The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Cliff Schecter, is the GOP's deathcare finally dead? Is Donald Trump about to take us into another level of Constitutional crisis? How close is Trump to firing the special prosecutor? The Republicans voter suppression strategy. Why we are turning into a banana republican and Democrats still can't play hardball.

Chop of (Chop and Steele), explains their give thanks for strengths, pranking morning shows. Danny Aiello's amazing 1980s music video. Why Chop and Steele are getting sued by a crazy regional TV station, Grey TV.

On the Fun Half:  St Petersburg, Mayoral Candidate Paul Congami gets really racist. Trump's weird Putin hand motion. John McCain's real legacy and your calls and IMs.

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Direct download: 07-21-17-Cliff_Schecter-Chop_And_Steele-PUB.mp3
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