The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Republicans have nothing to say about Roy Moore probably being a pedophile.

Cliff Schecter explains the importance of Tuesdays wins for Democrats and holding back Republicans. The most satisfying wins from Tuesday. The blue wall in the West. Why Democrats need to run in every district. Republicans are still going to support Roy Moore despite pedophilia allegations. Sean Hannity apologizes for "not being totally clear" in defending Roy Moore's misconduct. Moore's predatory behavior pattern and will Republicans pass a massive regressive tax giveaway to the wealthy?

Andy Kindler joins us to talk about the allegations of sexual misconduct by Louie CK. Power and sexual kinks. Dennis Miller and Bill O'Reilly whine about late night and Dennis Miller is more depressed as ever.

Republican Congressman calls for Mueller firing.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm EST