDT

Swarthmore College, Psychology Professor Barry Schwartz the author of The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, explains why more choice is not always the best thing. The jam study? Finding the policy sweet spot. The policy implications of "Nudges". Choices and Libertarian fallacies. Asymmetric information and decisions in health. Finding the best decision making style for your life. Also the role of inequality in choice.

On The Fun Half: Sam competes on MSNBC's fantasy candidate draft. Scott Walker is going to make a strong run for President, because he is a far right extremist who is beloved by the establishment. A full rundown of the Republican clown car. Koch Brothers will spend a billion in 2016. Mike Huckabee says "trashy" women swear in New York. The insane Bryan Fischer finally gets fired. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 01-29-15-Barry_Schwartz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:27pm EDT

Guardian journalist Ed Pilkington explains the shocking role of entrapment in the FBI targeting of environmental activists. The case of Eric McDavid and how he was entrapped by FBI informant. The bizarre story of "Anna" the FBI counter intelligent agent who infiltrated the environmental movement and the ongoing fallout of the FBI abuse of eco activists.

On The Fun Half: Michelle Obama makes a statement in Saudi Arabia, what really drives the Saudi and American relationship, Fox News lying more than ever and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-28-15-Ed_Pilkington-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:45pm EDT

Erwin Chemerinsky the dean of the University of California–Irvine School of Law and author of the new book The Case Against the Supreme Court, explains why the Court has historically sided with the wealthy and powerful and why we reform is needed.

Direct download: 01-27-15-Erwin_Chemerinsky-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35pm EDT

Greece's left wing Syriza Party wins big and vows to reverse austerity and restore democracy. The lunatics meet up at the Iowa Freedom Summit and Sarah Palin gives an "amazing" speech.

On the Fun Half: Republican Congressman repeats all of the lies about the Minimum Wage in one small clip. Republican governors pursue regressive taxes on middle class and poor people. Fox News attacks Bibi Netanyahu for accepting a Republican invite to address Congress. Ebola under control in Liberia? Big shocker, the leader of Germany's anti Muslim movement, caught posing as Hitler. Iowa Senator, Chuck Grassley says overturning Citizens United could lead to abolishing the entire Bill of Rights! Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-26-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EDT

Cliff Schecter explains why we should not honor King Abadullah. Cliff wants to know where the President Obama of the SOTU address was the last five years? Where President Obama undercut his own message. The Republicans are committing to fighting voting rights. Expect more fake populist politics from the Republicans. Why the politics of mass inequality are shifting. Republicans agree climate change is real just not caused by humans. Democrat Bob Mendez goes insane on Iran negotiations. The stunning invitation from Republicans to Bibi Netanyahu to address Congress. Also Republicans trying to  hide their disgusting women's health politics.

Comedian David Cross was in Men In Black and he has a new movie he is working on called HITS. Why Masters of Atlantis is David's favorite book. What HITS is about. Why David isn't on Twitter. The limits of quantifying. Why David's new movie will be released on Bittorrent. Is fame a poison.

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Direct download: 01-23-15-Cliff_Schecter-_David_Cross-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EDT

Journalist Johann Hari, explains the motivation for his new book Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on DrugsWhy were drugs banned to begin with and what really creates drug addiction. Harry J. Anslinger the most important person you never heard of. Anslinger's racism and obsession with Billie Holiday. The racist roots of the drug war. The heroism of Billie Holiday and the white supremacist crusade that destroyed. Arnold Rothstein and invention of modern drug dealing. Why cartels are so violent. Former drug warriors who want to end the war on drugs. Debunking drug addiction myths. What we can learn from Portugal. Also why drugs are a social problem not an individual one.

On The Fun Half: why do we ignore poverty? the Sam Seder Libertarian Learning Annex reopens. We hear from our most incoherent libertarian caller. And the rest of your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-22-15-Johann_Hari-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:21pm EDT

Vermont Senator and progressive champion Bernie Sanders explains what President Obama got right at the State of the Union and why we are in record levels of inequality. The proposals that would help solve the poverty crisis and Why TPP and Fast Track trade authority are problems for inequality and transparency.

The beautiful moment when President Obama burned the Republicans.

Adam Green Co-founder, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, explains what President Obama got right in his SOTU. Why progressives won the rhetorical fight, but are Democrats really moving in a progressive direction? The obvious progressive ideas that are popular with everyone. Outlining the goal of debt free college. And how do we finally reform trade laws.

On The Fun Half: The great Charles Pierce breaks down the President's SOTU. Why poverty has disappeared from our political discourse. The role of Reagan, Clinton and race in ignoring poverty and the problem with middle class rhetoric.

Joni Ernst's Republican response and your IMs.

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Direct download: 01-21-15-Bernie_Sanders-Adam_Green-Charles_Pierce-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EDT

Historian Ray Raphael, author of Founding Myths: Stories That Hide Our Patriotic Past,explains the distinction between history and heritage. Revolutionary activity in colonial Massachusetts. The problem with historical myths. How history records rebellions and why it matters. Why the Founders didn't want limited government. Why the Founders wanted the power to tax. What the right's favorite Ben Franklin quote really meant. Why originalism is a myth. Why the Founders hated influence and would always back campaign finance reform.

On The Better Half: Fox New's apologies for the fake "no go zone" story, Bobby Jindel does not get the message. Another Libertarian caller. Previewing the State of the Union. Tea Party leader wants to "own" MLK Jr., also MLK Jr. was a socialist. Rush Limbaugh, explains how to say "Selma with soul". Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-20-15-Ray_Raphael-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EDT

Happy Martin Luther Jr! Day. Today’s show is a compilation of clips including excerpts from “The Frank McGee Sunday Report: Martin Luther King Profile,” NBC News, May 7, 1967, followed by a brief excerpt from a speech at Cleveland, Ohio, on April 28, 1967. Then extended excerpts of a sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church on April 30, 1967, then the CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite reporting on the assassination on 4-4-68 and finally, Nina Simone singing “Why?” recorded live three days after the death of Martin Luther King,Jr.

Also Dr. King's first tv "interview" from the show The Open Mind - The New Negro hosted by Professor Richard D Hefner.

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Direct download: 01-19-15-MLK_Day_2015-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm EDT


Political maestro Cliff Schecter, explains why Mike Huckabee calling Jay Z a pimp is just the beginning of the 2016 Republican Primary. Why the death threats to John Boehner and teens trying to join ISIS once again shows the need for gun control. The fill Republican clown car in 2016 and why Democrats are finally getting progressive.

Film Guy matthew Weiss explained why he does not care about the Oscars, why Selma was snubbed. What we should be watching on TV. Why our obsession with the world ending and Zombie Apocalypse is a good thing and suggested that we all watch the Vice documentary Return to Homs.

On The Fun Half: what New Yorkers think of the battle between Mayor de Blasio and the NYPD, Pope Francis calls for action on climate and freaks out Rush Limbaugh and the Dalai Lama calls himself a Marxist. Also your IMs.

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Direct download: 01-16-15-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EDT

More proof of the Lead theory of crime reduction.

Contributing Editor at Harper's Magazine and author of  Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America’s Stealth Warfareexplains why Dick Cheney is the perfect example of a Lord of Secrecy. The sociological understanding of the cult of secrecy. Why bureaucracies love secrets. Why there was less secrecy during the Cold War when America actually faced an existential threat. How mediocrity and corruption flourish under secrecy. The quest for technological mastery in war and the closing of public debate. What the Thomas Drake story reveal. And is there and American "Deep State?". John Brennan and David Petraeus and legal double standards.

On The Fun: Half: David Petraeus possibly facing criminal charges is all about covering up Benghazi! according to Fox News and Louie Gohmert. Rudy Giuliani says if Mitt Romney talked more about Benghazi he might have won in 2012 and relive one of the best moments of the 2012 campaign. The Mitt Romney pile on continues. Nancy Grace gets schooled by 2 Chainz. Random Rush. Bill Nye debates more Libertarian nonsense with Penn Jillette. And of course your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-15-15-Scott_Horton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm EDT

Visiting Associate Professor in Philosophy at Georgetown University-Qatar, Karl Widerquist explains how a Guaranteed Basic Income would work. The push for Basic Income in Europe. The different ways of delivering a basic income. Would Basic Income replace the welfare state? Reversing Welfare "reform" overcome poverty? The problem with Libertarian thinking. Why Libertarians are all about entitlement and privilege. Also How Libertarianism leads to feudalism.

On The Fun Half: Intrepid caller asks when Sam and Cliff are getting married. More debate on the basic income. House Republicans move to deport dreamers and the 2016 Republican Primary begins. The phony Republican theatre on the Keystone Pipeline vote. And of course your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-14-15-Karl_Widerquist-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29pm EDT

University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Political Science Professor and author of  The Stronghold: How Republicans Captured Congress but Surrendered the White HouseThomas Schaller explains the best way to understand the modern Republican Party. Why Republicans want to have the Congress more than the Presidency. Why Republicans can govern from the House. Why this is Gingrich Republican Party not Ronald Reagan's. How and why the Republicans gerrymandered the House. Why the current Republican Party will never do outreach. Why its hard for Republicans to win the Presidency. Also understanding the right wing political racket.

On The Fun Half: Debunking the godfather of Libertarianism. Why Democrats can and should be more populist. "Terrorism Expert" Steve Emerson goes on the BBC and hilariously attempts to defend himself for his insane comments on Islam in Europe. Fox News host Jeannine Pirro goes on an insane "kill them" rant. Also  your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-13-15-Thomas_Schaller-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EDT

Oil analyst and author Dan Dicker, explains what really is driving lower oil prices. How is it is to get started in the fracking business. How Dodd-Frank has effected the oil business. Speculation and oil prices. How Russians will bleed because of lower oil prices. How the Saudis are able to position themselves in the global oil market. Why lower oil prices will push back development of renewable energies five to ten years. When the market will self correct. Also New York's fracking ban and the policy implications for the rest of the country.

On The Fun Half: how Republicans are aiming to destroy Social Security in the new Congress. "Terrorism expert" Steve Emerson says non-Muslims aren't allowed in Birmingham Britain and UK Prime Minister calls him an idiot. Pastor beats kid to help him to take "Christ seriously". Bob Beckel compares accepting radical Islam to inter racial dating. Also your calls and IMs.

And members can watch today’s show on YouTube

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Direct download: 01-12-15-Dan_Dicker-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EDT

Political maestro Cliff Schecter breaks down the broader implications of the terrorist attacks in France. What is and is not a existential threat. Lessons on gun control from France. How the right will use the terror attacks in Europe and America. Debating the merits of censorship. Elizabeth Warren builds progressive power. Democrats stand firm on Wall Street reform. Why progressive Democratic politics are the only path forward. President Obama's new progressive push.

Pete Dominick of Sirius XM misses Sam's prank calls to right wing radio talkers. How Pete got Rick Sanchez fired. What is Sirius XM Insight. What's great about radio. Do Pete and Sam disagree on anything? Who Pete and Sam hate the most and told us to watch the movie Fury.

On The Fun Half: an update from the UK on this May's elections. and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-09-15-Cliff_Schecter-Pete_Dominick-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EDT

Princeton Professor Julian Zelizer, explains what motivated his new book The Fierce Urgency of Now: Lyndon Johnson, Congress, and the Battle for the Great Society. Why Congress was also broken during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations. How liberals were stifled on civil rights, Medicare and education. Why obstruction was worse in the 1960s. Why the importance of Lyndon Johnson's political skills may be overstated. Why  vibrant liberal movement allowed for all of the progress in the 1960s. Why the American system is stacked towards conservatism and the political moment that Johnson recognized. Find out why fear mongering over the deficit has always been a effective tactic against liberalism. Also what to make of the Controversy over the film Selma.

On The Fun Half: Bill Donohue of the The Catholic League expresses sympathy for the Paris terrorist attacks. Charlie Hepdo will publish next week and what we know about the attackers. Juan Cole's theory of why the attack happened. Fox's Shannon Bream wants to know what do when terrorists aren't "the typical color"? Debating the merits of  "freedom". Don Lemon asks a Muslim human rights lawyer if he supports ISIS. Also your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-08-15-Julian_E._Zelizer-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EDT

The Terrorist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo satiric Magazine in Paris France.

The Nation's Maria Margaronis, explains the horror of the French terrorist attacks and the danger of it aiding the growth of far right parties in Europe. Will The National Front win the next elections? Anti austerity does not mean anti Europe. How the mainstream political parties in Greece have destroyed the Greek economy and hurt themselves through enforcing austerity. Why Syriza can win and the scare campaign aimed at progressive politics. The many, many ways the austerity has failed. Will Syriza inspire the rest of Europe to reject austerity?

On The Fun Half: Republicans attack Social Security out of the gate. How the Obama Administration will deal with the next Congress and Social Security as a bargaining chip. Former Virginia Governor Bob Mcdonnell goes to jail for corruption and Pat Robertson knows whose fault it is. Rush Limbaugh thinks Republicans will sell out to Obama because he is black. Michele Bachmann explains how she beat progressives by "outsmarting" them. and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-07-15-Maria_Margaronis-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EDT

Journalist Ari Paul, explains Bill de Blasio has long angered the NYPD. The Central Park Five Case and why the NYPD are angry about it. The real problems New York City faces now. NYPD Labor Union head Pat Lynch is gunning for a favorable contract for the NYPD. Why the Police Union is out of step with a much more diverse NYPD. Also why the right is united against Bill de Blasio and what they fear about him.

Huffington Post Washington Bureau Chief Ryan Grim, explains the hilarious reasons that Congressman Ted Yoho is running against John Boehner for Speaker of the House. Why Boehner is ignoring the crazies running against him. Is Steve Scalise going to stay on as a Republican leader despite his ties to David Duke? What Republicans are going to do in the new Congress and why they are running out of options. Also the fights on trade and Wall Street appointments in the next Congress.

On The Fun Half: Louie Gohmert defends his run for Speaker of the House against John Boehner on Fox News. Chris Christie makes a fool of himself at a Dallas Cowboys game and is also incredibly corrupt. A Ferguson Grand Juror files a lawsuit in order to be allowed to speak about the process and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-06-15-Ari_Paul-Ryan_Grim-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EDT

Remember that whole IRS "Scandal"? Well its been completely and finally debunked. Staten Island Congressman michael Grimm uses his reelection to get a better plea deal in his criminal trial. The crazy, crazy Congresspeople taking on Speaker Boehner. House Republican Leader Steve Scalise speaks to David Duke's organization and still has his job. Also "shockingly" Steve Scalise voted against the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. Senate Republicans are going to push Keystone hard. President Obama's damning comments on the Keystone pipeline. The heartbreaking suicide of transgender teen Leelah Alcorn.

On The Fun Half: NYPD continues its work slowdown and guess what crime has not gone up! The City mourns the death of the two murdered police officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. Off duty African American cops are victims of racial profiling. Pittsburg Police Chief condemns racism and the Police Union says what? And your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 01-05-15-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EDT

Best of 2014!:

Princeton’s Eddie Glaude Jr. explains the larger meaning of the crisis in Ferguson and the murder of Michael Brown, “conflict porn” and why we don’t get to the bottom of race in America, why white supremacy is the disease that undermines America, white supremacy can be practiced by anyone, the politics of respectability, President Obama’s reluctance to engage on Ferguson is a expression of our racism, why shouldn’t African Americans expect more from President Obama? the Police culture of abuse and harassment of African Americans, how Ferguson challenges the African American establishment, the intersection between race and poverty and why treating populations as disposable blocks America’s democracy.

Also! Cliff Schecter joins the Majority Report crew to mock Paul Ryan and his completely made him brown paper lunch bag story, Sam Seder talks to Isabel Gillies son as Hugo from Bob's Burgers, the now infamous Libertarian "have you ever ran a Denny's?" debate, and two classic Alex Jones bits: Super Male Vitality and Nazi Net Neutrality.

Direct download: 01-02-15-Best_of_2014-Eddie_Glaude_PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:22pm EDT

On today's Best of 2014 as chosen by our listeners:

Professor William Lazonick explains how companies have turned from employment security, how corporate leadership structures are hurting the entire economy, what stock buy backs, how stock buy backs are different from traditional stock purchasing, how Ronald Reagan deregulated the stock market, why the FCC can’t monitor buybacks, why stock rewards have become more and ore popular, the similarity between stock buybacks and pump and dump schemes, how these schemes keep wages down, the real story behind executive pay, why Reagan economic policies failed to put money in the economy, why real wages used to track productivity growth, the 1980s focus on stock price and the destruction of wages and the radical financial reform that is needed.

Also! A Texas police chief claims he'll take on ISIS, Isabel Gillies and Sam Seder discuss standardized testing, Sean Hannity and Bob Beckel demand Muslims celebrate Easter, and Rafael Cruz hates bologna!

Direct download: 01-01-15-Best-of-2014-William_Lazonick-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:25pm EDT

On today’s Best of 2014!:

Sam Seder debates Professor Walter Block! In the discussion, Walter Block defends Libertarianism with a proposal that laissez faire free market exchanges are the best way to organize society, how Block thinks the United States limits freedom, debating the minimum wage, full time workers who live in poverty, debating minimum wages and job losses, what is the value of wages if they don’t provide a living? Professor Block explains his far, far, right views on slavery, Block’s stunning opposition to the Civil Rights movement, Block’s sort “amazing” point about bisexuality and the right to discriminate and debating car safety.

Also! The complete aftermath of the Professor Walter Block debate with listener’s IMs, phone calls, and more. Plus a breakdown of the stats of the Walter Block debate, a look at some of the Professor’s  strategy’s that he’s used in previous debates, and a special Libertarian debate remix!

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Direct download: 12-31-14-Best_Of_2014-Walter_Block-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:56pm EDT

On today's Best of 2014!

Time Magazine political Correspondent and former Washington Monthly Editor Haley Sweetland Edwards, explains the roots of corporate “free speech” rights, how the corporate sector sought opportunities to devolve Free Speech law, the corporate sectors attack on the NLRB, the role of the assault on organized labor, the “Free Speech” rights of corporations, higher and lower standards of scrutiny in legal decision making, how corporations are using speech law to undermine all government regulation, how corporations are dodging public disclosure, Ralph Nader’s unwitting role in expanding commercial corporate speech, does the First Amendment provide rights to people or does it include corporate speech? Where corporations want speech rights to go and the problem with free speech purism.

Also! The Majority Report tackles the racists who stopped a bus of refugee children in Murrieta, Louie Gohmert's bizarre comparison of gays in the military to the ancient Greeks, a Libertarian calls in advocating for private militias and pro-bono lawyers to replace government (among other things!), and a story about Tea Party groups suckering their gullible followers out of money leads to a glorious appearance of Right Wing Mandela as he announces his new conservative group.

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Direct download: 12-30-14-Haley_Sweetland_Edwards-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01pm EDT

On today's Best of 2014 as chosen by you!:

Professor David J. Blacker of the University of Delaware author of the new book The Falling Rate of Learning and the Neoliberal Endgame explains the roots of modern primary education in the United States, why changes in capitalist production drive education policy, what is the falling rate of profit? Why being exploited under capitalism is better than being disposed of, what neo-liberalism is a symptom of, why universal education is longer needed for modern capitalism and why we are moving towards an economy of eliminationism.

Also! Dr. Ben Carson's twisted view of history with a response from President George Washington, an awkward IM, Sam Seder "fires" a listener, and a classic debate with a Libertarian who believes "global warming is bullshit."

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Direct download: 12-29-14-Best_of_2014-David_J_Blacker-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

Legendary blogger Digby, breaks down the year in politics and looks at what is coming next in 2015.

Direct download: 12-26-14-Digby-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EDT

Venture capitalist and Civic activist Nick Hanauer explains why the argument against increased worker pay is wrong, why we need increased worker pay now and how higher wages help the entire economy.

Journalist David Dayen breaks down how Wall Street has undermined finance reform.

Direct download: 12-24-14-Nick_Hanauer-David_Dayen-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:10pm EDT

Bill de Blasio calls out the media for misrepresenting anti brutality protesters but still caves and calls for a break from protests. How Fox news affiliate in Baltimore smears and distorts an anti Police brutality rally. Film Guy Matthew Weiss and Isabel Gillies call in to share end of the year movie suggestions. Christmas for Jews and non Jews. Isabel suggested we all watch the Amazon streaming show Transparent. Matthew told us to watch Sam's Who's The Caboose and the Day of the Locust.

On The Fun Half: debating the purpose of freedom with Libertarians. Just how creepy is the Nutcracker. More movie suggestions for the Holidays. How Rudy Giuliani has always exploited Police politics to get himself elected in 1992 and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: _12-23-14-Sam_Seder_Last_Live_Show_2014-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm EDT

Vanderbilt history Professor, Jane Landers explains why the Cuba embargo only hurts non powerful Cubans, what corporate interests want from a Cuba deal? What did the Castro government mean for average Cubans? The failures of the Cuban revolution. Cuba's role in revolutions in Africa. Are Cuba's accomplishments in health and education real? And what comes next.

On The Better Half: The insane far right blames Mayor Bill de Blasio for the murder of two police officers in Brooklyn. New York City Police Union head Pat Lynch says May de Blasio has "blood on his hands". Rudy Giuliani blames President Obama for the killings and we remember the role he played in Police riots against Mayor Dinkins. Ferguson prosecutor Bob Mcculloch admits he knew Grand Jury witness lied.

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Direct download: 12-22-14-Jane_Landers-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EDT

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains what led to the fracking ban in New York and why taking on Andrew Cuomo was such a good idea. Why Single Payer isn't happening in Vermont. Did elizabeth Warren want Al Franken to endorse Hillary Clinton already? Why President Obama could give us a second stimulus right now with the stroke of a pen. What the new Cuba policy means and what actually changes now. The historic idiocy of the Cuba policy and the internal Republican and Democratic divisions on Cuba policy.

Tom Scharpling brings back The Best Show as a podcast. The time Tom lost money H Jon Benjamin. The future of the Podcast model. Who does Tom have a problem with? What to miss and not miss from terrestrial radio. Why Tom Scharpling is a big part of Sam's biggest career disasters. Our massive loss of privacy. Has social media robbed us of our ability to be critical. When will The Interview be available on streaming.  And Tom told everybody to watch the movie Blowout.

On The Fun Half: Bill O'Reilly claims victory in the War on Christmas. The head of the New York City Police Union accuses NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio of running a "revolution" out of city hall. Video shows NYPD officers holding and beating a twelve year old. Pat Robertson explains why Gay people are going "extinct". The FED punts on the Volker rule an your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-19-14-Cliff_Schecter-Tom_Scharpling-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:53pm EDT

Historian and author of An Indigenous Peoples History of the United States Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz explains how the settler colonial history of the United States defines it. Why the US Military is rooted in wars and mass killings against Native Americans. The Indian wars and our policy and history of never ending war. Slavery and genocide of the Native American population and the mentality of white supremacy. Also what we can learn from "Indigenous socialism". How labor was organized in Pueblo City States. Why the great "inventions" of the United States came from the first Americans,  the core myths the justify the genocides that created America. Also why you need to understand Andrew Jackson to understand America.

On The Fun Half: American government back AQ members negotiating with ISIS for a release of a hostage, how anti fracking activists won in New York, Vermont gives up on single payer healthcare for now, the Sam Seder Libertarian learning annex opens again and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-18-14-Roxanne_Dunbar_Ortiz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EDT

Labor attorney and the author of  Only One Thing Can Save Us: Why America Needs a New Kind of Labor Movement Thomas Geoghegan explains what we need to be saved from in the post labor union economy, why the young are in the most danger in the new economy, the bogus arguments for increased job training, why the modern economy is built on undermining workers, how Keynes explains the problems with the financial sector dominance of the economy, what Dodd Frank does not do, why low wages explain the American economic crisis, why we need a brand new and empowered labor movement, why more college is not the answer! And how we can draw on the German model to save America from the inequality crisis.

On The Fun Half: President Obama announces major breakthrough in US and Cuban relations, Sam remembers his time in Cuba, we are working more and getting paid less and your calls and IMs.

And continue the conversation on our morning thread

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Direct download: 12-17-14-Thomas_Geoghegan-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EDT

Mohammad Khan a Senior Policy Associate at the Washington Park Project explains the secretive New York political group behind a new Charter School push. Who is behind Families For Excellent Schools and New Yorkers for a Balanced Albany. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's privatization agenda for public agenda. The Constitutional obligation of free public education and why charters are a trojan horse for destroying public education.

Why Elizabeth Warren won't run for President but will be an incredibly powerful Senator. Elizabeth Warren rips Citibank apart from the Senate floor. Ted Cruz own goals on the Republicans and helps Vivek Murthy get confirmed as Surgeon General. Why Jeb Bush will wage his bound to be a failure Presidential bid.

On The Fun Half: The Congressman you never heard of who inserted the Citibank provision on the Cromnibus, Senator Tom Coburn kills veterans Suicide prevention bill, wrongfully convicted former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman might be released from prison soon, NFL player Andrew Hawkins's moving explanation of why he has spoken up for Tamir Rice and John Crawford and your calls and IMs.

And continue the conversation on our morning thread

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Direct download: 12-16-14-Mohammad_Khan-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:26pm EDT

M&M Look at  what caused the Sydney Siege? Religion or mental illness? The amazing Australian #illridewithyou movement, Uber's horrible response to the Sydney Siege. Also Dick Cheney lies on torture and why we needed a truth and reconciliation commission on torture and the rights bizarre new attacks on Net Neutrality.

Fox News distorts anti Police violence protests, shocking new video of Police interrogating John Crawford's girlfriend after killing him and your calls and IMs.

And continue the conversation on our morning thread.

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Direct download: 12-15-14-Matt_Binder-Michael_Brooks-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT

Political maestro Cliff Schecter joins us to discuss the week in news. Createns come out and justify torture. The crappy CROmnibus. Right wing claim that Democrats actions on spending bill are hypocritical. Sunday marks two year since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Comedian Andy Kindler brings much needed levity to the Friday show. Sony files hacked, racist emails between Rudin and Pascal revealed. The Interview starring James Franco and Seth Rogen a wacky road trip comedy about North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Sam Seder is not the starstruck type, unless Woody Allen is in the room. Andy auditioned for The People vs. Larry Flynt. How to alienate friends and destroy business relationships with Sam and Andy. Movie recommendation: Slums of Beverly Hills

On The Fun Half: More on the torture report. Jose Rodriguez on CBS This Morning explains why he destroyed CIA interrogation tapes. CIA unaware of pixelation technique?Hollywood Sadcast. Merits of labor laws and hours in the work week.Nathan from the UK with an update on changes post Scottish referendum vote. Your calls and IMs.

And continue the conversation on our morning thread.

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Direct download: 12-12-14-Cliff_Schecter_Andy_Kindler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EDT

Stanley Aronowitz, Distinguished Professor in the Ph.D. Program in Sociology at the CUNY Graduate Center and Director of the Center for the Study of Culture, Technology, and Work. He is the author of the new book, The Death and Life of American Labor: Toward a New Worker's MovementWhere were the seeds planted for the union movements demise? What role did the Cold War, New Deal, legalization of labor movement, and collective bargaining have in the death of the labor movement. How organizing changed (or didn’t) to keep up with evolving labor force. Impact of the Taft-Hartley Act. Fears of Communism and labor in America. Private pensions. Ten-point manifesto, for a new labor movement.

On The Fun Half: Psychologists James Mitchell & Bruce Jessen made big bucks on torture but they’re not interrogation experts. Editorial in New York Times by Eric Fair an interrogator at Abu Ghraib. Jason in Phoenix tries to take down Sam with every conservative talking point, spoiler alert, he loses.

And continue the discussion on our morning thread.

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Direct download: 12-11-14-Stanley_Aronowitz-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EDT

Emptywheel's Marcy Wheeler, an independent journalist writing about national security and civil liberties reacts to the Senate Intelligence Committee's CIA torture report. Torture was ineffective. Detailed shocking abuses. President Obama protecting office of the president. Same authorization used to justify drone strikes. Will CIA Director John Brennan make the appropriate changes?

Rebecca Gordon, Professor of Philosophy at the University of San Francisco and for the university’s Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good. She is the author of  Mainstreaming Torture Ethical Approaches in the Post 9/11 United StatesThe terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 reopened what many people in America had long assumed was a settled ethical question: Is torture ever morally permissible? Within days, some began to suggest that, in these new circumstances, the new answer was "yes." Rebecca Gordon argues that September 11 did not, as some have said, "change everything," and that institutionalized state torture remains as wrong today as it was on the day before those terrible attacks.

On The Fun Half: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker wishes Jewish constituent ‘molotov’ in a letter. 2007 George Tenet interview on 60 Minutes, "we don't torture people." Has the ‘cromnibus’ crashed? Federal Government runs out of money in two days. Talking to your kids about politics. Your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread.

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Direct download: 12-10-14-Marcy_Wheeler_Rebecca_Gordon-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EDT

Professor Kristen Buras the author of Charter Schools, Race, and Urban Space: Where the Market Meets Grassroots Resistance explains how charter schools took over New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina. Her case study of New Orleans—where veteran teachers were fired en masse and the nation's first all-charter school district was developed—shows that such reform is less about the needs of racially oppressed communities and more about the production of an urban space economy in which white entrepreneurs capitalize on black children and neighborhoods. Check out her debate with Sarah Newell Usdin, founder and CEO, New Schools for New Orleans HERE.

On The Fun Half: The Senate Intelligence Committee releases it's scathing CIA torture report summary. John Brennan still hanging on to the notion that torture saved lives. John McCain gives a laudable speech on the Senate Floor. Anthony Romero of the ACLU has an editorial calling on Obama to pardon all of key players in torture regime. FOX thinks the torture report was released to distract from Obamacare. Random Rush - Limbaugh still the most oppressed. Your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread.

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Direct download: 12-09-14-Kristen_Buras-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EDT

Teaser Monday...As demonstrators continue to protest police brutality nationwide Rush Limbaugh joins FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace to explain how "ungrateful" African Americans are. Limbaugh believes the real outrage in this case is that an American citizen died because of cigarette taxes.

On The Fun Half:  U.S. Rep-elect Glenn Grothman thinks the government is bribing single parents to stay unemployed and unmarried, will we or won't we see the CIA torture report? U.S. hostage rescue attempt in Yemen failed over the weekend, Chief Mark Kessler tells Alan Colmes that his videos were part of undercover government operation to take down anti-government militias, Rolling Stone University of Virginia rape story bad for the magazine and bad for rape victims, is broken windows policing the new stop and frisk? Your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 12-08-14-Ongoing_Garner_Coverage-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:03pm EDT

Political maestro Cliff Schecter explains the power of national protests of the killing of Eric Garner, why Police abuse of African Americans is standard practice, is this a tipping point? Why DA's should not be overseeing the Police, the Eric Garner murder and possible changes in public opinion, why we need an independent council to oversee cases against Police officers, Rand Paul's stupid response to the killing of Eric Garner, new polling on immigration shows how Republicans have gotten even more crazy and the end of The New Republic?

Film Guy Matthew talks about the success of Teachers Lounge, how Sam launched Matthew's acting career, will Sam ever get on Teachers Lounge? The Sam Marc Maron Show saga continues, why Film Guy Matthew is on a Steve Coogan kick and Matthew told us to watch the Korean film  Spring Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring.

On The Fun Half:  the roots of Police Violence and brutality, New York City Police Officer texts his union rep after shooting young man before radioing for help, is Boyhood worth seeing? And Your IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 12-05-14-Cliff_Schecter-Matthew_Weiss-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:45pm EDT

The Nation Institutes, Dani McClain reacts to the shocking decision of the New York City Grand Jury decision not to indict the killer of Eric Garner. Why the most important variable is what comes next for the movement against police violence against black youth. Is there an opportunity for a revolutionary moment now? W.E.B. Dubois and understanding police abuse of African Americans. White awareness and blindness. Why white people need to get real and work on addressing the police killing crisis. What policy goals should be pursued and why now is not the time for pessimism.

Also, Ta Nehisi Coates explains the big picture of race, brutality and white supremacy on All In with Chris Hayes.

On The Fun Half: Congressman Peter King blames Eric Garner's death on his "obesity". Officer Daniel Pantaleo waves to a smartphone camera after he killed Eric Garner. Conservatives make insane excuses for the killing of Eric Garner. Forty percent of inmates in New York Cities jails are clinically mentally ill. Also New York bans Stop and Frisk and crime keeps going down. Also the Cleveland Police Officer who murdered Tamir Rice had a history of questionable mental health and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 12-04-14-Dani_McClain-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EDT

Maya Schenwar, the author of  Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn’t Work and How We Can Do Better ,explains why she is a prison abolitionist not a reformist. The Many ways that prison does not work and why focusing on prison allows us to not deal with the real issues. Theories that explain drops in the crime rate. Does lower incarceration rates help lower crime? Prison skills training and discrimination against ex convicts. Find out smart ways other countries are dealing with incarceration and drug addiction. Why we should treat Heroin addiction as a medical problem and not a criminal one. Maya's families experience with the prison system. The horrifying experience of Maya's sister having a child in prison. Why Restorative Justice is the way forward.

On The Fun Half: Republicans want to defund the Department of Homeland Security to protest President Obama's deferred action program for undocumented immigrants, black man stopped by Police for walking with his hands in his pockets, Cleveland Plain Dealer tries to smear Tamir Rice's father and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 12-03-14-Maya_Schenwar-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EDT

Karen Piper, the author of The Price of Thirst: Global Water Inequality and the Coming Chaosexplains why the United Nations didn't recognize water as a basic human right until 2010 and why Corporations came to support the water resolution. The South African corporate driven water crisis and the public health crisis it led to. Private water companies and why states and cities are beginning to water as money. The three reasons behind the decrease in clean water. Why the corporate sector likes water pollution and why climate change will create more salt water. California and the new strategy of "water banking". Water "rights" and the creepy inequality of the future. Why we need to redesign modern agriculture and promote organic food to help reverse the water crisis. Did the water crisis in the Middle East lead to the creation of ISIS? And why the corporate sector is excited to make money of water shortages.

On The Fun Half: President Obama pushes for Police to wear cameras as part of a larger package of smart policing reforms and Saint Louis Police claims the Rams VP Operations apologized to them for Rams players came out with the "hands up don't shoot" gesture and the VP denies it. Joe Scarborough makes an ass of himself talking about Michael Brown. The World Food Program is facing a sixty four million dollar shortfall in providing food vouchers for Syrian refugees, meanwhile billions were spent on Iraq's "ghost army" that included 50,000 people that didn't exist and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 12-02-14-Karen_Piper-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EDT

The terror of being a black male in America, protesters rally at the Macy's Day Parade, local news covers the protest in the most stupid way possible, the Obama Cabinet meets on Ferguson, Saint Louis Rams players go out on the field with the "hands up don't shoot" gesture, Cops complain. We ask what part of right wing media will Darren Wilson end up in? Breaking down how absurd it is that Wilson wasn't charged with murder.  Cleveland Police shoot and kill thirteen year old Tamir Brown who was holding a toy gun. Rudy Giuliani wants us to put all of this killing "into context". Congress considers an awful tax deal and the White House kills it. Chuck Schumer is right on government, wrong on healthcare and shady on housing.

On The Fun Half: is New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's right to ban Horse drawn carriage rides in the city? Elizabeth Lauten fired from her job as a Communications Director for Congressman Steven Fincher fired for insulting Malia and Sasha Obama. Why wages are wages stagnate while job growth is increasing? and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 12-01-14-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:14pm EDT

Mychal Denzel Smith a Knobler Fellow at the Nation Institute explains the reaction on the ground in Ferguson to the stunning decision to not press charges against Darren Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown, the juste system and the systemic disregard for black lives, how the Ferguson Police department targets the African American community and why the reform movement will continue.

Zoe Carpenter a Washington DC based reporter for The Nation explains how the government created "stop and frisk for Latinos", why the practice developed in New Orleans, how the pool of "deportable" immigrants was increased by Federal authorities, what undocumented immigrants are and how President Obama's reforms will influence the policy.

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Direct download: 11-25-14-Mychal_Denzel_Smith-Zoe_Carpenter-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

Janeane Garofalo discussed the shocking decision of the Grand Jury night to indict Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown, the shocking push of the far right in American society, Grand Juries and Indictments, making the Police a military, the larger race crisis in America, debating Aaron Sorkin, the failures of Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, Don Lemon makes a fool of himself again and "to old for this shit" montage.

On The Fun Half: dealing with a father who loves Fox news, Walking Dead  talk, the Garofalo diet, Obamabot relatives, should you argue during Thanksgiving, great Janeane movie lines, doing politics and entertainment and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 11-25-14-Janeane_Garofalo-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:26pm EDT

Director, New Models of Policy Change, New America Senior Fellow Heather Hurlburt explains what led to the resignation of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, why Hagel stumbled as a leader of the Pentagon, the internal politics of the Obama White House, why Hagel will stay on even with Administration officials briefing against him, Hagel and the war on ISIS, what the White House look for in a new Defense Secretary, who the next Secretary of Defense will be? Jane Harman, Michele Flournoy, Jim Webb? Did Chuck Hagel overhype the ISIS threat? And why Heather wants Senator Tim Kaine as our next Secretary of Defense.

President Obama commits combat troops to Afghanistan through 2015 and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani allows night raids or "night operations" again and Israel passes a bill defining Israel as a "Jewish State".

On The Fun Half:  Andrew Cuomo won't say what causes global warming, the House Committee Report on Benghazi clears the Obama Administration of wrong doing, Chuck Hagel didn't want a Gitmo detainee released because of a discredited Fox News report, Rudy Giuliani says cops wouldn't have to patrol black neighborhoods because black people kill each other so much and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 11-24-14-Heather_Hurlburt-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:04pm EDT

Political maestro Cliff Schecter explains the vital work of the Ohio Innocence Project, the proving of the innocence of Ricky Jackson who spent thirty nine years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. How Cleveland Police based their work on a made up story of a twelve year old, debunking death penalty myths, helping rebuild Ricky Jackson's life, President Obama's hisc announcement on immigration rights, President Obama's brutal record on deportations, creating a humane policy on immigration, Republicans on immigration reform, the problem with "moderate" Republicans and will the Torture Report get released by the Senate.

 Isabel Gillies explains her work on her next book, Isabel's writing on Halloween and the backlash she faced, managing kids on the Internet, phomo and young people, remebering director Mike Nichols, Isabel takes singing lessons, Isabel performs a song, childrens stories and little girls and Isabel suggested we all watch Rush

On The Fun Half: Uber targets journalists? Bernie Sanders schools CNN on immigration reform and your calls and IMs.


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Direct download: 11-21-14-Cliff_Schecter-Isabel_Gillies-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm EDT

Greisa Martinez a National Field Organizer with United We Dream explains her experience as a Dreamer and the story of how her family came to the United States and her father was deported. How long Greisa's father was in the United States before he was deported and why her family came to America. How families are torn apart by the current immigration system and what "mixed families" are. What its like living under the threat of your family being deported. What is President Obama expected to announce on immigration tonight and will the next President uphold progress on immigration reform. Why grassroots activism and the power of hearing the direct stories of the immigrant community is essential for change and progress.

Sam's frenemy Indy Mike joined us to explain why its so hard to be an "independent" in New York City, debates the merits of President Obama's expected Executive Action on immigration, why President Obama needs to be the "adult in the room", debating Reagan and amnesty and why Indy Mike objects to the process not the goal.

On The Fun Half: why we all have to agree is that the Republican Congress is crazy like at no other time, why the networks aren't carrying President Obama's announcement on Executive Action on immigration, the debate between process and policy with immigration reform, the legality of President Obama's Executive action on immigration, why the mainstream media keeps doing false equivalency, Bill Cosby demands AP not show a section of an interview where he asked a question about rape, Tommy Chong schools Fox's Outnumbered on healthcare, who should deliver broadband and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 11-20-14-Greisa_Martinez-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EDT

Naomi Klein author of This Changes Everythingexplains the fundamental organizing reality of the climate crisis and why the "right is right" on what addressing climate will mean for capitalism. Why the left should talk about climate change all the time and why they don't talk about it more. Why the "extraction worldview" allow us to think of ourselves as separate from nature. Why the 1980s were the worst time for establishing a serious policy on climate change. How mainstream environmental groups were compromised by becoming part of the Washington DC game and should we focus on confronting the fossil fuel industry or seriously investing in renewable energy? And defining the movement that needs to be built in order to reverse the climate crisis. 

On The Fun Half CNN's Don Lemon asks Joan Tarshis who has accused Bill Cosby of raping  her why she didn't bit her during oral sex, Bill O'Reilly gets the 2014 War on Christmas going and its the Muslims fault this year, two new move recommendations, Big Star and Beware of Mr. Baker, the Senate rejects Keystone for now, Senate fails to overcome filibuster on NSA reform and your calls and IMs. 

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread 

Direct download: 11-19-14-Naomi_Klein-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm EDT

Slate legal writer Dahlia Lithwick explains the exceptional lack of diversity on the Roberts Court, why the decline of empathy on the Court is reflected in narrow career paths that the Justices share. How movement conservatives shaped the Court in their image and why the left is so timid in response. Shared corporate backgrounds of many Justices and why the sharpest divisions in the Court are on social issues. Is Justice Roberts actually worried about the reputation of the Court? What's happening with the Burwell Case? Justice Alito has a big problem with Dahlia's writing on the Court and do the Justices sometimes decide to please the media? How the Roberts Court keeps moving the ball further to the far right and is this Court bold or timid in its ideological push?

On The Fun Half: turns out Solyndra didn't waste any tax payer money it made money and that's not the point. The real problem with nuclear power. Does the violence of Football reflect our culture and the importance of the Bill Cosby story. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon takes cannot answer if the "Buck Stops" with him over possible reactions to the grand jury findings in the Michael Brown murder case and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 11-18-14-Dahlia_Lithwick-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:15pm EDT

ISIS beheads aid worker Peter Kassig, the state of the war on ISIS, how ISIS is consolidating its leadership of global Jihad, why the GOP wants to kill a deal with Iran, the internal politics of Iran, Senator Al Franken makes a excellent case for Net Neutrality and why all innovation is not all positive.

On The Fun Half: the ShirtGate controversy, Megyn Kelly accidentally curses on live TV, possibly name for new Mike Huckabee TV show, Rush Limbaugh is confused by the Bill Cosby rape allegations and wonders why they matter if they supposedly happened years ago. Plus your calls and IMs!

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

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Direct download: 11-17-14-Matt_Michael_Monday-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:23pm EDT

Syndicated Columnist Tina Dupuy explains how she told her story of realizing she wasn't an alcoholic after a lifetime of thinking she was on NPR's This American Life, Tina's families experience with addiction and child abuse, rejecting the ideology of AA, the troubled teen industry and child abuse, the cult Tina's family was a part of, letting go of the idea of being an alcoholic,  the book Tina is writing on her experience,  how Tina's story got on This American Life and Tina suggested we watch the Birdcage .

Cliff Schecter explains the reasoning behind President Obama's aggressive post midterms strategy, Obama's progressive moves on student loans, Keystone Pipeline, immigration and Net Neutrality, why the Administration is finally using smart messaging, how the Grand Bargain austerity undermined the Obama narrative, what President Obama is going to do on immigration, what Democrats are positioning themselves to run as Vice President, the Republican "suicide bomber" caucus, why Republicans will not and do not have to govern now and how Democrats can really win with populism.

On The Fun Half: Healthcare reform saves lives, how many people will die if the Supreme Court strikes down Obamacare, how Healthcare reform can still be saved, Alex Jones says Net Neutrality just like Hitler!! and your calls and IMs.

And Members watch today’s show on Youtube

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Direct download: 11-14-14-Cliff_Schecter-Tina_Dupuy-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:17pm EDT

Ben Adler a write for Grist explains the details of the new U.S.-China climate change agreement, what the U.S. and China are committing to doing to reduce emissions, the Chinese pollution crisis, how does the agreement fit within the broader reality of the climate crisis? What the deal does not address, pushing India and Brazil into greater action on climate change, the many reasons Republicans hate the deal and what this deal indicates about President Obama's agenda for the rest of his time in office.

Also incoming Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Jim Inhofe is absolutely insane on global warming.

On The Fun Half: when will Global Warming become real for people, do Jonathan Gruber's comments about the "stupidity about the American voter" matter, why the ACA was incredibly well debated, Maine Senator Angus King smacks down Fox & Friends for not wanting people to have health insurance, could we have had Single Payer instead? Random Rush and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

 Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 11-13-14-Ben_Adler-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EDT

Ian Millhiser of the Center For American Progress and author of the forthcoming bookInjustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflictedexplains the insane legal reasoning behind the Halbig V King case, why even a "textualist approach", how the insurance market works, is precedent irrelevant when it comes to Obamacare? Will Roberts go with the four far right wing Justices and the horrifying human costs of overturning Obamacare.

Remebering Bush V Gore, the collapse of American Justice and George W Bush says that "nothing is given to you in politics".

On The Fun Half: the myth that President Obama didn't reach out to Republicans, Glenn Beck has a mysterious illness, FCC head Tom Wheeler may reject President Obama's call to save Net Neutrality, new huge deal between China and America announce big new climate deal and your calls and IMs.

And Members watch today’s show on Youtube

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Direct download: 11-12-14-Ian_Millhiser-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32pm EDT

Matt Taibbi explains the stunning whistle blowing on JP Morgan Chase's pushing of toxic securities, Alayne Fleischmann's shocking experience inside JP Morgan Chase's compliance department, JP Morgan Chase's relationship with predatory lenders, "liars loans" and mortgage backed securities, proving systemic fraud at JP Morgan Chase, how analysts were forced to change reports on loans, how Alyana Fleischmann was cut out of the process after raising concerns about bad loans, exposing the banks lies on housing market risks, the governments shocking lack of interest in whistle blowing and the FCC's weak response to Wall Street criminality, how Matt started reporting on Alayne Fleischmann's story and what to expect from Loretta Lynch as Attorney General.

On The Fun Half: Matt Drudge says Obama backing Net Neutrality is "embracing his inner tyrant", sharing a picture of President Obama in a traditional Chinese Tunic, President Obama's excellent push for Net Neutrality, Nick Gillespie's stupid and lazy Libertarian opposition to Net Neutrality, Rush Limbaugh sues the DCCC for using his words that he said against him and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 11-11-14-Matt_Taibbi-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EDT

The murder of forty three students in Mexico leads to mass demonstrations and protests, the connections between drug cartels, corrupt politics and oligarchy in Mexico, President Obama comes out strong for Net Neutrality and will the FCC listen?

On The Fun Half: Rush Limbaugh promises more gridlock, the problem with “Boardroom Liberalism”, fighting the TPP, Breitbart’s best fail ever, KKK rebrand and your calls and IMs.

Direct download: 11-10-14-Michael_Brooks-Matt_Binder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:10pm EDT

Political strategist Cliff Schecter explains how the Daily Show nailed it on the Democrats many failures during the midterm elections,  the structural and strategic reasons Democrats lost big, why the Democrats ran on absolutely nothing, why you need a story and narrative, how Democrats can win and why they don't do it, the only way to overcome the Republican midterm advantage, why Mark Warner stumbled in Virginia, how the Obama Administration undermined Congressional Democrats and will President Obama fight the Republican Majority?

Pastor James David Manning says sodomites are putting semen in your Starbucks Coffee.

Majority Report Executive Producer Emeritus Josh Ornton explains how Scott Walker won reelection, making voting easier in midterm elections, will the corruption accusations against Scott Walker go anywhere? Why Lawrence Lessig's MayDay PAC failed, what the technology sector does not understand about politics and the Supreme Court will hear new objection to healthcare reform.

On The Fun Half: the why of the Florida disaster, Scott Walker ran away from his far right record in his last race, Josh gives us a movie suggestion and your calla and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

 Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks

Direct download: 11-07-14-Cliff_Schecter-Josh_Orton-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:21pm EDT

It's a MR tech day!

Enjoy brand new interviews with Sanjay Rawal, director of the movie Food Chains, on exposing the exploitation and abuse of farmworkers in the U.S. and how supermarkets and fast food chains are complicit.

Also, MEMBERS receive a brand new interview with AMERICABlog's Gaius Publius discuss is the democratic establishment “tea partying” their own progressive base?

Direct download: 11-06-14-Sanjay_Rawal-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EDT

Republicans win big across the country, what happens next in the Senate, a runoff in Louisiana, losing Mark Udall means less accountability for the NSA, Joni Ernst wins big and is awkward, Scott Brown loses, Kay Hagan falls in North Carolina, Al Franken wins big, the real state of the economy and why Democrats crashed and burned, what the exit polls said, the horrible Governors Rick Scott  and Paul LePage both win reelection and progressive referendums win across the country.

On The Fun Half: Third Way corportist Democrats make make excuses for last nights failures, why Republicans will go after financial reform, Chris Matthews says Democrats need to move right, why would Republicans stop obstructing now, Ted Cruz promises to "End the Obama Era of Lawlessness" and your calls and IMs.

And keep the conversation going on our morning thread

Members make the Majority Report possible. Please join us by becoming a MEMBER. You can also show your support by clicking thru to the DONATE button for a one-time donation. Thanks
Direct download: 11-05-14-Sam_Seder-PUB.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EDT