The Majority Report with Sam Seder

It's an EmMajority Report Thursday! Emma hosts Nick Seabrook, Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at the University of North Florida, to discuss his recent book One Person One Vote: A Surprising History of Gerrymandering In America. Then, Emma's joined by writer Tim Shorrock, proprietor of The Shorrock Files on Patreon, to discuss the recent agreement by Japan and South Korea to offer reparations to South Korean laborers who were forced to work in Japan during wartime. Then, Emma's joined by writer Tim Shorrock, proprietor of The Shorrock Files on Patreon, to discuss the recent agreement by Japan and South Korea to offer reparations to South Korean laborers who were forced to work in Japan during wartime. First, Emma runs through updates on investigations into misconduct in the Louisville and Memphis Police Departments, Mitch McConnell’s hospitalization, Ed Markey’s staff unionizing, the Michigan House’s recent legislation, Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ loosening of child labor regulations, and the climbing Palestinian death toll in Israel’s 2023 apartheid regime, before diving deeper into an interaction with Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin as he tells a Teamster representative to “shut [his] mouth” in a meeting about worker exploitation and union busting. Nick Seabrook then joins as he dives right into gerrymandering as a uniquely American problem, highlighting the fundamental conflict of interest in having representatives control the borders of the regions that elect them, a problem that the founding fathers actively wrought on the country. After exploring the nature of the founding fathers’ gerrymandering, Seabrook steps back to explore how gerrymandering emerged from the British political tradition of “rotten boroughs,” which served to allow MPs to maintain corrupt influence under the veneer of democracy, a tactic that they extended in the cutting up of foreign lands under settler-colonialism, only for it to be curbed as a tactic in Europe and highlighted as a tactic in the US. Next, Nick walks Emma through the 1800s and the coining of the term “gerrymandering” in the US, up to the Supreme Court stepping in in the 1960s to mandate the “one person-one vote” electoral system that we employ today, before they wrap up the interview by tackling the racial vote dilution that followed, the impact of the Voting Rights Act, and where the undermining of the Act has left our electoral system. Tim Shorrock takes us through the history of Japanese imperialism in Korea and the role the US played in the matter, before exploring the false advertisement of Secretary Blinken’s agreement as “reparations,” and why this PR move by the US serves to inflame tensions between the US, North Korea, and China.

And in the Fun Half: Emma is joined by Matt Binder and Brandon Sutton as they discuss Charlie Kirk and Glenn Greenwald clamoring to the defense of Tucker Carlson amidst Dominion’s suit against Fox, David from Colorado calls in discuss capitalism, fascism, and the various regulatory environmental disasters ready to happen across the US. They also tackle Matt Taibbi’s appearance in Congress – as his lack of journalistic integrity makes him an easy target for Briahna Joy Gray and Debbie Wasserman Schultz – before assessing Elon Musk’s recent HR disaster that occurred live on Twitter, plus, your calls and IMs!

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The Majority Report with Sam Seder -

Direct download: 3_9_Seabrook_Shorrock_-_pub.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:44pm EST