Wed, 10 October 2018
On today's show: Trump wants to know who "drew" the IPCC report. How the GOP is suppressing the voting rights of Native Americans in ND. Ford lays off 20% of workforce due to Trump's tariffs. Trump at Iowa rally warns of the Democrat "left wing mob" ahead of midterms, implies Feinstein leaked Blasey Ford letter; crowd chants "lock her up!" Rand Paul frets over the current political climate, says he fears the left will assassinate someone, tweeted very recently about the right to take up arms against the government. Kellyanne Conway says it's Democrats like Hillary Clinton who are violent and uncivil. Related: GOP still trying to murder people via healthcare policy. On the fun half: Rand Paul gets under Brian Kilmeade's skin re: endless war in the Middle East. A caller wonders if voters are inclined to act in favor of the status quo (no). A caller defends nuclear power. Trump says he hopes the Jamal Khashoggi (disappeared journalist in Saudi Arabia) situation will sort itself out. Thomas Friedman writes bad, possibly dangerous take on MBS and Khashoggi. Jeff in GA a.k.a. Dissident Peasant has a novel idea about using ice floes to dispose of the ruling class. Become a member at Check out today's sponsor: Hunt A Killer is a monthly subscription that sends you cryptic clues, objects, and letters, so you can solve a crime in real time. Right now, just for our listeners you can go to for 10% off your first box. Get 10% off fair trade coffee, tea or chocolate with coupon code “Majority” at Check out The Michael Brooks Show at, and the new TMBS YouTube channel for all short TMBS clips Check out Matt’s podcast, Literary Hangover, at or on iTunes Check out Jamie’s podcast, The Antifada, at, on iTunes, or at Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @majorityfm @SamSeder @_michaelbrooks @MattLech @jamie_elizabeth @Bf1nn |